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2/07/2020 12:11 pm  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 5 TPB

Historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 21, 2012, 01:42 pm

Written by VARIOUS
AT LAST! The landmark encyclopedia-style OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE hardcover series finally is reprinted in softcover format! Each volume has corrected any errors in all profiles — and features a new, 16-page “Where Are They Now?” update addendum with text and art! An indispensable resource for all true Marvel fans! VOL. 5 spotlights hundreds of characters beginning with G-J — including the Hand, the Hellfire Club, Heroes for Hire, the High Evolutionary, three Hobgoblins, Ikaris, Immortus, Imperial Guard, the Infinity Gems, the Inhumans, the Initiative, Jack of Hearts and the Jackal!
256 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-5834-9

This trades may not be exactly what people who have the hardcovers already are looking for, but at least they're keeping the unbroken Handbook/Index/Files run that started in April 2004 going. Not sure if that will continue the entire rest of the year with the demise of the ongoing Index series, but it's the case for now at least.

Eduardo M.

Feb 21, 2012, 04:07 pm

That Initiative update is going to be something


Apr 29, 2012, 05:45 pm

I wonder if Karnak and Triton will be included in the Imperial Guard entry this time, because in the Inhumans (2000) miniseries they are clearly shown as members of the Imperial Guard.


May 1, 2012, 02:33 pm

While I'm disappointed it will be the last TPB, I'm still looking forward to this one. The handbook writers have done a great job on the updates, additions, and corrections, and you've done a phenomenal job period over the last eight years. Take a bow, ladies and gentlemen!

Andy E. Nystrom

May 30, 2012, 08:16 pm

This final Handbook (at least there's still two Index trades to come) has the following updates:

Henry Gyrich
Cockroach Hamilton
Justin Hammer (cross-reference only)
The Hand
Jonas Harrow
Hate-Monger (Hitler Clone)
Hawkeye (Bishop)
Molly Hayes
Hellcow (cross-reference only)
Hellfire Club
Hellions (HC Trainees)
Hellions (Emplate's)
Hellions (King Bedlam's)
Hercules (Heracles)
Hercules of the 25th Century
Here Comes Tomorrow
Heroes for Hire (Power Man & Iron Fist)
Heroes for Hire (Misty & Colleen)
High Evolutionary
Maria Hill
Hobgoblin (Kingsley)
Pepper Hogan
Howard the Duck
Howling Commandos (Fury's)
Howling Commandos (SHIELD)
Heather Hudson (Earth-3470)
Hulk (2099 AD)
Human Robot
Human Torch (Hammond)
Human Torch (Storm)
Hurricane (Kane)
Hybrid (Marks)
Hybrid (Washington)
Hyperion (Earth-712)
Hyperion (Earth-4023)
Imperial Guard
Impossible Man
Infinity Gems
Inhumans (includes a revised version of the original series' Genealogy of the House of Agon)
Invisible Woman
Iron Fist
Iron Lad
Iron Maiden
Iron Man (Stark)
Iron Monger
Jack Flag
Jack Frost
Jack of Hearts
Jack O'Lantern
Jack the Ripper
Appendix (no Earths added, but one updated)

Stuart V

May 31, 2012, 03:01 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

This final Handbook (at least there's still two Index trades to come) has the following updates:

Inhumans (includes a revised version of the original series' Genealogy of the House of Agon)

It's worth mentioning that the revised family tree is nevertheless incomplete, as it misses out the Unspoken, Dark Riders, etc, all of whom are related to the main Royal Family. It's just that we don't know the exact relationships, because the Royal Family uses "cousin" as a pretty generic term for any of their relatives who isn't a direct sibling, parent or uncle/aunt. If you measured the relationships within the Royal Family purely based on the family tree, Gorgon would not actually be related to Karnak, Triton, Medusa or Crystal - he's only cousin to Black Bolt and Maximus. Likewise married couple Medusa and Black Bolt are not actual cousins (thankfully it isn't that kind of family). However, the familial relationships go beyond what the tree shows - all of them are related but in some cases the link is assumed to be several additional generations back - we're talking second, third, fourth, etc cousins, possibly a number of times removed, much like many royal families in the real world. Prince Charles was Princess Diana's 11th cousin once removed, for example.

And before anyone makes jokes about British Royals inbreeding, it's worth noting that it is Barack Obama is George W. Bush's 10th cousin once removed, and it is estimated that if you picked any two random people anywhere on Earth, they won't be more distantly related than 50th cousins to one another. That's with a world population in the billions. The Inhumans' population is only a few thousand, so everyone is bound to be related. Presumably those identified as members of the Royal Family, even minor members such as the Dark Riders, are a bit more closely related.

Stuart V

Jun 1, 2012, 02:26 pm

Additionally, I should mention that the Hellfire Club update also adds more information regarding the cyborg Castlemere's two allies, often misidentified online as Turner Scholl and Mercedes, as we had the scripts of the issues where Castlemere's allies appeared, which fully named said allies

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12/09/2020 7:30 pm  #2

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 5 TPB

After all these years, here's a list of the changes between the hardcover and the trade. Not covered are very minor formatting and art restoration changes.

Guardsmen - first appearances added captions of main and secondary pictures

Generic Super-Hero - art for secondary image made clearer

Hammerhead - one sentence slightly expanded; last line of last paragraph obscured by picture below it.

Hand - first appearances added to two captions

Agatha Harkness - inset caption tweaked

Harrier (Clendenon) - secondary illo caption tweaked

Havok (Summers) - 3 secondary images resized/moved around; new note added

Hellfire Club - active issues added to 4 captions on 4th page

Hellions (Hellfire Club trainees) - active issues added to all captions; image of Firestar replaced by new one

Hellions (Emplate's) - active issues added to two images

Hellions (King Bedlam's) - active issue added to one image

Hellions (Xavier Institute's) - active issue note added to caption of main image

H.E.R.B.I.E. - caption added to main image

Hercules in the 24th Century - first appearances added to captions of all secondary images and headshots

Here Comes Tomorrow - first appearances added to all captions

Heroes for Hire (Power Man and Iron Fist) - secondary images art reversed art restored, first appearances added to captions

High Evolutionary - reference to Miles Warren removed from second paragraph; new sentence added to end of 4th paragraph; all but first sentence of 8th paragraph remove, first sentence added to former 9th paragraph;

Hitman (Kenyon) - art of secondary picture heavily restored

Hobgoblin (Macendale) - background of Jack O'Lantern removed, art restored

Home Base - caption added to main image

Howard the Duck - new sentence added in the middle of 7th paragraph, 8th and 9th paragraph merged

Hulkbusters - active issues added to all headshots and secondary images except for She-Hulk Group, replacing first appearances for Thaddeus Ross, Glenn Talbot, and Doc Samson; first appearances removed from main She-Hulk Group image

Hunter in Darkness - power grid changed, probably a mistake

Hydra - active issue added to one secondary image

Helix (Carago) - inset removed, replaced by new captioned one

Ikaris - note under power grid tweaked

Imperial Guard - two active notes added in caption of main image; active issues added to secondary image

Infinity Gems - one secondary image shrunk, one secondary cropped, text reformattedInfinity

Infinity Watch - active notes added to the 2 insets

Inhumans - caption for main image tweaked

Initiative - issues active  added to five secondary images

Intruders - issue active added to one inset

Inua (Northern Gods) - first appearance added to one secondary image

Invisible Woman - placement of two secondary images switched

Iron Man (Tony Star) - first appearances captions added to two secondary images

Iguana - art for secondary image made clearer

Inheritor - secondary image captioned

Appendix- Earth-93246 removed


12/10/2020 11:08 am  #3

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 5 TPB

Aww man, when I saw this got bumped I thought a new full set of Handbooks had been announced!

What are the odds of that actually happening, anybody know? It has been almost a decade...


12/10/2020 11:33 am  #4

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 5 TPB

Pinball_Lizard wrote:

Aww man, when I saw this got bumped I thought a new full set of Handbooks had been announced!

What are the odds of that actually happening, anybody know? It has been almost a decade...

I'm pretty sure it has all to do with sales on the current batch of Handbooks. If the Handbooks suddenly started doing X-Men numbers, a new A-Z series would almost sure soon follow.

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     Thread Starter

12/10/2020 5:38 pm  #5

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 5 TPB

Pinball_Lizard wrote:

Aww man, when I saw this got bumped I thought a new full set of Handbooks had been announced!

I'm sorry


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