Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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8/02/2024 7:13 am  #1

Online Bibliography

Apologies if this is covered somewhere else, I did try to research before posting, but does anyone know if the online bibliographys from the 2000's OHOTMU volumes are still available? The links to Marvel.coms lead to an error page.


8/03/2024 12:57 pm  #2

Re: Online Bibliography

DeanC70 wrote:

Apologies if this is covered somewhere else, I did try to research before posting, but does anyone know if the online bibliographys from the 2000's OHOTMU volumes are still available? The links to Marvel.coms lead to an error page.


Last edited by zuckyd1 (8/03/2024 12:57 pm)


2/26/2025 1:06 am  #3

Re: Online Bibliography

Thanks! I was wondering the same thing.

I remain

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