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8/28/2024 5:39 am  #1

Francis Urquhart (TV Version)

Real Name: Francis Ewan Urquhart
Aliases: F.U., The Prime Minister
Identity: Public
Occupation: Politician, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Citizenship: British
Place of Birth: Kington, Herefordshire, England
Known Relatives: Elizabeth Urquhart (wife)
Group Affiliation: Conservative Party
Education: Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Oxford
First Appearance: House of Cards (UK Series 1, Episode 1, "Chapter 1," BBC, 1990)
History: Francis Ewan Urquhart was born into a distinguished but relatively modest family in Herefordshire, England. From an early age, he exhibited a keen intellect and a ruthless drive to succeed, qualities that would later define his political career. Educated at the University of Oxford, where he studied history, Francis honed his skills in debate and developed a deep understanding of British politics. His time at Oxford also solidified his connections with influential figures within the Conservative Party. After completing his education, Francis embarked on a career in politics, quickly rising through the ranks of the Conservative Party. He earned a reputation as a loyal party member, known for his sharp mind and unwavering dedication. However, his ambition far exceeded his loyalty, and he quietly harbored aspirations for the highest office in the land.

When Prime Minister Henry Collingridge failed to reward Francis with a Cabinet position following a successful election campaign, Francis felt deeply betrayed. This slight set off a chain of events that would lead to one of the most infamous political coups in British history. Utilizing his extensive knowledge of Westminster’s inner workings, Francis embarked on a ruthless and calculated campaign to undermine Collingridge’s leadership. Through manipulation, blackmail, and even murder, Francis systematically removed obstacles in his path, forcing Collingridge to resign.

Francis’s ascent to power culminated in his appointment as Prime Minister. Once in office, he continued to use the same ruthless tactics to maintain control, manipulating allies and enemies alike to secure his position. His wife, Elizabeth Urquhart, was a key ally in his machinations, providing support and encouragement in his darkest moments. The two shared a complex relationship, marked by both genuine affection and a shared hunger for power.

Despite his success, Francis’s tenure as Prime Minister was fraught with danger. His manipulation of the press, his ruthless elimination of rivals, and his willingness to do whatever it took to remain in power eventually caught up with him.

His reign ended in tragedy when his past crimes were exposed, leading to his assassination during a Remembrance Day service, orchestrated by a former ally turned enemy.

Height: 6’0” (183 cm)
Weight:175 lbs (79 kg)
Hair: Gray
Abilities: Francis Urquhart was a master of political manipulation, possessing a deep understanding of the workings of government and the psychology of those around him. His ability to exploit the weaknesses of others, combined with his strategic brilliance, allowed him to rise to the highest office in the United Kingdom. Francis was an expert in the art of persuasion, capable of charming or intimidating others to achieve his goals. He was also highly skilled in maintaining a calm and controlled demeanor, even in the most stressful situations, which contributed to his image as a steadfast and unflappable leader. 
Accessories: Francis Urquhart’s most iconic accessory was his signet ring, which he often wore as a symbol of his status and authority. He was also frequently seen with a glass of whisky, a drink he used to relax and reflect on his plans. His wardrobe, consisting of impeccably tailored suits, was carefully chosen to project an image of power and sophistication. Additionally, Francis had an extensive collection of books on history and politics, reflecting his intellectual pursuits and his deep understanding of statecraft. His wife, Elizabeth, though not a physical accessory, was an indispensable partner in his political life, often providing crucial advice and support.

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8/28/2024 5:46 am  #2

Re: Francis Urquhart (TV Version)

The profile leaves out his time in the military in Cyprus, as well has his relationship with Mattie Storin, which influenced him through all three parts of the trilogy.

I added spoiler space to the bit related to their third series ending, even though the info isn't quite correct. Major spoilers to actual ending:

The assassination occurred during the unveiling of a statue of Margaret Thatcher, not Remembrance Day. It's a bit more complicated than saying that it was orchestrated by an ally turned enemy, though that was the overall effect: Two of his allies had him assassinated because his legacy was going to be tarnished and they wished to prevent that.


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