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First off, apologies for the indirect route: my blog site recently made "improvements" and as a result, if I try to copy and paste an image from there to this site, it's deemed to beyond the 64kb limit. Can anyone suggest an alternative means of posting an image so that I can then copy and paste here? In the meantime, will use a link instead. Do not look for this in the original Gotta catch 'em all thread as everyone is identified there. Likewise, if you stumble upon the same image online, don't look too closely
Anyway, a mishap has occurred and and Scourge can only kill his victims if he can identify the victims. Using the numbering in the link below, to kill a villain say,
"Number" Justice is served, [victim]!
1 Shellshock is dead
2 Mind-Wave is dead
3 Hellrazor is dead
4 Steeplejack is dead
5 Cyclone is dead
6 Ringer is dead
7 Turner D. Century is dead (shot twice)
8 Grappler is dead
9 Jaguar is dead
10 Rapier is dead
11 Mirage is dead
12 Vamp is dead
13 Bird Man is dead
14 Hijacker is dead
15 Commander Kraken is dead
16 Cheetah is dead
17 Letha is dead
18 Gary Gilbert (Firebrand) is dead
Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/18/2020 2:14 pm)
Here's the image:
I propose that, while we can still do some research a la the other threads, we can't specifically search for Scourge's victims or that issue of Captain America as that would make things too easy.
1 Shellshock
2 Megatak
3 Hellrazor
4 Steeplejack
5 Cyclone
6 Ringer
7 Turner D. Century
8 Grappler
9 Jaguar
10 Rapier
11 Mirage
12 Vamp
13 Bird Man
14 Hijacker
15 Commander Kraken
16 Cheetah
17 Letha
18 Firebrand
7 Justice is served, Turner D. Century!
Sorry, missed the shout:
Justice is served,
Loki wrote:
1 Shellshock
2 Megatak
3 Hellrazor
4 Steeplejack
5 Cyclone
6 Ringer
7 Turner D. Century
8 Grappler
9 Jaguar
10 Rapier
11 Mirage
12 Vamp
13 Bird Man
14 Hijacker
15 Commander Kraken
16 Cheetah
17 Letha
18 Firebrand
Loki gunned down most of them but his shot against #2 went wild.
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Can anyone suggest an alternative means of posting an image so that I can then copy and paste here? In the meantime, will use a link instead.
I use my Comicvine account. Set up a free account there, upload images there, and the link from them.
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Loki gunned down most of them but his shot against #2 went wild.
The memory cheats. I recognized most of them, and went with who else I remembered being victims for the others, based on costume. I remembered Megatak was one of the victims, but obviously he's not the one with the M here. Trying to recall who else had a name beginning with M!
Loki wrote:
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Loki gunned down most of them but his shot against #2 went wild.
The memory cheats. I recognized most of them, and went with who else I remembered being victims for the others, based on costume. I remembered Megatak was one of the victims, but obviously he's not the one with the M here. Trying to recall who else had a name beginning with M!
Yeah, Scourge definitely killed Megatak, but he died in an issue of Thor. But yes, the costume is indeed a clue as to the other person's identity
Loki wrote:
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Can anyone suggest an alternative means of posting an image so that I can then copy and paste here? In the meantime, will use a link instead.
I use my Comicvine account. Set up a free account there, upload images there, and the link from them.
Thx. That works!
One clue with #2 if it'll help you think of the answer: He normally wears a much larger helmet.
2 Justice is served, Mindwave!
Loki wrote:
2 Justice is served, Mindwave!
"Dead! All eighteen of them! Justice is served!" I confess I actually put two clues in my last post, not one; the word "think" was another deliberate clue.
That ends this particular quiz
Of course, the Ringer was only mostly dead and came back as the cyborg Strikeback
Sidney Osinga wrote:
Of course, the Ringer was only mostly dead and came back as the cyborg Strikeback
While Strikeback did survive a while longer, he later did die from complications of the original gunshot. There's one thing that never made sense about his return: Both Water Wizard and Captain America saw the bodies. While a subsequent news broadcast did have a count off by one, that was only because Cap was pretending to be Mirage to lure Scourge out.
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