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8/22/2024 2:15 am  #1

Catheter Cowboy

Real Name: Unrevealed
Aliases: Catheter Cowboy
Identity: Public
Occupation: Informative Spokesperson, Educational Mascot
Citizenship: United States
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Known Relatives: None revealed
Group Affiliation: None
Education: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2016)
Catheter Cowboy is a fictional character created for satirical segments on the television show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He was designed as a parody of the often ridiculous, yet sincere, spokespeople in medical and insurance commercials. The character is used to deliver straightforward information about important and often complex issues, such as government policies or current events, in a humorous and accessible way.Catheter Cowboy made his debut in a segment discussing the challenges of the American healthcare system. Over time, he became a recurring character, appearing in various episodes to educate viewers on topics ranging from net neutrality to political procedures. His straightforward, cowboy persona juxtaposed with the sometimes absurd nature of the topics he discusses, has made him a fan favorite on the show.
Height: Approx. 6'0"
Weight: Approx. 180 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown (often obscured by cowboy hat)
Catheter Cowboy doesn’t possess any superhuman abilities, but he is highly effective in delivering clear and concise information. His key "abilities" include:

  • Public Speaking: He can break down complex topics into easy-to-understand segments.
  • Educational Delivery: Uses humor and a folksy demeanor to make the content engaging.
  • Cultural Satire: Catheter Cowboy serves as a satirical figure, highlighting the absurdity of certain aspects of modern media and political discourse.


  • Cowboy Hat: A classic wide-brimmed cowboy hat, which is part of his signature look.
  • Western Attire: Catheter Cowboy is always dressed in traditional cowboy gear, including a plaid shirt, blue jeans, boots, and a belt with a large buckle.
  • Catheter Prop: As his name suggests, Catheter Cowboy is often seen with a catheter, symbolizing his role in discussing medical-related topics.

Notable Appearances:

  • Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2016–present)

This profile reflects the satirical and informative nature of Catheter Cowboy as a character.

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8/22/2024 2:17 am  #2

Re: Catheter Cowboy

Mostly accurate. I think he actually first appeared in 2017. Regardless he hasn't been seen in new material since 2018.

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