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1/10/2020 8:57 am  #1

Official Index to the Marvel Universe #6

Historical info from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels

Mar 24, 2009, 11:03 pm

Coming from Marvel in June...

Written by VARIOUS

Continuing the chronicle of the Marvel Universe, starting with Spider-Man (from Amazing Spider-Man Annual #18 on), Iron Man (from Iron Man #183 on) and the X-Men (from Uncanny X-Men #253 on). Follow the history of the Marvel universe as it unfolds month by month with the All-New Official Index to the Marvel Universe. Each issue provides synopses for dozens of individual comics, including back-up strips, introducing you to the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, providing vital information about first appearances, where they last showed up and where they appeared next!

64 PGS./Rated A …$3.99


Jun 3, 2009, 02:27 pm

Haven't read this yet, but I flipped through it. Thanks for the shout out!!!

Sidney Osinga

Jun 5, 2009, 12:37 am

Once again, here's my list of what was covered:

Amazing Spider-Man #s 245 to 286
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #s 17 to 20
Iron Man #s 170 to 214
Iron Man Annual #s 6 to 8
Uncanny X-Men #s 230 to 268
Uncanny X-Men Annual #s 12 to 14
Also included was a one page write up about the chronology of the Inferno crossover.

One thing I'd like to point out. The sergeant in Amazing Spider-Man #268 resembled Duke from the G.I.Joe series, and I believe that should have been noted.

Also, in Destiny's vision in Uncanny X-Men #254, there are images of the Fantastic Four and Sunspot, Magik, and Cannonball of the New Mutants. Shouldn't those be list under Other Characters?


Jun 24, 2009, 09:11 am

Some possible errors:

Joseph Threetrees is listed as first appearing in both ASM #272 and 273. Each one also lists RH #6, '99 as his last chronological appearance.

Polaris is not listed as appearing in UXM #254.

In X-Men Annual #12, it mentions Sir Hogg as having his first appearance. However, a previous Index mentioned that his first appearance was Iron Man #111. Perhaps this was his first chronological appearance? Or there are multiple Sir Hoggs?

Ok, this one's tricky. Havok is not listed as appearing in the first story of X-Men Annual #13. He's on the cover, and he is listed as appearing in the 2nd story, which takes place before the first. The 2nd story also takes place before UXM #245, and the 245 entry mentions him next in Ann #13 (presumably the first story). Also, Wolverine's mention in the Ann #13 entry mentions him appearing in the Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown limited series before UXM #246, but Havok doesn't have that anywhere I could find.

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