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1/04/2020 8:48 pm  #1

OHOTMU - Women of Marvel 2005

Historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom
Jan 31, 2010, 07:05 pm

Once again, a thread devoted to this volume either never existed or got wiped out, so I'm creating/reviving this thread to discuss changes to the entries in the hardcovers.

This time it's ladies' night out. Lots of women changed or dropped their code names since this volume and one switched back to being a male.

Women of Marvel 2005 – List of Changes in Hardcovers

All: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories. Origin/Significant Issues at back of book removed

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned)

Black Widow
Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Yelena Belova
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. Power Grid Revised
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Sharon Carter
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics a little revised. History considerably revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 Main illo removed; new main illo with 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Power Grid tweaked.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised and expanded. New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos added (3 captioned).

Dark Angel
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2 (note that a misprint starts half way into the entry, then both parts appear together once the misprint ends)
Text Changes: Aliases tweaked. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised and expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Dazzler (Blaire)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, reaplced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised and expanded. Hair revised. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. All History paragraphs merged except the last sentence which starts the new lengthy final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories expanded.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Original illo no longer cropped; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics extensively revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely and extensively revised/expanded. Strength on Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 6 secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Aliases, Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History and mostly (not completely) revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation and First Appearance expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Jennifer Kale
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos.

Misty Knight
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: ital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo replaced with new main illo and secondary illo.

Lucy in the Sky
Hardcover Volume: 3
Now Listed As: Karolina Dean
Page Count: unchanged from 1
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Education clarified. History and Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Now Listed As: Amanda Sefton
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly rewritten/expanded. Speed and Durability on power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Hardcover Volume: 1
Now Listed As: Beyonder
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics, History, Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old Illo removed; new main illo and 7 captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded (old text still present, but greatly added to). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories replaced with new, expanded text. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 7 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Millie the Model
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/greatly expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (s0ome old text still present). Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned), followed by 42 new headshots of supporting characters (22 co-workers and 20 relatives), complete with role in Millie’s life and First Appearances.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Aliases, Group Affiliation, First Appearance revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (small amount of old text still present). Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New captioned main illo and 14 new secondary illos (13 captioned, of which 3 share the same caption).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Durability, Energy Projection, Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Eyes and Hair revised.
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Puck (Yu)
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Known Relatives and Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo.

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives Group Affiliation revised (mostly minor changes). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned). Main illo credit inadvertently removed.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Scarlet Witch
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 13 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary. New main illlo and 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Shanna the She-Devil
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Strength and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Silver Sable
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 3 new captioned secondary illos.

Sister Grimm
Hardcover Volume: 7
Now Listed As: Nico Minoru
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Aliases, Known Relatives revised, Education clarified. Old History paragraphs merged, then lengthy new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories a little review,
Graphic Changes: Top of staff no longer cropped.

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Physical Statistics tweaked. Strength and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 4 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded (the latter now a full page of text). Hair tweaked. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illlo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History complete rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories almost completely revised/expanded. Speed and Durability on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 11
Now Listed As: Spider-Woman (Drew)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Eyes and Hairs stats inadvertently reversed. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo and 6 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

Thor Girl
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed, Durability, and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: Valkyrie (Parrington)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History greatly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo moved to the Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) entry. New main illo and 3 new secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Now Listed As: Dallas Riordan
Page Count: unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary. New main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 6 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

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