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8/22/2024 8:18 am  #1

Black Lightning (Arrowverse)

Real Name: Jefferson Pierce
Aliases: Black Lightning
Identity: Public
Occupation: High school principal, vigilante, educator
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: Freeland
Known Relatives: Lynn Stewart (ex-wife), Anissa Pierce (daughter), Jennifer Pierce (daughter)
Group Affiliation: Outsiders, Justice League (unofficial), Team Black Lightning
First Appearance: Black Lightning (2018)
Jefferson Pierce grew up in the crime-ridden city of Freeland, where he witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of drugs and gang violence on his community. A gifted athlete and scholar, Jefferson went on to become a gold medal-winning Olympic decathlete and later returned to Freeland as an educator, determined to make a difference as the principal of Garfield High School.Years before taking on the role of a community leader, Jefferson discovered he had the metahuman ability to generate and control electricity. He initially used these powers to become the vigilante Black Lightning, fighting to clean up the streets of Freeland. However, the strain of balancing his vigilante activities with his personal life led him to retire from his crime-fighting persona to focus on his family and career.When the criminal organization known as The 100 began to exert more control over Freeland, Jefferson was compelled to don the Black Lightning suit once again to protect his city and family. Over time, his daughters Anissa and Jennifer discovered their own metahuman abilities and joined him in the fight against crime and corruption. Together, they formed a formidable team, with Jefferson leading as both a father and a hero.As Black Lightning, Jefferson Pierce has fought against powerful enemies, including Tobias Whale, a ruthless crime lord with a personal vendetta against him, and the shadowy government agency ASA. He has also played a significant role in the multiverse during the "Crisis on Infinite Earths," where he allied with other heroes from the Arrowverse to prevent the destruction of all reality.
Height: 6’3”
Weight: 220 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

  • Electrokinesis: Jefferson can generate, absorb, and manipulate electricity. He can channel electrical energy to create lightning bolts, generate force fields, and power or disrupt electronic devices. His control over electricity also allows him to fly by using electromagnetic fields.
  • Enhanced Strength and Durability: As Black Lightning, Jefferson's physical attributes are enhanced, giving him greater strength and resistance to physical harm, especially when he is charged with electrical energy.
  • Electromagnetic Field Manipulation: He can manipulate electromagnetic fields, which allows him to move objects, disrupt technology, and create protective shields.
  • Healing Factor: Jefferson's body heals more quickly when charged with electricity, allowing him to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate.


  • Black Lightning Suit: The suit is designed to withstand and amplify Jefferson's electrical powers. It is insulated to protect him from electrical attacks and contains advanced technology for communication and combat support.
  • Thunder Knuckles: The suit’s gloves are equipped with conductive knuckles that amplify his punches with electrical energy, allowing him to deliver powerful, electrified strikes.


  • Goggles: Black Lightning's goggles enhance his vision, allowing him to see electrical currents, infrared, and other spectrums. They also provide heads-up displays (HUD) for tactical information.
  • Utility Belt: Contains various tools and gadgets, including EMP grenades, electrical dampeners, and communication devices.


  • Overexertion: Using his powers at high levels for extended periods can drain Jefferson's energy, leaving him vulnerable and requiring time to recharge.
  • Family Vulnerability: Jefferson's love and protectiveness for his daughters and ex-wife can be exploited by enemies, making them potential targets.
  • Emotional Conflict: Jefferson often struggles with balancing his responsibilities as a father, educator, and hero. His emotional ties can sometimes cloud his judgment in critical situations.

Black Lightning in the Arrowverse is a powerful and principled hero, deeply committed to protecting his community and family. His journey as both a father and a vigilante highlights the challenges of doing the right thing in a world filled with corruption, danger, and moral complexity.

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