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10/19/2020 7:38 am  #1

Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

For this quiz, also identify the original Earth/reality, if known. I realized after I did most of the number that I accidentally cropped out one character and didn't want to redo all the numbering, so 33 is the character at the bottom. 1-15 are above the characters, 16-23 and 34 are on the characters, 24 and 28 are to the right of the characters, 25-27, 29-32 are below the characters

Identified so far (original reality number in parentheses where revealed in the comics):
1 Superboy (Prime)
2 Dove (1)
4 Captain Storm (1 or 2 depending on how you look at it)
5 Johnny Cloud (1 or 2 depending on how you look at it)
6 Sarge (1 or 2 depending on how you look at it)
7 Gunner (1 or 2 depending on how you look at it)
8 Kid Psycho (1)
9 Lord Volt (6)
10 Nighthawk (1)
12 Prince Ra-Man (1)
13 Starman (1)
14 Princess Fern (6)
15 Kole (1)
16 Robin (2)
17 Alexander Luthor Jr. (3)
18 Alexander Luthor (3)
19 Lois Lane Luthor (3)
20 Superman (2)
21 Lois Lane Kent (2)
22 Wonder Woman (hair looks like 2 but costume is 1)
23 Green Arrow (2)
24 Sunburst (1)
25 Supergirl (1)
26 Flash (1)
27 Lori Lemaris (1)
28 Aquagirl (1)
29 Harbinger (probably 1)
30 Pariah (unrevealed)
31 Lady Quark (6)
32 Huntress (2)
33 Monitor (unrevealed)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/19/2020 4:48 pm)

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10/19/2020 9:34 am  #2

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

27 Lori Lemaris


10/19/2020 9:36 am  #3

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

15 Kole


10/19/2020 9:37 am  #4

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

2 Dove (Don Hall).


10/19/2020 9:39 am  #5

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

29 Harbinger


10/19/2020 9:44 am  #6

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index


10/19/2020 9:46 am  #7

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

And completing the group at the ground, 31 Lady Quark


10/19/2020 9:50 am  #8

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

9 is her husband, Lord Volt.


10/19/2020 9:51 am  #9

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

18 Earth 3's heroic Alexander Luthor


10/19/2020 9:52 am  #10

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

17 The above's son, Alexander Luthor Jr. 


10/19/2020 9:54 am  #11

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

16 Earth 2's Robin


10/19/2020 9:55 am  #12

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

And while there's a few others I can easily identify (and some I can't quite so easily), I'll step aside for the moment to leave some for others.


10/19/2020 10:31 am  #13

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Not really good with my DC Earths and it's been years since I read Crisis, but I believe #20 is Earth-Two's Superman.


10/19/2020 10:35 am  #14

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Flash (Earth-One)


10/19/2020 10:37 am  #15

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Supergirl (Earth-One)


10/19/2020 10:41 am  #16

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Green Arrow (Earth-Two)


10/19/2020 12:00 pm  #17

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

All the above are correct. Will add Earth numbers where not yet given to the top post.

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10/19/2020 1:34 pm  #18

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

8 is Kid Psycho, reserve member of the pre-Crisis Legion of Super-Heroes

Last edited by Sidney Osinga (10/19/2020 1:35 pm)


10/19/2020 3:02 pm  #19

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

8 is correct. Use of his power reduced his lifespan (which is why he wasn't seen that often over the years), though it's unclear if that was in the aging sense or if it means he wouldn't have died in the Crisis if he wasn't using his powers.

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10/19/2020 3:20 pm  #20

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

1 Superboy, Earth Prime


10/19/2020 3:22 pm  #21

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

19 Lois Luthor (nee Lane), Earth 3


10/19/2020 3:26 pm  #22

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

21 Lois Kent (nee Lane), Earth 2


10/19/2020 3:28 pm  #23

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

Those are correct

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10/19/2020 3:28 pm  #24

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

22 Wonder Woman, Earth 1


10/19/2020 3:31 pm  #25

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

32 Huntress, Helena Wayne, Earth 2


10/19/2020 3:32 pm  #26

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

33 The Monitor


10/19/2020 3:34 pm  #27

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

28, Aquagirl, Earth 1


10/19/2020 3:36 pm  #28

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

22 I'll give you. Her hair looks a bit grey like the Earth-2 WW, who left never to return in Crisis #12, but her costume is definitely the Earth-1 costume. The rest are correct for sure.

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10/19/2020 3:37 pm  #29

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

There's a colouring error in the Robin/Huntress/Kole (off panel) death scene. Can you spot?

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10/19/2020 3:38 pm  #30

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #7 Crisis on Infinite Earths Index

10 Nighthawk, Earth 1 (I think)


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