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8/23/2024 5:40 am  #1

Judge Dredd (2012 Movie)

Real Name: Joseph Dredd
Aliases: None
Identity: Public
Occupation: Street Judge
Citizenship: Mega-City One
Place of Birth: Mega-City One
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Judges of Mega-City One
First Appearance: Dredd (2012)
In a post-apocalyptic future, the world has become an irradiated wasteland, and the remnants of humanity are crammed into massive, violent mega-cities. Mega-City One is one of the largest and most dangerous, sprawling across the eastern seaboard of what was once the United States. Here, the only force standing between order and chaos is the Hall of Justice, home to the Judges—law enforcers who act as judge, jury, and executioner.Judge Joseph Dredd is one of the most feared and respected of these enforcers. Known for his unwavering commitment to the law and his brutal efficiency, Dredd has made it his mission to rid Mega-City One of crime, no matter the cost.The 2012 movie Dredd follows Dredd as he is tasked with evaluating a rookie Judge, Cassandra Anderson, who possesses powerful psychic abilities. Their mission brings them to Peach Trees, a massive 200-story slum tower controlled by the ruthless drug lord, Ma-Ma, who is responsible for the production and distribution of the highly addictive drug, Slo-Mo. Slo-Mo slows the user's perception of time to 1% of normal speed, creating a dangerous and disorienting high.When Ma-Ma locks down the building, trapping Dredd and Anderson inside, the two Judges must fight their way to the top, battling Ma-Ma's heavily armed gang along the way. As they ascend through the levels of Peach Trees, Dredd's relentless pursuit of justice is put to the test, and Anderson's abilities prove to be invaluable.Dredd ultimately confronts Ma-Ma at the top of the tower, administering his own brand of justice by forcing her to experience Slo-Mo while plummeting to her death. Despite the harrowing ordeal, Dredd remains stoic and resolute, passing Anderson on her evaluation and continuing his unyielding war against crime in Mega-City One.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

  • Expert Marksmanship: Dredd is a highly skilled marksman, with deadly accuracy using his Lawgiver and other firearms.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Trained extensively in close-quarters combat, Dredd can take down multiple opponents with his bare hands.
  • Tactical Genius: Dredd possesses a sharp strategic mind, able to assess and respond to threats with precision and speed.
  • Unwavering Will: Dredd's mental fortitude is unbreakable, making him impervious to fear and intimidation.


  • Lawgiver: A highly advanced, multi-functional handgun that responds only to Dredd's biometrics. It can fire a variety of ammunition types, including armor-piercing rounds, incendiary rounds, and stun shots.
  • Daystick: A baton used for close-quarters combat, often employed to subdue suspects non-lethally.
  • Boot Knife: A concealed knife stored in Dredd's boot, used as a last resort in combat situations.
  • Fragmentation Grenades: Standard issue for Judges, used for crowd control or taking out groups of enemies.


  • Judge's Helmet: Dredd's iconic helmet provides protection and houses a sophisticated heads-up display (HUD), communication systems, and vision enhancement tools. The helmet also conceals Dredd's identity, as Judges are meant to embody the law rather than individuals.
  • Body Armor: Dredd's armor is highly durable, offering protection against bullets, explosions, and other threats.
  • Lawmaster: Dredd's motorcycle is armed with machine guns, rockets, and advanced sensors, making it both a vehicle and a weapon.


  • Rigid Adherence to the Law: Dredd's strict adherence to the law can make him inflexible and sometimes unable to adapt to situations that require more nuanced thinking.
  • Isolation: Dredd's dedication to his role leaves little room for personal connections, making him a solitary figure who struggles with trust and emotional bonds.
  • Limited Resources: Despite his skills and resolve, Dredd is often outnumbered and outgunned, forcing him to rely on his wits and experience to survive.

Judge Joseph Dredd from the 2012 Dredd movie is a relentless force of justice in a world where chaos reigns. His uncompromising nature and tactical brilliance make him a formidable adversary to those who break the law in Mega-City One.

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