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11/14/2020 11:24 pm  #301

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are all correct, leaving only question 3.

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11/21/2020 2:27 pm  #302

Re: General Comics Trivia

Forgot to call a day on the last question, but that's fine as it spreads it out more.
3. Where was the Justice League foe Ultraa from?

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11/22/2020 5:44 am  #303

Re: General Comics Trivia

3. Where was the Justice League foe Ultraa from?
Earth-Prime. So this meant that according to the comics someone from the real world would travel to Earth-1 to battle the Justice League.

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11/22/2020 6:54 am  #304

Re: General Comics Trivia

The latest quiz is devoted to the letter F.

1. A New God and a Zoo Crew member are separated by one letter. Which two characters?
2. Who is the Human Flying Saucer?
3. What is considered to be the first monthly newsstand comic series?
4. What is the hero team from What If? #1 named by the end of the story?
5. What is one of the starships used by the future era Guardians of the Galaxy?
6. For a time Dell used the same issue numbering system across multiple titles until a particular title became ongoing (that is one character's solo title might be #36, then in the same month or maybe even the same week another character's solo title might be #37, etc). What is the commonly used "series name" for this numbering?
7. Happy the Captain Marvel Bunny first appeared in the first issue of which title?
8. In which title did the Peacemaker first appear?
9. Which DC facsimile reprint series, which for the earliest issues had the original cover under the reprint cover, has resulted in a number of counterfeit sales due to people removing the outer cover?
10. Which cosmic powered character was once beaten up by an angry Spider-Man despite generally being a lot more powerful?
11. Which Simon and Shuster imprint published reprints of Marvel stories with new (at the time) Stan lee intros?
12. What was the name of the story where Barry Allen and Jay Garrick first met?
13. What is the Not Brand Echh version of the Fantastic Four?
14. This superhero (or at least quasi-superhero) was created by Bob Burden
15. What was the name of Alan Moore's Jack the Ripper series?
16. Plastique first appeared in which title?
17. What was the name of Marvel's ongoing Indiana Jones series?
18. Which reprint title was devoted to the 1960s run of Silver Surfer?
19, This Stan Lee parody was part of the Secret Society of Super-Villains
20. This comic series had a romance between Snow White and the Big Bad Wolf as one of a number of plot threads.

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11/22/2020 7:25 am  #305

Re: General Comics Trivia

1 Fastback vs Fastbak
2 Fatman
4 Fantastic Five
5 Freedom's Lady
10 Firelord
12 Flash of Two Worlds
13 Fantastical Four
14 Flaming Carrot
15 From Hell
17 Further Adventures of Indiana Jones
19 Funky Flashman
20 Fables


11/22/2020 7:34 am  #306

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are all correct, with Fastback being the Zoo Crew member and Fastbak being the New God.

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11/22/2020 7:40 am  #307

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

3. What is considered to be the first monthly newsstand comic series?
11. Which Simon and Shuster imprint published reprints of Marvel stories with new (at the time) Stan lee intros?
18. Which reprint title was devoted to the 1960s run of Silver Surfer?

3. Funnies on Parade?
11. Fireside Books
18. Fantasy Masterpieces?


11/22/2020 8:08 am  #308

Re: General Comics Trivia

3 is incorrect. While Funnies on Parade is key to the evolution of comics (it preceded the title for the actual answer), it was a one-shot rather than an ongoing series. The other two are correct.

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11/22/2020 8:14 am  #309

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

3 is incorrect. While Funnies on Parade is key to the evolution of comics (it preceded the title for the actual answer), it was a one-shot rather than an ongoing series. The other two are correct.

Famous Funnies?
(definitely something with "fun" in the title)


11/22/2020 8:40 am  #310

Re: General Comics Trivia

Yes, Famous Funnies was the ongoing series, running from 1934-1955, a very healthy run especially considering that it was often (though not always) just comic strip reprints.

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11/22/2020 5:20 pm  #311

Re: General Comics Trivia

6. Four Color
7. Fawcett's Funny Animals
8. Fightin' Five
9. Famous First Edition (I once saw one sell for $500)
16. Fury of Firestorm


11/22/2020 6:59 pm  #312

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are all correct. Some people were fooled by FFF even without the proper cover removed. Once at a secondhand shop the owner bragged that she had lots of copies of Action Comics #1, but were FFF. Hope she hung onto them though because they now have some value even as reprints

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11/28/2020 1:24 pm  #313

Re: General Comics Trivia

Just noticed that all the questions were answered. Will still wait until tmw for the new quiz to keep the Thur-Fri, Sat-Sun pattern

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11/29/2020 2:23 pm  #314

Re: General Comics Trivia

This quiz is on the Justice Society of America (JSA)

1. What was the first appearance of the Justice Society?
2. Which two then-separate publishers contributed characters to the Justice Society initially?
3. Which villain inadvertently caused the JSA to age slowly?
4. In the original continuity, who was the first JSA member to die?
5. In the original continuity, who was the second JSA member to die?
6. When All Star Comics was revived in the 1970s, which hero team was heavily connected to the JSA?
7. Which one shot was at one point intended to be the mandated final adventure of the JSA, though writer Roy Thomas tried to make sure they could return one day?
8. The JSA returned from their fate in#7 in which mini-series?
9. Who was the JSA's secretary in the 1940s?
10. 1940s readers could join which JSA fan club?
11. After All-Star Comics was cancelled in the 1970s, stories originally intended for that tile wound up where?
12. In Justice League of America (JLA) #100-102, the JSA and JLA teamed to rescue which team's members?
13. In one 1940s adventures, the JSA tried to prevent the deaths of future whats (they were successful in all but one instance)
14. Which series first gave an origin for the JSA?
15. What was the real world reason for members leaving during the early days?
16. What other name did the JSA go by during World War II?
17. Which mini-series largely had the JSA looking back on their adventures over the years with hindsight?
18. Who wrote most of the JSA's earliest adventures?
19. Which 1940s super-villain team included foes who had fought the JSA separately?
20. Which JSA foe usually forgot his adventures after losing to the JSA (and others)


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11/29/2020 4:00 pm  #315

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

1. What was the first appearance of the Justice Society?
2. Which two then-separate publishers contributed characters to the Justice Society initially?

1. All-Star Comics #3?
2. All-American Comics and National Publications?


11/29/2020 4:44 pm  #316

Re: General Comics Trivia

Correct to both. National may have been called Detective at the time (not entirely certain), but All-American was definitely separately, though closely connected

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11/29/2020 5:49 pm  #317

Re: General Comics Trivia

7. Last Days of the Justice Society Special
8. Armageddon: Inferno (#4)
9. Wonder Woman
10. Junior Justice Society
11. Adventure Comics
12. the Seven Soldiers of Victory
13. Presidents (All Star Squadron Annual #3)
14.DC Special #29
15. getting their own comic
17. America vs. the Justice Society
19. the Injustice Society
20. Per Degaton


11/29/2020 6:23 pm  #318

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are correct. In the case of #15, while there was Flash Comics, it had other features such as Hawkman, so Flash only left for a time when his true solo title, All-Flash #1 came out.

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12/03/2020 4:12 am  #319

Re: General Comics Trivia

Calling a day on the following:
3. Which villain inadvertently caused the JSA to age slowly?
4. In the original continuity, who was the first JSA member to die?
5. In the original continuity, who was the second JSA member to die?
6. When All Star Comics was revived in the 1970s, which hero team was heavily connected to the JSA?
16. What other name did the JSA go by during World War II?
18. Who wrote most of the JSA's earliest adventures?


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12/04/2020 6:57 am  #320

Re: General Comics Trivia

Remaining answers:
3. Which villain inadvertently caused the JSA to age slowly?
Ian Karkull

4. In the original continuity, who was the first JSA member to die?

5. In the original continuity, who was the second JSA member to die?
Mister Terrific

6. When All Star Comics was revived in the 1970s, which hero team was heavily connected to the JSA?
All-Star Super Squad

16. What other name did the JSA go by during World War II?
Justice Batallion

18. Who wrote most of the JSA's earliest adventures?
Gardner Fox

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12/04/2020 7:48 am  #321

Re: General Comics Trivia

This quiz is devoted to the Jay Garrick version of the Flash

1. Fumes of what gave Jay his powers?
2. Who did Jay eventually marry?
3. Who was the main villain in his first appearance?
4. What three teams has Jay been a member of, albeit one as more of an auxiliary member/advisory role?
5. When the Flash got his own solo series, what was the frequency?
6. The Flash often appeared on the comic of this series with Wonder Woman and Green Lantern (but not other teammates)
7. During a team-up with who did Superman once lament he'd rather be teaming up with Jay?
8. Who possessed Jay to murder Mister Terrific?
9. In the original continuity Barry Allen originally believed that Jay was only a what?
10. Which trio occasionally "aided" Jay? I'll accept the collective name or individual names
11. What design aspect of the Flash's pants was soon abandoned?
12. Which Flash foe suffered what was is now called disassociative identity disorder?
13. In Crisis on Infinite Earths #11, who was relieved that Jay recognized him?
14. In the first issue of the 1990s Justice League series, who seemed skeptical of the Flash's then current speed levels until Jay grabbed something from far away?
15. Until it started turning white at the temples, what was normally Jay's hair colour?

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12/04/2020 8:02 am  #322

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

5. When the Flash got his own solo series, what was the frequency?
9. In the original continuity Barry Allen originally believed that Jay was only a what?

5. 1014 Hz
9. fictional comic book character


12/04/2020 8:53 am  #323

Re: General Comics Trivia

5. Nice try, but we're discussing a comic book character and not a radio show character.
9 is correct.

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12/04/2020 9:08 am  #324

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

5. Nice try, but we're discussing a comic book character and not a radio show character.

I thought you meant his vibration frequency. It's gotta be somewhere in the molecular range. 


12/04/2020 9:23 am  #325

Re: General Comics Trivia

5. All Flash Comics
6. Comics Cavalcade
8. the Spirit King
10. the Three Stooges ... I mean the Three Dimwits, Winky, Blinky, and Noddy
12. the Thorn


12/10/2020 6:47 am  #326

Re: General Comics Trivia

Missed the last responses before
5. Is incorrect. Right title, but to clarify, I mean how often the title was published. The rest are correct.

Calling a day on the following:
1. Fumes of what gave Jay his powers?
2. Who did Jay eventually marry?
3. Who was the main villain in his first appearance?
4. What three teams has Jay been a member of, albeit one as more of an auxiliary member/advisory role?
5. When the Flash got his own solo series, what was the frequency of publication? That is, how often was the title published?
7. During a team-up with who did Superman once lament he'd rather be teaming up with Jay?
11. What design aspect of the Flash's pants was soon abandoned?
13. In Crisis on Infinite Earths #11, who was relieved that Jay recognized him?
14. In the first issue of the 1990s Justice League series, who seemed skeptical of the Flash's then current speed levels until Jay grabbed something from far away?
15. Until it started turning white at the temples, what was normally Jay's hair colour?

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12/10/2020 8:40 am  #327

Re: General Comics Trivia

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Missed the last responses before
5. Is incorrect. Right title, but to clarify, I mean how often the title was published. The rest are correct.

D'oh! The answer is quarterly

and to answer 1. the fumes of hard water.


12/10/2020 8:46 am  #328

Re: General Comics Trivia

Those are correct. IIRC the original title for All-Flash was in fact All-Flash Quarterly, so for anyone who knew that, it was a pretty good tip-off.

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12/11/2020 7:59 am  #329

Re: General Comics Trivia

Remaining answers:
2. Who did Jay eventually marry?
Joan Willaims

3. Who was the main villain in his first appearance?
Sieur Satan

4. What three teams has Jay been a member of, albeit one as more of an auxiliary member/advisory role?
Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron, and (the one with the caveat) Justice League

7. During a team-up with who did Superman once lament he'd rather be teaming up with Jay?

11. What design aspect of the Flash's pants was soon abandoned?
Lightning bolts down legs

13. In Crisis on Infinite Earths #11, who was relieved that Jay recognized him?
Superman of Earth-2

14. In the first issue of the 1990s Justice League series, who seemed skeptical of the Flash's then current speed levels until Jay grabbed something from far away?
Alan Scott

15. Until it started turning white at the temples, what was normally Jay's hair colour?
Brown. It was black in his first appearance (or if you prefer black and blue due to 1940s colouring limitations), but normally shown as brown.

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12/11/2020 8:38 am  #330

Re: General Comics Trivia

Today's questions are on the Hulk

1. What was the title of the Hulk's first story
2. How many issues did the Hulk's first series last.
3. What sort of strategy did the Hulk use on the Thing during an underwater fight
4. Hulk adventures from which series were later revealed to not be canon
5. When the Hulk's personalities apparently merged, which villain aided Doc Samson in this?
6. What dimension did Doctor Strange send the Hulk to when the Hulk was in a near mindless state?
7. Who did Rick Jones reveal the Hulk's identity to, believing the Hulk to be dead?
8. Which sequence in the Hulk! magazine has drawn a lot of controversy (a sequence the author still defends)
9. The Hulk once put this superhero in the hospital
10. Which SHIELD agent was romantically involved with Banner during a time when banner controlled the Hulk's body?
11. What is the real world reason why Bruce became Banner's middle name and Robert his first?
12. What was the real name of the Hulk's contact with Home Base, Mr. Blue?
13. Under what alias did the character from 12 fight the Hulk?
14. The Hulk acquired a taste for what after meeting Crackajack Jackson?
15. The Hulk once thought General Ross when Ross was merged with which super-villain?
16. On Earth-Crossover, which Hulk foe assisted the Joker against Batman and the Hulk?
17. Which villain's actions led the Hulk to quickly quit the Avengers?
18. What was the Hulk's usual nickname for Nighthawk while they were with the Defenders?
19. Who was the Hulk's second wife?
20. Which team of characters based on Greek myths was the Hulk a member of?

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