Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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11/12/2020 7:18 am  #181

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

59 Bullseye, Netflix Daredevil


11/12/2020 7:20 am  #182

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

81 Murakami, Defenders


11/12/2020 7:22 am  #183

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

90 Glenn Talbot, 2003 Hulk (you won't like him when he's Ang Lee)



11/12/2020 7:26 am  #184

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

175 Johann Fennhoff, Agent Carter


11/12/2020 7:32 am  #185

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

164 Shocker (Herman Schultz), Spider-Man Homecoming


11/12/2020 7:33 am  #186

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

68 Azazel, X-Men First Class


11/12/2020 7:37 am  #187

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

149 Ghost, Ant-Man and the Wasp


11/12/2020 8:24 am  #188

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

Those are all correct. Will update the list in a moment. If anyone hasn't played yet but is thinking of doing so, there are still some pretty prominent villains left on the board.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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11/12/2020 8:49 am  #189

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Those are all correct. Will update the list in a moment. If anyone hasn't played yet but is thinking of doing so, there are still some pretty prominent villains left on the board.

I know I'm not supposed to guess again until tomorrow, but I'm fairly sure 178 is Kevin McAllister from Home Alone.


11/12/2020 1:48 pm  #190

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

Everyone except Loki has 30 rounds again.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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11/13/2020 4:39 am  #191

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

66 Grant Ward, Agents of Hydra


11/13/2020 4:40 am  #192

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

76 Ayesha, Guardians of the Galaxy 2


11/13/2020 4:42 am  #193

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

77 Vulture, Spider-Man Homecoming


11/13/2020 4:43 am  #194

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

78 Hela, Thor Ragnarok


11/13/2020 4:45 am  #195

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

80 Ian Quinn, Agents of SHIELD


11/13/2020 4:46 am  #196

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

97 Sam Sterns, Incredible Hulk


11/13/2020 4:47 am  #197

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

100 Sebastian Shaw, X-Men First Class


11/13/2020 4:47 am  #198

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

108 Rhino, Amazing Spider-Man 2


11/13/2020 4:50 am  #199

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

111 James Wesley, Netflix Daredevil


11/13/2020 4:53 am  #200

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

115 Doctor Doom, Kranktastic Four. At least, I'm assuming that's meant to be him, as that's the only version not already accounted for afaik, even though Krank's version didn't look anywhere as near to the comics' version as the image used in the collage does.


11/13/2020 4:54 am  #201

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

116 Psylocke, X-Men Apocalypse


11/13/2020 4:56 am  #202

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

118 Donald Pierce, Logan


11/13/2020 4:58 am  #203

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

119 Holden Radcliffe, Agents of SHIELD


11/13/2020 4:59 am  #204

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

120 Taserface, Guardians of the Galaxy 2


11/13/2020 5:01 am  #205

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

126 Sunil Bakshi, Agents of SHIELD


11/13/2020 6:39 am  #206

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

All those are correct and will update the list in a moment. That image did turn up labelled as Trank's Doom in an image search. We know that the guy in the purple hood can't be Kevin because the body count would be a lot higher if it was him. Stern was the case mentioned in the intro where the character only really became a villain in his final scene.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)
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11/13/2020 9:19 am  #207

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

129 Harry "New Goblin" Osborn, Raimi Spider-Man trilogy


11/13/2020 9:19 am  #208

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

144 Green Goblin (Harry Osborn), Amazing Spider-Man 2


11/13/2020 9:21 am  #209

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

135 Daniel Whitehall, Agents of SHIELD


11/13/2020 9:23 am  #210

Re: Gotta catch 'em all challenge #16 Marvel Live: Villains

140 Felix Blake, Agents of SHIELD


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