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8/23/2024 4:38 pm  #1

Binkly and Doinkel

Name: Binkly and Doinkel
Identity: Alien children
Occupation: Students/Explorers
Legal Status: N/A (Extraterrestrial)
Place of Origin: An unidentified alien planet
Group Affiliation: N/A
Base of Operations: Mobile, travels through space and time to different planets including Earth
First Appearance: Public Service Announcements (1970s)
Physical Description
Binkly: 3'6", Doinkel: 3'4"
Weight: Binkly: 40 lbs, Doinkel: 38 lbs
Eyes: Large, black, and oval-shaped
Hair: None
Other Distinguishing Features: Binkly and Doinkel have green skin, with small antennae on their heads. They have a cartoonish, child-like appearance with rounded bodies and exaggerated facial features.
Powers and Abilities

  • Alien Physiology: Binkly and Doinkel possess physical attributes that are different from humans, such as enhanced agility and the ability to survive in the vacuum of space.
  • Education Broadcasting: They have the ability to communicate complex ideas and educational messages to humans, especially children, in a simple and understandable way.
  • Technology: The two are often seen using advanced alien technology, such as holographic projectors and communication devices, to convey their messages.

Weapons and Equipment

  • Learning Devices: They carry various gadgets that help them learn about human culture and share their knowledge with Earth children.
  • Space Pod: A small spacecraft that allows them to travel between their home planet and Earth.

Binkly and Doinkel are curious, eager to learn, and have a strong sense of responsibility when it comes to educating others. They are friendly, helpful, and often a bit mischievous, making them relatable to the children they communicate with.

Binkly and Doinkel are two alien children from an unknown planet who travel to Earth to learn about human customs and share important educational messages. They appeared in various public service announcements (PSAs) during the 1970s, where they would often find themselves in situations that required them to learn about and promote good behavior, safety, and social responsibility. Their adventures served as a fun and engaging way to teach important lessons to children.

Binkly and Doinkel were part of a broader trend during the 1970s where animated characters were used in PSAs to communicate with children about various important topics. Their appearances were short but impactful, leaving a lasting impression on those who saw them during their original run.

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8/23/2024 4:40 pm  #2

Re: Binkly and Doinkel

ChatGPT was clearly just going with whatever info I gave it (when prompted I told it they were alien children from 1970s PSAs). It wasn't able to "figure out" that the PSA's were specifically about household chemicals, notably poisons.

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