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6/07/2020 7:34 pm  #1

The Appendix That Never Was

The Deluxe Edition of the OHOTMU and its follow-up, the Update '89 series, were in many ways a "new and improved" version of the original series.  More space per entry, a standard size for the text, etc.  However, there's one real disappointment about those particular versions of the Handbooks:  the long-promised and always-alluded-to Appendix section for the Deluxe Edition era never materialzed.  Over the years, I've sometimes wondered what happened, and this is as good a place to ask as any.

1.  Does anybody know why the DE Appendix never was published?  Were the sales on the OHOTMUDE and Update'89 ultimately not good enough?  Was it a victim of the Handbook seemingly constant changing of editors, especially during the publishing of Update'89?  Was there an overall editorial mandate to not do it?

2. Was there any preliminary work put into the creation of one?

3. What kind of format would, could, or should the Appendix have taken?  The only real precedent for it was the Appendix found in the last page or two each of issues #2-12 of the original Handbook series, and that was, essentially, a dozen or so pages of brief text blurbs with no art.  If the idea was to basically follow that same format, I could see why Marvel wouldn't want to publish it.  Instead of a 48- or 64-page book of nothing but text blurbs, maybe four quarter-page entries a page, like for the members of various teams in the Deluxe edition or the Alien Races?  Just spitballing there.


6/11/2020 8:00 am  #2

Re: The Appendix That Never Was

Pure guess on my part but it wouldn't surprise me if they simply realized how many characters there were even if you start with FF #1, with new minor characters showing up every month. Wonder if anyone knows how to reach Peter Sanderson. With Mark Gruenwald sadly long deceased, he would be the one most likely to know.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

6/11/2020 10:08 am  #3

Re: The Appendix That Never Was

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Pure guess on my part but it wouldn't surprise me if they simply realized how many characters there were even if you start with FF #1, with new minor characters showing up every month. Wonder if anyone knows how to reach Peter Sanderson. With Mark Gruenwald sadly long deceased, he would be the one most likely to know.

Pete's on Facebook, and pretty active there. I can check if he would be interested in discussing the Appendix. 


6/11/2020 5:10 pm  #4

Re: The Appendix That Never Was

Loki wrote:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Pure guess on my part but it wouldn't surprise me if they simply realized how many characters there were even if you start with FF #1, with new minor characters showing up every month. Wonder if anyone knows how to reach Peter Sanderson. With Mark Gruenwald sadly long deceased, he would be the one most likely to know.

Pete's on Facebook, and pretty active there. I can check if he would be interested in discussing the Appendix. 

That would be great if he could answer questions either there or on here. I've long wanted to see more behind the scenes info on the older series in this forum. But I'll respect his wishes if he declines.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

7/27/2024 9:31 am  #5

Re: The Appendix That Never Was

Loki wrote:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Pure guess on my part but it wouldn't surprise me if they simply realized how many characters there were even if you start with FF #1, with new minor characters showing up every month. Wonder if anyone knows how to reach Peter Sanderson. With Mark Gruenwald sadly long deceased, he would be the one most likely to know.

Pete's on Facebook, and pretty active there. I can check if he would be interested in discussing the Appendix. 

Did Pete answer something about the missing APPENDIX?


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