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10/24/2020 12:57 am  #91

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

96 Laurel Hedare, Catwoman


10/24/2020 12:59 am  #92

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

7 Agent Liberty, Supergirl


10/24/2020 1:02 am  #93

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

111 Overgirl (Kara Zor-El of Earth X), Supergirl


10/24/2020 1:03 am  #94

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

29 Tempus, Lois and Clark


10/24/2020 1:06 am  #95

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

92 Shame, 1960s Batman


10/24/2020 1:14 am  #96

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

33 Poison Ivy, Gotham


10/24/2020 1:16 am  #97

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

78 Dr. Sivana, Legends of the Superheroes


10/24/2020 1:18 am  #98

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

19 Reverse Flash, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow


10/24/2020 1:21 am  #99

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

51 Zoom, CW Flash


10/24/2020 6:16 am  #100

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

Everyone so far correct. First post updated

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10/24/2020 6:36 am  #101

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

94 Dark Arrow (Earth X), Arrow


10/24/2020 6:38 am  #102

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

90 Clock King, Flash and Arrow


10/24/2020 6:41 am  #103

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

86 Barbara Kean, Gotham


10/24/2020 6:46 am  #104

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

93 Tobias Whale, Black Lightning


10/24/2020 6:54 am  #105

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

88 Beebo, Legends of Tomorrow and others.
Though I admit to being confused why he's among the villains. I don't recall him ever being a bad guy.


10/24/2020 6:57 am  #106

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

98 Lionel Luthor, Smallville. I am not certain on this one, purely because there's another image that could be him, and both are small enough for me to not be certain which one is definitely him. However, overall I think this looks closer to him, so:


10/24/2020 7:26 am  #107

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

Those are correct. There was a villainous Beebo in Crisis on Infinite Earths part 5. I think I know which other image you're thinking of and I can enlarge it if you'd like now that there's a lot of blank space on the board.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/24/2020 7:28 am)

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10/24/2020 9:50 am  #108

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Those are correct. There was a villainous Beebo in Crisis on Infinite Earths part 5. I think I know which other image you're thinking of and I can enlarge it if you'd like now that there's a lot of blank space on the board.

Yeah, I think if the option is available to enlarge the remaining images, that might help.


10/24/2020 10:36 am  #109

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

Loki wrote:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Those are correct. There was a villainous Beebo in Crisis on Infinite Earths part 5. I think I know which other image you're thinking of and I can enlarge it if you'd like now that there's a lot of blank space on the board.

Yeah, I think if the option is available to enlarge the remaining images, that might help.

Okay, done. For some reason I wasn't able to find the earlier image for 8 (probably the character you were alluding to), but he's so obscure I don't mind giving a clue there via a different image.

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10/24/2020 10:38 am  #110

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

That definitely helps.
49 Firefly, Gotham


10/24/2020 10:40 am  #111

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

60 Killer Moth, Batman 60s


10/24/2020 10:41 am  #112

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

109 Zod, Krypton


10/24/2020 10:50 am  #113

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

I'll update the list later after there are a few more responses. Most of those are correct. However, Killer Moth didn't quite appear on Batman, though you're in the ballpark. Right character, wrong source, though very close.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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10/24/2020 10:51 am  #114

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

16 Mirror Mistress, CW Flash


10/24/2020 10:53 am  #115

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains


10/24/2020 11:04 am  #116

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

91 Mr Mxyzptlk, Lois and Clark


10/24/2020 11:24 am  #117

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I'll update the list later after there are a few more responses. Most of those are correct. However, Killer Moth didn't quite appear on Batman, though you're in the ballpark. Right character, wrong source, though very close.

It's strictly speaking a 1967 ABC Network presentation/Batgirl pilot, but it's set in the Batman 66 universe and included on the DVD set.


10/24/2020 11:28 am  #118

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

8 Toyman, Wonder Woman TV series


10/24/2020 11:37 am  #119

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

97 Brother Blood, Arrow


10/24/2020 11:42 am  #120

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #11 DC Live Action - Villains

62 Toyman (Sr), Supergirl


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