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3/01/2023 9:54 am  #1

The Littlest Hobo

Name: Littlest Hobo

Aliases: Hobo, Wanderer

Occupation: Canine adventurer

Identity: Public

Legal status: None

Place of birth: Unknown

Marital status: Single

Known relatives: None

Group affiliation: None

Base of operations: Nomadic

Height: 2'5"

Weight: 45 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Fur color: Mixed brown and white

Powers: None. Exceptional physical conditioning, heightened senses.

Abilities: The Littlest Hobo is an expert at survival and has demonstrated a high level of intelligence and adaptability. He is skilled at escaping danger and finding his way out of tricky situations.

Equipment: None.

History: The Littlest Hobo is a nomadic dog who wanders from town to town, helping those in need and getting into all sorts of adventures along the way. He has been known to help lost children, save people from burning buildings, and even solve crimes.

Despite his wandering ways, the Littlest Hobo has become something of a legend in the towns he visits. He is often welcomed with open arms and considered a local hero. He is also known for his ability to sense danger and his unwavering loyalty to those he helps.

The Littlest Hobo's origins are shrouded in mystery, but some speculate that he was once a pet who was abandoned or lost. Regardless of his past, he has made a name for himself as a canine adventurer and hero.

The Littlest Hobo's travels have taken him across Canada and even into the United States. He has encountered a wide range of characters, both human and animal, and has proven time and time again that he is a force to be reckoned with.

Despite his many adventures, the Littlest Hobo always seems to be on the move. He remains a symbol of hope and inspiration to those he helps along the way.

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3/01/2023 9:55 am  #2

Re: The Littlest Hobo

I would argue that The Genesis Tapes Parts 1 & 2 confirmed that he does in fact possess supercanine abilities.

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9/25/2024 12:41 pm  #3

Re: The Littlest Hobo

Redoing this one in the hopes that the updated parameters will result in a better profile:
Real Name: Unknown
Aliases: The Littlest Hobo
Identity: Secret (only known as a stray dog)
Occupation: Wandering Hero, Canine Good Samaritan
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: Unknown
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None (travels solo)
Education: Innate canine intelligence and learned skills
First Appearance: The Littlest Hobo (Season 1, Episode 1, "Smoke," CTV, 1979)
History: The Littlest Hobo is a mysterious and remarkably intelligent German Shepherd, known for his wandering, altruistic nature. With no known family or home, he travels from town to town across Canada, helping people in need and then moving on to his next destination. The origin of this canine drifter remains a mystery. No one knows where he came from, what his true name is, or why he chooses to help those in trouble. What is clear, however, is that he possesses extraordinary instincts and an uncanny ability to assess situations, solve problems, and save lives.Each episode of his story begins the same way: he arrives in a new town, often unnoticed at first, but soon finds himself in the middle of a crisis. Whether it’s helping a child in danger, stopping a crime, or reuniting a family, the Littlest Hobo steps in with remarkable bravery and intelligence, often rescuing people from perilous situations or emotional turmoil. Once the situation is resolved, he leaves without looking back, refusing to settle in any one place or become attached to the people he helps.Though he is often offered a home by the grateful individuals he aids, the Littlest Hobo always declines, preferring his nomadic lifestyle. He follows his own path, led by an internal compass that drives him toward those who need him the most. His heroic acts have earned him the respect and admiration of countless people, even though they never truly know his name or origins. He is a symbol of kindness, selflessness, and resilience, embodying the idea that you don’t need to stay to make a difference.Despite his solitary nature, the Littlest Hobo displays deep emotional intelligence, often comforting those in distress and forming brief but powerful connections with the people he meets. His actions inspire hope, and his appearance in a town often signals that change or healing is on the horizon.
Height: Approximately 26 inches (66 cm at the shoulder)
Weight:75 lbs (34 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short to medium-length coat, typically tan with black markings
Abilities:The Littlest Hobo is not a superpowered being, but his natural abilities are exceptional. He is incredibly intelligent for a dog, with near-human levels of problem-solving skills. His sharp instincts allow him to detect danger and understand complex human emotions and situations. His agility and speed enable him to perform incredible physical feats, such as rescuing people from fires, stopping runaway vehicles, and outmaneuvering criminals.In addition to his physical prowess, the Littlest Hobo has an innate ability to navigate complex environments and communicate nonverbally with humans. He often devises clever plans to help those in need, guiding people through difficult situations using body language, barks, and nudges. His loyalty and bravery are unmatched, as he regularly risks his own life to protect others.
Accessories: The Littlest Hobo typically carries no accessories, traveling with nothing but the fur on his back. However, his presence alone acts as an invaluable tool, as his calm demeanor and reassuring presence often inspire people to trust him. In certain episodes, he uses objects around him—ropes, tools, or even household items—to aid in rescues or solve problems. His most important "accessory" is his keen intellect and his desire to help, which guide him on his endless journey.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (9/25/2024 12:42 pm)

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9/25/2024 12:45 pm  #4

Re: The Littlest Hobo

The Genesis Tapes two-parter heavily implies that the dog from the 1979 series is the same one from the 1963 TV series. Whether the 1958 movie is canon is less certain. So either the 1958 movie or the first episode of the 1963 series should be listed as his first appearance.

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