Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/30/2020 5:43 am  #1

Avengers Assemble

Historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom
Feb 16, 2010, 12:20 pm

Coming from Marvel in May...


The Official Handbook continues to soar during 2010's Heroic Age with an update for all things Avengers, featuring Captain America (Rogers) and Thor! In-depth profiles on the good: Bengal, Black Knight (Percy), Komodo, Whiz Kid and Prodigy! The bad: Proctor, Super-Adaptoid, the Dark Avengers & the Ragnarok clone! And everyone in between: Arkon, Trauma, Bova, Young Masters, and the Phone Ranger?! Featuring ORIGINAL ART for dozens of characters!

One-Shot/Rated T …$3.99
In Stores: May 12, 2010

Another fun looking book. Bova has been appearing everywhere in Marvel titles for decades so she's a particularly good prime choice, grade A. I have no beef with her getting an entry (sorry have to milk the puns for all their worth).
Eduardo M.
Feb 16, 2010, 12:53 pm

this is my dream come true. The ad reads almost like my wish list.

Feb 16, 2010, 01:00 pm

I can't tell who the guy to the right of Captain America, the guy beneath Gauntlet (Proctor?), and the guy above Egghead are. I'm assuming the thing that looks like Iron Man to the left of Moonstone is the Super-Adaptoid.

Rob London
Feb 16, 2010, 01:36 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

I can't tell who the guy to the right of Captain America, the guy beneath Gauntlet (Proctor?), and the guy above Egghead are. I'm assuming the thing that looks like Iron Man to the left of Moonstone is the Super-Adaptoid.

Proctor and the Super-Adaptoid are on the cover - also featured are Baron von Blitzschlag and a Lava Man.

Feb 16, 2010, 02:18 pm

I hope Cloud 9, MVP and his clones, and Hardball get entries.

Feb 16, 2010, 02:40 pm

And don't forget Butterball.... :wt: :crazy: :giggle:

Feb 16, 2010, 02:42 pm

I'm wondering how the entries on Thor and Cap get handled. There's been a few different ways entries have been handled for characters who have already been profiled extensively, mainly in the hardcovers.

Doing an exact copy of the Hardcover but with added text for updates (like Namor in MMH)

Doing a truncated version of the extended entry with just the major details (like all the random one-page entries that pop up at the end of a normal comic every now and then, or Wolverine in WWXF)

Doing an "update" style entry, with no details of the previous entry, just a page on where the character's been since his last entry (like Spider-Man BIB)

I personally hope the update style applies so we get more room for newbies, but I can realistically see the truncated style to attract more casual readers. With this, Volume 14, and new indexes all solicited today, I am one happy camper!

Feb 16, 2010, 05:08 pm

This is great! So many in my wishlist covered! So these entries are confirmed:

Baron von Blitzschlag
Black Knight (Percy)
Captain America (Rogers)
Dark Avengers
Lava Man
Phone Ranger
Super Adaptoid
Whiz Kid
Young Masters

My doubt is whether the Dark Avengers receive one collective entry or a separate entry for each member or both situations are true?

Feb 16, 2010, 05:27 pm

This looks great. There's someone on these boards (if he's still about) who'll be very happy to see a Bova entry. I'm not sure Proctor really needs an entry on his own, but I'm happy to see him get one. It was round the time I started buying comics regularly that he did his stuff.

Eduardo M.
Feb 16, 2010, 06:56 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

My doubt is whether the Dark Avengers receive one collective entry or a separate entry for each member or both situations are true?

My Guess is just a group entry

Feb 16, 2010, 08:07 pm

Yeah, probably. Also, is this 64 pages long like Deadpool Corps Rank and Foul or 48 like Marvel Pets Handbook?

Moira Brandon
Feb 17, 2010, 07:06 am

I wonder if there will be some roster update, since there have been a lot of changes since the last pubbliced in 2008.......

Feb 19, 2010, 09:21 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

This is great! So many in my wishlist covered! So these entries are confirmed:

Baron von Blitzschlag
Black Knight (Percy)
Captain America (Rogers)
Dark Avengers
Lava Man
Phone Ranger
Super Adaptoid
Whiz Kid
Young Masters

Also the Elihas Starr Egghead, who can be seen in the lower right-hand corner of the cover. BTW, it's nice to see Proctor in this volume, since he was one of the hyperlinked characters in the HCs' alternate Earth listings who didn't get one. Hopefully that means we'll see the entries for the Ultimate and House of M universes that fall into the same category as well. Oh, and great to see the Super-Adaptoid get his first entry since December 1986. ;)

Sidney Osinga
Feb 27, 2010, 06:49 pm

Nice to see Marrina finally get an entry. She was one of the few Avengers who haven't been covered. Hopefully, we'll see Masque and the individual Guardians of the Galaxy soon.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2010, 11:37 pm

I assume that the Captain America entry will be an update like we've seen in the recent Iron Manual. However, I also hope that the Thor entry will be an expanded one, since most of his compatriots got longer, more detailed one, even Hank Pym.

May 3, 2010, 11:23 am

I really hope Whirlwind is given an entry in Avengers Assemble!

May 3, 2010, 03:02 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

I really hope Whirlwind is given an entry in Avengers Assemble!

Yes, he is long overdue for an entry, I thought he was going to be in the latest Iron Manual, then realized it was Whiplash. I don't know why, but for some reason I ALWAYS get those guys confused.

Roger Ott
May 3, 2010, 08:58 pm

Whip...Whirl...it's understandable.

May 4, 2010, 11:35 am

I don't think Thor will get a complete expanded entry, probably just a one page update like the others.

Only a week left for this to be released! I's my most anticipated update handbook since the beginning of 2010.

May 4, 2010, 11:55 am

sucellos11 wrote:

I don't think Thor will get a complete expanded entry, probably just a one page update like the others.

Only a week left for this to be released! I's my most anticipated update handbook since the beginning of 2010.

Actually, 2 weeks. This is scheduled for 5/19 along with the whole bunch of other Avengers releases.

May 5, 2010, 02:02 pm

Sigh. Oh well.

May 6, 2010, 07:06 am

I'm now positive this book will have 1-page updates for each member of the former Dark Avengers (and maybe Dark X-Men too) like Iron Manual Mark 3...

Maybe Ronin/Hawkeye will be updated too?

May 12, 2010, 03:47 pm

So, is the release date still next Wednesday, May 19?? (I hope so!)

Any new info on this issue: characters, updates, etc (I can't wait!)??

May 12, 2010, 08:36 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Yeah, probably. Also, is this 64 pages long like Deadpool Corps Rank and Foul or 48 like Marvel Pets Handbook?

According to the Marvel Previews solict, it is 64pgs.

Eduardo M.
May 13, 2010, 10:27 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Maybe Ronin/Hawkeye will be updated too?

Well there is a Hawkeye on the cover but judging by the face and where he is I'd say that's Bullseye

May 14, 2010, 06:33 pm

I know this will primarily focus on recent characters and updates, but when you consider all the various iterations of "Avengers" -- 'classic' Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Heroes Reborn Avengers, Young Avengers, New Avengers, Avengers Initiative, Mighty Avengers, Dark Avengers, possibly even the Pet Avengers -- that's a lot of history to draw from. Not just members, but allies, enemies, and supporting cast. Besides the characters we know will be in it, I'd like to echo the hopes for Whirlwind to receive an entry and add my hopes to see entries for the likes of Libra/Gustav Brandt (Zodiac member, Mantis's father, and a role in Avengers Forever), Duane Freeman, Peggy Carter (she was a member of the Avengers Support Staff as well), and the criminal Black Knight/Nathan Garrett.

May 19, 2010, 05:50 am

Avengers assemble...today!

Andy E. Nystrom
May 19, 2010, 09:37 am

Sadly due to a routine family commitment I won't be able to pick it up until the 27th, but I'm sure it will be great!

May 19, 2010, 10:26 am

sucellos11 wrote:

I'm with you, also won't be getting this today but eager to know the entries picks and respective page count...

Stuart V
May 19, 2010, 10:41 am
I'm with you, also won't be getting this today but eager to know the entries picks and respective page count...
Alpha Primitives - 2
Arkon - 2
Avengers Update - 3
Avengers (Osborn's team) - 1
Baron von Blitzschlag - 1
Bengal - 1
Black Knight (Percy) - 4
Bova - 1
Captain America (Rogers) Update - 1
Imus Champion - 2
Cloud 9 - 1
Cosmic Avengers - 1
Egghead - 2
Forever Man - 2
Gauntlet - 1
Geiger - 1
Gorilla Girl - 1
Hardball - 1
Isaac - 2
Komodo - 1
Lava Men - 2
Libra (Brandt) - 1
Myron MacLain - 1
Magnus - 1
Man-Eater - 1
Marrina - 2
MVP - 1
Proctor - 1
Prodigy (Gilmore) - 1
Ragnarok - 1
Red Guardian (Shostakov) - 1
Raymond Sikorski - 1
Super-Adaptoid - 3
Thor update - 1
Leonard Tippit - 1
Trauma - 1
Trick Shot - 1
Unspoken - 1
Voice - 1
Ymir - 2
Young Masters - 1

Half pagers - Alioth the Usurper, Dreamguard, Elfqueen, Duane Freeman, Gladiatrix, Gremlin (Nazi synthozoids), Moonhunter, James Murch, Phone Ranger, Skyhawk, Sunstreak, Whiz Kid

May 19, 2010, 11:07 am


May 19, 2010, 11:07 am

Thank you mr. Stuart, that's very nice of you! Great entries selection! Alpha Primitives, Cloud 9, Geiger, Gorilla Girl, Red Guardian and...Ymir!

May 19, 2010, 11:56 am

Thanks Stu! Just a couple more hours until my comic store opens, I appreciate the advance listing. Glad to see the Dark Avengers aren't referred to as such, since that was merely the name of the comic and not the team. Glad to see Imus Champion, Ymor & Magnus. And finally a Bova entry!

Roger Ott
May 19, 2010, 02:24 pm

Awesome! Myron MacLain and Raymond Sikorski get profiled!

Eduardo M.
May 19, 2010, 06:20 pm

I'd point out which of these entries is sending me to fanboy joygasm heaven but there are so many.

William Keogh
May 19, 2010, 06:28 pm

Joygasm? :wt: [img]file:///C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]

Got the issue, last one in the shop.

May 19, 2010, 07:27 pm

Thanks for the contents list, Stuart. I can't wait to pick this up.

May 19, 2010, 07:56 pm

Just grabbed this today and want to commend all involved for another great handbook. I have a question: Why are Captain America (Barnes), Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, and Spider-Woman classified as "Honorary members"? Was this just because they joined the outlaw team? I guess Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Luke Cage are listed in the "Inactive" section with all the rest of the Avengers because they were with the New Avengers from the early stages?

Sidney Osinga
May 19, 2010, 09:20 pm

Great book as usual, although I have a couple questions.

1. Arkon's entry says he can lift 2 tons, but his power grid number for strength is 6, the 75-100 ton range. Which is correct?

2. Why was there no list of Avengers impostors (Veranke, "Mockingbird") like the recent X-Men entry?

3. Why wasn't Whirlwind included?

Sean McQuaid
May 20, 2010, 12:11 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Why are Captain America (Barnes), Doctor Strange, Iron Fist, and Spider-Woman classified as "Honorary members"? Was this just because they joined the outlaw team? I guess Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Luke Cage are listed in the "Inactive" section with all the rest of the Avengers because they were with the New Avengers from the early stages?

We consulted editorial on how to classify characters who had only served with the outlaw version of the Avengers, and editorial's decision was to count them as honoraries now that the Avengers are one big happy united family again.

That being said, any of the "outlaw" members serving on the new post-SIEGE Avengers teams will be upgrading to full membership, so it's possible that some or all of these guys won't be strictly honorary for long.

None of this affected outlaw members who also had a history with more formal versions of the team, like Wolverine, Spider-Man, Cage, Barton, Mockingbird, Ms. Marvel or Echo.


Sean McQuaid
May 20, 2010, 12:38 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

1. Arkon's entry says he can lift 2 tons, but his power grid number for strength is 6, the 75-100 ton range. Which is correct?

Based on the comics, the latter is probably closer to the truth. The lowball 2-ton figure was carried over from older pre-modern Handbook profiles. By the time any of our people noticed the iffy stat and questioned it, it was already too late to make the change for this issue.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

2. Why was there no list of Avengers impostors (Veranke, "Mockingbird") like the recent X-Men entry?

Partly because this profile was an Update, not a full-length version like the recent X-Men entry, so space was extremely limited by comparison.

The HC X-Men entry has a lot more extras packed into it, sure, but then so does the HC Avengers entry. There wasn't room for anything that massive in this Avengers handbook, not without cutting a bunch of other profiles anyway.

In addition, the Avengers are historically a somewhat more formal group than the X-Men, so their profile coverage tends to be a bit less open to inclusion of not-really-true-member characters. Whether we'll ever add listings of that nature to an Avengers profile somewhere someday remains to be seen, though prominent/significant characters of that nature (like Veranke) tend to be referenced in the History sections regardless.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

3. Why wasn't Whirlwind included?

If we're counting villains, there are still literally dozens of Avengers characters in need of new profiles. Heck, we haven't even profiled all the actual Avengers members yet, though we'll be dang close by the end of 2010 if current plans hold.

Whirlwind's absence is no reflection on the character -- he's just one of many subjects who haven't found a slot yet.

That being said, without giving away anything specific, he's a character we've recently discussed in our handbook plans -- and if memory serves, I think part of what kept him out of the Avengers handbook was his likely inclusion in a different planned project. That particular project's in limbo now, but the character is very much on our radar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he spins back into play before too long...


Sidney Osinga
May 20, 2010, 01:41 am

Thanks for the quick answers.

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Based on the comics, the latter is probably closer to the truth. The lowball 2-ton figure was carried over from older pre-modern Handbook profiles. By the time any of our people noticed the iffy stat and questioned it, it was already too late to make the change for this issue.

Good to know.

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Partly because this profile was an Update, not a full-length version like the recent X-Men entry, so space was extremely limited by comparison.

The HC X-Men entry has a lot more extras packed into it, sure, but then so does the HC Avengers entry. There wasn't room for anything that massive in this Avengers handbook, not without cutting a bunch of other profiles anyway.

In addition, the Avengers are historically a somewhat more formal group than the X-Men, so their profile coverage tends to be a bit less open to inclusion of not-really-true-member characters. Whether we'll ever add listings of that nature to an Avengers profile somewhere someday remains to be seen, though prominent/significant characters of that nature (like Veranke) tend to be referenced in the History sections regardless.

Also good to know, although I'm still a little disappointed.

Sean McQuaid wrote:

If we're counting villains, there are still literally dozens of Avengers characters in need of new profiles. Heck, we haven't even profiled all the actual Avengers members yet, though we'll be dang close by the end of 2010 if current plans hold.

Whirlwind's absence is no reflection on the character -- he's just one of many subjects who haven't found a slot yet.

That being said, without giving away anything specific, he's a character we've recently discussed in our handbook plans -- and if memory serves, I think part of what kept him out of the Avengers handbook was his likely inclusion in a different planned project. That particular project's in limbo now, but the character is very much on our radar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he spins back into play before too long...


Well, the reason I asked about Whirlwind specifically is because most of history is with the Avengers. Still, it's good to know he will be covered. It's also nice to hear the rest of the Avengers will be covered. By my reckoning, the ones still to come are the Guardians of the Galaxy (Charlie-27, Major Victory, Martinex, Nikki, and the upcoming Yondu) and the Masque bio-duplicate.

It was nice to see obscure characters like Imus Champion, the Cosmic Avengers, Elfqueen, the Forever Man, Moonhunter, and Leonard Tippit alongside current characters like the Initiative recruits.

Also, what did the rest of you fans out there think about the new art. Personally, the only one didn't care for was Prodigy.

Sean McQuaid
May 20, 2010, 07:38 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also good to know [about why no Imposter listings], although I'm still a little disappointed.

Sorry to disappoint; but setting aside the question of whether we should be or will be including that particular extra feature in any future Avengers profiles, an update-style profile probably isn't the best or most likely place to be looking for that sort of thing. Updates (as opposed to full expansions) tend to cover the bare essentials of the subject, albeit with an emphasis on recent events.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Well, the reason I asked about Whirlwind specifically is because most of history is with the Avengers.

Much of his history is with the Avengers, true, but the same can also be said for many other characters who haven't gotten a modern profile yet. Regardless, I'm pretty sure his time will come.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

It's also nice to hear the rest of the Avengers will be covered. By my reckoning, the ones still to come are the Guardians of the Galaxy (Charlie-27, Major Victory, Martinex, Nikki, and the upcoming Yondu) and the Masque bio-duplicate.

As you know, Yondu is coming, and several of the others are already planned for several different titles. We may not have a complete set of Avengers by the end of 2010, but we'll probably be very close to it.


Roger Ott
May 20, 2010, 09:48 am

Sean McQuaid wrote:

We may not have a complete set of Avengers by the end of 2010, but we'll probably be very close to it.

Sounds good to me!

May 20, 2010, 10:23 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also, what did the rest of you fans out there think about the new art. Personally, the only one didn't care for was Prodigy.

The Gus Vasquez art has been growing on me. Sometimes it's a little too cartoony for my tastes, but it gets the job done. I would be happy if his art continued to be used when needed.

Question, I don't know if this is in the writers hands or not, but I figure I'd ask anyway. Is there a way future handbooks could be titled as such, like having "handbook" on the title or cover? The reason I ask is because I get all handbooks in my subscription box at my comic store, but things like this and the Deadpool book slip through because despite the solicitations (which the shop doesn't always read) there's no indication that it's a handbook on the cover. My LCS just gave this book to whomever had "Avengers" on their pull list, I do not (Not interested in Bendis's take on the Avengers at all). Most people picking up Avengers just because it's the "in" book probably won't have any use for this. I was lucky enough to snag a copy from someone who didn't want it. Comic shops generally order handbooks in much fewer quantities then regular comics, so if I miss a handbook because it's not clearly indicated, it might be hard for me to get a copy.

I can try keeping up with the solicitations and notify my LCS when new handbooks are solicited, but it would be much, much easier if they all carried the handbook banner.

William Keogh
May 20, 2010, 11:55 am

Just started reading this one, but thanks for putting it out there in advance.

And I don't mind Vasquez' art; it's growing on me.

May 20, 2010, 01:21 pm

Sean McQuaid wrote:

Based on the comics, the latter is probably closer to the truth. The lowball 2-ton figure was carried over from older pre-modern Handbook profiles. By the time any of our people noticed the iffy stat and questioned it, it was already too late to make the change for this issue.

If we're counting villains, there are still literally dozens of Avengers characters in need of new profiles. Heck, we haven't even profiled all the actual Avengers members yet, though we'll be dang close by the end of 2010 if current plans hold.

Whirlwind's absence is no reflection on the character -- he's just one of many subjects who haven't found a slot yet.

That being said, without giving away anything specific, he's a character we've recently discussed in our handbook plans -- and if memory serves, I think part of what kept him out of the Avengers handbook was his likely inclusion in a different planned project. That particular project's in limbo now, but the character is very much on our radar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he spins back into play before too long...


Like a Hershey's chocolate bar on a Houston sidewalk in June, the goey-goodness continues in this Avengers Assemble handbook! I am reading it slowly to make it last!

I did have a few questions/comments, though.

1) So, I too noticed the Arkon strength and durability stats. I think he started out being a low superstrength character, like 2 tons, but he had to be much stronger even in early 90's when he fought Wonder Man, who at that time, could lift 95 tons. But just how strong is Arkon? Probably 75 tons?

2) In this Arkon entry, it states that Wanda was "impelled to recite a spell". Should that be "compelled" to recite a spell?

3) I can't wait until ALL of the Avengers are profiled! After all, they are Earth's greatest heroes.

4) Yes, I am one of those awaiting Whirlwind's entry, so I hope that limboed project revives so that we get an entry on our evil whirler!

5) Thanks for the great Black Knight entry! I was particularly interested in the Ebony Blade information! I never had this much info presented on the sword, let alone ever hearing about the other ebony objects. Excellent!!

6) Bova! Finally, an entry for our favorite bovine (no offense Hell-Cow! Really!)! I think I caught an error in Pietro and Wanda's foster mother's name: it should be Marya, not Mary.

7) Captain America Update: Yah!
The entry states that Steve encouraged Bucky to continue as CA and that Steve took over Osborn's role, as offered by the President, in charge of America's super heroes. It didn't state what name he is going by. I would guess his given name, Steve Rogers, in his new over-seer role? What about when he performs super-heroics?

Well, that is as far as I got. Every page has great artwork and information.
Thank You!

Roger Ott
May 20, 2010, 01:52 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Question, I don't know if this is in the writers hands or not, but I figure I'd ask anyway. Is there a way future handbooks could be titled as such, like having "handbook" on the title or cover?

I second this, for all the reasons stated.

Madison Carter
May 20, 2010, 03:30 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I second this, for all the reasons stated.

Trust me, if we could we would. It's not up to us.

Madison Carter
May 20, 2010, 03:31 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

7) Captain America Update: Yah!
The entry states that Steve encouraged Bucky to continue as CA and that Steve took over Osborn's role, as offered by the President, in charge of America's super heroes. It didn't state what name he is going by. I would guess his given name, Steve Rogers, in his new over-seer role? What about when he performs super-heroics?

As of right now, he's simply Steve Rogers.

Sean McQuaid
May 20, 2010, 05:10 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I think [Arkon] started out being a low superstrength character, like 2 tons, but he had to be much stronger even in early 90's when he fought Wonder Man, who at that time, could lift 95 tons. But just how strong is Arkon? Probably 75 tons?

I don't think an exact figure has been set yet, but he's clearly way stronger than 2 tons, having been depicted as a match for guys like Hercules and Wonder Man.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I can't wait until ALL of the Avengers are profiled! After all, they are Earth's greatest heroes.

No argument here.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Yes, I am one of those awaiting Whirlwind's entry, so I hope that limboed project revives so that we get an entry on our evil whirler!

The fate of that limboed project remains quite uncertain, but I suspect Whirlwind will find a handbook slot somewhere even if the project in question never comes out of limbo.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Bova! Finally, an entry for our favorite bovine (no offense Hell-Cow! Really!)! I think I caught an error in Pietro and Wanda's foster mother's name: it should be Marya, not Mary.

You are correct.


May 20, 2010, 08:18 pm

Sean McQuaid wrote:

That being said, without giving away anything specific, he's a character we've recently discussed in our handbook plans -- and if memory serves, I think part of what kept him out of the Avengers handbook was his likely inclusion in a different planned project. That particular project's in limbo now, but the character is very much on our radar, so I wouldn't be surprised if he spins back into play before too long...


So, no Hank Pym Handbook then? A shame. I was looking forward to finally getting a profile of the Giant-Man Fan Club. Gotta love a bunch of guys who can burst into a man's private lab in his private home, without knowing his secret identity.

May 20, 2010, 09:58 pm

captainswift wrote:

So, no Hank Pym Handbook then? A shame. I was looking forward to finally getting a profile of the Giant-Man Fan Club. Gotta love a bunch of guys who can burst into a man's private lab in his private home, without knowing his secret identity.

Actually, I briefly considered that perhaps a Handbook for Hank, Jan, and other Particle users and related characters might have been workable. Whirlwind was one of the ones I thought of, of course, along with the Voice (before he appeared in this one, obviously), Eric O'Grady (who'll be in Update #3, it looks like), Tom Foster, the Scarlet Beetle, Daddy Longlegs, the Kosmosians, Second Story Sammy, Maria Pym, MODAM, the Whiz Kids, Doctor Spectrum, Salvation-1, Hijacker, Criti Noll, and Baron Brimstone.

Zach Kinkead
May 21, 2010, 03:49 am

Is this a Handbook or just another “files” type reference comic? I make it a point to have all the handbooks pulled but this one wasn’t so I’m not sure if they didn’t know what it was (that happens a lot with the one-shots) or if it was because it wasn’t actually a handbook.

Sidney Osinga
May 21, 2010, 05:06 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Is this a Handbook or just another “files” type reference comic? I make it a point to have all the handbooks pulled but this one wasn’t so I’m not sure if they didn’t know what it was (that happens a lot with the one-shots) or if it was because it wasn’t actually a handbook.

Definitely a Handbook.

May 22, 2010, 08:07 am

This is my favourite handbook since the myths one, and I'm very happy to see Dreamguard get a profile.

A couple of questions:

1) How was which people should be former Avengers and which should be inactive decided? I understand that a lot of the former Avengers are dead, but did Moon Knight, Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, and Swordsman (Duquesne) all formally leave the team? And I thought Two-Gun Kid had only been an honorary Avenger.

2) When was Cap called Granny?

May 22, 2010, 09:41 am

Isn't Swordsman dead too?

Sean McQuaid
May 22, 2010, 12:22 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

How was which people should be former Avengers and which should be inactive decided?

On a case by case basis, judging by evidence from the comics, and consulting editorial for a ruling in cases where it was unclear or open to interpetation.

DrGoodwrench wrote:

I understand that a lot of the former Avengers are dead, but did Moon Knight, Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Thing, and Swordsman (Duquesne) all formally leave the team?

Yes to all except for Swordsman, who's long dead.

Moon Knight quit the team on rather bad terms in MARC SPECTOR: MOON KNIGHT #50 (1993). Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic and Thing resigned circa AVENGERS #1 (1998) because they felt they should concentrate on their FF duties.

Ironically, the status of a couple of former Avengers will be changing back to Active very soon, as folks following the advance publicity for SECRET AVENGERS and NEW AVENGERS have probably figured out by now...

DrGoodwrench wrote:

And I thought Two-Gun Kid had only been an honorary Avenger.

Nope, a reservist (and more recently inactive). He was mistakenly labeled/interpreted as honorary in a couple of early 90s reference works, but he's been counted as a standard member since the whole roster got reassessed circa Avengers Casebook 1999, and subsequent reference works have followed the Casebook's lead regarding that bit of info.

For more details, here's an excerpt from an article I wrote about the team's roster a while back:

"The Two-Gun Kid was partnered with Avengers veteran Hawkeye circa Avengers #151 (1976), where Two-Gun is mentioned during a roster reshuffling as one of several associates ready to aid the group when needed. Of these associates, Hawkeye, Yellowjacket (Pym), Hellcat and Moondragon are explicitly identified in 151 as serving in a reserve capacity, but Two-Gun’s status is only implied. Regardless, later writers took his membership for granted – it’s implied in Avengers #168-175 (1978) when he and Hawkeye are heading East to rejoin the Avengers, and when the Collector abducts Two-Gun as part of his Avengers collection. There’s also vague talk of Two-Gun perhaps rejoining in his later West Coast Avengers #18-23 (1987) appearances, and his Avengers ID card is seen in Two-Gun Kid: Sunset Riders #1 (1995). Later on, he’s seen in an Avengers roster in Avengers #1 (1998) and in a membership montage in Avengers #10 (1998), and clearly referred to as an Avenger repeatedly in She-Hulk #3-5 (2006) and various later issues of that series.

"While OHotMU Master Edition and Avengers Log guessed Two-Gun was honorary, Avengers: Casebook 1999 ultimately reclassified him as a reservist. This was partly because of how Avengers #151 implied that status, but it’s also because Two-Gun fits the profile of a reservist more than an honorary member. Honorary members typically have full access to the team’s headquarters, perhaps residing there, but Two-Gun had little or no access over the years. Reservists, on the other hand, are often based outside the team’s immediate vicinity, like the Black Knight (during his early days with the team), Firebird, Machine Man, Darkhawk, Ronin (Maya Lopez) and so on. The Southwest-based Two-Gun Kid’s early Avengers affiliation followed that pattern, a situation more typical of a reservist than an honorary member."


Sean McQuaid
May 22, 2010, 12:24 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Isn't Swordsman dead too?

As a doornail. Keeping in mind, of course, that doornails in the MU can prove surprisingly lively on occasion...


May 22, 2010, 01:59 pm

Hey, can I get a link to this article? It sounds really interesting.

Sean McQuaid
May 23, 2010, 02:23 am

ToddCam wrote:

Hey, can I get a link to this article? It sounds really interesting.

Not available online, sorry -- and the full article hasn't actually seen print yet, as that project's been delayed a time or two. Should be out sometime this year, though, and I'll try to remember to post a heads-up.


Sidney Osinga
May 23, 2010, 11:07 pm

In the Leonard Tippit entry, he has teleportation listed as one of his powers, so shouldn't he have had a yellow bar going to 7 under speed in the power gird like other teleporters?

Sidney Osinga
May 24, 2010, 11:19 pm

Also, shouldn't the Durability for Phone Ranger be higher than 2 since his helmet is tough enough to deflect one of Scourge's explosive bullets.

May 25, 2010, 06:48 pm

I had a question about the Unspoken.

Since Black Bolt declared his name to be stricken from records and never again uttered, is this why it is blacked-out in his entry?

Also, the Unspoken entry mentions Karnak emerging from the Terrigen Mists. I always thought that Karnak had undergone the process, however in the past 10-15 years, there have been conflicting writings stating that he never entered the mists. So, is the truth that he was exposed? Did the process give him any additional powers besides finding the flaw in anything, such as enhanced speed, strength, fighting prowess or intelligence?

Sidney Osinga
May 25, 2010, 08:09 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

2) When was Cap called Granny?

The Golden Age Captain America Comics #2.

Stuart V
May 27, 2010, 06:52 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

In the Leonard Tippit entry, he has teleportation listed as one of his powers, so shouldn't he have had a yellow bar going to 7 under speed in the power gird like other teleporters?

Probably, I'll check. Thanks for spotting that.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also, shouldn't the Durability for Phone Ranger be higher than 2 since his helmet is tough enough to deflect one of Scourge's explosive bullets.

I think it was dumb luck rather than proper armor. But I'll check.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I had a question about the Unspoken.

Since Black Bolt declared his name to be stricken from records and never again uttered, is this why it is blacked-out in his entry?


Phoenixx9 wrote:

Also, the Unspoken entry mentions Karnak emerging from the Terrigen Mists. I always thought that Karnak had undergone the process, however in the past 10-15 years, there have been conflicting writings stating that he never entered the mists. So, is the truth that he was exposed? Did the process give him any additional powers besides finding the flaw in anything, such as enhanced speed, strength, fighting prowess or intelligence?

There have been conflicting accounts, but enough of them now say he went into the mist to win out. It may be that his lack of visible mutation after exposure simply led them to believe the mists just didn't work; it may be that it suited them to claim Karnak got no powers so that people underestimated him; it may be some other reason. Regardless, current info shows that he got exposed. Since his mutation wasn't visible and didn't manifest in easily quantifiable enhancements (e.g. if his strength got enhanced, it didn't go so high as to be unquestionably superhuman) it's hard to say whether he got improved speed, etc from the mists, or just from lots of training.

Stuart V
May 29, 2010, 10:41 am

Updates to some of the past queries, after checking them with the respective writers.

Arkon's strength noted vs power grid. The text ", lifting 2 tons" was meant to have been removed. It accidentally got left in from an earlier draft. It is errata. Per the power grid, he can lift somewhere over 75 tons, but definitely not more than 100 tons.

Likewise, Tippit's power grid has an error - it should have a yellow bar up to 7 to cover his teleportation ability.

Karnak's exposure to the mists was specifically mentioned in Unspoken's origin in Mighty Avengers. So past claims he was not exposed have been retconned (real world explanation)/in error or lies (616 explanation).

And Phone Ranger's durability - It wasn't that his helmet was super-durable, it worked the same way a skull might at times, just being dense enough to reroute the bullet that time. A second time might not produce the same result. (Which matches what I thought - he was just very lucky that time).

Moira Brandon
May 30, 2010, 06:29 pm

Thanks for your comments, Start....just one question about the Avengers roster: why are not the members of the Avengers resistance (Gaunlet, Debrii, Scarlet Spider, Ultra Girl and Diamonback) not listed as oficial avengers? It was a team formed by real Avengers like Justice, Rage and Tigra....I suposed they had the right as Avengers members to create a group...and if they are not members because they were outlaw at this moment, why the New avengers (another outlaw team) is considered oficial?
Thanks in advance

Sean McQuaid
Jun 2, 2010, 04:07 pm

Moira Brandon wrote:

why are not the members of the Avengers resistance (Gaunlet, Debrii, Scarlet Spider, Ultra Girl and Diamonback) not listed as oficial avengers? It was a team formed by real Avengers like Justice, Rage and Tigra....I suposed they had the right as Avengers members to create a group...and if they are not members because they were outlaw at this moment, why the New avengers (another outlaw team) is considered oficial?

This was a decision ultimately made by folks higher up than us, but official policy for now is that the Resistance characters don't count as real/full members unless they'd already served with the more formal Avengers (like Tigra, Justice and Rage).

Two possible explanations:

1) The Resistance group lacked a charter-mandated founder behind it. The outlaw version of NEW AVENGERS considered themselves a continuation of Captain America's Avengers, and I doubt either Cap or anyone else opposed that interpretation after the various Avengers factions reunited and Cap returned, so they may be interpreted as retroactively founder-approved, like the later MIGHTY roster drawing its legitimacy in part from the fact that a founder (Pym) started it. The Resistance, by comparison, didn't have any senior Avengers in its ranks, let alone founders.

2) The outlaw NEW AVENGERS, having inherited most members of the previous official NEW AVENGERS roster, was viewed as a continuation of the official group in another form. In other words, the outlaw version of the team was built around or derived from an existing Avengers roster, while the Resistance was cobbled together from scratch.


Jun 9, 2010, 09:54 am

skippcomet wrote:

I know this will primarily focus on recent characters and updates, but when you consider all the various iterations of "Avengers" -- 'classic' Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Heroes Reborn Avengers, Young Avengers, New Avengers, Avengers Initiative, Mighty Avengers, Dark Avengers, possibly even the Pet Avengers -- that's a lot of history to draw from. Not just members, but allies, enemies, and supporting cast. Besides the characters we know will be in it, I'd like to echo the hopes for Whirlwind to receive an entry and add my hopes to see entries for the likes of Libra/Gustav Brandt (Zodiac member, Mantis's father, and a role in Avengers Forever), Duane Freeman, Peggy Carter (she was a member of the Avengers Support Staff as well), and the criminal Black Knight/Nathan Garrett.

I like this the criminal Black Knight/Nathan Garrett. I hope that I can read more description about it. :rofl:

Jul 14, 2010, 11:36 pm

skippcomet wrote:

I know this will primarily focus on recent characters and updates, but when you consider all the various iterations of "Avengers" -- 'classic' Avengers, West Coast Avengers, Heroes Reborn Avengers, Young Avengers, New Avengers, Avengers Initiative, Mighty Avengers, Dark Avengers, possibly even the Pet Avengers -- that's a lot of history to draw from. Not just members, but allies, enemies, and supporting cast. Besides the characters we know will be in it, I'd like to echo the hopes for Whirlwind to receive an entry and add my hopes to see entries for the likes of Libra/Gustav Brandt (Zodiac member, Mantis's father, and a role in Avengers Forever), Duane Freeman, Peggy Carter (she was a member of the Avengers Support Staff as well), and the criminal Black Knight/Nathan Garrett.

Nice one! I love also to assemble the all avengers. Also the Libra, I am a fan of it. :Biggrin:

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