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1/23/2020 1:15 pm  #1

Civil Wars Files

Historical text from Comixfan, including posts added back in from the Wayback Machine.  Sadly its sister thread (Civil War Battle Damage Report) was wiped out in a crash a few years back

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 22, 2006, 04:57 am

Coming in September from Marvel Comics...


The legislation has been passed. The battle lines have been drawn. The opening shots have been fired. Now, as the controversial Super Hero Registration Act continues to divide America’s superhuman community, Tony Stark – head of the President’s Super Hero Task Force – has created the CIVIL WAR FILES, in-depth dossiers analyzing the potential threat posed by the nation’s most prominent superhumans. What does Stark know about Captain America? Who is the new Ant-Man? Can the Commission for Superhuman Activities be trusted? The CIVIL WAR FILES is the U.S. government’s primary source of superhuman intelligence!

48 PGS./NO ADS/ Rated T+ ...$3.99

(NOTE: The credits list has been amended to reflect the correct writers list. I was forced to withdraw from this project at a late stage due to other commitments.)

William Keogh
Jun 22, 2006, 10:22 am

As has been said over at Newsarama, I suppose that's Sasquatch in the lower right corner, but it certainly looks like Chewbacca.

Jun 22, 2006, 11:05 am

Who's the cover artist?

Jun 22, 2006, 05:12 pm

Playmobil wrote:

Who's the cover artist?

I think it is Steve McNiven.

Jul 16, 2006, 02:30 pm

For the first time I can recognize everyone on the cover instantly. Yeah, I'm getting this one, since the similar X-Men: The 198 Files was so full of information for me.

Edit: Keogh, I don't think that's Sasquatch. Methinks it's Werewolf, Jack Russell.

Jul 19, 2006, 06:24 pm

It's maybe Werewolf by Night, but who knows? Also it has a few dead characters plus foreigners like Guardian, Puck and Captain Britain. I doubt the poster will be the cover and that all of those characters/teams will be covered. Hulk may be offworld but he'll be included, so will the jailed Daredevil. Alpha Flight likely not.

Jul 20, 2006, 11:20 am

Scratchy wrote:

It's maybe Werewolf by Night, but who knows?

Who else could it be? :confused:

Scratchy wrote:

Also it has a few dead characters plus foreigners like Guardian, Puck and Captain Britain.

Well, we still aren't sure if the Guardian and Puck that died were the real ones or their alternate timeline counterparts. Either way, one versions of them are still alive.

Scratchy wrote:

I doubt the poster will be the cover and that all of those characters/teams will be covered.

X-Men: The 198 Files covered something like 130 characters, I think. IIRC it was three entries per page. There shouldn't be any trouble fitting all these characters in one book.

William Keogh
Jul 20, 2006, 06:39 pm

Keogh, I don't think that's Sasquatch. Methinks it's Werewolf, Jack Russell.
Maybe so, but he still looks like Chewbacca.

Madison Carter
Jul 20, 2006, 08:22 pm

jannepie wrote:

Who else could it be? :confused:

Haven't confirmed it with anyone yet, but I believe it may be Ursa Major.

Jul 21, 2006, 12:57 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Maybe so, but he still looks like Chewbacca.

Agreed. :lol:

Madison Carter wrote:

Haven't confirmed it with anyone yet, but I believe it may be Ursa Major.

Could be, but IMO it doesn't look like a bear. :dunno: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Ursa_Major

Madison Carter
Jul 22, 2006, 12:13 am

jannepie wrote:

Agreed. :lol:
Could be, but IMO it doesn't look like a bear. :dunno: http://www.marvel.com/universe/Ursa_Major

True, but he doesn't really look like Sasquatch or Russell either.

Jul 22, 2006, 09:05 am
True. What if the book has entries for all three characters? We'll never find out which one it is! :eek!:

Eric J. Moreels
Sep 13, 2006
Out this week!

What's everyone think?
Zach Kinkead
Sep 13, 2006

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Out this week!

What's everyone think?

Just as an immediate knee-jerk reaction upon flipping through it? The white text in the red boxes are difficult to read throughout but, because I already know who most of the characters are, it isn’t that big an issue until the last page where I can barely make out the status of the various characters. And on that note, “Incarcerated” is kind of vague. Are we to assume that all captured heroes were dumped in the Negative Zone without trial?

There are a lot of questions left unanswered here. Why did Thor side with bureaucrats over the mortal warrior he most respects? Why are the Living Mummy and Solo incarcerated when they were already working for SHIELD as part of the Howling Commandos and the Six Pack respectively? How is Humbug alive again? Why would a Jewish hero like Sabra be trying to force the 198 back into a concentration camp? Why would someone like Shang Chi need to register with the US government when he’s not superhuman and he’s already part of another legitimate law enforcement agency? Why do people like Sliver Claw have to register (after all, she’s a non-citizen who is here a guest of Tony Stark’s butler, Edwin Jarvis)? Why would the ones without powers, masks, secret identities, advance technology or the like (*cough*Colleen Wing*cough*) need to register? That last one goes double for Night Nurse, she doesn’t even fight crime. Perhaps the most important unanswered question is that we still don’t know the specifics of act itself.

Now that I think about it, the only burning question that I HAVE seen answered the one about who exactly is in Zemo’s army.

This handbook just felt unnecessary especially with the recent announcement of a second CW reference book that sounds like what I expected this one to be.
Sep 13, 2006
Well according to the Civil War Files Rictor is Puerto Rican..................

Uh........NO HE IS NOT. Rictor is Mexican.
Madison Carter
Sep 14, 2006

Zach Kinkead wrote:

“Incarcerated” is kind of vague. Are we to assume that all captured heroes were dumped in the Negative Zone without trial?

Correct, though "awaiting trial" would be more apt.

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Why did Thor side with bureaucrats over the mortal warrior he most respects?

That will be explained in Civil War #4

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Why are the Living Mummy and Solo incarcerated when they were already working for SHIELD as part of the Howling Commandos and the Six Pack respectively?

For reasons unknown at the moment, Living Mummy is no long a Commando. Solo has his own reasons for siding with the resistance, as seen in the Civil War: Frontlines series.

Zach Kinkead wrote:

How is Humbug alive again?

That was explained fairly thoroughly in his Handbook entry.

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Why would someone like Shang Chi need to register with the US government when he’s not superhuman and he’s already part of another legitimate law enforcement agency? Why do people like Sliver Claw have to register (after all, she’s a non-citizen who is here a guest of Tony Stark’s butler, Edwin Jarvis)? Why would the ones without powers, masks, secret identities, advance technology or the like (*cough*Colleen Wing*cough*) need to register?

They're on American soil, and they partake in activities involving superhumans.
Eric Travis
Sep 14, 2006
One minor quibble... It might have been my copy, or maybe my eyes are starting to go, but the white text on the black pages looked very 'soft'. As opposed to crisp and clean.

Second point, I'm still slogging through the book itself, and I agree with Zach that the last page is virtually illegible. The individual entries are nicely written, but I gained far more insight into Tony Stark than into any particular character. Such as his myopic and optimistic view of O*N*E, which has a proven track record of ineffectiveness by now. Or his casual acceptance that "...the whole world has seen the footage.." from Stamford, without even the slightest question as to how that footage, particularly the raw, uneditted version (which is the only place to see the single damning quip from Speedball), was released for the 'whole world' to see.

Tony comes across as a variation on Batman: compiling specific information on his alleged allies, plotting ways to keep them off the field if necessary, and bemoaning the fact that not all of them fall eagerly in line with the 'inevitable'.

One last thought: has it been mentioned anywhere else (issue-wise) that the latest iteration of the Mutant Registration Act has been passed under the shadow of the broader Superhuman Registration Act? I'd think that might be something the X-Men would be keen to know... :confused:

EDIT: One more one last thought... Is it a little strange for Tony to spend a page and a half summarizing the adventures, experiences, and heroism of the New Warriors (including Nova's return to space to deal with some major threat out yonder), only to turn around and force the equation 'New Warrior = irresponsible amateur'?
Sep 14, 2006
So here is who is currently in Zemo's Thunderbolts:
Ajaxis, Aqueduct, Asylum (Gallant), Atlas, Baron Zemo, Batroc, Beetle 1, Beetle 2, Beetle 3, Blacklash II (new one), Blizzard, Bloodstrike, Boomerang, Bushmaster, Coronary, Death Adder II (new one), Doctor Octopus, Eel (Lavell), Fixer, Ironclad, Joystick, Killer Shrike, King Cobra, MACH-4, Machete III (Mariano Lopez), "Snake" Marston, Mongoose, Moonstone, Over-Mind, Ox (Ronald Bloch), Porcupine II (new one), Pretty Persuasions, Primus (Arnim Zola's creation), Quicksand, Radioactive Man, Rattler (Krueger), Red Ronin, Slyde, Smiling Tiger, Smuggler, Songbird, Swordsman (Andreas), Tatterdemalion, Texas Twister, Unicorn II, Vapor, Vector, Vermin, Whiplash III (new one), Whirlwind, X-Ray, Zaran
William Keogh
Sep 29, 2006, 05:24 pm
I've finished reading this, and I've one question. In the Daredevil entry, it mentions a fight with Nuke. When did this happen, and is it in a trade paperback?

Andy E. Nystrom
Oct ??, 2006

William Keogh wrote:

I've finished reading this, and I've one question. In the Daredevil entry, it mentions a fight with Nuke. When did this happen, and is it in a trade paperback?

The fight with Nuke (a commando enhanced by super-soldier formula, not the late Squadron Supreme member) occurred in Daredevil v1#232, the conclusion of Frank Miller's Born Again story. According it can be found in trade paperback format in Daredevil: Born Again.

My thoughts (I just found a copy yesterday) is that this handbook is primarily interesting in terms of seeing how Tony now sees the Marvel Universe characters in the Civil War. Kind of reminds me of the World at War Handbook for the original DC Universe Role-Playing Game, in which all the bios were "written by" Captain Nazi.

{Missing material from page 2 of the thread missing due to Comixfan site crash}

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