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8/20/2024 8:47 pm  #1

Han Solo

Real Name: Han Solo
Aliases: None, though often referred to simply as "Solo"
Identity: Public
Occupation: Smuggler, Pilot, General in the Rebel Alliance, Captain of the Millennium Falcon
Citizenship: Corellian
Place of Birth: Corellia
Known Relatives: Leia Organa (wife), Ben Solo (son), Anakin Skywalker (father-in-law), Padmé Amidala (mother-in-law), Luke Skywalker (brother-in-law)
Group Affiliation: Rebel Alliance, Resistance, Corellian Smugglers
Education: Street-smart and self-taught through years of experience in the galaxy's underworld
First Appearance: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
History: Han Solo was born on the planet Corellia, a world known for its skilled pilots and shipbuilders. Orphaned at a young age, Han grew up on the streets, eventually becoming a skilled pilot and smuggler. His early life was marked by hardship, including a brief stint in the Imperial Academy before he deserted to pursue a life of freedom in the galaxy's underworld.Han's life took a dramatic turn when he won the Millennium Falcon, a highly modified YT-1300 Corellian freighter, in a game of sabacc from Lando Calrissian. Alongside his Wookiee co-pilot and best friend, Chewbacca, Han became a notorious smuggler, taking on dangerous jobs to make ends meet.Han's reputation for getting into trouble led him to a fateful encounter with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, who hired him to transport them to Alderaan. This mission drew Han into the heart of the Galactic Civil War, where he initially cared only about the reward. However, after aiding in the destruction of the Death Star and witnessing the selflessness of his new friends, Han's priorities began to shift.Over time, Han became a key leader in the Rebel Alliance, participating in major battles such as the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor. His relationship with Princess Leia Organa deepened, eventually leading to marriage and the birth of their son, Ben Solo. Tragically, Ben fell to the dark side, becoming Kylo Ren, which drove a wedge between Han and Leia.In his later years, Han returned to his old smuggling ways, but he was ultimately drawn back into the fight against the First Order.

He played a crucial role in the Resistance's efforts, culminating in a final, tragic confrontation with his son.

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Abilities: Han Solo is an expert pilot, particularly skilled in flying the Millennium Falcon. He is a crack shot with a blaster and possesses exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills. Han is also highly resourceful, with a knack for thinking on his feet and getting out of tight situations.
Accessories: Han is typically armed with a DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, known for its power and accuracy. He often wears a black vest over a white shirt, with a gun holster strapped to his thigh. The Millennium Falcon, his beloved starship, is heavily modified for speed and combat, making it one of the fastest ships in the galaxy.
Notable Appearances:

  • Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
  • Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  • Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
  • Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
  • Various appearances in Star Wars novels, comics, and animated series.

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8/20/2024 8:54 pm  #2

Re: Han Solo

I added a spoiler tag to a key plot point that isn't directly stated but is strongly hinted at.

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