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10/25/2020 3:41 am  #1

Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

This college is devoted to non-superheroes (or quasi-superheroes at best, no costumes or powers, though some might have advanced skills) and other basically decent types. Some of the below may have at times been villains or at least at odds with a hero but are overall good people (or at least see themselves as do-gooders). 146 characters this round, very few of whom wear any distinct costumes and some of whom are doppelgangers of each other, so this should be pretty easy. Some such characters are being held to the massive over 200 character grab bag round but most (though not all) of the really major such characters are in this round.

Rules I'm playing by this round (note rule 7):
1. If a particular version of a character was played by multiple actors, only one actor is used, not always my own favourite.
2. Conversely the same actor can appear in multiple rules, even in the same continuity.
3. Again, reformed villains okay as long as they weren't in the earlier quizzes.
4. Characters originating in the show or movie are okay.
5. If not created for the show or movie, characters must have been owned by National/DC at the time of the production, as opposed to another comics company.
6. This list doesn't have to be comprehensive. in fact due to space and time, lots of great characters got left out, and some are being held to the grab bag round.
7. I will add in larger versions of images upon request, but not all 146 of them as I will be wanting to hunt down the image again to keep it a decent resolution..

Found so far:
1. Lois Lane, Superman serials
2. Commissioner Gordon, 1960s Batman series
3. Tina McGee, 1990-1991 Flash series
4. Alfred Pennyworth, Dark Knight movie trilogy
5. Harvey Bullock, Gotham series
6. Lois Lane, Superman vs. the Mole Men, Adventures of Superman series
7. Lana Lang, Superman III
8. Martha Kent, Smallville series
9. Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman movie
10. Jimmy Olsen, Lois & Clark series
11. Iris West, Arrowverse, mainly modern Flash series
12. Jim Gordon, Gotham series
13. Julio Mendez, 1990-1991 Flash series
14. Inspector Bill Henderson, Adventures of Superman series
15. Jonathan Kent, Lois & Clark series
16. Christopher Chance, 1990s Human Target series
17. Perry White, 1978-2006 Superman movie series
18. Tony Bellows, 1990-1991 Flash series
19. Christopbher Chance, 2000s Human Target series
21. Alfred, Batman serials
22. Jay Allen, Flash 1990 pilot
23. Henry Allen, 1990-1991 Flash series
24. Joe West, Arrowverse, mainly modern Flash
25. Bill Henderson, Black Lightning series
26. Alfred Pennyworth, 1960s batman series
27. Perry White, Lois & Clark series
28. Michael Murphy, 1990-1991 Flash series
29. James Gordon, Dark Knight trilogy
30. Lana Lang, Smallville series
31. Peter Gambi, Black Lightning series
32. Jimmy Olsen, Arrowverse, Supergirl series
33. Chloe Sullivan, Smallville series
34. Cat Grant, Lois & Clark series
35. Leslie "Lee'" Thompkins, Gotham series
36. Jimmy Olsen, 1978-2006 Superman movie series
37. Jonathan Kent, Smallville series
38. Lois Lane, Lois & Clark series
39. Patty Spivot, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
40. Aunt Harriet Cooper, 1960s Batman series
41. Julio Mendez or Flashpoint timeline, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
42. Alfred Pennyworth, Pennyworth series
43. Jimmy Olsen, Adventures of Superman series
45. Lois Lane, Arrwovese, mainly Elseworld/Crisis on Infinite Earths events, upcoming Superman and Lois series
46. Vicki Vale, 1989 movie
47. HR Wells (Earth-19), Arrowverse, modern Flash series
48. Alexander Knox, 1989 Batman movie
49. Jacob Kane, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
50. Whitney Fordman, Smallville
51. Moira Queen of Earth-2, Arrwoverse, arrow series
52. Amanada Waller, Arrwoverse, Arrow series
53. Tommy Merlyn, Arrowverse, Arrow series
54. Seg-Elk, Krypton series
55. Lena Luthor, Arrowvdese, mainly Supergirl series
56. Gary Green, Arrowverse, mainly Legends of Tomorrow
57. Cat Grant, Arrowverse, Supergirl series
58. Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman series
59. Martha Kent, Lois & Clark series
60. Lana Lang, Superboy series
61. Amanda Waller, Green Lantern movie
62. Felicity Smoak, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
63. Harrison Wells, Earth-2, Arrowverse, mainly modern Flash series
64. Henry James "Jimmy" Olsen, Smallville series
65. Lynn Stewart/Pierce, Black Lightning
66. Alfred Pennyworth, Gotham series
67. Chief Miles O'Hara, 1960s Batman series
68. Jim Gordon, DCEU, Justice league movie
69. Amanda Waller, Suicide Squad movie
70.Eve Welch, Wonder Woman series
71. Amanda Waller, Smallville series
72. Alex Danvers, Arrowverse, mainly Supergirl series
73, Sherloque Wells (Earth-221), Arrowverse, modern Flash series
74. Dr. Chase Meridian, Batman Forever
75. Etta Candy, Wonder Woman series
76. Pete Ross, Smallville series
77.Iris West, 1990 Flash Pilot
78. Alfred Pennyworth, 1989-1997 Batman movie series
79. Perry White, Adventures of Superman series
80. Tina McGee, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
81. Walter Steele, Arrowverse, Arrow series
82. Lois Lane, 1978-2006 Superman movie series
83. Nora Allen, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
84. Jor-El, 1978-2006 Superman movie series
85. Hawkman's mother, Legends of the Superheroes miniseries
86. Crispus Allen, Gotham series
87. Renee Montoya, Gotham series
88. Lyta-Zod, Krypton series
89. Lois Lane, Smallville series
90. Beth Kane of (likely) Earth-99, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
91. Mary Hamilton, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
92. Eddie Thawne, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
93. Megan Lockhart, 1990-1991 Flash series
94. Henry Allen, Arrowvese, modern Flash series
95. Alura Zor-El, Arrowverse, Supergirl series
96. Jor-El, Smallville series
97. Julia Pennyworth, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
98. Ava Sharpe, Arrowverse, Legends of Tomorrow
99. Hippolya, Wonder Woman series
100. Dinah Lance, Arrowverse, Arrow series
101.Ruby Arias, Arrowverse, Supergirl series
102. Jor-El, DCEU, Man of Steel
103. Moira Queen, Arrowverse, Arrow series
104. Winn Schott, Arrowvese, Supergirl series
105. Sophie Moore, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
106. Mentor, Shazam! series
107. Nora Allen, 1990-1991 Flash series
108. Joan Williams of Earth-3, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
109. Jonathan Kent, DCEU, mainly Man of Steel
110. Jor-El, Lois & Clark series
111, Nyssa-Vex, Krypton series
112. Jor-El/Vor-Vex, Krypton series
113. Eliza Danvers, Arrowervse, Supergirl series
114. Anatoli Knyazev, Arrroeverse, Arrow series
115. Lois Lane, BCEU, mainly Man of Steel & Batman v Superman
116. Joe Kline, 1990-1991 Flash series
117. Lucius Fox, Gotham series
118. David Singh, Arrowverse, mainly Flash series
119. Allegra Garcia, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
120. Mayson Drake, Lois & Clark series
121. Luke Fox, Arrowverse, Batwoman series
122. Linda Page, Batman serial
123. Mayor John Linseed, 1960s Batman series
124. Laverne Winston, 2000s Human Target series
125. Jesse Reese, Birds of Prey series
126. Alfred Pennyworth, Birds of Prey series
127. Virgil Swann, Smallville series
128. Alica Cable, Swamp Thing movie
129. Sophie Dumond, Joker movie
130. Vicki Vale, Batman and Robin serial
131. Lt. Warren Garfield, 1990-1991 Flash series
132.Quentin Lance, Arrowverse, mainly Arrow series
133. Julian Albert, Arrowverse, modern Flash series
134. James Bartholemew "Jimmy" Olsen, Smallville series
135. Lucy Lane, Arrowvese, Supergirl series
136. Lita, Arrowvese, Legends of Tomorrow series
138. Lily Stein, Arrowverse, mainly Legends of Tomorrow
139. Barry Allen of Earth-2, Arrwovese, modern Flash series
140. Hippolyta, DCEU, Wonder Woman movie
141. Emily Locke, Powerless series
142. Connor Hawke, Arrowverse, mainly Arrow series
143. Etta Candy, DCEU, Wonder Woman movie
144. William Clayton, Arrowvese, Arrow series
145. Lucius Fox, Dark Knight movie trilogy
146. Lucy Lane, Smallville series
147. Adam Strange, Krypton series


Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (11/01/2020 5:58 am)

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10/25/2020 6:34 am  #2

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

1 Lois Lane (1940s Superman serials)


10/25/2020 6:36 am  #3

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

2 Commissioner Gordon (1960s Batman series)


10/25/2020 6:40 am  #4

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

4 Alfred Pennyworth (Nolan Batman films)


10/25/2020 6:43 am  #5

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

6 Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman)


10/25/2020 6:47 am  #6

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

7 Lana Lang (Superman III)


10/25/2020 6:51 am  #7

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

8 Martha Kent (Smallville)


10/25/2020 6:54 am  #8

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

13 Julio Mendez (1990s Flash series)


10/25/2020 6:57 am  #9

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

20 Perry White (Reeve Superman films)


10/25/2020 6:58 am  #10

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

17 Perry White (Lois & Clark)


10/25/2020 7:00 am  #11

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

27 Perry White (DCEU)


10/25/2020 7:02 am  #12

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

26 Alfred (1960s Batman series)


10/25/2020 7:05 am  #13

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

29 James Gordon (Nolan Batman films)


10/25/2020 7:08 am  #14

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

36 Jimmy Olsen (Reeve Superman films)


10/25/2020 7:10 am  #15

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

37 Jonathan Kent (Smallville)


10/25/2020 7:13 am  #16

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

38 Lois Lane (Lois & Clark)


10/25/2020 7:15 am  #17

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

46 Vicki Vale (1989 Batman film)


10/25/2020 7:17 am  #18

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

48 Alexander Knox (1989 Batman film)


10/25/2020 7:20 am  #19

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

84 Jor-El (Reeve Superman films)


10/25/2020 7:22 am  #20

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

82 Lois Lane (Reeve Superman films)


10/25/2020 7:25 am  #21

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

74 Dr. Chase Meridian (Batman Forever)


10/25/2020 7:29 am  #22

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

78 Alfred Pennyworth (80s-90s Batman films)


10/25/2020 7:33 am  #23

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

109 Jonathan Kent (DCEU)


10/25/2020 7:37 am  #24

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

145 Lucius Fox (Nolan Batman films)


10/25/2020 7:40 am  #25

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

140 Hippolyta (DCEU)


10/25/2020 7:45 am  #26

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

67 Chief Miles O'Hara (1960s Batman series)


10/25/2020 8:46 am  #27

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

1 and 6 are incorrect but both of them are very very close. It should be very easy for you to correct those two. The rest are correct.

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10/25/2020 8:51 am  #28

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

1 and 6 are incorrect but both of them are very very close. It should be very easy for you to correct those two. The rest are correct.

1. Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman 2nd–6th seasons)
6. Lois Lane (Superman and the Mole Men)


10/25/2020 8:55 am  #29

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

zuckyd1 wrote:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

1 and 6 are incorrect but both of them are very very close. It should be very easy for you to correct those two. The rest are correct.

1. Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman 2nd–6th seasons)
6. Lois Lane (Superman and the Mole Men)

That's not quite it. Remember, every continuity is only counted once, and Mole Men is in the same continuity as the main series. What's a much simpler correction you could make to your earlier guesses?

Don't overthink these two and you'll get them both no problem.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/25/2020 9:11 am)

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10/25/2020 12:59 pm  #30

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #12 DC Live Action - Non-Supers/Allies

Actually, it looks like Google Image Search let me down: The intent was Phyllis Coates as TV Lois for 1 and Noell Neill as serial Lois for 6. Instead, Google Image in fact gave me the opposite results. Apologies, so those two are correct the first time after all

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