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4/20/2024 10:19 pm  #1


Real Name: Bambo
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: Adventurer, Protector of the Jungle
Citizenship: Tribal
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Education: Informal jungle survival skills
First Appearance: Bambo: Guardian of the Jungle (Comic Series, 1955)
History: Bambo is a legendary figure known as the Guardian of the Jungle, revered by the indigenous tribes living deep within the dense foliage of an unnamed tropical rainforest. Little is known about Bambo's origins or true identity, as he is shrouded in mystery and myth.From a young age, Bambo demonstrated an uncanny affinity for the natural world, possessing an innate understanding of the jungle's flora and fauna. He honed his skills through years of living and surviving in the wilderness, mastering the arts of stealth, tracking, and combat.Bambo's legend grew as he became known as the protector of the jungle, defending the native tribes from threats both natural and supernatural. He is said to possess incredible strength, agility, and senses, allowing him to navigate the treacherous terrain and outwit even the most formidable adversaries.Throughout the comic series Bambo: Guardian of the Jungle, Bambo embarks on thrilling adventures, battling poachers, exploring ancient ruins, and thwarting the schemes of evil forces seeking to exploit the jungle's resources for their own gain. Despite his solitary nature, Bambo forms alliances with various animals and tribes, earning their trust and loyalty through his bravery and selflessness.Bambo's true motivations and goals remain shrouded in mystery, as he continues to roam the depths of the jungle, forever vigilant against any who would threaten its delicate balance.
Height: Tall and muscular
Weight: Athletic build
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Abilities: Bambo possesses exceptional strength, agility, and reflexes, as well as heightened senses honed by years of living in the jungle. He is a master of hand-to-hand combat and proficient in the use of traditional weapons such as spears, bows, and blow darts.
Accessories: Bambo typically carries a variety of jungle-themed weaponry and tools, including a trusty machete, a recurve bow, and a quiver of arrows. He also wears minimal clothing made from animal hides and plant fibers, allowing him to move freely through the dense foliage.
Notable Appearances:

  • Bambo: Guardian of the Jungle (Comic Series, 1955)

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4/20/2024 10:21 pm  #2

Re: Bambo

After clarifying where Bambo is from:
Real Name: Bambo
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: Deer Avenger
Citizenship: Forest
Place of Birth: The Forest
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
Education: Self-taught survival skills
First Appearance: Deer Avenger (Video Game, 1998)
History: Bambo is the courageous and resourceful protagonist of the Deer Avenger video game series. Living in the forest, Bambo is a deer like no other, as he takes on the role of a hunter to turn the tables on humans who seek to hunt deer for sport.In each installment of the series, Bambo embarks on daring adventures to outsmart and outmaneuver the human hunters who enter his domain. Armed with a variety of weapons and traps, Bambo utilizes his keen senses and knowledge of the forest to stalk and ambush his would-be assailants.Despite his imposing stature and formidable skills as a hunter, Bambo possesses a playful and irreverent personality, often employing humor and wit to outwit his foes. He is known for his sharp wit and clever one-liners, adding a comedic element to his confrontations with human hunters.Throughout the Deer Avenger series, Bambo faces off against a colorful cast of adversaries, ranging from clueless hunters to more formidable foes such as robotic deer decoys and even extraterrestrial invaders. With each victory, Bambo solidifies his reputation as the ultimate defender of the forest and a symbol of resistance against human encroachment.
Height: Tall and muscular for a deer
Weight: Proportionate to his size
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown fur
Abilities: Bambo possesses heightened senses, agility, and speed, typical of a deer. He is also skilled in the use of various weapons and traps, including rifles, bows, and snares, which he utilizes to thwart human hunters.
Accessories: Bambo is often depicted wearing hunting gear such as camouflage clothing and carrying a variety of weapons and traps, including rifles, bows, and explosive devices.
Notable Appearances:

  • Deer Avenger (Video Game, 1998)
  • Deer Avenger 2: Deer in the City (Video Game, 1999)
  • Deer Avenger 3D (Video Game, 2000)
  • Deer Avenger 4: The Rednecks Strike Back (Video Game, 2001)
  • Deer Avenger: Open Season (Video Game, 2003)

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4/20/2024 10:24 pm  #3

Re: Bambo

The second attempt is a lot more accurate. In the second game he shows a willingness to leave the forest to do his avenging. He is able to use his farts to attack his opponents.

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