Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/30/2020 9:56 am  #1

Defenders: Strange Heroes

Historical text from Comixfan:

Sep 19, 2011, 01:12 pm

Select Character Artwork by Gus Vazquez
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
The OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE helps usher in the Defenders’ return to prominence with new profiles featuring Marvel’s premier non-team! Past members (Manslaughter, Andromeda, Interloper, Cloud), foes (the Asgardian Lorelei, Mad-Dog/Baxter, Jake Fury, Sea Urchin), the unusual (Tapping Tommy, Sunshine Gross, Foolkiller/Salinger), objects of great power (Star of Capistan, Rose of Purity, Evil Eye), and one of the strangest moments in Marvel history and the man responsible for it: Defenders for a Day and Dollar Bill! Plus: updates on the team itself and its current members (Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Namor, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer). Featuring new art for dozens of profiles by Gus Vazquez!
64 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99

Wow! A Defenders handbook!
William Keogh
Sep 19, 2011, 02:19 pm

Very cool!

Sep 19, 2011, 02:31 pm

Nice! Looks like we'll be getting quite a few 80's favorites

Sep 19, 2011, 03:31 pm


This is great! Never thought I would see a Defenders Book!

My wish list will definitely be shorter after this HB!

Now, I just hope there is some mention/pics/updates on Shirley and Felicia...

Moira Brandon
Sep 19, 2011, 04:11 pm

Love it!!! A new Defenders series! A Handbook! Now, a Defenders Omnibus and it would be the perfect month!!!

Eduardo M.
Sep 19, 2011, 04:45 pm

Looks like we're in for a very Defenders Christmas.

hhhmmmmm.............. Sounds like a great name for a comic. I CALL DIBS!!!

Sep 20, 2011, 01:33 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

My wish list will definitely be shorter after this HB!

I think it's fair to say that several of the regular board members will be able to scratch a few names off their wish lists.

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 20, 2011, 01:35 am

Here's hoping that Richard Rory finally gets a profile here. I think he may be the biggest name character to have never had a profile in any of the Handbook incarnations, unless you count a capsule in the Master Edition as one of She-Hulk's Supporting Cast

Sep 20, 2011, 10:25 am

Focus on the Defenders, eh...?? :chin:

It's about time..!! ;) :cool:

Eduardo M.
Sep 20, 2011, 11:15 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Here's hoping that Richard Rory finally gets a profile here. I think he may be the biggest name character to have never had a profile in any of the Handbook incarnations, unless you count a capsule in the Master Edition as one of She-Hulk's Supporting Cast

Bigger than Beverly, Howard the Duck's girlfriend?

William Keogh
Sep 20, 2011, 12:17 pm

Come to think of it, I can't recall if Marlo Jones has had one...

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 20, 2011, 12:57 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Bigger than Beverly, Howard the Duck's girlfriend?

Beverly's probably a close second. She's very important, but mainly to one character, whereas Rory for a time was the Rick Jones of Marvel's fringe titles, impacting several characters.

William Keogh wrote:

Come to think of it, I can't recall if Marlo Jones has had one...

I just checked the Master List and no, she hasn't. From an aesthetic perspective I actually agree with Phoenixx9's occasional suggestion of a Supporting Cast handbook. I only disagree with him in terms of it being able to sell well enough. But if there was some way of promoting it properly, a lot of great characters could be covered.

Madison Carter
Sep 20, 2011, 03:18 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Beverly's probably a close second. She's very important, but mainly to one character, whereas Rory for a time was the Rick Jones of Marvel's fringe titles, impacting several characters.

I just checked the Master List and no, she hasn't. From an aesthetic perspective I actually agree with Phoenixx9's occasional suggestion of a Supporting Cast handbook. I only disagree with him in terms of it being able to sell well enough. But if there was some way of promoting it properly, a lot of great characters could be covered.

I imagine Marlo's Harpy upgrade will get her in a book sooner than later (and no, that doesn't mean she's already lined up in one).

A supporting cast book, while it's a nice thought, would be sales death, almost regardless of what angle you take with it.

William Keogh
Sep 20, 2011, 03:52 pm

All I'd say is keep sending out handbooks in one form or another! :yes:

Just as long as it's not a Howard the Duck Handbook, with 32 pages dedicated solely to the Duck profile alone. I'll be most displeased.

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 20, 2011, 03:52 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

A supporting cast book, while it's a nice thought, would be sales death, almost regardless of what angle you take with it.

Yeah, unfortunately that's what I figured. The only way I could imagine something like that working would be to really stretch things the way the Master Edition did with its Wolverine Supporting Cast entry and treat the likes of Sabretooth and Professor X as supporting cast. Maybe put Sabretooth in huge letters and "and Other Supporting Characters" in tiny letters. But then some people might rightfully see that as a sort of bait and switch variation.

Eduardo M.
Sep 20, 2011, 04:27 pm

William Keogh wrote:

All I'd say is keep sending out handbooks in one form or another! :yes:

Just as long as it's not a Howard the Duck Handbook, with 32 pages dedicated solely to the Duck profile alone. I'll be most displeased.  

I still find it weird that the kidney lady, Garko the Man-Frog, Star Wauggh, Dr Bong, and the Band of the Bland ALL got entrys before poor Bev.

hhhmmmmmmm......... is there enough to do a Howard handbook??? I suppose you could have an appendix in the back that features an apology for the existemce of the Lucas movie and blames it all on Skrull infiltrators.

Sep 20, 2011, 05:56 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

From an aesthetic perspective I actually agree with Phoenixx9's occasional suggestion of a Supporting Cast handbook. I only disagree with him in terms of it being able to sell well enough. But if there was some way of promoting it properly, a lot of great characters could be covered.

Thanks Andy. Yeah, I just thought it would be great to get so many of what some consider "the little people" all together because it would make a point that ALL characters do create impact of some degree or other and even these occasional sideliners can be of interest to fans.

Madison Carter wrote:

A supporting cast book, while it's a nice thought, would be sales death, almost regardless of what angle you take with it.

OK, we don't want that! Figured there was enough long-term fans that they would want to see the supporting cast. I mean, I remember a time when they said that OHOTMU would not last past maybe 1-2 years of continuous printing, if that! How they have been proven wrong. Keep the HBs coming!

So, if a supporting cast book(s) wouldn't work, can't each HB continue to have at least 5 per issue so that they can start to be covered?

William Keogh wrote:

All I'd say is keep sending out handbooks in one form or another! :yes:

Yes, I agree. Keep the HBs coming!

Sep 21, 2011, 12:58 am

This should be pretty cool! Lot's of uncovered ground here.

Based on the cover, Torpedo will be covered...excited for that, even though he's had entries before...always been one of my absolute favorite Marvel costumes.

Madison Carter
Sep 21, 2011, 01:34 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

So, if a supporting cast book(s) wouldn't work, can't each HB continue to have at least 5 per issue so that they can start to be covered?

Each handbook tries to cover as wide a spectrum within a theme as possible. We do our best to include a little bit of everything - a golden age character, a "Kirby-era" monster, a supporting character, a god, an alien, etc. and try to squeeze all those in around the "have to's" -- if we can manage more than one of each, that's great, but rarely do we stack one sub-group higher than the rest unless the theme calls for it (the Mystery book being all golden agers)

Sep 21, 2011, 02:09 pm

I don't know, I would say a "Supporting Cast" Handbook has just as good a chance sales-wise as a Pets Handbook, Vampire Handbook, or a 1939-1940 Handbook. Especially if you throw in a couple A-listers like Mary Jane and Jarvis.

Madison Carter
Sep 21, 2011, 11:18 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

I don't know, I would say a "Supporting Cast" Handbook has just as good a chance sales-wise as a Pets Handbook, Vampire Handbook, or a 1939-1940 Handbook. Especially if you throw in a couple A-listers like Mary Jane and Jarvis.

Keep in mind all three of those were/are tied into other projects that Marvel was pushing heavily at the time. Sure, maybe if a mini starring just the street civilians comes down the line, we'll get that shot, but without that, it ain't happening.

Sep 21, 2011, 11:40 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Keep in mind all three of those were/are tied into other projects that Marvel was pushing heavily at the time. Sure, maybe if a mini starring just the street civilians comes down the line, we'll get that shot, but without that, it ain't happening.

This spring from Marvel: Carlie Cooper. Foggy Nelson. Lindsay McCabe. Richard Rory. Beverly Switzer. Retired Senator Harrington Byrd. Brought together by a crime most anybody could have thwarted; held together by one common bond: "We all know a super-hero pretty well. Or a talking duck. One of those two things" They are: THE DAY-JOB AVENGERS.

Sep 22, 2011, 11:55 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Keep in mind all three of those were/are tied into other projects that Marvel was pushing heavily at the time. Sure, maybe if a mini starring just the street civilians comes down the line, we'll get that shot, but without that, it ain't happening.

Understood. Just out of curiosity (I haven't been keeping up with solicitations lately), what is the vampire handbook tied in to? Unless I'm missing something, "Curse of the Mutants" was the last vampire event, and that was about a year ago.

William Keogh
Sep 22, 2011, 12:24 pm

I believe it's being released alongside the final issue of the Hulk Versus Dracula mini?

Sidney Osinga
Sep 22, 2011, 04:12 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Understood. Just out of curiosity (I haven't been keeping up with solicitations lately), what is the vampire handbook tied in to? Unless I'm missing something, "Curse of the Mutants" was the last vampire event, and that was about a year ago.

Actually, I think it's tied to Hallowen, like the Book of the Dead in 2004 and the Horror Handbook in 2005.

Andy E. Nystrom
Sep 22, 2011, 04:18 pm

While I definitely hope to see Rory in this book, I don't have any strong rpediction one way or the other on his presence. One supporting character however I'd be shocked not to see would be Jack Norriss. He was even more of a hanger-on to the Defenders than Rick Jones was to the AVengers

Sep 22, 2011, 05:36 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

One supporting character however I'd be shocked not to see would be Jack Norriss. He was even more of a hanger-on to the Defenders than Rick Jones was to the AVengers

Yeah, me too.

Jack Norris has been on my list for a very very long time.

Sidney Osinga
Sep 28, 2011, 02:57 am

On the cover, I see:

Top row: Manslaughter, Torpedo (Jones, I assume), Papa Hagg
Middle row: Nebulon, Cloud, Aleta, Nightwing (Of the Squadron Supreme), Dr. Spectrum (Alice Nugent, although I hope the entry covers all the versions)
Botom row: Andromeda, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Namor, red She-Hulk, Dollar Bill

Stuart V
Sep 30, 2011, 10:25 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

On the cover, I see:

Top row: Manslaughter, Torpedo (Jones, I assume), Papa Hagg
Middle row: Nebulon, Cloud, Aleta, Nightwing (Of the Squadron Supreme), Dr. Spectrum (Alice Nugent, although I hope the entry covers all the versions)
Botom row: Andromeda, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Namor, red She-Hulk, Dollar Bill

Given the other Torpedos never encountered the Defenders, I think it's okay for me to confirm that yes, that's the Brock Jones Torpedo on the cover.

Sep 30, 2011, 03:28 pm

A Defenders HB seems like a dream come true!

While I love ALL the HBs, I think this might just be my favorite one yet!

I really can't wait to get this one! :excited:

Roger Ott
Sep 30, 2011, 04:49 pm

Admittedly, I wasn't a huge Defenders fan, but I had some major fun writing profiles for it. Hopefully that comes across in the finished product.

Sep 30, 2011, 05:52 pm

I Hope so too, Roger Ott, since I was a HUGE Defenders fan! :cross:

Eduardo M.
Oct 9, 2011, 10:51 pm

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if it is possible to do a handbook called Howard the Duck: World's QWackiest Hero.

hhhmmmm.......... maybe for his anniversary?

Andy E. Nystrom
Oct 10, 2011, 02:27 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if it is possible to do a handbook called Howard the Duck: World's QWackiest Hero.

hhhmmmm.......... maybe for his anniversary?

One thing I've long thought would be nice would be a Visionaries type Handbook, covering entries created by or at least associated with a particular creator. So if you did a Steve Gerber Handbook, you could avoid a lot of the lesser Howard characters from post-Gerber, still have lots of the better Howard characters, and also include characters from Omega, Man-Thing, Foolkiller, Defenders etc

Oct 11, 2011, 05:44 pm

Although I am not a huge Defenders fan, I am looking forward to this one.

I am glad to see Cloud and Lorelei are in it.
I hope Seraph (Katarina Ivanova), Defenders (Earth-1298), M.O.N.S.T.E.R. and the Order also got profiles.

William Keogh
Oct 11, 2011, 07:40 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

The more I think about it, the more I wonder if it is possible to do a handbook called Howard the Duck: World's QWackiest Hero.

hhhmmmm.......... maybe for his anniversary?

Urge to kill rising....

Sidney Osinga
Oct 11, 2011, 10:04 pm

Personally, I hope to see entries for the Dragon Circle and/or Dafydd ap Iowerth.

Eduardo M.
Oct 12, 2011, 04:54 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Urge to kill rising....

I guess William here agrees with me and would LOVE to see a Howard Handbook with an updated profile on Howard plus entries on Bev, Winda Wester, Duckworld, Bagmom, BEST, Paul Same, Captain Americana, the Encroachiveres, and an Eliot R. Brown diagram of the Iron Duck armor.

Oct 12, 2011, 05:34 pm

It still blows me away that we are getting a well-deserved and long-awaited Defenders HB! :excited:

I have soooo many characters on my list and many are Defenders-related. It will be quite shorter, I am sure, after this HB filled with Defenders creamy-gooey-goodness. :yum:

Here's to the Dynamic Defenders HB!! :cheers:

William Keogh
Oct 12, 2011, 07:05 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

I guess William here agrees with me and would LOVE to see a Howard Handbook with an updated profile on Howard plus entries on Bev, Winda Wester, Duckworld, Bagmom, BEST, Paul Same, Captain Americana, the Encroachiveres, and an Eliot R. Brown diagram of the Iron Duck armor.

Can we arrange to have an asteroid take out Southern Florida?

Eduardo M.
Oct 12, 2011, 07:34 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Can we arrange to have an asteroid take out Southern Florida?

Can I see the Avengers movie and 2nd season of EMH first?

Eduardo M.
Dec 14, 2011, 12:26 pm

Is this out the 21st or the 28th?

Dec 14, 2011, 12:40 pm

The 21st.

Sidney Osinga
Dec 21, 2011, 01:35 pm

Out today. Here's a list of who's in it and the page counts.

Aleta (3 pgs.)
Andromeda Attumasen (2 pgs.)
Dafydd ap Iowerth (1/2 pg.)
Ardina (1 pg.)
Belathauzer (1 pg.)
Cyrus Black (1 pg.)
Blowtorch Brand (1/2 pg.)
Chorus (1 pg.)
Cloud (2 pgs.)
Defenders update (2 pgs.)
Defenders for a Day (2 pgs.)
Doctor Spectrum (Squadron Sinister, 3 pgs.)
Doctor Stephen Strange update (1 pg.)
Dollar Bill (1 pg.)
Dolly Donahue (1 pg.)
Eel (Stryke, 2 pgs.)
Evil Eye (1 pg.)
Foolkiller (Salinger, 2 pgs.)
Jake Fury (3 pgs.)
Gamma Spores (1 pg.)
Gargantua (Cobert, 1 pg.)
Geatar (1 pg.)
Sunshine Gross (1/2 pg.)
Here (and There) (1 pg.)
Interloper (1 pg.)
Iron Fist (Rand) update (1 pg.)
Lorelei (Asgardian, 2 pgs.)
Ludberdites (1/2 pg.)
Mad-Dog (Baxter, 2 pgs.)
Manslaughter (1 pg.)
Jerry Morgan (“Shrunken Bones”, 1 pg.)
Namor update (1 pg.)
Nebulon (1 pg)
Nighthawk (Earth-712/Kyle Richmond, 2 pgs.)
Jack Norris (2 pgs.)
Papa Hagg (1/2 pgs.)
Red She-Hulk update (1 pg.)
Richard Rory (2 pg.)
Rose of Purity/Wasteland (1 pg.)
Sea Urchin (1 pg.)
Seraph (Tolsky, 1 pg.)
Silver Surfer (Radd) update (1 pg.)
Slorioth (1 pg.)
Solarr (1 pg.)
Star of Capistan (1 pg.)
Trish Starr (1 pg.)
Tapping Tommy (1/2 pg.)
Torpedo (Jones, 2 pgs.)
Zusommin (viral swarm, 1 pg.)

Dec 21, 2011, 02:15 pm

That is four different Dr. Spectrums, by the way, not counting the possessed Eddie March, Thor and Wasp. And you're welcome.

Dec 21, 2011, 02:22 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Out today. Here's a list of who's in it and the page counts.

Aleta (3 pgs.)
Andromeda Attumasen (2 pgs.)
Belathauzer (1 pg.)
Cyrus Black (1 pg.)
Cloud (2 pgs.)
Defenders update (2 pgs.)
Defenders for a Day (2 pgs.)
Doctor Spectrum (Squadron Sinister, 3 pgs.)
Doctor Stephen Strange update (1 pg.)
Dollar Bill (1 pg.)
Dolly Donahue (1 pg.)
Evil Eye (1 pg.)
Foolkiller (Salinger, 2 pgs.)
Jake Fury (3 pgs.)
Interloper (1 pg.)
Iron Fist (Rand) update (1 pg.)
Lorelei (Asgardian, 2 pgs.)
Ludberdites (1/2 pg.)
Mad-Dog (Baxter, 2 pgs.)
Manslaughter (1 pg.)
Jerry Morgan (“Shrunken Bones”, 1 pg.)
Namor update (1 pg.)
Nebulon (1 pg)
Nighthawk (Earth-712/Kyle Richmond, 2 pgs.)
Jack Norris (2 pgs.)
Papa Hagg (1/2 pgs.)
Red She-Hulk update (1 pg.)
Rose of Purity/Wasteland (1 pg.)
Silver Surfer (Radd) update (1 pg.)
Solarr (1 pg.)
Star of Capistan (1 pg.)
Trish Starr (1 pg.)
Tapping Tommy (1/2 pg.)

Thanks for the post with page counts, Sidney! I was so curious as to those who were included!

The ones listed above have all been on my Wish List for a long time, so now it is much shorter!! Thanks to everyone who made all that happen. :dance:

:omg: But, I am saddened that there are still quite a few Defenders-related characters from long ago that did not get a profile here!! And, this would have been the perfect place! :~(

Characters such as:

Barbara Norris
Celestia Denton
Alvin Denton
(Original) Guardians of the Galaxy (Updates)
Felicia and Shirley

I understand space is at a premium (it always is) and there may not have been any room, but I guess I would have traded out others/later characters that did make it into the book to feature those above. Even if these entries were just 1/2-to-1 page each, that would have been great.

Just saying...

Madison Carter
Dec 21, 2011, 04:31 pm

We'll be sure to bring the book to you first and get approval on all profiles next time.

I'm sorry, I really am, and I know it's rude, but I get really weary of statements like that.

Just saying.

To those who bought the book and enjoyed it, thank you.

Dec 21, 2011, 05:17 pm

Had a lot of fun flipping through this. Given the nature of the Defenders themselves, it's not surprising that this HB is one of the more bizarre mish-mashes of characters we've ever seen. And since the original Defenders series is one of the bigger holes in my collection, a lot of the info here will be fresh for me.

I'm way behind on my prose comics-stuff reading (HBs, Indexes, and magazines), so it'll be awhile before I get to actually reading this, but thanks in advance...I'm sure I'll love it.

Andy E. Nystrom
Dec 21, 2011, 05:23 pm

I have to say that while I'm glad that the Handbooks are continuing, had this been the last one, it would have been an amazing one to go out on. Lots of great characters, etc who either haven't had a profile since the old books (the Earth-S Nighthawk, Cloud, Torpedo), were previously limited to appendices (Doctor Spectrum, Here and There) or who didn't make the cut even in the old series (Jack Norriss, Richard Rory - a character who was second only to Rick Jones in terms of his ability to be part of characters' supporting cast). I haven't started to read it yet and it's already my favourite Handbook of the year just from the character choices.

Andy E. Nystrom
Dec 22, 2011, 01:12 am

A few nitpicks now that Ive had a chance to look through it (though again, it`s a particularly fun volume so any suggestions should be seen as minor):

Doctor Spectrum: since he and Obatu were a package deal for a time, an argument could be made that Krimmon was also with the Squadron Sinister, even if only Obatu and Grandmaster knew it.

Manslaughter: Under Occupation he should be listed as an assassin

Nighthawk: I'd mention his relationship with Mink in the History, particularly since she avenged his death pretty quickly (she may be a thief but no one can say she was a bad girlfriend to Nighthawk)

Richard Rory: Under legal status he should be listed as having a criminal record (it's easy to overlook such things when it's one of the good guys). It's a shame Steve Gerber didn't live to see this issue since he based Rory on himself to a degree.

Dec 22, 2011, 01:17 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

A few nitpicks now that Ive had a chance to look through it (though again, it`s a particularly fun volume so any suggestions should be seen as minor):

Doctor Spectrum: since he and Obatu were a package deal for a time, an argument could be made that Krimmon was also with the Squadron Sinister, even if only Obatu and Grandmaster knew it.

Manslaughter: Under Occupation he should be listed as an assassin

Nighthawk: I'd mention his relationship with Mink in the History, particularly since she avenged his death pretty quickly (she may be a thief but no one can say she was a bad girlfriend to Nighthawk)

Richard Rory: Under legal status he should be listed as having a criminal record (it's easy to overlook such things when it's one of the good guys). It's a shame Steve Gerber didn't live to see this issue since he based Rory on himself to a degree.

"Criminal record" was left off Rory's legal status? But I... and then... gahhh!!!!

Andy E. Nystrom
Dec 22, 2011, 01:51 am

captainswift wrote:

"Criminal record" was left off Rory's legal status? But I... and then... gahhh!!!!

It was a fun read anyway. Since Rory tends to wander from title to title it was nice to have his adventures (most of which I've read it seems) explained in the proper chronological order. At least as with the assassin omission in Manslaughter, the History makes it clear.

Zach Kinkead
Dec 22, 2011, 02:51 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Richard Rory (2 pg.)

Tapping Tommy (1/2 pg.)


Dec 22, 2011, 12:15 pm

The Defenders heyday is before my time, but I'll say this, there's some wierd, strange stuff in here. I like! Glad to see lots of holdovers from the 80s handbooks made it in. Really happy to see Dollar Bill, who has been mentioned in something like 100 profiles. I never knew anything about him (again, never read Defenders) so this is cool.

Keep up the good work in 2012!

Dec 28, 2011, 07:20 am

Just read this handbook and again it's a joy to read!

Just a little comment:
In the Defenders update profile Andromeda is missing in the list of former members and Iron Fist is missing in the Defenders for a Day list (although perhaps that's because he is already listed under active members).

In the Defenders for a Day profile I was wondering if Porcupine shouldn't have been included as a Defender Impersonator?

I thought She-Hulk (Lyra) and Loa were members too, but it seems they are merely associates.

Sean McQuaid
Dec 29, 2011, 12:42 am

Rayeye wrote:

In the Defenders update profile Andromeda is missing in the list of former members

Apparently a typo/oversight from the HC3 edition of the profile, never noticed by either us or the readers until now, so it carried over into the DSH update version. At least she's mentioned as a member in the History section of both versions of the profile (plus a member headshot in the HC version), so she's not left out entirely.

Rayeye wrote:

and Iron Fist is missing in the Defenders for a Day list (although perhaps that's because he is already listed under active members).

No, Iron Fist should have been listed in both sections -- his absence from the DfaD section of the Update entry is an accidental omission.

Rayeye wrote:

In the Defenders for a Day profile I was wondering if Porcupine shouldn't have been included as a Defender Impersonator?

Yes, he should have. Like Andromeda, that's a never-spotted typo/oversight from the HC3 version of the profile that carried over into the DSH profiles. Unlike Andromeda, he doesn't get a mention in the History, either, so he'd be left out entirely if not for his appearance in one of the DfaD images.

Rayeye wrote:

I thought She-Hulk (Lyra) and Loa were members too, but it seems they are merely associates.

Yes, a status confirmed by editorial.


Eduardo M.
Jan 27, 2012, 07:30 pm

FINALLY picked this up today. Nice way to close off 2011.

Noticed in Cloud's entry there's no mention anywhere of Captain America being a form she took on. She had it while dealing with Star-Thief

Stuart V
Jan 27, 2012, 07:44 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

FINALLY picked this up today. Nice way to close off 2011.

Noticed in Cloud's entry there's no mention anywhere of Captain America being a form she took on. She had it while dealing with Star-Thief

No, she didn't. Re-read the issue.

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