Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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1/30/2020 11:01 am  #1

Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Historical text from Comixfan:

Stuart V

Oct 10, 2010, 10:49 am

Since people have asked for a separate sticky thread to avoid missing announcements about new books, here it is. I'd suggest (but will not try and make it a hard and fast rule) that either we make this purely an announcement thread, and then include links to individual discussion threads (no discussion about individual books here), or else, after a book is announced, keep all discussion and speculation here until the book comes out, at which point it gets its own thread. Either option is fine, just want to avoid redundancy, with people discussing the same upcoming release in two different threads.

All newly solicited books can be announced here - files, handbooks, index, and, if people so wish, non-Marvel handbooks, etc.

Roger Ott

Oct 12, 2010, 09:37 pm

Thanks ever so much for adding this!

I recommend a format along the lines of:

Available October 2010:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #4
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #6

Available November 2010:
Heroic Age: Villains #1
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #7

Available December 2010:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #5
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #8

Not sure if we want to keep these announcements in the first post so they're easier to find, and just keep the rest of the thread open for any general talk of upcoming stuff. The listings could all link to their respective discussion threads for more in-depth conversations. Might not be a bad idea to show the expected on-shelf date of the books.

Or if anyone has a better idea, I'm all for it.

Eduardo M.

Oct 12, 2010, 09:53 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Thanks ever so much for adding this!

I recommend a format along the lines of:

Available October 2010:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #4
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #6

Available November 2010:
Heroic Age: Villains #1
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #7

Available December 2010:
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #5
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #8

Not sure if we want to keep these announcements in the first post so they're easier to find, and just keep the rest of the thread open for any general talk of upcoming stuff. The listings could all link to their respective discussion threads for more in-depth conversations. Might not be a bad idea to show the expected on-shelf date of the books.

Or if anyone has a better idea, I'm all for it.

this works for me


Oct 13, 2010, 09:28 am

Heroic Age: X-Men #1 is coming out in December as well. It's a files book along the lines as the Heroes and Villains files books.

Roger Ott

Oct 13, 2010, 10:57 am

Well, it appears I am unable to edit my post to add it. Perhaps a mod could add it, so as to keep all the listings together. Thanks!

Roger Ott

Oct 21, 2010, 09:13 am

Available January 2011:
Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe #1
Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain America #9

Rob London

Oct 22, 2010, 07:35 pm

I'd also like to note that the Spider-Man Saga available next week, in addition to pages and pages of Saga material to get you right up to speed with the Spider-books, will contain five pages of all-new Handbook profiles...and it'll cost you absolutely nothing! So pick one up!


Dec 6, 2010, 04:42 pm

Hello all.

It is now about 7 wks after CyRog's last update for January 2011.

I am wondering what NEW books will be released in February & March 2011!

Does anyone know? If so, please share as anticipation is mounting!


Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 6, 2010, 09:30 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I am wondering what NEW books will be released in February & March 2011!

March: no announcements yet. Feb, just Index#10


Dec 7, 2010, 01:36 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

March: no announcements yet. Feb, just Index#10

Aw, no monthly Handbooks or even file books between the months of Handbooky goodness?? :dizzy:

While I am a Handbook Guy from way back, I do enjoy the FBs, especially when the info in them is accurate (not just character speculation on other characters) and with the power grids--different from the HB grids, but which still help to define mentioned characters by giving a rating to other qualities not mentioned in the HBs.

The Indexes don't work for me since I don't collect them, so I guess I really have to wait a long time for ooey gooey 2011 Handbooky Goodness! :ohwell:

Roger Ott

Dec 7, 2010, 02:22 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

The Indexes don't work for me since I don't collect them

The Indexes, to me, are perfect companions to the Handbooks. The best part for me is reading character listings, then cross-referencing them to the relevant Handbook profiles, if available.

The Index trade paperback collections are wonderful additions to my OHOTMU bookshelf.


Dec 7, 2010, 03:07 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

The best part for me is reading character listings, then cross-referencing them to the relevant Handbook profiles, if available.

Yeah, I don't do that or keep profiles of characters on my computer, just my Master List of Characters I want to see get a profile. I generally don't care where the character appeared (usually know most, and the ones I really like anyway) nor do I have the time to cross-reference all the characters with all their appearances.

I am interested in the origins, history, relatives and powers, especially the power-grids and any detailed info on abilities, powers, enhancements.

However, for those few characters I don't know much about, this might help. Perhaps I will contact you for help with those characters!

Captain Speedbump

Dec 15, 2010, 04:19 pm

I know that projects can't be announced with too much detail ahead of time, but can anyone tell us if there will continue to be new Handbook related projects in the future? The fact that there is nothing besides the index in February has me nervous...

Don't get me wrong, if you people need a break, that's fine: the past six years have been stellar. But I do hope things can continue for as long as possible...

Capt. Speedbump


Dec 15, 2010, 05:36 pm

Captain Speedbump wrote:

I know that projects can't be announced with too much detail ahead of time, but can anyone tell us if there will continue to be new Handbook related projects in the future? The fact that there is nothing besides the index in February has me nervous...

: Paranoid: Makes me nervous as well!!  : Paranoid:

Captain Speedbump wrote:

But I do hope things can continue for as long as possible...

Me too!! :hope:

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 15, 2010, 07:41 pm

I *think* March solicitations are next Tuesday; if so we'll have a clearer sense in less than a week.

Madison Carter

Dec 15, 2010, 11:06 pm

Captain Speedbump wrote:

I know that projects can't be announced with too much detail ahead of time, but can anyone tell us if there will continue to be new Handbook related projects in the future? The fact that there is nothing besides the index in February has me nervous...

Don't get me wrong, if you people need a break, that's fine: the past six years have been stellar. But I do hope things can continue for as long as possible...

Capt. Speedbump

We have projects lined up well into 2011, yes. That's about all I can say.

Roger Ott

Dec 16, 2010, 01:18 am

Madison Carter wrote:

We have projects lined up well into 2011, yes. That's about all I can say.

That's all that needs be said!

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 16, 2010, 05:27 am

Roger Ott wrote:

That's all that needs be said!

Agreed. Probably most people here, regulars and lurkers realize the reasons why things can't be announced prematurely. It's enough to know things are doing okay sales-wise to continue.

That being the case, pure speculation but I'd wager there's going to be a Captain America and a Thor related handbook this year. As much as we may wish that comics could stand alone without the aid of movies, the reality is that movies do increase awareness of the characters involved, and handbooks would be quite useful to outsiders wanting to learn more about characters having films devoted to them.


Dec 16, 2010, 09:30 am

Madison Carter wrote:

We have projects lined up well into 2011, yes. That's about all I can say.

Thanks for the good news Madison!! What a great relief and great way to begin 2011!! :excited:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Agreed. Probably most people here, regulars and lurkers realize the reasons why things can't be announced prematurely. It's enough to know things are doing okay sales-wise to continue.

That being the case, pure speculation but I'd wager there's going to be a Captain America and a Thor related handbook this year. As much as we may wish that comics could stand alone without the aid of movies, the reality is that movies do increase awareness of the characters involved, and handbooks would be quite useful to outsiders wanting to learn more about characters having films devoted to them.

I agree with you Andy.

For the Captain America book, I hope we see: Agent Axis, Dr Erskine and other scientists involved with his creation.

For the Thor book: The Enchanters, Karnilla, Casiolena, Fragon the Sorcerer and updated profiles on known Asgardians (like what they are doing since being returned to life, including Brunhilda). Also, perhaps some alternate characters like Thordis and Jane Foster when transformed by Odin into an Asgardian Goddess???? Pretty please with ginge snaps on top!??? :giggle:

Captain Speedbump

Dec 16, 2010, 12:20 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

We have projects lined up well into 2011, yes. That's about all I can say.

That's all that NEEDS to be said! Thanks!  :Yes:
Anyway, I just want to reiterate that everyone working on the Handbooks over the past six years has done an amazing job, and I really appreciate the care and craftsmanship that go into the books. Clearly you all take a lot of pride in the work you do, and it shows.

I have taken your measure, and found you all excelling.

Thank you.

Capt. Speedbump

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 16, 2010, 07:20 pm

Agreed about the quality of the Handbooks. I hope wherever Mark Gruenwald is he can somehow see the handbooks and know that his legacy is in good hands. You honour his memory with every issue.

Roger Ott

Dec 16, 2010, 11:34 pm

Absolutely! Admittedly, I was a bit skeptical when the OHOTMU resurfaced, because none of the names I associate with it (Gruenwald, Sanderson, etc) were involved. But, you guys worked out the kinks in the 2004-2005 books, and proved yourselves more than worthy of the OHOTMU mantle.


Dec 17, 2010, 02:14 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Agreed. Probably most people here, regulars and lurkers realize the reasons why things can't be announced prematurely. It's enough to know things are doing okay sales-wise to continue.

That being the case, pure speculation but I'd wager there's going to be a Captain America and a Thor related handbook this year. As much as we may wish that comics could stand alone without the aid of movies, the reality is that movies do increase awareness of the characters involved, and handbooks would be quite useful to outsiders wanting to learn more about characters having films devoted to them.

Between the Three storyline and the anniversary this year, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a new FF related handbook either. Hickman's certainly introduced a lot of concepts that could be covered, and it would explain the disappearance of Nu Earth Fantastic Force from the update, too.

Anyway, add my voice to the chorus of kudos to the handbook team. It's what I look forward to most each month that it comes out. If my budget forced me to buy online one Marvel book, OHOTMU would be it, and it's always a quality product. :worthy:


Dec 22, 2010, 01:22 pm
Looks like no handbook again for March.


Dec 22, 2010, 01:37 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Looks like no handbook again for March.

:stars: Aw no! I can't believe it! Say it ain't so! :stars:

Thanks for the info, ToddCam. I had thought March would be a HB, but better to find out now instead of waiting 3 months for something that won't be coming out. :bite:

Well, I hope that April 2011 sees a HB release and something really really gooey, like, for instance, with all the characters I listed in previous posts for CA, Thor, or Nu-World characters appearing! :cross:

Eduardo M.

Dec 23, 2010, 12:35 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

:stars: Aw no! I can't believe it! Say it ain't so! :stars:

Thanks for the info, ToddCam. I had thought March would be a HB, but better to find out now instead of waiting 3 months for something that won't be coming out. :bite:

Well, I hope that April 2011 sees a HB release and something really really gooey, like, for instance, with all the characters I listed in previous posts for CA, Thor, or Nu-World characters appearing! :cross:

I'll be crying in corner if anyone needs me


Feb 15, 2011, 01:31 pm

New X-Men Handbook listed in the May Solicts.

Written by VARIOUS
Select Character Artwork by GUS VAZQUEZ
All things mutants take center stage in this all-new collection of Handbook-style profiles! Featuring X-Men members (Madison Jeffries/Box, Paulie Provenzano, Wraith/Hector Rendoza), trainees (Onyxx, Ink/Eric Gitter), allies (Fred Duncan, Tom Corsi, Candy Southern, Shortpack), the evil (Cortex, X-Cutioner, Amelia Voght, Zaladane, Black Womb) and the lesser-known (Litterbug, Jazz, Arize, Jack in the Box, Crule), and updates for the big guns (Professor X, Magneto, Emma Frost, Beast, Mystique). And because you demanded it: Joseph gets a profile at last! Plus: brand-new Gus Vazquez art for the majority of profiles!
64 PGS. /Handbook/Rated T+ …$4.99


Feb 16, 2011, 05:51 am

:Banana: :worthy::clap::dance:

Angelicknight wrote:

New X-Men Handbook listed in the May Solicts.

Written by VARIOUS
Select Character Artwork by GUS VAZQUEZ
All things mutants take center stage in this all-new collection of Handbook-style profiles! Featuring X-Men members (Madison Jeffries/Box, Paulie Provenzano, Wraith/Hector Rendoza), trainees (Onyxx, Ink/Eric Gitter), allies (Fred Duncan, Tom Corsi, Candy Southern, Shortpack), the evil (Cortex, X-Cutioner, Amelia Voght, Zaladane, Black Womb) and the lesser-known (Litterbug, Jazz, Arize, Jack in the Box, Crule), and updates for the big guns (Professor X, Magneto, Emma Frost, Beast, Mystique). And because you demanded it: Joseph gets a profile at last! Plus: brand-new Gus Vazquez art for the majority of profiles!
64 PGS. /Handbook/Rated T+ …$4.99

:dance: :Banana: :clap::worthy:


Feb 16, 2011, 10:59 am

Angelicknight wrote:

New X-Men Handbook listed in the May Solicts.

Written by VARIOUS
Select Character Artwork by GUS VAZQUEZ
All things mutants take center stage in this all-new collection of Handbook-style profiles! Featuring X-Men members (Madison Jeffries/Box, Paulie Provenzano, Wraith/Hector Rendoza), trainees (Onyxx, Ink/Eric Gitter), allies (Fred Duncan, Tom Corsi, Candy Southern, Shortpack), the evil (Cortex, X-Cutioner, Amelia Voght, Zaladane, Black Womb) and the lesser-known (Litterbug, Jazz, Arize, Jack in the Box, Crule), and updates for the big guns (Professor X, Magneto, Emma Frost, Beast, Mystique). And because you demanded it: Joseph gets a profile at last! Plus: brand-new Gus Vazquez art for the majority of profiles!
64 PGS. /Handbook/Rated T+ …$4.99

Best news I've heard all week! Here's hoping we'll also get an updated team roster so we can see exactly who's joined the team since the hardcover team profile.


Mar 12, 2011, 10:10 pm


Well, I'm not sure if it's okay to link to pictures from Marvel's site like this, or how to wrap text around a picture, but what the heck. Three files books and two origins books are collected in the Origins of Marvel Comics trade paperback, listed in the March issue of Marvel Previews:

An all-star lineup of creators brings you the origins of Marvel's greatest heroes! Short, accessible origin stories you'll want to cut out and tape up on your wall! From the Avengers to the X-Men! From Iron Man, Thor, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man to Hulk, Deadpool, Black Widow and the Punisher! Cyclops! Wolverine! Magneto! They're all here! Plus: In the aftermath of SIEGE, Steve Rogers assesses the state of Earth's heroes, villains and mutants in almost 200 pages of character files! Collecting ORIGINS OF MARVEL COMICS, ORIGINS OF MARVEL COMICS: X-MEN, HEROIC AGE: SUPER HEROES, HEROIC AGE: VILLAINS and HEROIC AGE: X-MEN.
272 PGS./Rated T+

You can find information about it on Marvel's Web site here:


Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 24, 2011, 06:46 pm

DeadpoolRP wrote:


Well, I'm not sure if it's okay to link to pictures from Marvel's site like this, or how to wrap text around a picture, but what the heck. Three files books and two origins books are collected in the Origins of Marvel Comics trade paperback, listed in the March issue of Marvel Previews:

Is there any new Files material in this book?

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 14, 2011, 10:00 pm

Not yet mentioned in this particular thread but the Captain America Handbook comes out in June of course.

July concludes the current Index series but no handbook per se, though X-Men Legacy Aftermath hc has three new entries that month.

Hopefully there will be an index or handbook for August. I like the handbooks more, but the Index books do make the wait between Handbooks go a bit faster. I'm guessing though that even if there's a round 3 for the index, there'll be a break like last time to let the writers start researching the new books.

Stuart V

Apr 15, 2011, 09:24 am

We're already working on Index volume 3.

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 15, 2011, 09:55 am

Stuart V wrote:

We're already working on Index volume 3.

Excellent news to wake up to! Glad they're continuing.

Roger Ott

Apr 15, 2011, 10:34 am

Stuart V wrote:

We're already working on Index volume 3.

Yay! I'm hoping the Incredible Hulk gets a spot in this one. Maybe the Fantastic Four, too.

I realize that covering the major books will take precedence, but it would be fun to see a batch of smaller run titles make it in, like Defenders and West Coast Avengers.

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 15, 2011, 12:10 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I realize that covering the major books will take precedence, but it would be fun to see a batch of smaller run titles make it in, like Defenders and West Coast Avengers.

One way to do this, and I'm sure this has been thought of at least, would be to devote two slots to longer running books and one slot to a series of shorter run books.


Apr 15, 2011, 06:23 pm

July concludes the current Index series but no handbook per se, though X-Men Legacy Aftermath hc has three new entries that month.

That reminds me...wasn't there supposed to be an X-Men HC with all-new entries for Loa, Indra, and the Children of the Vault? Has it come out yet, and if so, has anybody seen these entries? I think I'd rather wait for it to come out in softcover before I consider buying it for only three or four new entries, personally.

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 20, 2011, 06:55 pm

Are the Thor Index and the Thor Handbook both going to be out next week? I think they both have an April release date.


Jul 24, 2011, 03:54 am

From Newsarama on Saturday:

"It looks like vampires are here to stay in the Marvel Universe. October offers a Vampire: The Marvel Undead “Handbook’-style one-shot with profiles of all the prominent bloodsuckers. "


Eduardo M.

Jul 24, 2011, 01:12 pm

JusticeGH wrote:

From Newsarama on Saturday:

"It looks like vampires are here to stay in the Marvel Universe. October offers a Vampire: The Marvel Undead “Handbook’-style one-shot with profiles of all the prominent bloodsuckers. "


I'm surprised its not called "Vampires: Children of the Night".


Jul 25, 2011, 10:48 am

Every character in the solicit has had a profile.


Jul 25, 2011, 10:52 am

ToddCam wrote:

Every character in the solicit has had a profile.

Except Xarus, one Baron Blood, Rachel van Helsing, and Quincy Harker.


Jul 25, 2011, 12:31 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Every character in the solicit has had a profile.

There will be tons of new profiles in this thing, rest assured.

Personally, I love these narrow-focus books. I don't think five years of Updates would come close to have given us Diablo the bear or Blaze the Wonder Collie if Marvel Pets hadn't come along.


Jul 25, 2011, 01:47 pm

You're right. Reading comprehension fail.

And I was combining Baroness Blood with Victor Strange to assume the original Baron Blood had been covered. Silly me!

Eduardo M.

Jul 25, 2011, 04:29 pm

DeadpoolRP wrote:


An all-star lineup of creators brings you the origins of Marvel's greatest heroes! Short, accessible origin stories you'll want to cut out and tape up on your wall! From the Avengers to the X-Men! From Iron Man, Thor, the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man to Hulk, Deadpool, Black Widow and the Punisher! Cyclops! Wolverine! Magneto! They're all here! Plus: In the aftermath of SIEGE, Steve Rogers assesses the state of Earth's heroes, villains and mutants in almost 200 pages of character files! Collecting ORIGINS OF MARVEL COMICS, ORIGINS OF MARVEL COMICS: X-MEN, HEROIC AGE: SUPER HEROES, HEROIC AGE: VILLAINS and HEROIC AGE: X-MEN.
272 PGS./Rated T+

I've seen this a couple of times at bookstores. I'm sure some of you remember that I debated picking this up since I was missing the HA:Villians one-shot. However, I found the one-shot online so I think I'll skip this one.

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 24, 2012, 08:29 pm

This has kind of fallen behind.

Next month sees the final issue of the current Index series. There will be Punisher and Wolverine trades but I don't want to assume anything from Amazon's dates.

Next month and every two months after that is another volume of the tpb's updating the hardcover series.

April sees Avengers Roll Call.
Historical text from CXPulp:
05-16-2014, 09:24 AM
I'm posting this in more than one thread just to ensure that the message is seen:

Andy has been displaced due to a fire in his building and currently has no access to his cxpulp account and will be heading out of town shortly afterwards. He will try to catch up before he leaves town if his current situation is corrected before then.
Andy E. Nystrom
10-29-2015, 03:11 PM
With the drought this thread fell by the wayside but it's probably useful again now. For now I'll post this sort of thing in the bottom of the thread rather than the top but it starts generating lots of discussion I can move it later.

Out yesterday:
Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse #1

Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Iron Man

Out November 25:
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Incredible Hulk/Iron Man 2

Out December:
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Thor

Out January:
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's Captain America: The First Avenger
Andy E. Nystrom
11-25-2015, 02:13 PM
Out February:
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe - Marvel's The Avengers
Andy E. Nystrom
12-23-2015, 06:10 AM
In March, the Guidebooks are taking a breather but we get an actual 64-page Handbook!

All-New All-Different Marvel Universe

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1/30/2020 11:01 am  #2

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Historical text from Capes (Optional)
http://www.capesoptional.com/Forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=57&sid=e211f4211577fabe1ff014ca17a41ec1">Andy E. Nystrom » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:50 pm
Out in April:
Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Marvel's Iron Man 3/Marvel's Thor: The Dark World

Adding in links to October-on threads as they move over.
http://www.capesoptional.com/Forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=57&sid=e211f4211577fabe1ff014ca17a41ec1">Andy E. Nystrom » Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:08 pm
Links to all the upcoming and recent books now all up. See the CxPulp text above.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/08/2024 7:14 pm)

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

8/20/2020 4:19 pm  #3

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Empyre Handbook recently came out:

X of Swords Handbook is scheduled for September 30:

Coming in November (this probably doesn't warrant a separate thread):

  • Penciled by VARIOUS
  • Covers by JOHN BYRNE
  • Following the success of the original OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE came the DELUXE EDITION — expanded, augmented and fully updated! Now, the ultimate guide to the mid-1980s Marvel Universe is collected in a single gigantic hardcover for the first time! The OHOTMU DELUXE EDITION featured fact-packed character profiles illustrated by some of the era’s biggest names, including John Byrne, Frank Miller, Arthur Adams, Walter Simonson and Bill Sienkiewicz! Immerse yourself in hundreds of in-depth profiles of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains — from Abomination to Zzzax and everyone in between! Plus: An array of alien races, equipment schematics and maps, and a rundown of the dearly departed in the Book of the Dead! Collecting OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE: DELUXE EDITION #1-20.
  • 1392 PGS./Rated T …$150.00
  • ISBN: 978-1-302-92364-8
  • Trim size: 7-1/4 x 10-7/8

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

8/24/2020 10:51 am  #4

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Empyre Handbook recently came out:

X of Swords Handbook is scheduled for September 30:

Coming in November (this probably doesn't warrant a separate thread):

  • Penciled by VARIOUS
  • Covers by JOHN BYRNE
  • Following the success of the original OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE came the DELUXE EDITION — expanded, augmented and fully updated! Now, the ultimate guide to the mid-1980s Marvel Universe is collected in a single gigantic hardcover for the first time! The OHOTMU DELUXE EDITION featured fact-packed character profiles illustrated by some of the era’s biggest names, including John Byrne, Frank Miller, Arthur Adams, Walter Simonson and Bill Sienkiewicz! Immerse yourself in hundreds of in-depth profiles of Marvel’s greatest heroes and villains — from Abomination to Zzzax and everyone in between! Plus: An array of alien races, equipment schematics and maps, and a rundown of the dearly departed in the Book of the Dead! Collecting OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE: DELUXE EDITION #1-20.
  • 1392 PGS./Rated T …$150.00
  • ISBN: 978-1-302-92364-8
  • Trim size: 7-1/4 x 10-7/8

Were there any changes or corrections in the first omnibus (aside from the inclusion of a few Marvel Age articles)? Even the completist in me can't really justify buying that one.

(However I would consider buying a Master Edition Omnibus since all I own of that version is the black-and-white Essentials.)


9/23/2021 7:25 am  #5

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

On Sale April 2022


Written by Peter Sanderson & More
Penciled by Various
Covers by Ron Frenz

Party like it’s 1989 with the third volume of the legendary OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! The ’89 update followed in the footsteps of the definitive Deluxe Edition, bringing fans up to speed on the fast-moving world of mighty Marvel! Featuring major revisions covering seismic changes to iconic characters including Vision, Iron Man, the Hulk, Archangel, the original Human Torch and more! All-new favorites make their Handbook debuts, including deadly villains like Apocalypse, Mister Sinister and Venom! Plus, some of herodom’s best supporting casts join the fun — from Aunt May to Power Pack’s parents! And every page is loaded with the fact-filled origins, in-depth bios and vital statistics that you crave! Plus, an extensive collection of profiles, schematics and updates originally published outside the Handbooks! 

COLLECTING: Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Update ’89 (1989) 1-8

544 pages


11/18/2021 3:47 pm  #6

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Not a major one, but Conan the Barbarian Omnibus Vol. 8 will include the Conan Handbook.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

4/22/2023 2:01 am  #7

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

Hello guys,
Something completely forgotten here, but the May 2023 solicitations has announced 5 handbook variant covers, for each issue of the Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis Limted Series.
Well, guess what ?
The 4 first issues can be seen online, and here is for you

Last edited by RVcousin (4/22/2023 2:02 am)


4/25/2023 12:53 pm  #8

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

RVcousin wrote:

Hello guys,
Something completely forgotten here, but the May 2023 solicitations has announced 5 handbook variant covers, for each issue of the Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis Limted Series.
Well, guess what ?
The 4 first issues can be seen online, and here is for you

Here's the fifth cover:  https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=75960620594300516


5/02/2023 6:50 am  #9

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

skippcomet wrote:

RVcousin wrote:

Hello guys,
Something completely forgotten here, but the May 2023 solicitations has announced 5 handbook variant covers, for each issue of the Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis Limted Series.
Well, guess what ?
The 4 first issues can be seen online, and here is for you

Here's the fifth cover:  https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=75960620594300516

Not sure about the subsequent issues, but the first one's a $25 incentive cover 


10/08/2024 7:17 pm  #10

Re: Handbook and Index Announcements Thread

I added a little bit of Capes (Optional) material found on the Wayback Machine to post 2. Nothing all that interesting but it's there for historical purposes.

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