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1/08/2020 8:31 pm  #1

Punisher: Official Index to the Marvel Universe

Historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 17, 2012, 05:13 pm

From Amazon:

Publication Date: July 4, 2012
Get the complete history of the Punisher from his earliest solo miniseries all the way up to the present day. This book comes packed with synopses - introducing you to the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, and providing vital information about all things Punisher!


Me: Even if they don't make the "floppies", here's hoping that Punisher War Journal v1, War Zone, and Magazine make this trade! I think War Journal v2 has already been shown to be in the regular series.

Sidney Osinga

Jan 18, 2012, 01:41 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Me: Even if they don't make the "floppies", here's hoping that Punisher War Journal v1, War Zone, and Magazine make this trade! I think War Journal v2 has already been shown to be in the regular series.

I think that's highly unlikely. War Journal ran 80 issues and War zone ran 41. That's as many comics as 3 issues of the index would cover, and mostly likely too many books to be added as extra material to the tpb.

Stuart V

Jan 18, 2012, 02:29 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I think War Journal v2 has already been shown to be in the regular series.

And War Zone v2. Both will be in #7. In fact, #7 will bring us almost up to date - we've been playing "spot the monster cameo" in the Franken-Castle arc. A large proportion of the inhabitants of Monster Metropolis have appeared before, though some of them haven't been seen since the 1960s.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I think that's highly unlikely. War Journal ran 80 issues and War zone ran 41. That's as many comics as 3 issues of the index would cover, and mostly likely too many books to be added as extra material to the tpb.

You might be pleasantly surprised. But nothing is set in stone.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 18, 2012, 06:47 pm

Stuart V wrote:

And War Zone v2. Both will be in #7. In fact, #7 will bring us almost up to date - we've been playing "spot the monster cameo" in the Franken-Castle arc. A large proportion of the inhabitants of Monster Metropolis have appeared before, though some of them haven't been seen since the 1960s.
You might be pleasantly surprised. But nothing is set in stone.

I'm definitely looking forward to this volume. Of the three characters in the last round of indexes, the Punisher is my favourite. I would especially love it if Archie Meets the Punisher made the index, but obviously that one's not entirely in Marvel's hands.

Stuart V

Apr 16, 2012, 09:38 am

Stuart V wrote:

Just wanting to confirm, now things are at the proofing stage and thus we know how spacing is working out - this TPB will include Punisher War Journal and War Zone from the 1990s.

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 16, 2012, 11:01 am
Just wanting to confirm, now things are at the proofing stage and thus we know how spacing is working out - this TPB will include Punisher War Journal and War Zone from the 1990s.
Excellent! Just goes to show that the guilty can hide from the Punisher for a short time, but all his targets in those issues will be accounted for in the end!

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 27, 2012, 09:53 pm

Thank you again for including me in the acknowledgements!

Punisher (1986) 1-5
Punisher (1987-1995) 1-104
Marvel Graphic Novel: Punisher: The Assassin's Guild (1988) nn
Punisher Annual (1988-1994) 1-7
Epic Graphic Novel: The Punisher - Return to Big Nothing (1989) nn
Classic Punisher (1989) 1
Punisher: Intruder (1989) nn
The Punisher: No Escape (1990) nn
The Punisher: The Prize (1990) nn
The Punisher: Kingdom Gone (1990) nn
Punisher: Bloodlines (1991) nn
Punisher: Blood on the Moors (1991) nn
Punisher: G Force (1992) nn
The Punisher: Die Hard in the Big Easy (1992) nn
Punisher/Black Widow: Spinning Doomsday's Web (1992) nn
Spider-Man/Punisher/Sabretooth: Designer Genes (1993) nn
Punisher Invades the 'Nam: Final Invasion (1994) nn
Punisher: A Man Named Frank (1994) nn
Punisher: Empty Quarter (1994) nn
Punisher War Journal (1988-1995) 1-80
Punisher War Zone (1992-1995) 1-41
Punisher War Zone Annual (1993-1994) 1-2
Punisher (1995-1997) 1-18
Punisher (1988-1999) 1-4
Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation (1999) 1-4
Spider-Man Vs Punisher (2000) nn
Punisher (2000-2001) 1-12
Punisher (2001-2004) 1-37
Born (2003) 1-4
Punisher (2004-2009) 1-65
Punisher: The Cell (2005) nn
Punisher: The Tyger (2006) nn
Punisher MAX Annual (2007) 1
Punisher: Force of Nature (2008) 1
Punisher Special: Little Black Book (2008) 1
Punisher MAX X-Mas Special (2008) 1
Punisher: Frank CAstle Max (2009) 66-75
Punisher MAX: Naked Kill (2009) 1
PunisherMAX (2010-2012) 1-22
Punisher MAX: Get Castle (2010) 1
Punisher MAX: Butterfly (2010) 1
Punisher MAX: Happy Ending (2010) 1
Punisher MAX: Hot Rods of Death (2010) 1
Punisher MAX: Tiny Ugly World (2010) 1
Wolverine/Punisher (2004) 1-5
Punisher: Red X-Mas (2005) 1
Daredevil Vs. Punisher (2005-2006) 1-6
Punisher: Silent Night (2006) 1
Punisher Vs. Bullseye (2006) 1-5
Punisher: Bloody Valentine (2006) 1
Punisher X-Mas Special (2007) 1
Punisher War Journal (2007-2009) 1-29
Punisher War Journal Annual (2009) 1
Punisher War Zone (2009) 1-6
Punisher (2009-2010) 1-16
Punisher Annual (2009) 1
Dark Reign: The List - Punisher (2009) 1
Franken-Castle (2010) 17-21
Punisher: In the Blood (2011) 1-5
Punisher (2011-2012) 1-9
Punisher Summer Special (1991-1994) 1-4
Punisher Back tp School Special (1992-1994) 1-3
Punisher Holiday Special (1993-1995) 1-3
Punisher: P.O.V. (1991) 1-4
Captain America/Punisher: Blood & Glory (1992) 1-3
Punisher: Ghosts of Innocents (1993) 1-2
Punisher: The Origin of Microchip (1993) 1-2
Wolverine and the Punisher: Damaging Evidence (1993) 1-3
Punisher: Year One (1994-1995) 1-4
Spider-Man/Punisher: Family Plot (1996) 1-2
Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe (1995) nn
Punisher: The End (2004) nn

Sidney Osinga

Jun 27, 2012, 11:36 pm

Thamks for incliding me in the acknowledgements.

Stuart V

Jul 1, 2012, 12:59 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Thank you again for including me in the acknowledgements!

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Thamks for incliding me in the acknowledgements.

No, thanks to both of you for pointing out errata so we could fix it for the TPB.

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