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1/10/2020 3:09 pm  #1

Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers, Thor & Captain Amer14

Historical text from Comixfan:

Zachary J. Morrison

Mar 23, 2011, 02:18 am

Coming from Marvel in June...

Written by VARIOUS

The chronicle of the Marvel Universe continues its coverage of the Avengers (from 1999’s Avengers #13) and Captain America (from both 2004’s Captain America #24 and 1944’s Captain America Comics #43). Watch the Marvel universe’s history unfold month by month as we provide synopses for dozens of individual comics, including back-up strips — introducing the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within with vital information about first appearances, where they last showed up and where they appeared next!

64 PGS./Rated A …$3.99

Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 23, 2011, 11:16 am

Interesting. This means that the Cap tpb of the previous month collects material before it comes out in standard comic format. Will be interesting to see how the Index handles the late 2000s Avengers titles. New Avengers is generally considered the true successor of Avengers, but now you have an Avengers and a New Avengers title. Plus Mighty Avengers, at least at first, felt closer to a traditional Avengers book than did New Avengers.

Roger Ott

Mar 23, 2011, 03:10 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Will be interesting to see how the Index handles the late 2000s Avengers titles. New Avengers is generally considered the true successor of Avengers, but now you have an Avengers and a New Avengers title. Plus Mighty Avengers, at least at first, felt closer to a traditional Avengers book than did New Avengers.

Yeah, I've often wondered what mental hoops are going to have to be jumped through to figure out the number system if they ever decide to take Avengers back to the original numbering (which I hope they do).

Iron Man was a lot of fun, and some people still disagree with how it was done.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 1, 2011, 05:32 pm

In this issue:
Avengers (1998-2001) 11-18, 0, 19-36
Avengers Annual (1999-2000) 1999-2000

And, reprinted from the Captain America trade, albeit by 1 week:
Captain America Comics (1944-1945) 42-48
Captain America (2004) 28-32
Captain America (2005-2009) 1-50
Captain America 65th Anniversary Special (2006) nn
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America (2007) 1-5
Captain Amierca (2009) 600-601
Captain America: Reborn (2009-2010)
Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield? (2010) 1

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