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Historical text from Comixfan:
Dec 22, 2009, 03:15 pm
Coming from Marvel in March...
Select Character Artwork by GUS VAZQUEZ
In the Marvel Universe Handbook style, this one-shot has everything you need to make sense of Deadpool! (Is that even possible?) In this issue, there are more ALL-NEW profiles than ‘Pool has voices in his head -- from “allies” (Outlaw, Weasel, Zombie Deadpool), to enemies (Ajax, Dr. Bong, Madcap), to the hotties (Dr. Betty, Blind Al, Big Bertha) and the sheer awesomeness of the Sack! How could you pass this up? You know at least one of your personalities will love it! Featuring NEW ART for dozens of characters! More fun than a barrel of gun-wielding monkeys!
64 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Dec 22, 2009, 03:30 pm
A Deadpool handbook? Uh, seriously?
Checking out the cover, I'm happy for one thing at least, a Domino entry! I understand not everyone could get equal treatment in the hardcovers, but she got seriously screwed. Here's hoping its' at least a 2 pager this time around to do her justice!
Dec 22, 2009, 04:14 pm
So, on the cover we have:
Big Bertha
Black Mamba
Blind Al
Bob, Agent of Hydra
Doctor Bong
Headpool / Zombie Deadpool's Head
Dec 22, 2009, 08:40 pm
When did Deadpool fight Madcap? That actually seems like quite a good matchup.
Dec 22, 2009, 09:33 pm
This wouldn't be my first request. In fact, I'm not sure I'd think to request it at all. But I'll definitely pick up a copy.
Eduardo M.
Dec 23, 2009, 02:42 pm
who is the guy with glasses between Zero and black mamba?
William Keogh
Dec 23, 2009, 03:51 pm
Eduardo M. wrote:
who is the guy with glasses between Zero and black mamba?
Dec 24, 2009, 09:04 am
Anyone knows who's the guy hiding behind Outlaw?
Michael Regan
Dec 24, 2009, 09:15 am
Wow... I think I may recognize... 5 or 6 people in that shot :bag:
Dec 24, 2009, 09:26 am
sucellos11 wrote:
Anyone knows who's the guy hiding behind Outlaw?
Looks like Kid Deadpool.
Never read the character, but seems to have no connection to the recently announced (appeared?) Kidpool.
Dec 24, 2009, 06:39 pm
gnosis wrote:
When did Deadpool fight Madcap? That actually seems like quite a good matchup.
It was during the first Heroes for Hire series, I believe.
BTW, this looks fun. I'm not that familiar with Deadpool, but I am glad that characters like Black Mamba, Dr. Bong, and the aforementioned Madcap will be receiving new entries. And I stand with those who hope that Domino receives a lengthier entry than in the HCs.
Dec 27, 2009, 12:22 am
The important thing here is, like All New Iron Manual/Original Iron Manual, and Wolverine: Weapon X Files/Wolverine Encyclopedia, this book can be paired with the Encyclopedia Deadpoolica into a nifty TPB.
Dec 27, 2009, 11:34 am
Thank you for giving Big Bertha, Blind Al and Weasel their own profiles!
Sidney Osinga
Jan 3, 2010, 09:11 pm
I ASSume we're going to see the entries from the hardcovers for Deadpool related characters such as Agent X, Copycat, Siryn, Taskmaster, T-Ray, and Typhoid Mary, as well as the Deadpool entry (hopefully expanded by at least a page) and Domino (which BETTER be expanded). That's OK, I would imagine the Handbook wouldn't be complete without them.
It's nice to see that the handbooks are back on a monthly schedule.
Sidney Osinga
Jan 23, 2010, 09:19 pm
Another possibility for an entry is the Swordsman from Franklin Richards' Counter Earth. After all, he is the Deadpool of his world.
Feb 17, 2010, 07:12 am
I'd also like to see Black Swan, Deathtrap, Tiamat and Vamp and other Great Lakes members like Doorman, Flatman and Dinah Soar.
Mar 24, 2010, 09:45 am
Deadpool Corps comes out today right?
William Keogh
Mar 24, 2010, 11:36 am
Yes, it does.
Mar 24, 2010, 02:54 pm
I liked this handbook! Those covered.
Ajax (Francis) 1
Anaconda (Cleo Nefertiti) 2
Asp 2
Big Bertha 2
Black Mamba 2
Black Swan 1
Blind Al 1
Bob 1
Sandi Brandenberg 1
G.W. Bridge 2
Cat (Shen Kuei) 2
Corpse Corps 1
Courier (Jacob Gavin) 1
Zoe Culloden 1
Deadpool 5
Deadpool (Earth-2194) 1
Deadpool Corps 1
Dinah Soar 1
Director (Malcolm Concord) 1
Doctor Bong 2
Domino (Neena Thurman) 2
Executive Elite 1
Flatman 1
Grasshopper 1
Hellhouse 1
Hit-Monkey 1
Lightmaster (Lansky) 2
Madcap 2
Messiah (S'met'kth) 1
Mr. Immortal 2
0utlaw (Inez Temple) 1
Remnants 1
Skornn 1
Tiamat (alien champion) 1
Weasel (Jack Hammer) 1
Zero (ADAM Unit Zero) 1
Half Pages
Ilaney Brukner
Dirty Wolff
Doctor Betty
Noah DuBois
Four Winds
Halfghanaghan Brothers
Invisible Man (Darick Gallhager)
Brent Jackson
Valerie Jessup
Kid Deadpool (Cassera)
Emrys Killebrew
Mary Zero
Mercy Sisters
Sack (Frank)
Street Speeder
Duncan Vess
Widdle Wade
Mercedes Wilson
Mar 24, 2010, 03:20 pm
This had a lot more variety then I thought it would, nice! And thank you to whoever's idea it was to give Domino a TRUE profile!
Eduardo M.
Mar 24, 2010, 03:41 pm
Brent Jackson only got a half-pager? I'd have thought he'd get at least a page.
Looks like this covered every member of the GLI except the already covered Squirrel Girl.
My LCS is holding this for me. I'm not a big Deadpool fan but I'm still picking this up. Hell, the fact there's an entry on the Corpse Corps is reason enough for me. I just hope to God there's not an illustration of Uncle Ben and Aunt May from that story.
Mar 24, 2010, 04:02 pm
Yeah...lot's more variety here than I was expecting. Definitely a fun handbook. And a ton of original artwork.
I think Gus Vasquez should've gotten credited for his art on the Invisible Man profile, though. :rofl:
Mar 24, 2010, 04:03 pm
Angelicknight, don't you mean Asp (Cleo Nefertiti) and Anaconda - the "Blondie" girl?
Mar 24, 2010, 04:08 pm
That list looks great, can't wait to have this handbook too!
Nice to see all GLA members are covered (but where is Doorman?!), as well as a lot minor characters like Ilaney Brunker and Mary Zero.
Mar 24, 2010, 04:49 pm
Yes, it's a very nice list indeed!
Happy to see Anaconda, Asp, Black Swan, Cat, G.W.Bridge, Lightmaster, Messiah, Tiamat and GLA members included plus Domino and Deadpool getting an extra page each...
Also, I'm surprised that Hit-Monkey is already getting a full page entry being such a recent character!
I'm glad that Deadpool and Domino are the only characters from the HC run to have a new (expanded) entry and the rest is just new stuff (unlike Wolverine Weapon X Files, for example, which had several characters already profiled who even got less pages than before). I hope this trend continues.
Mar 24, 2010, 05:02 pm
sucellos11 wrote:
Angelicknight, don't you mean Asp (Cleo Nefertiti) and Anaconda - the "Blondie" girl?
Yes it was a goof its Asp (Cleo Nefertiti)
Mar 24, 2010, 05:06 pm
Rayeye wrote:
That list looks great, can't wait to have this handbook too!
Nice to see all GLA members are covered (but where is Doorman?!), as well as a lot minor characters like Ilaney Brunker and Mary Zero.
Doorman is Deathurge now right? If so isn't he pictured on the cover of the upcoming A to Z update 2.
Mar 24, 2010, 05:17 pm
Angelicknight wrote:
Doorman is Deathurge now right? If so isn't he pictured on the cover of the upcoming A to Z update 2.
IIRC Doorman has white diamondshaped eyes and the Deathurge on that cover hasn't and looks more like the first Deathurge. Besides I believe Doorman hasn't actually used the name Deathurge, but I could be wrong.
Mar 24, 2010, 05:42 pm
So, Anasconda and G.W. Bridge were included because Deadpool was briefly a member of Six Pack replacing Constrictor?
Sidney Osinga
Mar 25, 2010, 04:42 am
I really enjoy this Handbook (I really enjoy all the Handbooks, but that's besides the point). It was especially nice to see the GLI members get entries. Hopefully we'll see Doorman soon (maybe in Avengers Assemble?). Anyways, I found a mistake and something that should have been clarified differently.
The mistake is that Hydron wasn't identified in the picture of the Corpse Corps.
In the Asp entry, it should have mentioned that when she fought the X-Men (during Atlantis Attacks), it was Dazzler's mind inside of Diamondbacks body.
Sidney Osinga
Mar 27, 2010, 12:15 am
Doorman isn't the only GLI member who hasn't got an entry. There still is another founding member: Leather Boy, who's probably angry that not one, but two squirrels got entries before him.
Roger Ott
Mar 27, 2010, 02:42 pm
As someone who has only ready about 4 Deadpool comics in all, good job of including enough ancillary characters to interest even the non-fans of Deadpool.
Been waiting a long time for full profiles on the rest of the GLA characters...
Mar 27, 2010, 04:42 pm
And, of course, I just dumped a full glass of Pepsi all over my copy.
William Keogh
Mar 28, 2010, 02:35 pm
Or you could look at it another way and say that the Pepsi wanted to be spilled. [img]file:///C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]
Mar 29, 2010, 06:06 pm
This book was excellent! Despite having less "big names" than other OHOTMU books, every character here was one that really needed profiling! My favorites include Anaconda, Deadpool, Domino and Hit-Monkey! But my absolute favorite is Big Bertha! I had been looking for her in the HC format and I am glad she was not forgotten! Now, if only I could get Pink Pearl, I would be happy!
Sidney Osinga
Apr 1, 2010, 12:52 am
I'm curious about a few things:
Deadpool's strength is 4 on the power grid, but the exact amount is not listed in his abilities/accessories.
Isn't 4 a little for the durability of someone who is "incapable of dying by any means"?
Sidney Osinga
Apr 5, 2010, 01:00 am
A couple more things I'm curious about:
Weasel has a 1 for fighting ability, yet his profile describes him as "a capable marksman, skilled in the use of a variety of weapons." Doesn't fighting ability also cover weapon usage?
Why were Ananastasia, Doctor Betty, and Montgomery not listed under their last names?
And I meant Isn't 4 a little low for the durability of someone who is "incapable of dying by any means"?
Madison Carter
Apr 5, 2010, 02:49 am
sucellos11 wrote:
So, Anasconda and G.W. Bridge were included because Deadpool was briefly a member of Six Pack replacing Constrictor?
They were recurring characters in a book Deadpool co-headlined, so fair game, I say.
I'm really surprised no one's called us out on including Madcap or the Skornn yet. Basically, we like to keep the themed handbooks as well-rounded as possible while still sticking to the confines of a theme. Sometimes we stretch a little, but I think it helps make the books more interesting.
Sidney Osinga
Apr 5, 2010, 10:37 pm
Madison Carter wrote:
They were recurring characters in a book Deadpool co-headlined, so fair game, I say.
I'm really surprised no one's called us out on including Madcap or the Skornn yet. Basically, we like to keep the themed handbooks as well-rounded as possible while still sticking to the confines of a theme. Sometimes we stretch a little, but I think it helps make the books more interesting.
The one that made me wonder was Lightmaster. Deadpool never encountered him, but since Cable did, I guess that's why he was included.
William Keogh
Apr 9, 2010, 12:04 pm
Another good handbook; Wade got himself a thorough entry this time out, and I liked the various GLI profiles, Ananastasia, Mercedes (though those two might have served to have bigger entries, particularly Mercedes), Outlaw, Sandi, and Doctor Bong too. Incidentally, my only comic with him making an appearance is that Deadpool arc. It speaks volumes that he was created in a Howard the Duck comic (die, you damned duck, die!!)
Two questions: was it just Howard Chaykins' art style making Bridge look old and fat, or did the character get that way? And did Hit Monkey really deserve a full page entry?
Apr 9, 2010, 12:40 pm
Yeah, that image of Bridge really jarred me.
Eduardo M.
Apr 10, 2010, 04:45 pm
ToddCam wrote:
Yeah, that image of Bridge really jarred me.
me too. Yeesh. poor guy really let himself go apparently. Samething with the Deadpool image in the Remnants entry
William Keogh
Apr 12, 2010, 12:35 pm
In the original issue regarding the Remnants, the Deadpool of that 'verse really did let himself go like that...
Stuart V
May 29, 2010, 11:05 am
Sidney Osinga wrote:
The mistake is that Hydron wasn't identified in the picture of the Corpse Corps.
Thanks for bringing that to our attention. We'll add it to the errata.
Sidney Osinga wrote:
In the Asp entry, it should have mentioned that when she fought the X-Men (during Atlantis Attacks), it was Dazzler's mind inside of Diamondbacks body.
While it could have been added, it wasn't an error - it's not information that's overly relevant to Asp.
However there is an error in that the second paragraph says "Elder Gog Set" when it should be "Elder God Set"
Sidney Osinga wrote:
I'm curious about a few things:
Deadpool's strength is 4 on the power grid, but the exact amount is not listed in his abilities/accessories.
Isn't 4 a little for the durability of someone who is "incapable of dying by any means"?
Deadpool's strength isn't clear either...seems to be low level superhuman, but we don't know the specifics.
His durability is technically correct b/c his abilities are regenerative. He's not bullet proof or virtually indestructible...he's harmed, but he regenerates.
The problem with the power grids (one of them, anyway) is people just ASSume that increasing numbers are better, as opposed to checking the power grid legend: [url]ower_Grids[/url]
Sidney Osinga wrote:
A couple more things I'm curious about:
Weasel has a 1 for fighting ability, yet his profile describes him as "a capable marksman, skilled in the use of a variety of weapons." Doesn't fighting ability also cover weapon usage?
Again, per the power grids, fighting ability is specifically defined as hand-to-hand combat, so the 1 is correct.
That being said, I don't think that's how we've been entirely consistent on that front with past handbooks, and, since people do tend to expect it to mean more than just hand-to-hand fighting prowess, this portion of the grid is being amended to include expertise with weapons from the Phoenix handbook on.
Sidney Osinga wrote:
Why were Ananastasia, Doctor Betty, and Montgomery not listed under their last names?
When a character is almost exclusively known by their first name, to the point that the last name may not even be recognizable (or was provided for the handbooks by the creator), we may choose to list them by their first name. Each case is evaluated individually.
Jul 16, 2010, 09:56 am
I have a few questions from this book:
1) DOMINO: The grid has her strength at 2, but in the past she was always shown to have a 3 strength as part of her mutant heritage. Also, her speed and durability increase when activated by her "good luck aura", so shouldn't they have been "yellowed" as 3's?
2) Flatman: There was no mention of how far he could stretch. While I am sure it is far below that of Mr. Fantastic, I am curious as to his limit.
3) Dr. Bong: Wasn't he part of a team of wackos? And didn't they fight the original Defenders way back when?? I am surprised that there was no mention of either his teammates nor the Defenders as part of his history.
Andy E. Nystrom
Jul 16, 2010, 10:52 am
Phoenixx9 wrote:
3) Dr. Bong: Wasn't he part of a team of wackos? And didn't they fight the original Defenders way back when?? I am surprised that there was no mention of either his teammates nor the Defenders as part of his history.
The team from the Marvel Treasury Edition, later called Band of the Bland? No, he wasn't part of that team.
Stuart V
Jul 31, 2010, 08:35 pm
Phoenixx9 wrote:
I have a few questions from this book:
1) DOMINO: The grid has her strength at 2, but in the past she was always shown to have a 3 strength as part of her mutant heritage. Also, her speed and durability increase when activated by her "good luck aura", so shouldn't they have been "yellowed" as 3's?
I'll pass on the query to the relevant writer. However, if you think the stats are wrong, it'd help if you can provide specific examples demonstrating her showing higher strength, spped and durability.
Phoenixx9 wrote:
2) Flatman: There was no mention of how far he could stretch. While I am sure it is far below that of Mr. Fantastic, I am curious as to his limit.
Yet to be established.
Phoenixx9 wrote:
3) Dr. Bong: Wasn't he part of a team of wackos? And didn't they fight the original Defenders way back when?? I am surprised that there was no mention of either his teammates nor the Defenders as part of his history.
As Andy points out, you are mixing Bong up with Dr. Angst, who led the Band of the Bland.
Aug 1, 2010, 10:53 am
Stuart V wrote:
I'll pass on the query to the relevant writer. However, if you think the stats are wrong, it'd help if you can provide specific examples demonstrating her showing higher strength, spped and durability.
Domino: My error.
Upon checking, strength, speed and durability were all at 2, as listed here. I must have confused her stats with Callisto's stats.
(And also her early appearances seemed to warrant a 3. However, 2 seems appropriate as listed, with possibly her "Good Luck" powers making her stats seem higher at times.)
Oct 29, 2010, 03:41 pm
sucellos11 wrote:
Anyone knows who's the guy hiding behind Outlaw?
was wondering the same thing too.. wonder who that is...
any one knows?
Oct 30, 2010, 01:38 pm
jrexgis wrote:
was wondering the same thing too.. wonder who that is...
any one knows?
That is absolutely Kid Deadpool.
A couple of years ago, I met Gus Vazquez at a comic con in Toronto and bought the original art for Domino and Dinah Soar (It was one one page)
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