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8/04/2024 9:00 am  #1

Dumb Bunny

Real Name: Athena Tremor
Aliases: Dumb Bunny
Identity: Public
Occupation: Superhero, Former Model
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: United States
Known Relatives: Dan the Dyna-Mite (father)
Group Affiliation: Inferior Five
Education: Unknown, implied to be limited
First Appearance: Showcase #62 (1966)
History: Athena Tremor, known by her superhero alias Dumb Bunny, is a founding member of the comically inept superhero team known as the Inferior Five. She is the daughter of Dan the Dyna-Mite, a member of the Golden Age superhero duo TNT and Dan the Dyna-Mite. Unlike her father, who was known for his intelligence and prowess, Athena’s contribution to the superhero world is characterized by her remarkable strength and cheerful disposition, albeit with a lack of intellectual acumen.Dumb Bunny joined the Inferior Five as they set out to follow in their parents’ heroic footsteps, despite lacking the same level of competence. Alongside her teammates – Merryman, the Blimp, White Feather, and Awkwardman – Dumb Bunny faced numerous bizarre threats. While her teammates often struggle with their abilities, Dumb Bunny’s incredible strength frequently helps the team triumph in the face of danger, often inadvertently.Despite her moniker and reputation, Dumb Bunny is kind-hearted, optimistic, and fiercely loyal to her friends. Her role in the Inferior Five is often to provide comic relief through her misunderstanding of situations, yet she proves time and again that her strength is an invaluable asset to the team.
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Abilities: Dumb Bunny possesses superhuman strength, allowing her to lift heavy objects and overpower enemies with ease. Her durability is also enhanced, making her resistant to physical damage. However, she lacks intellectual prowess and often misunderstands complex situations.
Accessories: Dumb Bunny typically wears a pink bunny costume, complete with ears and a fluffy tail, which is both her superhero outfit and a nod to her playful personality.
Notable Appearances:

  • Showcase #62-63 (1966)
  • The Inferior Five series (1967-1968)
  • Various appearances in DC Comics over the years

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8/04/2024 9:19 am  #2

Re: Dumb Bunny

Athena has a lot of known relatives, at least in the original continuity, but she's not related to Dan the Dyna-Mite.

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