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4/20/2024 6:06 am  #451

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

2468 Edie Lensherr, X-Men movie
2497 Jakob Lensherr, X-Men movie


4/20/2024 6:07 am  #452

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

2620 David, X-Men movie


4/20/2024 6:09 am  #453

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

2635 Storm, SNL Superman's Funeral


4/20/2024 6:39 am  #454

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Latest answers correct; list updated. The two Good Morning America images turned up when I was looking for the televised version of Spider-Man and Mary Jane's wedding.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
     Thread Starter

4/20/2024 6:49 am  #455

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 6 clues (see post 363 for part 7, 364 for part 8, 365 for part 9):

Letters/numbers found so far: BEFGHLOUSWY246780

2254. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; probable student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store **O* ***
2276. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; student; United States; created suit as part of science project; suit can let the wearer fly **O* *** / *E***O*
2283. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; United States; 2606 sprayed water at him by shooting a fire hydrant; electrical powers ELE***O
2297. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled sibling at home **O* ***
2309. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Yes; actress; Asgard; reenacted event from previous movie ***E FO*SE* ****ESS
2310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Homeland Security medical examiner; New York City; tried to aid major supporting character in identying man who attacked the latter WE**Y
2311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; patron of Josie's Bar and friend of major supporting character ***** *E*E*SO*
2312. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; sheriff; Eastview, New Jersey; could not recall neighbouring town [SHE****] **LLE*
2314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE agent; Los Angeles; broke into hostel where boss was being held **Y
2315. From a TV show, based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Blade; No; unrevealed?; Detroit; father of main character *OBE** B*OO*S
2316. From a TV show; based on demonology; 10s; demonology; Yes; proabbly none, but posing as priest; Portland, Oregon; demon who assisted another in reuiniting her family and returning to power **U*
2318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  FBI agent; New York City; assigned to major villain protective detail *O****
2319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE enforcer; Los Angeles; boss of 2314; tried to retrieve video footage of all PRIDE's crimes ***HO*Y "*WOL" W*LL
2321. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; New York City; addicted to methamphetamines (note: shares image with 2711, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed) *EO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letter/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUWY478]
2322. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; likely United States or Canada; encountered other youth with similar claws WOL*E***E / *-*E* O****** WOL*E***E ELE***O*** *L*W* *OY
2323. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student/dancer; Los Angeles; auditioned to join the school dance team (sources conflict on the spelling; will accept either) H****H of H****
2327. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Partial; scientist, atomic researcher, inventor, criminal; New York City; was drawn to another Earth just before his death; has mechnical tentacles with superhuman strength, etc *O**O* O**O*US
2328. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ****Y
2329. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Greek mythology; hunter; Omnipotence City; told by father to hunt down and kill main character; presumed super-strength, etc HE***LES ***HELLE**OS
2330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; detective agency assistant; New York City; worked for main character G*LL***
2331. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ***E***
2332. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; examined major supporting character [*O**O*] **** ********
2333. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; student if any; Los Angeles; was found with major wound in chest; alternate version of main character *LE* W*L*E*
2334. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; old high school friend of main character and invited her to be bridesmaid at her wedding *U*U [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: U]
2335. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; handler (under duress); New Mexico; forced by main villain of season to be someone's handler after his wife was kidnapped *YLE *ELLE*
2336. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Malibu; fan of main character E***
2338. From a TV show; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Power Pack; Partial; student; Los Angeles; girlfriend of version of major character *UL*E
2339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; represented villain in lawsuit against the FBI ****E* *O**LES
2340. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; businessman/CEO; New York City; father of main character WE**ELL ****
2342. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Russian mafioso; Michigan; hired to obtain compromising photographs of someone **** (SE*GE* *O**HE*S*Y)
2343. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; entrepreneur; Los Angeles; dated main character *L**
2344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; security guard for Church of Gibborim; Los Angeles; investigated main characters when they tried to ilfiltrate site ***L
2345. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; host of online news outlet ****** S*L*S
2346. From a movie; shares codename with characters based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Mystic Comics likely first use; Yes; sorcerer apprentice; Kathmandu, Nepal; tortured by main villain; spell casting  WE*SEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2349. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marine private; Arlington, Virginia; with 3777, stood guard at storage warehouse gate [***.] **L*E*
2350. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug dealer; New York City?; sold drugs to main character and latter's friend [**E] G*EE*
2351. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand agent; New York City; prepared instruments to drain blood from major supporting character B****
2354. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Morlocks; No; Mutant Underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; tried to shoot himself in the head but powers prevented it; protective crystalline skin; can also crystallize matter SH***E*
2355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; Siberia; killed in Siberian prison *LE*E*
2356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Soviet Union; in the 1940s, was kidnapped by Leviathan and forced to contruct weapons ***OL*
2358. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Partial; probable student; Westview, New Jersey; mother possessed by counterpart of her *HO**S *****O**
2359. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; New York City; called for backup when he heard gunfire [*ES* SE*GE***] *HO**S
2361. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal/Crips leader; Los Angeles; kidnapped one of the main characters ****US ****S
2362. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sprase and I don't recall him ****USE
2363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended  therapy sessions for veterans ****S*O*HE*
2364. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; Chinatown, New York City; working with 2351, taunted supporting character ***Y
2365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended party celebrating business merger
2367. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; United States; stationed on aircraft carrier [*GE**] H****S
2368. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police captain; New York City; oversaw supporting character's return to police force *O* ***E*HOU*
2369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent/criminal; Los Angeles; in 1940s, was told to keep press away from crime scene [*GE**] *EG*
2370. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; soldier/Flag Smashers. member; Bratislava; helped load boxes of vaccines onto a truck; super-strength/durability etc *****S
2372. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Endotex Labs' IT security head; Gaithersburg, Maryland; let in major characters who were undercover S*E*E W*LSO*
2374. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; Midtown Science High School student; Queens, New York City; asked main character to take pictures of her boyfriend's car S*LLY ****L
2376. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Elektra: The Hand; Yes; Hand agent; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; helped major villain in exchange for the acquisition of a particular block in Hell's Kitchen *OBU YOSH*O**
2377. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; memorabilia shop owner; Harlem; was extorted by thugs **SH* ***O*
2378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  security guard for males-only Arena Club; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, ordered to report to club's chambers W**SH*UE*
2379. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; shared melodies with 3299; immortality, remote possession  H**HO*
2381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Gnucci Crime Family member/guard; Little Italy, New York City; guarded card game *OOSE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2382. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Harlem; murdered to frame main character *****E *LB***
2383. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; presumed writer; Los Angeles; was a train station commuter *ELLY *UE *E*O*****
2384. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; dentist; New York City; in the 1940s, interviewed for a new secretary [**.] *E** *O****Y
2385. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Excalibur; No; hacker;  Washington, DC; used his technopathy powers as part of his hacking W**E
2387. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical examiner; Los Angeles; frozen body brought to him in 1940s [*E****L E*****E*] *EL**E*
2388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Murphy's bartender; New York City; limited people's drinking close to closing time and in response was paid in dollar bills *HO***
2389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthopologist, soldier; New York City; extraterrestrial who attacked former ally who was of the same race; super-strength/durability etc. *****H
2390 From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Yes; Daredevil; bartender; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; often served supporting characters and sometimes main character *OS*E
2391. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; this version's best match probably New X-Men: No; apparent criminal; San Francisco?; encountered major character outside his group's camp; shoot spiked, bone projectiles out of his wrists S***E
2392. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; none; Nebraska; is a transformed puppet; flight, fire-breathing LO**HEE*
2393. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Invincible Iron Man; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; teamed up with main characters in the 1980s ****O*** H***
2394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; in the 1940s, tried to visit girlfriend in females-only hotel ****Y
2396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; future cast character was a bridesmaid for her
2397. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; observed humans via avatar; immortality, remote possession  *EF*U*
2398. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary/criminal; Larkville, Ohio; ambushed by main character while trying to capture someone ***Y
2399. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled robots; gloves fire invisible blasts **O* ***
2400. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; housemaid;  Washington, DC; worked for main villain, unaware of his true nature *E****
2402. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Lamentis-1; apprehended main character ***U*E*** 020#420#
2404. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; ordered  to call public works and see if gas or methane was responsible for explosions **YLO*
2406. Original movie character; 00s; No; apparent criminal; San Francisco; helped invade former prison (Alcatraz) *SH  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2407. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; had rivalry with brother over a woman in 18th century; both were 2nd incarnation of Divine Pairing EW** W*LSO*
2409. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Yes; salvage worker, criminal; New York City; helped sell alien-human hybrid weaponry ****Y **LE
2410. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; New York City; coerced into working for main villain *OH*SO*
2411. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Paris; partnered with cast character to obtain alien artefact [*GE**] *U*O**
2412. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; noblewoman; former New York State; purchased fighters [L**Y] B*SH*  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word (first is a salutation); letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2414. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; piano teacher (briefly computational company worker); Westview, New Jersey; in false scenario was fired by boss H**OL* **O**O*
2415. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; with her children, met major character in a diner **YLO*
2416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman/guard; New York City; entrusted with protecting main villain's girlfriend F*****S
2417. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Peru; possessed by villain **EGO
2418. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; police officer; Beverly Hills; was in radio car that was flipped by one of the main characters *. BOBB***
2419. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Georgia?; mother of one of the main characters ELLE* S**U**E*
2420. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; National Art Gallery tour guide; London, England; accepted a date request from main character but it fell through *YL**
2421. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; socialite?; New York City; father of one of the main characters *E*E* B*SHO*
2422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; reported on grand jury case of main character *E**Y
2423. Original movie character but comics version appeared soon after and shares name with son; 10s; first comics version of namesake from Marvel Graphic Novel though that version's father's name is unrevealed; No; CIA agent; Langley, Virginia; father of main villain of earlier movie W*LL*** S**Y*E*, S*.
2424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jewelry manufacturer; Hell's Kitchen, New York; blamed superhumans for mother's death during alien invasion *U**EY E*S****
2425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grocery store owner; New York City; had vision of own death after touching a superhuman E*W** *BBO**
2427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; would-be boyfriend of one of the main characters ***E
2428. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s transfered from NY to LA [*GE**] F*SHE*
2430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; sold main character and major supporting character their office SUS** H****S
2431. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; shared award for best female lawyer ****E *HE*
2433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force commander; Oahu; main characters manipulated him into causing an EMP [*O*****E*] ****E*
2434. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; Berkeley, California; attempted to steal mobile lab [*GE**] S*OL**
2435. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; clan member; Xandar; attended meeting where main characters explain their plan *O**E*
2436. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s an attempt by him and others on Council of Nine to have someone killed backfired *HO*** GLOU*ES*E*
2437. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; apparent former spy; United States; fought 2578 BL*** W**OW
2438. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; supervised main villain's imprisonment in hotel *. L**
2439. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; investigated event in 1985 ***U*E*** 2006#486 [partially LOCKED; only one number remaining following commonly used name; BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2440. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; roommate who moved out let her sell her stuff *E*
2443. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man using code name); criminal; New York City?; battled 3813 and two boys; appears to be really fast (note: because two characters from this commercial are in this round, only this first use is part of Hangman) HOBGOBL** / S***E*-*** WEB BL*S*E* *O*
2444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force lieutenant; United States; listened to general rant about rideable lawn mowers [L*EU*E****] *E**E*
2447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Preview; No; probable student; Manhattan; had picnic in a park that went bad; son of main character F**** **S*LE, **.
2448. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general/Hydra sleeper agent; United States; he and others used receiver and accidentally reached out to aliens F*S*HE*
2449. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; general contractor; Manhattan; father of 2440's roommate *OBE** SHLO*****
2450. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal; New York City; coerced by main villain into working for him ***SE*
2451. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 3024 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [*GE**] **LLE*
2452. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH operative; New York City; with 3168, tried to bring someone back to his org *****US
2453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lumber mill employee; New Orleans; worked for father of one of the main characters *H**S
2454. Original movie character (deleted scene, but later short made him officially in continuity); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; took notes as main character identified role of crime family members he had just defeated *L***
2455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student; New York City; during trip, competed with main charater for someone's affections B*** ****S
2456. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; Los Angeles; in 1940s worked on a serial killer case until it went cold ****EW HE**Y
2458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; occasionally hit his girlfriend *E*E*Y
2459. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sgt. Fury; No; presumed special agency director; United States; hung out in apartment with three others **** FU*Y
2460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police deputy; Larkville, Ohio; tasked with entering names of prisoners into the system [*E*U*Y] *OBBS [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2462. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; monarch; Jotunheim; biological father of main villain; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc L*U*EY
2463. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings member; New Orleans; oversaw a shipment of drugs with his partner SOLO*O*
2464. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; restaurant owner; Fagan Corners, Vermont; father of major supporting character ****O* **G*
2465. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force sergeant; Washington, DC; noticed someone's hairstyle changed but didn't realize she was an imposter [S**** SE*GE***] B*OO**O*
2466. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; wondered who main character was *HEL**  
2467. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Fairfax, Virginia; mental patient before being liberated *W*S* (*EBE*** HOO*E*)
2469. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Tides Motel receptionist; Larkville, Ohio; informed someone that upon renting the room, she would be paying for one night stay despite the time being morning *EBB*E
2470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; likely none (homeless); New York City; offered to look up anything for main character on Iphone before bill payer cancelled number B*G *L
2471. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; was walking to dinner with boyfriend when main character stopped to talk to them; variant of 2695 ****YL* BELL
2472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker/thief; Los Angeles; stole from main characters ***E O* * B**E
2473. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco?; in bar, met writer in the field of guerilla journalism *G****O
2474. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force general; Afghanistan; heard screams from abandoned building [GE*E**L] SULL*****
2475. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Romania?; henchman of main villain G******
2476. Original movie character, though name is a nod to real person; 00s; No; criminal; New York City; aquitted on the rape of a woman but subsequently confronted by main character *OSE *UES***
2477. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles county; judged trial involving two magicians [*U*GE] H****
2479. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes;  Westmeyer-Holt Contracting handyman, criminal; New York City;  hired to terrorize the homes of innocent people S*EW*** S*H****
2481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Order of the Crane Mother monk; K'un-Lun; discovered a plane crash site with someone from collage 5 *HO***
2482. From a TV show; based on another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as arms dealer; Moscow; impersonated someone to "sell" bombs to a resistance group he was a member of; shape-shifting **S*LY *O***SH*H** (S**ULL)
2485. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; reporter; Los Angeles; info sparse and I don't recall them **Y**** GOO*W**
2486. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; board member; New Orleans; unsuccfessfully voted to investigate an officer who used extreme force on a woman *OUGL*SS
2488. Original TV show character; 10s; No; researcher; United States; worked with major supporting character O*WELL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2489. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; House of Karius master/alliance representative; Hala;  extra-terrestrial who manipulated someone into mining the Earth's gravitonium; super-strength/durabilit etc. ***Y**
2490. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; one of the men responsible for deaths of main character's family ****EY O'H**E
2491. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; World Security Council member; Washington, DC; in the wake of an alien invasion, helped launch a special operation [*OU***L***] *OUGL*S *O**WELL
2492. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SHIELD agent; Paris?; battled a villain identified in part 5 of this collage series BL*** W**OW
2493. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; presumed writer; Jersey City; commented on the appearance of main character in a video GWE**OLY* W*LLOW W*LSO*
2494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; suicide hotline operator turned waitress; New York City; realized former clo-worker/major villain was probably stalking her *UL*E B***ES
2495. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned Jigsaw's Crew gunman; New York City; working for main villain, helped try to rob ReadyQuick Check Cashing ***E
2498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hacker; Austin, Texas; once managed to hack into the Kremlin and retrieve embarrassing pictures of Vladimir Putin **LES LY*O*
2499. Original TV show character, though comics version appeared later that year; 10s; Yes; student if any; Bahrain; overwhelmed by powers, caused carnage; sense manipulation ***Y* BELY**O*
2500. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; television journalist/anchorwoman; New York City; went to anti-hero's former high school to interview him S*** H***E*
2501. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Nepal; captured by major villain L* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2502. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jazz clarinetist; New Orleans; struck ill during the 1918 outbreak of Spanish Influenza BOBO S****
2503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings overseer; New Orleans; oversaw supply of drugs that were suddently stolen
2504. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; unrevealed; United States; stole someone's laundry detergent; portal creation *O**O* S****GE / ***E
2505. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Chicago; helped evacuate civilians during a battle [OFF**E*] *BYS*EWS*
2506. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed; United States; with 3338 and 3807, helped wrap items **O* ***
2507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; unsure location; appeared in first season of a series **Y****
2508. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional baseball player; New York City; ive-time all-star pitcher but also alcoholic *O*Y W*LL**E*
2509. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; merchant; Busan; info source for a spy but started to see the latter as a source of trouble SO*H**
2510. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital doctor; New York City; listened to music with main character while performing surgery [**.] G****SO*
2511. Original movie character; 00s; No; police chief; United States; main job was to make sure that normal people didn't know the existence of vampires ****** **EE*E
2514. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of superhero W*LL*** ****E
2516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; Alaska; took part in trying to secure SHIELD once Hydra's role was revealed [*GE**] *****SO*
2517. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; anchorwoman; presumed Edmonton (birthplace of real version); reported on the grounding of aircraft due to electronic failures and power outages **W* *HUB**
2518. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; New York City?; appearances reported on the news; gloves shot webs S*****-*E* / ******G S***E*-*** HE*O F* **S*/*EG* BL*S*E*
2519. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; Nevada; worked on research project in the 1950s ******* *EY*O*
2520. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; soldier, government agent; Riga, Latvia; helped lead pursuit of anti-nationalist group  B***LES***
2521. Original movie character; 00s; No; none; United States; experimented on by main villain S*O*EY
2523. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; taunted by villain while playing a game; presumbed super-agility S***E*-***
2524. Original movie character but named after real person; 20s; No; pet; San Francisco; has a best friend identified in a previous collage SO**Y  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; investigated a series of murders with aid of main character E**Y *OS**
2526. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; Unied States; battled blue-skinned opponent (who was unfortunately overlooked; next update maybe) *O**E*
2527. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; hugged by one of the main characters who mistook him for the real version ******* **E**** *OS-*L**E*
2528. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; called to a murder scene [OFF**E*] ****O*E
2529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine Corps officer; New York City; entered main character's office to cllect latter's evidence on a case **** S***OS
2530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Bahrain; one of the main characters saved him from 2499 [*GE**] H***
2531. Original movie character; 10s; No; student; San Francisco; visited Life Foundation Headquarters during field trip *LL*E
2532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; corrected client who referred to Instanbul as Constantinople
2533. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scout troop member, thus presumed student; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; on scouts camping trip, told a story about the "Crying Man." **S***
2534. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; hired lawyers over the beating of his dog [**.] *****O
2535. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; unrevealed; United States; father of main character S*E*E* ****E*S
2536. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; butler; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in the past, picked up divergent version of father of main character E*W** *****S
2538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL; United States; targeted during underwater joint operation HE**E*SO*
2539. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed if any; New Orleans; girlfriend of counterpart of one of the main characters E***H FUS*L*E*
2541. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; disc jockey; California; performed at main character's birthday ** ** (**** GOL*S*E**)
2542. Original movie character; 00s; No; interrogator; United States; brought in to torture extra-terrestial [**.] SHE****
2543. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Westchester County, New York; saved by main character and latter's mother after car accident **U*Y
2544. From a movie; arguably loosely based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed); 10s; Fantastic Four; No; unrevealed; Central City, California; stepfather of one of the main characters (it's the "step" part that makes him loosely based rather than actually based) [**.] ***H***S
2545. From a TV show; based on comics (Indirectly); 10s; Runaways; Partial; likely none; decline; asked one of the main characters for protection from a monster; variant of 3202 *ES***Y GO***LE*
2547. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Bern, Switzerland; attended a party that was a celebration of the turn of the millennia (side note: the turn was actually the following New Year's Eve but people in the real world get that confused all the time) E*** *USSELL
2548. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Annual; Yes; predator; Mesopotamia; fought main characters in 575 BC); super-strength/durability etc. E****U
2549. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; delegate; Australia; attended Symposium on Alien Contagion in order to establish international politics regarding superhuman beings ELLE* ***G
2550. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise G**F*EL* FLE***G
2551. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Pet Palace clerk; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character wanted to buy a horse from him *YLE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2552. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise F***H E***S
2553. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish mobster; New York City; supported plans to retake crime rings in the wake of major villain's arrest *ULLE*
2554. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Budapest; took part in ill-fated mission to obtain a weapon ***HO
2555. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; prison guard; France; attempted to stop main villain's escape *OEL *HE**L*E*
2556. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Avenging Spider-Man using this code name); Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; posed for photo with probable tourist and someone else dressed as comics based character ******* ****EL *OS-*L**E*
2557. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tailoring assistant; Los Angeles; asked to order fabric for main character's suit ***SLEY
2558. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sub-Mariner; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; father of unstable veteran *L*Y W*LSO*
2559. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; betrayed his clan leader H*LF*U*
2560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; wife of a home-based welder ****E *HO**SO*
2562. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Paris; sold tech on the black market *. ****H***
2563. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; none; Ta Lo; led creatures who can absorb and feed on souls *WELLE*-**-*****ESS
2564. From a movie; arguably based on real person; 00s; No; security guard; California; partner of someone identified in part 5 S*** LEE
2565. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter; Mexico; part of group of cyborgs BO*E B*E**E*
2566. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison librarian; California; told parole officers about prisoner's positive influence on other inmates SE** HOL*
2567. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia; accompanied main characters to search for then-boss *O**LES
2568. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon gas station convenience store attendant; Batesville, Utah; friend of someone killed in lab accident **YLO*
2570. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; South Bend, Indiana; revealed plans after capture OS***
2571. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ******SS
2572. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; convinced date to go to apartment of latter's friend (main character) ***LE*E
2575. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk ; Yes; possible criminal; Russia; lost arm wrestling match U*S* ***O*
2576. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel manager; United States; ran hotel where parents of main villain hid from their son BU**Y W*LES
2577. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; possible mercenary; United States; teleported onto mobile command station ***B*LL
2578. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; criminal; United States; fought 2437 BL*** ***
2579. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  Geoffrey Wilder Construction Inc. employee; Los Angeles; at construction site, saw the arrival of several cars transporting armed men HOW***
2580. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was given diamond bracelet by major supporting character when the latter broke up with her *OSE*H**E
2581. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; represented comics-based villain in court *OBE** W*LL*S
2582. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; police officer; New York City; eventually convinced by main character about existence of main villain  OS*** *LE*O*S
2583. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; pet; London, England; bought as replacement for predecessor *US [**]  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than qualifier; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2585. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ***OLE
2586. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; heroin dealer, Yangsi Gonshi leader; New York City; made uneasy alliance with main character over mutual foe H**-***G Y**G
2588. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovering after alien invasion F**** WH*LE*
2589. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Clandestines member; Jersey City, New Jersey; with allies, banished to Earth from other dimension; super-strength, weapon summoning, etc S*LEE*
2590. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; bodyguard; New York City; attacked by main villain **OY **G*****
2592. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Vision; Yes; pet; Westview, New Jersey; found by two comics based siblings S****Y
2594. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; New Mutants; No; fashion model/comics artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ****OS*L*Y (******) as **BLE / ****EL 6#6 (note: multiple "characters" from this source; only this first instance used in Hangman)
2595. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; No; unrevealed; California?; unable to find info *L**E
2596. Original movie character; 00s; No; housewife/criminal; Tampa, Florida; ordered husband to kill main character's family L**** S****
2597. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions *S*** L**GE
2598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; River's End, New York; took VCR player to Feldman Electronics for repairs *H** WO****
2599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; played video games at Pop's Barber Shop *O**E
2600. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; softball player;; San Francisco; attended a wine tasting with his cousin E**ES*O
2601. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; waitress; Brooklyn; dated one of the main characters LE*H  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2602. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Strange Tales; Yes; federal agency director; Washington, DC; has thus far appeared in two movies and a TV series **LE***** *LLEG** *E FO*****E
2603. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Air Force staff sergeant/medical technician; just outside Westview, New Jersey; x-rayed another character but it come out blank [S**FF SE*GE***] W*BB [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BOUWY478]
2604. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Pingo Doce Bottling Plant employee; Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; former co-worker of main character
2605. Original movie character; 10s; No; veterinary student; Tokyo; helped remove bullets from someone H**OSH*
2606. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed businesswoman, scientist; United States; battled 2283; fire energy blasts W*S*
2607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard dog turned pet; New York City; adopted by main character
2608. Original movie character; 00s; No; investment banker; New York City; tried to take over main villain's company *E* *E**L
2609. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; freedom fighter of sorts; former New York State; joined in uprising against aliens G*E**HE*
2611. Original TV show character, though uses code name from comics; 10s; Yes; Amazing Spider-Man; drug dealer/criminal leader; The Bronx;  built a criminal empire inside a prison ***G*** (*U**O*)
2612. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; armed forces colonel general; Russia; involved in plot to assassinate Russian Prime Minister [*OLO*E* GE*E**L] ****O****
2613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (furthest to the right) ***OLE**E
2614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute; Georgia; as a kid was repeatedly raped by father B****** GEL*E*
2615. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; attending physician; Missouri; treated main character's mother F***G*BBO*
2616. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; resistance member; Moscow; eventually lost faith in the leadership of main villain; shape-shifting ****S*
2618. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; played Crud with main character and others S***HE* "***U*" *EL B*G*O
2619. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevelaed prior to becoming prisoner; just south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; one of two characters from same continuity based on the same comics character; freed by main character and another; cyclone spinning ******E
2621. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Naperville, Illinois; younger brother of one of the main characters *UBE* ****E***E
2622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Birch Psychiatric Hospital nurse; New York City; regularly checked on major supporting character S***Y **LL
2623. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; River's End, New York; served someone their first real beer ***E
2624. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant, butler; Monaco; served employer and main villain lunch
2625. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; security officer; Lamentis-1; fought main character on train H***S
2626. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug pusher, thief; United States; bought drugs from 2350 BE**Y [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking:  BEOUWY478]
2627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin; Sunbury, Pennsylvania; hired to kil an organization's director YU** ******
2628. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; part of an attempted robbery of a poker game **UL*E
2630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of main character and was in love with her *UBE*
2631. From a movie; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 00s; No; priest; Punisher; New York City; info sparse and I don't recall them [F***E*] ***E
2632. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; living weapon under duress; former New York State; purchased by 2412; density manipulation *BBY [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking:  BOUWY478]
2633. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; scientist; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main villain of season **LE YO**ES
2636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; New York City; had tongue removed as a punishment from major villain ****O
2638. From a commercial; somewhat based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; United States; swings hammer in various rooms in house L***LE *HO* / *OL*SW*GGE*
2639. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthropologist; New York State; alien sent to Earth in order to study and record the history of Humans; super-strength/durability etc. *O*H
2640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bookmaker; New York City; threatened to kill someone but injured by major supporting character S*L BL***OWS**
2641. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; ; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent but mole for Hydra; Washington, DC; with another agent, tasked with capturing main character **** *OLL**S
2642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; member of school's dance squad and friend of that timeline's version of a main character B******
2643. Original movie character; 10s; No; general; Paris; incapacitated and impersonated by major villain [GE*E**L] *HU**
2644. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; babysitter; San Francisco; watched over one of the main charracters when the latter was a child *OSE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2645. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; navy admiral; Washington, DC; investigated purchasing super soldiers for the government but the deal went south [******L] *OL*ES
2646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; Mastic, New York; attended group therapy sessions ***BO
2647. Original movie character; 10s; No; soldier; Mexico; one of a number of children who helped main character; empathy power *EBE***
2648. From a TV show; based on comics (or at least the actor playing the comics based character); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; intern (or actor); New York City; seen in a kissing scene that required multiple takes; for Hangman going with character:  GWE* S***Y
2649. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; attended a party to celebrate someone becoming a police officer *EL*SS* BOWE*
2650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student when last seen; Omaha; only seen in photo; his sister was forced to kill their parents O*E* SHLO*****
2651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; assigned to arrest main character in the 1940s [*GE**] *EESE  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2652. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; soldier; Morocco; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 (this version appeared first) *****E* ****E*
2654. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Sokovia; experimented on alien sceptre [*O**O*] L*S*
2655. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; Washington, DC?; captured and transformed into mindless being ****SO*
2656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; head of the school dance squad E*FFEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2657. Original TV show character, though shares code name with gorilla from comics; 10s; Yes; Iron Man; security guard; North America; guarded secret compound holding alien body (Guest House) BE**
2658. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police officer; Detroit; investigated trooper's murder *** *OLL**S
2661. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; United States; his family had main character and allies over for dinner ***H** *U*SO*
2662. Original TV show character; 10; Yes; Harlem's Paradise bartender, robber; Harlem; participated in the robbery of a gun sale involving  the Stokes and Colon Crime Families ****E *H*****
2663. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison supervisor; Berlin; tried to prevent escape of villain from movie *E**
2664. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; high school student?; New York City; likely girlfriend of main character ***Y ***E W**SO*
2665. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes;  Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; Washington, DC; New York City student who went to nationals with his decathlon team *H**LES *U**HY
2667. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; soldier; Los Angeles; overdosed at a famous LA landmark **** **GG***
2670. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; fan of a hero team but didn't noticed he was passing one of them S*E**E
2671. From a movie; based on mythology (slightly different name); 10s; Yes; Norse mythology; familiar; Asgard; present during failed coronation ceremony HUG**
2674. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; armed forces officer; Russia; received classified instructions to nuke Russia ***H***S
2675. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news company employee; New York City; advised major supporting character not to book unseen but real-life diplomat on their live show
2677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; Washington, DC; worked for organization's director ***H** B. ***H**SO*
2678. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; CIA agent; Moscow; unearthed an alien conspiracy **ES*O*
2679. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; hoped to take over New York City's drug business left open by someone's arrest *ESB***
2680. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mob boss; near the Caucasus Mountains; has enough level of influence to help people to cross the South Ossetian borders
2682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; San Francisco; took daughter of one of the main characters to both of them after the daughter's arrest *UGGE**
2683. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Northeastern Correctional Facility officer; New York City; brainwashed to deliver message to main character ****FF*EY
2685. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Giant-Size X-Men; No; student, adventurer; Salem Center, New York; briefly glimped hanging out in a room with teammates; presumed weather manipulation S*O**
2686. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; colonel; Cleveland; in 1991, sent major character to assassinate another recurring character **S*LY ****O*
2688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned therapist; Washington, DC; therapist for one of the main characters in particular (also the other one to a lesser degree) [**.] *H**S**** **Y*O*
2689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions and spouted extremist rhetoric O'*O**O*
2690. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; teacher; Salem Center, New York; briefly spotted teaching class; divergent version of earlier character; presumed intangibility ****Y **Y*E
2691. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Tracksuit Mafia member; New York City; kidnapped one of the main characters to get info on the other


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4/20/2024 7:47 am  #456

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Part 7 Hangman "audited" for oversights:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780

2692. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher War Journal; Yes; senator; New York City; became a potential target upon vocalizing his policy on gun rights *TAN O**
2693. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Rand Enterprises technician; New York City; ordered to set up someone's bionic arm *T***
2694. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; recurring character who attended support group for victims of abuse ***A**A B***
2696. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Māori mythology; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character HAU**A
2697. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; Harlem; worked for multiple criminals before allying himself with main character *U*A*
2698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Atlanta; villain helped her and her son while they were struggling with bags at bus depot ****A
2699. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; her father, the Chinese Minister of Industrial Development, fled China and stayed with her ***** C*AN
2700. From a movie; shares name with someone based on comics but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Space Squadron; Yes; space station employee; Orgoscope; one of the main characters flirted with her U*A [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2701. Original TV show character; 70s; mall security guard; United States; taken hostage by two thieves *A**ON* HA*****
2703. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; instructed to watch two detainees: one of the main characters and a major supporting character *AN****
2704. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mocked major villain over his scarring
2705. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register editor, reporter; San Diego; boss of main supporting character *A** *OB**T*
2708. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; surgeon; New York City; operated on major villain after the latter's spine was broken **NJ* O*A*A
2709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student, basketball player; New Orleans; with others, texted one of the min characters after he failed to show up for basketball training session B*NN*
2710. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; freedom fighter; Quantum Realm; lost his home to main villain *U*** *A**
2711. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient at Birch Psychiatric Hospital (note: shares image with 2321, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed); New York City; took stick and beat main character with it TON* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2712. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; Air Force lieutenant; Lancaster, California; detected main character flying in Afghanistan [***UT*NANT] *AC*
2713. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; torturer; upstate New York State; when boss told him to examine an ally, realized that a future version of the latter had arrived in their universe; telekinesis *BON* *A*
2714. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but possibly a coincidence; 10s; earliest known use from What If...? (with descriptor), Silver Surfer (name by itself); Yes; warrior; Jotunheim; guarded 2462's palace; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc. *A**
2716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Kitson; manipulated someone who didn't get the mind games aspect of gambling into going all in *A*N*
2717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; Aryan Brotherhood member hired to track down main character and ally of latter  *ANN*
2719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Michigan; noticed chemistry between his mother and main character **X *U*NN
2720. Original TV show character, though someone posing as him appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; Navy officer; Britain; impersonated by 2616 CONNO* COO****
2721. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; New York City; joined team at the nationals in Washington DC *A*** A****
2722. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hunter, posed as police officer; New York City; sent to 1931 to assassinate someone; super-strength/durability, etc AB**
2723. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief, con artist; New Orleans; former partner and boyfriend of one of the main characters **A* *A***
2724. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probably none prior to becoming Birch Psychiatric Hospital patient (was homeless); New York City; diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder B****
2725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ReadyQuick Check Cashing employee, criminal; New York City; inside man for a robbery ANT*N ****
2726. Original movie character, though name might be nod to comics creator with slightly different name; 00s; No; criminal? (info sparse and I don't recall them); New York City; interrogated by main character *OB**T ****N***
2727. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SRO Hotel receptionist; New Orleans; flirted with anti-hero staying at hotel *A**
2728. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Central Park stand employee; New York City; was about to engage in romantic activity with co-worker when they were approached by main villain CA**
2729. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; keeper of some sort; Fear Dimension;waited to cross a portal to take physical form on Earth; nearly immortal [T**] ****T
2730. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Bahrain; mother of 2499 **A B***A*O*
2731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; living weapon; New York City; transported to the US from Japan by major villain group B*A** ***
2732. From a TV show; based on another character same show mentioned but not seen; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York State; while in an alternate reality, impersonated the mother of one of the main characters super-strength/durability, etc ****A *AC**N*** (C**ON*CO*)
733. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Partial; scientist, research and development consultant;  Camp Lehigh, Virginia; worked on a prototype helmet in 1970 HAN* P**
2734. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; sided against his boss during a mutiny HUHTA*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2735. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of comics based supporting character H***N *TAC*
2736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew leader; Chicago; hired to acquire photographic evidence designed to compromise someone **ONA
2738. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Partial; likely none; New Orleans; impersonated father of one of the main characters *ATHAN BO**N
2739. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; received award at gala BA*BA*A *****
2740. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force pilot; Afghanistan; was tasked with inspecting a mysterious flying object in Afghanistan's skyline (actually main character) *COTT CA**B***
2741. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; No; possible artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series *T*ON**NCO*TU*** (JO*H *T*ON*) as CAPTA*N A****CA
2742. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; CIA agent; Cairo; accidentally revived main villain *O**A *ACTA****T
2743. From a TV show; based on another character same show mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; some sort of government agent; Moscow; attended council meeting to discuss bombings; shape-shifting JAC* H*U*-B** (***U**)
2744. From a TV show; based on comics (this version has different real name); 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be computational company employee; Westview, New Jersey; while brainwashed, befriended one of the main characters when the latter joined the company he believed he worked for AB**A*H TAN*ON
2745. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; won an award at a gala JOANN* TO****
2746. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; magician; Miami; hired to entertain for guests at a party that the Watchdogs crashed A*A**N* ***T*
2747. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; Marvel Mystery Comics (with title movie version doesn't have), Daredevil (name by itself); No; henchman; Tampa?; worked for main villain CUTT**
2748. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; celebrated an Earth holiday with main characters *UN*A
2749. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; god butcher; unnamed planet; killed by alien deity *A** *HA*O* *O**
2751. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; Roxxon Corporation scientist/supervisor; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; believed one of the main characters was a spy **NA H***
2752. Original movie character; 20s; No; Horizon Labs nurse; New York City; worked for lab run by main character ****T*N *UTTON
2754. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; national President; Washington, DC; convinced to initiate a mutant-hunting program **CHA** **XON
2755. From a TV show; impersonating someone based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; alien agent posing as scientist; Los Angeles; took over major character's body; longevity, possession, light beam emission *A***T*AT*'* ****
2756. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute for Stokes Crime Family; New York City; in prison, demanded payment to protect villain *UN**O*** (*A**N*A POTT**)
2757. From a TV show; unusual first name same as comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Minimum Carnage: Alpha; Yes; none; Los Angeles; taken by mother to grandmother's home X***** *A***
2759. Original TV show character, though impersonated by someone who appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; navy lieutenant commander; Britain; impersonated by 2921 *A** *ATA**TON
2761. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; Church of Gibborim leader; Los Angeles; diverged during clash between main characters and main villain of the season (two possible surnames; will accept either) ****** *****H or **AN
2763. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio host; New York City; interviewed major supporting character and 2692 **C** *AN*T**
2764. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist, Momentum Labs leader; Pasadena, California; experimented with mystical book JO**PH BAU**
2765. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version's suname unrevealed); 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; police detective, criminal cultist; London; with another, hired by main villain to abduct main character [**T*CT*** CON*TAB**] B**** **T****A**
2766. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Macau, China; main supporting character complemented his mask during a tour J**
2767. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force soldier; Lancaster, California; listened as main supporting character argued that a pilot's instinct and insight would always give them the advantage *A*PH *A**
2769. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; SSR agent; Washington, DC; diverged when someone believed dead turned up alive from the future P**** CA*T**
2770. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Batesville, Utah; prominent person in a crowd blaming a safety inspector for an explosion *A*THA
2771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Atlanta, Georgia; bigoted neighbour of some of the main characters CHUC* *AN****
2772. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Warriors; Yes; gangster; Madripoor; impersonated by one of the main characters ******* T****
2774. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; captured and tortured main character **NN COO***
2775. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Wild Red Hawks member; New Orleans; friend of father of one of the main characters CHOO CHO B*OU**A**
2776. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marc Spector: Moon Knight; Yes; National Art Gallery staff manager; London; employer of main character *ONNA **A*T
2777. From a movie; based on comics (slightly different first name); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man Annual; No; electrical engineer, engineering department head; Manhattan; oversaw the construction of new power grid for power plant A***TA** ***T**
2778. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived **NT*U** *AN
2781. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Utah; lived on broadway prior to losing sight due to drunk driver *AT** *A*****
2782. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New Ghost Rider; Yes; electrical engineer turned criminal; Los Angeles; major villain who sought power from mystical book; matter creation *** *O**O*
2783. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Public Relations department worker, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Miami; present during attack by Watchdogs on director's life [A**N*] BU**O**
2785. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed astronaut; Planet Spider; discovered his family and leaders had been massacred while he was off planet *A**A
2786. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; North America; corpse used in experiements including one that revived one of the main characters *H (*U**T-HO*T) [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in one version of name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPX0]
2787. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2834 *H***A
2789. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Bogota, Colombial father of one of the main characters **B**T*ÁN **A*
2790. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police forensic artist; New Orleans; asked by recurring villain to create a sketch of one of the main characters *U**
2792. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; tactical team associate; Venice, Italy; assigned to monitor main character during latter's school trip ****T** ******A*O*
2793. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; possibly New York City; romanced main character of specific story U*T*ON
2795. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Los Angeles; aided main characters against robots [A**NT] P**NC*
2796. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; board member candidate; Jersey City; best friend of main character's father *A*H***
2797. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra agent; Los Angeles; sent to alien world by brother to be a sacrifice NATHAN*** *A**C*
2798. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 00s; The Punisher; No; assassin; Tampa?; mocked main character by playing song for him HA*** H*C*
2799. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Pasadena; Aryan Brotherhood member who participated in the theft of a mysterious box T. **TCH***
2801. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended therapy sessions for veterans **NN*
2803. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; apparent criminal of sorts; San Francisco; shot by dart during attack on Alcatraz **OB H***AN
2804. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; music teacher; New York City; girlfriend of major supporting character during her collage years **TH **ONN*
2805. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; student when last seen (1980s); Illinois; brother of counterpart of one of the main characters *UB*N *AC**N***
2806. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police detective; Detroit; used his influence to help vampires cover up their crimes and to secure fresh humans for feeding [**T**T***] B**AN BOON*
2807. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; non-fiction book author; New York City; promoted health book on radio talk show ***A *A**
2808. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; possibly none; New Orleans; counterpart of 2695, villain held knife to throat; variant of 2695 ***A**A B***
2809. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; presumed mercenary; New York City; interrupted talk show host's monologue **A*POO* / *AT* **O* **T* *T*PH** *O*B**T
2810. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London, England; worked for main villain ***T**A *NO*
2811. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; newsstand owner; Harlem; blind but could discern a person's presence from their smell O*****
2812. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New Orleans; informed parents of one of the main characters about the arrest of criminal detective *UCHA*P
2813. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; none this timeline when last seen; presumed Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary; targeted by time traveller A*O** H*T***
2814. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Aztec mythology; Yes; deity;  Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character *U*T*A*CÓAT*
2815. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew member; Chicago; hired to blackmail someone ***ON
2816. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Mutant Underground member; Atlanta; had high blood pressure from having to use his powers consistently while out in the streets when looking for food; repell objects
2817. Original movie character; 10s; No; police officer; New York City; asked by captain to pull up all information that they had on main villlain [O******] J****
2818. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Free Comic Book Day 2013 (Infinity); Partial; warrior; New York State; father alerted him to the presence of someone from the future; super-strength/durability, etc CO**U* **A***
2819. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra head; Los Angeles; father of major villain and staunch believer in the Hydra religion *T*PHAN** *A**C*
2820. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes or Partial depending on how you look at it; adventurer or stage actor; New York City; main character of stage show *U**CA* CAPTA*N A****CA
2821. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; office employee; New York City?; used powers to assist in dashing to work; super agility, etc *P****-*AN / *P***A
2822. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinarian; Oahu; treated alien dog AU****
2823. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; New York City; trailed and shot at main character **ONT**
2824. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; learned criiminal father had been shot in gang shootout B**T HUNT**
2825. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; special law enforcement agency agent; Haven Hills, Alabama; helped try to capture someone in Ohio high school **NUT**AN #0018#71
2826. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of one of the main characters **A*N* ****
2827. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bodyguard; Caldwell, New Jersey; protected main villain in former residence of main character HAN* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2828. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; created and imprisoned by main villain *A*B*HAN*
2830. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; philanthropist; Miami; arranged fundraiser to reconstruct church *A***** *OTO
2831. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; Paris?; fought another hero and interacted with a kid CAPTA*N A****CA
2832. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal of sorts; Los Angeles; befriended one of the main characters in order to capture her for main villain of season BO*H*
2833. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; criminal mercenary; Los Angeles; with crew, ambushed main character in her apartment ***C***
2834. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2787 and harassed main character *U**
2835. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thor; Yes; monarch; Moon; father of one of the main protagonists as well as the main villain [**N*] A*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is title; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2836. Original TV movie character; 80s; mercenary; Los Angeles; one of the TV movie's antagonists **CHA** *OUCH*
2837. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Centipede Project soldier; Oakland, California; given enhanced abilities by serum; super-strength/durability etc. B**A* *A**A**
2839. Original TV show character; 70s; rock star turned criminal posing as radio and television repairman; New York City?; turned to crime after audiences lost interest in his performing style; code name plus surname is a pun HU* (*A*** **N***) [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in code name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2840. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; fought to keep her home in an apartment targeted by main villain ***NA CA***NA*
2841. From a TV show; arguably based on comics character with different name/gender swapped; 10s; Captain Marvel; Yes; Watchdogs operative; Washington, DC; hated Inhumans even after learning he was one; self-detonation and reforming after TUC*** *H*C****
2842. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main supporting character *A****N* *AT***
2843. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; tribal member, apparent right-band man for tribal leader; Gorilla City; apparent high ranking member of his tribe *'B***
2844. Original move character; 10s; No, scientist, Director of Business Development; Manhattan; oversaw a limb regeneration project *AJ*T *ATHA
2845. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; brother of main character AA*** *HAN
2846. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; Alaska; helped maintain security when Hydra revealed itself [A**NT] JACOB*ON [partial LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is a title; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2847. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; navy officer; Tijuana; best man at a wedding P*T* ***TN**
2848. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; worked on protective detail for main villain P**O*
2849. From a TV show; arguably based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Captain America; Yes; seafood business worker, presumed student; Delacroix, Louisiana; nephew of one of the main characters AJ ****ON
2850. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada; with husband, offered sehlter to main character H*ATH** HU**ON
2851. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none (homeless); New York City; abadoned family due to the nature of his powers; death sense CHA**** H*NTON
2852. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; boxing organizer, criminal; New York City;  fixed his fights by using blackmail and extortion *O**O* *******
2854. From a TV show; based on real person, though coincidentally a comics character has same name; 20s; Hulk!; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; reported on events multiple times in season JOHN ****O**
2856. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist; United States?; flew to the ground rather obviously on wires; flight, energy blasts **ON *AN
2857. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London, England; with others, discovered extra-dimensional portal NA***
2858. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology student; Newark, New Jersey; with another character, designed freezing device **TH *O****
2859. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none (tramp); New York City; played cards in a pier during the 1940s **O***
2860. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; ally of main characters X*O*O ***TH
2861. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rehabilitation centre nurse; New York City; treated mother of main villain *AT**
2863. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; United Ravagers member; Orgoscope; pirated supply ships **T*-**BBONO*
2864. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; contracted to sub-let apartment HAN**N
2866. Original movie character; 00s; No; Roxxon oil drill worker; Bywater, New Orleans; attacked while being intimate with a woman B**** JA***
2867. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Council of Nine enforcer/Arena Club head of security; Los Angeles; investigaed by SSR in the 1940s *U*U* HUNT
2868. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; presumed student; Baltimore, Maryland; was in grandfather's house when main characters arrived to meet the latter ***JAH B*A****
2869. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed student; United States?; daughter of comics based anti-hero HOP* *U*****
2870. Original TV show character; 00s; No; FBI agent; United States; pursued main character *A* CU*B****N*
2871. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Comics Presents; Yes; criiminal; Los Angeles; assigned to kill main character; super-strength, heat generation, etc ***C *A**N
2872. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, she let one of the main characters announce the creation of a new club ***AN
2873. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Saeed Fashions employee; Jersey City, New Jersey; looked after main character and the latter's mother as they were looking for outfits for a wedding *HA*AT
2874. From a movie; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; presumed informant; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; driving by a military base in 1970, screamed at soldiers "Make love, not war!" *ATCH***' *N*O**ANT (*TAN ***) (note: code name not actually found online but seems a reasonable assumption based on earlier version)
2875. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; New York City; survived have her skull cracked open with a bike lock ****O**
2876. Original short character; 10s; Yes;  unofficial butler and aide-de-camp, presumed criiminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; idolized fellow prison inmate H***AN
2877. Oriinal TV show character; 10s; Yes; Manfredi Crime Family member; Los Angeles; with ally in 1940s, sent to retrieve main character and major supporting character *A*PH
2878. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal of prisoner; second from the right in group **ONN*
2879. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England;  pursued a relationship with main supporting character ***HA** *A***ON
2880. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters A** **NO*U
2881. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; threw party to celebrate son becoming a police officer OT** JOHN*ON
2882. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York Bulletin employee; New York City; survived assult by villain dressed as main character CA**A
2883. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Washington, DC; programmed to aid main character *A**N
2884. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV newsreader; Italy; repoirted on an attack on Venice TAT*ANA *UNA**ON
2885. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison guard; Los Angeles; told main character she couldn't use powers in complex *O***
2887. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six; No; science corporation employee; New York City; visited main villain in cell *U*TA* *****
2888. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed adventurer; United States?; aided another hero against hard to ID assailant; super-strength **OOT
2889. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; arrested for assault with a deadly weapon *HAN* **BAC*
2890. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Sokovia; injured during attack by robot army ***N*A
2891. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; flirted with main character's stepsister BOBB*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2892. Original movie character; 00s; No; defense attorney; New York City; defended someone in court who was later targeted by main character H****H
2893. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mob enforcer; Muskingum County, Ohio; recruited into a team to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.; super-strength ****C** NOCH*
2894. Original TV show character; 70s; astrophysicist; Tokyo; father of main character H**O*H* *A*A*H**O
2895. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; resistance fighter turned governor; Axia; betrayed a woman he previously had an affair with ****A*
2896. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; presumed student; New York City; daughter of major anti-hero, sister of 3083 ***A CA*T**
2897. Original TV show character, though comics character with almost the same name later appeared; 10s; Yes; criminal organization member; Los Angeles; looked inside a mysterious box he was helping transport *HAN* ***
2898. Original TV show character; 70s; vaudeville magician;  San Luis Obispo, California; main character briefly became his assistant JA*P** *O**
2899. Original movie character; 10s; No; police sergeant; New York City; asked to escort main character from the police station back to school [*****A**] BUT***
2900. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; MI6 agent; Moscow; assigned to interrogate extraterrestials N****
2901. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; hired by parents of one of the main characters after being framed by their son *ON**** **N***C**
2902. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army soldier; Russia; helped carry major character out of where he'd been held captive JAC***ON
2903. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles; precided over trial where main character sued a villain [JU***] *A****
2904. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; decline as occupation takes up most of his name; outside time/space; tried to report a bombing but was haerd to understand due to his technical language ANA***T 1182-*
2905. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL admiral; presumed United States; part of a joint operation in the Atlantic Ocean ***TT*
2906. Original movie character; 10s; No; bartender; San Francisco; served main character JAC*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at timke of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2907. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; prepared a serum for main character; reptillian abilities ****ON
2908. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Ultimates 2; Yes; presumed student; Iowa; son of major character COOP** BA*TON
2909. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government agent; London, England; in the 1940s went out for drinks with major supporting character N*C* ****CO**
2911. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; noblewoman; former New York State; sought to buy one of the main characters as a warrior [*A**] *A*ABA
2913. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Sentinel Services member; Atlanta; reluctantly retrieved files for one of the main characters CA**A JAC**ON
2914. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; No; artist; seen in real world documentary series CUT**P****N*** (JA***N*) as B*A** PANTH** (*HU**)
2915. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Young X-Men; No; soldier; Saigon, Vietnam; held captive in concentration camp; presumed tattoo empowerment *N* (***TT**)
2916. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. medical staff member; North America; helped revive one of the main characters [**.] *OO**AN
2917. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2926 to kill major character CHAN**
2918. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army general; United States; was ordered to give classified launch orders to launch an Atomic Bomb TA**O*
2919. From a TV show; likely based on gender swapped comics character with different first name and slightly different surname, though comics version of another version of the TV character has since appeared; 20s; Invaders; Partial; nurse; decline; counterpart of major supporting character, changed movie on TV *A**A **-*AOU**
2920. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; provided medical assistance to main character *A*ON
2921. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers ; Yes; resistance mmeber (second-in-command); Moscow; main villain's second-in-command; shape-shifting PA*ON [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2922. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Washington, DC; counterpart of 2783, took part in mission to rescue someone from Hydra [A**NT] BU**O**
2923. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; lent money to superhuman friend to buy toys for his son B**N**
2924. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New Ghost Rider; Yes; former student; Los Angeles; brother of superhuman alliy of main characters *AB**** *****
2925. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Partial; car thief; New Orleans; upon stealing a car, found one of the main characters getting into passenger seat (he's a counterpart of the other main character) T**ON* JOHN*ON
2926. Original TV show character, though comics character uses same code name; 10s; Young Avengers; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2917 to kill major character *P***
2927. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Indiana; helped to investigate energetic anomalies which had been occurring in different locations *O*
2928. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; apparent smuggler of sorts; former New York State; sent to sneak in main characters arriving from the past JON**
2929. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 10s; Yes;  television personality, actress, singer, model, fashion designer; Los Angeles; with others, critiqued major character's armour ***** O**OU*N*
2931. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; took part in comandeering vehicle from main characters *OP**
2932. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; Los Angeles; worked at bar in the 1940s that was usually patronized by people of colour **AN*
2933. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (second from the left) *UTH [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2935. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital nurse; New York City; put in charge of treating major character after a massacre **O*** BACH
2936. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; New York City; was sexually harrassed at a party *AN**
2937. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be city committee member; Westview, New Jersey; participated in a talent show dressed as a horse **AB** *AT*U**A (B******)
2938. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; headmaster; Westchester County, New York; leader of a hero team who diverged from another version in the 1970s; telepathy and other mind related powers P**O***O* X
2939. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; criminal; The Bronx, New York City; lawyers got him a reduced sentence  ***HA** ***P
2940. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health patient; Portland, Oregon; mental health patient who was told to return to his room during an attack on the centre *ANN*
2942. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; worked for main villain JO* TO*O
2943. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; football coach; New York City; contacted by main character about joining his football team CHA** B*UN***
2944. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; architect; Malta; designed many of the most well-known buildings in Dubai *A*** *A*HU*
2945. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH trauma surgeon; New York City; main character's mom usurped her identity [**.] ****** HAN**N
2946. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was successfully treated for cancer *AAN** NA****
2947. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; supervisor/trainer; Soviet Union; trained major one of the main characters *A*A** B
2948. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; talent agent; Los Angeles; in the 1930s, hired future main villain to become actress N** ******
2949. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Korean Mob leader; New York City; invited to create an alliance between all of the criminal families in New York City ***C HON*
2950. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; apparent voodoo priestess; New Orleans; attended party celebrating niece's boyfriend becoming police officer CHANT**** *U******
2951. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; looked at comic at a restaurant; telekinesis J*AN ****
2952. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity mentioned but not seen; 10s; Partial; sorceress; decline; wanted one of the main characters' staff; superspeed and other magical A*A** *ONO*U
2953. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but short answer: X-Factor; No; strikeforce lieutenant; Egypt; defended main villain from multiple attackers in Ancient Egypt; telekinetic and telepathic abilities HO****AN O* **ATH
2954. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska;  knew of a special box that her parents kept in the basement **AC* *U*CAH**
2955. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; handed main characters uniforms to disguise themselves while infiltrating a facility *O***
2956. Original TV show character but posing as another character seen in photo; 20s; Yes; council member posing as Secretary General; Russia; impersonated 3392; shape-shifting *****O CA*PAN* (***U**)
2957. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Exitar; attended holiday party for one of the main characters *****A*A*A**
2958. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish criminal; New York City; betrayed own people to side with another criminal **O***
2959. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force; No; businessman turned talk show host;  Maryland; made an unsuccessful run for the United States Senate B*N***CT **AN
2960. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; University of Ohio student; Ohio; was bugged by cast characters to find her brother *AU*A HA**A**
2961. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; presumed student prior to becoming patient; Boston, Massachusetts; one of the main characters; fear manifestation *AN* *OON*TA*
2962. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on toy; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; incorrectly perceived by one of the main characters to be an enemy C*-**** CO*-P*A***
2964. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible criminal; Harlem; with others, tried to run away after playing basketball when one of them noticed the police CHAUNC**
2965. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; caught in an explosion T** *OA**
2966. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2968. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government assassin; Muskingum County, Ohio; obsessed with creating elaborate ways to kill JOHN B*UNO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2969. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; non-commissioned army sergeant; Rose Hill, Tennessee; injured, he accepted an offer to restore his body with a gene-controlling process; regeneration, heat generation CHA* *A***
2971. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; Hydra operative; United States; with others, sent to infiltrate a train *ANA  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2972. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; apparent deity; possibly Asgard; part of a gang of divergent versions of same character *O** (*UN**A**** version)
2974. Original movie character; 80s; job search assistant; Cleveland; lectured main character CO*A*A*
2975. Original movie character; 80s; some sort of doctor (I don't recall what type); Cleveland; claed out to someone to return to museum [**.] CHAP**
2977. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; receptionist; Silicon Valley, California; was forced to let main villain of season into the building when he insisted he had an appointment **N**A*
2978. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington, DC; went  mad on a distant planet while studying something TA**O*
2979. Original movie character; 10s; No; army colonel; Las Vegas; in 1960s, through fear tactics was forced to alter his position on putting missiles in Turkey [CO*O***] BOB H*N***
2980. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; saw son attack her husband *****N *A**U**
2981. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; thief?; United States; tried to steal food from someone identified in a previous collage; metal arms *OCTO* OCTOPU*
2982. Original movie character; 00s; No; ninja; likely Japan; ordered to kill main character and kidnap someone she was protecting **N*OU
2983. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Nevada; enthralled by comics-based villain [sources conflict on spelling of surname; will accept either] J**** *C**N*** or *AC**N***
2984. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; flower shop co-owner; Custer's Grove, Georgia; mother of 2520 [***.] HO***N*
2985. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; army commander; Asgard; put in charge of protecting main supporting character T**
2986. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Yes; council co-leader; unrevealed; following death of a counterpart, discussed the matter with other counterparts ***O*TU*
2988. Original TV show character; 10s; No; henchman; eastern Europe; worked for main villain T***O*O*
2989. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon miner; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; his mining crew accidentally drilled into extra-dimensional substance *TAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2990. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; friend of one of the main characters and watched as latter tried to fulfill a bet **ANN*
2991. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics, though smiilar characters starting with Tales of Suspense; Yes; assassin; Morocco; assigned to retrieve antigran in first Morocco, then Budapest B*A** ***O* (*N****)
2992. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private military firm agent; Iraq; sent to capture main character, but team was ambushed by Homeland Security TO* *****
2993. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SHIELD technician; United States; shot in arm during attack by undercover Hydra operatives T** *A*U***
2994. Original TV show character; 10s; No; house pet; New York City; stolen in the aftermath of a custody battle but retrived by main character ****P*
2997. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; New York City; smashed a stone; super-strength HU**
2998. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England; mother of character seen in multiple movies and shows ****A**TH H***
2999. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but probably a coincidence; 10s; Blade: Vampire Hunter; Yes; mercenary; Chronyca-2; upon arriving on Earth through a portal, remained stuck in a wall T*N***
3000. From a TV show; based on comics; 70s; Fantastic Four; presumed adventurer; New York City; attended a gathering; presumed super-strength TH*N*
3001. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Dogs of Hell member/criminal; New York City; provided major supporting character with key information about his (3001's) friend's murder **ON
3002. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, congratulated the wrong SSR agent for saving the city from a revenge plot [**NATO*] *A*T COOP**
3003. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attacked by own sister in a hate crime **JA* NA****
3004. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon oil company employee; Louisiana;  informed someone that the shield tiles never came to the oil platform TO***
3005. Original movie character; 00s; No; personal assistant; likely Japan; worked for leader of the Hand****U**
3006. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; music composer; New York City; worked on music performed in a musical *A*C *HA**AN
3007. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Blade: Vampire Hunter; Yes; unrevealed; California; joined a self-healing support group; debatable whether he has typical vampiric powers or only believe he does *A*AC*N
3008. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York state; identity usurped in the 1970s by 3241 *O**
3009. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; high ranking government employee (title is full occupation); Geneva; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies U.*. **C**TA** ** *TAT*
3010. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; Washington, DC; worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the wake of a seeming bomb attack in Washington, DC [A**NT] JU**A*N
3012. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; Nepal; kidnapped by Hydra *T*AN JOHN*TON
3013. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Ryhno's Gang member; New York City; with others,  kidnapped an injured main character TO*X  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3015. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; United States;  refused to take part in Watchdogs' armed interventions *A**A* **ATT
3016. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.; S.H.I.E.L.D. Director General; United States; clashed with main character JAC* P*NC**
3017. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3285 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character J****CA *O****U**
3018. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent turned criminal; Los Angeles; with 2369, was ordered to attack major supporting character in the 1940s B*AC*****
3021. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rugby player (likely not professional); New York City; discovered that his wife Gina was having an affair with major character AN***
3023. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to pull weapon out of the ground P*T* [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3024. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 2451 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [A**NT] JOHN*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3025. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; twice reported on events related to main character *ACH** B*O*N
3027. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug lord/Hydra agent; Bogotá, Columbia; assassinated by superhuman under the orders of main villain [**] *O*O (A**JAN**O CA*T***O)
3029. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; StatiCorp technician;  Batesville, Utah; worked on a project involving a Particle Accelerator but caught in an explosion A***N* ****OU*H**
3030. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; England?; saw main character hold who he believed to be his father at gunpoint *ACHA** *A**BAN**
3031. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent/guard; United States; assigned to guard two villains [A**NT] PH**P*
3032. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Bronx, New York City; interrupted a protest by two men outside a courthouse [O***C**] *AH**
3033. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Siberia; helped maintain security of Alasha base during Hydra uprising [A**NT] *HA*
3034. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; betrayed former boss **TCH
3035. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; No; monarch; Wakanda; went on spiritual journey to mystical realm of ancestors B*AC* PANTH**
3036. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; bartender; it's complicated but let's go with former New York State; valued cleanliness and had a tendency to talk back when reproached him about his obsession
3038. Original movie character; 90s; haematologist; New York City; bit by mutilated vampire; some vampiric abilities at least CU*T** **BB
3039. Original TV show character; 70s; thief; United States; dressed as a clown and acted to silly to hide his thefts
3040. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; wrote a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday PH*O*O
3042. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City;  lost her husband during hell's Kitchen bombing CA**AHAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3044. Original movie character; 80s; reporter; Washington, DC; tried to bring to light the secret behind the deaths of many famous personalities in the last decades, such as the Kennedys and Martin Luther King *A* *O*A**T*
3045. From a TV show (for earliest confirmed appearance); based on comics; 20s confirmed, possibly 10s; Black Bolt; Yes; resistance member, posing as Air Force colonel; England; usurped the identity of a major character of the opposite sex (note: it's unclear when she first impersonated him, so her first appearance may have been in a movie); shape-shifting *AA*A
3046. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Amazing Spider-Man under this name); presumed adventurer; Paris?; stood with two apparent civilians; presumed super-strength, flight, etc CAPTA*N *A****
3047. From a movie; based on play or playing someone based on play depending on how you look at it; 00s; No; socialite or stage actor; The Importance of Being Earnest; England or New York City; stage actor performed play with main supporting charater A****NON
3048. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; United States; asked for photo with one of the main characters AU***
3049. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register manager; Los Angeles; told supporting character to stop investigating main character PAT**C*A *T**NHAU**
3050. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force soldier; Pacific Ocean; he and his regiment were held as hostages by major villain and his followers **AHA*
3051. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; extraterrestrial alliance representative; outer space; took part in a deal between an alien group and Hydra **T***A
3052. Original TV show character, though characters with same code name/powers have appeared in comics; 10s; Blackwulf appears to be earliest such use; Yes; street magician; Hong Kong; after getting powers, experimented on by a group later revealed to be funded by Hydra; fire manipulation *CO*CH (CHAN HO **N)
3053. Original TV show character, but named after movie character; 10s; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, subdued by major character; owned by 3055 **U****
3054. From a TV show; impersonating comics based character; 20s; Ka-Zar; Yes; resistance member posing as CIA agent; Moscow; posing as earlier character, visited someone who had learned of a conspiracy that he was part of; shape-shifting *****TT *O** (******)
3055. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New York City; interrogated by main character at his abandoned warehouse base **CTO*
3057. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3715, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage; mechical arms likely have superhuman strength *OCTO* OCTOPU*
3058. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Stark Industries employee turned criminal;  Venice, Italy; made up stories of threats coming from an alternate Earth *UT** *UT***AN
3060. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; musician (guitar), informal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York State; as demolition expert, destroyed robot with bomb O**A PACH*N*O
3061. Original movie character, though comics characters share code name; 10s; Silver Surfer Annual; Yes; demon guard of sorts; Portland, Oregon; demon who sympathized with humans and kept other demons sealed away; demon containment [T**] ***P**
3062. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise *T*PH*N *A****
3063. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; slave servitor; former New York State;  implanted with implant which rendered her deaf to any sound but her master's voice A*A  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3065. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; received enchanted phone, rapidly causing an addiction and an inability to be deprived from the phone and to divert his attention towards something else
3066. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; demon; Portland, Oregon; assisted another demon in reuniting her family and returning to power; possession *A*OTH
3067. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; helped break one of the main character out of jail *A***
3068. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed thief turned adventurer; New York City; seen in recreation of MCU fight that the MCU version wasn't present for; presumed shrinking ANT-*AN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3069. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; cousin of main charater and another major character CH**
3070. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States; started to drive supporting character to a prison P*T*  [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3071. Original TV movie character; 90s; high school student; Hastings, New York; leader of Townies, a group that bullied the main characters *ANC*
3073. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; GT Agrochemical Office receptionist; New York City; main character showed him a picture of a woman and asked to identify her PA***
3074. Original TV show character; 70s; student; Lincoln, Nebraska; main character suspected he was being abused by his father *A** HO***N***
3075. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Genosha; helped fight one of the main characters, who was possessed by a powerful force; hair manipulation A****
3076. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; New York City; main focus of the multi-hero commercial; fighting skills arguably superhuman CAPTA*N A****CA
3077. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mind-controlled by main villain of season to assist him **AN* ****N
3079. From a TV show; possibly based on comics but more likely a coincidence; 10s; DP 7; Yes; programmer/IT guy; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; assisted someone in his campaign to slaughter superhuman beings; Inhuman detection *****T ****
3080. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk Annual; Yes; Zealots cultist; Kathmandu, Nepal; joined a group that attempted to being other-dimensional being to Earth ****AN A*T**
3081. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; marauder; Indigarr; fought to overthrow the planet's goverment and fought a hero team HABOO**A TH* HO***B**
3082. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mechanic; Los Angeles; while working on a car, one of the main characters walked up to him asking if he had seen any chargers ****O
3083. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; student; New York City; son of major anti-hero, brother of 2896 **AN* CA*T**, J*.
3084. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; bank employee; Cayman Islands; escorted women using aliases into safe that held safety deposit boxes J**O** ***C*A***
3085. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; Yes; combat instructor;
River Village, River Province; attended major character's funeral AN**A
3086. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; reporter; Philadelphia; worked for WHYY-TV  PAT**** *TON**
3087. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish member turned police officer; New York City; tried to murder main character to avenge his cousin [O******] O'*OU***
3090. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Fantastic Four; No; doorman; Manhattan; attacked by main villain who was targeting main characters J**** O'HOO**HAN
3091. From a commercial; based on real person; 10s; possible writer; New York City?; received package from someone previously identified *TAN ***
3092. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, enforcer; New York City; wounded by a bullet, joined others in initiating a second search for main character *A*N***
3094. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CHA**** B*A****
3095. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; presumed monarch; United States?; battled a couple of hard to identify criminals and did flips B*AC* PANTH**
3097. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; planned vacation with apparent husband "[***.] N****ON"
3098. Original movie character; 10s; No; factory worker; Poland; worked with major character ***O**
3099. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived P*X** *AN
3101. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Cambridge, Massachusetts; created to help around a lab ***OT
3102. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Weapon X; No; assassin; Three Mile Island; targeted by counterpart of himself  **APON X*
3103. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Lagos, Nigeria; chatted with partner while taking a break from guard duty [O******] *A*AO
3104. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin for various orgs (KGB, SVR, Hydra, Watchdogs); Sunbury, Pennsylvania; hired to kill head of an org and steal briefcase ***TO* O**O*
3105. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; took selfies during lecture at a mosque *A*NA*A
3108. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SSR agent; United States; presumably in love with 3076 P**** CA*T**
3109. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; Hydra agent; New York City; diverged from 2797; kidnapped one of the main characters and stole her powers; vibration manipulation, energy manipulation NATHAN*** *A**C*
3110. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Sgt. Fury; executive and board member overseeing advertising; New York State; oversaw advertising for company that produced lipsticks, cigarettes, and at least one video game *O***T *A**TO*
3111. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Fist; Yes; criminal formerly with Golden Tigers; Chinatown, New York City; actively transported someone to various locations in New York City  in exchange for his life being spared CH*N-*U
3112. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon Corporation Chief Executive of Emerging Technologies; New Orleans; at a gala, one of the main characters learned he wanted to sexually dominate his boss ****ON ****N
3113. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; engineer; Sokovia; wanted to build sustainable housing for the less fortunate CHA**** *P*NC**
3114. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed; attended meeting with similar characters ***U** *AN*
3115. Original TV show character, though name might be a nod to real world Toronto businessman; 10s; Yes; car dealership owner; South Carolina; approached by one of the main characters, who was looking for a vehicle that could "take a beating."  HON**T *****
3116. Original movie character; 10s; No; driver; New York City; while on a bridge, asked by 2844 to get out of car to see what was holding up traffic A*****
3117. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Castleton, Indiana; slipped trying to run from a giant man T**
3118. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; believed that one relationship defied all the laws of nature CA**T**
3119. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; monster hunter; Arizona; participated in a ceremony to inherit a supernatural item **O*N
3120. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sparse and I don't recall him *AN ****
3121. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; University of California student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters during fight with main villain of the season; light beam emission *A*O**N* **AN
3122. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; New York State; worked undercover at company to keep an eye on major character T***O* *HAN
3123. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mineralogist; Atlantic Ocean; port of joint operation to locate an element at the bottom of the ocean [**.] **A*A*
3125. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; monarch; Wakanda; thousands of years ago was the first leader of his nation B*AC* PANTH** (O*U*O BA*H*N*A)
3126. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; arms dealer; Russia; identity usurped by 2482 *A**** POP***HCH*N
3127. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet; Yes; resistance member/guard; Russia; prior to switching sides, assigned by main villain to guard a room containing a series of fracking pods; shape-shifting NU*O  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3129. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; worked for district attorney; New Orleans; attended party celebrating brother becoming a police officer  B**** JOHN*ON
3130. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, witnessed main character's origin [**NATO*] B*AN*T
3131. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; writer, teacher; New York City; in an interview, gave his opinion about main character and other vigilantes J**AN* COBB
3132. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; took club on a field trip **AN
3133. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; San Francisco; with husband, had dinner with main character and main supporting character *OO  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3134. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; preparer of sorts; Nepal; prepared youth for a transformation process *AT-**N
3135. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; New York City; with 3223 and 3616, participated in attempted robbery of poker game **O
3136. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prison guard; Norway; with colleague, ran towards source of alarm going off HUNT*N*TON


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     Thread Starter

4/20/2024 7:53 am  #457

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Updating Locked, etc list. Some additions due to "audting" of parts 6 and 7.

Number remaining for certain types of characters (usually but not always variants of more significant characters):

Dark Dimension: 5
Duat: 4
Framework: 5
Framework (Destroyed Earth): 1
Future seen in final episode of Runaways: 7
Healing Algorithm: 1
Tandy Bowen Drug Addict 2
Tandy Bowen Engineer 1
Tandy Bowen's Perfect Life 5

Cos-players: 9
LMDs: 1

For the rest,  *= newly added

Locked characters:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Partially locked characters:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Other characters who should now be fairly easy to identify:
Part 6:
Part 7:
3083 (once this one is identified, 2896 should soon follow)
Part 8:
Part 9:
3788 (if you don’t know the full name of the commercial, the company names will suffice)
3805 (if you search part 5's list of characters for his counterpart, this one should be very easy)


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4/22/2024 5:36 am  #458

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Part 8 Hangman "audited" for oversights:

Letters/numbers found so far: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458

3137. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned drug dealer; New York City; was badly wounded on the front lines G**NE**
3138. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gaffer; Los Angeles; worked lighting on scene with major villain ****H
3139. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; New York City; had affair with married supporting character ***E**
3140. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent turned classified information dealer; Arlington, Virginia; abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. after Hydra uprising.  **GE* B***N*NG
3141. Original TV show character; 70s; Yes; hospital nurse; Santa Fe, New Mexico; wouldn't let supporting character see newly arrived patient ED*TH *H**EN
3142. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; had a drink with friends at a bar **BB*N **N
3143. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; church staff member; Los Angeles; aided two of the main characters in rescuing a third V***HN ***E
3144. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mother of supporting character [**S.] CH*N [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: CDFGHNSTVZ145]
3145. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Inhumans: The Great Refuge; Yes; council member; Attilan; refused to take part in main villain's coup **T*NG
3146. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; told his story to a bartender, the latter a supporting character T**
3147. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Hell's Kitchen; lost game to main villain H***E*
3148. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; park ranger; Trillemarka National Park, Norway; with partner (previously identified), cleaned graffiti from sign board B***N
3149. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; saw most things in life as divine providence ****EEN DENT*N
3150. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; priest (Archbishop); Vatican; worked to approve communications between supporting character and The Vatican [**CHB*SH**] TE***Z*
3151. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; mother of major character **S* ST***
3152. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology (gender swapped); 20s; Norse mythology; No; apparent artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series E*EG*NTFE*T*E*D*STE* (***C* SCH*E**N) as **** ****
3153. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; New York City?; shot at time travelling major character ****NE
3154 Original movie character but comics version later appeared (comics version's surname unrevealed); 90s; possible pianist (probably more of a hobby);  Meridian, Mississippi; mother of one of the main characters ****C*** D'*NC*NT*
3156. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; married former love interest to main character CH****E
3157. From a movie; somewhat based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Prague; illusory creature ***TEN **N
3158. Original movie character; 10s; No; construction worker?; info sparse and i don't recall them; ibid ****B
3159. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; when future villain's councilman campaign failed, kicked down the latter's signs BE*N*E ****E*
3160. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; tribal elder; Wakanda; attended main character's coronation Z***V***
3161. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chief Executive of Risk Management; New Orleans, Louisiana;  led a project to try and extract a mysterious energy *ETE* SC**B****GH
3162. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building ***** **D**G*EZ
3163. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; none; New York City; catalyst for main character **D***CT*VE S**DE*
3165. Original TV show character; 70s; psychiatrist; United States; took main character/job applicant to recreation room [D*.] ****E H***
3166. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City, New Jersey; listended to classmate narrating her encounter with a new superhero **G*E*
3167. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; tranquilized after getting into fight *EFF [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3168. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but may be a coincidence; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; scientist/doctor; New York City?; main character was a patient he was a key doctor at ****** **Z**V
3169. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; zapped a food item C*C***S
3170. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Avengers; Yes; conqueror, scientist; undetermined; attended meeting to discuss the death of a counterpart **STE* G***H*N
3171. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; X-Men; No; actress; New York City; posed as another actress and by extension her characters  CH**E F*NE**N as SC***ET **TCH
3172. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; singer; New York City; performed at a festival **C* G***
3173. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Sgt. Fury; presumed special agency director; New York City?; likely led a team of heroes N*C* F***
3174. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Savage Tales; Yes; A.I.M. agent, Extremis soldier; Rose Hill, Tennessee; test subject for experimental process, being an amputee E**EN B**NDT
3175. From a TV show; posing as someone from same episode; 20s; Yes; council member posiing as British Prime Minister; Russia; posed as 3427 and also attended a meeting about a bombing ***E** ***T*N (S*****)
3176. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City?; likely helped fight an alien invasion B**** **D**
3178. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; ordered to target major character but was shot and wounded by them
3179. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; groundskeeper; Northwest Territories, Canada; main character was his biological son due to an affair TH**** **G*N
3180. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned private military firm member; Iraq; ambushed by Homeland Security while targeting main character ***E B*SH***E
3181. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand guardsman; New York State; kept survillence over the Hand Compound under orders E**C
3182. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist, archaeologist; Colorado; informed at a military site of a meteorite that fell from the sky CH***EN* *CG***N
3183. From a TV show; posing as someone based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. SHIELD; Yes; none; United States; impersonated one of the main characters ***H*NS* **C**NZ*E (***)
3184. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; Master of the Mystic Arts; New York City; charged as the protector the New York Sanctum Sanctorum D*N*E* D****
3185. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned robber; New York City; participated as a gunman in a bank robbery B*BB*
3186. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; ex-wife of superhuman
3187. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; boss ordered him to call the New York City Police Department to get a statement about explosions across Hell's Kitchen HEN**C*S
3188. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; college student; Willowdale, Virginia; witnessed main character fight the US Army *** ***S*N
3189. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader F** G*D
3191. Original movie character (Chinese version of movie only); 10s; Yes; doctor/assistant; China; worked on computer simulations of removing shrapnel from main character's chest [D*.] ** *****
3192. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; entertainment reporter; Los Angeles; eported on main character's expected absence from a benefit for the Firefighter's Family Fund Z****NN* **T
3193. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main character HE*T*E* **ND
3194. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; robber; Harlem; with friends, ill-advisedly attempted to rob a gun sale SH**EE* S**TH
3196. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; reporter; Harlem; with somone previously identified, reported on main character's training session at the Harlem Jets field *E*E*E ***N*T* H***
3197. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant bouncer; Michigan; disarmed someone fighting main character **NG*
3198. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; far left in a group of pen pals B****
3199. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy commodore; Britain; captured and impersonated by 3377 **BE*T F***B*N*S
3200. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; art gallery human resources worker; London, England; informed main character he was fired D**NFE*D
3201. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; management consultant; Russia; some time in the past, killed by major character after falling witness to an assassination ** N*******
3202. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; cultist, waitress, clerk; Los Angeles; ritual sacrifice victim, but initially survived DEST*** G*NZ**EZ
3203. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; Harlem; attempt to make a new deal with a crime lady went awry **C**ES **EF
3204. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; was informed about a successful assassination ST*NE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3205. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee;  New Orleans; transformed into a creature D*N H**T*ETT
3206. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; helped perform a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday S****V**T****
3207. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; body hijacked by main villain **ND* ******FF
3208. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; House heir apparent; former New York State; attempted to buy one of the main characters and make her a slave of the Kree Empire F***N**
3209. Original TV show character, though shares name with land from folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Yes; tattoo artist; New York City; along with two characters previously identified, attempted to steal power from main character *V***N
3210. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3336 and someone else ***N *NG**N
3211. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Captain America; No; unrevealed prior to becoming prisoner; south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;  captured for the Weapon X program *CE ***NCESS
3212. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Avengers; Partial; school vice-principal; Fremont, Ohio; countpart of major character *EBECC* T*****NET
3213. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; television entertainment reporter; Canada; worked for MuchMusic DE**N S**TEND*EC*
3214. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; No; artist?; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ST**NG*NC*ST**E* [T**SH (ST**NG?)] as *EGG* C**TE*
3215. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; politician/city councilman; New York City; determined to ruin rival/villain's political career by exposing her conenctions to criminal undertakings D***N B**NE
3216. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America; presumed adventurer; Paris?; slammed shield to the ground C**T**N **E**C* (presumably S** *****N)
3217. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; director of S.W.O.R.D.; outside Westview, New Jersey; attempted to turn major character into a sentient weapon [D**ECT**] T**E* H*****D
3218. Original TV movie character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; insisted to main character that her father was innocent of committing robberies **D* T**E*
3219. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall her; Detroit?; unable to find info N*C**
3220. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; went on date with superhuman guy *EV*N
3221. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Captain America Comics; presumed student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store C**T**N **E**C*
3223. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; Queens; beaten by others for screwing up a robbery D*NN* CH*VEZ
3224. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building D*N*** H***E*
3225. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; United States; helped protect neighborhood with teammates including 3806 H***
3226. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Partial; mercenary; St. Charles, Missouri; divergent version of major character, knocked out by major character from another timeline's future ST**-***D
3227. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; television writer; Los Angeles; confronted by main character while pitching ideas for a show's finale *ESS*C* G**
3228. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; talked to viewers about the topic of the commercial S**DE*-**N / VSD* [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in the source name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3229. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Partial; hunter, faction soldier, actor; Broxton, Oklahoma; defected from mission to take over unseen counterpart's life as actor H*NTE* *-#5 (B**D*E* ***FE)
3230. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; daughter of major villain T**D* **HNS*N (**T**D* D*****D)
3232. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York State; counterpart of one of the main characters and father of a later main character *E****D F*TZ
3233. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Los Angeles; customer at fireworks shop E****T
3234. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent Royal Family employee; Attilan; showed Royal Family footage of someone's apparent demise D**D*N
3236. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  army phycisian and medic; United States; treated someone who had been shot in the head by a LMD [D**T**] F**D
3237. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra scientist; Dover, Delaware; was erroneously believed to be a mole in Hydra *ENNETH T**GE*N
3238. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company employee; Palo Alto, California; after the Hydra Uprising he conducted job interviews with out of work S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists *TT [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers locked at time of locking: DGHNTZ5]
3239. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland, Ohio; son of counterpart of one of the main characters SE*N  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3240. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  high school teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, let one of the main characters announce the creation of her new club *EG*N
3241. From a TV show; posing as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York State; usurped 3008's identity and assaulted someone else slated for replacement F**D (CH**N*C**)
3242. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra research facility doorman; Dover, Delaware; became acquainted with one of the main characters while she was a mole THE*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3243. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 20s; Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu; Yes; MI6 agent; Tehran; exposed major supporting character's cover in Tehran [*GENT] C**VE *EST*N
3244. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL/ocean explorer; Atlantic Ocean; participated in joint operation with the CIA to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **T* S***Z**
3245. From a short; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; criminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; fan of fellow prison inmate F*ETCHE* HEGGS
3246. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Prime Minister; Moscow; major characters saved him from an assassination attempt D***T** **SHEN**
3248. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed; New York City; attempted to obtain transportation of some sort S**DE*-**N / **TE SH** **TH D*V*D *ETTE***N
3249. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. director; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in 1970, observed by time travelling counterpart of former love interest *EGG* C**TE*
3250. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force officer; United States; helped fight robots **CH**DS*N
3251. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York City; with others, attempted to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.  in 1931, creating a divergence C**N
3252. Original TV show character; 10s;  No; drug trafficker; United States; attended a mission where a Russian drug shipment was burned **D*
3255. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businessman/salvage yard owner, criminal gang member; New Orleans;  owned a salvage yard which was used to park ambulances used by criminals in the framework of a human trafficking operation **ETT **T***
3256. Original TV show character; 70s; hunter; United States; captured main character and trapped him on an island so he could hunt him ***H*E* S*TT*N
3258. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police sergeant; New York City; helped with evacuation during alien invasion S**V*
3260. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based character but possible coincidence; 20s; Human Torch; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, purchased a prototype of a high tech device **BBE* B***N
3262. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pageant contestant; Chattanooga; contestant at Christmas pageant **SS E** **DGE
3263. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in a mutiny SC**TE
3264. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; alien alliance representative; outer space; refused to welcome human into the alliance C****N
3265. From a TV show; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; No; adventurer; Washington, DC; bragged about a victory during an interview T***
3266. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; Turkey?; worked for main villain ***D*SH
3267. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended a LARPing event at Central Park **V***E
3269. Original movie character; 10s; No; paid test subject; San Francisco; homeless man who was first human test subject for type of testing *S**C
3270. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Washington, DC; counterpart of 3818 and worked undercover for Hydra to gain intel *NT**NE T****ETT
3271. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; guarded main villain's quarters ****H**
3272. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s, ordered to search for missing main character and another [*GENT] B**TE*
3273. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; put together a welcome basket for main character and her paralegal **G*ST*S "**G" **G**ESE
3274. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; criminals told himmand his family to give them money **N **N
3275. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist, scientist; New York City; presumably helped fight alien invaders ***N **N
3276. From, a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; football (soccer) player (defender); Liverpool; criminal watched a match he was in on TV ***T*N Š**TE*
3277. Original movie character; 10s; No; farmer; United States; aided by main character and another major character after a traffic incident **** **NS*N
3278. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Mosaic; Yes; resistance member; Russia; started an unsuccessful riot against main character after being disillusioned by his methods BET* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3280. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; New York City; battled main character and allies
3281. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee; New Orleans; attempted cost cutting measures involving heat shields ST*N B**T*ETT
3282. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; called to give his medical opinion on vigilante by lawyers for their defense of him *ND*E* *EE
3283. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 90s; hot dog vendor; United States; neighbour of parents of one of the main characters ST*N *EE
3284. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Partial; Hydra Agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; New York City; countpart of 2641; with others, tricked by one of the main characters into giving up weapon **C* ******S
3285. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character ***** ***T*NEZ
3286. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; pet; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main character and looked after by counterpart of one of the main characters **D **CE
3287. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; wife of one of the main villains *S*BE*** V*N SC*VE*
3288. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; xeno-anthropologist; former New York State; counterpart of major supporting character and woke up one of the main characters in the future EN*CH  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3289. Original TV show character though name same as code name of comics based character; 10s; Human Torch; Yes; pet; New York City; owned by major character T***
3290. From a movie; no actual name revealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; politician of sorts (exact type same as title); France; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies, and echoed 3009's sentiments F*ENCH SEC*ET*** *F ST*TE
3291. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; earliest known such character from Incredible Hulk; No; underground group member; Washington DC outskirts; released power while dancing at a concert G***
3292. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; unrevealed; United States; divergent version of main character D*V*D H***E*
3293. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; tattoo artist; Portland, Oregon; main character asked for a tattoo on his chest over his scar **SE
3294. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3309 and two others previously identified, participated in a game TH*N*S
3295. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of main character ***** C*ST*E
3296. From a movie (extended cut); based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes;  supervisor of an electrical company; New York City; saw main character fight two villains S**E*V*S** ***TE* B***E
3297. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; radio show host; New York City; with co-host interviewed someone after their encounter with main character S*** C*******
3298. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; servant; former New York State; after stabbing, healed by one of the main characters with another's assistance *EESE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3299. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity; Egypt; very strong connection to main character *H*NSH*
3301. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; reporter; London, England; in 1977, interviewed 3299 **N
3302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bond trader; Canada; framed for being the main villain of the season TH***S N*SH
3303. Original TV movie character; 70s; government agent; United States; assisted main character CH***ES B**BE*
3304. Original TV show character; 70s; warrior; Japan; teamed with similar character (previously identified) to fight main character S**E*H***N F*GHTE*
3306. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; student; United States; seen in one of the few commercials to actually show a version of the hero's origin S**DE*-**N / G*ENDENE **DS
3307. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall her; Cleveland; info sparse C**
3308. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Faro, Portugal; tricked deity into staying at police station C**V**H*
3309. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3294 and two others previously identified, participated in a game ****E
3310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cultist; Los Angeles; victim of a first annual ceremony B****S **TTEN
3311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illegal cage match fighter; New York City; took on supporting character in one match **ST*
3312. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; United Nations representative; Italy; questioned general who gave a speech about S.H.I.E.L.D. *D*** D****
3314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Wappingers Falls, New York; father of son who went missing **N*E* S**V*
3315. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; chairperson; Tokyo; formed a romantic relationship with main character ****** **SH*D*
3316. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos F**C*
3317. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CH**ST*NE "**NGF*SH" **G***
3318. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mistook main character for another hero **BEN
3319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; tortured by someone who photographed his reactions B**T
3320. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed ciminal; California; prison inmate who fought someone leaving as part of the goodbye ritual among the inmates *E*CH*
3322. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; fordced to point a gun at his head [*FF*CE*] ***TH
3323. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project ****ETEE* (**N*H)
3324. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychotherapist; New York City; developed feelings for major villain, whom she was treating ***ST* D***NT
3325. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, tried to purchase a prototype of a high tech device, but it went to 3260 G** *ENNE***N ***
3327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; company offered her a large sum of money as compensation if she agreed never to speak of the issues surrounding husband's death *ENN*FE* F*SHE*
3328. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; used a Micro Uzi S***N
3330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; delivery truck driver; New York City; used milk truck to commute SHE*D*N *CFEE
3332. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned security specialist/bodyguard; Gaithersburg, Maryland; worked with major villain to ensure no one learned of their true intentions for the superhumans they were rounding up *. G**E**
3333. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; Berkeley; helped main character and supporting character in a test involving a frog H***E*
3334. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force flight attendant; United States; main character saved her and others after they were sucked out of a plane HE*THE*
3335. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; United States?; realized he had no chance against main character DE***C*
3336. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3210 and someone else C***ENCE *NG**N
3337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; Los Angeles; approeached by two of the main characters, who wated to report two murders [DES* SE*G**NT] H*N*VE*
3338. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3807, helped wrap items G***T
3339. Original TV show character; 10s; No; servants of sort; United States; androids who enabled someone previously identified to interact with the world VE*******NS
3340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; pet; Wyoming; Pet of someone who became a major villain B*DD*
3341. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has longer name); 20s; New Avengers; Yes; emperor; Norway; led a refugee colony on another planet D**'GE
3343. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist; Tokyo; kidnapped by someone who tried to make him build device [***FESS**] F***T*
3345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital attendee; New York City;  tried to help main character access records related to bus crash *****N*
3346. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London; helped stage fake attacks on European cities SH*N*CE
3349. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; took someone's car keys (not a car or drunk driving commercial) S**DE*-**N
3350. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with others previously identified, got annoyed at woman who called for help S**DE*-**N
3351. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Savage She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; dated rapper/actress who exists in the real world and who was already identified in one of the four collages this round DENN*S B****S**
3352. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; used by his wife 2424 to get revenge for the death of his mother-in-law C**** E*ST**N
3353. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers Annual; Partial; scientist; unrevealed ; attended meeting to discuss threat of people discovering the existence of the Multiverse SC***ET CENT****N
3355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; New York City;  assigned to care for main character S**TH
3356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Los Angeles;  started a graffiti wall to start counting the people who had been attacked by a vigilante he was a fan of FE***
3357. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Eternals; Yes; none; Socotra, Yemen; link between main characters and more powerful being *N*-**ND
3358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; United States; worked with a couple of main characters, one in particular C***F**D
3360. From a movie; shares code name with comics-based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Blonde Phantom Comics; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States?; code name is a form of sea life S***D
3361. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; conqueror; New York State; divergent version of main villain and himself a main villain TH*N*S
3362. Original movie character, though surname likely nod to real person; 00s; No; police officer; San Venganza, Texas?; info sparse but looks like he used radio while driving [*FF*CE*] **C**E
3364. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; warrior; outer space; spotted an alien object that appeared to be human docking to a spaceship ******C
3365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cocaine dealer; New Orleans; caught by police detective who let her go free in exchange for information ****E*
3366. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as terrorist group member; Russia; posed as 3671 to infilatrate a group B**G*N
3367. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; Delacroix; nephew of one of the main characters C*SS ***S*N
3368. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; security agent; Italy; head of a security team that transported a secret project to recurring villain C**** **N**N*
3369. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; pet; New York City; adopted by one of the main characters **C** THE **ZZ* D*G
3370. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed adventurer; Paris?; first character seen in the commercial *NT-**N
3371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent medical doctor; New York City; former addict who changed her way and became a leader of NA meetings to be able to help others BETH*N*
3372. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Loki: Agent of Asgard; Partial; pediatrician; New York City; counterpart of one of the cast characters [D*.] VE**T* *****S
3373. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort company recruiter; New Orleans; in charge of recruiting young girls as escort girls to accompany rich men to some events **D*
3374. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; critical of who was on the cover of a magazine S**DE*-**N / **ZZ*Z
3375. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; divergent version of one of the main characters, and in fact a key part of the divergence GE*T**DE ****ES
3376. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Interpol officer; France; ordered to interrogate two major characters in connection to the murders [**S*ECT**] D*V**
3377. From a TV show; posing as another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as Navy officer; England; posed as 3199 and ordered attack on plane B*B F***B*N*S (S*****)
3378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; often sent into an intervention with the other prison mates *EE**
3380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army soldier; United States; mentally unstable Vietnam veteran who attempted to kill himself and his daughter ** (D***NT)
3381. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project
3382. Original movie character; 20s; No; counterfeiting operation leader; New York City; injured by main character ***N
3384. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; raped by 2476 *NGE** S*TT*N
3385. From a TV pilot; based on comics; 90s; Power Pack; unrevealed; United States; mother of main characters ***G**ET ***E*
3386. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government official/delegate; Moscow; made deal with villains in order to build a sanctuary for superhumans *NT*N *ET**V
3387. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist; United States; forced to work for Hydra under threat of losing his family **SE*H GETT*
3388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school nurse; Los Angeles; approached by one of the main characters, whom she remembered was a fugitive N**SE N*GHT***E (***S*N)
3389. From a TV show; code name arguably based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man: Fear Itself; Yes; Hydra leader; United States; falsely accused of attempting a coup [THE] B***NESS
3390. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; creatures leader; Counter-Earth; with his group, battled main characters *CT*-H*EN*
3391. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; television reporter; Harlem; interviewed councilwoman about her affordable housing and renewable energy strategy *EG*N *C***EN
3392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Secretary General of NATO; Russia; identity usurped by 2956 SE*G** C*S**N*
3393. Original movie character, though there's a slight chance his name's a nod to a group of characters from comics; 00s; Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Omega; No; bank manager; New York City; denied main character's aunt a loan [**.] **C**
3394. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hellstorm: Prince of Lies; Yes; priest;  Portland, Oregon; possessed by 2316 ***H** C***
3395. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; informal maternal figure; Riga, Latvia; contracted tuberculosis while living at in resettlement camp D*N** **D*N*
3396. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student if old enough; Atlanta; mutant daughter of previously identified mutant D***N***E
3397. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 00s; No; high ranking politcal figure; Washington, DC; conferred with others on dealing with mutant threats though was himself somewhat sympathetic towards mutants **ES*DENT *F THE *N*TED ST*TES (*C*ENN*'S S*CCESS**)
3399. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criiminal gang member; New York City; attempted to shake down someone for money at his restaurant **Z
3400. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but let's go with Thor; Partial; presumed adventurer; Void; struggled to escape from glass bottle TH**G
3401. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Astonishing X-Men; No; scientist; San Francisco; helped develop a mutant cure **V*T* ***
3402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gangster/crimelord/fence, club owner; New York City; in the 1940s, on SSR's list of suspects concerning the whereabouts of technologies stolen from supporting character and being traded on the black market S**DE* *****ND
3403. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Deadpool; Yes; criminal figure; New York City; coerced by major villain to become part of his criminal network ***N H***E*
3405. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; New York City; brother of major supporting character *H**** ST*C*
3406. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Minnesota; took part in one of the main characters' preliminary hearing as she came to sign legal documents, acting as the Chairman of the hearing GENE *******S
3408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private bodyguard; New York City; tasked to guard main villain of season **TT
3410. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Iberian mythology; Yes; deity/council member;  Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader *SC****S
3411. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; attended daughter's wedding [**S.] H*****N
3412. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; agreed with someone previously identified that it was the perfect time to take over as the leaders in the criminal underworld **C**D*
3413. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; tasked to apprehend supporting character [*GENT] F*E**NT
3414. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Ultimates; presumed warrior general; Paris?; walked around a campus holding a spear
3415. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; divorce lawyer; Hell's Kitchen; asked by supporting character to help with her divorce proceedings DES**ND T*BE*
3416. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Motion Picture Funnies Weekly; Yes; unrevealed; Yucatán, Mexico; mother of main villain F*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3418. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; bartender; Broxton, Oklahoma; served main character and more often major supporting character  E**C
3419. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; spy/assassin turned resistance member; Tangier, Morocco; freed someone from mind control B**C* **D** (**S*N*)
3420. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; publisher, industrialist, businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, controlled every major newspaper west of the Mississippi River ***T**E* H**ES
3421. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s (one video says 00s but the date on another video suggests 80s, which seems more accurate); Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; United States; seen in three commercials involving building and wrecking a boat H*** / *GF  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in source; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Los Angeles; gave information to the FBI in the 1940s H*N*
3423. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; NSA agent/hacker; Fort Meade, Maryland; 3243 approached him and asked what he was doing ST*V*  [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3424. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; guarded gate as new arrival brought to headquarters *ED**
3425. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; security guard; Mojave Desert, Nevada; used his security key card to access the elevator for two others G**D [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGZ]
3426. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; with brother, played a board game at the end of their mother's sick bed **CH*E* ***G***
3427. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Prime Minister; England; impersonated by 3175 ***E** ***T*N
3428. From a TV show; poses as character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; council member; Russia; attended council meeting regarding a bombing SH***E* S*G** (S*****)
3429. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; escorted main character to the prison, telling her to not cross the yellow line of touch the glass *****S
3430. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; assassin turned resistance member; Soviet Union; eventually freed from mind control serum B**C* **D** (S*N**)
3431. From a TV show; based on comics character mentioned but not seen; 10s; Runaways; Partial; probably none; decline; alternate version of the aunt of one of the main characters, whom she, 2952, and a character previously identified attacked **D*TH **N***
3433. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; it's complicated but let's go with Avengers; Yes; inventor; Chicago; 19th century inventor; another version of this character this part was already identified V*CT** T**E**
3434. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Iron Man; Yes; lab pilot; Counter-Earth; polited lab towards Knowhere C*NT****E*
3435. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; action sports events reporter; United States; reporter for X Games ****E **TT*E
3437. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; legal secretary; New York City; resided in a hotel during the 1940s
3439. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial;  Aix-en-Provence, France; helped supporting character investigate the murders of numerous squadrons H*NTE* *-##
3440. Original movie character; 00s; No; soldier; New Orleans; main (or at least titular)character trapped him in mire ***NE TH*B*DE***
3441. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bodyguard/criminal; Malta; main bodyguard for recurring villain S**TH
3443. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group member; Trillemarka National Park, Norway; with another, travelled to Seville to acquire the second piece of a staff ***S
3444. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Genetix; No; assassin; United States?; with others, assigned to kidnap someone and kill her protector/main character T*TT** (T*D* S***T*)
3445. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal (4th from the left in group image) SHE***
3446. From a movie; poses as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; presumed astronaut but posing as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Los Angeles; attempted to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. under the guise of major character while tracking main character *H** C***S*N (S*****)
3447. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; battled three youth with same kind of weapon S**DE*-**N / S**DE*-**N *EG* ***ST *E* SH**TE*
3448. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; handed out fliers outside Chinese restaurant ***S
3452. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed;  Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to lift item off the ground in a desert ***E
3454. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of recurring character in one of his guises ********E
3455. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer, deity; New York City; diverged from main version shortly after a major battle TH**
3457. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; terrorist; Washington, DC?; diverged from someone in the 2020 collages *Z*ZE*
3458. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; presumed deity; Asgard?; seen on a screen "G***SH*DE*" ****
3459. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3285, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character **** G*NZ**EZ
3460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; in the 1940s, met with SSr agents during their investigation of the implosion of a refinery **NST*N
3461. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ultimate Comics Spider-Man; Yes; black market arms dealer; New York City; after main character saved his life, agreed to help the hero get all the alien guns off the streets where they could endanger innocent lives *****E* (****N D***S)
3462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; looked into main character as part of investigation into two murders **TH S*ND**
3463. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; pet;  Orgoscope; pet of someone already identified in one of the collages this round B****
3464. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company employee under duress; New Mexico;  forced to work for company after someone close to him was kidnapped *ESSE F*ETCHE*
3465. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Knowhere; gambled with various other characters including comics based character G**D*E***
3466. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; hair stylist; Los Angeles; girlfriend of main character's uncle *E**N*E
3467. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal group member; Los Angeles; made a deal with other groups to obtain a mysterious box CH*N  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: CDFGHNSTVZ145]
3468. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; pet; Los Angeles; groomsman at a wedding **N*TH*N
3469. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. bodyguard; United States; bodyguard to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director at the time [*GENT] CEC****
3470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; shot while guarded restaurant for a meeting **CH*E* ***T**E*
3471. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; with future main character and latter's bride-to-be sister, attended a party on a rooftop *ET*C**
3473. From a TV show, based on real owl; 20s; Yes; none; New York City; resided in a Christmas tree **C**
3475. From a movie; arguably based on comics character with different name, though comics character with same name later appeared; 00s; Daredevil; No; criminal personal assistant; New York City; informed main villain that someone had talked to the papers about him *ES*E* *E*CH
3476. From a movie; based on comics character with different name; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; warrior; New York State; divergent version of someone identified in part 1 of the current collage series C*** *BS*D**N
3477. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; magazine editor, fashion consultant, stylist, television personality; Los Angeles; discussed the fashion of someone's armour GE**GE **TS******S
3478. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Partial; cultist; Los Angeles (kind of); alternate version of 3552; invited one of the main characters to share breakfast with her and husband ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
3479. Original TV movie character; 80s; criminal right hand man; New York City;  instructed by boss to eliminate a possible witness EDG**
3480. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Kandahar; cooperated with an investigation into Afghan heroin smuggling *H**D Z*B***
3481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musician, cello teacher; New York City; main villain forced her to play her cello for hours C****
3482. Original TV movie character; 70s; presumed student; Belleville, New Jersey; son of ally to main character *ETE* ****E
3483. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; cage fighter; East Berlin, Germany; defeated by superhuman in mutant fighting arena B**B
3484. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news reporter; Los Angeles; reported on someone taking over America's airwaves to broadcast one of his "lessons" *EG*N HENDE*S*N
3485. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; army officer; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, investigated a potential security breach involving two time travellers from another reality CHES*E*
3486. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; live in apartment complex until it raided, resulting in the death of her parents and separation from her sister C**ST*N*
3487. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Elektra: Assassin; No; unrevealed; Greece?; mother of main character *H**ST*N* N*TCH**S
3488. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Faro, Portugal; while sitting next to his girlfriend on a beach with friends, he explained that crackers is the American word for cookies T**G*
3490. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; participated in a mutiny G*F  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3491. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; New York City; robbed by thieves T*N* GN*CC*
3493. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen; attended an event at meat store to drum up support for supprting character's campaign for District Attorney **BSCH***
3494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; television presenter; New York City; applauded a dress on a show along with main character's stepsister G**CE BENNETT
3495. Original movie character; 00s; No; vampire hunter; United States; helped main character and others escape from FBI DE*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3496. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; with others, investigated a nexus event in 1985 H*NTE* C-##
3497. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI Special Agent in Charge; New York City; forced by main villain into helping his return to power T**** H*TT*E*
3498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Pasadena; participated in the theft of a mysterious box D. *NDE*S*N
3499. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by supporting character in a dojo *ENN*
3500. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City;  used by main villain of season to deliver a message to main character CH*N*SE
3501. From a TV show; based on comics (different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; engineer; New Orleans; father of one of the main characters N*TH*N B**EN
3502. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; newspaper reporter; New York City;  attended a benefit hosted by main character and his aunt SE*N **NF**D
3503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professor; New York City; worked with the Hand to encode their secret ledgers in exchange for a large sum of money which he spent on a high rise apartment and Asian prostitutes *H**** C*B**N*
3504. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; World War Hulk: Gamma Corps; Yes; prosecutor; Los Angeles?; got superhuman sent to prison G*DE*N ***S*N
3507. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; slept with someone who got possessed by a future version of himself G*EN  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3508. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher: War Zone; Yes; crime family leader; Manhattan; attempted to make a deal with major villain as a means to control Harlem **S***E C**B*NE
3509. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk; Yes; resistance fighters leader; Quantum Realm; formed her group after her home was destroyed by main villain *ENT****
3511. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters E**E DE*N
3512. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; New York City; ill daughter of main villain *ENN* *****
3513. Original TV show character (shares name with comic book inker but likely a coincidence); 10s; Yes; bus driver; New York City; falsely believed he was responsible for killing someone after crashing his bus while drunk CH***ES *****CE
3515. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise SH***N **NES
3516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; breast cancer survivor, attended sister's funeral **NE H**T*E*
3517. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; correction officer; The Bronx; atacked while escorting major villain in prison ****E
3518. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; was incorrectly believed by main character to be an imposter T**
3520. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; outside time/space; bombed timelines **N*TE**N #4#8###5
3522. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed student; Antowuk, Utah; daughter of owner of store main character briefly worked at S***NTH* B*TES
3523. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; brother paid for wife's cancer treatments N*H** N*DEE*
3524. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physical therapist; Tahiti; only seen in false memories ****NE
3525. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; nurse; Queens; with a friend of hers, went on double date with main character and another major character C*NN*E
3526. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Secret War; Partial; Hydra agent; United States; body taken over by one of the main characters S**E
3527. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party (sources conflict re: spelling; will accept either) *EBE** or *EBEC*
3528. From a movie; based on character from non-Marvel TV show (the director claims it's the same character but probably in the legal sense they're two characters with the same name); 20s; Peacemaker; Yes; unrevealed this continuity, pet if treated as same character; Counter-Earth; imprisoned by main villain E*G**
3529. Original movie character (deleted scene); 20s; Yes; NSA liason; Fort Meade, Maryland; personally greeted 3243 who arrived from the United Kingdom to collect NSA's intel DEBB*E D*V*DS*N
3530. Original TV show character; 10s; No; teacher; China?; spoke to daughter through an old television screen, and mainly focused on his obsession with robots *ENZ* ***
3531. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States;  tasked with guarding supporting character SH**VE*
3532. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; attended holiday party for one of the main characters H**BT*E [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers fouund at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3533. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; adventurer; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store H***
3534. From a TV show; posing as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter; Nevada; in another reality in the 1955 usurped previously identified character's identity to gain access to a top secret facility N**ES **ND***E (CH**N*C**)
3535. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance fighter; Quantum Realm; joined resistance when his home was taken by main villain ***Z
3536. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different name); 00s; Punisher War Journal; No; unrevealed; Tampa?; wife of main character BETT* C*ST*E
3537. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; cargo packer; Quantum Realm; attempted to flirt with one of the main characters in a bar B**CC*** **N
3538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL or CIA agent (sources conflict); Atlantic Ocean; participated in the joint operation to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **C*S*N
3539. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; guardian; Ta Lo; mother of main character **NG **
3540. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pet; New York City; pet of someone already identified this exact collage E***
3542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Hydra agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; Washington, DC; while main character was speaking about Hydra's infiltration on S.H.I.E.L.D., he and other operatives began to attack S.H.I.E.L.D. **NS**
3544. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra leader; United States; while he and the other leaders were deciding how to replace someone, he was accused of attempting to mount a coup [THE] B*N*E*
3546. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; New York City?; hearing song played on the piano got him to stop crying ****N
3548. Original TV show character; 70s; robber/aspiring acrobat; Japan; committed a string of robberies to fund his own circus *H*NT** TH*EF ##1 (***BE)
3549. Original movie character; 00s; No; board chairman; New York City; led the way for the rest of the Board of Directors chose to accept a buyout offer H*N** B****N
3550. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; fish experimented upon and transformed into a child
3551. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; scientist, inventor, arms manufacturer, filmmaker; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, encountered future version of son from another reality, the latter using an alias H****D ST***
3552. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; mother of one of the main characters ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
3553. Original movie character; 10s; No; doctor (info sparse and I don't recall them but likely in the science sense); United States; info sparse [D*.] *E*GH
3554. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; journalist; Los Angeles; interviewed one of the main characters as part of an article on a church **SBETH
3555. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska; helped maintain the security of base against Hydra [*GENT] **NES
3556. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City; presumed helped others fight aliens H***E*E
3558. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; S.A.B.E.R. agent; S.A.B.E.R. Space Station; ally of main characters T****
3559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army officer; United States; helped investigate a general being shot in the head non-fatally by a robot posing as one of the main characters *E**S*N


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4/22/2024 6:26 am  #459

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Part 9 Hangman "audited" for oversights:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29

3562. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City; father of main character ***** *HAN
3563. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; shaman; Wakanda; gave main villain a heart shaped herb *O**
3564. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers; Yes; resistance agent; New York City; wife of one of the main characters VA**A (****C***A ****)
3565. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; name is something that some faces have
3566. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; mob boss; New York City; often exchanged information, weapons and money with main villain *AG*N**
3567. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; unidentified Latin American country;  daughter of the democratic president of the country, took part in beauty contest *A**A CA*D**ON
3568. Original movie character; 00s; No; possible witch doctor; Puerto Rico; healed main character CAND**A**A
3569. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Missouri; step-grandmother of one of the main characters [***.] Q****
3572. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthropologist; Leitner; sent to planet to observe the evolution of the local population **A*AH
3573. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; leader of race; Kitson; sought to prevent the destruction of her race's planet by using time travel A*A*AH
3574. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Partial; unrevealed; United States?; one of two mothers of major character ***NA CHAV*Z
3576. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; Paris?; held apparently captured 3819 *HO*
3577. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; steed; Wakanda; steed of someone already identified in one of the collages this round *2#
3578. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Mexico; helped try to capture someone at main character's house ***** BO*
3579. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party **B*CCA
3580. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; diner owner; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character smashed one of her cups **AB**A A*VA**Z
3582. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; ticket taker; Chicago; in 1893, gave character already identified in one of the collages this round an orange to throw at 3260 H*GO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of lockiing: ACDGHNOW29]
3583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra scientist; Belgium; worked for major villain during World War II V*NC**** B*C****
3584. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Partial; asylum pet; decline; counterpart of main character's pet G**
3585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nurse; New Orleans; looked after someone after he fell into a catatonic state in the aftermath of a platform destruction ANG**
3586. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D  agent; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, two time travelling main characters from another reality encountered her in an elevator *H***** J*N**N*
3587. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; led a group of such children **C*O*
3588. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Harlem; legal counsel for someone who tried to claim her rights to nightclub and brand of rum ****N** *OG***
3589. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska; entrusted with an object which once belonged to his grandfather, a member of the SSR B*ANDON GA*B**
3590. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; Yes; councilman; Washington, DC; one of the prime overseers of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations [CO*NC***AN] CHAO **N
3591. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or deity/would-be world conqueror depending on how you took at it; New York City; fought main character and allies ****C** *O**
3592. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Iron Man; Yes; Air Force major general; Lancaster, California; commanding officer of someone who later became a superhero [*AJO* G*N**A*] **AD*
3593. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord/brothels owner; Queens; Russian criminal, head of a lot of brothels in which Eastern European girls were forced into prostitution after being kidnapped C***** B**A*
3594. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; plastics company owner/founder; New York City; blackmailed into selling his company *A** H*GG*N*
3595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Mexico; kindnapped by company in order to coerce her husband to work for them, threatening to kill her if he did not comply. [***.] Z*****
3596. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; meal disrupted by arrival of a yacht N'B**J
3597. From a TV show; somewhat based on comics (different first name); 10s; Daredevil; Yes; police officer/criminal; New York City; ordered to assassinate major supporting character C**** *A*N**
3598. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Treme X-Men; No; lawyer; Washington, DC; secretly provided support for the Mutant Underground *VANG***N* WH*DON
3599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel worker; Los Angeles;  laughed when a hotel valet showed him a range of condoms inside a car *OHN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHNOW29]
3600. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective; Partial;  guardian of sorts; Void; villain harnessed and experimented on his power, becoming his master A**O*H
3601. Original TV show character; 70s; arms dealer/criminal; New York City; sought plutonium from a school laboratory [**.] WH***
3602. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL; Atlantic Ocean; heard a noise coming off the side of the ship he was on and radioed admiral W***
3603. Original movie character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; outside time and space; followed someone already identified in one of the collages this round to an area from which the latter planned to plant bombs H*N*** *-##
3604. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; assigned to main villain's protective detail A**NO**
3605. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; New York City; with others, apparently fought brother and aliens *HO* / *OG***: *H* ****CA*, D******AND ***O** (note: this source appears for multiple characters in parts 8-9; I'm only doing the Hangman for the source once)
3606. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; record store employee; Broxton, Oklahoma; supporting character was his only regular customer
3607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; recruited by demon to kill someone *OO**
3608. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; air force major; Lancaster, California; was present for presentation as someone sold weapons to the military but left mid way [*AJO*] HA****
3609. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Comics Presents; No; scientist; British Columbia; injected main character with metal as part of experiment [D*.] AB*AHA* CO*N*****
3610. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; came to the New York State Supreme Court Building to make a news report about grand jury against main villain J****
3611. Original movie character; 10s; No; monk; Romania?; confirmed that a boy he and another were looking for had been found B*N*D*C*
3612. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; landlord; New York City; landlord for building main character lived in **G*N*
3613. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; students; Salem Center, New York; seen at school that was base for main characters *****O*D C*C*OO*
3614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force captain; Washington, DC; was ordered by superior to stand guard and not allow anyone else inside room where his superior was questioning female staffers [CA****N] *****
3615. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; diverged from main version upon the arrival of time travellers HAW****
3616. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; with others, attempted to steal from criminal's poker game *ANC*
3617. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; attorney; New York City; hired by main villain to represent him in criminal trial N*CH**A* ***
3618. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon; mistakenly believed his son was possessed by a demon [**.] CAVA**O [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in surname; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3619. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Thor Annual; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in mutiny B*AH*
3620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio talk show employee; New York City; worked with main character's stepsister N*CO**
3621. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; attended a meeting at  a club and listened to his leader's speech AD**AN B*ANC
3622. Original TV show character; 70s; manservant; San Francisco; worked for martial arts teacher confronted by main character ***ON **NG
3624. From a movie; based on comics (uses slightly different suffix meaning the same thing); 00s; X-Men; No; head of lab company; San Francisco; father of superhuman WA***N WO**H*NG*ON **
3625. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal under duress; New York City; forced by main villain to work under his command as a part of his criminal conspiracy O'CONNO* [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]
3626. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 90s; Captain America Annual; criminal second in command; Manhattan; worked for main villain and had regular run-ins with main character ***** Q**NN
3627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; door repairman; New York City; hired by main character's stepsister to fix main character's door A*A*
3628. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3663 **V*N
3629. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; presumed high school student; Hollywood; confronted someone who stole his mask ***D**-*AN / J**** ****** **V*
3630. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; national president; Washington, DC; displayed anti-alien sentiments and intentions to wage war on extraterrestrials in a televised address ****ON
3631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; as part of his birthday party, helped make sandwiches with his father *A** NAD***
3632. Original TV show character but posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as reporter; New York City; usurped identity of 3678 and reported on bomb attack CH*** ***A*N* (******)
3633. Original TV show character; 70s; probable scientist; Tokyo; main character's sister *H*N*O *A*A*H**O
3634. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Haiti; son of major character *O***A*N* (*'CHA**A **)
3635. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coven member; Los Angeles; assisted main villain of season in her attempt to conquer the world CA**AND*A
3636. From a movie; possibly based on comics character with different surname; 00s; Punisher: War Zone; No; marijuana dealer, club owner; Tampa; convinced son of main villain  to participate with him in an arms deal with a new merchant **C*** D**A
3637. From a movie; indirectly based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed location; seen in a council gathering **ZA*D *ANG
3638. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran turned criminal; New York City; working with main villain, attempted to murder main character JO**
3639. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; United States; niece of superhuman ***HA ******ON
3640. From a movie; based on comics, though very obscure; 00s; Punisher; No; criminal henchman; New York City; key henchman for main villain *N*
3641. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; Prague; reported on attack in Prague, though he was misled on details ***HA* **BA*
3642. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; air force fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; in a bar, palyed crud with main character and others *A**H*W "***D**" ******
3643. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; mother of 3639 and took in superhuman brother's son **ND* ******O*
3644. From a TV show; shares code name with characters based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 20s; earliest known such character from Tales to Astonish; Partial; info sparse and I don't recall them; Chicago; seen at 1893 exposition B*H**O*H
3645. Original TV show character but named after movie character; 10s; Halloween; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, growled at main character and another major character
3646. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created to use as a soldier JAC**ON
3647. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City?; info sparse (note: there's some dispute as to who this character is; will accept either answer) [**.] ****H* or [**.] B*OWN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word of suggested alternative name for character; first such word is a saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3648. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Attilan; with husband 3774, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *A***AN
3649. Original movie character; 90s; bartender; Alberta; pointed gun at one of the main characters and told him to get out of the bar A*B***
3650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; sat alongside her daughter (previously identified) for their audition for an advertisement [***.] *OV**
3651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana-grower; Oahu; formed a romantic bond withone of the main characters J*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3653. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of supporting character [***.] *HO***ON
3654. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; advisor; Hala; advisor to main villain **-*ON*
3655. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Batesville, Utah; prominent person in a crowd blaming a safety inspector for an explosion *OG**
3656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal errand boy; New Orleans; made regular drug deliveries for someone **V
3657. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; multinational corporation CEO; New York City; friend turned enemy of main character (should have been in 2020 collages but seems to have been overlooked) N*W GOB*** (HA*** O*B**N)
3659. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mobile lab guard; outer space; conflicted between killing one of the main characters and getting away to safety *H*******
3661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news reporter; New York City; interviewed someone about the return of the main character and what it meant for the company J*NN**** *AN*
3662. From a commercial; based on comics; unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; unable to determine; has anthropomorphic penguin as friend/maybe roommate H*** / **NG**NO
3663. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart (3711) of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3628 ****N
3664. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; inmate counselled him about his failing marriage CA** COWA**
3665. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible funeral worker; New York City; welcomed guests into home of deceased person for the funeral ***AND
3666. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; refugee during battle of early 1800s B***NDA
3667. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; club lounge singer; New York City; stayed at same hotel as main character during 1940s *V***N
3668. Original movie serial character; 40s; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States; info sparse *D G*AHA*
3670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; charity organization headquarters employee; Los Angeles; was surprised to see employers show up as she thought they had forgotten about the place ***A
3671. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; terrorist group first commander; Russia; captured and impersonated by 3366 *****N WA**AC*
3672. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; United States; battled apparent arch nemesis ****** *AN*A***C
3673. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters and looked after teammate's pet ***** H**NAND*Z
3674. Original movie character; 00s; No; national leader assistant; Washington, DC; asked by the President to clear his schedule because he was having dinner with his son JAC***
3675. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; sole survivor of his species V*B [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3676. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; info sparse and I don't recall him *A***N
3677. Original movie character; 00s; No; undercover FBI agent; New York City; targeted by main character, who didn't know he wasn't actually a criminal N**** DONA*****
3678. From a TV show; based on earlier seen character, though this one is actually the original; 20s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; impersonated by 3632  CH*** ***A*N*
3679. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; police officer; New York City; live action role-player when off duty BO*B*H*** (W*N** CON*AD)
3680. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; senator; Washington, DC; part of a committe that questioned main character [**NA*O*] CA***NO
3681. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London; with friends, found a portal *ADD**
3682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; deli-grocery store pet; Queens; with his human, rescued by main character from criminals using alien technology ****H
3683. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school student; Queens; in Prague, as part of field trip, dressed up in silly, glowing glasses to go to a carnival ***** C**B*N
3684. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Oahu; recruited by main villain to hunt down main characters H*N*** ON*
3685. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at night club ***-ON*
3686. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes;  journalist, political correspondent; United States; with fellow reporter, discussed the potential regulation of enhanced individuals W*** ADA**
3687. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Staten Island; showed main character  a photo of her son and explained that her son had gotten cancer from a chemical plant near where they lived **G*NA ***ZG**A*D
3688. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; father of one of the main characters G*N* H**NAND*Z
3689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; took part in comandeering vehicle from main characters C***
3690. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; Cambodia; had duel with major characer beneath the city *HA**
3691. Original movie character; 10s; No; mercenary; Mexico; hunted major supporting character DAN*** *HOD**
3692. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; Poland; wife of major villain [two possible spellings of surname; will accept either or both] *AGDA GÓ***A or G**Z***
3693. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; out for revenge after his father had been killed by a criminal CO**N *OA**
3694. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; unrevealed; Canada; mother of main character ***ZAB**H HOW****
3695. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord; New York City; main character crashed one of his meetings [DON] GA**ANO C**A**
3696. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; in the 1940s, witness someone take credit for main character's success B**CH WA**AC*
3697. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed (note: this is one of who characters in the commercials who could lay claim to the code name used); United States; came out of a shack wearing armour while another versuion of the character flew overhead **ON *AN
3698. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; law enforcement agent, soldier, underground agent; Atlanta, Georgia; brainwashed into aiding law enforcement agency against former allies ***** (A*G*****)
3699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization member; Los Angeles; participated in the theft of a mysterious box then hunted down by superhuman *. *CO**
3701. From a TV show; shares name with character based on comics but possible coincidence; 10s; Marvel Mangaverse; Yes; resistance member; Russia; main villain told her his plans wouldn't be possible without her ****GA
3702. From a TV show; code name based on comics; 20s; earlist known use Mystic Comics but Tales of Suspense a closer match; Yes; assassin turned cage fighter; Macau; tried to kill main character before being freed from mind control B*A** W**O* (H***N)
3703. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; camera repairman; San Jose; fixed security camera that major character had disabled DOV* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3704. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; personal watercraft store chain employee; Cleveland; got separate calls from sons of co-worker DA**
3705. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; hired to perform at restaurant DONA** HA*****N **.
3707. From a TV movie; based on comics; 80s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (by only 2-3 months - cover date same month as episode airdate - so it may be that the TV people came up with the character);  co-leader of Hydra, terrorist; Berlin?; with sister, attempted to carry on father's legacy W**N** VON ****C***
3708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; targeted someone he made have had a fling with in Paris JAC**** D*C*A***
3709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; particle physicist; Pasadena; had affair with company owner in the 1940s JAN* *CO**
3710. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief; Harlem; shot at main character while robbing store with others **CHA**
3711. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Fantastic Four; Yes; personal watercraft salesman; Cleveland; counterpart of major supporting character and father of 3663 and 3766 *ON  [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]
3712. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Hell's Kitchen; with a fellow officer, took supporting character needing police protection to a hotel *OW***
3713. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; with another criminal was beating up clinic worker for info when cronfronted by main character **C**
3714. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Bahrain; mind controlled by 2499 [AG*N*] O'B***N
3715. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3057, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage G***N GOB**N
3716. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; security chief for oil drilloing company; Bywater, New Orleans; helped try to get protestors to leave ***V* G**B**
3717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musical peformer; United States; appeared in a music video ****H
3718. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos CA**B***
3719. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; unrevealed; Illinois; father of main character ***A* ***C*O*
3720. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; helped someone move into same apartment building as main character *A**O
3721. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; doctor; Cincinatti; arrested for attempting to trigger genetic mutations **NCO*N CA**B***
3722. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New Orleans; asked girlfriend to have sex with someone he wanted to strike a aprtnership with, eventually resorting to hitting her ***C
3723. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; was attending a rooftop party when a blackout occurred DA****
3724. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; Karachi; got lost and upon being found was microchipped *AGN**
3725. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; name is also occupation; Quantum Realm; led a group and was an ally to a supporting character NO*AD **AD**
3726. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; witnessed misconduct by his partner and was paid to help cover it up B*AD*O*D
3727. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Jersey City; life was saved by main character while participating in a cosplay contest ZO* ******
3728. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Doctor Strange: The Oath; Yes; neurosurgeon; New York City; saved main character's s life after a near fatal car accident N*CO***** W***
3729. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Superior Spider-Man; Yes; none; Washington, DC; used as a means to assist main character ***D**-D*ON*
3730. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; drug dealer; Colombia; forcibly entered someone's home, demanding to know where Rodriguez's brother was JAV***
3731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; boss discovered him making deals with other criminal organizations ****O* ****/***** **O***
3732. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school teacher; New York City; lectured main character for being tardy
3733. Original TV show character, though posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3751 make a machine to make her race stronger *O*A DA**ON (******)
3734. Original movie character; 10s; No; love hotel manager; Tokyo; had her son, a veterinary student, fix main character's wounds ****O
3735. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four as such; Partial; conqueror/pharaoh, scientist; Egypt; worked with alternate versions of himself *A*A-***
3736. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Daredevil; No; police captain; New York City; mostly believed main character to be an urban legend at first N*** *ANO***
3737. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; avatar; Giza; attended council meetings on behalf of deity *A*Z**
3738. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; broadcast television network director; San Francisco; fired main character for reporteding on the basis of a hunch instead of facts JA**
3739. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. computer science cadet, bartender; United States; one of the main characters doing an investigation tricked him into believing she was a different rank than she was for information *AD [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGNOW29]
3740. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; innovation company employee; Los Angeles; did computer work for divergent version of one of the main characters J****
3741. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Harlem; loyal to major villain and assisted in her rise to power A*** W*****
3742. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; California; info sparse and I don't recall him DAV**
3743. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; student; Salem Center, New York; student at school used as base for main characters, and seems older than an earlier version of the character J*B****
3744. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ka-Zar; Yes; C.I.A. agent; Alexandria, Virginia; aided main character in defeating main villain *V***** *O**
3745. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; adventurer; Manhattan; with others arrested main character and ignored his warnings about the real threat **O****O* *
3746. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; United States; ex-girlfriend of main character **O**NC* "******" W**CH
3747. From a webseries; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; San Francisco; interviewed villain until the latter thought things were getting to personal JA*** *OND***
3748. Original movie character; 00s; No; arms dealer; Tampa?; all of 3616 **** A***OV
3749. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by major supportuing character in dojo CA**B
3750. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter of sorts who planned to pose as SHIELD agent; New York State; intended to replace character from another reality previously identified **C* **ON** (CH*ON*CO*)
3751. From a TV show; based on character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3733 make a machine to make him race stronger V*C*O* DA**ON (******)
3752. from a TV show; loosely based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Power Man and Iron Fist; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; marriage with supporting character fell apart when she discovered her wife was having an affair with 3139 W*ND* *O**-HOGA**H
3753. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; FBI agent turned police detective; New York City; joined the police to arrest main character *A** B*D*AN***
3754. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version not fully named); 10s; while I found an image of comics version, I was unable to determine her first appearance, so it's possible that the TV version appeared first; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, New York City; mother of main villain *A***N* V***A*N
3755. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Doctor Strange; Yes; sorcerer; Kamar-Taj; destroyed a book of magic in an effort to stop main villain *A*A WO***
3756. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; imprisoned by main villain until freed by 3509 D****C*
3757. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; luxury department store employee; New York City; in the 1940s, worked for a department store that also existed in the real world *O*** BOW**N
3758. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent smuggler; New York City; in the 1940s, helped smuggle supporting character back into the US J****
3759. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force captain; Washington, DC; when recurring character started questioning female staffers, she was the first to enter [CA**A**] A***G*O
3760. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; unrevealed; Broxton, Oklahoma; customer at fast food restaurant B***
3761. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; disocovered main character and latter's daughter when they first became stranded in the realm *O***
3762. Original movie character; 00s; No; chef; New York City; worked for Moondance Diner *N**Q**
3763. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Partial; Hydra agent; unrevealed to the extent applicable; according to history textbooks, his success in the field of science, specifically the discovery of the polio vaccination, led to the foundation of an institute named after him DAN*** WH****A**
3764. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; mother of main character **A*N* WA*****
3765. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; presumed adventurer; United States?; likely leader of a hero group that was part of a larger gathering **A*-*O*D
3766. From a TV shows; based on earlier character same contnuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of 3711 and brother of 3663 **AN
3767. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hawkeye; Yes; criminal; New York City; contributed to the death of father of childhood friend *AZ* *AZ*****CZA*
3768. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; shopkeeper; Harlem; main character started a robbery at his store W***** GO***
3769. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; none; Saint Petersburg; experimented on by adoptive mother of main character A*****
3770. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed criminal; Northwest Territories; seen in a prison O**GA **D
3771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel concierge; Los Angeles; learned that main characters and one other had infiltrated hotel and sent security after them
3772. From a TV show; possibly based on comics; 10s; X-Men: Red; No; hitwoman; Washington, DC; with others involved in a massacre where they killed thousand of innocent people, including children H*A****
3773. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; enforcer; New York City; after death of boss, found himself moving between employers Z**
3774. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; miner; Attilan; with wife 3648, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *O*O***
3775. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; No; presumed adventurer; New York City; decided to abandon teammates before a battle HAW****
3776. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall him; United States?; info sparse
3777. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army private; Arlington, Virginia; with 2349, stood guard at storage warehouse gate [***VA**] WA****
3778. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; youth shelter worker; Brooklyn; abused many of the children under his care. A**H** WA**H
3779. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Karachi; other dimensional being who switched sides and aided main character *A**AN
3780. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force lieutenant; Chicago; arrested one of the main characters and sought out the rest who had vanished [******NAN*] **CA*
3781. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Dora Milaje member; Wakanda; battled an undersea dwelling race J***N*
3782. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lab nurse; Queens;m responsible for the care of the mother of main character **ANN* *CC****
3783. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or adventurer depending on now you look at it; New York City; likely in the story within story battled stepbrother and aliens ****CA* *HO*
3784. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain Marvel; Yes; prince; Aladna; husband of one of the main characters [***NC*] *AN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACNW2]
3785. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; Harlem; mother of main character DANA *******
3786. Original TV show character; 70s; race track owner; United States; allowed one of his horse trainers to experiment with a special vitamin supplement that was aimed at calming feral animals *AW**NC* H*N** CA**O** ***
3787. From a commercial; based on comics but species swapped; 00s; Fantastic Four; possible monarch; United States; attacked by arch-nemeses DOC*O* DOO*
3788. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; climbed onto bucket ***D**-*AN / WOO*WO**H/WOO*CO: CH*A* HA**OW**N CO****** & CAND*
3789. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Portland, Oregon; taken to hotel while possessed by a demon *****N*A **O***
3790. From a movie; shares name with characters based on comics but probably a coincidence; 10s; Avengers; No; house pet; San Francisco; pet of someone identified in collage 2 G***N*
3791. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; fast food franchise manager; Broxton, Oklahoma; was cashier for someone who later worked for him JAC* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3792. Original movie character (extended version); 00s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; sister of hero identified in 2020 collages *A***O** (G***)
3793. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; got angry during cell phone call H*** [(**.) *O****] / ***T*D H*A*THCA**
3794. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed scientist, industrialist; Paris?; let people take pictures with him **ON *AN
3795. From a movie; name based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Morocco; appeared to attack Morocco before seemingly stopped by someone C*C*ON*
3797. From a TV show; based on comics and folklore (merged character); 10s?; Amazing Fantasy/German Lutheran folklore; No; gift giver; Burbank?; tossed things at audience ***D**-*AN *A**** B*NN*
3798. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 70s; Incredible Hulk; United States; got upset when someone asked him for his pie H*** ("G****O**" J** BOND*) / *O**ON ***A* ****** D*******
3800. From a TV show; Marvel Fandom suggests based on comics but I'm doubtful (if so comics version has no surname and gender swapping means first name is slightly different); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital staff member; decline; supplied medicinal drugs to patients BOBB* **NN*D*
3801. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; greeted three other kids ***D**-*AN / [commercial is for a different product from before but appears to be same company as one previously identified so no Hangman]
3802. From a TV show; possibly based on comics (shorteneed name if so); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital orderly; decline; approached one of the patients to give her a cupcake B**
3803. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy officer; United Kingdom; identity usurped by 3278 *HO* *H****
3804. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; furniture store owner; Detroit; got irritated by complaining customer H***  [(*NC**) *OB*N*ON] / *OB*N*ON ***N*****
3805. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; likely aired in 00s; Amazing Fantasy; furniture store owner; Victoria, British Columbia; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 ***D**-*AN (GO*D* DODD)
3806. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; with others including 3225, helped protect neighborhood **O*
3807. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3338, helped wrap items ***D**-*AN
3808. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; likely pet; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; rescued by supporting character during robot's attack on town BA***
3809. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; compound pet; New York State; owned by main character and wife G**A*D
3810. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; treasure hunter; South America; sought lost treasure in the jungle *ON*A*BAN
3811. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; prison guard; California; supervised major character's interview with webseries main character *. A***N
3812. Original TV show character; 70s; criminal; New York City?; ally of main villain of story (previously identified) B********
3813. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; aided by two boys in fighting 2443 ***D**-*AN
3814. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; encountered others dressed as him ***D**-*AN
3815. Original movie character; 00s; No; house pet; Rio de Janeiro; pet of main character  **C**
3816. From a movie; posing as someone based on comics; Quasar; Yes; apparent infilatrator posing as soldier of sorts; Torfa; posed as someone previously identified to fool a sniper identified in the 2020 collages A**-*A**
3817. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; entertainment reporter and television personality; Los Angeles; critiqued someone's armour; has counterpart previously identified G****ANA *ANC*C
3818. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SHIELD agent; San Juan, Puerto Rico; was initially unaware he worked for main villain of a season (this is another character who should have made it into the 2020 collages) AN*O*N* ********
3819. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; Paris?; held by apparent captor 3576 *O**
3820. Original movie character but possibly named after real person; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; info sparse ***B*
3821. From a TV show; based on comics (though he claims otherwise; possible different surname); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; No; cue card guy; Burbank?; explained the legal reasons why he can't be the person he obviously is H*** (B**C* *H* C** CA*D ***)
3822. Original movie character; 20s; Yes;  S.A.B.E.R. agent; space station; over 300 years old *AG [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNW29]
3823. Original TV movie character but probably named after comics strip character; 70s; decline as that would make this one too easy; pet; Los Angeles; pet of main character H*A*HC****


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4/22/2024 6:27 am  #460

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Updated Locked, etc list. Some additions due to "audting" of parts 8 and 9.

Number remaining for certain types of characters (usually but not always variants of more significant characters):

Dark Dimension: 5
Duat: 4
Framework: 5
Framework (Destroyed Earth): 1
Future seen in final episode of Runaways: 7
Healing Algorithm: 1
Tandy Bowen Drug Addict 2
Tandy Bowen Engineer 1
Tandy Bowen's Perfect Life 5

Cos-players: 9
LMDs: 1

For the rest,  *= newly added

Locked characters:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Partially locked characters:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Other characters who should now be fairly easy to identify:
Part 6:
Part 7:
3083 (once this one is identified, 2896 should soon follow)
Part 8:
Part 9:
3788 (if you don’t know the full name of the commercial, the company names will suffice)
3805 (if you search part 5's list of characters for his counterpart, this one should be very easy)


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10/18/2024 6:26 am  #461

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

In 2 days it'll be half a year since there were any guesses in the last Marvel Live collage. If there are no guesses by then, people can start requesting that answers be revealed. What I'll allow if that happens is people to pick 30 numbers per day or pick one show or movie per day (their choice, and of course okay to make different decisions on different days).

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10/20/2024 4:15 am  #462

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

There's been no guesses in this game for half a year. So now people can either still make guesses or just ask me to reveal answers.

Per person each day, people can either ask for up to 30 specific numbers to be revealed, or everyone from a particular show or movie. Since this is about revealing answers, I can play as well, but I'll give people a few hours to chime in first, and usually won't play on days when other people have already asked to have answers revealed/

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10/20/2024 8:04 am  #463

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Enough time has passed to give others first dibs. Revealing the various characters from Agents of SHIELD. I'll still accept requests from other people today.

Part 6:

2335. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; handler (under duress); New Mexico; forced by main villain of season to be someone's handler after his wife was kidnapped *YLE *ELLE*
Kyle Zeller

2349. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marine private; Arlington, Virginia; with 3777, stood guard at storage warehouse gate [***.] **L*E*
Pvt. Tilden

2367. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; United States; stationed on aircraft carrier [*GE**] H****S
Agent Harris

2372. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Endotex Labs' IT security head; Gaithersburg, Maryland; let in major characters who were undercover S*E*E W*LSO*
Steve Wilson

2393. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Invincible Iron Man; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; teamed up with main characters in the 1980s ****O*** H***
Victoria Hand (Chronicom timeline)

2396. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; future cast character was a bridesmaid for her

2411. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Paris; partnered with cast character to obtain alien artefact [*GE**] *U*O**
Agent Dumont

2412. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; noblewoman; former New York State; purchased fighters [L**Y] B*SH*  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word (first is a salutation); letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
Lady Basha (Destroyed Earth timeline)

2425. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grocery store owner; New York City; had vision of own death after touching a superhuman E*W** *BBO**
Edwin Abbott

2433. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force commander; Oahu; main characters manipulated him into causing an EMP [*O*****E*] ****E*
Commander Darren

2444. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force lieutenant; United States; listened to general rant about rideable lawn mowers [L*EU*E****] *E**E*
Lieutenant Decker

2448. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force general/Hydra sleeper agent; United States; he and others used receiver and accidentally reached out to aliens F*S*HE*

2465. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force sergeant; Washington, DC; noticed someone's hairstyle changed but didn't realize she was an imposter [S**** SE*GE***] B*OO**O*
Staff Sergeant Brookton

2489. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; House of Karius master/alliance representative; Hala;  extra-terrestrial who manipulated someone into mining the Earth's gravitonium; super-strength/durabilit etc. ***Y**

2498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hacker; Austin, Texas; once managed to hack into the Kremlin and retrieve embarrassing pictures of Vladimir Putin **LES LY*O*
Miles Lydon

2499. Original TV show character, though comics version appeared later that year; 10s; Yes; student if any; Bahrain; overwhelmed by powers, caused carnage; sense manipulation ***Y* BELY**O*
Katya Belyakov

2501. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; unrevealed; Nepal; captured by major villain L* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
Li (Chronicom timeline)

2505. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Chicago; helped evacuate civilians during a battle [OFF**E*] *BYS*EWS*
Officer Zbyszewsk

2507. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; unsure location; appeared in first season of a series **Y****

2516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; Alaska; took part in trying to secure SHIELD once Hydra's role was revealed [*GE**] *****SO*
Agent Chaimson

2519. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; Nevada; worked on research project in the 1950s ******* *EY*O*
Patrick Peyton (Chronicom timeline)

2530. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Bahrain; one of the main characters saved him from 2499 [*GE**] H***
Agent Hart

2533. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scout troop member, thus presumed student; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; on scouts camping trip, told a story about the "Crying Man." **S***

2549. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; delegate; Australia; attended Symposium on Alien Contagion in order to establish international politics regarding superhuman beings ELLE* ***G
Ellen King

2554. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Budapest; took part in ill-fated mission to obtain a weapon ***HO

2560. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; wife of a home-based welder ****E *HO**SO*
Katie Thompson

2562. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Paris; sold tech on the black market *. ****H***
T. Vanchat

2567. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia; accompanied main characters to search for then-boss *O**LES

2568. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon gas station convenience store attendant; Batesville, Utah; friend of someone killed in lab accident **YLO*

2570. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; South Bend, Indiana; revealed plans after capture OS***

2577. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; possible mercenary; United States; teleported onto mobile command station ***B*LL
Kimball (Chronicom timeline)

2588. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; volunteer firefighter; Wrigley, Pennsylvania; aided in recovering after alien invasion F**** WH*LE*
Frank Whalen

2598. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; River's End, New York; took VCR player to Feldman Electronics for repairs *H** WO****
Chip Womack

2609. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; freedom fighter of sorts; former New York State; joined in uprising against aliens G*E**HE*
Gretchen (Destroyed Earth timeline)

2612. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; armed forces colonel general; Russia; involved in plot to assassinate Russian Prime Minister [*OLO*E* GE*E**L] ****O****
Colonel General Androvich

2621. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Naperville, Illinois; younger brother of one of the main characters *UBE* ****E***E
Ruben Mackenzie

2623. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; River's End, New York; served someone their first real beer ***E

2627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin; Sunbury, Pennsylvania; hired to kil an organization's director YU** ******
Yuri Malkin

2632. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; living weapon under duress; former New York State; purchased by 2412; density manipulation *BBY [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking:  BOUWY478]
Abby (Destroyed Earth timeline)

2639. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthropologist; New York State; alien sent to Earth in order to study and record the history of Humans; super-strength/durability etc. *O*H

2645. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; navy admiral; Washington, DC; investigated purchasing super soldiers for the government but the deal went south [******L] *OL*ES
Admiral Jolnes

2655. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; Washington, DC?; captured and transformed into mindless being ****SO*

2657. Original TV show character, though shares code name with gorilla from comics; 10s; Yes; Iron Man; security guard; North America; guarded secret compound holding alien body (Guest House) BE**

2677. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; Washington, DC; worked for organization's director ***H** B. ***H**SO*
Nathan B. Nathanson

2680. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mob boss; near the Caucasus Mountains; has enough level of influence to help people to cross the South Ossetian borders


2698. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Atlanta; villain helped her and her son while they were struggling with bags at bus depot ****A

2716. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Kitson; manipulated someone who didn't get the mind games aspect of gambling into going all in *A*N*

2722. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hunter, posed as police officer; New York City; sent to 1931 to assassinate someone; super-strength/durability, etc AB**

2729. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; keeper of some sort; Fear Dimension; waited to cross a portal to take physical form on Earth; nearly immortal [T**] ****T
The First

2730. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Bahrain; mother of 2499 **A B***A*O*
Eva Belyakov

2732. From a TV show; based on another character same show mentioned but not seen; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York State; while in an alternate reality, impersonated the mother of one of the main characters super-strength/durability, etc ****A *AC**N*** (C**ON*CO*)
Lilla Mackenzie (Chronicom)

2746. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; magician; Miami; hired to entertain for guests at a party that the Watchdogs crashed A*A**N* ***T*
Amazing Mertz

2764. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist, Momentum Labs leader; Pasadena, California; experimented with mystical book JO**PH BAU**
Joseph Bauer

2770. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Batesville, Utah; prominent person in a crowd blaming a safety inspector for an explosion *A*THA

2782. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New Ghost Rider; Yes; electrical engineer turned criminal; Los Angeles; major villain who sought power from mystical book; matter creation *** *O**O*
Eli Morrow

2783. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Public Relations department worker, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Miami; present during attack by Watchdogs on director's life [A**N*] BU**O**
Agent Burrows

2786. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; North America; corpse used in experiements including one that revived one of the main characters *H (*U**T-HO*T) [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in one version of name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPX0]

2795. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Los Angeles; aided main characters against robots [A**NT] P**NC*
Agent Prince

2797. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra agent; Los Angeles; sent to alien world by brother to be a sacrifice NATHAN*** *A**C*
Nathaniel Malick

2799. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Pasadena; Aryan Brotherhood member who participated in the theft of a mysterious box T. **TCH***
T. Mitchell

2805. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; student when last seen (1980s); Illinois; brother of counterpart of one of the main characters *UB*N *AC**N***
Ruben Mackenzie (Chronicom timeline)

2819. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra head; Los Angeles; father of major villain and staunch believer in the Hydra religion *T*PHAN** *A**C*
Stephanie Malick

2830. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; philanthropist; Miami; arranged fundraiser to reconstruct church *A***** *OTO
Gabriel Soto

2837. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Centipede Project soldier; Oakland, California; given enhanced abilities by serum; super-strength/durability etc. B**A* *A**A**
Brian Hayward

2841. From a TV show; arguably based on comics character with different name/gender swapped; 10s; Captain Marvel; Yes; Watchdogs operative; Washington, DC; hated Inhumans even after learning he was one; self-detonation and reforming after TUC*** *H*C****
Tucker Shockley

2846. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; Alaska; helped maintain security when Hydra revealed itself [A**NT] JACOB*ON [partial LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is a title; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
Agent Jacobson

2847. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; navy officer; Tijuana; best man at a wedding P*T* ***TN**
Pete Leitner

2851. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none (homeless); New York City; abadoned family due to the nature of his powers; death sense CHA**** H*NTON
Charles Hinton

2858. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Science and Technology student; Newark, New Jersey; with another character, designed freezing device **TH *O****
Seth Dormer

2893. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mob enforcer; Muskingum County, Ohio; recruited into a team to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.; super-strength ****C** NOCH*
Francis Noche

2897. Original TV show character, though comics character with almost the same name later appeared; 10s; Yes; criminal organization member; Los Angeles; looked inside a mysterious box he was helping transport *HAN* ***
Zhang Wei

2911. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; noblewoman; former New York State; sought to buy one of the main characters as a warrior [*A**] *A*ABA
Lady Karaba (Destroyed Earth timeline)

2916. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. medical staff member; North America; helped revive one of the main characters [**.] *OO**AN
Dr. Goodman

2922. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Washington, DC; counterpart of 2783, took part in mission to rescue someone from Hydra [A**NT] BU**O**
Agent Burrows (Framework)

2923. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; lent money to superhuman friend to buy toys for his son B**N**

2924. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; All-New Ghost Rider; Yes; former student; Los Angeles; brother of superhuman alliy of main characters *AB**** *****
Gabriel Reyes

2927. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Indiana; helped to investigate energetic anomalies which had been occurring in different locations *O*

2928. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; apparent smuggler of sorts; former New York State; sent to sneak in main characters arriving from the past JON**
Jones (Destroyed Earth timeline)

2931. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; took part in comandeering vehicle from main characters *OP**

2944. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; architect; Malta; designed many of the most well-known buildings in Dubai *A*** *A*HU*
Qasim Zaghlul

2954. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska;  knew of a special box that her parents kept in the basement **AC* *U*CAH**
Grace Mulcahey (Chronicom timeline)

2960. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; University of Ohio student; Ohio; was bugged by cast characters to find her brother *AU*A HA**A**
Laura Hayward

2968. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government assassin; Muskingum County, Ohio; obsessed with creating elaborate ways to kill JOHN B*UNO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
John Bruno

2971. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; Hydra operative; United States; with others, sent to infiltrate a train *ANA  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
Lana (Chronicom timeline)

2977. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; receptionist; Silicon Valley, California; was forced to let main villain of season into the building when he insisted he had an appointment **N**A*

2978. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; astronaut; Washington, DC; went  mad on a distant planet while studying something TA**O*

2983. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Nevada; enthralled by comics-based villain [sources conflict on spelling of surname; will accept either] J**** *C**N*** or *AC**N***
Jimmy McKenzie/Jimmy Mackenzie

2993. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SHIELD technician; United States; shot in arm during attack by undercover Hydra operatives T** *A*U***
Tim Maguire

2999. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but probably a coincidence; 10s; Blade: Vampire Hunter; Yes; mercenary; Chronyca-2; upon arriving on Earth through a portal, remained stuck in a wall T*N***

3003. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attacked by own sister in a hate crime **JA* NA****
Vijay Nadeer

3008. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York state; identity usurped in the 1970s by 3241 *O**
Ford (Chronicom timeline)

3010. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; Washington, DC; worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the wake of a seeming bomb attack in Washington, DC [A**NT] JU**A*N
Agent Jurmain

3012. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible student; Nepal; kidnapped by Hydra *T*AN JOHN*TON
Ethan Johnston

3015. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Watchdogs member; United States;  refused to take part in Watchdogs' armed interventions *A**A* **ATT
Dallas Wyatt

3027. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; drug lord/Hydra agent; Bogotá, Columbia; assassinated by superhuman under the orders of main villain [**] *O*O (A**JAN**O CA*T***O)
El Dogo (Alejandro Castillo)

3029. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; StatiCorp technician;  Batesville, Utah; worked on a project involving a Particle Accelerator but caught in an explosion A***N* ****OU*H**
Arlene Willoughby

3031. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent/guard; United States; assigned to guard two villains [A**NT] PH**P*
Agent Phelps

3033. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Siberia; helped maintain security of Alasha base during Hydra uprising [A**NT] *HA*
Agent Shaw

3036. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; bartender; it's complicated but let's go with former New York State; valued cleanliness and had a tendency to talk back when reproached him about his obsession
Rick (Framework in Destroyed Earth timeline)

3050. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force soldier; Pacific Ocean; he and his regiment were held as hostages by major villain and his followers **AHA*

3051. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; extraterrestrial alliance representative; outer space; took part in a deal between an alien group and Hydra **T***A

3052. Original TV show character, though characters with same code name/powers have appeared in comics; 10s; Blackwulf appears to be earliest such use; Yes; street magician; Hong Kong; after getting powers, experimented on by a group later revealed to be funded by Hydra; fire manipulation *CO*CH (CHAN HO **N)
Scorch (Chan Ho Yin)

3060. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; musician (guitar), informal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York State; as demolition expert, destroyed robot with bomb O**A PACH*N*O
Olga Pachinko (Chronicom timeline)

3063. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; slave servitor; former New York State;  implanted with implant which rendered her deaf to any sound but her master's voice A*A  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
Ava (Destroyed Earth timeline)

3079. From a TV show; possibly based on comics but more likely a coincidence; 10s; DP 7; Yes; programmer/IT guy; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; assisted someone in his campaign to slaughter superhuman beings; Inhuman detection *****T ****
Dwight Frye

3082. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mechanic; Los Angeles; while working on a car, one of the main characters walked up to him asking if he had seen any chargers ****O

3084. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; bank employee; Cayman Islands; escorted women using aliases into safe that held safety deposit boxes J**O** ***C*A***
Jerome Deschamps

3104. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin for various orgs (KGB, SVR, Hydra, Watchdogs); Sunbury, Pennsylvania; hired to kill head of an org and steal briefcase ***TO* O**O*
Viktor Orlov

3109. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; Hydra agent; New York City; diverged from 2797; kidnapped one of the main characters and stole her powers; vibration manipulation, energy manipulation NATHAN*** *A**C*
Nathaniel Malick (Chronicom timeline)

3115. Original TV show character, though name might be a nod to real world Toronto businessman; 10s; Yes; car dealership owner; South Carolina; approached by one of the main characters, who was looking for a vehicle that could "take a beating."  HON**T *****
Honest Eddie

3117. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Castleton, Indiana; slipped trying to run from a giant man T**

3122. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. operative; New York State; worked undercover at company to keep an eye on major character T***O* *HAN
Trevor Khan

3134. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; preparer of sorts; Nepal; prepared youth for a transformation process *AT-**N

3136. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prison guard; Norway; with colleague, ran towards source of alarm going off HUNT*N*TON

Part 8:

3140. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent turned classified information dealer; Arlington, Virginia; abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. after Hydra uprising.  **GE* B***N*NG
Roger Browning

3146. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; told his story to a bartender, the latter a supporting character T**
Tom (Chronicom timeline)

3148. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; park ranger; Trillemarka National Park, Norway; with partner (previously identified), cleaned graffiti from sign board B***N

3183. From a TV show; posing as someone based on comics; 10s; Nick Fury vs. SHIELD; Yes; none; United States; impersonated one of the main characters ***H*NS* **C**NZ*E (***)
Alphonso Mackenzie (LMD)

3208. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; House heir apparent; former New York State; attempted to buy one of the main characters and make her a slave of the Kree Empire F***N**
Faulnak (Destroyed Earth timeline)

3220. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; went on date with superhuman guy *EV*N

3232. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York State; counterpart of one of the main characters and father of a later main character *E****D F*TZ
Leopold Fitz (from variant of Destroyed Earth timeline)

3233. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Los Angeles; customer at fireworks shop E****T

3236. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  army phycisian and medic; United States; treated someone who had been shot in the head by a LMD [D**T**] F**D
Doctor Ford

3237. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra scientist; Dover, Delaware; was erroneously believed to be a mole in Hydra *ENNETH T**GE*N
Kenneth Turgeon

3238. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company employee; Palo Alto, California; after the Hydra Uprising he conducted job interviews with out of work S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists *TT [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers locked at time of locking: DGHNTZ5]

3241. From a TV show; posing as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York State; usurped 3008's identity and assaulted someone else slated for replacement F**D (CH**N*C**)
Ford (Chronicom)

3242. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra research facility doorman; Dover, Delaware; became acquainted with one of the main characters while she was a mole THE*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]

3246. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Prime Minister; Moscow; major characters saved him from an assassination attempt D***T** **SHEN**
Dimitri Olshenko

3250. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Air Force officer; United States; helped fight robots **CH**DS*N

3251. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hunter; New York City; with others, attempted to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.  in 1931, creating a divergence C**N

3264. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; alien alliance representative; outer space; refused to welcome human into the alliance C****N

3270. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Washington, DC; counterpart of 3818 and worked undercover for Hydra to gain intel *NT**NE T****ETT
Antoine Triplett (Framework)

3288. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; xeno-anthropologist; former New York State; counterpart of major supporting character and woke up one of the main characters in the future EN*CH  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
Enoch (Destroyed Earth timeline)

3298. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; servant; former New York State; after stabbing, healed by one of the main characters with another's assistance *EESE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
Reese (Destroyed Earth timeline)

3302. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bond trader; Canada; framed for being the main villain of the season TH***S N*SH
Thomas Nash

3308. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Faro, Portugal; tricked deity into staying at police station C**V**H*

3312. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; United Nations representative; Italy; questioned general who gave a speech about S.H.I.E.L.D. *D*** D****
Adamo Dioli

3332. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned security specialist/bodyguard; Gaithersburg, Maryland; worked with major villain to ensure no one learned of their true intentions for the superhumans they were rounding up *. G**E**
R. Giyera

3340. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; pet; Wyoming; Pet of someone who became a major villain B*DD*

3356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Los Angeles;  started a graffiti wall to start counting the people who had been attacked by a vigilante he was a fan of FE***

3358. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist; United States; worked with a couple of main characters, one in particular C***F**D

3364. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; warrior; outer space; spotted an alien object that appeared to be human docking to a spaceship ******C

3368. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; security agent; Italy; head of a security team that transported a secret project to recurring villain C**** **N**N*
Carlo Mancini

3376. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Interpol officer; France; ordered to interrogate two major characters in connection to the murders [**S*ECT**] D*V**
Inspector Duval

3386. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government official/delegate; Moscow; made deal with villains in order to build a sanctuary for superhumans *NT*N *ET**V
Anton Petrov

3387. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist; United States; forced to work for Hydra under threat of losing his family **SE*H GETT*
Joseph Getty

3389. From a TV show; code name arguably based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man: Fear Itself; Yes; Hydra leader; United States; falsely accused of attempting a coup [THE] B***NESS
The Baroness

3406. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; Minnesota; took part in one of the main characters' preliminary hearing as she came to sign legal documents, acting as the Chairman of the hearing GENE *******S
Gene Williams

3441. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bodyguard/criminal; Malta; main bodyguard for recurring villain S**TH

3443. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hate group member; Trillemarka National Park, Norway; with another, travelled to Seville to acquire the second piece of a staff ***S

3464. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; technology company employee under duress; New Mexico;  forced to work for company after someone close to him was kidnapped *ESSE F*ETCHE*
Jesse Fletcher

3467. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal group member; Los Angeles; made a deal with other groups to obtain a mysterious box CH*N  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: CDFGHNSTVZ145]

3469. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. bodyguard; United States; bodyguard to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s director at the time [*GENT] CEC****
Agent Cecilio

3471. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; with future main character and latter's bride-to-be sister, attended a party on a rooftop *ET*C**

3488. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; Faro, Portugal; while sitting next to his girlfriend on a beach with friends, he explained that crackers is the American word for cookies T**G*

3498. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; Pasadena; participated in the theft of a mysterious box D. *NDE*S*N
D. Anderson

3516. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; breast cancer survivor, attended sister's funeral **NE H**T*E*
Jane Hartley

3524. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physical therapist; Tahiti; only seen in false memories ****NE

3526. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Secret War; Partial; Hydra agent; United States; body taken over by one of the main characters S**E
Skye (Framework)

3534. From a TV show; posing as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter; Nevada; in another reality in the 1955 usurped previously identified character's identity to gain access to a top secret facility N**ES **ND***E (CH**N*C**)
Niles Lindmore (Chronicom)

3544. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra leader; United States; while he and the other leaders were deciding how to replace someone, he was accused of attempting to mount a coup [THE] B*N*E*
The Banker

3555. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska; helped maintain the security of base against Hydra [*GENT] **NES
Agent Jones

3559. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army officer; United States; helped investigate a general being shot in the head non-fatally by a robot posing as one of the main characters *E**S*N

Part 9:

3572. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthropologist; Leitner; sent to planet to observe the evolution of the local population **A*AH

3573. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; leader of race; Kitson; sought to prevent the destruction of her race's planet by using time travel A*A*AH

3583. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hydra scientist; Belgium; worked for major villain during World War II V*NC**** B*C****
Vincent Beckers

3589. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Alaska; entrusted with an object which once belonged to his grandfather, a member of the SSR B*ANDON GA*B**
Brandon Gamble (Chronicom timeline)

3595. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Mexico; kindnapped by company in order to coerce her husband to work for them, threatening to kill her if he did not comply. [***.] Z*****
Mrs. Zeller

3614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force captain; Washington, DC; was ordered by superior to stand guard and not allow anyone else inside room where his superior was questioning female staffers [CA****N] *****
Captain Smith

3639. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; United States; niece of superhuman ***HA ******ON
Kisha Peterson

3643. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; mother of 3639 and took in superhuman brother's son **ND* ******O*
Mindy Peterson

3655. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Batesville, Utah; prominent person in a crowd blaming a safety inspector for an explosion *OG**

3689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier; Peru; took part in comandeering vehicle from main characters C***

3699. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal organization member; Los Angeles; participated in the theft of a mysterious box then hunted down by superhuman *. *CO**
M. Scott

3714. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Bahrain; mind controlled by 2499 [AG*N*] O'B***N
Agent O'Brien

3721. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; doctor; Cincinatti; arrested for attempting to trigger genetic mutations **NCO*N CA**B***
Lincoln Campbell (Framework)

3723. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Miami; was attending a rooftop party when a blackout occurred DA****

3730. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; drug dealer; Colombia; forcibly entered someone's home, demanding to know where Rodriguez's brother was JAV***

3739. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. computer science cadet, bartender; United States; one of the main characters doing an investigation tricked him into believing she was a different rank than she was for information *AD [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGNOW29]

3750. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; hunter of sorts who planned to pose as SHIELD agent; New York State; intended to replace character from another reality previously identified **C* **ON** (CH*ON*CO*)
Rick Stoner (Chronicom)

3759. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force captain; Washington, DC; when recurring character started questioning female staffers, she was the first to enter [CA**A**] A***G*O
Captain Allegro

3763. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Partial; Hydra agent; unrevealed to the extent applicable; according to history textbooks, his success in the field of science, specifically the discovery of the polio vaccination, led to the foundation of an institute named after him DAN*** WH****A**
Daniel Whitehall (Framework)

3777. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army private; Arlington, Virginia; with 2349, stood guard at storage warehouse gate [***VA**] WA****
Private Walter

3780. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; air force lieutenant; Chicago; arrested one of the main characters and sought out the rest who had vanished [******NAN*] **CA*
Lieutenant Lucas

3818. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SHIELD agent; San Juan, Puerto Rico; was initially unaware he worked for main villain of a season (this is another character who should have made it into the 2020 collages) AN*O*N* ********
Antoine Triplett

Will update the list shortly.

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     Thread Starter

10/20/2024 9:23 am  #464

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

List updated. Cleaned up Part 6 clues :

Letters/numbers found so far: BEFGHLOUSWY246780

2254. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; probable student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store **O* ***
2276. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; student; United States; created suit as part of science project; suit can let the wearer fly **O* *** / *E***O*
2283. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; United States; 2606 sprayed water at him by shooting a fire hydrant; electrical powers ELE***O
2297. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled sibling at home **O* ***
2309. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Yes; actress; Asgard; reenacted event from previous movie ***E FO*SE* ****ESS
2310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Homeland Security medical examiner; New York City; tried to aid major supporting character in identying man who attacked the latter WE**Y
2311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; patron of Josie's Bar and friend of major supporting character ***** *E*E*SO*
2312. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; sheriff; Eastview, New Jersey; could not recall neighbouring town [SHE****] **LLE*
2314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE agent; Los Angeles; broke into hostel where boss was being held **Y
2315. From a TV show, based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Blade; No; unrevealed?; Detroit; father of main character *OBE** B*OO*S
2316. From a TV show; based on demonology; 10s; demonology; Yes; proabbly none, but posing as priest; Portland, Oregon; demon who assisted another in reuiniting her family and returning to power **U*
2318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  FBI agent; New York City; assigned to major villain protective detail *O****
2319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE enforcer; Los Angeles; boss of 2314; tried to retrieve video footage of all PRIDE's crimes ***HO*Y "*WOL" W*LL
2321. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; New York City; addicted to methamphetamines (note: shares image with 2711, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed) *EO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letter/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUWY478]
2322. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; likely United States or Canada; encountered other youth with similar claws WOL*E***E / *-*E* O****** WOL*E***E ELE***O*** *L*W* *OY
2323. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student/dancer; Los Angeles; auditioned to join the school dance team (sources conflict on the spelling; will accept either) H****H of H****
2327. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Partial; scientist, atomic researcher, inventor, criminal; New York City; was drawn to another Earth just before his death; has mechnical tentacles with superhuman strength, etc *O**O* O**O*US
2328. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ****Y
2329. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Greek mythology; hunter; Omnipotence City; told by father to hunt down and kill main character; presumed super-strength, etc HE***LES ***HELLE**OS
2330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; detective agency assistant; New York City; worked for main character G*LL***
2331. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ***E***
2332. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; examined major supporting character [*O**O*] **** ********
2333. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; student if any; Los Angeles; was found with major wound in chest; alternate version of main character *LE* W*L*E*
2334. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; old high school friend of main character and invited her to be bridesmaid at her wedding *U*U [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: U]
2336. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Malibu; fan of main character E***
2338. From a TV show; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Power Pack; Partial; student; Los Angeles; girlfriend of version of major character *UL*E
2339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; represented villain in lawsuit against the FBI ****E* *O**LES
2340. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; businessman/CEO; New York City; father of main character WE**ELL ****
2342. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Russian mafioso; Michigan; hired to obtain compromising photographs of someone **** (SE*GE* *O**HE*S*Y)
2343. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; entrepreneur; Los Angeles; dated main character *L**
2344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; security guard for Church of Gibborim; Los Angeles; investigated main characters when they tried to ilfiltrate site ***L
2345. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; host of online news outlet ****** S*L*S
2346. From a movie; shares codename with characters based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Mystic Comics likely first use; Yes; sorcerer apprentice; Kathmandu, Nepal; tortured by main villain; spell casting  WE*SEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2350. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug dealer; New York City?; sold drugs to main character and latter's friend [**E] G*EE*
2351. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand agent; New York City; prepared instruments to drain blood from major supporting character B****
2354. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Morlocks; No; Mutant Underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; tried to shoot himself in the head but powers prevented it; protective crystalline skin; can also crystallize matter SH***E*
2355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; Siberia; killed in Siberian prison *LE*E*
2356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Soviet Union; in the 1940s, was kidnapped by Leviathan and forced to contruct weapons ***OL*
2358. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Partial; probable student; Westview, New Jersey; mother possessed by counterpart of her *HO**S *****O**
2359. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; New York City; called for backup when he heard gunfire [*ES* SE*GE***] *HO**S
2361. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal/Crips leader; Los Angeles; kidnapped one of the main characters ****US ****S
2362. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sprase and I don't recall him ****USE
2363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended  therapy sessions for veterans ****S*O*HE*
2364. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; Chinatown, New York City; working with 2351, taunted supporting character ***Y
2365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended party celebrating business merger
2368. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police captain; New York City; oversaw supporting character's return to police force *O* ***E*HOU*
2369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent/criminal; Los Angeles; in 1940s, was told to keep press away from crime scene [*GE**] *EG*
2370. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; soldier/Flag Smashers. member; Bratislava; helped load boxes of vaccines onto a truck; super-strength/durability etc *****S
2374. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; Midtown Science High School student; Queens, New York City; asked main character to take pictures of her boyfriend's car S*LLY ****L
2376. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Elektra: The Hand; Yes; Hand agent; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; helped major villain in exchange for the acquisition of a particular block in Hell's Kitchen *OBU YOSH*O**
2377. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; memorabilia shop owner; Harlem; was extorted by thugs **SH* ***O*
2378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  security guard for males-only Arena Club; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, ordered to report to club's chambers W**SH*UE*
2379. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; shared melodies with 3299; immortality, remote possession  H**HO*
2381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Gnucci Crime Family member/guard; Little Italy, New York City; guarded card game *OOSE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2382. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Harlem; murdered to frame main character *****E *LB***
2383. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; presumed writer; Los Angeles; was a train station commuter *ELLY *UE *E*O*****
2384. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; dentist; New York City; in the 1940s, interviewed for a new secretary [**.] *E** *O****Y
2385. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Excalibur; No; hacker;  Washington, DC; used his technopathy powers as part of his hacking W**E
2387. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical examiner; Los Angeles; frozen body brought to him in 1940s [*E****L E*****E*] *EL**E*
2388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Murphy's bartender; New York City; limited people's drinking close to closing time and in response was paid in dollar bills *HO***
2389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthopologist, soldier; New York City; extraterrestrial who attacked former ally who was of the same race; super-strength/durability etc. *****H
2390 From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Yes; Daredevil; bartender; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; often served supporting characters and sometimes main character *OS*E
2391. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; this version's best match probably New X-Men: No; apparent criminal; San Francisco?; encountered major character outside his group's camp; shoot spiked, bone projectiles out of his wrists S***E
2392. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; none; Nebraska; is a transformed puppet; flight, fire-breathing LO**HEE*
2394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; in the 1940s, tried to visit girlfriend in females-only hotel ****Y
2397. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; observed humans via avatar; immortality, remote possession  *EF*U*
2398. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary/criminal; Larkville, Ohio; ambushed by main character while trying to capture someone ***Y
2399. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled robots; gloves fire invisible blasts **O* ***
2400. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; housemaid;  Washington, DC; worked for main villain, unaware of his true nature *E****
2402. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Lamentis-1; apprehended main character ***U*E*** 020#420#
2404. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; ordered  to call public works and see if gas or methane was responsible for explosions **YLO*
2406. Original movie character; 00s; No; apparent criminal; San Francisco; helped invade former prison (Alcatraz) *SH  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2407. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; had rivalry with brother over a woman in 18th century; both were 2nd incarnation of Divine Pairing EW** W*LSO*
2409. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Yes; salvage worker, criminal; New York City; helped sell alien-human hybrid weaponry ****Y **LE
2410. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; New York City; coerced into working for main villain *OH*SO*
2414. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; piano teacher (briefly computational company worker); Westview, New Jersey; in false scenario was fired by boss H**OL* **O**O*
2415. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; with her children, met major character in a diner **YLO*
2416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman/guard; New York City; entrusted with protecting main villain's girlfriend F*****S
2417. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Peru; possessed by villain **EGO
2418. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; police officer; Beverly Hills; was in radio car that was flipped by one of the main characters *. BOBB***
2419. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Georgia?; mother of one of the main characters ELLE* S**U**E*
2420. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; National Art Gallery tour guide; London, England; accepted a date request from main character but it fell through *YL**
2421. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; socialite?; New York City; father of one of the main characters *E*E* B*SHO*
2422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; reported on grand jury case of main character *E**Y
2423. Original movie character but comics version appeared soon after and shares name with son; 10s; first comics version of namesake from Marvel Graphic Novel though that version's father's name is unrevealed; No; CIA agent; Langley, Virginia; father of main villain of earlier movie W*LL*** S**Y*E*, S*.
2424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jewelry manufacturer; Hell's Kitchen, New York; blamed superhumans for mother's death during alien invasion *U**EY E*S****
2427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; would-be boyfriend of one of the main characters ***E
2428. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s transfered from NY to LA [*GE**] F*SHE*
2430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; sold main character and major supporting character their office SUS** H****S
2431. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; shared award for best female lawyer ****E *HE*
2434. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; Berkeley, California; attempted to steal mobile lab [*GE**] S*OL**
2435. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; clan member; Xandar; attended meeting where main characters explain their plan *O**E*
2436. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s an attempt by him and others on Council of Nine to have someone killed backfired *HO*** GLOU*ES*E*
2437. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; apparent former spy; United States; fought 2578 BL*** W**OW
2438. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; supervised main villain's imprisonment in hotel *. L**
2439. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; investigated event in 1985 ***U*E*** 2006#486 [partially LOCKED; only one number remaining following commonly used name; BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2440. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; roommate who moved out let her sell her stuff *E*
2443. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man using code name); criminal; New York City?; battled 3813 and two boys; appears to be really fast (note: because two characters from this commercial are in this round, only this first use is part of Hangman) HOBGOBL** / S***E*-*** WEB BL*S*E* *O*
2447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Preview; No; probable student; Manhattan; had picnic in a park that went bad; son of main character F**** **S*LE, **.
2449. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; general contractor; Manhattan; father of 2440's roommate *OBE** SHLO*****
2450. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal; New York City; coerced by main villain into working for him ***SE*
2451. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 3024 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [*GE**] **LLE*
2452. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH operative; New York City; with 3168, tried to bring someone back to his org *****US
2453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lumber mill employee; New Orleans; worked for father of one of the main characters *H**S
2454. Original movie character (deleted scene, but later short made him officially in continuity); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; took notes as main character identified role of crime family members he had just defeated *L***
2455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student; New York City; during trip, competed with main charater for someone's affections B*** ****S
2456. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; Los Angeles; in 1940s worked on a serial killer case until it went cold ****EW HE**Y
2458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; occasionally hit his girlfriend *E*E*Y
2459. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sgt. Fury; No; presumed special agency director; United States; hung out in apartment with three others **** FU*Y
2460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police deputy; Larkville, Ohio; tasked with entering names of prisoners into the system [*E*U*Y] *OBBS [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2462. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; monarch; Jotunheim; biological father of main villain; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc L*U*EY
2463. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings member; New Orleans; oversaw a shipment of drugs with his partner SOLO*O*
2464. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; restaurant owner; Fagan Corners, Vermont; father of major supporting character ****O* **G*
2466. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; wondered who main character was *HEL**  
2467. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Fairfax, Virginia; mental patient before being liberated *W*S* (*EBE*** HOO*E*)
2469. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Tides Motel receptionist; Larkville, Ohio; informed someone that upon renting the room, she would be paying for one night stay despite the time being morning *EBB*E
2470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; likely none (homeless); New York City; offered to look up anything for main character on Iphone before bill payer cancelled number B*G *L
2471. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; was walking to dinner with boyfriend when main character stopped to talk to them; variant of 2695 ****YL* BELL
2472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker/thief; Los Angeles; stole from main characters ***E O* * B**E
2473. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco?; in bar, met writer in the field of guerilla journalism *G****O
2474. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force general; Afghanistan; heard screams from abandoned building [GE*E**L] SULL*****
2475. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Romania?; henchman of main villain G******
2476. Original movie character, though name is a nod to real person; 00s; No; criminal; New York City; aquitted on the rape of a woman but subsequently confronted by main character *OSE *UES***
2477. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles county; judged trial involving two magicians [*U*GE] H****
2479. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes;  Westmeyer-Holt Contracting handyman, criminal; New York City;  hired to terrorize the homes of innocent people S*EW*** S*H****
2481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Order of the Crane Mother monk; K'un-Lun; discovered a plane crash site with someone from collage 5 *HO***
2482. From a TV show; based on another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as arms dealer; Moscow; impersonated someone to "sell" bombs to a resistance group he was a member of; shape-shifting **S*LY *O***SH*H** (S**ULL)
2485. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; reporter; Los Angeles; info sparse and I don't recall them **Y**** GOO*W**
2486. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; board member; New Orleans; unsuccfessfully voted to investigate an officer who used extreme force on a woman *OUGL*SS
2488. Original TV show character; 10s; No; researcher; United States; worked with major supporting character O*WELL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2490. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; one of the men responsible for deaths of main character's family ****EY O'H**E
2491. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; World Security Council member; Washington, DC; in the wake of an alien invasion, helped launch a special operation [*OU***L***] *OUGL*S *O**WELL
2492. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SHIELD agent; Paris?; battled a villain identified in part 5 of this collage series BL*** W**OW
2493. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; presumed writer; Jersey City; commented on the appearance of main character in a video GWE**OLY* W*LLOW W*LSO*
2494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; suicide hotline operator turned waitress; New York City; realized former clo-worker/major villain was probably stalking her *UL*E B***ES
2495. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned Jigsaw's Crew gunman; New York City; working for main villain, helped try to rob ReadyQuick Check Cashing ***E
2500. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; television journalist/anchorwoman; New York City; went to anti-hero's former high school to interview him S*** H***E*
2502. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jazz clarinetist; New Orleans; struck ill during the 1918 outbreak of Spanish Influenza BOBO S****
2503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings overseer; New Orleans; oversaw supply of drugs that were suddently stolen
2504. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; unrevealed; United States; stole someone's laundry detergent; portal creation *O**O* S****GE / ***E
2506. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed; United States; with 3338 and 3807, helped wrap items **O* ***
2508. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional baseball player; New York City; ive-time all-star pitcher but also alcoholic *O*Y W*LL**E*
2509. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; merchant; Busan; info source for a spy but started to see the latter as a source of trouble SO*H**
2510. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital doctor; New York City; listened to music with main character while performing surgery [**.] G****SO*
2511. Original movie character; 00s; No; police chief; United States; main job was to make sure that normal people didn't know the existence of vampires ****** **EE*E
2514. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of superhero W*LL*** ****E
2517. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; anchorwoman; presumed Edmonton (birthplace of real version); reported on the grounding of aircraft due to electronic failures and power outages **W* *HUB**
2518. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; New York City?; appearances reported on the news; gloves shot webs S*****-*E* / ******G S***E*-*** HE*O F* **S*/*EG* BL*S*E*
2520. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; soldier, government agent; Riga, Latvia; helped lead pursuit of anti-nationalist group  B***LES***
2521. Original movie character; 00s; No; none; United States; experimented on by main villain S*O*EY
2523. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; taunted by villain while playing a game; presumbed super-agility S***E*-***
2524. Original movie character but named after real person; 20s; No; pet; San Francisco; has a best friend identified in a previous collage SO**Y  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; investigated a series of murders with aid of main character E**Y *OS**
2526. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; Unied States; battled blue-skinned opponent (who was unfortunately overlooked; next update maybe) *O**E*
2527. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; hugged by one of the main characters who mistook him for the real version ******* **E**** *OS-*L**E*
2528. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; called to a murder scene [OFF**E*] ****O*E
2529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine Corps officer; New York City; entered main character's office to cllect latter's evidence on a case **** S***OS
2531. Original movie character; 10s; No; student; San Francisco; visited Life Foundation Headquarters during field trip *LL*E
2532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; corrected client who referred to Instanbul as Constantinople
2534. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; hired lawyers over the beating of his dog [**.] *****O
2535. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; unrevealed; United States; father of main character S*E*E* ****E*S
2536. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; butler; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in the past, picked up divergent version of father of main character E*W** *****S
2538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL; United States; targeted during underwater joint operation HE**E*SO*
2539. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed if any; New Orleans; girlfriend of counterpart of one of the main characters E***H FUS*L*E*
2541. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; disc jockey; California; performed at main character's birthday ** ** (**** GOL*S*E**)
2542. Original movie character; 00s; No; interrogator; United States; brought in to torture extra-terrestial [**.] SHE****
2543. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Westchester County, New York; saved by main character and latter's mother after car accident **U*Y
2544. From a movie; arguably loosely based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed); 10s; Fantastic Four; No; unrevealed; Central City, California; stepfather of one of the main characters (it's the "step" part that makes him loosely based rather than actually based) [**.] ***H***S
2545. From a TV show; based on comics (Indirectly); 10s; Runaways; Partial; likely none; decline; asked one of the main characters for protection from a monster; variant of 3202 *ES***Y GO***LE*
2547. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Bern, Switzerland; attended a party that was a celebration of the turn of the millennia (side note: the turn was actually the following New Year's Eve but people in the real world get that confused all the time) E*** *USSELL
2548. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Annual; Yes; predator; Mesopotamia; fought main characters in 575 BC); super-strength/durability etc. E****U
2550. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise G**F*EL* FLE***G
2551. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Pet Palace clerk; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character wanted to buy a horse from him *YLE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2552. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise F***H E***S
2553. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish mobster; New York City; supported plans to retake crime rings in the wake of major villain's arrest *ULLE*
2555. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; prison guard; France; attempted to stop main villain's escape *OEL *HE**L*E*
2556. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Avenging Spider-Man using this code name); Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; posed for photo with probable tourist and someone else dressed as comics based character ******* ****EL *OS-*L**E*
2557. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tailoring assistant; Los Angeles; asked to order fabric for main character's suit ***SLEY
2558. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sub-Mariner; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; father of unstable veteran *L*Y W*LSO*
2559. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; betrayed his clan leader H*LF*U*
2563. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; none; Ta Lo; led creatures who can absorb and feed on souls *WELLE*-**-*****ESS
2564. From a movie; arguably based on real person; 00s; No; security guard; California; partner of someone identified in part 5 S*** LEE
2565. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter; Mexico; part of group of cyborgs BO*E B*E**E*
2566. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison librarian; California; told parole officers about prisoner's positive influence on other inmates SE** HOL*
2571. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ******SS
2572. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; convinced date to go to apartment of latter's friend (main character) ***LE*E
2575. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk ; Yes; possible criminal; Russia; lost arm wrestling match U*S* ***O*
2576. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel manager; United States; ran hotel where parents of main villain hid from their son BU**Y W*LES
2578. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; criminal; United States; fought 2437 BL*** ***
2579. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  Geoffrey Wilder Construction Inc. employee; Los Angeles; at construction site, saw the arrival of several cars transporting armed men HOW***
2580. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was given diamond bracelet by major supporting character when the latter broke up with her *OSE*H**E
2581. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; represented comics-based villain in court *OBE** W*LL*S
2582. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; police officer; New York City; eventually convinced by main character about existence of main villain  OS*** *LE*O*S
2583. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; pet; London, England; bought as replacement for predecessor *US [**]  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than qualifier; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2585. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ***OLE
2586. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; heroin dealer, Yangsi Gonshi leader; New York City; made uneasy alliance with main character over mutual foe H**-***G Y**G
2589. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Clandestines member; Jersey City, New Jersey; with allies, banished to Earth from other dimension; super-strength, weapon summoning, etc S*LEE*
2590. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; bodyguard; New York City; attacked by main villain **OY **G*****
2592. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Vision; Yes; pet; Westview, New Jersey; found by two comics based siblings S****Y
2594. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; New Mutants; No; fashion model/comics artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ****OS*L*Y (******) as **BLE / ****EL 6#6 (note: multiple "characters" from this source; only this first instance used in Hangman)
2595. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; No; unrevealed; California?; unable to find info *L**E
2596. Original movie character; 00s; No; housewife/criminal; Tampa, Florida; ordered husband to kill main character's family L**** S****
2597. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions *S*** L**GE
2599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; played video games at Pop's Barber Shop *O**E
2600. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; softball player;; San Francisco; attended a wine tasting with his cousin E**ES*O
2601. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; waitress; Brooklyn; dated one of the main characters LE*H  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2602. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Strange Tales; Yes; federal agency director; Washington, DC; has thus far appeared in two movies and a TV series **LE***** *LLEG** *E FO*****E
2603. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Air Force staff sergeant/medical technician; just outside Westview, New Jersey; x-rayed another character but it come out blank [S**FF SE*GE***] W*BB [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BOUWY478]
2604. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Pingo Doce Bottling Plant employee; Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; former co-worker of main character
2605. Original movie character; 10s; No; veterinary student; Tokyo; helped remove bullets from someone H**OSH*
2606. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed businesswoman, scientist; United States; battled 2283; fire energy blasts W*S*
2607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard dog turned pet; New York City; adopted by main character
2608. Original movie character; 00s; No; investment banker; New York City; tried to take over main villain's company *E* *E**L
2611. Original TV show character, though uses code name from comics; 10s; Yes; Amazing Spider-Man; drug dealer/criminal leader; The Bronx;  built a criminal empire inside a prison ***G*** (*U**O*)
2613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (furthest to the right) ***OLE**E
2614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute; Georgia; as a kid was repeatedly raped by father B****** GEL*E*
2615. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; attending physician; Missouri; treated main character's mother F***G*BBO*
2616. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; resistance member; Moscow; eventually lost faith in the leadership of main villain; shape-shifting ****S*
2618. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; played Crud with main character and others S***HE* "***U*" *EL B*G*O
2619. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevelaed prior to becoming prisoner; just south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; one of two characters from same continuity based on the same comics character; freed by main character and another; cyclone spinning ******E
2622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Birch Psychiatric Hospital nurse; New York City; regularly checked on major supporting character S***Y **LL
2624. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant, butler; Monaco; served employer and main villain lunch
2625. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; security officer; Lamentis-1; fought main character on train H***S
2626. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug pusher, thief; United States; bought drugs from 2350 BE**Y [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking:  BEOUWY478]
2628. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; part of an attempted robbery of a poker game **UL*E
2630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of main character and was in love with her *UBE*
2631. From a movie; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 00s; No; priest; Punisher; New York City; info sparse and I don't recall them [F***E*] ***E
2633. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; scientist; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main villain of season **LE YO**ES
2636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; New York City; had tongue removed as a punishment from major villain ****O
2638. From a commercial; somewhat based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; United States; swings hammer in various rooms in house L***LE *HO* / *OL*SW*GGE*
2640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bookmaker; New York City; threatened to kill someone but injured by major supporting character S*L BL***OWS**
2641. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; ; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent but mole for Hydra; Washington, DC; with another agent, tasked with capturing main character **** *OLL**S
2642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; member of school's dance squad and friend of that timeline's version of a main character B******
2643. Original movie character; 10s; No; general; Paris; incapacitated and impersonated by major villain [GE*E**L] *HU**
2644. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; babysitter; San Francisco; watched over one of the main charracters when the latter was a child *OSE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; Mastic, New York; attended group therapy sessions ***BO
2647. Original movie character; 10s; No; soldier; Mexico; one of a number of children who helped main character; empathy power *EBE***
2648. From a TV show; based on comics (or at least the actor playing the comics based character); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; intern (or actor); New York City; seen in a kissing scene that required multiple takes; for Hangman going with character:  GWE* S***Y
2649. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; attended a party to celebrate someone becoming a police officer *EL*SS* BOWE*
2650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student when last seen; Omaha; only seen in photo; his sister was forced to kill their parents O*E* SHLO*****
2651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; assigned to arrest main character in the 1940s [*GE**] *EESE  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2652. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; soldier; Morocco; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 (this version appeared first) *****E* ****E*
2654. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Sokovia; experimented on alien sceptre [*O**O*] L*S*
2656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; head of the school dance squad E*FFEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2658. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police officer; Detroit; investigated trooper's murder *** *OLL**S
2661. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; United States; his family had main character and allies over for dinner ***H** *U*SO*
2662. Original TV show character; 10; Yes; Harlem's Paradise bartender, robber; Harlem; participated in the robbery of a gun sale involving  the Stokes and Colon Crime Families ****E *H*****
2663. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison supervisor; Berlin; tried to prevent escape of villain from movie *E**
2664. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; high school student?; New York City; likely girlfriend of main character ***Y ***E W**SO*
2665. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes;  Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; Washington, DC; New York City student who went to nationals with his decathlon team *H**LES *U**HY
2667. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; soldier; Los Angeles; overdosed at a famous LA landmark **** **GG***
2670. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; fan of a hero team but didn't noticed he was passing one of them S*E**E
2671. From a movie; based on mythology (slightly different name); 10s; Yes; Norse mythology; familiar; Asgard; present during failed coronation ceremony HUG**
2674. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; armed forces officer; Russia; received classified instructions to nuke Russia ***H***S
2675. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news company employee; New York City; advised major supporting character not to book unseen but real-life diplomat on their live show
2678. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; CIA agent; Moscow; unearthed an alien conspiracy **ES*O*
2679. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; hoped to take over New York City's drug business left open by someone's arrest *ESB***
2682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; San Francisco; took daughter of one of the main characters to both of them after the daughter's arrest *UGGE**
2683. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Northeastern Correctional Facility officer; New York City; brainwashed to deliver message to main character ****FF*EY
2685. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Giant-Size X-Men; No; student, adventurer; Salem Center, New York; briefly glimped hanging out in a room with teammates; presumed weather manipulation S*O**
2686. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; colonel; Cleveland; in 1991, sent major character to assassinate another recurring character **S*LY ****O*
2688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned therapist; Washington, DC; therapist for one of the main characters in particular (also the other one to a lesser degree) [**.] *H**S**** **Y*O*
2689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions and spouted extremist rhetoric O'*O**O*
2690. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; teacher; Salem Center, New York; briefly spotted teaching class; divergent version of earlier character; presumed intangibility ****Y **Y*E
2691. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Tracksuit Mafia member; New York City; kidnapped one of the main characters to get info on the other

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10/20/2024 9:24 am  #465

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 7 clues:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780

2692. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher War Journal; Yes; senator; New York City; became a potential target upon vocalizing his policy on gun rights *TAN O**
2693. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Rand Enterprises technician; New York City; ordered to set up someone's bionic arm *T***
2694. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; recurring character who attended support group for victims of abuse ***A**A B***
2696. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Māori mythology; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character HAU**A
2697. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; Harlem; worked for multiple criminals before allying himself with main character *U*A*
2699. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; her father, the Chinese Minister of Industrial Development, fled China and stayed with her ***** C*AN
2700. From a movie; shares name with someone based on comics but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Space Squadron; Yes; space station employee; Orgoscope; one of the main characters flirted with her U*A [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2701. Original TV show character; 70s; mall security guard; United States; taken hostage by two thieves *A**ON* HA*****
2703. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; instructed to watch two detainees: one of the main characters and a major supporting character *AN****
2704. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mocked major villain over his scarring
2705. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register editor, reporter; San Diego; boss of main supporting character *A** *OB**T*
2708. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; surgeon; New York City; operated on major villain after the latter's spine was broken **NJ* O*A*A
2709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student, basketball player; New Orleans; with others, texted one of the min characters after he failed to show up for basketball training session B*NN*
2710. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; freedom fighter; Quantum Realm; lost his home to main villain *U*** *A**
2711. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient at Birch Psychiatric Hospital (note: shares image with 2321, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed); New York City; took stick and beat main character with it TON* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2712. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; Air Force lieutenant; Lancaster, California; detected main character flying in Afghanistan [***UT*NANT] *AC*
2713. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; torturer; upstate New York State; when boss told him to examine an ally, realized that a future version of the latter had arrived in their universe; telekinesis *BON* *A*
2714. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but possibly a coincidence; 10s; earliest known use from What If...? (with descriptor), Silver Surfer (name by itself); Yes; warrior; Jotunheim; guarded 2462's palace; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc. *A**
2717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; Aryan Brotherhood member hired to track down main character and ally of latter  *ANN*
2719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Michigan; noticed chemistry between his mother and main character **X *U*NN
2720. Original TV show character, though someone posing as him appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; Navy officer; Britain; impersonated by 2616 CONNO* COO****
2721. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; New York City; joined team at the nationals in Washington DC *A*** A****
2723. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief, con artist; New Orleans; former partner and boyfriend of one of the main characters **A* *A***
2724. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probably none prior to becoming Birch Psychiatric Hospital patient (was homeless); New York City; diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder B****
2725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ReadyQuick Check Cashing employee, criminal; New York City; inside man for a robbery ANT*N ****
2726. Original movie character, though name might be nod to comics creator with slightly different name; 00s; No; criminal? (info sparse and I don't recall them); New York City; interrogated by main character *OB**T ****N***
2727. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SRO Hotel receptionist; New Orleans; flirted with anti-hero staying at hotel *A**
2728. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Central Park stand employee; New York City; was about to engage in romantic activity with co-worker when they were approached by main villain CA**
2731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; living weapon; New York City; transported to the US from Japan by major villain group B*A** ***
733. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Partial; scientist, research and development consultant;  Camp Lehigh, Virginia; worked on a prototype helmet in 1970 HAN* P**
2734. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; sided against his boss during a mutiny HUHTA*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2735. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of comics based supporting character H***N *TAC*
2736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew leader; Chicago; hired to acquire photographic evidence designed to compromise someone **ONA
2738. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Partial; likely none; New Orleans; impersonated father of one of the main characters *ATHAN BO**N
2739. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; received award at gala BA*BA*A *****
2740. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force pilot; Afghanistan; was tasked with inspecting a mysterious flying object in Afghanistan's skyline (actually main character) *COTT CA**B***
2741. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; No; possible artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series *T*ON**NCO*TU*** (JO*H *T*ON*) as CAPTA*N A****CA
2742. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; CIA agent; Cairo; accidentally revived main villain *O**A *ACTA****T
2743. From a TV show; based on another character same show mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; some sort of government agent; Moscow; attended council meeting to discuss bombings; shape-shifting JAC* H*U*-B** (***U**)
2744. From a TV show; based on comics (this version has different real name); 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be computational company employee; Westview, New Jersey; while brainwashed, befriended one of the main characters when the latter joined the company he believed he worked for AB**A*H TAN*ON
2745. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; won an award at a gala JOANN* TO****

2747. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; Marvel Mystery Comics (with title movie version doesn't have), Daredevil (name by itself); No; henchman; Tampa?; worked for main villain CUTT**
2748. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; celebrated an Earth holiday with main characters *UN*A
2749. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; god butcher; unnamed planet; killed by alien deity *A** *HA*O* *O**
2751. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; Roxxon Corporation scientist/supervisor; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; believed one of the main characters was a spy **NA H***
2752. Original movie character; 20s; No; Horizon Labs nurse; New York City; worked for lab run by main character ****T*N *UTTON
2754. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; national President; Washington, DC; convinced to initiate a mutant-hunting program **CHA** **XON
2755. From a TV show; impersonating someone based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; alien agent posing as scientist; Los Angeles; took over major character's body; longevity, possession, light beam emission *A***T*AT*'* ****
2756. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute for Stokes Crime Family; New York City; in prison, demanded payment to protect villain *UN**O*** (*A**N*A POTT**)
2757. From a TV show; unusual first name same as comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Minimum Carnage: Alpha; Yes; none; Los Angeles; taken by mother to grandmother's home X***** *A***
2759. Original TV show character, though impersonated by someone who appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; navy lieutenant commander; Britain; impersonated by 2921 *A** *ATA**TON
2761. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; Church of Gibborim leader; Los Angeles; diverged during clash between main characters and main villain of the season (two possible surnames; will accept either) ****** *****H or **AN
2763. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio host; New York City; interviewed major supporting character and 2692 **C** *AN*T**
2765. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version's suname unrevealed); 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; police detective, criminal cultist; London; with another, hired by main villain to abduct main character [**T*CT*** CON*TAB**] B**** **T****A**
2766. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Macau, China; main supporting character complemented his mask during a tour J**
2767. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force soldier; Lancaster, California; listened as main supporting character argued that a pilot's instinct and insight would always give them the advantage *A*PH *A**
2769. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; SSR agent; Washington, DC; diverged when someone believed dead turned up alive from the future P**** CA*T**
2771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Atlanta, Georgia; bigoted neighbour of some of the main characters CHUC* *AN****
2772. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Warriors; Yes; gangster; Madripoor; impersonated by one of the main characters ******* T****
2774. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; captured and tortured main character **NN COO***
2775. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Wild Red Hawks member; New Orleans; friend of father of one of the main characters CHOO CHO B*OU**A**
2776. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marc Spector: Moon Knight; Yes; National Art Gallery staff manager; London; employer of main character *ONNA **A*T
2777. From a movie; based on comics (slightly different first name); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man Annual; No; electrical engineer, engineering department head; Manhattan; oversaw the construction of new power grid for power plant A***TA** ***T**
2778. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived **NT*U** *AN
2781. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Utah; lived on broadway prior to losing sight due to drunk driver *AT** *A*****
2785. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed astronaut; Planet Spider; discovered his family and leaders had been massacred while he was off planet *A**A
2787. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2834 *H***A
2789. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Bogota, Colombial father of one of the main characters **B**T*ÁN **A*
2790. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police forensic artist; New Orleans; asked by recurring villain to create a sketch of one of the main characters *U**
2792. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; tactical team associate; Venice, Italy; assigned to monitor main character during latter's school trip ****T** ******A*O*
2793. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; possibly New York City; romanced main character of specific story U*T*ON
2796. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; board member candidate; Jersey City; best friend of main character's father *A*H***
2798. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 00s; The Punisher; No; assassin; Tampa?; mocked main character by playing song for him HA*** H*C*
2801. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended therapy sessions for veterans **NN*
2803. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; apparent criminal of sorts; San Francisco; shot by dart during attack on Alcatraz **OB H***AN
2804. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; music teacher; New York City; girlfriend of major supporting character during her collage years **TH **ONN*
2806. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police detective; Detroit; used his influence to help vampires cover up their crimes and to secure fresh humans for feeding [**T**T***] B**AN BOON*
2807. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; non-fiction book author; New York City; promoted health book on radio talk show ***A *A**
2808. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; possibly none; New Orleans; counterpart of 2695, villain held knife to throat; variant of 2695 ***A**A B***
2809. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; presumed mercenary; New York City; interrupted talk show host's monologue **A*POO* / *AT* **O* **T* *T*PH** *O*B**T
2810. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London, England; worked for main villain ***T**A *NO*
2811. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; newsstand owner; Harlem; blind but could discern a person's presence from their smell O*****
2812. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New Orleans; informed parents of one of the main characters about the arrest of criminal detective *UCHA*P
2813. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; none this timeline when last seen; presumed Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary; targeted by time traveller A*O** H*T***
2814. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Aztec mythology; Yes; deity;  Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character *U*T*A*CÓAT*
2815. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew member; Chicago; hired to blackmail someone ***ON
2816. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Mutant Underground member; Atlanta; had high blood pressure from having to use his powers consistently while out in the streets when looking for food; repell objects
2817. Original movie character; 10s; No; police officer; New York City; asked by captain to pull up all information that they had on main villlain [O******] J****
2818. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Free Comic Book Day 2013 (Infinity); Partial; warrior; New York State; father alerted him to the presence of someone from the future; super-strength/durability, etc CO**U* **A***
2820. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes or Partial depending on how you look at it; adventurer or stage actor; New York City; main character of stage show *U**CA* CAPTA*N A****CA
2821. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; office employee; New York City?; used powers to assist in dashing to work; super agility, etc *P****-*AN / *P***A
2822. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinarian; Oahu; treated alien dog AU****
2823. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; New York City; trailed and shot at main character **ONT**
2824. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; learned criiminal father had been shot in gang shootout B**T HUNT**
2825. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; special law enforcement agency agent; Haven Hills, Alabama; helped try to capture someone in Ohio high school **NUT**AN #0018#71
2826. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of one of the main characters **A*N* ****
2827. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bodyguard; Caldwell, New Jersey; protected main villain in former residence of main character HAN* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2828. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; created and imprisoned by main villain *A*B*HAN*
2831. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; Paris?; fought another hero and interacted with a kid CAPTA*N A****CA
2832. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal of sorts; Los Angeles; befriended one of the main characters in order to capture her for main villain of season BO*H*
2833. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; criminal mercenary; Los Angeles; with crew, ambushed main character in her apartment ***C***
2834. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2787 and harassed main character *U**
2835. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thor; Yes; monarch; Moon; father of one of the main protagonists as well as the main villain [**N*] A*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is title; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2836. Original TV movie character; 80s; mercenary; Los Angeles; one of the TV movie's antagonists **CHA** *OUCH*
2839. Original TV show character; 70s; rock star turned criminal posing as radio and television repairman; New York City?; turned to crime after audiences lost interest in his performing style; code name plus surname is a pun HU* (*A*** **N***) [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in code name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2840. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; fought to keep her home in an apartment targeted by main villain ***NA CA***NA*
2842. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main supporting character *A****N* *AT***
2843. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; tribal member, apparent right-band man for tribal leader; Gorilla City; apparent high ranking member of his tribe *'B***
2844. Original move character; 10s; No, scientist, Director of Business Development; Manhattan; oversaw a limb regeneration project *AJ*T *ATHA
2845. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; brother of main character AA*** *HAN
2848. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; worked on protective detail for main villain P**O*
2849. From a TV show; arguably based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Captain America; Yes; seafood business worker, presumed student; Delacroix, Louisiana; nephew of one of the main characters AJ ****ON
2850. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada; with husband, offered sehlter to main character H*ATH** HU**ON
2852. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; boxing organizer, criminal; New York City;  fixed his fights by using blackmail and extortion *O**O* *******
2854. From a TV show; based on real person, though coincidentally a comics character has same name; 20s; Hulk!; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; reported on events multiple times in season JOHN ****O**
2856. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist; United States?; flew to the ground rather obviously on wires; flight, energy blasts **ON *AN
2857. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London, England; with others, discovered extra-dimensional portal NA***
2859. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none (tramp); New York City; played cards in a pier during the 1940s **O***
2860. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; ally of main characters X*O*O ***TH
2861. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rehabilitation centre nurse; New York City; treated mother of main villain *AT**
2863. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; United Ravagers member; Orgoscope; pirated supply ships **T*-**BBONO*
2864. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; contracted to sub-let apartment HAN**N
2866. Original movie character; 00s; No; Roxxon oil drill worker; Bywater, New Orleans; attacked while being intimate with a woman B**** JA***
2867. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Council of Nine enforcer/Arena Club head of security; Los Angeles; investigaed by SSR in the 1940s *U*U* HUNT
2868. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; presumed student; Baltimore, Maryland; was in grandfather's house when main characters arrived to meet the latter ***JAH B*A****
2869. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed student; United States?; daughter of comics based anti-hero HOP* *U*****
2870. Original TV show character; 00s; No; FBI agent; United States; pursued main character *A* CU*B****N*
2871. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Comics Presents; Yes; criiminal; Los Angeles; assigned to kill main character; super-strength, heat generation, etc ***C *A**N
2872. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, she let one of the main characters announce the creation of a new club ***AN
2873. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Saeed Fashions employee; Jersey City, New Jersey; looked after main character and the latter's mother as they were looking for outfits for a wedding *HA*AT
2874. From a movie; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; presumed informant; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; driving by a military base in 1970, screamed at soldiers "Make love, not war!" *ATCH***' *N*O**ANT (*TAN ***) (note: code name not actually found online but seems a reasonable assumption based on earlier version)
2875. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; New York City; survived have her skull cracked open with a bike lock ****O**
2876. Original short character; 10s; Yes;  unofficial butler and aide-de-camp, presumed criiminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; idolized fellow prison inmate H***AN
2877. Oriinal TV show character; 10s; Yes; Manfredi Crime Family member; Los Angeles; with ally in 1940s, sent to retrieve main character and major supporting character *A*PH
2878. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal of prisoner; second from the right in group **ONN*
2879. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England;  pursued a relationship with main supporting character ***HA** *A***ON
2880. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters A** **NO*U
2881. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; threw party to celebrate son becoming a police officer OT** JOHN*ON
2882. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York Bulletin employee; New York City; survived assult by villain dressed as main character CA**A
2883. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Washington, DC; programmed to aid main character *A**N
2884. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV newsreader; Italy; repoirted on an attack on Venice TAT*ANA *UNA**ON
2885. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison guard; Los Angeles; told main character she couldn't use powers in complex *O***
2887. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six; No; science corporation employee; New York City; visited main villain in cell *U*TA* *****
2888. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed adventurer; United States?; aided another hero against hard to ID assailant; super-strength **OOT
2889. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; arrested for assault with a deadly weapon *HAN* **BAC*
2890. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Sokovia; injured during attack by robot army ***N*A
2891. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; flirted with main character's stepsister BOBB*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2892. Original movie character; 00s; No; defense attorney; New York City; defended someone in court who was later targeted by main character H****H
2894. Original TV show character; 70s; astrophysicist; Tokyo; father of main character H**O*H* *A*A*H**O
2895. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; resistance fighter turned governor; Axia; betrayed a woman he previously had an affair with ****A*
2896. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; presumed student; New York City; daughter of major anti-hero, sister of 3083 ***A CA*T**
2898. Original TV show character; 70s; vaudeville magician;  San Luis Obispo, California; main character briefly became his assistant JA*P** *O**
2899. Original movie character; 10s; No; police sergeant; New York City; asked to escort main character from the police station back to school [*****A**] BUT***
2900. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; MI6 agent; Moscow; assigned to interrogate extraterrestials N****
2901. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; hired by parents of one of the main characters after being framed by their son *ON**** **N***C**
2902. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army soldier; Russia; helped carry major character out of where he'd been held captive JAC***ON
2903. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles; precided over trial where main character sued a villain [JU***] *A****
2904. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; decline as occupation takes up most of his name; outside time/space; tried to report a bombing but was haerd to understand due to his technical language ANA***T 1182-*
2905. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL admiral; presumed United States; part of a joint operation in the Atlantic Ocean ***TT*
2906. Original movie character; 10s; No; bartender; San Francisco; served main character JAC*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at timke of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2907. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; prepared a serum for main character; reptillian abilities ****ON
2908. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Ultimates 2; Yes; presumed student; Iowa; son of major character COOP** BA*TON
2909. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government agent; London, England; in the 1940s went out for drinks with major supporting character N*C* ****CO**
2913. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Sentinel Services member; Atlanta; reluctantly retrieved files for one of the main characters CA**A JAC**ON
2914. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; No; artist; seen in real world documentary series CUT**P****N*** (JA***N*) as B*A** PANTH** (*HU**)
2915. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Young X-Men; No; soldier; Saigon, Vietnam; held captive in concentration camp; presumed tattoo empowerment *N* (***TT**)
2917. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2926 to kill major character CHAN**
2918. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army general; United States; was ordered to give classified launch orders to launch an Atomic Bomb TA**O*
2919. From a TV show; likely based on gender swapped comics character with different first name and slightly different surname, though comics version of another version of the TV character has since appeared; 20s; Invaders; Partial; nurse; decline; counterpart of major supporting character, changed movie on TV *A**A **-*AOU**
2920. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; provided medical assistance to main character *A*ON
2921. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers ; Yes; resistance mmeber (second-in-command); Moscow; main villain's second-in-command; shape-shifting PA*ON [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2925. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Partial; car thief; New Orleans; upon stealing a car, found one of the main characters getting into passenger seat (he's a counterpart of the other main character) T**ON* JOHN*ON
2926. Original TV show character, though comics character uses same code name; 10s; Young Avengers; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2917 to kill major character *P***
2929. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 10s; Yes;  television personality, actress, singer, model, fashion designer; Los Angeles; with others, critiqued major character's armour ***** O**OU*N*
2932. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; Los Angeles; worked at bar in the 1940s that was usually patronized by people of colour **AN*
2933. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (second from the left) *UTH [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2935. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital nurse; New York City; put in charge of treating major character after a massacre **O*** BACH
2936. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; New York City; was sexually harrassed at a party *AN**
2937. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be city committee member; Westview, New Jersey; participated in a talent show dressed as a horse **AB** *AT*U**A (B******)
2938. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; headmaster; Westchester County, New York; leader of a hero team who diverged from another version in the 1970s; telepathy and other mind related powers P**O***O* X
2939. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; criminal; The Bronx, New York City; lawyers got him a reduced sentence  ***HA** ***P
2940. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health patient; Portland, Oregon; mental health patient who was told to return to his room during an attack on the centre *ANN*
2942. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; worked for main villain JO* TO*O
2943. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; football coach; New York City; contacted by main character about joining his football team CHA** B*UN***
2945. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH trauma surgeon; New York City; main character's mom usurped her identity [**.] ****** HAN**N
2946. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was successfully treated for cancer *AAN** NA****
2947. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; supervisor/trainer; Soviet Union; trained major one of the main characters *A*A** B
2948. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; talent agent; Los Angeles; in the 1930s, hired future main villain to become actress N** ******
2949. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Korean Mob leader; New York City; invited to create an alliance between all of the criminal families in New York City ***C HON*
2950. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; apparent voodoo priestess; New Orleans; attended party celebrating niece's boyfriend becoming police officer CHANT**** *U******
2951. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; looked at comic at a restaurant; telekinesis J*AN ****
2952. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity mentioned but not seen; 10s; Partial; sorceress; decline; wanted one of the main characters' staff; superspeed and other magical A*A** *ONO*U
2953. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but short answer: X-Factor; No; strikeforce lieutenant; Egypt; defended main villain from multiple attackers in Ancient Egypt; telekinetic and telepathic abilities HO****AN O* **ATH
2955. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; handed main characters uniforms to disguise themselves while infiltrating a facility *O***
2956. Original TV show character but posing as another character seen in photo; 20s; Yes; council member posing as Secretary General; Russia; impersonated 3392; shape-shifting *****O CA*PAN* (***U**)
2957. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Exitar; attended holiday party for one of the main characters *****A*A*A**
2958. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish criminal; New York City; betrayed own people to side with another criminal **O***
2959. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force; No; businessman turned talk show host;  Maryland; made an unsuccessful run for the United States Senate B*N***CT **AN
2961. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; presumed student prior to becoming patient; Boston, Massachusetts; one of the main characters; fear manifestation *AN* *OON*TA*
2962. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on toy; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; incorrectly perceived by one of the main characters to be an enemy C*-**** CO*-P*A***
2964. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible criminal; Harlem; with others, tried to run away after playing basketball when one of them noticed the police CHAUNC**
2965. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; caught in an explosion T** *OA**
2966. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2969. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; non-commissioned army sergeant; Rose Hill, Tennessee; injured, he accepted an offer to restore his body with a gene-controlling process; regeneration, heat generation CHA* *A***
2972. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; apparent deity; possibly Asgard; part of a gang of divergent versions of same character *O** (*UN**A**** version)
2974. Original movie character; 80s; job search assistant; Cleveland; lectured main character CO*A*A*
2975. Original movie character; 80s; some sort of doctor (I don't recall what type); Cleveland; claed out to someone to return to museum [**.] CHAP**
2979. Original movie character; 10s; No; army colonel; Las Vegas; in 1960s, through fear tactics was forced to alter his position on putting missiles in Turkey [CO*O***] BOB H*N***
2980. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; saw son attack her husband *****N *A**U**
2981. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; thief?; United States; tried to steal food from someone identified in a previous collage; metal arms *OCTO* OCTOPU*
2982. Original movie character; 00s; No; ninja; likely Japan; ordered to kill main character and kidnap someone she was protecting **N*OU
2984. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; flower shop co-owner; Custer's Grove, Georgia; mother of 2520 [***.] HO***N*
2985. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; army commander; Asgard; put in charge of protecting main supporting character T**
2986. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Yes; council co-leader; unrevealed; following death of a counterpart, discussed the matter with other counterparts ***O*TU*
2988. Original TV show character; 10s; No; henchman; eastern Europe; worked for main villain T***O*O*
2989. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon miner; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; his mining crew accidentally drilled into extra-dimensional substance *TAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2990. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; friend of one of the main characters and watched as latter tried to fulfill a bet **ANN*
2991. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics, though smiilar characters starting with Tales of Suspense; Yes; assassin; Morocco; assigned to retrieve antigran in first Morocco, then Budapest B*A** ***O* (*N****)
2992. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private military firm agent; Iraq; sent to capture main character, but team was ambushed by Homeland Security TO* *****
2994. Original TV show character; 10s; No; house pet; New York City; stolen in the aftermath of a custody battle but retrived by main character ****P*
2997. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; New York City; smashed a stone; super-strength HU**
2998. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England; mother of character seen in multiple movies and shows ****A**TH H***
3000. From a TV show; based on comics; 70s; Fantastic Four; presumed adventurer; New York City; attended a gathering; presumed super-strength TH*N*
3001. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Dogs of Hell member/criminal; New York City; provided major supporting character with key information about his (3001's) friend's murder **ON
3002. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, congratulated the wrong SSR agent for saving the city from a revenge plot [**NATO*] *A*T COOP**
3004. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon oil company employee; Louisiana;  informed someone that the shield tiles never came to the oil platform TO***
3005. Original movie character; 00s; No; personal assistant; likely Japan; worked for leader of the Hand****U**
3006. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; music composer; New York City; worked on music performed in a musical *A*C *HA**AN
3007. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Blade: Vampire Hunter; Yes; unrevealed; California; joined a self-healing support group; debatable whether he has typical vampiric powers or only believe he does *A*AC*N
3009. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; high ranking government employee (title is full occupation); Geneva; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies U.*. **C**TA** ** *TAT*
3013. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Ryhno's Gang member; New York City; with others,  kidnapped an injured main character TO*X  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3016. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.; S.H.I.E.L.D. Director General; United States; clashed with main character JAC* P*NC**
3017. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3285 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character J****CA *O****U**
3018. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent turned criminal; Los Angeles; with 2369, was ordered to attack major supporting character in the 1940s B*AC*****
3021. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rugby player (likely not professional); New York City; discovered that his wife Gina was having an affair with major character AN***
3023. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to pull weapon out of the ground P*T* [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3024. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 2451 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [A**NT] JOHN*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3025. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; twice reported on events related to main character *ACH** B*O*N
3030. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; England?; saw main character hold who he believed to be his father at gunpoint *ACHA** *A**BAN**
3032. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Bronx, New York City; interrupted a protest by two men outside a courthouse [O***C**] *AH**
3034. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; betrayed former boss **TCH
3035. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; No; monarch; Wakanda; went on spiritual journey to mystical realm of ancestors B*AC* PANTH**
3038. Original movie character; 90s; haematologist; New York City; bit by mutilated vampire; some vampiric abilities at least CU*T** **BB
3039. Original TV show character; 70s; thief; United States; dressed as a clown and acted to silly to hide his thefts
3040. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; wrote a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday PH*O*O
3042. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City;  lost her husband during hell's Kitchen bombing CA**AHAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3044. Original movie character; 80s; reporter; Washington, DC; tried to bring to light the secret behind the deaths of many famous personalities in the last decades, such as the Kennedys and Martin Luther King *A* *O*A**T*
3045. From a TV show (for earliest confirmed appearance); based on comics; 20s confirmed, possibly 10s; Black Bolt; Yes; resistance member, posing as Air Force colonel; England; usurped the identity of a major character of the opposite sex (note: it's unclear when she first impersonated him, so her first appearance may have been in a movie); shape-shifting *AA*A
3046. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Amazing Spider-Man under this name); presumed adventurer; Paris?; stood with two apparent civilians; presumed super-strength, flight, etc CAPTA*N *A****
3047. From a movie; based on play or playing someone based on play depending on how you look at it; 00s; No; socialite or stage actor; The Importance of Being Earnest; England or New York City; stage actor performed play with main supporting charater A****NON
3048. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; United States; asked for photo with one of the main characters AU***
3049. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register manager; Los Angeles; told supporting character to stop investigating main character PAT**C*A *T**NHAU**
3053. Original TV show character, but named after movie character; 10s; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, subdued by major character; owned by 3055 **U****
3054. From a TV show; impersonating comics based character; 20s; Ka-Zar; Yes; resistance member posing as CIA agent; Moscow; posing as earlier character, visited someone who had learned of a conspiracy that he was part of; shape-shifting *****TT *O** (******)
3055. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New York City; interrogated by main character at his abandoned warehouse base **CTO*
3057. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3715, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage; mechical arms likely have superhuman strength *OCTO* OCTOPU*
3058. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Stark Industries employee turned criminal;  Venice, Italy; made up stories of threats coming from an alternate Earth *UT** *UT***AN
3061. Original movie character, though comics characters share code name; 10s; Silver Surfer Annual; Yes; demon guard of sorts; Portland, Oregon; demon who sympathized with humans and kept other demons sealed away; demon containment [T**] ***P**
3062. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise *T*PH*N *A****
3065. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; received enchanted phone, rapidly causing an addiction and an inability to be deprived from the phone and to divert his attention towards something else
3066. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; demon; Portland, Oregon; assisted another demon in reuniting her family and returning to power; possession *A*OTH
3067. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; helped break one of the main character out of jail *A***
3068. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed thief turned adventurer; New York City; seen in recreation of MCU fight that the MCU version wasn't present for; presumed shrinking ANT-*AN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3069. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; cousin of main charater and another major character CH**
3070. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States; started to drive supporting character to a prison P*T*  [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3071. Original TV movie character; 90s; high school student; Hastings, New York; leader of Townies, a group that bullied the main characters *ANC*
3073. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; GT Agrochemical Office receptionist; New York City; main character showed him a picture of a woman and asked to identify her PA***
3074. Original TV show character; 70s; student; Lincoln, Nebraska; main character suspected he was being abused by his father *A** HO***N***
3075. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Genosha; helped fight one of the main characters, who was possessed by a powerful force; hair manipulation A****
3076. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; New York City; main focus of the multi-hero commercial; fighting skills arguably superhuman CAPTA*N A****CA
3077. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mind-controlled by main villain of season to assist him **AN* ****N
3080. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk Annual; Yes; Zealots cultist; Kathmandu, Nepal; joined a group that attempted to being other-dimensional being to Earth ****AN A*T**
3081. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; marauder; Indigarr; fought to overthrow the planet's goverment and fought a hero team HABOO**A TH* HO***B**
3083. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; student; New York City; son of major anti-hero, brother of 2896 **AN* CA*T**, J*.
3085. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; Yes; combat instructor;
River Village, River Province; attended major character's funeral AN**A
3086. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; reporter; Philadelphia; worked for WHYY-TV  PAT**** *TON**
3087. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish member turned police officer; New York City; tried to murder main character to avenge his cousin [O******] O'*OU***
3090. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Fantastic Four; No; doorman; Manhattan; attacked by main villain who was targeting main characters J**** O'HOO**HAN
3091. From a commercial; based on real person; 10s; possible writer; New York City?; received package from someone previously identified *TAN ***
3092. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, enforcer; New York City; wounded by a bullet, joined others in initiating a second search for main character *A*N***
3094. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CHA**** B*A****
3095. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; presumed monarch; United States?; battled a couple of hard to identify criminals and did flips B*AC* PANTH**
3097. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; planned vacation with apparent husband "[***.] N****ON"
3098. Original movie character; 10s; No; factory worker; Poland; worked with major character ***O**
3099. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived P*X** *AN
3101. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Cambridge, Massachusetts; created to help around a lab ***OT
3102. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Weapon X; No; assassin; Three Mile Island; targeted by counterpart of himself  **APON X*
3103. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Lagos, Nigeria; chatted with partner while taking a break from guard duty [O******] *A*AO
3105. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; took selfies during lecture at a mosque *A*NA*A
3108. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SSR agent; United States; presumably in love with 3076 P**** CA*T**
3110. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Sgt. Fury; executive and board member overseeing advertising; New York State; oversaw advertising for company that produced lipsticks, cigarettes, and at least one video game *O***T *A**TO*
3111. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Fist; Yes; criminal formerly with Golden Tigers; Chinatown, New York City; actively transported someone to various locations in New York City  in exchange for his life being spared CH*N-*U
3112. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon Corporation Chief Executive of Emerging Technologies; New Orleans; at a gala, one of the main characters learned he wanted to sexually dominate his boss ****ON ****N
3113. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; engineer; Sokovia; wanted to build sustainable housing for the less fortunate CHA**** *P*NC**
3114. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed; attended meeting with similar characters ***U** *AN*
3116. Original movie character; 10s; No; driver; New York City; while on a bridge, asked by 2844 to get out of car to see what was holding up traffic A*****
3118. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; believed that one relationship defied all the laws of nature CA**T**
3119. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; monster hunter; Arizona; participated in a ceremony to inherit a supernatural item **O*N
3120. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sparse and I don't recall him *AN ****
3121. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; University of California student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters during fight with main villain of the season; light beam emission *A*O**N* **AN
3123. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mineralogist; Atlantic Ocean; port of joint operation to locate an element at the bottom of the ocean [**.] **A*A*
3125. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; monarch; Wakanda; thousands of years ago was the first leader of his nation B*AC* PANTH** (O*U*O BA*H*N*A)
3126. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; arms dealer; Russia; identity usurped by 2482 *A**** POP***HCH*N
3127. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet; Yes; resistance member/guard; Russia; prior to switching sides, assigned by main villain to guard a room containing a series of fracking pods; shape-shifting NU*O  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3129. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; worked for district attorney; New Orleans; attended party celebrating brother becoming a police officer  B**** JOHN*ON
3130. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, witnessed main character's origin [**NATO*] B*AN*T
3131. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; writer, teacher; New York City; in an interview, gave his opinion about main character and other vigilantes J**AN* COBB
3132. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; took club on a field trip **AN
3133. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; San Francisco; with husband, had dinner with main character and main supporting character *OO  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3135. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; New York City; with 3223 and 3616, participated in attempted robbery of poker game **O


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10/20/2024 9:26 am  #466

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 8 clues:

3137. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned drug dealer; New York City; was badly wounded on the front lines G**NE**
3138. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gaffer; Los Angeles; worked lighting on scene with major villain ****H
3139. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; New York City; had affair with married supporting character ***E**
3141. Original TV show character; 70s; Yes; hospital nurse; Santa Fe, New Mexico; wouldn't let supporting character see newly arrived patient ED*TH *H**EN
3142. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; had a drink with friends at a bar **BB*N **N
3143. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; church staff member; Los Angeles; aided two of the main characters in rescuing a third V***HN ***E
3144. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mother of supporting character [**S.] CH*N [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: CDFGHNSTVZ145]
3145. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Inhumans: The Great Refuge; Yes; council member; Attilan; refused to take part in main villain's coup **T*NG
3147. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Hell's Kitchen; lost game to main villain H***E*
3149. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; saw most things in life as divine providence ****EEN DENT*N
3150. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; priest (Archbishop); Vatican; worked to approve communications between supporting character and The Vatican [**CHB*SH**] TE***Z*
3151. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; mother of major character **S* ST***
3152. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology (gender swapped); 20s; Norse mythology; No; apparent artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series E*EG*NTFE*T*E*D*STE* (***C* SCH*E**N) as **** ****
3153. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; New York City?; shot at time travelling major character ****NE
3154 Original movie character but comics version later appeared (comics version's surname unrevealed); 90s; possible pianist (probably more of a hobby);  Meridian, Mississippi; mother of one of the main characters ****C*** D'*NC*NT*
3156. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; married former love interest to main character CH****E
3157. From a movie; somewhat based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Prague; illusory creature ***TEN **N
3158. Original movie character; 10s; No; construction worker?; info sparse and i don't recall them; ibid ****B
3159. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; when future villain's councilman campaign failed, kicked down the latter's signs BE*N*E ****E*
3160. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; tribal elder; Wakanda; attended main character's coronation Z***V***
3161. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chief Executive of Risk Management; New Orleans, Louisiana;  led a project to try and extract a mysterious energy *ETE* SC**B****GH
3162. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building ***** **D**G*EZ
3163. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; none; New York City; catalyst for main character **D***CT*VE S**DE*
3165. Original TV show character; 70s; psychiatrist; United States; took main character/job applicant to recreation room [D*.] ****E H***
3166. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City, New Jersey; listended to classmate narrating her encounter with a new superhero **G*E*
3167. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; tranquilized after getting into fight *EFF [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3168. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but may be a coincidence; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; scientist/doctor; New York City?; main character was a patient he was a key doctor at ****** **Z**V
3169. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; zapped a food item C*C***S
3170. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Avengers; Yes; conqueror, scientist; undetermined; attended meeting to discuss the death of a counterpart **STE* G***H*N
3171. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; X-Men; No; actress; New York City; posed as another actress and by extension her characters  CH**E F*NE**N as SC***ET **TCH
3172. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; singer; New York City; performed at a festival **C* G***
3173. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Sgt. Fury; presumed special agency director; New York City?; likely led a team of heroes N*C* F***
3174. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Savage Tales; Yes; A.I.M. agent, Extremis soldier; Rose Hill, Tennessee; test subject for experimental process, being an amputee E**EN B**NDT
3175. From a TV show; posing as someone from same episode; 20s; Yes; council member posiing as British Prime Minister; Russia; posed as 3427 and also attended a meeting about a bombing ***E** ***T*N (S*****)
3176. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City?; likely helped fight an alien invasion B**** **D**
3178. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; ordered to target major character but was shot and wounded by them
3179. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; groundskeeper; Northwest Territories, Canada; main character was his biological son due to an affair TH**** **G*N
3180. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned private military firm member; Iraq; ambushed by Homeland Security while targeting main character ***E B*SH***E
3181. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand guardsman; New York State; kept survillence over the Hand Compound under orders E**C
3182. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist, archaeologist; Colorado; informed at a military site of a meteorite that fell from the sky CH***EN* *CG***N
3184. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; Master of the Mystic Arts; New York City; charged as the protector the New York Sanctum Sanctorum D*N*E* D****
3185. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned robber; New York City; participated as a gunman in a bank robbery B*BB*
3186. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; ex-wife of superhuman
3187. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; boss ordered him to call the New York City Police Department to get a statement about explosions across Hell's Kitchen HEN**C*S
3188. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; college student; Willowdale, Virginia; witnessed main character fight the US Army *** ***S*N
3189. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader F** G*D
3191. Original movie character (Chinese version of movie only); 10s; Yes; doctor/assistant; China; worked on computer simulations of removing shrapnel from main character's chest [D*.] ** *****
3192. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; entertainment reporter; Los Angeles; eported on main character's expected absence from a benefit for the Firefighter's Family Fund Z****NN* **T
3193. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main character HE*T*E* **ND
3194. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; robber; Harlem; with friends, ill-advisedly attempted to rob a gun sale SH**EE* S**TH
3196. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; reporter; Harlem; with somone previously identified, reported on main character's training session at the Harlem Jets field *E*E*E ***N*T* H***
3197. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant bouncer; Michigan; disarmed someone fighting main character **NG*
3198. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; far left in a group of pen pals B****
3199. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy commodore; Britain; captured and impersonated by 3377 **BE*T F***B*N*S
3200. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; art gallery human resources worker; London, England; informed main character he was fired D**NFE*D
3201. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; management consultant; Russia; some time in the past, killed by major character after falling witness to an assassination ** N*******
3202. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; cultist, waitress, clerk; Los Angeles; ritual sacrifice victim, but initially survived DEST*** G*NZ**EZ
3203. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; Harlem; attempt to make a new deal with a crime lady went awry **C**ES **EF
3204. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; was informed about a successful assassination ST*NE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3205. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee;  New Orleans; transformed into a creature D*N H**T*ETT
3206. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; helped perform a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday S****V**T****
3207. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; body hijacked by main villain **ND* ******FF
3209. Original TV show character, though shares name with land from folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Yes; tattoo artist; New York City; along with two characters previously identified, attempted to steal power from main character *V***N
3210. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3336 and someone else ***N *NG**N
3211. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Captain America; No; unrevealed prior to becoming prisoner; south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;  captured for the Weapon X program *CE ***NCESS
3212. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Avengers; Partial; school vice-principal; Fremont, Ohio; countpart of major character *EBECC* T*****NET
3213. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; television entertainment reporter; Canada; worked for MuchMusic DE**N S**TEND*EC*
3214. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; No; artist?; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ST**NG*NC*ST**E* [T**SH (ST**NG?)] as *EGG* C**TE*
3215. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; politician/city councilman; New York City; determined to ruin rival/villain's political career by exposing her conenctions to criminal undertakings D***N B**NE
3216. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America; presumed adventurer; Paris?; slammed shield to the ground C**T**N **E**C* (presumably S** *****N)
3217. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; director of S.W.O.R.D.; outside Westview, New Jersey; attempted to turn major character into a sentient weapon [D**ECT**] T**E* H*****D
3218. Original TV movie character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; insisted to main character that her father was innocent of committing robberies **D* T**E*
3219. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall her; Detroit?; unable to find info N*C**
3221. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Captain America Comics; presumed student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store C**T**N **E**C*
3223. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; Queens; beaten by others for screwing up a robbery D*NN* CH*VEZ
3224. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building D*N*** H***E*
3225. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; United States; helped protect neighborhood with teammates including 3806 H***
3226. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Partial; mercenary; St. Charles, Missouri; divergent version of major character, knocked out by major character from another timeline's future ST**-***D
3227. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; television writer; Los Angeles; confronted by main character while pitching ideas for a show's finale *ESS*C* G**
3228. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; talked to viewers about the topic of the commercial S**DE*-**N / VSD* [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in the source name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3229. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Partial; hunter, faction soldier, actor; Broxton, Oklahoma; defected from mission to take over unseen counterpart's life as actor H*NTE* *-#5 (B**D*E* ***FE)
3230. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; daughter of major villain T**D* **HNS*N (**T**D* D*****D)
3234. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent Royal Family employee; Attilan; showed Royal Family footage of someone's apparent demise D**D*N
3239. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland, Ohio; son of counterpart of one of the main characters SE*N  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3240. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  high school teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, let one of the main characters announce the creation of her new club *EG*N
3243. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 20s; Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu; Yes; MI6 agent; Tehran; exposed major supporting character's cover in Tehran [*GENT] C**VE *EST*N
3244. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL/ocean explorer; Atlantic Ocean; participated in joint operation with the CIA to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **T* S***Z**
3245. From a short; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; criminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; fan of fellow prison inmate F*ETCHE* HEGGS
3248. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed; New York City; attempted to obtain transportation of some sort S**DE*-**N / **TE SH** **TH D*V*D *ETTE***N
3249. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. director; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in 1970, observed by time travelling counterpart of former love interest *EGG* C**TE*
3252. Original TV show character; 10s;  No; drug trafficker; United States; attended a mission where a Russian drug shipment was burned **D*
3255. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businessman/salvage yard owner, criminal gang member; New Orleans;  owned a salvage yard which was used to park ambulances used by criminals in the framework of a human trafficking operation **ETT **T***
3256. Original TV show character; 70s; hunter; United States; captured main character and trapped him on an island so he could hunt him ***H*E* S*TT*N
3258. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police sergeant; New York City; helped with evacuation during alien invasion S**V*
3260. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based character but possible coincidence; 20s; Human Torch; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, purchased a prototype of a high tech device **BBE* B***N
3262. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pageant contestant; Chattanooga; contestant at Christmas pageant **SS E** **DGE
3263. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in a mutiny SC**TE
3265. From a TV show; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; No; adventurer; Washington, DC; bragged about a victory during an interview T***
3266. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; Turkey?; worked for main villain ***D*SH
3267. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended a LARPing event at Central Park **V***E
3269. Original movie character; 10s; No; paid test subject; San Francisco; homeless man who was first human test subject for type of testing *S**C
3271. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; guarded main villain's quarters ****H**
3272. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s, ordered to search for missing main character and another [*GENT] B**TE*
3273. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; put together a welcome basket for main character and her paralegal **G*ST*S "**G" **G**ESE
3274. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; criminals told himmand his family to give them money **N **N
3275. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist, scientist; New York City; presumably helped fight alien invaders ***N **N
3276. From, a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; football (soccer) player (defender); Liverpool; criminal watched a match he was in on TV ***T*N Š**TE*
3277. Original movie character; 10s; No; farmer; United States; aided by main character and another major character after a traffic incident **** **NS*N
3278. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Mosaic; Yes; resistance member; Russia; started an unsuccessful riot against main character after being disillusioned by his methods BET* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3280. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; New York City; battled main character and allies
3281. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee; New Orleans; attempted cost cutting measures involving heat shields ST*N B**T*ETT
3282. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; called to give his medical opinion on vigilante by lawyers for their defense of him *ND*E* *EE
3283. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 90s; hot dog vendor; United States; neighbour of parents of one of the main characters ST*N *EE
3284. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Partial; Hydra Agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; New York City; countpart of 2641; with others, tricked by one of the main characters into giving up weapon **C* ******S
3285. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character ***** ***T*NEZ
3286. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; pet; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main character and looked after by counterpart of one of the main characters **D **CE
3287. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; wife of one of the main villains *S*BE*** V*N SC*VE*
3289. Original TV show character though name same as code name of comics based character; 10s; Human Torch; Yes; pet; New York City; owned by major character T***
3290. From a movie; no actual name revealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; politician of sorts (exact type same as title); France; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies, and echoed 3009's sentiments F*ENCH SEC*ET*** *F ST*TE
3291. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; earliest known such character from Incredible Hulk; No; underground group member; Washington DC outskirts; released power while dancing at a concert G***
3292. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; unrevealed; United States; divergent version of main character D*V*D H***E*
3293. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; tattoo artist; Portland, Oregon; main character asked for a tattoo on his chest over his scar **SE
3294. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3309 and two others previously identified, participated in a game TH*N*S
3295. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of main character ***** C*ST*E
3296. From a movie (extended cut); based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes;  supervisor of an electrical company; New York City; saw main character fight two villains S**E*V*S** ***TE* B***E
3297. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; radio show host; New York City; with co-host interviewed someone after their encounter with main character S*** C*******
3299. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity; Egypt; very strong connection to main character *H*NSH*
3301. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; reporter; London, England; in 1977, interviewed 3299 **N
3303. Original TV movie character; 70s; government agent; United States; assisted main character CH***ES B**BE*
3304. Original TV show character; 70s; warrior; Japan; teamed with similar character (previously identified) to fight main character S**E*H***N F*GHTE*
3306. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; student; United States; seen in one of the few commercials to actually show a version of the hero's origin S**DE*-**N / G*ENDENE **DS
3307. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall her; Cleveland; info sparse C**
3309. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3294 and two others previously identified, participated in a game ****E
3310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cultist; Los Angeles; victim of a first annual ceremony B****S **TTEN
3311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illegal cage match fighter; New York City; took on supporting character in one match **ST*
3314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Wappingers Falls, New York; father of son who went missing **N*E* S**V*
3315. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; chairperson; Tokyo; formed a romantic relationship with main character ****** **SH*D*
3316. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos F**C*
3317. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CH**ST*NE "**NGF*SH" **G***
3318. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mistook main character for another hero **BEN
3319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; tortured by someone who photographed his reactions B**T
3320. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed ciminal; California; prison inmate who fought someone leaving as part of the goodbye ritual among the inmates *E*CH*
3322. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; fordced to point a gun at his head [*FF*CE*] ***TH
3323. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project ****ETEE* (**N*H)
3324. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychotherapist; New York City; developed feelings for major villain, whom she was treating ***ST* D***NT
3325. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, tried to purchase a prototype of a high tech device, but it went to 3260 G** *ENNE***N ***
3327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; company offered her a large sum of money as compensation if she agreed never to speak of the issues surrounding husband's death *ENN*FE* F*SHE*
3328. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; used a Micro Uzi S***N
3330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; delivery truck driver; New York City; used milk truck to commute SHE*D*N *CFEE
3333. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; Berkeley; helped main character and supporting character in a test involving a frog H***E*
3334. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force flight attendant; United States; main character saved her and others after they were sucked out of a plane HE*THE*
3335. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; United States?; realized he had no chance against main character DE***C*
3336. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3210 and someone else C***ENCE *NG**N
3337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; Los Angeles; approeached by two of the main characters, who wated to report two murders [DES* SE*G**NT] H*N*VE*
3338. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3807, helped wrap items G***T
3339. Original TV show character; 10s; No; servants of sort; United States; androids who enabled someone previously identified to interact with the world VE*******NS
3341. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has longer name); 20s; New Avengers; Yes; emperor; Norway; led a refugee colony on another planet D**'GE
3343. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist; Tokyo; kidnapped by someone who tried to make him build device [***FESS**] F***T*
3345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital attendee; New York City;  tried to help main character access records related to bus crash *****N*
3346. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London; helped stage fake attacks on European cities SH*N*CE
3349. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; took someone's car keys (not a car or drunk driving commercial) S**DE*-**N
3350. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with others previously identified, got annoyed at woman who called for help S**DE*-**N
3351. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Savage She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; dated rapper/actress who exists in the real world and who was already identified in one of the four collages this round DENN*S B****S**
3352. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; used by his wife 2424 to get revenge for the death of his mother-in-law C**** E*ST**N
3353. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers Annual; Partial; scientist; unrevealed ; attended meeting to discuss threat of people discovering the existence of the Multiverse SC***ET CENT****N
3355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; New York City;  assigned to care for main character S**TH
3357. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Eternals; Yes; none; Socotra, Yemen; link between main characters and more powerful being *N*-**ND
3360. From a movie; shares code name with comics-based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Blonde Phantom Comics; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States?; code name is a form of sea life S***D
3361. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; conqueror; New York State; divergent version of main villain and himself a main villain TH*N*S
3362. Original movie character, though surname likely nod to real person; 00s; No; police officer; San Venganza, Texas?; info sparse but looks like he used radio while driving [*FF*CE*] **C**E
3365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cocaine dealer; New Orleans; caught by police detective who let her go free in exchange for information ****E*
3366. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as terrorist group member; Russia; posed as 3671 to infilatrate a group B**G*N
3367. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; Delacroix; nephew of one of the main characters C*SS ***S*N
3369. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; pet; New York City; adopted by one of the main characters **C** THE **ZZ* D*G
3370. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed adventurer; Paris?; first character seen in the commercial *NT-**N
3371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent medical doctor; New York City; former addict who changed her way and became a leader of NA meetings to be able to help others BETH*N*
3372. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Loki: Agent of Asgard; Partial; pediatrician; New York City; counterpart of one of the cast characters [D*.] VE**T* *****S
3373. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort company recruiter; New Orleans; in charge of recruiting young girls as escort girls to accompany rich men to some events **D*
3374. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; critical of who was on the cover of a magazine S**DE*-**N / **ZZ*Z
3375. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; divergent version of one of the main characters, and in fact a key part of the divergence GE*T**DE ****ES
3377. From a TV show; posing as another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as Navy officer; England; posed as 3199 and ordered attack on plane B*B F***B*N*S (S*****)
3378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; often sent into an intervention with the other prison mates *EE**
3380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army soldier; United States; mentally unstable Vietnam veteran who attempted to kill himself and his daughter ** (D***NT)
3381. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project
3382. Original movie character; 20s; No; counterfeiting operation leader; New York City; injured by main character ***N
3384. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; raped by 2476 *NGE** S*TT*N
3385. From a TV pilot; based on comics; 90s; Power Pack; unrevealed; United States; mother of main characters ***G**ET ***E*
3388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school nurse; Los Angeles; approached by one of the main characters, whom she remembered was a fugitive N**SE N*GHT***E (***S*N)
3390. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; creatures leader; Counter-Earth; with his group, battled main characters *CT*-H*EN*
3391. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; television reporter; Harlem; interviewed councilwoman about her affordable housing and renewable energy strategy *EG*N *C***EN
3392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Secretary General of NATO; Russia; identity usurped by 2956 SE*G** C*S**N*
3393. Original movie character, though there's a slight chance his name's a nod to a group of characters from comics; 00s; Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Omega; No; bank manager; New York City; denied main character's aunt a loan [**.] **C**
3394. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hellstorm: Prince of Lies; Yes; priest;  Portland, Oregon; possessed by 2316 ***H** C***
3395. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; informal maternal figure; Riga, Latvia; contracted tuberculosis while living at in resettlement camp D*N** **D*N*
3396. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student if old enough; Atlanta; mutant daughter of previously identified mutant D***N***E
3397. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 00s; No; high ranking politcal figure; Washington, DC; conferred with others on dealing with mutant threats though was himself somewhat sympathetic towards mutants **ES*DENT *F THE *N*TED ST*TES (*C*ENN*'S S*CCESS**)
3399. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criiminal gang member; New York City; attempted to shake down someone for money at his restaurant **Z
3400. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but let's go with Thor; Partial; presumed adventurer; Void; struggled to escape from glass bottle TH**G
3401. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Astonishing X-Men; No; scientist; San Francisco; helped develop a mutant cure **V*T* ***
3402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gangster/crimelord/fence, club owner; New York City; in the 1940s, on SSR's list of suspects concerning the whereabouts of technologies stolen from supporting character and being traded on the black market S**DE* *****ND
3403. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Deadpool; Yes; criminal figure; New York City; coerced by major villain to become part of his criminal network ***N H***E*
3405. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; New York City; brother of major supporting character *H**** ST*C*
3408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private bodyguard; New York City; tasked to guard main villain of season **TT
3410. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Iberian mythology; Yes; deity/council member;  Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader *SC****S
3411. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; attended daughter's wedding [**S.] H*****N
3412. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; agreed with someone previously identified that it was the perfect time to take over as the leaders in the criminal underworld **C**D*
3413. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; tasked to apprehend supporting character [*GENT] F*E**NT
3414. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Ultimates; presumed warrior general; Paris?; walked around a campus holding a spear
3415. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; divorce lawyer; Hell's Kitchen; asked by supporting character to help with her divorce proceedings DES**ND T*BE*
3416. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Motion Picture Funnies Weekly; Yes; unrevealed; Yucatán, Mexico; mother of main villain F*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3418. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; bartender; Broxton, Oklahoma; served main character and more often major supporting character  E**C
3419. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; spy/assassin turned resistance member; Tangier, Morocco; freed someone from mind control B**C* **D** (**S*N*)
3420. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; publisher, industrialist, businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, controlled every major newspaper west of the Mississippi River ***T**E* H**ES
3421. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s (one video says 00s but the date on another video suggests 80s, which seems more accurate); Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; United States; seen in three commercials involving building and wrecking a boat H*** / *GF  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in source; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Los Angeles; gave information to the FBI in the 1940s H*N*
3423. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; NSA agent/hacker; Fort Meade, Maryland; 3243 approached him and asked what he was doing ST*V*  [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3424. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; guarded gate as new arrival brought to headquarters *ED**
3425. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; security guard; Mojave Desert, Nevada; used his security key card to access the elevator for two others G**D [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGZ]
3426. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; with brother, played a board game at the end of their mother's sick bed **CH*E* ***G***
3427. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Prime Minister; England; impersonated by 3175 ***E** ***T*N
3428. From a TV show; poses as character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; council member; Russia; attended council meeting regarding a bombing SH***E* S*G** (S*****)
3429. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; escorted main character to the prison, telling her to not cross the yellow line of touch the glass *****S
3430. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; assassin turned resistance member; Soviet Union; eventually freed from mind control serum B**C* **D** (S*N**)
3431. From a TV show; based on comics character mentioned but not seen; 10s; Runaways; Partial; probably none; decline; alternate version of the aunt of one of the main characters, whom she, 2952, and a character previously identified attacked **D*TH **N***
3433. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; it's complicated but let's go with Avengers; Yes; inventor; Chicago; 19th century inventor; another version of this character this part was already identified V*CT** T**E**
3434. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Iron Man; Yes; lab pilot; Counter-Earth; polited lab towards Knowhere C*NT****E*
3435. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; action sports events reporter; United States; reporter for X Games ****E **TT*E
3437. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; legal secretary; New York City; resided in a hotel during the 1940s
3439. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial;  Aix-en-Provence, France; helped supporting character investigate the murders of numerous squadrons H*NTE* *-##
3440. Original movie character; 00s; No; soldier; New Orleans; main (or at least titular)character trapped him in mire ***NE TH*B*DE***
3444. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Genetix; No; assassin; United States?; with others, assigned to kidnap someone and kill her protector/main character T*TT** (T*D* S***T*)
3445. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal (4th from the left in group image) SHE***
3446. From a movie; poses as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; presumed astronaut but posing as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Los Angeles; attempted to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. under the guise of major character while tracking main character *H** C***S*N (S*****)
3447. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; battled three youth with same kind of weapon S**DE*-**N / S**DE*-**N *EG* ***ST *E* SH**TE*
3448. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; handed out fliers outside Chinese restaurant ***S
3452. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed;  Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to lift item off the ground in a desert ***E
3454. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of recurring character in one of his guises ********E
3455. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer, deity; New York City; diverged from main version shortly after a major battle TH**
3457. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; terrorist; Washington, DC?; diverged from someone in the 2020 collages *Z*ZE*
3458. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; presumed deity; Asgard?; seen on a screen "G***SH*DE*" ****
3459. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3285, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character **** G*NZ**EZ
3460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; in the 1940s, met with SSr agents during their investigation of the implosion of a refinery **NST*N
3461. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ultimate Comics Spider-Man; Yes; black market arms dealer; New York City; after main character saved his life, agreed to help the hero get all the alien guns off the streets where they could endanger innocent lives *****E* (****N D***S)
3462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; looked into main character as part of investigation into two murders **TH S*ND**
3463. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; pet;  Orgoscope; pet of someone already identified in one of the collages this round B****
3465. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Knowhere; gambled with various other characters including comics based character G**D*E***
3466. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; hair stylist; Los Angeles; girlfriend of main character's uncle *E**N*E
3468. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; pet; Los Angeles; groomsman at a wedding **N*TH*N
3470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; shot while guarded restaurant for a meeting **CH*E* ***T**E*
3473. From a TV show, based on real owl; 20s; Yes; none; New York City; resided in a Christmas tree **C**
3475. From a movie; arguably based on comics character with different name, though comics character with same name later appeared; 00s; Daredevil; No; criminal personal assistant; New York City; informed main villain that someone had talked to the papers about him *ES*E* *E*CH
3476. From a movie; based on comics character with different name; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; warrior; New York State; divergent version of someone identified in part 1 of the current collage series C*** *BS*D**N
3477. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; magazine editor, fashion consultant, stylist, television personality; Los Angeles; discussed the fashion of someone's armour GE**GE **TS******S
3478. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Partial; cultist; Los Angeles (kind of); alternate version of 3552; invited one of the main characters to share breakfast with her and husband ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
3479. Original TV movie character; 80s; criminal right hand man; New York City;  instructed by boss to eliminate a possible witness EDG**
3480. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Kandahar; cooperated with an investigation into Afghan heroin smuggling *H**D Z*B***
3481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musician, cello teacher; New York City; main villain forced her to play her cello for hours C****
3482. Original TV movie character; 70s; presumed student; Belleville, New Jersey; son of ally to main character *ETE* ****E
3483. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; cage fighter; East Berlin, Germany; defeated by superhuman in mutant fighting arena B**B
3484. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news reporter; Los Angeles; reported on someone taking over America's airwaves to broadcast one of his "lessons" *EG*N HENDE*S*N
3485. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; army officer; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, investigated a potential security breach involving two time travellers from another reality CHES*E*
3486. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; live in apartment complex until it raided, resulting in the death of her parents and separation from her sister C**ST*N*
3487. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Elektra: Assassin; No; unrevealed; Greece?; mother of main character *H**ST*N* N*TCH**S
3490. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; participated in a mutiny G*F  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3491. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; New York City; robbed by thieves T*N* GN*CC*
3493. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen; attended an event at meat store to drum up support for supprting character's campaign for District Attorney **BSCH***
3494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; television presenter; New York City; applauded a dress on a show along with main character's stepsister G**CE BENNETT
3495. Original movie character; 00s; No; vampire hunter; United States; helped main character and others escape from FBI DE*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3496. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; with others, investigated a nexus event in 1985 H*NTE* C-##
3497. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI Special Agent in Charge; New York City; forced by main villain into helping his return to power T**** H*TT*E*
3499. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by supporting character in a dojo *ENN*
3500. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City;  used by main villain of season to deliver a message to main character CH*N*SE
3501. From a TV show; based on comics (different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; engineer; New Orleans; father of one of the main characters N*TH*N B**EN
3502. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; newspaper reporter; New York City;  attended a benefit hosted by main character and his aunt SE*N **NF**D
3503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professor; New York City; worked with the Hand to encode their secret ledgers in exchange for a large sum of money which he spent on a high rise apartment and Asian prostitutes *H**** C*B**N*
3504. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; World War Hulk: Gamma Corps; Yes; prosecutor; Los Angeles?; got superhuman sent to prison G*DE*N ***S*N
3507. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; slept with someone who got possessed by a future version of himself G*EN  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3508. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher: War Zone; Yes; crime family leader; Manhattan; attempted to make a deal with major villain as a means to control Harlem **S***E C**B*NE
3509. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk; Yes; resistance fighters leader; Quantum Realm; formed her group after her home was destroyed by main villain *ENT****
3511. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters E**E DE*N
3512. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; New York City; ill daughter of main villain *ENN* *****
3513. Original TV show character (shares name with comic book inker but likely a coincidence); 10s; Yes; bus driver; New York City; falsely believed he was responsible for killing someone after crashing his bus while drunk CH***ES *****CE
3515. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise SH***N **NES
3517. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; correction officer; The Bronx; atacked while escorting major villain in prison ****E
3518. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; was incorrectly believed by main character to be an imposter T**
3520. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; outside time/space; bombed timelines **N*TE**N #4#8###5
3522. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed student; Antowuk, Utah; daughter of owner of store main character briefly worked at S***NTH* B*TES
3523. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; brother paid for wife's cancer treatments N*H** N*DEE*
3525. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; nurse; Queens; with a friend of hers, went on double date with main character and another major character C*NN*E
3527. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party (sources conflict re: spelling; will accept either) *EBE** or *EBEC*
3528. From a movie; based on character from non-Marvel TV show (the director claims it's the same character but probably in the legal sense they're two characters with the same name); 20s; Peacemaker; Yes; unrevealed this continuity, pet if treated as same character; Counter-Earth; imprisoned by main villain E*G**
3529. Original movie character (deleted scene); 20s; Yes; NSA liason; Fort Meade, Maryland; personally greeted 3243 who arrived from the United Kingdom to collect NSA's intel DEBB*E D*V*DS*N
3530. Original TV show character; 10s; No; teacher; China?; spoke to daughter through an old television screen, and mainly focused on his obsession with robots *ENZ* ***
3531. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States;  tasked with guarding supporting character SH**VE*
3532. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; attended holiday party for one of the main characters H**BT*E [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers fouund at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3533. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; adventurer; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store H***
3535. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance fighter; Quantum Realm; joined resistance when his home was taken by main villain ***Z
3536. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different name); 00s; Punisher War Journal; No; unrevealed; Tampa?; wife of main character BETT* C*ST*E
3537. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; cargo packer; Quantum Realm; attempted to flirt with one of the main characters in a bar B**CC*** **N
3538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL or CIA agent (sources conflict); Atlantic Ocean; participated in the joint operation to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **C*S*N
3539. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; guardian; Ta Lo; mother of main character **NG **
3540. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pet; New York City; pet of someone already identified this exact collage E***
3542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Hydra agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; Washington, DC; while main character was speaking about Hydra's infiltration on S.H.I.E.L.D., he and other operatives began to attack S.H.I.E.L.D. **NS**
3546. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; New York City?; hearing song played on the piano got him to stop crying ****N
3548. Original TV show character; 70s; robber/aspiring acrobat; Japan; committed a string of robberies to fund his own circus *H*NT** TH*EF ##1 (***BE)
3549. Original movie character; 00s; No; board chairman; New York City; led the way for the rest of the Board of Directors chose to accept a buyout offer H*N** B****N
3550. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; fish experimented upon and transformed into a child
3551. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; scientist, inventor, arms manufacturer, filmmaker; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, encountered future version of son from another reality, the latter using an alias H****D ST***
3552. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; mother of one of the main characters ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
3553. Original movie character; 10s; No; doctor (info sparse and I don't recall them but likely in the science sense); United States; info sparse [D*.] *E*GH
3554. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; journalist; Los Angeles; interviewed one of the main characters as part of an article on a church **SBETH
3556. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City; presumed helped others fight aliens H***E*E
3558. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; S.A.B.E.R. agent; S.A.B.E.R. Space Station; ally of main characters T****

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     Thread Starter

10/20/2024 9:27 am  #467

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 9 clues:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29

3562. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City; father of main character ***** *HAN
3563. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; shaman; Wakanda; gave main villain a heart shaped herb *O**
3564. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers; Yes; resistance agent; New York City; wife of one of the main characters VA**A (****C***A ****)
3565. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; name is something that some faces have
3566. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; mob boss; New York City; often exchanged information, weapons and money with main villain *AG*N**
3567. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; unidentified Latin American country;  daughter of the democratic president of the country, took part in beauty contest *A**A CA*D**ON
3568. Original movie character; 00s; No; possible witch doctor; Puerto Rico; healed main character CAND**A**A
3569. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Missouri; step-grandmother of one of the main characters [***.] Q****
3574. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Partial; unrevealed; United States?; one of two mothers of major character ***NA CHAV*Z
3576. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; Paris?; held apparently captured 3819 *HO*
3577. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; steed; Wakanda; steed of someone already identified in one of the collages this round *2#
3578. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Mexico; helped try to capture someone at main character's house ***** BO*
3579. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party **B*CCA
3580. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; diner owner; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character smashed one of her cups **AB**A A*VA**Z
3582. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; ticket taker; Chicago; in 1893, gave character already identified in one of the collages this round an orange to throw at 3260 H*GO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of lockiing: ACDGHNOW29]
3584. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Partial; asylum pet; decline; counterpart of main character's pet G**
3585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nurse; New Orleans; looked after someone after he fell into a catatonic state in the aftermath of a platform destruction ANG**
3586. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D  agent; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, two time travelling main characters from another reality encountered her in an elevator *H***** J*N**N*
3587. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; led a group of such children **C*O*
3588. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Harlem; legal counsel for someone who tried to claim her rights to nightclub and brand of rum ****N** *OG***
3590. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; Yes; councilman; Washington, DC; one of the prime overseers of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations [CO*NC***AN] CHAO **N
3591. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or deity/would-be world conqueror depending on how you took at it; New York City; fought main character and allies ****C** *O**
3592. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Iron Man; Yes; Air Force major general; Lancaster, California; commanding officer of someone who later became a superhero [*AJO* G*N**A*] **AD*
3593. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord/brothels owner; Queens; Russian criminal, head of a lot of brothels in which Eastern European girls were forced into prostitution after being kidnapped C***** B**A*
3594. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; plastics company owner/founder; New York City; blackmailed into selling his company *A** H*GG*N*
3596. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; meal disrupted by arrival of a yacht N'B**J
3597. From a TV show; somewhat based on comics (different first name); 10s; Daredevil; Yes; police officer/criminal; New York City; ordered to assassinate major supporting character C**** *A*N**
3598. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Treme X-Men; No; lawyer; Washington, DC; secretly provided support for the Mutant Underground *VANG***N* WH*DON
3599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel worker; Los Angeles;  laughed when a hotel valet showed him a range of condoms inside a car *OHN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHNOW29]
3600. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective; Partial;  guardian of sorts; Void; villain harnessed and experimented on his power, becoming his master A**O*H
3601. Original TV show character; 70s; arms dealer/criminal; New York City; sought plutonium from a school laboratory [**.] WH***
3602. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL; Atlantic Ocean; heard a noise coming off the side of the ship he was on and radioed admiral W***
3603. Original movie character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; outside time and space; followed someone already identified in one of the collages this round to an area from which the latter planned to plant bombs H*N*** *-##
3604. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; assigned to main villain's protective detail A**NO**
3605. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; New York City; with others, apparently fought brother and aliens *HO* / *OG***: *H* ****CA*, D******AND ***O** (note: this source appears for multiple characters in parts 8-9; I'm only doing the Hangman for the source once)
3606. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; record store employee; Broxton, Oklahoma; supporting character was his only regular customer
3607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; recruited by demon to kill someone *OO**
3608. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; air force major; Lancaster, California; was present for presentation as someone sold weapons to the military but left mid way [*AJO*] HA****
3609. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Comics Presents; No; scientist; British Columbia; injected main character with metal as part of experiment [D*.] AB*AHA* CO*N*****
3610. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; came to the New York State Supreme Court Building to make a news report about grand jury against main villain J****
3611. Original movie character; 10s; No; monk; Romania?; confirmed that a boy he and another were looking for had been found B*N*D*C*
3612. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; landlord; New York City; landlord for building main character lived in **G*N*
3613. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; students; Salem Center, New York; seen at school that was base for main characters *****O*D C*C*OO*
3615. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; diverged from main version upon the arrival of time travellers HAW****
3616. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; with others, attempted to steal from criminal's poker game *ANC*
3617. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; attorney; New York City; hired by main villain to represent him in criminal trial N*CH**A* ***
3618. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon; mistakenly believed his son was possessed by a demon [**.] CAVA**O [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in surname; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3619. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Thor Annual; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in mutiny B*AH*
3620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio talk show employee; New York City; worked with main character's stepsister N*CO**
3621. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; attended a meeting at  a club and listened to his leader's speech AD**AN B*ANC
3622. Original TV show character; 70s; manservant; San Francisco; worked for martial arts teacher confronted by main character ***ON **NG
3624. From a movie; based on comics (uses slightly different suffix meaning the same thing); 00s; X-Men; No; head of lab company; San Francisco; father of superhuman WA***N WO**H*NG*ON **
3625. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal under duress; New York City; forced by main villain to work under his command as a part of his criminal conspiracy O'CONNO* [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]
3626. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 90s; Captain America Annual; criminal second in command; Manhattan; worked for main villain and had regular run-ins with main character ***** Q**NN
3627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; door repairman; New York City; hired by main character's stepsister to fix main character's door A*A*
3628. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3663 **V*N
3629. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; presumed high school student; Hollywood; confronted someone who stole his mask ***D**-*AN / J**** ****** **V*
3630. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; national president; Washington, DC; displayed anti-alien sentiments and intentions to wage war on extraterrestrials in a televised address ****ON
3631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; as part of his birthday party, helped make sandwiches with his father *A** NAD***
3632. Original TV show character but posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as reporter; New York City; usurped identity of 3678 and reported on bomb attack CH*** ***A*N* (******)
3633. Original TV show character; 70s; probable scientist; Tokyo; main character's sister *H*N*O *A*A*H**O
3634. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Haiti; son of major character *O***A*N* (*'CHA**A **)
3635. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coven member; Los Angeles; assisted main villain of season in her attempt to conquer the world CA**AND*A
3636. From a movie; possibly based on comics character with different surname; 00s; Punisher: War Zone; No; marijuana dealer, club owner; Tampa; convinced son of main villain  to participate with him in an arms deal with a new merchant **C*** D**A
3637. From a movie; indirectly based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed location; seen in a council gathering **ZA*D *ANG
3638. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran turned criminal; New York City; working with main villain, attempted to murder main character JO**
3640. From a movie; based on comics, though very obscure; 00s; Punisher; No; criminal henchman; New York City; key henchman for main villain *N*
3641. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; Prague; reported on attack in Prague, though he was misled on details ***HA* **BA*
3642. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; air force fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; in a bar, palyed crud with main character and others *A**H*W "***D**" ******
3644. From a TV show; shares code name with characters based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 20s; earliest known such character from Tales to Astonish; Partial; info sparse and I don't recall them; Chicago; seen at 1893 exposition B*H**O*H
3645. Original TV show character but named after movie character; 10s; Halloween; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, growled at main character and another major character
3646. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created to use as a soldier JAC**ON
3647. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City?; info sparse (note: there's some dispute as to who this character is; will accept either answer) [**.] ****H* or [**.] B*OWN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word of suggested alternative name for character; first such word is a saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3648. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Attilan; with husband 3774, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *A***AN
3649. Original movie character; 90s; bartender; Alberta; pointed gun at one of the main characters and told him to get out of the bar A*B***
3650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; sat alongside her daughter (previously identified) for their audition for an advertisement [***.] *OV**
3651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana-grower; Oahu; formed a romantic bond withone of the main characters J*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3653. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of supporting character [***.] *HO***ON
3654. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; advisor; Hala; advisor to main villain **-*ON*
3656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal errand boy; New Orleans; made regular drug deliveries for someone **V
3657. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; multinational corporation CEO; New York City; friend turned enemy of main character (should have been in 2020 collages but seems to have been overlooked) N*W GOB*** (HA*** O*B**N)
3659. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mobile lab guard; outer space; conflicted between killing one of the main characters and getting away to safety *H*******
3661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news reporter; New York City; interviewed someone about the return of the main character and what it meant for the company J*NN**** *AN*
3662. From a commercial; based on comics; unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; unable to determine; has anthropomorphic penguin as friend/maybe roommate H*** / **NG**NO
3663. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart (3711) of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3628 ****N
3664. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; inmate counselled him about his failing marriage CA** COWA**
3665. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible funeral worker; New York City; welcomed guests into home of deceased person for the funeral ***AND
3666. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; refugee during battle of early 1800s B***NDA
3667. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; club lounge singer; New York City; stayed at same hotel as main character during 1940s *V***N
3668. Original movie serial character; 40s; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States; info sparse *D G*AHA*
3670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; charity organization headquarters employee; Los Angeles; was surprised to see employers show up as she thought they had forgotten about the place ***A
3671. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; terrorist group first commander; Russia; captured and impersonated by 3366 *****N WA**AC*
3672. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; United States; battled apparent arch nemesis ****** *AN*A***C
3673. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters and looked after teammate's pet ***** H**NAND*Z
3674. Original movie character; 00s; No; national leader assistant; Washington, DC; asked by the President to clear his schedule because he was having dinner with his son JAC***
3675. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; sole survivor of his species V*B [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3676. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; info sparse and I don't recall him *A***N
3677. Original movie character; 00s; No; undercover FBI agent; New York City; targeted by main character, who didn't know he wasn't actually a criminal N**** DONA*****
3678. From a TV show; based on earlier seen character, though this one is actually the original; 20s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; impersonated by 3632  CH*** ***A*N*
3679. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; police officer; New York City; live action role-player when off duty BO*B*H*** (W*N** CON*AD)
3680. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; senator; Washington, DC; part of a committe that questioned main character [**NA*O*] CA***NO
3681. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London; with friends, found a portal *ADD**
3682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; deli-grocery store pet; Queens; with his human, rescued by main character from criminals using alien technology ****H
3683. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school student; Queens; in Prague, as part of field trip, dressed up in silly, glowing glasses to go to a carnival ***** C**B*N
3684. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Oahu; recruited by main villain to hunt down main characters H*N*** ON*
3685. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at night club ***-ON*
3686. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes;  journalist, political correspondent; United States; with fellow reporter, discussed the potential regulation of enhanced individuals W*** ADA**
3687. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Staten Island; showed main character  a photo of her son and explained that her son had gotten cancer from a chemical plant near where they lived **G*NA ***ZG**A*D
3688. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; father of one of the main characters G*N* H**NAND*Z
3690. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; Cambodia; had duel with major characer beneath the city *HA**
3691. Original movie character; 10s; No; mercenary; Mexico; hunted major supporting character DAN*** *HOD**
3692. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; Poland; wife of major villain [two possible spellings of surname; will accept either or both] *AGDA GÓ***A or G**Z***
3693. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; out for revenge after his father had been killed by a criminal CO**N *OA**
3694. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; unrevealed; Canada; mother of main character ***ZAB**H HOW****
3695. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord; New York City; main character crashed one of his meetings [DON] GA**ANO C**A**
3696. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; in the 1940s, witness someone take credit for main character's success B**CH WA**AC*
3697. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed (note: this is one of who characters in the commercials who could lay claim to the code name used); United States; came out of a shack wearing armour while another versuion of the character flew overhead **ON *AN
3698. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; law enforcement agent, soldier, underground agent; Atlanta, Georgia; brainwashed into aiding law enforcement agency against former allies ***** (A*G*****)
3701. From a TV show; shares name with character based on comics but possible coincidence; 10s; Marvel Mangaverse; Yes; resistance member; Russia; main villain told her his plans wouldn't be possible without her ****GA
3702. From a TV show; code name based on comics; 20s; earlist known use Mystic Comics but Tales of Suspense a closer match; Yes; assassin turned cage fighter; Macau; tried to kill main character before being freed from mind control B*A** W**O* (H***N)
3703. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; camera repairman; San Jose; fixed security camera that major character had disabled DOV* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3704. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; personal watercraft store chain employee; Cleveland; got separate calls from sons of co-worker DA**
3705. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; hired to perform at restaurant DONA** HA*****N **.
3707. From a TV movie; based on comics; 80s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (by only 2-3 months - cover date same month as episode airdate - so it may be that the TV people came up with the character);  co-leader of Hydra, terrorist; Berlin?; with sister, attempted to carry on father's legacy W**N** VON ****C***
3708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; targeted someone he made have had a fling with in Paris JAC**** D*C*A***
3709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; particle physicist; Pasadena; had affair with company owner in the 1940s JAN* *CO**
3710. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief; Harlem; shot at main character while robbing store with others **CHA**
3711. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Fantastic Four; Yes; personal watercraft salesman; Cleveland; counterpart of major supporting character and father of 3663 and 3766 *ON  [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]
3712. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Hell's Kitchen; with a fellow officer, took supporting character needing police protection to a hotel *OW***
3713. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; with another criminal was beating up clinic worker for info when cronfronted by main character **C**
3715. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3057, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage G***N GOB**N
3716. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; security chief for oil drilloing company; Bywater, New Orleans; helped try to get protestors to leave ***V* G**B**
3717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musical peformer; United States; appeared in a music video ****H
3718. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos CA**B***
3719. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; unrevealed; Illinois; father of main character ***A* ***C*O*
3720. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; helped someone move into same apartment building as main character *A**O
3722. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New Orleans; asked girlfriend to have sex with someone he wanted to strike a aprtnership with, eventually resorting to hitting her ***C
3724. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; Karachi; got lost and upon being found was microchipped *AGN**
3725. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; name is also occupation; Quantum Realm; led a group and was an ally to a supporting character NO*AD **AD**
3726. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; witnessed misconduct by his partner and was paid to help cover it up B*AD*O*D
3727. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Jersey City; life was saved by main character while participating in a cosplay contest ZO* ******
3728. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Doctor Strange: The Oath; Yes; neurosurgeon; New York City; saved main character's s life after a near fatal car accident N*CO***** W***
3729. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Superior Spider-Man; Yes; none; Washington, DC; used as a means to assist main character ***D**-D*ON*
3731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; boss discovered him making deals with other criminal organizations ****O* ****/***** **O***
3732. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school teacher; New York City; lectured main character for being tardy
3733. Original TV show character, though posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3751 make a machine to make her race stronger *O*A DA**ON (******)
3734. Original movie character; 10s; No; love hotel manager; Tokyo; had her son, a veterinary student, fix main character's wounds ****O
3735. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four as such; Partial; conqueror/pharaoh, scientist; Egypt; worked with alternate versions of himself *A*A-***
3736. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Daredevil; No; police captain; New York City; mostly believed main character to be an urban legend at first N*** *ANO***
3737. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; avatar; Giza; attended council meetings on behalf of deity *A*Z**
3738. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; broadcast television network director; San Francisco; fired main character for reporteding on the basis of a hunch instead of facts JA**
3740. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; innovation company employee; Los Angeles; did computer work for divergent version of one of the main characters J****
3741. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Harlem; loyal to major villain and assisted in her rise to power A*** W*****
3742. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; California; info sparse and I don't recall him DAV**
3743. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; student; Salem Center, New York; student at school used as base for main characters, and seems older than an earlier version of the character J*B****
3744. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ka-Zar; Yes; C.I.A. agent; Alexandria, Virginia; aided main character in defeating main villain *V***** *O**
3745. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; adventurer; Manhattan; with others arrested main character and ignored his warnings about the real threat **O****O* *
3746. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; United States; ex-girlfriend of main character **O**NC* "******" W**CH
3747. From a webseries; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; San Francisco; interviewed villain until the latter thought things were getting to personal JA*** *OND***
3748. Original movie character; 00s; No; arms dealer; Tampa?; all of 3616 **** A***OV
3749. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by major supportuing character in dojo CA**B
3751. From a TV show; based on character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3733 make a machine to make him race stronger V*C*O* DA**ON (******)
3752. from a TV show; loosely based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Power Man and Iron Fist; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; marriage with supporting character fell apart when she discovered her wife was having an affair with 3139 W*ND* *O**-HOGA**H
3753. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; FBI agent turned police detective; New York City; joined the police to arrest main character *A** B*D*AN***
3754. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version not fully named); 10s; while I found an image of comics version, I was unable to determine her first appearance, so it's possible that the TV version appeared first; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, New York City; mother of main villain *A***N* V***A*N
3755. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Doctor Strange; Yes; sorcerer; Kamar-Taj; destroyed a book of magic in an effort to stop main villain *A*A WO***
3756. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; imprisoned by main villain until freed by 3509 D****C*
3757. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; luxury department store employee; New York City; in the 1940s, worked for a department store that also existed in the real world *O*** BOW**N
3758. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent smuggler; New York City; in the 1940s, helped smuggle supporting character back into the US J****
3760. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; unrevealed; Broxton, Oklahoma; customer at fast food restaurant B***
3761. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; disocovered main character and latter's daughter when they first became stranded in the realm *O***
3762. Original movie character; 00s; No; chef; New York City; worked for Moondance Diner *N**Q**
3764. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; mother of main character **A*N* WA*****
3765. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; presumed adventurer; United States?; likely leader of a hero group that was part of a larger gathering **A*-*O*D
3766. From a TV shows; based on earlier character same contnuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of 3711 and brother of 3663 **AN
3767. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hawkeye; Yes; criminal; New York City; contributed to the death of father of childhood friend *AZ* *AZ*****CZA*
3768. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; shopkeeper; Harlem; main character started a robbery at his store W***** GO***
3769. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; none; Saint Petersburg; experimented on by adoptive mother of main character A*****
3770. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed criminal; Northwest Territories; seen in a prison O**GA **D
3771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel concierge; Los Angeles; learned that main characters and one other had infiltrated hotel and sent security after them
3772. From a TV show; possibly based on comics; 10s; X-Men: Red; No; hitwoman; Washington, DC; with others involved in a massacre where they killed thousand of innocent people, including children H*A****
3773. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; enforcer; New York City; after death of boss, found himself moving between employers Z**
3774. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; miner; Attilan; with wife 3648, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *O*O***
3775. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; No; presumed adventurer; New York City; decided to abandon teammates before a battle HAW****
3776. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall him; United States?; info sparse
3778. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; youth shelter worker; Brooklyn; abused many of the children under his care. A**H** WA**H
3779. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Karachi; other dimensional being who switched sides and aided main character *A**AN
3781. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Dora Milaje member; Wakanda; battled an undersea dwelling race J***N*
3782. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lab nurse; Queens;m responsible for the care of the mother of main character **ANN* *CC****
3783. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or adventurer depending on now you look at it; New York City; likely in the story within story battled stepbrother and aliens ****CA* *HO*
3784. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain Marvel; Yes; prince; Aladna; husband of one of the main characters [***NC*] *AN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACNW2]
3785. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; Harlem; mother of main character DANA *******
3786. Original TV show character; 70s; race track owner; United States; allowed one of his horse trainers to experiment with a special vitamin supplement that was aimed at calming feral animals *AW**NC* H*N** CA**O** ***
3787. From a commercial; based on comics but species swapped; 00s; Fantastic Four; possible monarch; United States; attacked by arch-nemeses DOC*O* DOO*
3788. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; climbed onto bucket ***D**-*AN / WOO*WO**H/WOO*CO: CH*A* HA**OW**N CO****** & CAND*
3789. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Portland, Oregon; taken to hotel while possessed by a demon *****N*A **O***
3790. From a movie; shares name with characters based on comics but probably a coincidence; 10s; Avengers; No; house pet; San Francisco; pet of someone identified in collage 2 G***N*
3791. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; fast food franchise manager; Broxton, Oklahoma; was cashier for someone who later worked for him JAC* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3792. Original movie character (extended version); 00s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; sister of hero identified in 2020 collages *A***O** (G***)
3793. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; got angry during cell phone call H*** [(**.) *O****] / ***T*D H*A*THCA**
3794. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed scientist, industrialist; Paris?; let people take pictures with him **ON *AN
3795. From a movie; name based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Morocco; appeared to attack Morocco before seemingly stopped by someone C*C*ON*
3797. From a TV show; based on comics and folklore (merged character); 10s?; Amazing Fantasy/German Lutheran folklore; No; gift giver; Burbank?; tossed things at audience ***D**-*AN *A**** B*NN*
3798. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 70s; Incredible Hulk; United States; got upset when someone asked him for his pie H*** ("G****O**" J** BOND*) / *O**ON ***A* ****** D*******
3800. From a TV show; Marvel Fandom suggests based on comics but I'm doubtful (if so comics version has no surname and gender swapping means first name is slightly different); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital staff member; decline; supplied medicinal drugs to patients BOBB* **NN*D*
3801. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; greeted three other kids ***D**-*AN / [commercial is for a different product from before but appears to be same company as one previously identified so no Hangman]
3802. From a TV show; possibly based on comics (shorteneed name if so); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital orderly; decline; approached one of the patients to give her a cupcake B**
3803. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy officer; United Kingdom; identity usurped by 3278 *HO* *H****
3804. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; furniture store owner; Detroit; got irritated by complaining customer H***  [(*NC**) *OB*N*ON] / *OB*N*ON ***N*****
3805. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; likely aired in 00s; Amazing Fantasy; furniture store owner; Victoria, British Columbia; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 ***D**-*AN (GO*D* DODD)
3806. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; with others including 3225, helped protect neighborhood **O*
3807. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3338, helped wrap items ***D**-*AN
3808. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; likely pet; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; rescued by supporting character during robot's attack on town BA***
3809. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; compound pet; New York State; owned by main character and wife G**A*D
3810. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; treasure hunter; South America; sought lost treasure in the jungle *ON*A*BAN
3811. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; prison guard; California; supervised major character's interview with webseries main character *. A***N
3812. Original TV show character; 70s; criminal; New York City?; ally of main villain of story (previously identified) B********
3813. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; aided by two boys in fighting 2443 ***D**-*AN
3814. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; encountered others dressed as him ***D**-*AN
3815. Original movie character; 00s; No; house pet; Rio de Janeiro; pet of main character  **C**
3816. From a movie; posing as someone based on comics; Quasar; Yes; apparent infilatrator posing as soldier of sorts; Torfa; posed as someone previously identified to fool a sniper identified in the 2020 collages A**-*A**
3817. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; entertainment reporter and television personality; Los Angeles; critiqued someone's armour; has counterpart previously identified G****ANA *ANC*C
3819. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; Paris?; held by apparent captor 3576 *O**
3820. Original movie character but possibly named after real person; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; info sparse ***B*
3821. From a TV show; based on comics (though he claims otherwise; possible different surname); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; No; cue card guy; Burbank?; explained the legal reasons why he can't be the person he obviously is H*** (B**C* *H* C** CA*D ***)
3822. Original movie character; 20s; Yes;  S.A.B.E.R. agent; space station; over 300 years old *AG [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNW29]
3823. Original TV movie character but probably named after comics strip character; 70s; decline as that would make this one too easy; pet; Los Angeles; pet of main character H*A*HC****


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     Thread Starter

10/21/2024 4:57 am  #468

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Revealing everyone remaining from Secret Invasion. I picked these because if you cross-referenced the Hangmans between parts, some of these would have been more or less revealed anyway.

Part 6:

2482. From a TV show; based on another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as arms dealer; Moscow; impersonated someone to "sell" bombs to a resistance group he was a member of; shape-shifting **S*LY *O***SH*H** (S**ULL)
Vasily Poprishchin (Skrull)

2616. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; resistance member; Moscow; eventually lost faith in the leadership of main villain; shape-shifting ****S*

2674. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; armed forces officer; Russia; received classified instructions to nuke Russia ***H***S

2678. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; CIA agent; Moscow; unearthed an alien conspiracy **ES*O*

Part 7:

2720. Original TV show character, though someone posing as him appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; Navy officer; Britain; impersonated by 2616 CONNO* COO****
Connor Coombes

2743. From a TV show; based on another character same show mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; some sort of government agent; Moscow; attended council meeting to discuss bombings; shape-shifting JAC* H*U*-B** (***U**)
Jack Hyuk-Bin (Skrull)

2759. Original TV show character, though impersonated by someone who appeared earlier; 20s; Yes; navy lieutenant commander; Britain; impersonated by 2921 *A** *ATA**TON
Dave Matailton

2900. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; MI6 agent; Moscow; assigned to interrogate extraterrestials N****

2902. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army soldier; Russia; helped carry major character out of where he'd been held captive JAC***ON

2918. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; army general; United States; was ordered to give classified launch orders to launch an Atomic Bomb TA**O*

2921. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers ; Yes; resistance mmeber (second-in-command); Moscow; main villain's second-in-command; shape-shifting PA*ON [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]

2956. Original TV show character but posing as another character seen in photo; 20s; Yes; council member posing as Secretary General; Russia; impersonated 3392; shape-shifting *****O CA*PAN* (***U**)
Sergio Caspani (Skrull)

2998. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England; mother of character seen in multiple movies and shows ****A**TH H***
Elizabeth Hill

3030. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; England?; saw main character hold who he believed to be his father at gunpoint *ACHA** *A**BAN**
Zachary Fairbanks

3045. From a TV show (for earliest confirmed appearance); based on comics; 20s confirmed, possibly 10s; Black Bolt; Yes; resistance member, posing as Air Force colonel; England; usurped the identity of a major character of the opposite sex (note: it's unclear when she first impersonated him, so her first appearance may have been in a movie); shape-shifting *AA*A

At some point she usurped James Rhodes' identity, but it's unclear when this happened. Therefore her first confirmed appearance is being used in lieu of her actual first appearance.

3054. From a TV show; impersonating comics based character; 20s; Ka-Zar; Yes; resistance member posing as CIA agent; Moscow; posing as earlier character, visited someone who had learned of a conspiracy that he was part of; shape-shifting *****TT *O** (******)
Everett Ross (Skrull)

3126. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; arms dealer; Russia; identity usurped by 2482 *A**** POP***HCH*N
Vasily Poprishchin

3127. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Maximum Security: Dangerous Planet; Yes; resistance member/guard; Russia; prior to switching sides, assigned by main villain to guard a room containing a series of fracking pods; shape-shifting NU*O  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]

Part 8:

3175. From a TV show; posing as someone from same episode; 20s; Yes; council member posiing as British Prime Minister; Russia; posed as 3427 and also attended a meeting about a bombing ***E** ***T*N (S*****)
Pamela Lawton (Skrull)

3199. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy commodore; Britain; captured and impersonated by 3377 **BE*T F***B*N*S
Robert Fairbanks

3278. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Mosaic; Yes; resistance member; Russia; started an unsuccessful riot against main character after being disillusioned by his methods BET* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]

3366. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as terrorist group member; Russia; posed as 3671 to infilatrate a group B**G*N

3377. From a TV show; posing as another character same episode; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as Navy officer; England; posed as 3199 and ordered attack on plane B*B F***B*N*S (S*****)
Bob Fairbanks (Skrull)

3392. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Secretary General of NATO; Russia; identity usurped by 2956 SE*G** C*S**N*
Sergio Caspani

3427. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Prime Minister; England; impersonated by 3175 ***E** ***T*N
Pamela Lawton

3428. From a TV show; poses as character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; council member; Russia; attended council meeting regarding a bombing SH***E* S*G** (S*****)
Shirley Sagar (Skrull)

Part 9:

3564. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Avengers; Yes; resistance agent; New York City; wife of one of the main characters VA**A (****C***A ****)
Varra (Priscilla Fury)

3630. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; national president; Washington, DC; displayed anti-alien sentiments and intentions to wage war on extraterrestrials in a televised address ****ON

3632. Original TV show character but posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as reporter; New York City; usurped identity of 3678 and reported on bomb attack CH*** ***A*N* (******)
Chris Stearns (Skrull)

3671. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; terrorist group first commander; Russia; captured and impersonated by 3366 *****N WA**AC*
Martin Wallace

3678. From a TV show; based on earlier seen character, though this one is actually the original; 20s; Yes; news anchor; New York City; impersonated by 3632  CH*** ***A*N*
Chris Stearns

3701. From a TV show; shares name with character based on comics but possible coincidence; 10s; Marvel Mangaverse; Yes; resistance member; Russia; main villain told her his plans wouldn't be possible without her ****GA

3733. Original TV show character, though posing as later seen character; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3751 make a machine to make her race stronger *O*A DA**ON (******)
Rosa Dalton (Skrull)

3751. From a TV show; based on character mentioned but not seen; 20s; Yes; resistance member posing as scientist; Russia; helped 3733 make a machine to make him race stronger V*C*O* DA**ON (******)
Victor Dalton (Skrull)

3803. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy officer; United Kingdom; identity usurped by 3278 *HO* *H****
Thom Phipps


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Yesterday 7:32 am  #469

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Revealing all the remaining answers related to Runaways (chosen this time to eliminate a lot of alternate worlds). Will update the list shortly.

Part 6:

2314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE agent; Los Angeles; broke into hostel where boss was being held **Y

2319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer, PRIDE enforcer; Los Angeles; boss of 2314; tried to retrieve video footage of all PRIDE's crimes ***HO*Y "*WOL" W*LL
Anthony "AWOL" Wall

2323. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student/dancer; Los Angeles; auditioned to join the school dance team (sources conflict on the spelling; will accept either) H****H or H****
Hannah or Hanna

2333. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; student if any; Los Angeles; was found with major wound in chest; alternate version of main character *LE* W*L*E*
Alex Wilder (Healing Algorithm)

2338. From a TV show; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 10s; Power Pack; Partial; student; Los Angeles; girlfriend of version of major character *UL*E
Julie (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

2344. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; security guard for Church of Gibborim; Los Angeles; investigated main characters when they tried to ilfiltrate site ***L

2361. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal/Crips leader; Los Angeles; kidnapped one of the main characters ****US ****S
Darius Davis

2472. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; biker/thief; Los Angeles; stole from main characters ***E O* * B**E
Mike on a Bike

2545. From a TV show; based on comics (Indirectly); 10s; Runaways; Partial; likely none; decline; asked one of the main characters for protection from a monster; variant of 3202 *ES***Y GO***LE*
Destiny Gonzalez (Dark Dimension)

2579. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Geoffrey Wilder Construction Inc. employee; Los Angeles; at construction site, saw the arrival of several cars transporting armed men HOW***

2633. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; scientist; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main villain of season **LE YO**ES
Dale Yorkes (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

2642. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; member of school's dance squad and friend of that timeline's version of a main character B******
Brianna (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

2656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; head of the school dance squad E*FFEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]

Part 7:

2755. From a TV show; impersonating someone based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; alien agent posing as scientist; Los Angeles; took over major character's body; longevity, possession, light beam emission *A***T*AT*'* ****
Magistrate's Wife

2757. From a TV show; unusual first name same as comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Minimum Carnage: Alpha; Yes; none; Los Angeles; taken by mother to grandmother's home X***** *A***
Xerxes Davis

2761. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; Church of Gibborim leader; Los Angeles; diverged during clash between main characters and main villain of the season (two possible surnames; will accept either) ****** *****H or **AN
Leslie Ellerh/Leslie Dean (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

2832. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal of sorts; Los Angeles; befriended one of the main characters in order to capture her for main villain of season BO*H*

2872. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, she let one of the main characters announce the creation of a new club ***AN

2880. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy student; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters A** **NO*U
Amy Minoru

2901. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; hired by parents of one of the main characters after being framed by their son *ON**** **N***C**
Londell Kendricks

2952. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity mentioned but not seen; 10s; Partial; sorceress; decline; wanted one of the main characters' staff; superspeed and other magical A*A** *ONO*U
Akari Minoru (Dark Dimension)

2980. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; saw son attack her husband *****N *A**U**
Eileen Vasquez

3065. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; received enchanted phone, rapidly causing an addiction and an inability to be deprived from the phone and to divert his attention towards something else

3121. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; University of California student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters during fight with main villain of the season; light beam emission *A*O**N* **AN
Karolina Dean (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

3132. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Atlas Academy teacher; Los Angeles; took club on a field trip **AN

Part 8:

3143. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; church staff member; Los Angeles; aided two of the main characters in rescuing a third V***HN ***E
Vaughn Kaye

3202. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Yes; cultist, waitress, clerk; Los Angeles; ritual sacrifice victim, but initially survived DEST*** G*NZ**EZ
Destiny Gonzalez

3240. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  high school teacher; Los Angeles; during a class, let one of the main characters announce the creation of her new club *EG*N

3286. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; pet; Los Angeles; diverged during fight with main character and looked after by counterpart of one of the main characters **D **CE
Old Lace (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

3310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cultist; Los Angeles; victim of a first annual ceremony B****S **TTEN
Brooks Watten

3337. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; Los Angeles; approeached by two of the main characters, who wated to report two murders [DES* SE*G**NT] H*N*VE*
LAPD Desk Sergeant Hanover

3375. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; divergent version of one of the main characters, and in fact a key part of the divergence GE*T**DE ****ES
Gertrude Yorkes (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

3388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high school nurse; Los Angeles; approached by one of the main characters, whom she remembered was a fugitive N**SE N*GHT***E (***S*N)
Nurse Nightmare (Wilson)

3431. From a TV show; based on comics character mentioned but not seen; 10s; Runaways; Partial; probably none; decline; alternate version of the aunt of one of the main characters, whom she, 2952, and a character previously identified attacked **D*TH **N***
Judith Minoru (Dark Dimension)

3478. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Partial; cultist; Los Angeles (kind of); alternate version of 3552; invited one of the main characters to share breakfast with her and husband ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
Alice Hernandez (Dark Dimension)

3511. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; Los Angeles; sister of one of the main characters E**E DE*N
Elle Dean

3552. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; mother of one of the main characters ***CE HE*N*NDEZ
Alice Hernandez

3554. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; journalist; Los Angeles; interviewed one of the main characters as part of an article on a church **SBETH

Part 9:

3599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel worker; Los Angeles;  laughed when a hotel valet showed him a range of condoms inside a car *OHN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHNOW29]

3635. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; coven member; Los Angeles; assisted main villain of season in her attempt to conquer the world CA**AND*A

3670. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; charity organization headquarters employee; Los Angeles; was surprised to see employers show up as she thought they had forgotten about the place ***A

3673. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Runaways; Partial; high school student; Los Angeles; diverged from one of the main characters and looked after teammate's pet ***** H**NAND*Z
Molly Hernandez (timeline that diverged due to Hostel battle)

3688. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Runaways; Yes; scientist; Los Angeles; father of one of the main characters G*N* H**NAND*Z
Gene Hernandez

3740. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; innovation company employee; Los Angeles; did computer work for divergent version of one of the main characters J****

3771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel concierge; Los Angeles; learned that main characters and one other had infiltrated hotel and sent security after them

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Today 4:26 am  #470

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Revealing all the remaining answers related to Daredevil (TV). Will update the list shortly.

All answers revealed for: Agents of SHIELD, Secret Invasion. Runaways, Daredevil TV

2311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; patron of Josie's Bar and friend of major supporting character ***** *E*E*SO*
Clint Peterson

2318. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  FBI agent; New York City; assigned to major villain protective detail *O****

2339. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; New York City; represented villain in lawsuit against the FBI ****E* *O**LES
Andrea Morales

2355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed criminal; Siberia; killed in Siberian prison *LE*E*

2359. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police desk sergeant; New York City; called for backup when he heard gunfire [*ES* SE*GE***] *HO**S
Desk Sergeant Thomas

2376. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Elektra: The Hand; Yes; Hand agent; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; helped major villain in exchange for the acquisition of a particular block in Hell's Kitchen *OBU YOSH*O**
Nobu Yoshioka

2390 From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Yes; Daredevil; bartender; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; often served supporting characters and sometimes main character *OS*E

2404. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; ordered  to call public works and see if gas or methane was responsible for explosions **YLO*

2410. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; New York City; coerced into working for main villain *OH*SO*

2416. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; henchman/guard; New York City; entrusted with protecting main villain's girlfriend F*****S

2422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; reported on grand jury case of main character *E**Y

2430. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; sold main character and major supporting character their office SUS** H****S
Susan Harris

2438. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; supervised main villain's imprisonment in hotel *. L**
J. Lim

2450. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal; New York City; coerced by main villain into working for him ***SE*

2464. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; restaurant owner; Fagan Corners, Vermont; father of major supporting character ****O* **G*
Paxton Page

2479. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes;  Westmeyer-Holt Contracting handyman, criminal; New York City;  hired to terrorize the homes of innocent people S*EW*** S*H****
Stewart Schmidt

2494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; suicide hotline operator turned waitress; New York City; realized former clo-worker/major villain was probably stalking her *UL*E B***ES
Julie Barnes

2534. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; hired lawyers over the beating of his dog [**.] *****O
Mr. Marino

2553. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish mobster; New York City; supported plans to retake crime rings in the wake of major villain's arrest *ULLE*

2607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; guard dog turned pet; New York City; adopted by main character

2611. Original TV show character, though uses code name from comics; 10s; Yes; Amazing Spider-Man; drug dealer/criminal leader; The Bronx;  built a criminal empire inside a prison ***G*** (*U**O*)
Kingpin (Dutton)

2679. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; hoped to take over New York City's drug business left open by someone's arrest *ESB***

Part 7:

2708. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; surgeon; New York City; operated on major villain after the latter's spine was broken **NJ* O*A*A
Kenji Oyama

2731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; living weapon; New York City; transported to the US from Japan by major villain group B*A** ***
Black Sky

2774. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; Kitchen Irish leader; New York City; captured and tortured main character **NN COO***
Finn Cooley

2840. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan; fought to keep her home in an apartment targeted by main villain ***NA CA***NA*
Elena Cardenas

2848. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; worked on protective detail for main villain P**O*

2852. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; boxing organizer, criminal; New York City;  fixed his fights by using blackmail and extortion *O**O* *******
Roscoe Sweeney

2882. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; New York Bulletin employee; New York City; survived assult by villain dressed as main character CA**A

2896. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; presumed student; New York City; daughter of major anti-hero, sister of 3083 ***A CA*T**
Lisa Castle

2917. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2926 to kill major character CHAN**

2926. Original TV show character, though comics character uses same code name; 10s; Young Avengers; Yes; assassin; New York City; sent with 2917 to kill major character *P***

2935. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital nurse; New York City; put in charge of treating major character after a massacre **O*** BACH
George Bach

2939. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; criminal; The Bronx, New York City; lawyers got him a reduced sentence  ***HA** ***P
Michael Kemp

2946. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was successfully treated for cancer *AAN** NA****
Saanvi Nadeem

2958. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish criminal; New York City; betrayed own people to side with another criminal **O***

3001. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Dogs of Hell member/criminal; New York City; provided major supporting character with key information about his (3001's) friend's murder **ON

3042. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City;  lost her husband during hell's Kitchen bombing CA**AHAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]

3083. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; student; New York City; son of major anti-hero, brother of 2896 **AN* CA*T**, J*.
Frank Castle, Jr.

Part 8:

3137. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned drug dealer; New York City; was badly wounded on the front lines G**NE**

3159. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; when future villain's councilman campaign failed, kicked down the latter's signs BE*N*E ****E*
Bernie Walker

3178. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; ordered to target major character but was shot and wounded by them

3187. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; boss ordered him to call the New York City Police Department to get a statement about explosions across Hell's Kitchen HEN**C*S

3204. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Daredevil; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; was informed about a successful assassination ST*NE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]

3271. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; guarded main villain's quarters ****H**

3282. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; called to give his medical opinion on vigilante by lawyers for their defense of him *ND*E* *EE
Andrew Lee

3295. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; wife of main character ***** C*ST*E
Maria Castle

3327. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; company offered her a large sum of money as compensation if she agreed never to speak of the issues surrounding husband's death *ENN*FE* F*SHE*
Jennifer Fisher

3403. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but likely a coincidence; 10s; Deadpool; Yes; criminal figure; New York City; coerced by major villain to become part of his criminal network ***N H***E*
John Hammer

3413. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; tasked to apprehend supporting character [*GENT] F*E**NT
Agent Fremont

3470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster group member; New York City; shot while guarded restaurant for a meeting **CH*E* ***T**E*
Michael Jortrier

3493. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen; attended an event at meat store to drum up support for supprting character's campaign for District Attorney **BSCH***

3497. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI Special Agent in Charge; New York City; forced by main villain into helping his return to power T**** H*TT*E*
Tammy Hattley

3503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professor; New York City; worked with the Hand to encode their secret ledgers in exchange for a large sum of money which he spent on a high rise apartment and Asian prostitutes *H**** C*B**N*
Philip Cabroni

3523. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; brother paid for wife's cancer treatments N*H** N*DEE*
Nihar Nadeem

Part 9:

3597. From a TV show; somewhat based on comics (different first name); 10s; Daredevil; Yes; police officer/criminal; New York City; ordered to assassinate major supporting character C**** *A*N**
Clyde Farnum

3604. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent; New York City; assigned to main villain's protective detail A**NO**

3610. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; reporter; New York City; came to the New York State Supreme Court Building to make a news report about grand jury against main villain J****

3617. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; attorney; New York City; hired by main villain to represent him in criminal trial N*CH**A* ***
Nicholas Lee

3621. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; attended a meeting at  a club and listened to his leader's speech AD**AN B*ANC
Adrian Blanc

3625. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent turned criminal under duress; New York City; forced by main villain to work under his command as a part of his criminal conspiracy O'CONNO* [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]

3631. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; as part of his birthday party, helped make sandwiches with his father *A** NAD***
Sami Nadeem

3708. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; New York City; targeted someone he made have had a fling with in Paris JAC**** D*C*A***
Jacques Duchamps

3712. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Hell's Kitchen; with a fellow officer, took supporting character needing police protection to a hotel *OW***

3754. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version not fully named); 10s; while I found an image of comics version, I was unable to determine her first appearance, so it's possible that the TV version appeared first; Yes; unrevealed; Hell's Kitchen, New York City; mother of main villain *A***N* V***A*N
Marlene Vistain


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Today 5:08 am  #471

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

List updated. Cleaned up Part 6 clues :

Letters/numbers found so far: BEFGHLOUSWY246780

2254. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Yes; probable student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store **O* ***
2276. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; student; United States; created suit as part of science project; suit can let the wearer fly **O* *** / *E***O*
2283. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; criminal; United States; 2606 sprayed water at him by shooting a fire hydrant; electrical powers ELE***O
2297. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled sibling at home **O* ***
2309. From a movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 10s; Journey Into Mystery; Yes; actress; Asgard; reenacted event from previous movie ***E FO*SE* ****ESS
2310. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Homeland Security medical examiner; New York City; tried to aid major supporting character in identying man who attacked the latter WE**Y
2312. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; sheriff; Eastview, New Jersey; could not recall neighbouring town [SHE****] **LLE*
2315. From a TV show, based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Blade; No; unrevealed?; Detroit; father of main character *OBE** B*OO*S
2316. From a TV show; based on demonology; 10s; demonology; Yes; proabbly none, but posing as priest; Portland, Oregon; demon who assisted another in reuiniting her family and returning to power **U*
2321. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; New York City; addicted to methamphetamines (note: shares image with 2711, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed) *EO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letter/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUWY478]
2322. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; possible student; likely United States or Canada; encountered other youth with similar claws WOL*E***E / *-*E* O****** WOL*E***E ELE***O*** *L*W* *OY
2327. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Partial; scientist, atomic researcher, inventor, criminal; New York City; was drawn to another Earth just before his death; has mechnical tentacles with superhuman strength, etc *O**O* O**O*US
2328. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ****Y
2329. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Greek mythology; hunter; Omnipotence City; told by father to hunt down and kill main character; presumed super-strength, etc HE***LES ***HELLE**OS
2330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; detective agency assistant; New York City; worked for main character G*LL***
2331. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ***E***
2332. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; examined major supporting character [*O**O*] **** ********
2334. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; old high school friend of main character and invited her to be bridesmaid at her wedding *U*U [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: U]
2336. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Malibu; fan of main character E***
2340. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; businessman/CEO; New York City; father of main character WE**ELL ****
2342. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Russian mafioso; Michigan; hired to obtain compromising photographs of someone **** (SE*GE* *O**HE*S*Y)
2343. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; entrepreneur; Los Angeles; dated main character *L**
2345. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; host of online news outlet ****** S*L*S
2346. From a movie; shares codename with characters based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Mystic Comics likely first use; Yes; sorcerer apprentice; Kathmandu, Nepal; tortured by main villain; spell casting  WE*SEL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2350. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug dealer; New York City?; sold drugs to main character and latter's friend [**E] G*EE*
2351. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand agent; New York City; prepared instruments to drain blood from major supporting character B****
2354. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Morlocks; No; Mutant Underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; tried to shoot himself in the head but powers prevented it; protective crystalline skin; can also crystallize matter SH***E*
2356. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Soviet Union; in the 1940s, was kidnapped by Leviathan and forced to contruct weapons ***OL*
2358. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Partial; probable student; Westview, New Jersey; mother possessed by counterpart of her *HO**S *****O**
2362. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sprase and I don't recall him ****USE
2363. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended  therapy sessions for veterans ****S*O*HE*
2364. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; Chinatown, New York City; working with 2351, taunted supporting character ***Y
2365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended party celebrating business merger
2368. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police captain; New York City; oversaw supporting character's return to police force *O* ***E*HOU*
2369. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent/criminal; Los Angeles; in 1940s, was told to keep press away from crime scene [*GE**] *EG*
2370. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; soldier/Flag Smashers. member; Bratislava; helped load boxes of vaccines onto a truck; super-strength/durability etc *****S
2374. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; Midtown Science High School student; Queens, New York City; asked main character to take pictures of her boyfriend's car S*LLY ****L
2377. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; memorabilia shop owner; Harlem; was extorted by thugs **SH* ***O*
2378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes;  security guard for males-only Arena Club; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, ordered to report to club's chambers W**SH*UE*
2379. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; shared melodies with 3299; immortality, remote possession  H**HO*
2381. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Gnucci Crime Family member/guard; Little Italy, New York City; guarded card game *OOSE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2382. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Harlem; murdered to frame main character *****E *LB***
2383. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; presumed writer; Los Angeles; was a train station commuter *ELLY *UE *E*O*****
2384. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; dentist; New York City; in the 1940s, interviewed for a new secretary [**.] *E** *O****Y
2385. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Excalibur; No; hacker;  Washington, DC; used his technopathy powers as part of his hacking W**E
2387. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; medical examiner; Los Angeles; frozen body brought to him in 1940s [*E****L E*****E*] *EL**E*
2388. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Murphy's bartender; New York City; limited people's drinking close to closing time and in response was paid in dollar bills *HO***
2389. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; anthopologist, soldier; New York City; extraterrestrial who attacked former ally who was of the same race; super-strength/durability etc. *****H
2391. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; this version's best match probably New X-Men: No; apparent criminal; San Francisco?; encountered major character outside his group's camp; shoot spiked, bone projectiles out of his wrists S***E
2392. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; none; Nebraska; is a transformed puppet; flight, fire-breathing LO**HEE*
2394. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; in the 1940s, tried to visit girlfriend in females-only hotel ****Y
2397. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity council member; Giza, Egypt; observed humans via avatar; immortality, remote possession  *EF*U*
2398. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary/criminal; Larkville, Ohio; ambushed by main character while trying to capture someone ***Y
2399. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; probable student; United States; battled robots; gloves fire invisible blasts **O* ***
2400. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; housemaid;  Washington, DC; worked for main villain, unaware of his true nature *E****
2402. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Lamentis-1; apprehended main character ***U*E*** 020#420#
2406. Original movie character; 00s; No; apparent criminal; San Francisco; helped invade former prison (Alcatraz) *SH  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2407. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; had rivalry with brother over a woman in 18th century; both were 2nd incarnation of Divine Pairing EW** W*LSO*
2409. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Yes; salvage worker, criminal; New York City; helped sell alien-human hybrid weaponry ****Y **LE
2414. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; piano teacher (briefly computational company worker); Westview, New Jersey; in false scenario was fired by boss H**OL* **O**O*
2415. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; United States; with her children, met major character in a diner **YLO*
2417. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Peru; possessed by villain **EGO
2418. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; police officer; Beverly Hills; was in radio car that was flipped by one of the main characters *. BOBB***
2419. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Georgia?; mother of one of the main characters ELLE* S**U**E*
2420. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; National Art Gallery tour guide; London, England; accepted a date request from main character but it fell through *YL**
2421. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; socialite?; New York City; father of one of the main characters *E*E* B*SHO*
2423. Original movie character but comics version appeared soon after and shares name with son; 10s; first comics version of namesake from Marvel Graphic Novel though that version's father's name is unrevealed; No; CIA agent; Langley, Virginia; father of main villain of earlier movie W*LL*** S**Y*E*, S*.
2424. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jewelry manufacturer; Hell's Kitchen, New York; blamed superhumans for mother's death during alien invasion *U**EY E*S****
2427. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; would-be boyfriend of one of the main characters ***E
2428. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s transfered from NY to LA [*GE**] F*SHE*
2431. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; shared award for best female lawyer ****E *HE*
2434. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; FBI agent/criminal; Berkeley, California; attempted to steal mobile lab [*GE**] S*OL**
2435. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; clan member; Xandar; attended meeting where main characters explain their plan *O**E*
2436. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s an attempt by him and others on Council of Nine to have someone killed backfired *HO*** GLOU*ES*E*
2437. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; apparent former spy; United States; fought 2578 BL*** W**OW
2439. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; soldier of sorts; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; investigated event in 1985 ***U*E*** 2006#486 [partially LOCKED; only one number remaining following commonly used name; BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2440. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; roommate who moved out let her sell her stuff *E*
2443. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Amazing Spider-Man using code name); criminal; New York City?; battled 3813 and two boys; appears to be really fast (note: because two characters from this commercial are in this round, only this first use is part of Hangman) HOBGOBL** / S***E*-*** WEB BL*S*E* *O*
2447. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Preview; No; probable student; Manhattan; had picnic in a park that went bad; son of main character F**** **S*LE, **.
2449. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; general contractor; Manhattan; father of 2440's roommate *OBE** SHLO*****
2451. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 3024 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [*GE**] **LLE*
2452. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH operative; New York City; with 3168, tried to bring someone back to his org *****US
2453. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lumber mill employee; New Orleans; worked for father of one of the main characters *H**S
2454. Original movie character (deleted scene, but later short made him officially in continuity); 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; took notes as main character identified role of crime family members he had just defeated *L***
2455. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student; New York City; during trip, competed with main charater for someone's affections B*** ****S
2456. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; Los Angeles; in 1940s worked on a serial killer case until it went cold ****EW HE**Y
2458. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; occasionally hit his girlfriend *E*E*Y
2459. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sgt. Fury; No; presumed special agency director; United States; hung out in apartment with three others **** FU*Y
2460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police deputy; Larkville, Ohio; tasked with entering names of prisoners into the system [*E*U*Y] *OBBS [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2462. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; monarch; Jotunheim; biological father of main villain; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc L*U*EY
2463. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings member; New Orleans; oversaw a shipment of drugs with his partner SOLO*O*
2466. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; wondered who main character was *HEL**  
2467. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Fairfax, Virginia; mental patient before being liberated *W*S* (*EBE*** HOO*E*)
2469. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Tides Motel receptionist; Larkville, Ohio; informed someone that upon renting the room, she would be paying for one night stay despite the time being morning *EBB*E
2470. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; likely none (homeless); New York City; offered to look up anything for main character on Iphone before bill payer cancelled number B*G *L
2471. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; was walking to dinner with boyfriend when main character stopped to talk to them; variant of 2695 ****YL* BELL
2473. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco?; in bar, met writer in the field of guerilla journalism *G****O
2474. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force general; Afghanistan; heard screams from abandoned building [GE*E**L] SULL*****
2475. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; Romania?; henchman of main villain G******
2476. Original movie character, though name is a nod to real person; 00s; No; criminal; New York City; aquitted on the rape of a woman but subsequently confronted by main character *OSE *UES***
2477. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles county; judged trial involving two magicians [*U*GE] H****
2481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Order of the Crane Mother monk; K'un-Lun; discovered a plane crash site with someone from collage 5 *HO***
2485. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; reporter; Los Angeles; info sparse and I don't recall them **Y**** GOO*W**
2486. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; board member; New Orleans; unsuccfessfully voted to investigate an officer who used extreme force on a woman *OUGL*SS
2488. Original TV show character; 10s; No; researcher; United States; worked with major supporting character O*WELL [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2490. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; New York City; one of the men responsible for deaths of main character's family ****EY O'H**E
2491. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; World Security Council member; Washington, DC; in the wake of an alien invasion, helped launch a special operation [*OU***L***] *OUGL*S *O**WELL
2492. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SHIELD agent; Paris?; battled a villain identified in part 5 of this collage series BL*** W**OW
2493. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; presumed writer; Jersey City; commented on the appearance of main character in a video GWE**OLY* W*LLOW W*LSO*
2495. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned Jigsaw's Crew gunman; New York City; working for main villain, helped try to rob ReadyQuick Check Cashing ***E
2500. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; television journalist/anchorwoman; New York City; went to anti-hero's former high school to interview him S*** H***E*
2502. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; jazz clarinetist; New Orleans; struck ill during the 1918 outbreak of Spanish Influenza BOBO S****
2503. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Uptown Block Kings overseer; New Orleans; oversaw supply of drugs that were suddently stolen
2504. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; unrevealed; United States; stole someone's laundry detergent; portal creation *O**O* S****GE / ***E
2506. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed; United States; with 3338 and 3807, helped wrap items **O* ***
2508. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; professional baseball player; New York City; ive-time all-star pitcher but also alcoholic *O*Y W*LL**E*
2509. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; merchant; Busan; info source for a spy but started to see the latter as a source of trouble SO*H**
2510. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Metro-General Hospital doctor; New York City; listened to music with main character while performing surgery [**.] G****SO*
2511. Original movie character; 00s; No; police chief; United States; main job was to make sure that normal people didn't know the existence of vampires ****** **EE*E
2514. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; father of superhero W*LL*** ****E
2517. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; anchorwoman; presumed Edmonton (birthplace of real version); reported on the grounding of aircraft due to electronic failures and power outages **W* *HUB**
2518. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; New York City?; appearances reported on the news; gloves shot webs S*****-*E* / ******G S***E*-*** HE*O F* **S*/*EG* BL*S*E*
2520. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; soldier, government agent; Riga, Latvia; helped lead pursuit of anti-nationalist group  B***LES***
2521. Original movie character; 00s; No; none; United States; experimented on by main villain S*O*EY
2523. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; taunted by villain while playing a game; presumbed super-agility S***E*-***
2524. Original movie character but named after real person; 20s; No; pet; San Francisco; has a best friend identified in a previous collage SO**Y  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2525. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; investigated a series of murders with aid of main character E**Y *OS**
2526. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; Unied States; battled blue-skinned opponent (who was unfortunately overlooked; next update maybe) *O**E*
2527. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; hugged by one of the main characters who mistook him for the real version ******* **E**** *OS-*L**E*
2528. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; called to a murder scene [OFF**E*] ****O*E
2529. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine Corps officer; New York City; entered main character's office to cllect latter's evidence on a case **** S***OS
2531. Original movie character; 10s; No; student; San Francisco; visited Life Foundation Headquarters during field trip *LL*E
2532. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; corrected client who referred to Instanbul as Constantinople
2535. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; unrevealed; United States; father of main character S*E*E* ****E*S
2536. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; butler; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in the past, picked up divergent version of father of main character E*W** *****S
2538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL; United States; targeted during underwater joint operation HE**E*SO*
2539. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; unrevealed if any; New Orleans; girlfriend of counterpart of one of the main characters E***H FUS*L*E*
2541. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; disc jockey; California; performed at main character's birthday ** ** (**** GOL*S*E**)
2542. Original movie character; 00s; No; interrogator; United States; brought in to torture extra-terrestial [**.] SHE****
2543. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Westchester County, New York; saved by main character and latter's mother after car accident **U*Y
2544. From a movie; arguably loosely based on comics (this version's first name unrevealed); 10s; Fantastic Four; No; unrevealed; Central City, California; stepfather of one of the main characters (it's the "step" part that makes him loosely based rather than actually based) [**.] ***H***S
2547. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Bern, Switzerland; attended a party that was a celebration of the turn of the millennia (side note: the turn was actually the following New Year's Eve but people in the real world get that confused all the time) E*** *USSELL
2548. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Annual; Yes; predator; Mesopotamia; fought main characters in 575 BC); super-strength/durability etc. E****U
2550. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise G**F*EL* FLE***G
2551. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Pet Palace clerk; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character wanted to buy a horse from him *YLE [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFLOUSWY46780]
2552. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise F***H E***S
2555. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; prison guard; France; attempted to stop main villain's escape *OEL *HE**L*E*
2556. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Avenging Spider-Man using this code name); Yes; unrevealed; Hollywood; posed for photo with probable tourist and someone else dressed as comics based character ******* ****EL *OS-*L**E*
2557. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; tailoring assistant; Los Angeles; asked to order fabric for main character's suit ***SLEY
2558. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Sub-Mariner; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; father of unstable veteran *L*Y W*LSO*
2559. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; betrayed his clan leader H*LF*U*
2563. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; none; Ta Lo; led creatures who can absorb and feed on souls *WELLE*-**-*****ESS
2564. From a movie; arguably based on real person; 00s; No; security guard; California; partner of someone identified in part 5 S*** LEE
2565. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter; Mexico; part of group of cyborgs BO*E B*E**E*
2566. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison librarian; California; told parole officers about prisoner's positive influence on other inmates SE** HOL*
2571. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise ******SS
2572. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; convinced date to go to apartment of latter's friend (main character) ***LE*E
2575. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk ; Yes; possible criminal; Russia; lost arm wrestling match U*S* ***O*
2576. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hotel manager; United States; ran hotel where parents of main villain hid from their son BU**Y W*LES
2578. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; criminal; United States; fought 2437 BL*** ***
2580. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; was given diamond bracelet by major supporting character when the latter broke up with her *OSE*H**E
2581. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; represented comics-based villain in court *OBE** W*LL*S
2582. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher; Yes; police officer; New York City; eventually convinced by main character about existence of main villain  OS*** *LE*O*S
2583. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; pet; London, England; bought as replacement for predecessor *US [**]  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than qualifier; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2585. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; attended major character's bachelor party ***OLE
2586. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; heroin dealer, Yangsi Gonshi leader; New York City; made uneasy alliance with main character over mutual foe H**-***G Y**G
2589. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Clandestines member; Jersey City, New Jersey; with allies, banished to Earth from other dimension; super-strength, weapon summoning, etc S*LEE*
2590. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; bodyguard; New York City; attacked by main villain **OY **G*****
2592. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Vision; Yes; pet; Westview, New Jersey; found by two comics based siblings S****Y
2594. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; New Mutants; No; fashion model/comics artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ****OS*L*Y (******) as **BLE / ****EL 6#6 (note: multiple "characters" from this source; only this first instance used in Hangman)
2595. Original movie character (deleted scene); 00s; No; unrevealed; California?; unable to find info *L**E
2596. Original movie character; 00s; No; housewife/criminal; Tampa, Florida; ordered husband to kill main character's family L**** S****
2597. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; military veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions *S*** L**GE
2599. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Harlem; played video games at Pop's Barber Shop *O**E
2600. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; softball player;; San Francisco; attended a wine tasting with his cousin E**ES*O
2601. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; waitress; Brooklyn; dated one of the main characters LE*H  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEFGHLOUSWY246780]
2602. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Strange Tales; Yes; federal agency director; Washington, DC; has thus far appeared in two movies and a TV series **LE***** *LLEG** *E FO*****E
2603. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Air Force staff sergeant/medical technician; just outside Westview, New Jersey; x-rayed another character but it come out blank [S**FF SE*GE***] W*BB [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BOUWY478]
2604. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Pingo Doce Bottling Plant employee; Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; former co-worker of main character
2605. Original movie character; 10s; No; veterinary student; Tokyo; helped remove bullets from someone H**OSH*
2606. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed businesswoman, scientist; United States; battled 2283; fire energy blasts W*S*
2608. Original movie character; 00s; No; investment banker; New York City; tried to take over main villain's company *E* *E**L
2613. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (furthest to the right) ***OLE**E
2614. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute; Georgia; as a kid was repeatedly raped by father B****** GEL*E*
2615. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; attending physician; Missouri; treated main character's mother F***G*BBO*
2618. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; played Crud with main character and others S***HE* "***U*" *EL B*G*O
2619. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Uncanny X-Men; No; unrevelaed prior to becoming prisoner; just south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; one of two characters from same continuity based on the same comics character; freed by main character and another; cyclone spinning ******E
2622. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Birch Psychiatric Hospital nurse; New York City; regularly checked on major supporting character S***Y **LL
2624. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant, butler; Monaco; served employer and main villain lunch
2625. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; security officer; Lamentis-1; fought main character on train H***S
2626. Original TV show character; 10s; No; drug pusher, thief; United States; bought drugs from 2350 BE**Y [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking:  BEOUWY478]
2628. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; part of an attempted robbery of a poker game **UL*E
2630. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of main character and was in love with her *UBE*
2631. From a movie; based on comics (this version's surname unrevealed); 00s; No; priest; Punisher; New York City; info sparse and I don't recall them [F***E*] ***E
2636. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand member; New York City; had tongue removed as a punishment from major villain ****O
2638. From a commercial; somewhat based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; United States; swings hammer in various rooms in house L***LE *HO* / *OL*SW*GGE*
2640. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bookmaker; New York City; threatened to kill someone but injured by major supporting character S*L BL***OWS**
2641. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; ; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Yes; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent but mole for Hydra; Washington, DC; with another agent, tasked with capturing main character **** *OLL**S
2643. Original movie character; 10s; No; general; Paris; incapacitated and impersonated by major villain [GE*E**L] *HU**
2644. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; babysitter; San Francisco; watched over one of the main charracters when the latter was a child *OSE  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; leters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2646. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; Mastic, New York; attended group therapy sessions ***BO
2647. Original movie character; 10s; No; soldier; Mexico; one of a number of children who helped main character; empathy power *EBE***
2648. From a TV show; based on comics (or at least the actor playing the comics based character); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; intern (or actor); New York City; seen in a kissing scene that required multiple takes; for Hangman going with character:  GWE* S***Y
2649. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; attended a party to celebrate someone becoming a police officer *EL*SS* BOWE*
2650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student when last seen; Omaha; only seen in photo; his sister was forced to kill their parents O*E* SHLO*****
2651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; assigned to arrest main character in the 1940s [*GE**] *EESE  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining other than salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BEOUSWY478]
2652. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; soldier; Morocco; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 (this version appeared first) *****E* ****E*
2654. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; scientist; Sokovia; experimented on alien sceptre [*O**O*] L*S*
2658. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police officer; Detroit; investigated trooper's murder *** *OLL**S
2661. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; United States; his family had main character and allies over for dinner ***H** *U*SO*
2662. Original TV show character; 10; Yes; Harlem's Paradise bartender, robber; Harlem; participated in the robbery of a gun sale involving  the Stokes and Colon Crime Families ****E *H*****
2663. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison supervisor; Berlin; tried to prevent escape of villain from movie *E**
2664. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; high school student?; New York City; likely girlfriend of main character ***Y ***E W**SO*
2665. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes;  Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; Washington, DC; New York City student who went to nationals with his decathlon team *H**LES *U**HY
2667. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; soldier; Los Angeles; overdosed at a famous LA landmark **** **GG***
2670. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; fan of a hero team but didn't noticed he was passing one of them S*E**E
2671. From a movie; based on mythology (slightly different name); 10s; Yes; Norse mythology; familiar; Asgard; present during failed coronation ceremony HUG**
2675. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news company employee; New York City; advised major supporting character not to book unseen but real-life diplomat on their live show
2682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; corrections officer; San Francisco; took daughter of one of the main characters to both of them after the daughter's arrest *UGGE**
2683. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Northeastern Correctional Facility officer; New York City; brainwashed to deliver message to main character ****FF*EY
2685. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Giant-Size X-Men; No; student, adventurer; Salem Center, New York; briefly glimped hanging out in a room with teammates; presumed weather manipulation S*O**
2686. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; colonel; Cleveland; in 1991, sent major character to assassinate another recurring character **S*LY ****O*
2688. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; soldier turned therapist; Washington, DC; therapist for one of the main characters in particular (also the other one to a lesser degree) [**.] *H**S**** **Y*O*
2689. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended group therapy sessions and spouted extremist rhetoric O'*O**O*
2690. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; teacher; Salem Center, New York; briefly spotted teaching class; divergent version of earlier character; presumed intangibility ****Y **Y*E
2691. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Tracksuit Mafia member; New York City; kidnapped one of the main characters to get info on the other


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Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 7 clues:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780

2692. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher War Journal; Yes; senator; New York City; became a potential target upon vocalizing his policy on gun rights *TAN O**
2693. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Rand Enterprises technician; New York City; ordered to set up someone's bionic arm *T***
2694. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2695. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; recurring character who attended support group for victims of abuse ***A**A B***
2696. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Māori mythology; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character HAU**A
2697. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; Harlem; worked for multiple criminals before allying himself with main character *U*A*
2699. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; her father, the Chinese Minister of Industrial Development, fled China and stayed with her ***** C*AN
2700. From a movie; shares name with someone based on comics but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Space Squadron; Yes; space station employee; Orgoscope; one of the main characters flirted with her U*A [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2701. Original TV show character; 70s; mall security guard; United States; taken hostage by two thieves *A**ON* HA*****
2703. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; instructed to watch two detainees: one of the main characters and a major supporting character *AN****
2704. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mocked major villain over his scarring
2705. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register editor, reporter; San Diego; boss of main supporting character *A** *OB**T*
2709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student, basketball player; New Orleans; with others, texted one of the min characters after he failed to show up for basketball training session B*NN*
2710. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; freedom fighter; Quantum Realm; lost his home to main villain *U*** *A**
2711. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient at Birch Psychiatric Hospital (note: shares image with 2321, who shares image with him as well, so I might have the two reversed); New York City; took stick and beat main character with it TON* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2712. Original TV show character; 00s; Yes; Air Force lieutenant; Lancaster, California; detected main character flying in Afghanistan [***UT*NANT] *AC*
2713. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; torturer; upstate New York State; when boss told him to examine an ally, realized that a future version of the latter had arrived in their universe; telekinesis *BON* *A*
2714. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but possibly a coincidence; 10s; earliest known use from What If...? (with descriptor), Silver Surfer (name by itself); Yes; warrior; Jotunheim; guarded 2462's palace; super-strength, ice manipulation, etc. *A**
2717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; Aryan Brotherhood member hired to track down main character and ally of latter  *ANN*
2719. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probable student; Michigan; noticed chemistry between his mother and main character **X *U*NN
2721. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; Yes; Midtown School of Science and Technology student/decathlon athlete; New York City; joined team at the nationals in Washington DC *A*** A****
2723. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief, con artist; New Orleans; former partner and boyfriend of one of the main characters **A* *A***
2724. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; probably none prior to becoming Birch Psychiatric Hospital patient (was homeless); New York City; diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder B****
2725. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; ReadyQuick Check Cashing employee, criminal; New York City; inside man for a robbery ANT*N ****
2726. Original movie character, though name might be nod to comics creator with slightly different name; 00s; No; criminal? (info sparse and I don't recall them); New York City; interrogated by main character *OB**T ****N***
2727. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SRO Hotel receptionist; New Orleans; flirted with anti-hero staying at hotel *A**
2728. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Central Park stand employee; New York City; was about to engage in romantic activity with co-worker when they were approached by main villain CA**
7333. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; Partial; scientist, research and development consultant;  Camp Lehigh, Virginia; worked on a prototype helmet in 1970 HAN* P**
2734. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; sided against his boss during a mutiny HUHTA*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2735. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of comics based supporting character H***N *TAC*
2736. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew leader; Chicago; hired to acquire photographic evidence designed to compromise someone **ONA
2738. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Partial; likely none; New Orleans; impersonated father of one of the main characters *ATHAN BO**N
2739. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; received award at gala BA*BA*A *****
2740. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force pilot; Afghanistan; was tasked with inspecting a mysterious flying object in Afghanistan's skyline (actually main character) *COTT CA**B***
2741. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; No; possible artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series *T*ON**NCO*TU*** (JO*H *T*ON*) as CAPTA*N A****CA
2742. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; CIA agent; Cairo; accidentally revived main villain *O**A *ACTA****T
2744. From a TV show; based on comics (this version has different real name); 20s; Vision and the Scarlet Witch; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be computational company employee; Westview, New Jersey; while brainwashed, befriended one of the main characters when the latter joined the company he believed he worked for AB**A*H TAN*ON
2745. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; Los Angeles; won an award at a gala JOANN* TO****
2747. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; Marvel Mystery Comics (with title movie version doesn't have), Daredevil (name by itself); No; henchman; Tampa?; worked for main villain CUTT**
2748. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; celebrated an Earth holiday with main characters *UN*A
2749. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; god butcher; unnamed planet; killed by alien deity *A** *HA*O* *O**
2751. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; Roxxon Corporation scientist/supervisor; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; believed one of the main characters was a spy **NA H***
2752. Original movie character; 20s; No; Horizon Labs nurse; New York City; worked for lab run by main character ****T*N *UTTON
2754. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; national President; Washington, DC; convinced to initiate a mutant-hunting program **CHA** **XON
2756. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; prostitute for Stokes Crime Family; New York City; in prison, demanded payment to protect villain *UN**O*** (*A**N*A POTT**)
2763. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio host; New York City; interviewed major supporting character and 2692 **C** *AN*T**
2765. From a TV show; apparently based on comics (comics version's suname unrevealed); 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; police detective, criminal cultist; London; with another, hired by main villain to abduct main character [**T*CT*** CON*TAB**] B**** **T****A**
2766. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Macau, China; main supporting character complemented his mask during a tour J**
2767. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; Air Force soldier; Lancaster, California; listened as main supporting character argued that a pilot's instinct and insight would always give them the advantage *A*PH *A**
2769. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; SSR agent; Washington, DC; diverged when someone believed dead turned up alive from the future P**** CA*T**
2771. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Atlanta, Georgia; bigoted neighbour of some of the main characters CHUC* *AN****
2772. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; New Warriors; Yes; gangster; Madripoor; impersonated by one of the main characters ******* T****
2775. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Wild Red Hawks member; New Orleans; friend of father of one of the main characters CHOO CHO B*OU**A**
2776. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marc Spector: Moon Knight; Yes; National Art Gallery staff manager; London; employer of main character *ONNA **A*T
2777. From a movie; based on comics (slightly different first name); 10s; Amazing Spider-Man Annual; No; electrical engineer, engineering department head; Manhattan; oversaw the construction of new power grid for power plant A***TA** ***T**
2778. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived **NT*U** *AN
2781. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; Utah; lived on broadway prior to losing sight due to drunk driver *AT** *A*****
2785. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed astronaut; Planet Spider; discovered his family and leaders had been massacred while he was off planet *A**A
2787. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2834 *H***A
2789. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Bogota, Colombial father of one of the main characters **B**T*ÁN **A*
2790. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police forensic artist; New Orleans; asked by recurring villain to create a sketch of one of the main characters *U**
2792. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; tactical team associate; Venice, Italy; assigned to monitor main character during latter's school trip ****T** ******A*O*
2793. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; possibly New York City; romanced main character of specific story U*T*ON
2796. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; board member candidate; Jersey City; best friend of main character's father *A*H***
2798. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 00s; The Punisher; No; assassin; Tampa?; mocked main character by playing song for him HA*** H*C*
2801. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran; New York City; attended therapy sessions for veterans **NN*
2803. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; apparent criminal of sorts; San Francisco; shot by dart during attack on Alcatraz **OB H***AN
2804. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; music teacher; New York City; girlfriend of major supporting character during her collage years **TH **ONN*
2806. Original TV show character; 00s; No; police detective; Detroit; used his influence to help vampires cover up their crimes and to secure fresh humans for feeding [**T**T***] B**AN BOON*
2807. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; non-fiction book author; New York City; promoted health book on radio talk show ***A *A**
2808. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; possibly none; New Orleans; counterpart of 2695, villain held knife to throat; variant of 2695 ***A**A B***
2809. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; presumed mercenary; New York City; interrupted talk show host's monologue **A*POO* / *AT* **O* **T* *T*PH** *O*B**T
2810. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London, England; worked for main villain ***T**A *NO*
2811. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; newsstand owner; Harlem; blind but could discern a person's presence from their smell O*****
2812. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police chief; New Orleans; informed parents of one of the main characters about the arrest of criminal detective *UCHA*P
2813. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; No; none this timeline when last seen; presumed Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary; targeted by time traveller A*O** H*T***
2814. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Aztec mythology; Yes; deity;  Omnipotence City; present at the gathering of the Council of Godheads where there was a conflict withn the main character *U*T*A*CÓAT*
2815. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; grifter crew member; Chicago; hired to blackmail someone ***ON
2816. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Mutant Underground member; Atlanta; had high blood pressure from having to use his powers consistently while out in the streets when looking for food; repell objects
2817. Original movie character; 10s; No; police officer; New York City; asked by captain to pull up all information that they had on main villlain [O******] J****
2818. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Free Comic Book Day 2013 (Infinity); Partial; warrior; New York State; father alerted him to the presence of someone from the future; super-strength/durability, etc CO**U* **A***
2820. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; Yes or Partial depending on how you look at it; adventurer or stage actor; New York City; main character of stage show *U**CA* CAPTA*N A****CA
2821. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; office employee; New York City?; used powers to assist in dashing to work; super agility, etc *P****-*AN / *P***A
2822. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; veterinarian; Oahu; treated alien dog AU****
2823. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Stokes Crime Family enforcer; New York City; trailed and shot at main character **ONT**
2824. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; learned criiminal father had been shot in gang shootout B**T HUNT**
2825. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; special law enforcement agency agent; Haven Hills, Alabama; helped try to capture someone in Ohio high school **NUT**AN #0018#71
2826. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; unrevealed; United States; mother of one of the main characters **A*N* ****
2827. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bodyguard; Caldwell, New Jersey; protected main villain in former residence of main character HAN* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2828. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; created and imprisoned by main villain *A*B*HAN*
2831. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; Paris?; fought another hero and interacted with a kid CAPTA*N A****CA
2833. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Yes; criminal mercenary; Los Angeles; with crew, ambushed main character in her apartment ***C***
2834. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City; rode subway with friend 2787 and harassed main character *U**
2835. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thor; Yes; monarch; Moon; father of one of the main protagonists as well as the main villain [**N*] A*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is title; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2836. Original TV movie character; 80s; mercenary; Los Angeles; one of the TV movie's antagonists **CHA** *OUCH*
2839. Original TV show character; 70s; rock star turned criminal posing as radio and television repairman; New York City?; turned to crime after audiences lost interest in his performing style; code name plus surname is a pun HU* (*A*** **N***) [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in code name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2842. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main supporting character *A****N* *AT***
2843. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; tribal member, apparent right-band man for tribal leader; Gorilla City; apparent high ranking member of his tribe *'B***
2844. Original move character; 10s; No, scientist, Director of Business Development; Manhattan; oversaw a limb regeneration project *AJ*T *ATHA
2845. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; brother of main character AA*** *HAN
2849. From a TV show; arguably based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Captain America; Yes; seafood business worker, presumed student; Delacroix, Louisiana; nephew of one of the main characters AJ ****ON
2850. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; X-Men; No; farmer; Canada; with husband, offered sehlter to main character H*ATH** HU**ON
2854. From a TV show; based on real person, though coincidentally a comics character has same name; 20s; Hulk!; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; reported on events multiple times in season JOHN ****O**
2856. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist; United States?; flew to the ground rather obviously on wires; flight, energy blasts **ON *AN
2857. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London, England; with others, discovered extra-dimensional portal NA***
2859. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none (tramp); New York City; played cards in a pier during the 1940s **O***
2860. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; ally of main characters X*O*O ***TH
2861. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rehabilitation centre nurse; New York City; treated mother of main villain *AT**
2863. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; United Ravagers member; Orgoscope; pirated supply ships **T*-**BBONO*
2864. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; real estate agent; New York City; contracted to sub-let apartment HAN**N
2866. Original movie character; 00s; No; Roxxon oil drill worker; Bywater, New Orleans; attacked while being intimate with a woman B**** JA***
2867. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Council of Nine enforcer/Arena Club head of security; Los Angeles; investigaed by SSR in the 1940s *U*U* HUNT
2868. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Yes; presumed student; Baltimore, Maryland; was in grandfather's house when main characters arrived to meet the latter ***JAH B*A****
2869. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed student; United States?; daughter of comics based anti-hero HOP* *U*****
2870. Original TV show character; 00s; No; FBI agent; United States; pursued main character *A* CU*B****N*
2871. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Comics Presents; Yes; criiminal; Los Angeles; assigned to kill main character; super-strength, heat generation, etc ***C *A**N
2873. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Saeed Fashions employee; Jersey City, New Jersey; looked after main character and the latter's mother as they were looking for outfits for a wedding *HA*AT
2874. From a movie; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; presumed informant; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; driving by a military base in 1970, screamed at soldiers "Make love, not war!" *ATCH***' *N*O**ANT (*TAN ***) (note: code name not actually found online but seems a reasonable assumption based on earlier version)
2875. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; homicide detective; New York City; survived have her skull cracked open with a bike lock ****O**
2876. Original short character; 10s; Yes;  unofficial butler and aide-de-camp, presumed criiminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; idolized fellow prison inmate H***AN
2877. Oriinal TV show character; 10s; Yes; Manfredi Crime Family member; Los Angeles; with ally in 1940s, sent to retrieve main character and major supporting character *A*PH
2878. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal of prisoner; second from the right in group **ONN*
2879. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; London, England;  pursued a relationship with main supporting character ***HA** *A***ON
2881. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; probably none; New Orleans; threw party to celebrate son becoming a police officer OT** JOHN*ON
2883. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Washington, DC; programmed to aid main character *A**N
2884. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; TV newsreader; Italy; repoirted on an attack on Venice TAT*ANA *UNA**ON
2885. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; Damage Control Supermax Prison guard; Los Angeles; told main character she couldn't use powers in complex *O***
2887. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six; No; science corporation employee; New York City; visited main villain in cell *U*TA* *****
2888. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; presumed adventurer; United States?; aided another hero against hard to ID assailant; super-strength **OOT
2889. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; arrested for assault with a deadly weapon *HAN* **BAC*
2890. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Sokovia; injured during attack by robot army ***N*A
2891. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; flirted with main character's stepsister BOBB*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
2892. Original movie character; 00s; No; defense attorney; New York City; defended someone in court who was later targeted by main character H****H
2894. Original TV show character; 70s; astrophysicist; Tokyo; father of main character H**O*H* *A*A*H**O
2895. From a movie; shares name with comics based character but possibly a coincidence; 20s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; resistance fighter turned governor; Axia; betrayed a woman he previously had an affair with ****A*
2898. Original TV show character; 70s; vaudeville magician;  San Luis Obispo, California; main character briefly became his assistant JA*P** *O**
2899. Original movie character; 10s; No; police sergeant; New York City; asked to escort main character from the police station back to school [*****A**] BUT***
2903. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; judge; Los Angeles; precided over trial where main character sued a villain [JU***] *A****
2904. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; decline as occupation takes up most of his name; outside time/space; tried to report a bombing but was haerd to understand due to his technical language ANA***T 1182-*
2905. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL admiral; presumed United States; part of a joint operation in the Atlantic Ocean ***TT*
2906. Original movie character; 10s; No; bartender; San Francisco; served main character JAC*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at timke of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2907. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; prepared a serum for main character; reptillian abilities ****ON
2908. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Ultimates 2; Yes; presumed student; Iowa; son of major character COOP** BA*TON
2909. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; government agent; London, England; in the 1940s went out for drinks with major supporting character N*C* ****CO**
2913. Original TV show character; 10s; No; Sentinel Services member; Atlanta; reluctantly retrieved files for one of the main characters CA**A JAC**ON
2914. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; No; artist; seen in real world documentary series CUT**P****N*** (JA***N*) as B*A** PANTH** (*HU**)
2915. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Young X-Men; No; soldier; Saigon, Vietnam; held captive in concentration camp; presumed tattoo empowerment *N* (***TT**)
2919. From a TV show; likely based on gender swapped comics character with different first name and slightly different surname, though comics version of another version of the TV character has since appeared; 20s; Invaders; Partial; nurse; decline; counterpart of major supporting character, changed movie on TV *A**A **-*AOU**
2920. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; physician; New York City; provided medical assistance to main character *A*ON
2925. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man; Partial; car thief; New Orleans; upon stealing a car, found one of the main characters getting into passenger seat (he's a counterpart of the other main character) T**ON* JOHN*ON
2929. From a movie (deleted scene); based on real person; 10s; Yes;  television personality, actress, singer, model, fashion designer; Los Angeles; with others, critiqued major character's armour ***** O**OU*N*
2932. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; Los Angeles; worked at bar in the 1940s that was usually patronized by people of colour **AN*
2933. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; one of a group of pen pals (second from the left) *UTH [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTUX1256780]
2936. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; bartender; New York City; was sexually harrassed at a party *AN**
2937. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed, briefly perceived self to be city committee member; Westview, New Jersey; participated in a talent show dressed as a horse **AB** *AT*U**A (B******)
2938. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; headmaster; Westchester County, New York; leader of a hero team who diverged from another version in the 1970s; telepathy and other mind related powers P**O***O* X
2940. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming Saint Teresa Center for Mental Health patient; Portland, Oregon; mental health patient who was told to return to his room during an attack on the centre *ANN*
2942. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; worked for main villain JO* TO*O
2943. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; football coach; New York City; contacted by main character about joining his football team CHA** B*UN***
2945. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; IGH trauma surgeon; New York City; main character's mom usurped her identity [**.] ****** HAN**N
2947. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; supervisor/trainer; Soviet Union; trained major one of the main characters *A*A** B
2948. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; talent agent; Los Angeles; in the 1930s, hired future main villain to become actress N** ******
2949. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Korean Mob leader; New York City; invited to create an alliance between all of the criminal families in New York City ***C HON*
2950. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 10s; Partial; apparent voodoo priestess; New Orleans; attended party celebrating niece's boyfriend becoming police officer CHANT**** *U******
2951. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; looked at comic at a restaurant; telekinesis J*AN ****
2953. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but short answer: X-Factor; No; strikeforce lieutenant; Egypt; defended main villain from multiple attackers in Ancient Egypt; telekinetic and telepathic abilities HO****AN O* **ATH
2955. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; handed main characters uniforms to disguise themselves while infiltrating a facility *O***
2957. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Exitar; attended holiday party for one of the main characters *****A*A*A**
2959. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force; No; businessman turned talk show host;  Maryland; made an unsuccessful run for the United States Senate B*N***CT **AN
2961. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Graphic Novel; No; presumed student prior to becoming patient; Boston, Massachusetts; one of the main characters; fear manifestation *AN* *OON*TA*
2962. From a TV movie; dressed as someone based on toy; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; incorrectly perceived by one of the main characters to be an enemy C*-**** CO*-P*A***
2964. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible criminal; Harlem; with others, tried to run away after playing basketball when one of them noticed the police CHAUNC**
2965. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; caught in an explosion T** *OA**
2966. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Brooklyn; played dominos at Gwen's (Jamaican restaurant) *OB**T
2969. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; non-commissioned army sergeant; Rose Hill, Tennessee; injured, he accepted an offer to restore his body with a gene-controlling process; regeneration, heat generation CHA* *A***
2972. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; apparent deity; possibly Asgard; part of a gang of divergent versions of same character *O** (*UN**A**** version)
2974. Original movie character; 80s; job search assistant; Cleveland; lectured main character CO*A*A*
2975. Original movie character; 80s; some sort of doctor (I don't recall what type); Cleveland; claed out to someone to return to museum [**.] CHAP**
2979. Original movie character; 10s; No; army colonel; Las Vegas; in 1960s, through fear tactics was forced to alter his position on putting missiles in Turkey [CO*O***] BOB H*N***
2981. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; thief?; United States; tried to steal food from someone identified in a previous collage; metal arms *OCTO* OCTOPU*
2982. Original movie character; 00s; No; ninja; likely Japan; ordered to kill main character and kidnap someone she was protecting **N*OU
2984. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; flower shop co-owner; Custer's Grove, Georgia; mother of 2520 [***.] HO***N*
2985. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Yes; army commander; Asgard; put in charge of protecting main supporting character T**
2986. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Yes; council co-leader; unrevealed; following death of a counterpart, discussed the matter with other counterparts ***O*TU*
2988. Original TV show character; 10s; No; henchman; eastern Europe; worked for main villain T***O*O*
2989. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon miner; Lake Borgne, Louisiana; his mining crew accidentally drilled into extra-dimensional substance *TAN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
2990. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; friend of one of the main characters and watched as latter tried to fulfill a bet **ANN*
2991. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics, though smiilar characters starting with Tales of Suspense; Yes; assassin; Morocco; assigned to retrieve antigran in first Morocco, then Budapest B*A** ***O* (*N****)
2992. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private military firm agent; Iraq; sent to capture main character, but team was ambushed by Homeland Security TO* *****
2994. Original TV show character; 10s; No; house pet; New York City; stolen in the aftermath of a custody battle but retrived by main character ****P*
2997. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; New York City; smashed a stone; super-strength HU**
3000. From a TV show; based on comics; 70s; Fantastic Four; presumed adventurer; New York City; attended a gathering; presumed super-strength TH*N*
3002. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, congratulated the wrong SSR agent for saving the city from a revenge plot [**NATO*] *A*T COOP**
3004. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon oil company employee; Louisiana;  informed someone that the shield tiles never came to the oil platform TO***
3005. Original movie character; 00s; No; personal assistant; likely Japan; worked for leader of the Hand****U**
3006. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; music composer; New York City; worked on music performed in a musical *A*C *HA**AN
3007. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Blade: Vampire Hunter; Yes; unrevealed; California; joined a self-healing support group; debatable whether he has typical vampiric powers or only believe he does *A*AC*N
3009. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; high ranking government employee (title is full occupation); Geneva; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies U.*. **C**TA** ** *TAT*
3013. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Ryhno's Gang member; New York City; with others,  kidnapped an injured main character TO*X  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3016. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.; S.H.I.E.L.D. Director General; United States; clashed with main character JAC* P*NC**
3017. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3285 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character J****CA *O****U**
3018. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent turned criminal; Los Angeles; with 2369, was ordered to attack major supporting character in the 1940s B*AC*****
3021. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; rugby player (likely not professional); New York City; discovered that his wife Gina was having an affair with major character AN***
3023. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to pull weapon out of the ground P*T* [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3024. Original short character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; with 2451 and someone previously identified, headed to a bridge to try to acquire a powerful weapon [A**NT] JOHN*ON  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3025. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Los Angeles; twice reported on events related to main character *ACH** B*O*N
3032. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Bronx, New York City; interrupted a protest by two men outside a courthouse [O***C**] *AH**
3034. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; betrayed former boss **TCH
3035. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; No; monarch; Wakanda; went on spiritual journey to mystical realm of ancestors B*AC* PANTH**
3038. Original movie character; 90s; haematologist; New York City; bit by mutilated vampire; some vampiric abilities at least CU*T** **BB
3039. Original TV show character; 70s; thief; United States; dressed as a clown and acted to silly to hide his thefts
3040. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; wrote a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday PH*O*O
3044. Original movie character; 80s; reporter; Washington, DC; tried to bring to light the secret behind the deaths of many famous personalities in the last decades, such as the Kennedys and Martin Luther King *A* *O*A**T*
3046. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Super-Heroes (Amazing Spider-Man under this name); presumed adventurer; Paris?; stood with two apparent civilians; presumed super-strength, flight, etc CAPTA*N *A****
3047. From a movie; based on play or playing someone based on play depending on how you look at it; 00s; No; socialite or stage actor; The Importance of Being Earnest; England or New York City; stage actor performed play with main supporting charater A****NON
3048. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; United States; asked for photo with one of the main characters AU***
3049. Original TV show character; 70s; National Register manager; Los Angeles; told supporting character to stop investigating main character PAT**C*A *T**NHAU**
3053. Original TV show character, but named after movie character; 10s; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, subdued by major character; owned by 3055 **U****
3055. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New York City; interrogated by main character at his abandoned warehouse base **CTO*
3057. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3715, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage; mechical arms likely have superhuman strength *OCTO* OCTOPU*
3058. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Stark Industries employee turned criminal;  Venice, Italy; made up stories of threats coming from an alternate Earth *UT** *UT***AN
3061. Original movie character, though comics characters share code name; 10s; Silver Surfer Annual; Yes; demon guard of sorts; Portland, Oregon; demon who sympathized with humans and kept other demons sealed away; demon containment [T**] ***P**
3062. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise *T*PH*N *A****
3066. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; demon; Portland, Oregon; assisted another demon in reuniting her family and returning to power; possession *A*OTH
3067. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Oahu; helped break one of the main character out of jail *A***
3068. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed thief turned adventurer; New York City; seen in recreation of MCU fight that the MCU version wasn't present for; presumed shrinking ANT-*AN [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNPTX156780]
3069. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; cousin of main charater and another major character CH**
3070. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States; started to drive supporting character to a prison P*T*  [LOCKED; only one letter remianing; letters.numbers found at time of locking: BCHNPTX0]
3071. Original TV movie character; 90s; high school student; Hastings, New York; leader of Townies, a group that bullied the main characters *ANC*
3073. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; GT Agrochemical Office receptionist; New York City; main character showed him a picture of a woman and asked to identify her PA***
3074. Original TV show character; 70s; student; Lincoln, Nebraska; main character suspected he was being abused by his father *A** HO***N***
3075. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; Genosha; helped fight one of the main characters, who was possessed by a powerful force; hair manipulation A****
3076. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America Comics; presumed adventurer; New York City; main focus of the multi-hero commercial; fighting skills arguably superhuman CAPTA*N A****CA
3077. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mind-controlled by main villain of season to assist him **AN* ****N
3080. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk Annual; Yes; Zealots cultist; Kathmandu, Nepal; joined a group that attempted to being other-dimensional being to Earth ****AN A*T**
3081. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; marauder; Indigarr; fought to overthrow the planet's goverment and fought a hero team HABOO**A TH* HO***B**
3085. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Black Panther; Yes; combat instructor;
River Village, River Province; attended major character's funeral AN**A
3086. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; reporter; Philadelphia; worked for WHYY-TV  PAT**** *TON**
3087. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Kitchen Irish member turned police officer; New York City; tried to murder main character to avenge his cousin [O******] O'*OU***
3090. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Fantastic Four; No; doorman; Manhattan; attacked by main villain who was targeting main characters J**** O'HOO**HAN
3091. From a commercial; based on real person; 10s; possible writer; New York City?; received package from someone previously identified *TAN ***
3092. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal, enforcer; New York City; wounded by a bullet, joined others in initiating a second search for main character *A*N***
3094. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CHA**** B*A****
3095. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Fantastic Four; presumed monarch; United States?; battled a couple of hard to identify criminals and did flips B*AC* PANTH**
3097. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; planned vacation with apparent husband "[***.] N****ON"
3098. Original movie character; 10s; No; factory worker; Poland; worked with major character ***O**
3099. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; drinking at a bar when three protagonists arrived P*X** *AN
3101. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; none; Cambridge, Massachusetts; created to help around a lab ***OT
3102. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Weapon X; No; assassin; Three Mile Island; targeted by counterpart of himself  **APON X*
3103. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Lagos, Nigeria; chatted with partner while taking a break from guard duty [O******] *A*AO
3105. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; took selfies during lecture at a mosque *A*NA*A
3108. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed SSR agent; United States; presumably in love with 3076 P**** CA*T**
3110. From a TV movie; based on comics; 90s; Sgt. Fury; executive and board member overseeing advertising; New York State; oversaw advertising for company that produced lipsticks, cigarettes, and at least one video game *O***T *A**TO*
3111. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Fist; Yes; criminal formerly with Golden Tigers; Chinatown, New York City; actively transported someone to various locations in New York City  in exchange for his life being spared CH*N-*U
3112. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Roxxon Corporation Chief Executive of Emerging Technologies; New Orleans; at a gala, one of the main characters learned he wanted to sexually dominate his boss ****ON ****N
3113. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; engineer; Sokovia; wanted to build sustainable housing for the less fortunate CHA**** *P*NC**
3114. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed; attended meeting with similar characters ***U** *AN*
3116. Original movie character; 10s; No; driver; New York City; while on a bridge, asked by 2844 to get out of car to see what was holding up traffic A*****
3118. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; believed that one relationship defied all the laws of nature CA**T**
3119. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; monster hunter; Arizona; participated in a ceremony to inherit a supernatural item **O*N
3120. Original movie character; 00s; No; logger; Canada; info sparse and I don't recall him *AN ****
3123. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mineralogist; Atlantic Ocean; port of joint operation to locate an element at the bottom of the ocean [**.] **A*A*
3125. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; monarch; Wakanda; thousands of years ago was the first leader of his nation B*AC* PANTH** (O*U*O BA*H*N*A)
3129. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 10s; Cloak and Dagger; Partial; worked for district attorney; New Orleans; attended party celebrating brother becoming a police officer  B**** JOHN*ON
3130. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; senator; New York City; in the 1940s, witnessed main character's origin [**NATO*] B*AN*T
3131. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; writer, teacher; New York City; in an interview, gave his opinion about main character and other vigilantes J**AN* COBB
3133. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; lawyer; San Francisco; with husband, had dinner with main character and main supporting character *OO  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCHJNOPTUX12456780]
3135. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; New York City; with 3223 and 3616, participated in attempted robbery of poker game **O

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Today 5:09 am  #473

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 8 clues:

3138. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gaffer; Los Angeles; worked lighting on scene with major villain ****H
3139. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; New York City; had affair with married supporting character ***E**
3141. Original TV show character; 70s; Yes; hospital nurse; Santa Fe, New Mexico; wouldn't let supporting character see newly arrived patient ED*TH *H**EN
3142. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; had a drink with friends at a bar **BB*N **N
3144. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mother of supporting character [**S.] CH*N [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word; first word is salutation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: CDFGHNSTVZ145]
3145. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Inhumans: The Great Refuge; Yes; council member; Attilan; refused to take part in main villain's coup **T*NG
3147. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Hell's Kitchen; lost game to main villain H***E*
3149. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; saw most things in life as divine providence ****EEN DENT*N
3150. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; priest (Archbishop); Vatican; worked to approve communications between supporting character and The Vatican [**CHB*SH**] TE***Z*
3151. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; mother of major character **S* ST***
3152. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology (gender swapped); 20s; Norse mythology; No; apparent artist; New York City; seen in real world documentary series E*EG*NTFE*T*E*D*STE* (***C* SCH*E**N) as **** ****
3153. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; New York City?; shot at time travelling major character ****NE
3154 Original movie character but comics version later appeared (comics version's surname unrevealed); 90s; possible pianist (probably more of a hobby);  Meridian, Mississippi; mother of one of the main characters ****C*** D'*NC*NT*
3156. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; married former love interest to main character CH****E
3157. From a movie; somewhat based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Prague; illusory creature ***TEN **N
3158. Original movie character; 10s; No; construction worker?; info sparse and i don't recall them; ibid ****B
3160. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; Yes; tribal elder; Wakanda; attended main character's coronation Z***V***
3161. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chief Executive of Risk Management; New Orleans, Louisiana;  led a project to try and extract a mysterious energy *ETE* SC**B****GH
3162. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building ***** **D**G*EZ
3163. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; none; New York City; catalyst for main character **D***CT*VE S**DE*
3165. Original TV show character; 70s; psychiatrist; United States; took main character/job applicant to recreation room [D*.] ****E H***
3166. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; high school student; Jersey City, New Jersey; listended to classmate narrating her encounter with a new superhero **G*E*
3167. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; tranquilized after getting into fight *EFF [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3168. From a TV show; shares name with comics based character but may be a coincidence; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; scientist/doctor; New York City?; main character was a patient he was a key doctor at ****** **Z**V
3169. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; X-Men; presumed student; United States; zapped a food item C*C***S
3170. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; All-New, All-Different Avengers; Yes; conqueror, scientist; undetermined; attended meeting to discuss the death of a counterpart **STE* G***H*N
3171. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; X-Men; No; actress; New York City; posed as another actress and by extension her characters  CH**E F*NE**N as SC***ET **TCH
3172. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; singer; New York City; performed at a festival **C* G***
3173. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Sgt. Fury; presumed special agency director; New York City?; likely led a team of heroes N*C* F***
3174. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Savage Tales; Yes; A.I.M. agent, Extremis soldier; Rose Hill, Tennessee; test subject for experimental process, being an amputee E**EN B**NDT
3176. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City?; likely helped fight an alien invasion B**** **D**
3179. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; groundskeeper; Northwest Territories, Canada; main character was his biological son due to an affair TH**** **G*N
3180. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Marine turned private military firm member; Iraq; ambushed by Homeland Security while targeting main character ***E B*SH***E
3181. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Hand guardsman; New York State; kept survillence over the Hand Compound under orders E**C
3182. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist, archaeologist; Colorado; informed at a military site of a meteorite that fell from the sky CH***EN* *CG***N
3184. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; Master of the Mystic Arts; New York City; charged as the protector the New York Sanctum Sanctorum D*N*E* D****
3185. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Army veteran turned robber; New York City; participated as a gunman in a bank robbery B*BB*
3186. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; ex-wife of superhuman
3188. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Incredible Hulk; Yes; college student; Willowdale, Virginia; witnessed main character fight the US Army *** ***S*N
3189. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; deity; Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader F** G*D
3191. Original movie character (Chinese version of movie only); 10s; Yes; doctor/assistant; China; worked on computer simulations of removing shrapnel from main character's chest [D*.] ** *****
3192. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; Yes; entertainment reporter; Los Angeles; eported on main character's expected absence from a benefit for the Firefighter's Family Fund Z****NN* **T
3193. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Premiere; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of main character HE*T*E* **ND
3194. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; robber; Harlem; with friends, ill-advisedly attempted to rob a gun sale SH**EE* S**TH
3196. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; reporter; Harlem; with somone previously identified, reported on main character's training session at the Harlem Jets field *E*E*E ***N*T* H***
3197. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant bouncer; Michigan; disarmed someone fighting main character **NG*
3198. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; far left in a group of pen pals B****
3200. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; art gallery human resources worker; London, England; informed main character he was fired D**NFE*D
3201. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; management consultant; Russia; some time in the past, killed by major character after falling witness to an assassination ** N*******
3203. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal gang leader; Harlem; attempt to make a new deal with a crime lady went awry **C**ES **EF
3205. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee;  New Orleans; transformed into a creature D*N H**T*ETT
3206. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; musician; Knowhere; helped perform a largely inaccurate song about an Earth holiday S****V**T****
3207. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; unrevealed; Westview, New Jersey; body hijacked by main villain **ND* ******FF
3209. Original TV show character, though shares name with land from folklore; 10s; Arthurian legend; Yes; tattoo artist; New York City; along with two characters previously identified, attempted to steal power from main character *V***N
3210. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3336 and someone else ***N *NG**N
3211. From a movie; shares name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Captain America; No; unrevealed prior to becoming prisoner; south of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania;  captured for the Weapon X program *CE ***NCESS
3212. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 20s; Avengers; Partial; school vice-principal; Fremont, Ohio; countpart of major character *EBECC* T*****NET
3213. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; television entertainment reporter; Canada; worked for MuchMusic DE**N S**TEND*EC*
3214. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; No; artist?; New York City; seen in real world documentary series ST**NG*NC*ST**E* [T**SH (ST**NG?)] as *EGG* C**TE*
3215. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; politician/city councilman; New York City; determined to ruin rival/villain's political career by exposing her conenctions to criminal undertakings D***N B**NE
3216. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Captain America; presumed adventurer; Paris?; slammed shield to the ground C**T**N **E**C* (presumably S** *****N)
3217. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; director of S.W.O.R.D.; outside Westview, New Jersey; attempted to turn major character into a sentient weapon [D**ECT**] T**E* H*****D
3218. Original TV movie character; 70s; unrevealed; New York City; insisted to main character that her father was innocent of committing robberies **D* T**E*
3219. Original TV show character; 00s; No; info sparse and I don't recall her; Detroit?; unable to find info N*C**
3221. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Captain America Comics; presumed student; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store C**T**N **E**C*
3223. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, robber; Queens; beaten by others for screwing up a robbery D*NN* CH*VEZ
3224. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; high-ranking executive; New York City; with others, had an emergency meeting and came to the unanimous vote to boot main character and others from building D*N*** H***E*
3225. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; United States; helped protect neighborhood with teammates including 3806 H***
3226. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; Partial; mercenary; St. Charles, Missouri; divergent version of major character, knocked out by major character from another timeline's future ST**-***D
3227. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; television writer; Los Angeles; confronted by main character while pitching ideas for a show's finale *ESS*C* G**
3228. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; talked to viewers about the topic of the commercial S**DE*-**N / VSD* [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in the source name; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3229. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Thor; Partial; hunter, faction soldier, actor; Broxton, Oklahoma; defected from mission to take over unseen counterpart's life as actor H*NTE* *-#5 (B**D*E* ***FE)
3230. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Captain America; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; daughter of major villain T**D* **HNS*N (**T**D* D*****D)
3234. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent Royal Family employee; Attilan; showed Royal Family footage of someone's apparent demise D**D*N
3239. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland, Ohio; son of counterpart of one of the main characters SE*N  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3243. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 20s; Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu; Yes; MI6 agent; Tehran; exposed major supporting character's cover in Tehran [*GENT] C**VE *EST*N
3244. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL/ocean explorer; Atlantic Ocean; participated in joint operation with the CIA to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **T* S***Z**
3245. From a short; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Yes; criminal; Seagate Island, Georgia; fan of fellow prison inmate F*ETCHE* HEGGS
3248. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; No; unrevealed; New York City; attempted to obtain transportation of some sort S**DE*-**N / **TE SH** **TH D*V*D *ETTE***N
3249. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. director; Camp Lehigh, Virginia; in 1970, observed by time travelling counterpart of former love interest *EGG* C**TE*
3252. Original TV show character; 10s;  No; drug trafficker; United States; attended a mission where a Russian drug shipment was burned **D*
3255. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; businessman/salvage yard owner, criminal gang member; New Orleans;  owned a salvage yard which was used to park ambulances used by criminals in the framework of a human trafficking operation **ETT **T***
3256. Original TV show character; 70s; hunter; United States; captured main character and trapped him on an island so he could hunt him ***H*E* S*TT*N
3258. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; police sergeant; New York City; helped with evacuation during alien invasion S**V*
3260. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based character but possible coincidence; 20s; Human Torch; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, purchased a prototype of a high tech device **BBE* B***N
3262. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pageant contestant; Chattanooga; contestant at Christmas pageant **SS E** **DGE
3263. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in a mutiny SC**TE
3265. From a TV show; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; No; adventurer; Washington, DC; bragged about a victory during an interview T***
3266. Original movie character; 10s; No; henchman; Turkey?; worked for main villain ***D*SH
3267. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; attended a LARPing event at Central Park **V***E
3269. Original movie character; 10s; No; paid test subject; San Francisco; homeless man who was first human test subject for type of testing *S**C
3272. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; Los Angeles; in 1940s, ordered to search for missing main character and another [*GENT] B**TE*
3273. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; put together a welcome basket for main character and her paralegal **G*ST*S "**G" **G**ESE
3274. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; restaurant owner; New York City; criminals told himmand his family to give them money **N **N
3275. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed industrialist, scientist; New York City; presumably helped fight alien invaders ***N **N
3276. From, a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; football (soccer) player (defender); Liverpool; criminal watched a match he was in on TV ***T*N Š**TE*
3277. Original movie character; 10s; No; farmer; United States; aided by main character and another major character after a traffic incident **** **NS*N
3280. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; New York City; battled main character and allies
3281. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; conglomerate employee; New Orleans; attempted cost cutting measures involving heat shields ST*N B**T*ETT
3283. From a movie; possibly based on real person; 90s; hot dog vendor; United States; neighbour of parents of one of the main characters ST*N *EE
3284. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (mentioned), Nick Fury vs. S.H.I.E.L.D.  (seen); Partial; Hydra Agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; New York City; countpart of 2641; with others, tricked by one of the main characters into giving up weapon **C* ******S
3285. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3459, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character ***** ***T*NEZ
3287. Original TV show character; 00s; No; unrevealed; Detroit; wife of one of the main villains *S*BE*** V*N SC*VE*
3289. Original TV show character though name same as code name of comics based character; 10s; Human Torch; Yes; pet; New York City; owned by major character T***
3290. From a movie; no actual name revealed but title based on real world; 20s; Yes; politician of sorts (exact type same as title); France; attended the United Nations summit in Geneva, regarding Wakanda and its vibranium supplies, and echoed 3009's sentiments F*ENCH SEC*ET*** *F ST*TE
3291. From a TV show; shares code name with comics based characters but likely a coincidence; 10s; earliest known such character from Incredible Hulk; No; underground group member; Washington DC outskirts; released power while dancing at a concert G***
3292. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; New Mutants; No; unrevealed; United States; divergent version of main character D*V*D H***E*
3293. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; tattoo artist; Portland, Oregon; main character asked for a tattoo on his chest over his scar **SE
3294. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3309 and two others previously identified, participated in a game TH*N*S
3296. From a movie (extended cut); based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; Yes;  supervisor of an electrical company; New York City; saw main character fight two villains S**E*V*S** ***TE* B***E
3297. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; radio show host; New York City; with co-host interviewed someone after their encounter with main character S*** C*******
3299. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Egyptian mythology; Yes; deity; Egypt; very strong connection to main character *H*NSH*
3301. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; reporter; London, England; in 1977, interviewed 3299 **N
3303. Original TV movie character; 70s; government agent; United States; assisted main character CH***ES B**BE*
3304. Original TV show character; 70s; warrior; Japan; teamed with similar character (previously identified) to fight main character S**E*H***N F*GHTE*
3306. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; student; United States; seen in one of the few commercials to actually show a version of the hero's origin S**DE*-**N / G*ENDENE **DS
3307. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall her; Cleveland; info sparse C**
3309. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Black Panther; No; unrevealed; Los Angeles; with 3294 and two others previously identified, participated in a game ****E
3311. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; illegal cage match fighter; New York City; took on supporting character in one match **ST*
3314. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Wappingers Falls, New York; father of son who went missing **N*E* S**V*
3315. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; chairperson; Tokyo; formed a romantic relationship with main character ****** **SH*D*
3316. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos F**C*
3317. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise CH**ST*NE "**NGF*SH" **G***
3318. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; San Francisco; mistook main character for another hero **BEN
3319. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; tortured by someone who photographed his reactions B**T
3320. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed ciminal; California; prison inmate who fought someone leaving as part of the goodbye ritual among the inmates *E*CH*
3322. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New York City; fordced to point a gun at his head [*FF*CE*] ***TH
3323. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project ****ETEE* (**N*H)
3324. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychotherapist; New York City; developed feelings for major villain, whom she was treating ***ST* D***NT
3325. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; businessman; Chicago; in 1893, tried to purchase a prototype of a high tech device, but it went to 3260 G** *ENNE***N ***
3328. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; Tampa?; used a Micro Uzi S***N
3330. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; delivery truck driver; New York City; used milk truck to commute SHE*D*N *CFEE
3333. Original movie character; 00s; No; scientist; Berkeley; helped main character and supporting character in a test involving a frog H***E*
3334. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Air Force flight attendant; United States; main character saved her and others after they were sucked out of a plane HE*THE*
3335. Original movie character; 00s; No; criminal; United States?; realized he had no chance against main character DE***C*
3336. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Partial; criminal; San Francisco; escaped Alcatraz with brother 3210 and someone else C***ENCE *NG**N
3338. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales to Astonish; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3807, helped wrap items G***T
3339. Original TV show character; 10s; No; servants of sort; United States; androids who enabled someone previously identified to interact with the world VE*******NS
3341. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has longer name); 20s; New Avengers; Yes; emperor; Norway; led a refugee colony on another planet D**'GE
3343. Original TV show character; 70s; scientist; Tokyo; kidnapped by someone who tried to make him build device [***FESS**] F***T*
3345. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; hospital attendee; New York City;  tried to help main character access records related to bus crash *****N*
3346. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; industrial company employee turned criminal; London; helped stage fake attacks on European cities SH*N*CE
3349. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; took someone's car keys (not a car or drunk driving commercial) S**DE*-**N
3350. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with others previously identified, got annoyed at woman who called for help S**DE*-**N
3351. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Savage She-Hulk; Yes; attorney; Los Angeles; dated rapper/actress who exists in the real world and who was already identified in one of the four collages this round DENN*S B****S**
3352. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; used by his wife 2424 to get revenge for the death of his mother-in-law C**** E*ST**N
3353. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Avengers Annual; Partial; scientist; unrevealed ; attended meeting to discuss threat of people discovering the existence of the Multiverse SC***ET CENT****N
3355. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; psychiatric hospital nurse; New York City;  assigned to care for main character S**TH
3357. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Eternals; Yes; none; Socotra, Yemen; link between main characters and more powerful being *N*-**ND
3360. From a movie; shares code name with comics-based characters but likely a coincidence; 00s; earliest known such character from Blonde Phantom Comics; No; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States?; code name is a form of sea life S***D
3361. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; conqueror; New York State; divergent version of main villain and himself a main villain TH*N*S
3362. Original movie character, though surname likely nod to real person; 00s; No; police officer; San Venganza, Texas?; info sparse but looks like he used radio while driving [*FF*CE*] **C**E
3365. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; cocaine dealer; New Orleans; caught by police detective who let her go free in exchange for information ****E*
3367. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; student; Delacroix; nephew of one of the main characters C*SS ***S*N
3369. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; pet; New York City; adopted by one of the main characters **C** THE **ZZ* D*G
3370. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Marvel Premiere; presumed adventurer; Paris?; first character seen in the commercial *NT-**N
3371. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent medical doctor; New York City; former addict who changed her way and became a leader of NA meetings to be able to help others BETH*N*
3372. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Loki: Agent of Asgard; Partial; pediatrician; New York City; counterpart of one of the cast characters [D*.] VE**T* *****S
3373. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; escort company recruiter; New Orleans; in charge of recruiting young girls as escort girls to accompany rich men to some events **D*
3374. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed photographer; New York City?; critical of who was on the cover of a magazine S**DE*-**N / **ZZ*Z
3378. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent criminal; Georgia; often sent into an intervention with the other prison mates *EE**
3380. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army soldier; United States; mentally unstable Vietnam veteran who attempted to kill himself and his daughter ** (D***NT)
3381. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created by a project
3382. Original movie character; 20s; No; counterfeiting operation leader; New York City; injured by main character ***N
3384. Original movie character; 00s; No; unrevealed; New York City; raped by 2476 *NGE** S*TT*N
3385. From a TV pilot; based on comics; 90s; Power Pack; unrevealed; United States; mother of main characters ***G**ET ***E*
3390. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; creatures leader; Counter-Earth; with his group, battled main characters *CT*-H*EN*
3391. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Thunderbolts; Yes; television reporter; Harlem; interviewed councilwoman about her affordable housing and renewable energy strategy *EG*N *C***EN
3393. Original movie character, though there's a slight chance his name's a nod to a group of characters from comics; 00s; Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Omega; No; bank manager; New York City; denied main character's aunt a loan [**.] **C**
3394. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hellstorm: Prince of Lies; Yes; priest;  Portland, Oregon; possessed by 2316 ***H** C***
3395. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; informal maternal figure; Riga, Latvia; contracted tuberculosis while living at in resettlement camp D*N** **D*N*
3396. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student if old enough; Atlanta; mutant daughter of previously identified mutant D***N***E
3397. From a movie; actual name unrevealed but title based on real world; 00s; No; high ranking politcal figure; Washington, DC; conferred with others on dealing with mutant threats though was himself somewhat sympathetic towards mutants **ES*DENT *F THE *N*TED ST*TES (*C*ENN*'S S*CCESS**)
3399. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criiminal gang member; New York City; attempted to shake down someone for money at his restaurant **Z
3400. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; it's complicated but let's go with Thor; Partial; presumed adventurer; Void; struggled to escape from glass bottle TH**G
3401. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Astonishing X-Men; No; scientist; San Francisco; helped develop a mutant cure **V*T* ***
3402. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; gangster/crimelord/fence, club owner; New York City; in the 1940s, on SSR's list of suspects concerning the whereabouts of technologies stolen from supporting character and being traded on the black market S**DE* *****ND
3405. Original movie character; 10s; No; presumed student; New York City; brother of major supporting character *H**** ST*C*
3408. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; private bodyguard; New York City; tasked to guard main villain of season **TT
3410. From a movie; based on mythology; 20s; Iberian mythology; Yes; deity/council member;  Omnipotence City; witnessed altercation between main charater and council leader *SC****S
3411. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City, New Jersey; attended daughter's wedding [**S.] H*****N
3412. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; agreed with someone previously identified that it was the perfect time to take over as the leaders in the criminal underworld **C**D*
3414. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Ultimates; presumed warrior general; Paris?; walked around a campus holding a spear
3415. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; divorce lawyer; Hell's Kitchen; asked by supporting character to help with her divorce proceedings DES**ND T*BE*
3416. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Motion Picture Funnies Weekly; Yes; unrevealed; Yucatán, Mexico; mother of main villain F*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3418. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; bartender; Broxton, Oklahoma; served main character and more often major supporting character  E**C
3419. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; spy/assassin turned resistance member; Tangier, Morocco; freed someone from mind control B**C* **D** (**S*N*)
3420. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; publisher, industrialist, businessman; Los Angeles; in the 1940s, controlled every major newspaper west of the Mississippi River ***T**E* H**ES
3421. From a commercial; based on comics; 80s (one video says 00s but the date on another video suggests 80s, which seems more accurate); Incredible Hulk; presumed scientist; United States; seen in three commercials involving building and wrecking a boat H*** / *GF  [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in source; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3422. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Los Angeles; gave information to the FBI in the 1940s H*N*
3423. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; NSA agent/hacker; Fort Meade, Maryland; 3243 approached him and asked what he was doing ST*V*  [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGHNSTVZ5]
3424. Original TV show character; 10s; No; underground operative; Atlanta, Georgia; guarded gate as new arrival brought to headquarters *ED**
3425. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; security guard; Mojave Desert, Nevada; used his security key card to access the elevator for two others G**D [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters found at time of locking: DGZ]
3426. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City; with brother, played a board game at the end of their mother's sick bed **CH*E* ***G***
3429. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; escorted main character to the prison, telling her to not cross the yellow line of touch the glass *****S
3430. From a movie; code name based on comics; 20s; Mystic Comics but closer to Tales of Suspense in this context; Yes; assassin turned resistance member; Soviet Union; eventually freed from mind control serum B**C* **D** (S*N**)
3433. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; it's complicated but let's go with Avengers; Yes; inventor; Chicago; 19th century inventor; another version of this character this part was already identified V*CT** T**E**
3434. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but likely a coincidence; 20s; Iron Man; Yes; lab pilot; Counter-Earth; polited lab towards Knowhere C*NT****E*
3435. From a movie; based on real person; 00s; No; action sports events reporter; United States; reporter for X Games ****E **TT*E
3437. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; legal secretary; New York City; resided in a hotel during the 1940s
3439. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial;  Aix-en-Provence, France; helped supporting character investigate the murders of numerous squadrons H*NTE* *-##
3440. Original movie character; 00s; No; soldier; New Orleans; main (or at least titular)character trapped him in mire ***NE TH*B*DE***
3444. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Genetix; No; assassin; United States?; with others, assigned to kidnap someone and kill her protector/main character T*TT** (T*D* S***T*)
3445. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; California; pen pal (4th from the left in group image) SHE***
3446. From a movie; poses as earlier character same continuity; 10s; Yes; presumed astronaut but posing as S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Los Angeles; attempted to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. under the guise of major character while tracking main character *H** C***S*N (S*****)
3447. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; battled three youth with same kind of weapon S**DE*-**N / S**DE*-**N *EG* ***ST *E* SH**TE*
3448. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family enforcer; New York City; handed out fliers outside Chinese restaurant ***S
3452. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed;  Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; tried to lift item off the ground in a desert ***E
3454. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; neighbour of recurring character in one of his guises ********E
3455. From a movie; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; Partial; adventurer, deity; New York City; diverged from main version shortly after a major battle TH**
3457. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; terrorist; Washington, DC?; diverged from someone in the 2020 collages *Z*ZE*
3458. From a TV show; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Partial; presumed deity; Asgard?; seen on a screen "G***SH*DE*" ****
3459. From a TV show; based on real person; 20s; Yes; news anchor; Miami; with 3017 and 3285, part of a trio from the same show reporting on main character **** G*NZ**EZ
3460. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; butler; New York City; in the 1940s, met with SSr agents during their investigation of the implosion of a refinery **NST*N
3461. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ultimate Comics Spider-Man; Yes; black market arms dealer; New York City; after main character saved his life, agreed to help the hero get all the alien guns off the streets where they could endanger innocent lives *****E* (****N D***S)
3462. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police detective; New York City; looked into main character as part of investigation into two murders **TH S*ND**
3463. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; pet;  Orgoscope; pet of someone already identified in one of the collages this round B****
3465. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; possible professional gambler; Knowhere; gambled with various other characters including comics based character G**D*E***
3466. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; hair stylist; Los Angeles; girlfriend of main character's uncle *E**N*E
3468. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; pet; Los Angeles; groomsman at a wedding **N*TH*N
3473. From a TV show, based on real owl; 20s; Yes; none; New York City; resided in a Christmas tree **C**
3475. From a movie; arguably based on comics character with different name, though comics character with same name later appeared; 00s; Daredevil; No; criminal personal assistant; New York City; informed main villain that someone had talked to the papers about him *ES*E* *E*CH
3476. From a movie; based on comics character with different name; 10s; New Avengers; Partial; warrior; New York State; divergent version of someone identified in part 1 of the current collage series C*** *BS*D**N
3477. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; magazine editor, fashion consultant, stylist, television personality; Los Angeles; discussed the fashion of someone's armour GE**GE **TS******S
3479. Original TV movie character; 80s; criminal right hand man; New York City;  instructed by boss to eliminate a possible witness EDG**
3480. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; Kandahar; cooperated with an investigation into Afghan heroin smuggling *H**D Z*B***
3481. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musician, cello teacher; New York City; main villain forced her to play her cello for hours C****
3482. Original TV movie character; 70s; presumed student; Belleville, New Jersey; son of ally to main character *ETE* ****E
3483. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; cage fighter; East Berlin, Germany; defeated by superhuman in mutant fighting arena B**B
3484. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news reporter; Los Angeles; reported on someone taking over America's airwaves to broadcast one of his "lessons" *EG*N HENDE*S*N
3485. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; army officer; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, investigated a potential security breach involving two time travellers from another reality CHES*E*
3486. Original TV show character; 10s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; live in apartment complex until it raided, resulting in the death of her parents and separation from her sister C**ST*N*
3487. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Elektra: Assassin; No; unrevealed; Greece?; mother of main character *H**ST*N* N*TCH**S
3490. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; outer space; participated in a mutiny G*F  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: DFGHNSTVZ5]
3491. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; crime family member; New York City; robbed by thieves T*N* GN*CC*
3494. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; television presenter; New York City; applauded a dress on a show along with main character's stepsister G**CE BENNETT
3495. Original movie character; 00s; No; vampire hunter; United States; helped main character and others escape from FBI DE*  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3496. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; Oshkosh, Wisconsin; with others, investigated a nexus event in 1985 H*NTE* C-##
3499. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by supporting character in a dojo *ENN*
3500. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; New York City;  used by main villain of season to deliver a message to main character CH*N*SE
3501. From a TV show; based on comics (different surname); 10s; Strange Tales; Yes; engineer; New Orleans; father of one of the main characters N*TH*N B**EN
3502. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; newspaper reporter; New York City;  attended a benefit hosted by main character and his aunt SE*N **NF**D
3504. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; World War Hulk: Gamma Corps; Yes; prosecutor; Los Angeles?; got superhuman sent to prison G*DE*N ***S*N
3507. Original movie character; 10s; No; unrevealed; New York City?; slept with someone who got possessed by a future version of himself G*EN  [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3508. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Punisher: War Zone; Yes; crime family leader; Manhattan; attempted to make a deal with major villain as a means to control Harlem **S***E C**B*NE
3509. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Realm of Kings: Son of Hulk; Yes; resistance fighters leader; Quantum Realm; formed her group after her home was destroyed by main villain *ENT****
3512. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; New York City; ill daughter of main villain *ENN* *****
3513. Original TV show character (shares name with comic book inker but likely a coincidence); 10s; Yes; bus driver; New York City; falsely believed he was responsible for killing someone after crashing his bus while drunk CH***ES *****CE
3515. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at Harlem's Paradise SH***N **NES
3517. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; correction officer; The Bronx; atacked while escorting major villain in prison ****E
3518. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; was incorrectly believed by main character to be an imposter T**
3520. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; soldier; outside time/space; bombed timelines **N*TE**N #4#8###5
3522. Original TV show character; 70s; presumed student; Antowuk, Utah; daughter of owner of store main character briefly worked at S***NTH* B*TES
3525. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; nurse; Queens; with a friend of hers, went on double date with main character and another major character C*NN*E
3527. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party (sources conflict re: spelling; will accept either) *EBE** or *EBEC*
3528. From a movie; based on character from non-Marvel TV show (the director claims it's the same character but probably in the legal sense they're two characters with the same name); 20s; Peacemaker; Yes; unrevealed this continuity, pet if treated as same character; Counter-Earth; imprisoned by main villain E*G**
3529. Original movie character (deleted scene); 20s; Yes; NSA liason; Fort Meade, Maryland; personally greeted 3243 who arrived from the United Kingdom to collect NSA's intel DEBB*E D*V*DS*N
3530. Original TV show character; 10s; No; teacher; China?; spoke to daughter through an old television screen, and mainly focused on his obsession with robots *ENZ* ***
3531. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; FBI agent; United States;  tasked with guarding supporting character SH**VE*
3532. Original TV movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Knowhere; attended holiday party for one of the main characters H**BT*E [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers fouund at time of locking: BCDEFGHNSTVZ1458]
3533. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Incredible Hulk; adventurer; United States; with teammates, sought major villain at a department store H***
3535. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance fighter; Quantum Realm; joined resistance when his home was taken by main villain ***Z
3536. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different name); 00s; Punisher War Journal; No; unrevealed; Tampa?; wife of main character BETT* C*ST*E
3537. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; cargo packer; Quantum Realm; attempted to flirt with one of the main characters in a bar B**CC*** **N
3538. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Navy SEAL or CIA agent (sources conflict); Atlantic Ocean; participated in the joint operation to discover vibranium outside of Wakanda **C*S*N
3539. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; guardian; Ta Lo; mother of main character **NG **
3540. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; pet; New York City; pet of someone already identified this exact collage E***
3542. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; Hydra agent/S.H.I.E.L.D. mole; Washington, DC; while main character was speaking about Hydra's infiltration on S.H.I.E.L.D., he and other operatives began to attack S.H.I.E.L.D. **NS**
3546. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; none; New York City?; hearing song played on the piano got him to stop crying ****N
3548. Original TV show character; 70s; robber/aspiring acrobat; Japan; committed a string of robberies to fund his own circus *H*NT** TH*EF ##1 (***BE)
3549. Original movie character; 00s; No; board chairman; New York City; led the way for the rest of the Board of Directors chose to accept a buyout offer H*N** B****N
3550. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; probably none; Counter-Earth; fish experimented upon and transformed into a child
3551. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Iron Man; Partial; scientist, inventor, arms manufacturer, filmmaker; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, encountered future version of son from another reality, the latter using an alias H****D ST***
3553. Original movie character; 10s; No; doctor (info sparse and I don't recall them but likely in the science sense); United States; info sparse [D*.] *E*GH
3556. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed adventurer; New York City; presumed helped others fight aliens H***E*E
3558. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; S.A.B.E.R. agent; S.A.B.E.R. Space Station; ally of main characters T****


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Today 5:10 am  #474

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All 61 Collages 46-49 Marvel Live Update '22-24 Finale

Cleaned up Part 9 clues:

Letters/numbers found so far: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29

3562. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; All-New Marvel NOW! Point One; Yes; unrevealed; Jersey City; father of main character ***** *HAN
3563. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; shaman; Wakanda; gave main villain a heart shaped herb *O**
3565. Original movie character; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; name is something that some faces have
3566. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; mob boss; New York City; often exchanged information, weapons and money with main villain *AG*N**
3567. Original TV show character; 70s; unrevealed; unidentified Latin American country;  daughter of the democratic president of the country, took part in beauty contest *A**A CA*D**ON
3568. Original movie character; 00s; No; possible witch doctor; Puerto Rico; healed main character CAND**A**A
3569. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Missouri; step-grandmother of one of the main characters [***.] Q****
3574. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Young Avengers; Partial; unrevealed; United States?; one of two mothers of major character ***NA CHAV*Z
3576. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; Paris?; held apparently captured 3819 *HO*
3577. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; steed; Wakanda; steed of someone already identified in one of the collages this round *2#
3578. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; hunter of sorts; Mexico; helped try to capture someone at main character's house ***** BO*
3579. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; unrevealed; Malibu; attended main character's birthday party **B*CCA
3580. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; diner owner; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; main character smashed one of her cups **AB**A A*VA**Z
3582. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; ticket taker; Chicago; in 1893, gave character already identified in one of the collages this round an orange to throw at 3260 H*GO [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of lockiing: ACDGHNOW29]
3584. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Partial; asylum pet; decline; counterpart of main character's pet G**
3585. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; nurse; New Orleans; looked after someone after he fell into a catatonic state in the aftermath of a platform destruction ANG**
3586. Original movie character; 10s; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D  agent; Wheaton, New Jersey; in 1970, two time travelling main characters from another reality encountered her in an elevator *H***** J*N**N*
3587. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; X-Factor; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; led a group of such children **C*O*
3588. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lawyer; Harlem; legal counsel for someone who tried to claim her rights to nightclub and brand of rum ****N** *OG***
3590. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Avengers; Yes; councilman; Washington, DC; one of the prime overseers of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operations [CO*NC***AN] CHAO **N
3591. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or deity/would-be world conqueror depending on how you took at it; New York City; fought main character and allies ****C** *O**
3592. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Iron Man; Yes; Air Force major general; Lancaster, California; commanding officer of someone who later became a superhero [*AJO* G*N**A*] **AD*
3593. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord/brothels owner; Queens; Russian criminal, head of a lot of brothels in which Eastern European girls were forced into prostitution after being kidnapped C***** B**A*
3594. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; plastics company owner/founder; New York City; blackmailed into selling his company *A** H*GG*N*
3596. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Quantum Realm; meal disrupted by arrival of a yacht N'B**J
3598. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Treme X-Men; No; lawyer; Washington, DC; secretly provided support for the Mutant Underground *VANG***N* WH*DON
3600. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective; Partial;  guardian of sorts; Void; villain harnessed and experimented on his power, becoming his master A**O*H
3601. Original TV show character; 70s; arms dealer/criminal; New York City; sought plutonium from a school laboratory [**.] WH***
3602. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; navy SEAL; Atlantic Ocean; heard a noise coming off the side of the ship he was on and radioed admiral W***
3603. Original movie character; 20s; Partial; soldier of sorts; outside time and space; followed someone already identified in one of the collages this round to an area from which the latter planned to plant bombs H*N*** *-##
3605. From a commercial; based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; presumed adventurer; New York City; with others, apparently fought brother and aliens *HO* / *OG***: *H* ****CA*, D******AND ***O** (note: this source appears for multiple characters in parts 8-9; I'm only doing the Hangman for the source once)
3606. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; record store employee; Broxton, Oklahoma; supporting character was his only regular customer
3607. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed prior to becoming patient; Portland, Oregon; recruited by demon to kill someone *OO**
3608. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; air force major; Lancaster, California; was present for presentation as someone sold weapons to the military but left mid way [*AJO*] HA****
3609. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Marvel Comics Presents; No; scientist; British Columbia; injected main character with metal as part of experiment [D*.] AB*AHA* CO*N*****
3611. Original movie character; 10s; No; monk; Romania?; confirmed that a boy he and another were looking for had been found B*N*D*C*
3612. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; landlord; New York City; landlord for building main character lived in **G*N*
3613. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; New X-Men; No; students; Salem Center, New York; seen at school that was base for main characters *****O*D C*C*OO*
3615. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; Partial; S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; New York City; diverged from main version upon the arrival of time travellers HAW****
3616. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; construction worker, criminal; New York City; with others, attempted to steal from criminal's poker game *ANC*
3618. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Salem, Oregon; mistakenly believed his son was possessed by a demon [**.] CAVA**O [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in surname; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3619. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Thor Annual; Yes; mercenary; Contraxia; participated in mutiny B*AH*
3620. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; radio talk show employee; New York City; worked with main character's stepsister N*CO**
3622. Original TV show character; 70s; manservant; San Francisco; worked for martial arts teacher confronted by main character ***ON **NG
3624. From a movie; based on comics (uses slightly different suffix meaning the same thing); 00s; X-Men; No; head of lab company; San Francisco; father of superhuman WA***N WO**H*NG*ON **
3626. From a movie; shares name with character based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 90s; Captain America Annual; criminal second in command; Manhattan; worked for main villain and had regular run-ins with main character ***** Q**NN
3627. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; door repairman; New York City; hired by main character's stepsister to fix main character's door A*A*
3628. Original TV show character; 10s; Partial; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3663 **V*N
3629. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; No; presumed high school student; Hollywood; confronted someone who stole his mask ***D**-*AN / J**** ****** **V*
3633. Original TV show character; 70s; probable scientist; Tokyo; main character's sister *H*N*O *A*A*H**O
3634. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Haiti; son of major character *O***A*N* (*'CHA**A **)
3636. From a movie; possibly based on comics character with different surname; 00s; Punisher: War Zone; No; marijuana dealer, club owner; Tampa; convinced son of main villain  to participate with him in an arms deal with a new merchant **C*** D**A
3637. From a movie; indirectly based on comics; 20s; Avengers; Partial; conqueror, scientist; unrevealed location; seen in a council gathering **ZA*D *ANG
3638. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; army veteran turned criminal; New York City; working with main villain, attempted to murder main character JO**
3640. From a movie; based on comics, though very obscure; 00s; Punisher; No; criminal henchman; New York City; key henchman for main villain *N*
3641. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; Prague; reported on attack in Prague, though he was misled on details ***HA* **BA*
3642. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; air force fighter pilot; Rosamond, California; in a bar, palyed crud with main character and others *A**H*W "***D**" ******
3644. From a TV show; shares code name with characters based on comics but almost for sure a coincidence; 20s; earliest known such character from Tales to Astonish; Partial; info sparse and I don't recall them; Chicago; seen at 1893 exposition B*H**O*H
3645. Original TV show character but named after movie character; 10s; Halloween; Yes; guard dog; New York City; with another dog previously identified, growled at main character and another major character
3646. Original movie character; 10s; No; would-be soldier; North Dakota; artificially created to use as a soldier JAC**ON
3647. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; info sparse and I don't recall them; New York City?; info sparse (note: there's some dispute as to who this character is; will accept either answer) [**.] ****H* or [**.] B*OWN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in second word of suggested alternative name for character; first such word is a saluation; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3648. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Attilan; with husband 3774, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *A***AN
3649. Original movie character; 90s; bartender; Alberta; pointed gun at one of the main characters and told him to get out of the bar A*B***
3650. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; sat alongside her daughter (previously identified) for their audition for an advertisement [***.] *OV**
3651. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana-grower; Oahu; formed a romantic bond withone of the main characters J*N [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3653. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; mother of supporting character [***.] *HO***ON
3654. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; advisor; Hala; advisor to main villain **-*ON*
3656. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal errand boy; New Orleans; made regular drug deliveries for someone **V
3657. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; multinational corporation CEO; New York City; friend turned enemy of main character (should have been in 2020 collages but seems to have been overlooked) N*W GOB*** (HA*** O*B**N)
3659. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; mobile lab guard; outer space; conflicted between killing one of the main characters and getting away to safety *H*******
3661. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; news reporter; New York City; interviewed someone about the return of the main character and what it meant for the company J*NN**** *AN*
3662. From a commercial; based on comics; unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; presumed student; unable to determine; has anthropomorphic penguin as friend/maybe roommate H*** / **NG**NO
3663. From a TV show; based on earlier character same continuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of counterpart (3711) of major supporting character and himself a counterpart of 3628 ****N
3664. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; inmate counselled him about his failing marriage CA** COWA**
3665. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; possible funeral worker; New York City; welcomed guests into home of deceased person for the funeral ***AND
3666. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New Orleans; refugee during battle of early 1800s B***NDA
3667. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; club lounge singer; New York City; stayed at same hotel as main character during 1940s *V***N
3668. Original movie serial character; 40s; info sparse and I don't recall them; United States; info sparse *D G*AHA*
3672. From a commercial; based on comics; 00s; Fantastic Four; presumed student; United States; battled apparent arch nemesis ****** *AN*A***C
3674. Original movie character; 00s; No; national leader assistant; Washington, DC; asked by the President to clear his schedule because he was having dinner with his son JAC***
3675. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; sole survivor of his species V*B [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOWZ29]
3676. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; prison guard; California; info sparse and I don't recall him *A***N
3677. Original movie character; 00s; No; undercover FBI agent; New York City; targeted by main character, who didn't know he wasn't actually a criminal N**** DONA*****
3679. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Hawkeye; Yes; police officer; New York City; live action role-player when off duty BO*B*H*** (W*N** CON*AD)
3680. Original movie character; 00s; Yes; senator; Washington, DC; part of a committe that questioned main character [**NA*O*] CA***NO
3681. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; presumed student; London; with friends, found a portal *ADD**
3682. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; deli-grocery store pet; Queens; with his human, rescued by main character from criminals using alien technology ****H
3683. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school student; Queens; in Prague, as part of field trip, dressed up in silly, glowing glasses to go to a carnival ***** C**B*N
3684. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mercenary; Oahu; recruited by main villain to hunt down main characters H*N*** ON*
3685. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musical performer; Harlem; performed at night club ***-ON*
3686. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes;  journalist, political correspondent; United States; with fellow reporter, discussed the potential regulation of enhanced individuals W*** ADA**
3687. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Staten Island; showed main character  a photo of her son and explained that her son had gotten cancer from a chemical plant near where they lived **G*NA ***ZG**A*D
3690. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; Chaste member; Cambodia; had duel with major characer beneath the city *HA**
3691. Original movie character; 10s; No; mercenary; Mexico; hunted major supporting character DAN*** *HOD**
3692. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different surname); 10s; Avengers; No; unrevealed; Poland; wife of major villain [two possible spellings of surname; will accept either or both] *AGDA GÓ***A or G**Z***
3693. Original TV show character; 70s; police officer; San Francisco; out for revenge after his father had been killed by a criminal CO**N *OA**
3694. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Wolverine: The Origin; No; unrevealed; Canada; mother of main character ***ZAB**H HOW****
3695. From a movie; based on comics (comics version has different first name); 00s; Punisher; No; crimelord; New York City; main character crashed one of his meetings [DON] GA**ANO C**A**
3696. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; SSR agent; New York City; in the 1940s, witness someone take credit for main character's success B**CH WA**AC*
3697. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; unrevealed (note: this is one of who characters in the commercials who could lay claim to the code name used); United States; came out of a shack wearing armour while another versuion of the character flew overhead **ON *AN
3698. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; law enforcement agent, soldier, underground agent; Atlanta, Georgia; brainwashed into aiding law enforcement agency against former allies ***** (A*G*****)
3702. From a TV show; code name based on comics; 20s; earlist known use Mystic Comics but Tales of Suspense a closer match; Yes; assassin turned cage fighter; Macau; tried to kill main character before being freed from mind control B*A** W**O* (H***N)
3703. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; camera repairman; San Jose; fixed security camera that major character had disabled DOV* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ABCDGHJNOQVWZ29]
3704. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; personal watercraft store chain employee; Cleveland; got separate calls from sons of co-worker DA**
3705. From a TV show; based on real person; 10s; Yes; musician; Harlem; hired to perform at restaurant DONA** HA*****N **.
3707. From a TV movie; based on comics; 80s; Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (by only 2-3 months - cover date same month as episode airdate - so it may be that the TV people came up with the character);  co-leader of Hydra, terrorist; Berlin?; with sister, attempted to carry on father's legacy W**N** VON ****C***
3709. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; particle physicist; Pasadena; had affair with company owner in the 1940s JAN* *CO**
3710. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; thief; Harlem; shot at main character while robbing store with others **CHA**
3711. From a TV show; based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Fantastic Four; Yes; personal watercraft salesman; Cleveland; counterpart of major supporting character and father of 3663 and 3766 *ON  [LOCKED; only one character remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNOW29]
3713. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; criminal; New York City; with another criminal was beating up clinic worker for info when cronfronted by main character **C**
3715. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Spider-Man; No; criminal; New York City; with 3057, enemy of someone identified in an earlier collage G***N GOB**N
3716. Original movie character but named after real person; 00s; No; security chief for oil drilloing company; Bywater, New Orleans; helped try to get protestors to leave ***V* G**B**
3717. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; musical peformer; United States; appeared in a music video ****H
3718. Original movie character; 00s; No; House member; United States; vampire and member of House of Talos CA**B***
3719. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Moon Knight; Yes; unrevealed; Illinois; father of main character ***A* ***C*O*
3720. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; New York City; helped someone move into same apartment building as main character *A**O
3722. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; marijuana dealer; New Orleans; asked girlfriend to have sex with someone he wanted to strike a aprtnership with, eventually resorting to hitting her ***C
3724. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; house pet; Karachi; got lost and upon being found was microchipped *AGN**
3725. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; name is also occupation; Quantum Realm; led a group and was an ally to a supporting character NO*AD **AD**
3726. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; police officer; New Orleans; witnessed misconduct by his partner and was paid to help cover it up B*AD*O*D
3727. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Jersey City; life was saved by main character while participating in a cosplay contest ZO* ******
3728. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Doctor Strange: The Oath; Yes; neurosurgeon; New York City; saved main character's s life after a near fatal car accident N*CO***** W***
3729. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Superior Spider-Man; Yes; none; Washington, DC; used as a means to assist main character ***D**-D*ON*
3731. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; mobster; Harlem; boss discovered him making deals with other criminal organizations ****O* ****/***** **O***
3732. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; high school teacher; New York City; lectured main character for being tardy
3734. Original movie character; 10s; No; love hotel manager; Tokyo; had her son, a veterinary student, fix main character's wounds ****O
3735. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Fantastic Four as such; Partial; conqueror/pharaoh, scientist; Egypt; worked with alternate versions of himself *A*A-***
3736. From a movie; based on comics; 00s; Daredevil; No; police captain; New York City; mostly believed main character to be an urban legend at first N*** *ANO***
3737. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; avatar; Giza; attended council meetings on behalf of deity *A*Z**
3738. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; broadcast television network director; San Francisco; fired main character for reporteding on the basis of a hunch instead of facts JA**
3741. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; personal assistant; Harlem; loyal to major villain and assisted in her rise to power A*** W*****
3742. Original movie character; 00s; No; presumed student; California; info sparse and I don't recall him DAV**
3743. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Uncanny X-Men; No; student; Salem Center, New York; student at school used as base for main characters, and seems older than an earlier version of the character J*B****
3744. From a movie; based on comics; 10s; Ka-Zar; Yes; C.I.A. agent; Alexandria, Virginia; aided main character in defeating main villain *V***** *O**
3745. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; X-Men; Partial; adventurer; Manhattan; with others arrested main character and ignored his warnings about the real threat **O****O* *
3746. Original TV show character; 10s; No; unrevealed; United States; ex-girlfriend of main character **O**NC* "******" W**CH
3747. From a webseries; based on real person; 10s; Yes; news anchor; San Francisco; interviewed villain until the latter thought things were getting to personal JA*** *OND***
3748. Original movie character; 00s; No; arms dealer; Tampa?; all of 3616 **** A***OV
3749. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; student; New York City; taught by major supportuing character in dojo CA**B
3752. from a TV show; loosely based on comics (comics version has different name); 10s; Power Man and Iron Fist; Yes; medical doctor; New York City; marriage with supporting character fell apart when she discovered her wife was having an affair with 3139 W*ND* *O**-HOGA**H
3753. From a TV show; based on comics; 00s; Punisher; No; FBI agent turned police detective; New York City; joined the police to arrest main character *A** B*D*AN***
3755. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Doctor Strange; Yes; sorcerer; Kamar-Taj; destroyed a book of magic in an effort to stop main villain *A*A WO***
3756. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; imprisoned by main villain until freed by 3509 D****C*
3757. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; luxury department store employee; New York City; in the 1940s, worked for a department store that also existed in the real world *O*** BOW**N
3758. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; apparent smuggler; New York City; in the 1940s, helped smuggle supporting character back into the US J****
3760. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; unrevealed; Broxton, Oklahoma; customer at fast food restaurant B***
3761. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; resistance member; Quantum Realm; disocovered main character and latter's daughter when they first became stranded in the realm *O***
3762. Original movie character; 00s; No; chef; New York City; worked for Moondance Diner *N**Q**
3764. From a TV show; based on comics; 20s; Yes; unrevealed; Los Angeles; mother of main character **A*N* WA*****
3765. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Marvel Preview; presumed adventurer; United States?; likely leader of a hero group that was part of a larger gathering **A*-*O*D
3766. From a TV shows; based on earlier character same contnuity; 20s; Yes; presumed student; Cleveland; son of 3711 and brother of 3663 **AN
3767. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Hawkeye; Yes; criminal; New York City; contributed to the death of father of childhood friend *AZ* *AZ*****CZA*
3768. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; shopkeeper; Harlem; main character started a robbery at his store W***** GO***
3769. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; none; Saint Petersburg; experimented on by adoptive mother of main character A*****
3770. From a movie (deleted scene); based on comics; 10s; X-Men; No; presumed criminal; Northwest Territories; seen in a prison O**GA **D
3772. From a TV show; possibly based on comics; 10s; X-Men: Red; No; hitwoman; Washington, DC; with others involved in a massacre where they killed thousand of innocent people, including children H*A****
3773. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; enforcer; New York City; after death of boss, found himself moving between employers Z**
3774. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; miner; Attilan; with wife 3648, went to ceremony for her two children (both previously identified, one in one of the collages this round) *O*O***
3775. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Tales of Suspense; No; presumed adventurer; New York City; decided to abandon teammates before a battle HAW****
3776. Original movie character; 10s; No; info sparse and I don't recall him; United States?; info sparse
3778. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; youth shelter worker; Brooklyn; abused many of the children under his care. A**H** WA**H
3779. From a TV show; based on comics; 10s; Ms. Marvel; Yes; high school student; Karachi; other dimensional being who switched sides and aided main character *A**AN
3781. Original movie character; 20s; Yes; Dora Milaje member; Wakanda; battled an undersea dwelling race J***N*
3782. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; lab nurse; Queens;m responsible for the care of the mother of main character **ANN* *CC****
3783. From a TV show; dressed as someone based on mythology; 20s; Norse mythology; Yes; actor or adventurer depending on now you look at it; New York City; likely in the story within story battled stepbrother and aliens ****CA* *HO*
3784. From a movie; based on comics; 20s; Captain Marvel; Yes; prince; Aladna; husband of one of the main characters [***NC*] *AN [partially LOCKED; only one letter remaining in non-salutation part; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACNW2]
3785. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; secretary; Harlem; mother of main character DANA *******
3786. Original TV show character; 70s; race track owner; United States; allowed one of his horse trainers to experiment with a special vitamin supplement that was aimed at calming feral animals *AW**NC* H*N** CA**O** ***
3787. From a commercial; based on comics but species swapped; 00s; Fantastic Four; possible monarch; United States; attacked by arch-nemeses DOC*O* DOO*
3788. From a commercial; based on comics; 70s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; climbed onto bucket ***D**-*AN / WOO*WO**H/WOO*CO: CH*A* HA**OW**N CO****** & CAND*
3789. Original TV show character; 10s; Yes; unrevealed; Portland, Oregon; taken to hotel while possessed by a demon *****N*A **O***
3790. From a movie; shares name with characters based on comics but probably a coincidence; 10s; Avengers; No; house pet; San Francisco; pet of someone identified in collage 2 G***N*
3791. Original TV show character; 20s; Partial; fast food franchise manager; Broxton, Oklahoma; was cashier for someone who later worked for him JAC* [LOCKED; only one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACDGHJNOWZ29]
3792. Original movie character (extended version); 00s; No; presumed student; Washington, DC; sister of hero identified in 2020 collages *A***O** (G***)
3793. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; unrevealed; United States; got angry during cell phone call H*** [(**.) *O****] / ***T*D H*A*THCA**
3794. From a commercial; based on comics; 20s; Tales of Suspense; presumed scientist, industrialist; Paris?; let people take pictures with him **ON *AN
3795. From a movie; name based on comics; 20s; Amazing Spider-Man; Yes; none; Morocco; appeared to attack Morocco before seemingly stopped by someone C*C*ON*
3797. From a TV show; based on comics and folklore (merged character); 10s?; Amazing Fantasy/German Lutheran folklore; No; gift giver; Burbank?; tossed things at audience ***D**-*AN *A**** B*NN*
3798. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); 70s; Incredible Hulk; United States; got upset when someone asked him for his pie H*** ("G****O**" J** BOND*) / *O**ON ***A* ****** D*******
3800. From a TV show; Marvel Fandom suggests based on comics but I'm doubtful (if so comics version has no surname and gender swapping means first name is slightly different); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital staff member; decline; supplied medicinal drugs to patients BOBB* **NN*D*
3801. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; presumed student; United States; greeted three other kids ***D**-*AN / [commercial is for a different product from before but appears to be same company as one previously identified so no Hangman]
3802. From a TV show; possibly based on comics (shorteneed name if so); 20s; Moon Knight; Partial; psychiatric hospital orderly; decline; approached one of the patients to give her a cupcake B**
3804. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; Incredible Hulk; furniture store owner; Detroit; got irritated by complaining customer H***  [(*NC**) *OB*N*ON] / *OB*N*ON ***N*****
3805. From a commercial; based on comics (comics version has different real name); unable to determine but posted to YouTube in 10s; likely aired in 00s; Amazing Fantasy; furniture store owner; Victoria, British Columbia; counterpart of someone identified in part 5 ***D**-*AN (GO*D* DODD)
3806. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed student; with others including 3225, helped protect neighborhood **O*
3807. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; with 2506 and 3338, helped wrap items ***D**-*AN
3808. Original movie character; 10s; Yes; likely pet; Puente Antiguo, New Mexico; rescued by supporting character during robot's attack on town BA***
3809. Original movie character (deleted scene); 10s; Yes; compound pet; New York State; owned by main character and wife G**A*D
3810. Original TV show character; 20s; Yes; treasure hunter; South America; sought lost treasure in the jungle *ON*A*BAN
3811. Original webseries character; 10s; Yes; prison guard; California; supervised major character's interview with webseries main character *. A***N
3812. Original TV show character; 70s; criminal; New York City?; ally of main villain of story (previously identified) B********
3813. From a commercial; based on comics; 90s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; aided by two boys in fighting 2443 ***D**-*AN
3814. From a commercial; based on comics; 10s; Amazing Fantasy; unrevealed; United States; encountered others dressed as him ***D**-*AN
3815. Original movie character; 00s; No; house pet; Rio de Janeiro; pet of main character  **C**
3816. From a movie; posing as someone based on comics; Quasar; Yes; apparent infilatrator posing as soldier of sorts; Torfa; posed as someone previously identified to fool a sniper identified in the 2020 collages A**-*A**
3817. From a movie; based on real person; 10s; Yes; entertainment reporter and television personality; Los Angeles; critiqued someone's armour; has counterpart previously identified G****ANA *ANC*C
3819. From a commercial; based on mythology; 10s; Norse mythology; presumed would-be conqueror; Paris?; held by apparent captor 3576 *O**
3820. Original movie character but possibly named after real person; 80s; info sparse and I don't recall them; Cleveland; info sparse ***B*
3821. From a TV show; based on comics (though he claims otherwise; possible different surname); 10s?; Incredible Hulk; No; cue card guy; Burbank?; explained the legal reasons why he can't be the person he obviously is H*** (B**C* *H* C** CA*D ***)
3822. Original movie character; 20s; Yes;  S.A.B.E.R. agent; space station; over 300 years old *AG [LOCKED; one letter remaining; letters/numbers found at time of locking: ACGNW29]
3823. Original TV movie character but probably named after comics strip character; 70s; decline as that would make this one too easy; pet; Los Angeles; pet of main character H*A*HC****

Number remaining for certain types of characters (usually but not always variants of more significant characters):

Dark Dimension: 1
Duat: 4
Tandy Bowen Drug Addict 2
Tandy Bowen Engineer 1
Tandy Bowen's Perfect Life 5

Cos-players: 9


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