Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/10/2020 3:03 pm  #1

Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain Amer10

Historical text from Comixfan:

Zachary J. Morrison

Nov 16, 2010, 04:23 pm

Coming from Marvel in February...

Written by VARIOUS

The chronicle of the Marvel Universe returns as the All-New Official Index to the Marvel Universe delves into the history of three more of Marvel’s most enduring titles! Return with us to the Silver and Golden Ages to we launch our coverage of the Avengers (from Avengers #345), Thor (from Thor #460), and Captain America (from both Captain America #387 and 1941’s Captain America Comics #32). Watch the Marvel universe’s history unfold month by month as each issue provides synopses for dozens of individual comics, including back-up strips, introducing the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, providing vital information about first appearances, where they last showed up and where they appeared next!

64 PGS./Rated A …$3.99

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 2, 2011, 04:36 pm

In this issue:

Avengers#322-347 (1990-1992) This passes the 1990s series
Avengers Annual#19-20 (1990-1991) This will pass the 1990s series next issue
Captain America Comics#33-34 (1943-1944)
Captain America#367-386 (1990-1991)
Captain America Annual#9 (1990)
Errata from Sidney Osinga & Dr Goodwrench
Thor#449-502 (1992-1996) (title left out of 486)
Thor Annual#18-19 (1993-1994)
Thor: The Legend (1996)#1
Journey into Mystery (1996-1997)#503 (title left off)-510

Hope the errors above have been spotted in time for the trade in a couple months!

Index Master List updated accordingly: http://saneinsanities.blogspot.com/2...ster-list.html

Stuart V

Feb 2, 2011, 06:22 pm

By titles, do you mean issue numbers or story titles? I'm confused, because they are there in the pdfs we proofed, which means that if they are absent in the printed issue they somehow got cut after we finished proofchecking the issue, and at that stage there shouldn't be any amendments being made to the files. If something like that has happened, I'd want to get on it asap to prevent it reoccuring.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

In this issue:

Avengers#322-347 (1990-1992) This passes the 1990s series
Avengers Annual#19-20 (1990-1991) This will pass the 1990s series next issue
Captain America Comics#33-34 (1943-1944)
Captain America#367-386 (1990-1991)
Captain America Annual#9 (1990)
Errata from Sidney Osinga & Dr Goodwrench
Thor#449-502 (1992-1996) (title left out of 486)
Thor Annual#18-19 (1993-1994)
Thor: The Legend (1996)#1
Journey into Mystery (1996-1997)#503 (title left off)-510

Hope the errors above have been spotted in time for the trade in a couple months!

Index Master List updated accordingly: http://saneinsanities.blogspot.com/2...ster-list.html

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 2, 2011, 06:41 pm

Stuart V wrote:

By titles, do you mean issue numbers or story titles? I'm confused, because they are there in the pdfs we proofed, which means that if they are absent in the printed issue they somehow got cut after we finished proofchecking the issue, and at that stage there shouldn't be any amendments being made to the files. If something like that has happened, I'd want to get on it asap to prevent it reoccuring.

The former (the dates are present but the THOR#486 and JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY#503 parts are missing). So at least the only missing text can be deduced in context.


Feb 3, 2011, 06:40 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

In this issue:

Errata from Sidney Osinga & Dr Goodwrench

Obviously, this was my favourite bit. Although I'd like to highlight that only one of those corrections was mine.

Norman Rocks

Feb 3, 2011, 11:03 pm

How do you know all the credits like letters on the covers, page specific lettering, and and non signed cover art?

Sidney Osinga

Feb 3, 2011, 11:34 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

Obviously, this was my favourite bit. Although I'd like to highlight that only one of those corrections was mine.

I feel the same way too. I love to see my name in print.

And on that point, here's an attempt to do it again. In Avengers Annual #20, in the entry for "The History of Subterranea", it references events involving Tyrannus in Davedevil Annual #4, 1976. Shouldn't it be the other Daredevil Annual #4, the one from 1989 and part of the Atlantis Attacks crossover?


Feb 6, 2011, 01:25 pm

Wait, so there were issues accidentally omitted?

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 6, 2011, 09:05 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Wait, so there were issues accidentally omitted?

No, nothing that bad, just a couple of issue captions (THOR#486 and JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY#503 ). The issues themselves are covered, they're just nameless. Maybe they were Bar with No Name variants

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