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1/10/2020 3:50 pm  #1

Wolverine, Punisher & Ghost Rider: Official Index to the Marvel Unive8

Historical text from Comixfan:

Sidney Osinga

Mar 28, 2012, 05:02 pm

Didn't see a thread for this book, so I'll start one. It came out today, so here's its contents:

Punisher (2009) #s 13-15
Franken-Castle #s 16-21
Punisher: In the Blood #s 1-5
Punisher (2011) #s 1-9
Punisher Summer Special #s 1-4
Punisher Back to School Special #s 1-3
Punisher Holiday Special #s 1-3
Punisher: P.O.V. #s 1-4
Punisher/Captain America: Blood & Glory #s 1-3
Punisher: Ghosts of Innocents #s 1,2
Punisher: the Origin of Microchip #1,2
Wolverine and the Punisher: Damaging Evidence #s 1-3
Punisher: Year One #s 1-4
Punisher/spider-Man: Family Plot #s 1,2
Marvel Graphic Novel: the Punisher, Assassin’s Guild
Epic Graphic Novel: the Punisher – Return to Big Nothing
Punisher: Intruder
Classic Punisher # 1
The Punisher, Kingdom Gone
The Punisher: No Escape
Punisher: the Prize
Punisher: Bloodlines
The Punisher: Blood on the Moors

Wolverine: Flies to a Spider
Wolverine: Switchback
Wolverine (2003) #s 66-74
Rampaging Wolverine
Wolverine: the Anniversary
Free Comic Book Day: Wolverine – Origin of an X-Man
Wolverine: Revolver
Wolverine: Weapon X #s 1-16
Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Size
Dark Reign: the List - Wolverine
Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk
Wolverine: Wendigo!
Wolverine: Savage
Wolverine: Mr. X
Wolverine (2010) # 900, 1-5
Wolverine: Road to Hell

In the note for Punisher #5 (Jan. 2012), shouldn’t it have been mentioned that the variant cover is a homage to New Mutants #87?
In the entries, for Punisher: Ghosts of Innocents, the title is spelt Punisher: Ghots of Innocents in the title line.

Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 28, 2012, 07:27 pm

Franken-Castle (ugh) actually begins with #17, not 16

A moment of silence now for a great Marvel reference series. You will be missed. At least there's still two more trades to come!

Sidney Osinga

Apr 1, 2012, 10:10 pm

I found two mistakes in the entry fro Punisher Back to School #2. In the synopsis for the 4th story, Castle is misspelt with a small c. In the final note, it says the pin-up features Punisher pumping off a plane's wings. I assume that it meant to say jumping.

In Punisher: P.O.V. #2, the word calls in the third line is misspelt cals.

In Punisher: P.O.V. #3, Carol is misspelt Caro once.

In Punisher/Captain America: Blood & Glory #3, Kane is misspelt Kaine once.

Sidney Osinga

Apr 3, 2012, 02:16 am

Another mistake. In the entry for Punisher: Year One #3, the word good is misspelt goos.

Who did the proofreading for this book?

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