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8/22/2024 8:15 am  #1

Batman (The Batman 2022)

Real Name: Bruce Wayne
Aliases: The Batman, The Dark Knight, Vengeance
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Vigilante, CEO of Wayne Enterprises
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Gotham City
Known Relatives: Thomas Wayne (father, deceased), Martha Wayne (mother, deceased)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: The Batman (2022)
Bruce Wayne was born into Gotham City’s wealthiest family, but his life took a tragic turn when his parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne, were murdered in front of him during a robbery. Traumatized by this event, Bruce dedicated his life to avenging their deaths and ridding Gotham City of the crime and corruption that led to their demise. Over the years, he trained extensively in martial arts, detective skills, and criminal psychology, transforming himself into a symbol of fear for the criminal underworld: The Batman.By the time of his appearance in 2022, Batman has been active for about two years. He is still a relatively young and inexperienced vigilante, often driven by his anger and grief. Bruce operates from the shadows, relying on his physical prowess, intellect, and the resources provided by Wayne Enterprises to wage his one-man war on crime. Despite his efforts, he struggles with his dual identity, and the toll his mission takes on his psyche is evident.In The Batman, Bruce faces the Riddler, a serial killer targeting Gotham’s elite and exposing their corrupt ties. Through his investigation, Batman uncovers dark secrets about Gotham’s most powerful families, including his own. This confrontation forces him to re-evaluate his role in Gotham and the impact he wishes to have as its protector.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown

  • Master Martial Artist: Batman is a skilled fighter, having trained in multiple forms of martial arts. His combat style is brutal and efficient, focusing on disabling opponents as quickly as possible.
  • Expert Detective: Bruce has honed his detective skills to near-perfection, allowing him to solve complex crimes and uncover hidden truths. His analytical mind and attention to detail make him a formidable investigator.
  • Peak Human Condition: Through intense physical training, Batman has reached peak human condition, giving him exceptional strength, endurance, and agility.
  • Stealth: Batman is highly skilled in stealth, often using the cover of darkness to his advantage. His ability to move undetected makes him a fearsome presence in the shadows.
  • High Pain Tolerance: Batman's relentless pursuit of justice has trained him to endure significant physical pain without losing focus.


  • Batsuit: A highly durable suit of armor designed to protect Batman from gunfire, blades, and other forms of attack. The suit also enhances his strength and agility, with a cape that doubles as a glider for short-range aerial maneuvers.
  • Grappling Gun: A handheld device that fires a grappling hook attached to a high-tensile cable, allowing Batman to scale buildings or swing across rooftops.
  • Batarangs: Razor-sharp, bat-shaped throwing weapons that can be used for both combat and distraction.
  • Batmobile: A heavily modified muscle car equipped with advanced technology, armor plating, and a powerful engine, used by Batman for high-speed chases and pursuits.


  • Utility Belt: Contains various gadgets and tools, including smoke pellets, forensic kits, and small explosive devices.
  • Contact Lens Camera: A high-tech contact lens that records visual data and can transmit information to Batman’s allies.
  • Cowl: The cowl not only conceals Bruce’s identity but also contains communication devices, infrared vision, and other technological enhancements.


  • Psychological Trauma: Bruce is haunted by the death of his parents, which drives him but also leaves him emotionally vulnerable. His obsession with justice can sometimes cloud his judgment.
  • Inexperience: Despite his skills, this version of Batman is still relatively new to his role, making mistakes that more seasoned heroes might avoid.
  • Isolation: Bruce's dual life as Batman and his reluctance to form close relationships often leave him isolated, which can be both a strength and a weakness.

Batman from The Batman (2022) is a complex and driven hero, struggling with the burden of his past while trying to forge a path forward in a city steeped in corruption and darkness. His relentless pursuit of justice makes him a feared figure in Gotham, but it also pushes him to the edge as he confronts the evil that lurks within the city—and within himself.

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