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Historical text from Comixfan:
Eric J. Moreels
Oct 12, 2007, 08:25 pm
Coming from Marvel Comics in November...
MARVEL ATLAS #1 (of 2)
Penciled by ELIOT R. BROWN
Walk through Marvel's Earth with the first-ever official atlas! In the first half of this indispensable guide, travel through Europe, Asia and the Pacific with digestible in-depth features including: the splendor of Dr. Doom's Latveria! The wonders of Muir Island! The glory of Silver Sable's homeland Symkaria! The urban squalor of Madripoor! The underwater marvels of Lemuria! From the shores of Ireland to the ocean's very depths, it's all mapped out for you courtesy of handbook legend Eliot R. Brown (PUNISHER ARMORY, IRON MANUAL)!
64 PGS./Rated A …$3.99
Oct 27, 2007, 08:22 am
Do you guys already know when issue #2 will come out?
Michael Hoskin
Oct 31, 2007, 05:24 pm
Rayeye wrote:
Do you guys already know when issue #2 will come out?
I know when it is supposed to come out, if that's any reassurance.
William Keogh
Oct 31, 2007, 06:01 pm
Usually the end of the month. I don't recall a problem with lateness with the Handbook staff. :clap:
Andy E. Nystrom
Oct 31, 2007, 10:15 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Usually the end of the month. I don't recall a problem with lateness with the Handbook staff. :clap:
Joke notwithstanding that's actually a very good point. There's a huge amount of text in these suckers which must involve a ton of research, yet every month sees a new Handbook on time like clockwork. Given how many comics do come out late (and in fairness lateness sometimes does have good reason) the Handbook writers should all be congratulated on their maintaining a monthly schedule.
Madison Carter
Nov 1, 2007, 05:23 am
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Joke notwithstanding that's actually a very good point. There's a huge amount of text in these suckers which must involve a ton of research, yet every month sees a new Handbook on time like clockwork. Given how many comics do come out late (and in fairness lateness sometimes does have good reason) the Handbook writers should all be congratulated on their maintaining a monthly schedule.
Thank you. We try our best to keep things on-schedule. I can only think of one of "our" books that was delayed, and that was due to it being part of Civil War and we all know what happened there.
Roger Ott
Nov 1, 2007, 10:09 am
I would like to second the congratulations. In an industry that seems to give lateness a badge of honor these days, ("Hey fans, it's late but it'll be worth it!"), I commend the professionalism of the Handbook staff for getting things done in a consistently timely manner.
Plus, I'm so addicted to these books now that if I had to wait more than a month between issues, I'd probably start going into withdrawals.
Sidney Osinga
Nov 1, 2007, 05:24 pm
Talking about the lateness problem, there hasn't been any late books lately. Then again, I don't think I can think of any late books except for Spider-Man: Back in Black (which was about one month lat, I think) and the 80's and 90's Legacy books (which were three months late).
Roger Ott
Nov 13, 2007, 12:22 am
I'm getting really stoked about this upcoming Handbook. Only a couple more weeks! Any word on when issue #2 is supposed to come out?
Michael Hoskin
Nov 20, 2007, 11:33 am
Roger Ott wrote:
I'm getting really stoked about this upcoming Handbook. Only a couple more weeks! Any word on when issue #2 is supposed to come out?
You'll find an ad for #2 in the back of #1!
Michael Hoskin
Nov 22, 2007, 01:47 pm
Marvel.com has had a preview up for issue#1 which I only just found: _Atlas
Roger Ott
Nov 25, 2007, 07:44 pm
Oh, wow, that is some great looking stuff! I cannot wait to get my hands on this!
Andy E. Nystrom
Nov 26, 2007, 11:55 am
I like the 3-fold approach to the art in the preview entry: broad map of a section of Europe depicting Latveria's location, a map of Latveria itself, and art from the comics depicting Latveria. I hope most other entries follow a similar approach where space permits.
Roger Ott
Nov 26, 2007, 12:39 pm
Also of note is the inclusion of what I'm assuming is the flag of Latveria in the pic that shows the European location. That's a nice touch, and I look forward to seeing what others nations' flags are.
William Keogh
Nov 26, 2007, 06:25 pm
Needless to say, we're all looking forward to this, though I find it odd that no one's done the usual Who's That on the cover as of yet. Fairly easy this time out, as we've got Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, High Evolutionary, Doctor Doom, Captain Britain, Union Jack, Nightcrawler, Black Widow, Colossus, Elektra, Sunfire, Silver Samurai, and Batroc, but is that Mercury in the upper right? And who are the remaining two? :dunno:
Nov 26, 2007, 06:27 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Needless to say, we're all looking forward to this, though I find it odd that no one's done the usual Who's That on the cover as of yet. Fairly easy this time out, as we've got Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, High Evolutionary, Doctor Doom, Captain Britain, Union Jack, Nightcrawler, Black Widow, Colossus, Elektra, Sunfire, Silver Samurai, and Batroc, but is that Mercury in the upper right? And who are the remaining two? :dunno:
Actually, we did. But those posts were lost during the forum crash.
And I think it's not Mercury, but Ikaris. And remaining two are Red Guardian and perhaps the Collective Man.
Stuart V
Nov 26, 2007, 06:38 pm
Rayeye wrote:
Actually, we did. But those posts were lost during the forum crash.
And I think it's not Mercury, but Ikaris. And remaining two are Red Guardian and perhaps the Collective Man.
Yes on all counts, though it should be noted that Ikaris has used the alias of Mercury, so Keogh wasn't wrong.
But can you identify which countries they represent?
Nov 27, 2007, 04:06 am
Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch/High Evolutionary : Wundagore
Doctor Doom : Latveria
Colossus/Black Widow/Red Guardian : Russia
Captain Britain/Union Jack : United Kingdom
Silver Samurai/Sunfire : Japan
Collective Man : China
Nightcrawler : Germany
Batroc : France
Elektra : Greece
Ikaris : Olympia
Nov 27, 2007, 04:14 am
Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch & High Evolutionary - Transia (High E. is actually british but I assume he is associated here with Wundagore Mountain and Transia)
Doctor Doom - Latveria
Union Jack - Great Britain
Nightcrawler - Germany
Black Widow, Colossus & Red Guardian - Russia
Elektra - Greece
Sunfire & Silver Samurai - Japan
Batroc - France
Ikaris - Russia or Greece. Ikaris was raised in Polaria (the Eternal settlement in Siberia) but he could also respresent Olympia (located in Greece)
Collective Man - China
As for Captain Britain - sorry, I have no idea...
EDIT: D'oh! Someone beat me to it! By mere minutes!
William Keogh
Nov 27, 2007, 10:07 am
Thanks, all, I'm going to do a piece in the parodies thread based on that cover, and I needed IDs on the last three.
Anyway, only twenty five or six hours until I get my hands on this issue, so.... :sigh:
Nov 27, 2007, 06:35 pm
In the map showing Latveria's location in Europe, Macedonia is conspicuously absent. Is this an error, a political statement of some sort, was it partitioned by Serbia and Greece, or is it that squished circular nation that would be in Bulgaria if this were a real map?
Stuart V
Nov 27, 2007, 07:04 pm
ToddCam wrote:
In the map showing Latveria's location in Europe, Macedonia is conspicuously absent. Is this an error, a political statement of some sort, was it partitioned by Serbia and Greece, or is it that squished circular nation that would be in Bulgaria if this were a real map?
The images shown aren't the final versions, and the final maps are a little different.
That said, the outline of some existing nations are going to be at least a little changed, as we had to fit in new countries. And I apologise now, because it's inevitable with a project as ambitious as this that we'll have messed up either a map or a historical point for some country somewhere, despite our best efforts to be as accurate as possible. I think this is a great book, an extremely worthy addition to the Handbook body and a bold new step for the Handbooks, and I hope people will enjoy it. Just, please, be gentle with us if we've committed any faux pass.
Nov 27, 2007, 07:10 pm
Oh, I figured you would have to change countries' borders, as the fictional ones have to go somewhere. I have noticed that Romania and Bulgaria are especially chopped up, but I could see that they were there. I was just curious about Macedonia, which does not seem to exist in the map. Its location is taken up by what I assume are southern Serbia and northern Greece.
I understand that this is an awesome project, and probably the one handbook I have looked forward to the most, so I really appreciate the hard work. I will probably notice any omissions, but only because I know the real world so well (I've gotten many an atlas for my birthday/Christmas).
Eric J. Moreels
Nov 28, 2007, 04:09 am
ToddCam wrote:
Oh, I figured you would have to change countries' borders, as the fictional ones have to go somewhere. I have noticed that Romania and Bulgaria are especially chopped up, but I could see that they were there. I was just curious about Macedonia, which does not seem to exist in the map. Its location is taken up by what I assume are southern Serbia and northern Greece.
I understand that this is an awesome project, and probably the one handbook I have looked forward to the most, so I really appreciate the hard work. I will probably notice any omissions, but only because I know the real world so well (I've gotten many an atlas for my birthday/Christmas).
Remember, too, that this is an Atlas of Marvel Earth, and so will differ greatly from an atlas of "real world" Earth.
If it helps, geography was one of my best subjects at high school and I've maintained my interest in it since. :yes:
William Keogh
Nov 28, 2007, 06:22 pm
Now I can't wait for March for #2..... :cloud9:
I've got the first of the two issues, though I won't be able to go through it for at least a week, and a very interesting layout, organizing the first issue with nations of Europe, Asia, and Australia/Pacific for this one. Thanks for the whole idea, everyone.
Now then, the cover for issue 2. I see, from the bottom up: Shanna, Ka-Zar, Namor, Logan, Moses Magnum, Guardian, Sasquatch, Captain America, Iron Man, Silverclaw, U.S. Agent, Black Panther, Spider-man, the Fantastic Four, and Storm. That leaves three people unidentified: the man in the bear costume with the knife, a red winged character, and the man beside Namor with a red mask and a pirate motif. Any identification on these three?
Sidney Osinga
Nov 28, 2007, 07:50 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Now I can't wait for March for #2..... :cloud9:
I've got the first of the two issues, though I won't be able to go through it for at least a week, and a very interesting layout, organizing the first issue with nations of Europe, Asia, and Australia/Pacific for this one. Thanks for the whole idea, everyone.
Now then, the cover for issue 2. I see, from the bottom up: Shanna, Ka-Zar, Namor, Logan, Moses Magnum, Guardian, Sasquatch, Captain America, Iron Man, Silverclaw, U.S. Agent, Black Panther, Spider-man, the Fantastic Four, and Storm. That leaves three people unidentified: the man in the bear costume with the knife, a red winged character, and the man beside Namor with a red mask and a pirate motif. Any identification on these three?
In order, they are Red Wolf (it's a wolf skin, not bear), Red Raven, and el Aguila. And you call yourself a comic fan.;)
I'm disappointed that Andorra was left out. Tsk tsk. Just kidding. an excellant job as usual. Will any entries (Latveria, Madripoor) be in the A-Z Premiere? And will the Atlantis entry in there be get an similar to these?
William Keogh
Nov 29, 2007, 10:11 am
Is an el Aguila a really bad drink one finds in Acapulco? :whistle:
Quick glances at the entries (which I love, by the way) brought up a couple of questions, one being serious and the second being a joke. First, might Nepal have rated an entry, since the Inhumans lived there and I thought Dr. Strange got his magical training there? Second (and this comes from having Dutch in my bloodline): No Netherlands??? Does the fact that millions of its citizens have the inherent mutant ability from birth to tread water every single time the tide comes in not count as a superhuman ability?
Nov 29, 2007, 05:57 pm
I can't get this issue till next week, but I'm dying to know which countries and places are covered, so will be there an online bibliography just like other handbooks?
William Keogh wrote:
Second (and this comes from having Dutch in my bloodline): No Netherlands??? Does the fact that millions of its citizens have the inherent mutant ability from birth to tread water every single time the tide comes in not count as a superhuman ability?
Since I'm Dutch, I guess I'm one of those lucky millions... I just found out I'm a mutant
I think I'm going to call myself the Dutch Sub-Mariner :yeah:
William Keogh
Nov 29, 2007, 06:59 pm
Rayeye wrote:
Since I'm Dutch, I guess I'm one of those lucky millions... I just found out I'm a mutant
My Dad would kill me for that high tide joke... if he could catch me, that is....
And I'm pleased to see the Peace Tower on the cover for issue #2, since it is a local thing for me...
Eric J. Moreels
Nov 30, 2007, 03:20 am
Rayeye wrote:
I can't get this issue till next week, but I'm dying to know which countries and places are covered, so will be there an online bibliography just like other handbooks?
No bibliographies for the Atlases, sorry. There will be content lists posted here and at Marvel.com shortly, though! :yes:
Andy E. Nystrom
Nov 30, 2007, 10:25 am
Unfortunately I have to wait until next week to get the Atlas if I want a discount because my dealer didn't realize it was a Handbook and didn't order any copies.
William Keogh
Nov 30, 2007, 11:36 am
Having had found the time to read some of the entries, let me pass along my compliments already to the writers, and to the cartographer for the Atlas. :cheers: I like how each entry is laid out like a typical atlas entry, though most atlases won't list superhuman residents among vital stats, and most countries don't have armor wearing tyrants running the show. :giggle: One note that I found amusing, even though it's true: that you listed Guinness as a major Irish resource. :LOL:
Michael Hoskin
Nov 30, 2007, 02:03 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Having had found the time to read some of the entries, let me pass along my compliments already to the writers, and to the cartographer for the Atlas. :cheers:
Thank you, much appreciated!
William Keogh wrote:
One note that I found amusing, even though it's true: that you listed Guinness as a major Irish resource. :LOL:
By far their most important resource, and easily my favorite aspect of their national identity!
Nov 30, 2007, 05:04 pm
Just checked the list at marvel.com, I hope I can get this issue tomorrow when I'm visiting my comic store.
Indeed no Netherlands I guess the fact that King Cobra, his nephew Cobra and Klaw were all born in the Netherlands and Amsterdam had his own X-Corpration branch is not enough to give the little country an entry.
William Keogh
Nov 30, 2007, 05:16 pm
Michael Hoskin wrote:
By far their most important resource, and easily my favorite aspect of their national identity!
And you could have added to the Irish resources The Worlds' Greatest Rock Band, even if Bono can get sanctimonious at times. :giggle:
Stuart V
Nov 30, 2007, 05:40 pm
Rayeye wrote:
Just checked the list at marvel.com, I hope I can get this issue tomorrow when I'm visiting my comic store.
Indeed no NetherlandsI guess the fact that King Cobra, his nephew Cobra and Klaw were all born in the Netherlands and Amsterdam had his own X-Corpration branch is not enough to give the little country an entry.
The Netherlands was a victim of space shortages, and only narrowly so - if we sell well I'm hoping we can campaign for a third Atlas volume to cover any countries we missed, and if that happens the Netherlands would be a sure thing. The Netherlands has a surprisingly large superhuman population for such a comparatively small country - apart from Klaw, the Cobras and X-Corporation, there's the Snow Queen, the Flying Dutchman's Ghost, Spiderman (Hans Jansen), Agent X (Nick Fury wartime ally), Hans Rooten (Howling Commandos mascot), and (not superhuman, but significant) Abraham van Helsing.
William Keogh
Nov 30, 2007, 05:53 pm
Might we assume that the Middle East might get coverage in #2? I'm thinking Israel and some of the Arab states warrant coverage...
Stuart V
Nov 30, 2007, 06:55 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Might we assume that the Middle East might get coverage in #2? I'm thinking Israel and some of the Arab states warrant coverage...
You might think that. I couldn't possibly comment.
Nov 30, 2007, 07:59 pm
I'm not yet finished, but I noticed several of the fictional nations in Asia were not labeled on any maps. Will there be something to indicate which countries these are? I am also curious about Trebekistan, which is mentioned.
Also, Transylvania is shown as a separate country in the maps, (though it does not correspond to its real world location), and yet it seems to be included in the Romania entry (where it is in the real world). Which of these is correct?
And also, why is Serbia/Montenegro a country (in the maps), when Montenegro left that union in 2006? Is it because Montenegro is in a different location in the Marvel Universe (its territory is occupied by Morvania)?
I read that Latveria had annexed Slokovia. Slokovia's former territory is not defined in the maps. What portion of Latveria is the former Slokovia?
I'm up to Spain in the book, and I have to say that this is the best handbook of all. The mixture of real history and comic history is just great. I have actually learned stuff (I didn't know the origin of Norway's name, for example). Great work all around!!!!
William Keogh
Dec 1, 2007, 10:21 am
ToddCam wrote:
I am also curious about Trebekistan, which is mentioned.
Trebekistan... :LOL:
What is the latest member of the nuclear armed nations, Alex?
ToddCam wrote:
I'm up to Spain in the book, and I have to say that this is the best handbook of all. The mixture of real history and comic history is just great. I have actually learned stuff (I didn't know the origin of Norway's name, for example).
I agree with you, it's quickly becoming a favourite of mine. I'm up to the Koreas now, and I think the mixture of real world fact and comic book fact is ideal. And I've noticed that it's a nice reference for flags from around the world. Living in a city full of embassies, and I'm always forgetting which flags correspond to which nation.
A question regarding the fictional countries. While we may have seen a flag such as the Latverian flag in comics, should we assume that other flags of similar fictional countries got a design from someone in the handbook staff?
Sidney Osinga
Dec 1, 2007, 07:04 pm
William Keogh wrote:
Might we assume that the Middle East might get coverage in #2? I'm thinking Israel and some of the Arab states warrant coverage...
I'm pretty sure I saw an advance release for number two somewheres, and the Middle east will be covered.
I'm disappointed that the Netherlands weren't covered too, since my father came from there (although he was Fresian, not Dutch).
What countries will be covered in #2? From the cover, I guess the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Wakanda, the Savage Land, and Atlantis. I probably missed a couple.
Andy E. Nystrom
Dec 1, 2007, 09:35 pm
Sidney Osinga wrote:
What countries will be covered in #2? From the cover, I guess the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Wakanda, the Savage Land, and Atlantis. I probably missed a couple.
I broke down and bought mine rather than wait a few weeks for my usual shop to catch up.
Those all sound probable. I'd wager also Genosha. South Africa's probably been in a few stories too. Odds are we'll also see some South American countries like Brazil (where Sunspot hails from).
Looks great for the most part. One question: Why does Andorra get a mention on the map but not Leichtenstein? Where's the Leichtenstein love?
Robin Lewis
Dec 2, 2007, 12:03 pm
The review is up here ( ), guys. Congratulations on what must have been a hefty effort on your part.
William Keogh
Dec 2, 2007, 01:19 pm
Sidney Osinga wrote:
What countries will be covered in #2? From the cover, I guess the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Wakanda, the Savage Land, and Atlantis. I probably missed a couple.
Here's hoping we can see a #3 down the line to cover nations that may have been overlooked. :cross:
Since Europe, Asia, and Australia/Pacific were covered with this issue, we can expect the Americas, Africa, and Antarctica to be covered next time out. In addition to the ones obvious on the cover, we can expect Andys' predictions too. And I noticed Monaco got passed over on the maps too... Hmmm. Oh well.
If there is a number three (and this suggestion isn't coming from a Catholic; I'm not, and if I were, my posts all over this site would damn me for all time), perhaps there could be an entry for the Vatican, since it is technically considered its own sovereign state.
Anyway. Finished the book, despite other pressing matters, and to everyone who was involved, may I say well done. :clap:
Andy E. Nystrom
Dec 2, 2007, 05:55 pm
William Keogh wrote:
If there is a number three (and this suggestion isn't coming from a Catholic; I'm not, and if I were, my posts all over this site would damn me for all time), perhaps there could be an entry for the Vatican, since it is technically considered its own sovereign state.
A bit of topic, but visiting the Vatican was a bit surreal since it's probably the country to be within a city. It's also the only country I've circled around the outside of on foot. I can't recall how long it took, but it was probably less than half an hour.
Roger Ott
Dec 6, 2007, 10:39 am
Finally got this issue yesterday, and it's a great read! My only complaint thus far is that on the introduction page there is a list of page numbers in the table of contents, but no pages numbers in the actual book! I know that's probably nothing you guys had control over, but may be worth mentioning before the second issue goes to the printers.
Again, great job! You all are doing top-notch work on the Handbook series.
Rob London
Dec 6, 2007, 05:38 pm
Is Dachs (Patrick Kurz), who is mentioned in the Germany entry as having been slain by Morlun, the guy who Morlun drains in Amazing Spider-Man II#30?
It seems obvious, but I ask because "dachs" is apparently German for "badger", and the Morlun-meal from #30 seems to have an eagle on his shirt...
Dec 9, 2007, 11:43 am
I just want to say I really loved this issue!
The lists of citizens/residents, the histories and especially the lot of new information were great! (Although I wish every profile could have a picture of a comic scene taken place in that country; but I guess that would also mean less space for information).
I was wondering if those new information of real/full names of characters were all made up by you guys, or were some given by their creators?
Also a few comments:
- Neophyte is listed as born in Germany as well as in Switzerland. Which one is an error? (IIRC Switzerland is the right one.)
- In the UK profile Tom Double should be Tom Lennox. Also Johanne Constanssen of Department F66 should be called Constance Johanssen.
- Ransome Sole is mentioned as an extradimensional in the Russia profile, but isn't he the brother of Neo's Domina, thus a human mutant? I guess you meant Tullamore Voge, who was indeed from extradimensional origin.
- In the France profile a mutant called Elsa Ames is mentioned. Could you tell me who she is and in which comic she appeared?
Anyway, I can't wait for issue #2!
Dec 10, 2007, 05:04 am
Rayeye wrote:
In the France profile a mutant called Elsa Ames is mentioned. Could you tell me who she is and in which comic she appeared?
In Strange Tales #41 (1955), there is an amphibian mutant called Elsa. The story occur in France. I think it's her.
Dec 17, 2007, 09:11 am
I finally get the Marvel Atlas. Very great. I can't wait for number two.
Just a pity ther isn't first appearances for real countries, but it's surely not easy.
Dec 18, 2007, 04:19 am
I really liked this book. I imagined it must have been a fabulous learning experience for the writers to research all the corners of the world.
I'd like to make a couple of minor corrections to the Sweden entry...
Under "National Defense", Försvarsmakten should be spelled with an ö, not an o (an o with an umlaut - two dots over the letter).
Under "Nonhuman population", there are mentions of "tomten (brownie-like creatures)" and "Lyktgubbe (will o' the wisps)", which is sort of right but not really. Listen:
Tomten is the Swedish word for Santa Claus. However, tomte (or tomtar for plural) is a mythical creature, often depicted as a diminutive elderly man. A tomte (or Nisse, as they are also called) was believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep.
The description of tomtar as "brownie-like creatures" is a comparison to the Brownies of Scottish folklore. But I bet most people would sooner associate it with bakery or even Gingerbread Men, especially since the Brownies are not mentioned in the entry for the United Kingdom. For the unitiated, I'd rather describe tomtar as elf-like creatures.
As for lyktgubbe (or lyktgubbar for plural), I'm not quite sure why the L is capitalized as if it was a singular person's name. And the correct translation would actually be jack o' lantern, not will o' the wisp. I think the more common usage however is "irrbloss", which would be translated as will o' the wisp. Much like will o' the wisp and jack o' lantern are largely synonymous, so are irrbloss and lyktgubbe, but it seems strange to me to translate one with the other.
But overall, a very good job! Who wrote this one?
Stuart V
Dec 18, 2007, 03:31 pm
Andy E. Nystrom wrote:
Looks great for the most part. One question: Why does Andorra get a mention on the map but not Leichtenstein? Where's the Leichtenstein love?
There's a few cases of really small countries not showing on the map, simply down to the scale we used. Sorry.
Rob London wrote:
Is Dachs (Patrick Kurz), who is mentioned in the Germany entry as having been slain by Morlun, the guy who Morlun drains in Amazing Spider-Man II#30?
It seems obvious, but I ask because "dachs" is apparently German for "badger", and the Morlun-meal from #30 seems to have an eagle on his shirt...
There was meant to be a small (2 or 3 name) list of German heroes Morlun had gone through, including the one we saw being killed. Unfortunately during trimming down for word count, I cut the others but missed cutting Dachs. So no, he was meant to be another (unseen) Morlun victim - he'd killed a few people before getting to Spider-Man.
Rayeye wrote:
I just want to say I really loved this issue!
The lists of citizens/residents, the histories and especially the lot of new information were great! (Although I wish every profile could have a picture of a comic scene taken place in that country; but I guess that would also mean less space for information).
I was wondering if those new information of real/full names of characters were all made up by you guys, or were some given by their creators?
Generally some of each. Where we can, we go back to creators, but obviously there's some cases where we can't - notably some of the Golden Age Nazis for example.
Rayeye wrote:
Also a few comments:
- Neophyte is listed as born in Germany as well as in Switzerland. Which one is an error? (IIRC Switzerland is the right one.)
Not sure what happened here. I'll check and find out.
Rayeye wrote:
- In the UK profile Tom Double should be Tom Lennox. Also Johanne Constanssen of Department F66 should be called Constance Johanssen.
Yes, errors on my part in both cases that weren't caught during proofing, doubly annoying as I know better in both cases - in the first case I must have had Tom's friend and fellow psi Alison Double at the back of my mind as I was writing, and absent mindedly transposed her name over his. And similarly for the second case - hmm, wonder what my subconscious mind was doing transposing the name round that way...
Rayeye wrote:
- Ransome Sole is mentioned as an extradimensional in the Russia profile, but isn't he the brother of Neo's Domina, thus a human mutant? I guess you meant Tullamore Voge, who was indeed from extradimensional origin.
Not my profile, but I will try and find out.
Rayeye wrote:
- In the France profile a mutant called Elsa Ames is mentioned. Could you tell me who she is and in which comic she appeared?
gorby wrote:
In Strange Tales #41 (1955), there is an amphibian mutant called Elsa. The story occur in France. I think it's her.
Gorby has it right.
WyldKard wrote:
I really liked this book. I imagined it must have been a fabulous learning experience for the writers to research all the corners of the world.
I can't speak for the others, but I know I learned a lot.
WyldKard wrote:
I'd like to make a couple of minor corrections to the Sweden entry...
Fire away - I knew it was inevitable with such a far reaching handbook that people native or more local to a given country were bound to spot some mistakes on our part.
WyldKard wrote:
Under "National Defense", Försvarsmakten should be spelled with an ö, not an o (an o with an umlaut - two dots over the letter).
It should have had - there seemed to be a problem with several accent marks not commonly found in English, and not everything was corrected sadly.
WyldKard wrote:
Under "Nonhuman population", there are mentions of "tomten (brownie-like creatures)" and "Lyktgubbe (will o' the wisps)", which is sort of right but not really. Listen:
Tomten is the Swedish word for Santa Claus. However, tomte (or tomtar for plural) is a mythical creature, often depicted as a diminutive elderly man. A tomte (or Nisse, as they are also called) was believed to take care of a farmer's home and children and protect them from misfortune, in particular at night, when the housefolk were asleep.
The description of tomtar as "brownie-like creatures" is a comparison to the Brownies of Scottish folklore. But I bet most people would sooner associate it with bakery or even Gingerbread Men, especially since the Brownies are not mentioned in the entry for the United Kingdom. For the unitiated, I'd rather describe tomtar as elf-like creatures.
As for lyktgubbe (or lyktgubbar for plural), I'm not quite sure why the L is capitalized as if it was a singular person's name. And the correct translation would actually be jack o' lantern, not will o' the wisp. I think the more common usage however is "irrbloss", which would be translated as will o' the wisp. Much like will o' the wisp and jack o' lantern are largely synonymous, so are irrbloss and lyktgubbe, but it seems strange to me to translate one with the other.
I bow to your superior knowledge - not speaking Swedish, I made some linguistic errors. It should have been tomte and lyktgubbe with a small L.
WyldKard wrote:
But overall, a very good job! Who wrote this one?
Thanks - I wrote the Swedish entry. Glad it meets with your approval, minor errors aside.
Michael Hoskin
Dec 21, 2007, 01:46 pm
gorby wrote:
I finally get the Marvel Atlas. Very great. I can't wait for number two.
Just a pity ther isn't first appearances for real countries, but it's surely not easy.
I looked into that early in the book's development, and concluded that I would need to personally check every Marvel title from the 30s to 50s...and I don't have the resources to manage that.
Rob London
Dec 21, 2007, 02:26 pm
Stuart V wrote:
There was meant to be a small (2 or 3 name) list of German heroes Morlun had gone through, including the one we saw being killed. Unfortunately during trimming down for word count, I cut the others but missed cutting Dachs. So no, he was meant to be another (unseen) Morlun victim - he'd killed a few people before getting to Spider-Man.
Aw. There goes an easy Appendix profile...
Jan 3, 2008, 03:25 pm
I notice an error (or perhaps not). I see that Rayeye noticed this. So, what's new about Neophyte's nationality ? Is he Swiss ou German ? Perhaps he has both nationalities ?
Feb 1, 2008, 09:13 am
I was just wondering something after re-reading the China entry:
Auric/Gold, Silver and She-Devil are stated as former members of China Force. But in the China Force entry in All-New OHOTMU A-Z 2006 #2 they were not included as members. I remember it has been discussed once, but could you guys give the final word whether Auric (as Gold), Silver and She-Devil were members or not?
Stuart V
Feb 1, 2008, 08:13 pm
Rayeye wrote:
I was just wondering something after re-reading the China entry:
Auric/Gold, Silver and She-Devil are stated as former members of China Force. But in the China Force entry in All-New OHOTMU A-Z 2006 #2 they were not included as members. I remember it has been discussed once, but could you guys give the final word whether Auric (as Gold), Silver and She-Devil were members or not?
As the writer of the China entry in the Atlas, mea culpa. Gold, Silver and She-Devil were not members of China Force. The former two were trainees who were going to join China Force (and She-Devil was another agent who may well have been in the same position, though this is unconfirmed) but when China Force was fragmented by the defections of Dog, Horse and Monkey, this prompted Gold and Silver to defect too, prior to actually joining China Force. Basically, Gold and Silver were in China Force's "Beta Flight," if you like.
Feb 2, 2008, 12:18 pm
I finally started reading this issue and it's been muy enjoyable. How do you find all the information on who's from which country and who visited what country?
Sadly, Finland hasn't had big enoug of a role in Marvel Universe, so that there weren't an entry. I did notice the map though. I guess you lose some and gain some.
Captain Speedbump
Feb 21, 2008, 12:29 pm
I found this on Amazon:
Marvel Atlas HC (Hardcover)
by Michael Hoskin (Author), Stuart Vandal (Author), Anthony Flamini (Author), Eric J. Moreels (Author)
List Price: $24.99
Price: $24.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Revealed at last - the complete map to Marvel's Earth! A massive guide to the diverse corners of places real and imagined: Dr. Doom's kingdom of Latveria! Silver Sable's nation Symkaria! The Scarlet Witch's native Transia! The Black Panther's royal Wakanda! Ka-Zar's distant Savage Land! From realms as familiar as your home country to the nations of underwater Atlantis and underground Lemuria! All brought to vibrant life by the illustrations of the legendary Eliot R. Brown Collects Marvel Atlas #1-2.
Will this include any other new material besides the world map? $24.99 seems a bit steep for reprints of two books that were each $3.99, even if it is hardcover...
Capt. Speedbump
Stuart V
Feb 22, 2008, 07:36 am
Captain Speedbump wrote:
I found this on Amazon:
Marvel Atlas HC (Hardcover)
by Michael Hoskin (Author), Stuart Vandal (Author), Anthony Flamini (Author), Eric J. Moreels (Author)
List Price: $24.99
Price: $24.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
Revealed at last - the complete map to Marvel's Earth! A massive guide to the diverse corners of places real and imagined: Dr. Doom's kingdom of Latveria! Silver Sable's nation Symkaria! The Scarlet Witch's native Transia! The Black Panther's royal Wakanda! Ka-Zar's distant Savage Land! From realms as familiar as your home country to the nations of underwater Atlantis and underground Lemuria! All brought to vibrant life by the illustrations of the legendary Eliot R. Brown Collects Marvel Atlas #1-2.
Will this include any other new material besides the world map? $24.99 seems a bit steep for reprints of two books that were each $3.99, even if it is hardcover...
Capt. Speedbump
It won't contain any new material that I am aware of. As for the price, again, it's not something we have any hand in, but I wouldn't be surprised if Amazon's listing is inaccurate on that front - if it isn't, I have to agree with you about the price hike between the individual issues and the hardcover being a bit steep.
Apr 21, 2008, 02:38 pm
Latecomer question on superhumans in the Russian entry:
I'm guessing tis entry should be Soviet Union, and that's why characters like Yelena Belova, Darkstar and Vanguard is listed, but why is Abomination and Purple Man listed? Croatia doesn't even border to any of the former soviet nations.
Also Unicorn should be Slovakian, another country that have nothing to do with Russia.
Michael Hoskin
Apr 23, 2008, 02:30 pm
fesak wrote:
Latecomer question on superhumans in the Russian entry:
I'm guessing tis entry should be Soviet Union, and that's why characters like Yelena Belova, Darkstar and Vanguard is listed, but why is Abomination and Purple Man listed? Croatia doesn't even border to any of the former soviet nations.
Also Unicorn should be Slovakian, another country that have nothing to do with Russia.
This is an unfortunate side effect of the sliding timescale. The above were all affiliated with the USSR in the Cold War, but by the current timeline the Cold War was over before the Fantastic Four arrived. I affiliated them with Russia for want of a better place; if we had included their home countries, they would have been mentioned there too.
Apr 24, 2008, 03:23 am
Michael Hoskin wrote:
This is an unfortunate side effect of the sliding timescale. The above were all affiliated with the USSR in the Cold War, but by the current timeline the Cold War was over before the Fantastic Four arrived. I affiliated them with Russia for want of a better place; if we had included their home countries, they would have been mentioned there too.
I suspected that, but Croatia or Slovakia were never part of the Soviet Union, nor is even close to it on the map, that's why i'm confused.
Michael Hoskin
Apr 24, 2008, 12:22 pm
fesak wrote:
I suspected that, but Croatia or Slovakia were never part of the Soviet Union, nor is even close to it on the map, that's why i'm confused.
Regardless, they served the Soviet cause; I guess you have to take it up with Stan Lee?
Apr 25, 2008, 04:08 am
Michael Hoskin wrote:
Regardless, they served the Soviet cause; I guess you have to take it up with Stan Lee?
Maybe i will. Do you have his phone number? :D
Michael Hoskin
Apr 25, 2008, 01:50 pm
fesak wrote:
Maybe i will. Do you have his phone number? :D
In my lonely dreams.
Stuart V
Jul 1, 2008, 07:43 am
Stuart V wrote:
Rob London wrote:
Is Dachs (Patrick Kurz), who is mentioned in the Germany entry as having been slain by Morlun, the guy who Morlun drains in Amazing Spider-Man II#30?There was meant to be a small (2 or 3 name) list of German heroes Morlun had gone through, including the one we saw being killed. Unfortunately during trimming down for word count, I cut the others but missed cutting Dachs. So no, he was meant to be another (unseen) Morlun victim - he'd killed a few people before getting to Spider-Man.
Just an update on this - the Marvel Atlas TPB has reinstated a little text, and Morlun's victim from Amazing Spider-Man II #30 is now properly identified.
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