Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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8/23/2024 5:47 am  #1

Ezekiel Stone

Real Name: Ezekiel Stone
Aliases: None
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Former NYPD Detective, Agent of the Devil
Citizenship: American
Place of Birth: New York, USA
Known Relatives: Rosalyn Stone (wife, deceased)
Group Affiliation: None
First Appearance: Brimstone (1998)
Ezekiel Stone was a dedicated NYPD detective, known for his tough demeanor and unwavering sense of justice. His life took a tragic turn when his beloved wife, Rosalyn, was brutally raped. Consumed by anger and a desire for vengeance, Stone tracked down her assailant and executed him in cold blood, violating the law he had sworn to uphold. This act condemned Stone’s soul, and shortly thereafter, he was killed in the line of duty.Stone’s soul was sent to Hell as punishment for his crime. However, after 113 years in Hell, he was given a second chance by the Devil himself. One hundred and thirteen of the most dangerous souls had escaped from Hell and returned to Earth. The Devil offered Stone a deal: if he could track down and return these souls to Hell, he would be granted a second chance at life.Reluctantly accepting the offer, Stone returned to Earth, equipped with a set of Hellish tattoos representing each soul he must recapture. As he hunted down the damned, he discovered that they had retained supernatural powers, making them formidable foes. Stone's mission was not only to recapture the escaped souls but also to confront his own inner demons and seek redemption for the sins of his past.Throughout his journey, Stone encountered various allies and enemies, both human and supernatural, and wrestled with his own moral code. Despite the Devil's manipulations, Stone remained driven by a desire to make amends and protect the innocent, even as he faced seemingly insurmountable odds.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Powers and Abilities:

  • Supernatural Immunity: Stone is impervious to harm from conventional weapons, though he can still feel pain. He can only be truly killed by the same method that originally ended his life—being shot in the chest.
  • Enhanced Strength and Endurance: Stone possesses greater physical strength and stamina than a normal human, which aids him in his battles against the escaped souls.
  • Tracking Ability: Stone has a heightened ability to sense and locate the escaped souls, driven by an innate connection to them.
  • Tattoo Bond: Each time Stone returns a soul to Hell, one of the tattoos on his body vanishes, signifying his progress and the reduction of his burden.


  • Modified Revolver: Stone carries a customized .38 caliber revolver, which he uses to incapacitate and return the escaped souls to Hell. The bullets are imbued with a special power that allows them to affect the supernatural beings he hunts.


  • Hellish Tattoos: The tattoos covering Stone's body are a mark of his mission. Each represents one of the 113 souls he must capture. As he successfully sends a soul back to Hell, the corresponding tattoo disappears.
  • Devil’s Guidance: Stone often receives cryptic guidance and taunts from the Devil, who appears to him in various forms, usually to manipulate or challenge him.


  • Human Vulnerabilities: Although Stone has supernatural abilities, he still retains many human weaknesses, including his emotions and psychological trauma from his past.
  • Moral Conflicts: Stone struggles with his desire for redemption versus the harsh, sometimes morally ambiguous tasks he must perform.
  • Limited Resources: Unlike his enemies, Stone does not possess vast supernatural powers, often relying on his wits, experience as a detective, and limited supernatural enhancements.

Ezekiel Stone is a tortured soul on a quest for redemption, battling both the forces of Hell and his own inner demons. His story is one of moral complexity, as he seeks to atone for his past sins while navigating a world filled with darkness and temptation.

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