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1/30/2020 7:37 am  #1

Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe

Historical text from Comixfan:

Oct 20, 2010, 12:35 pm

Coming from Marvel in January...

Written by VARIOUS
Select Character Artwork by GUS VAZQUEZ
Cover by TOM RANEY

The chronicle of the Marvel Universe is filled with mind-blowing events — and, in this book, we begin recording them in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe-style! Covering events from all eras of Marvel history! The Earth-shaking (The Great Cataclysm! World War II! House of M/M-Day!), the universe-changing (Operation: Galactic Storm! The Annihilation War! War of Kings!) and other significant moments in the lives of your favorite Marvel characters (the Richards/Storm Wedding! Lost in Space Time! Armor Wars!). Plus many more! Featuring new art by GUS VAZQUEZ!

64 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99
Oct 20, 2010, 12:40 pm

That is definitely a Handbook like we've never seen before.

Good show, fellows.

Oct 20, 2010, 01:07 pm

So I'm guessing these will be done like the previous event entries? Not really a fan of those, but this is still very interesting indeed.

Oct 20, 2010, 02:39 pm

From the cover:

Maximum Carnage
Secret Invasion
Civil War
World War Hulk
Kree-Skrull War
World War II
Infinity Gauntlet
Mutant Massacre

I like this. I wonder how Gus Vazquez is going to illustrate these entries.

Andy E. Nystrom
Oct 20, 2010, 03:07 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

I like this. I wonder how Gus Vazquez is going to illustrate these entries.

If he doesn't already have Perez on speed-dial, now would be the time. I'm glad that WW2 is being included, because it's the one real world event that had a lot of superhero activity, and in fact had some retconned in (as opposed to Vietnam, which has had most of its superhero activity retconned out)

Eduardo M.
Oct 20, 2010, 03:56 pm


Who wants to be a pal and loan me their time machine? I promise to only visit January 2011. I won't do anything stupid and wrong like change the outcomes of Super Bowls, the Oscars, or have Greedo shoot first.

Oct 20, 2010, 04:01 pm

Ooh...I hope they put an entry for the Thing's poker games. Also, Cap is on the cover thrice and Mr. Fantastic finally gets on a cover since being shafted from HC #7.

Eduardo M.
Oct 20, 2010, 04:33 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Mr. Fantastic finally gets on a cover since being shafted from HC #7.

Too bad he's getting beaten up by the Hulk. Seems like poor Reed can't catch a break

Roger Ott
Oct 20, 2010, 08:15 pm

Very interesting! I'm looking very forward to this.

Oct 20, 2010, 11:28 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:


Who wants to be a pal and loan me their time machine? I promise to only visit January 2011. I won't do anything stupid and wrong like change the outcomes of Super Bowls, the Oscars, or have Greedo shoot first.

I already lent you my time machine. It went badly, so I used my spare time machine to prevent your from borrowing it. Sorry.

Eduardo M.
Oct 21, 2010, 10:43 am

captainswift wrote:

I already lent you my time machine. It went badly, so I used my spare time machine to prevent your from borrowing it. Sorry.

Hey! You know perfectly well that wasn't my fault. No one told me Marie Curie couldn't hold her liquor

Sidney Osinga
Oct 22, 2010, 12:31 am

When I first saw the title, I thought it was a Handbook of the various media universes (movies, cartoons, TV shows). Anyways, since I have been asking for more event entries, I'm glad to see this.

Oct 22, 2010, 05:43 am

What is now the official title of this handbook (because the cover's title says otherwise)? Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe of Marvel Events Handbook?

Oct 22, 2010, 08:57 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

When I first saw the title, I thought it was a Handbook of the various media universes (movies, cartoons, TV shows). Anyways, since I have been asking for more event entries, I'm glad to see this.

So did I, thank God it's not.

Michael Regan
Oct 22, 2010, 09:32 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

When I first saw the title, I thought it was a Handbook of the various media universes (movies, cartoons, TV shows). Anyways, since I have been asking for more event entries, I'm glad to see this.

I was hoping for the former, but the latter is good as well. Considering the various rights involved in all the extra media productions we will not likely see such a handbook

Rayeye wrote:

What is now the official title of this handbook (because the cover's title says otherwise)? Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe of Marvel Events Handbook?

Good question. The discrepancy comes directly from the Marvel website.

Madison Carter
Oct 22, 2010, 01:50 pm

Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe is the official title.

Michael Regan
Oct 22, 2010, 02:15 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe is the official title.

Thanks Madison. Any idea where the other title came from, out of curiosity?

Madison Carter
Oct 22, 2010, 03:57 pm

long story short, it took a while to come up with a good name for this one, thus the generic version sneaked into some type.

Michael Regan
Oct 22, 2010, 05:41 pm

Not to poke the bear, but the mistaken title appears to fit better considering the noted misunderstanding. No big deal though, the title will make little difference if the content is as good as expected.

Madison Carter
Oct 23, 2010, 03:51 am

Michael Regan wrote:

Not to poke the bear, but the mistaken title appears to fit better considering the noted misunderstanding. No big deal though, the title will make little difference if the content is as good as expected.

It's not a mistaken title; just a working title that slipped into print. All the themed books are like that ("Wolverine handbook," "Avengers handbook"), with another title being chosen soon after. Very few themed handbooks actually have "The ______ Handbook" titles anymore.

Michael Regan
Oct 23, 2010, 08:27 am

Ah, I understand. Sorry Madison.

Roger Ott
Oct 23, 2010, 10:30 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Very few themed handbooks actually have "The ______ Handbook" titles anymore.

I wonder if this is a marketing decision? Based on sales figures obtained by CBG:


Here's a quick breadown of the first two issues of the OHOTMU Update, and 2 themed books:

OHOTMU A-Z Update #1 - ranked #225; estimated 5,406 sales
OHOTMU A-Z Update #2 - ranked #267; estimated 5,312 sales
Avengers Assemble #1 - ranked #121; estimated 15,113 sales
Iron Manual Mark 3 #1 - ranked #164; estimated 9,456 sales

Now granted the Avengers book came out during the Avengers relaunch and the Iron Manual came out alongside the second movie, so the numbers are probably skewed because of the events, but I'm guessing the themed books normally sell better than the regular OHOTMU handbooks.

Oct 23, 2010, 12:55 pm

Yeah, by and large, "The Wolverine Handbook", while descriptive, isn't as evocative as the "Weapon X Files", etc. That said, I'm not a fan of the title "Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe", not because it makes me think of movies, but because it's just sort of clumsy sounding.

Still, it isn't the title, but the content, that matters. And this looks like a good 'un.

Madison Carter
Oct 23, 2010, 02:33 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I wonder if this is a marketing decision? Based on sales figures obtained by CBG:


Here's a quick breadown of the first two issues of the OHOTMU Update, and 2 themed books:

OHOTMU A-Z Update #1 - ranked #225; estimated 5,406 sales
OHOTMU A-Z Update #2 - ranked #267; estimated 5,312 sales
Avengers Assemble #1 - ranked #121; estimated 15,113 sales
Iron Manual Mark 3 #1 - ranked #164; estimated 9,456 sales

Now granted the Avengers book came out during the Avengers relaunch and the Iron Manual came out alongside the second movie, so the numbers are probably skewed because of the events, but I'm guessing the themed books normally sell better than the regular OHOTMU handbooks.


Sidney Osinga
Oct 26, 2010, 11:32 pm

On a similar note, I remember seeing in Previews that the Deadpool Corps: Rank and Foul broke into the top 100, probably making it the best selling Handbook in a while.

Also, getting back on topic, I wonder if the entries will be in alphabetical order or chronological order.

Stuart V
Dec 24, 2010, 08:23 am

Just to say, this went to print earlier this week. There's a lot of gorgeous new artwork from Gus for you guys to look forward to - he was presented with a real challenge, as he had to depict multiple characters and try and capture some of the feeling of each event in a single shot.

Roger Ott
Dec 24, 2010, 11:09 am

Awesome! I missed this on pre-order, so I hope I can get one when it hits the stands.

Jan 22, 2011, 04:04 pm

Is this coming out next week? I thought it was coming out this week but it appears I was mistaken.

William Keogh
Jan 22, 2011, 04:33 pm

It's listed for this coming week.

Jan 22, 2011, 05:27 pm

So that explains why no one posted about it on Jan 19/20. The boards have been slow but someone always posts when a new book debuts.

I was awaiting with gleeful anticipation all the "oohs and ahhs" from Gus' art and the events covered in Blockbuster! Mine won't arrive for a while so I can't wait to hear what is covered!

Stuart V
Jan 22, 2011, 06:04 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I was awaiting with gleeful anticipation all the "oohs and ahhs" from Gus' art and the events covered in Blockbuster! Mine won't arrive for a while so I can't wait to hear what is covered!

Actually, once we included all of Aunt May's heart attacks as individual events, we had to cut everything else for lack of space. You have no idea how challenging it was for Gus to draw dozens of different variations of Aunt May in hospital beds!

Jan 22, 2011, 06:20 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Actually, once we included all of Aunt May's heart attacks as individual events, we had to cut everything else for lack of space. You have no idea how challenging it was for Gus to draw dozens of different variations of Aunt May in hospital beds!

As long as he covered her as The Golden Oldie, I'm good! ;)

And ya know, Stuart, she really is on my Wish List as The Golden Oldie, so grab someone's ear and let's get May featured before she becomes The Moldie Goldey Oldie!  :lol:

Madison Carter
Jan 23, 2011, 12:06 am

Stuart V wrote:

Actually, once we included all of Aunt May's heart attacks as individual events, we had to cut everything else for lack of space. You have no idea how challenging it was for Gus to draw dozens of different variations of Aunt May in hospital beds!

True, but that one - you know, the one where everyone just stood around talking about her faking it and going on with their own conversations - was brilliantly depicted by Gus.

William Keogh
Jan 23, 2011, 01:44 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Actually, once we included all of Aunt May's heart attacks as individual events, we had to cut everything else for lack of space. You have no idea how challenging it was for Gus to draw dozens of different variations of Aunt May in hospital beds!

It would have been much easier for you guys if Stan had just decided to off the old bat early in his run.  

Jan 23, 2011, 03:57 pm

William Keogh wrote:

It would have been much easier for you guys if Stan had just decided to off the old bat early in his run.  

Aw, no. Poor ole Auntie Mame, er I mean Aunt May! Don't knock her off! She's barely 100, ya know?

"Ya get no puddin' if you don't produce May as Golden Oldie!
Ya get rancid puddin' if you produce Moldie Goldie Oldie.
Ya get spam-flavored puddin' if ya kill off ole Aunt May."


William Keogh
Jan 24, 2011, 11:35 am

To borrow a phrase from Groucho Marx about Aunt May...

"Well, it was her mother who saw her first, but let's not bring the Civil War into this."

Jan 26, 2011, 01:51 pm

Just grabbed this today. For those who were wondering, the entries are done in the exact same style as the prior event entries (Key Participants, Key Chronicle, Legacy). There is some new artwork, but not as much as some of the other recent handbooks. I like the original art, seeing as how events are very specific to their time, the original art helps capture that. Where Gus was required to produce new art, it looks great. There is a 5 page appendix at the end covering additional events. Here's the contents and page count:

Annihilation War (1)
Armor Wars (1)
Atlantis Attacks (1)
Avengers/Defenders War (2)
Battletide (I and II) (1)
Civil War (2)
Crossing (2)
Dark Reign (2)
Destiny War (3)
Doom Supreme (1)
Evolutionary War (2)
Fall Of The Hammer (2099 AD) (1)
Forces Of Darkness, Forces Of Light (1)
Great Cataclysm (3)
Heroes Reborn/Heroes Return (2)
House Of M/M-Day (2)
I.T. Plot (1)
Inferno (2)
Infinity Gauntlet (2)
Kree-Skrull War (2)
Lost In Space-Time (2)
Maximum Carnage (1)
Maximum Security (1)
Midnight Massacre (1)
Mutant Massacre (1)
Mys-Tech Wars (1)
Odyssey (1)
Operation: Galactic Storm (2)
Richards-Storm Wedding (2)
Secret Invasion (1)
Secret Wars (1)
Star Waaugh! (1)
Timequake (1)
Vampire State (1)
War Of Kings (1)
World Faces Destruction (1)
World War Hulk (2)
World War One (1)
World War Two (3)

Whoever decided to include Star Waaugh!, thank you! And The World War Two entry looks awesome, even has illustration of various real-life political figures.

Jan 26, 2011, 02:47 pm

Thanks for posting all the featured events and details, BigVis497!

Wow. Blockbusters sounds great, and I am glad that the Avengers-Defenders War was included.

I can't wait to get mine!

Eduardo M.
Jan 26, 2011, 03:25 pm

I have this one waiting for me at my LCS. Can't wait to crack my copy open and check it out.

The only problem is deciding what to read first

Roger Ott
Jan 26, 2011, 04:29 pm

I feel sorry for the person who had to write the Crossing profile. Having done that myself for various Iron Man projects over the years, it takes a little more of my soul every time I do.

Looks like a great book, though! I missed the preorder, so I hope I can get one soon.

William Keogh
Jan 26, 2011, 05:18 pm

I reserved mine. I won't get to the LCS until the weekend, so I thought I'd better be safe then sorry.

Andy E. Nystrom
Jan 26, 2011, 08:52 pm

I'll probably have to wait 3 weeks to get mine. My comic shoip didn't know it was a Handbook and the other shops downtown didn't get it either. So I have to wait until it shows up in the back order. So if in my Never Been Kissed Threads I mention stuff in the Blockbusters as not yet in the Handbooks, look the other way because I'm avoiding spoilers.

Jan 26, 2011, 11:42 pm

And now for the long wait until April and Thor.

Jan 28, 2011, 01:34 pm

I don't have it in front of me, so I don't know the number (something like 7642?) but the appendix canonizes Earth-Crossover! WOOHOO!!!

Madison Carter
Jan 28, 2011, 10:20 pm

ToddCam wrote:

I don't have it in front of me, so I don't know the number (something like 7642?) but the appendix canonizes Earth-Crossover! WOOHOO!!!

Pretty sure we've had mention of it a couple of times in the past, including an Appendix on alternate/divergent realities.

Eduardo M.
Jan 31, 2011, 10:35 am

Just bought this over the weekend.

Kudos to all involved. Great stuff. Loved the work-up on the Great Cataclysm, Secret Wars, Inferno, and Kree-Skrull War. I even give my hats off to the poor soul who had to write-up the Crossing. You did a great job with what is a difficult subject. The Appendix was a nice touch and I noticed a few entries that would be great to do should ths book get a sequel.

One thing that jumps out at me by the way. I noticed this Handbook has no half-page entries. This is the first time I've seen that happen since the 04-05 run.

Eduardo M.
Feb 1, 2011, 03:05 pm

Just finished reading the entry on World War II and a couple of things popped into my head which hopefully you guys can help out with

1. Isn't the name of Nicky Fury's buddy who died in Pearl Harbor Red Hargrove as opposed to Red Fowler?

2. Vol.2 of the Hardcovers treats Keen Marlow and Brian Falsworth as two different people but the Marvels Project says they're one and the same. Now this entry says they're different people. Which is it?

Sidney Osinga
Feb 1, 2011, 05:01 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

2. Vol.2 of the Hardcovers treats Keen Marlow and Brian Falsworth as two different people but the Marvels Project says they're one and the same. Now this entry says they're different people. Which is it?

There are many, many things in the Marvels Project that contradict established Marvel history. Go with what the Handbook says.

Eduardo M.
Feb 1, 2011, 05:49 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

There are many, many things in the Marvels Project that contradict established Marvel history. Go with what the Handbook says.

Thank you Sid. Its too bad that book has so many plot holes (the Destroyer, the death of the Ferret) Its a cool read

Sidney Osinga
Feb 1, 2011, 06:18 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Thank you Sid. Its too bad that book has so many plot holes (the Destroyer, the death of the Ferret) Its a cool read

I agree, it is was a good series despite all the contradictions. The "World Faces Destruction" entry also ignores things from the Marvels Project, mainly that the Human Torch didn't know who Namor was in it.

Also, these are just my opinions and not official until one of the writers confirm them.

Feb 2, 2011, 09:22 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

There are many, many things in the Marvels Project that contradict established Marvel history. Go with what the Handbook says.

You know, that's something that really bothers me about current Marvel editorial. Face it, series set in the Golden Age do not appeal to the majority of the audience. The people picking them up are the longtime, hardcore fanbase who do pay attention to details. It baffles me that they commission things like that, then go ahead and completely ignore established continuity.

Roger Ott
Feb 2, 2011, 11:24 am

bigvis497 wrote:

You know, that's something that really bothers me about current Marvel editorial. Face it, series set in the Golden Age do not appeal to the majority of the audience. The people picking them up are the longtime, hardcore fanbase who do pay attention to details. It baffles me that they commission things like that, then go ahead and completely ignore established continuity.

This has been a peeve of mine for years. I don't want to paint with broad strokes, because there are some good editors left at Marvel, but there are many who seem to let the creative talent run amok, doing whatever they want. Adherence to continuity is what made Marvel the greatest comic book publisher in the world back up through the late 80s. You got a real sense of this great big world where all these characters came together.

Feb 3, 2011, 05:39 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Face it, series set in the Golden Age do not appeal to the majority of the audience. The people picking them up are the longtime, hardcore fanbase who do pay attention to details.

I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but maybe that is exactly what the Marvels Project was trying to change.

Sidney Osinga
Feb 3, 2011, 11:33 pm

Just got done reading it, and I noticed a BIG mistake in the World War Two entry. Unless I've missed something, the frozen Captain America did not end up in the Antarctic.

Feb 4, 2011, 02:29 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Just got done reading it, and I noticed a BIG mistake in the World War Two entry. Unless I've missed something, the frozen Captain America did not end up in the Antarctic.

Unless I'm missing something.... wasn't it the Arctic Ocean?

Andy E. Nystrom
Feb 9, 2011, 04:43 pm

Finally got it! Surprised there wasn't a Secret Wars II entry beyond the Appendix, but I suppose that event is largely covered by the Beyonder entry, whereas with the first Secret Wars, he was more of a catalyst than the centre of activity.

Eduardo M.
Feb 9, 2011, 06:15 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Finally got it! Surprised there wasn't a Secret Wars II entry beyond the Appendix, but I suppose that event is largely covered by the Beyonder entry, whereas with the first Secret Wars, he was more of a catalyst than the centre of activity.

Yeah. There's not to Secret Wars II other than the Beyonder wandering around the MU. Everything that needs to be said about it can be/was covered in his entry.

However, I AM surprised the more recent Secret War wasn't covered. Its helped pave the way for alot of whats happened to Nick Fury and SHIELD in the past decade or so.

Maybe if this book gets a sequel

Roger Ott
Feb 10, 2011, 12:19 am

Finally got this today! Great read so far, though I've only read a few entries entirely and skimmed others. This was an interesting deviation from the standard character-based handbooks. I hope there's more of these to come, as the Appendix shows there are lots of events that still deserve a profile.

Eduardo M.
Feb 10, 2011, 10:20 am

Roger Ott wrote:

Finally got this today! Great read so far, though I've only read a few entries entirely and skimmed others. This was an interesting deviation from the standard character-based handbooks. I hope there's more of these to come, as the Appendix shows there are lots of events that still deserve a profile.

Oh yeah. Off the top of my head I'd like to see entries on Secret War (Fury mission), Infinity War, Shadowland, Thanos Imperative, Chaos War (Mikaboshi), Fall of the Mutants, and Nick Fury vs SHIELD.

Feb 10, 2011, 12:26 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Oh yeah. Off the top of my head I'd like to see entries on Secret War (Fury mission), Infinity War, Shadowland, Thanos Imperative, Chaos War (Mikaboshi), Fall of the Mutants, and Nick Fury vs SHIELD.

Speaking of parenthesis, I'm kind of surprised the Civil War entry wasn't referred to as "Civil War (Registration Act)" just in case there's ever an entry on "Civil War (Union vs. Confederacy)" to avoid any confusion.

Roger Ott
Feb 10, 2011, 01:19 pm

I'd like to see entries on Avengers Under Siege, Born Again (Daredevil), Clone Saga I and II (good luck with that one!), Dark Phoenix Saga, the Infinity Sagas, Operation: Zero Tolerance, Scourge Saga, Starblast, and the Twilight Sword Saga. That's just from skimming the appendix.

Maybe to increase interest, include profiles of characters related to the events that have not had a profile yet or in a long while (like adding a Surtur profile to a Twilight Sword Saga profile)

Feb 10, 2011, 02:04 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I'd like to see entries on Dark Phoenix Saga,...

... include profiles of characters related to the events that have not had a profile yet or in a long while (like adding a Surtur profile to a Twilight Sword Saga profile)

Maybe it would be a good idea to first include The Phoenix Saga followed by the Dark Phoenix Saga? (Ya know, show how Phoenix was "born" before showing her death.)

I like your idea of character(s) profile attached to event but only if they never received an entry or if it has been a while and an update would benefit the character. Otherwise, just the event would be OK.

Eduardo M.
Feb 10, 2011, 06:08 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I'd like to see entries on Avengers Under Siege, Born Again (Daredevil), Clone Saga I and II (good luck with that one!), Dark Phoenix Saga, the Infinity Sagas, Operation: Zero Tolerance, Scourge Saga, Starblast, and the Twilight Sword Saga. That's just from skimming the appendix.

Interesting choice. But wouldnt alot of that have already been covered by the Scourge entry in the Hardcover?

Roger Ott
Feb 10, 2011, 06:28 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Interesting choice. But wouldnt alot of that have already been covered by the Scourge entry in the Hardcover?

Yeah, I was thinking that after I posted. I'll replace that with All-Access, though I suppose a full entry for that might be difficult.

Eduardo M.
Feb 10, 2011, 08:17 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Yeah, I was thinking that after I posted. I'll replace that with All-Access, though I suppose a full entry for that might be difficult.

It would mean ALOT of references that read like "Thor battled an alien defender from the Different Cosmos while Spider-Man battled the alien's youthful clone"

Sidney Osinga
Feb 10, 2011, 08:36 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Unless I'm missing something.... wasn't it the Arctic Ocean?

That's what I'm trying to say. The exact wording in the World War Two entry is "Captain America's body was frozen in ice and eventually reappeared in Antarctica".

Also, a character entry doesn't mean that a related event won't get an entry. For example, the I.T. Plot was covered even though much of the information was also in the Earth-A entry. I don't see any reason that events like Secret Wars Two and the Scourge Saga won't be covered, but the Dark Phoenix Saga (Phoenix Force), Born Again (Daredevil), or the Deltite Affair (Deltites) would.

Anyways, I did like this Handbook. I especially liked that lesser known events like Battletide, Doom Supreme, Fall of the Hammer, the I.T. Plot, Star Wauugh!, and Timequake were covered. Hopefully, we'll see more events in future Handbooks or even a sequel. I'd like to see Avengers Under Siege, the Dark Phoenix Saga, Disassembled, Godwheel (I can dream, can't I), an entry for the various Ragnaroks (maybe in the Thor Handbook), and for the first battle between the Human Torch and Namor from Marvel Mystery Comics #s 8-10.

Eduardo M.
Feb 10, 2011, 10:35 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also, a character entry doesn't mean that a related event won't get an entry. For example, the I.T. Plot was covered even though much of the information was also in the Earth-A entry. I don't see any reason that events like Secret Wars Two and the Scourge Saga won't be covered, but the Dark Phoenix Saga (Phoenix Force), Born Again (Daredevil), or the Deltite Affair (Deltites) would.

hhmmmmm....... interesting point.

Andy E. Nystrom
Feb 10, 2011, 10:58 pm

I would love it if, for a v2, the writers got a bit cheeky and included the Marvel villains called Blockbuster

Other events I'd like to see, not listed in the Appendix: The White Event, the Pitt, Mices on Infinite Earths (though I realize that without the Mighty Mouse license that would be hard to pull off; more wishful thinking), the Big Bang, Ultimate Power, the Crusades, the Hank Pym-Janet van Dyne wedding, Beyond, the emergence of the Elder Gods and subsequent pantheons, and of course the most important Marvel event of all, the Rutland Halloween Parties

Wondering when Keogh is going to chime in regarding the Star Wauugh entry

Feb 14, 2011, 09:42 pm

:love: I just got mine today! :love:

There sure is a lot of Handbooky Good reading crammed in here.

Skimming through, I am glad to see the Avengers/Defenders war, Doom Supreme and I.T.Plot. Also, I liked the inclusion of something really old such as World Faces Destruction originally from 1941.

The description states that the MU is filled with mind-blowing events and that this is the beginning of recording them. So I HOPE that means more books of this ilk are forthcoming in 2011 and that they all get the same great treatment that this one got. I like the wide range of topics from a famous wedding to one heroe's war to interstellar conflict. Truly excellent!

Got to go now and start reading...hmmmm... :Read:

Roger Ott
Feb 15, 2011, 11:29 am

And even in the unfortunate event (no pun intended, honest) that another complete issue like this doesn't happen, I do hope more Event profiles make it into other handbooks.

Apr 22, 2011, 03:17 pm

I guess this can fit here since it's mentioned in the "World Faces Destruction" entry, and it's something I've always wondered but could never find an answer to.

What is the difference between Human Torch Comics 5a and 5b?

Stuart V
Apr 22, 2011, 06:08 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I guess this can fit here since it's mentioned in the "World Faces Destruction" entry, and it's something I've always wondered but could never find an answer to.

What is the difference between Human Torch Comics 5a and 5b?

Human Torch Comics started with #2, as the first issue was Red Raven Comics. Maybe because someone didn't like this meaning that #2 was really #1, #3 really #2, etc, there were two consecutive #5s released with completely different stories. Fans later appended the a and b, which weren't on the original issues, to help tell them apart when discussing them.

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