Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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1/30/2020 4:58 pm  #1


Historical text from CxPulp (this thread started out as introducting to CxPulp before evolving into a member introduction):

Craig Reade
10-30-2013, 08:32 AM
This forum was a popular feature of Comixfan.net, and the contents of that forum will be migrating here!

First I wanted to introduce Andy E. Nystrom, who will be acting as a Moderator of this forum, and who will be helping to organize the transfer of the materials to cxPulp. If you have any questions about content from the old site, or want to assist in the move - please start by asking him (or posting here!)
Andy E. Nystrom
10-31-2013, 01:22 PM
Just letting people know there might be a bit of trial and error getting the old material up, but hopefully it will appear eventually.
Eduardo M.
11-02-2013, 05:16 PM
Just finished registering. Great to see our Handbook talk is being kept alive. Way to go Andy!
Andy E. Nystrom
11-02-2013, 05:39 PM

Eduardo M. wrote:

Just finished registering. Great to see our Handbook talk is being kept alive. Way to go Andy!

Thank you, Eduardo. Still over 100 threads to move over. Whimper!
11-03-2013, 03:22 PM
If anyone would like to help in reuploading the old Watcher threads, go here: http://www.cxpulp.com/showthread.php...-from-Comixfan
Andy E. Nystrom
11-03-2013, 06:16 PM
And if anyone knows how to reach any of the regulars who may not know about the move, do let them know. I found an address for Stuart in the final index issue thread so don't swamp him using that address as I just sent an e-mail there myself. I know some of the regulars who haven't come to the new site yet at least know about it, but hopefully we can spread the word further. I've also posted on the OHOTMU and Comixfan pages on Facebook. Obviously some may choose not to come over but I want them to know about it at least!
Andy E. Nystrom
11-16-2013, 05:34 PM
Since we already have a page named as such, I thought it would be nice to actually make introductions. Many of us already know each other somewhat from the Comixfan site, but we might learn a bit more about each other. Plus now that we're on a new site, veteran members might want to introduce themselves to newer members and vice versa. Feel free to share as much or as little about yourself. If you are new, don't let the number of veteran participants scare you off. We've always been quite welcoming to newer participants.

I am Andy Nystrom. I'm one of the moderators, and the person who, yes, moved the majority of the threads from the Comixfan site over. I maintain most of the "raw data" threads such as the Master List. I first started posting in Who Watches the Watchers in 2006 I believe, roughly when the new versions of the Handbooks started to grab my attention. My interest is such stats began with Contest of Champions, who stats at the back paved the way for the original Handbook run. I also volunteer for Pacific Peoples' Partnership, raising awareness of issues in the Pacific Islands region. I live in Victoria BC but hope to move to Toronto someday. I am currently reading the Destroyer novels in order and am up to book 85.

11-16-2013, 06:33 PM
My name's David Zuckerman. My comic-book collecting days started in 1984, when I was 10. I had previously picked up the odd comic here and there, but it was the original handbook series, along with Secret Wars, that truly sucked me in. Suddenly I became aware that beyond the scope of an individual issue or story there existed a huge interconnected universe that had been built up over many years, and I wanted to learn as much as I could about it. My prime collecting period lasted until around 1992, when I went away to college. Ironically, the thing that got me back into comics a couple of years ago was selling my old collection. I held onto a handful of favorite issues, including all my handbooks. I discovered that some new handbooks had been released in the interim and, curious, decided to buy a few. Well one thing led to another, and here I am today. I also contribute to a really cool site called The Complete Marvel Reading Order. You should check it out!
11-23-2013, 05:07 PM
Hi, I'm rplass, formerly known as rplss on the comixfan site. I'm a big big fan of the insane kind of indexing work of the OHOTMU books and index books and the guys who write these books are just totally awesome as far as I'm concerned. I'm really glad to have the chance to be on this kind of forum and grateful to cxpulp for hosting it. I just love all OHOTMU and I hope the series comes back soon.
11-23-2013, 06:07 PM
Anyone who remembers when I was in charge over at Comixfan is welcome to join me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.regan.7161
Andy E. Nystrom
10-29-2015, 07:20 AM
Facebook has been doing it's "Share a Memory" thing trying to make you repost older posts you're nostalgic about. Today the nostalgia post Facebook wanted me to repost was me saying I had just found out that Comixfan was closing and I suddenly had to scramble to help get all the stuff over here. Um, no, that's not a wonderful time in my life I want to keep looking back on. We're still missing people from the old site.
Andy E. Nystrom
12-23-2015, 06:04 AM
Using this thread to note that if you are seeing any weird error messages, Craig is aware of it and looking into it. He's hoping it'll be fixed during the Christmas weekend.
Andy E. Nystrom
12-24-2015, 03:15 PM
Another update: the glitches are being worked on behind the scenes but it probably won't be a quick fix. Expect the glitches to continue to appear a little while yet. I'll let everyone know more when things are concrete.
12-25-2015, 04:37 AM
Oh, good. I thought it might be something on my laptop's end.
Andy E. Nystrom
12-25-2015, 10:13 AM

skippcomet wrote:

Oh, good. I thought it might be something on my laptop's end.

One of the first things I did when I first spotted the bug was to visit other websites to rule out other computer issues.
Terry Verticchio
12-25-2015, 11:26 AM
I always blame Microsoft first.
Historical text from Capes (Optional):
Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:00 pm
I guess I never introduced myself in the intro thread over at cxpulp, so I guess I can do so here. My name's Luke Van Horn. My comic collecting began in the mid-80s with the mini-comics packaged with He-Man toys (I had around 40 He-Man figures as well as most of the vehicles and settings like Castle Grayskull). My Marvel days began in 1987. I was six years old and my sister, who was 9 months old, was having major heart surgery (she was born with a heart defect called transposition of the great vessels). My parents were understandably very tense, as there was a chance my sister could die during the surgery. My dad was stuck with having to keep me occupied at the hospital during the many hours-long procedure. After a couple hours, he decided to walk me across the street from the hospital to a grocery store to buy some snacks. He noticed a comic rack and so decided to buy a comic to read to me. It was Avengers #283. My dad didn't know who all of the characters were, but he had been a big Marvel fan when he was a kid in the 60s, so he could explain who Cap, Thor, Hercules, and Namor were. I was riveted. A whole super-hero team that even had gods as members, and they were even more powerful than He-Man?! I was hooked and became a big Marvel fan. My fandom waned in the mid-90s, though. I was tired of the events, some of which were lousy (clone saga, anyone?), and which often meant that the main titles would simply tread water with pointless issues while waiting for the next big event (the X-titles were the worst at this). Onslaught was the straw that broke the camel's back, since it was a bad idea, terribly executed, which resulted in the abomination that was Liefield Cap. I bought a few issues now and then after that point (I followed MC2's Spider-Girl for the first couple years), but by the time I went off to college in 99, my collecting days were mostly over.
However, in 2005, I was turned on to the Star Wars EU after watching Revenge of the Sith. I happened to be in a book store which had a Star Wars stand filled with various items, including some trades of Dark Horse's clone wars comics from their Republic series. Intrigued, I picked one up to flip through it and realized that I recognized the blue Twi'lek Jedi as one of the background Jedi from Attack of the Clones and RotS. The artwork was fantastic, so while I didn't buy the trade, I was considering doing so at another time. I went home and discovered online that Lucasfilm considered the entire EU to be one giant continuity (rather than the comics, novels, films, cartoons, etc. being all disconnected from each other). That sounded cool, so I started buying SW novels and comics and pretty soon had a massive EU collection (I was even tracking down obscure Marvel UK SW stories and semi-canonical rpg magazines). This is what got me back into comics. A few years later, I had slowly started getting back into Marvel, not with current stories, but with masterworks and essentials (one year for Christmas I was given around ten different Essentials collections). I realized that I had a pretty big chunk of the early-mid 60s Marvel comics, so I thought it would be fun to read them in order. I looked around online for a good reading order for them and stumbled upon the Complete Marvel Reading Order, which is a fantastic website. The scope of the project was fascinating, and I was sucked back into Marvel fandom. I've been a contributor there for several years now. In trying to help track down obscure stories that the site had missed, I found it was very helpful to consult the handbooks and indices. Discussing them on the CMRO forums with zuckyd1 is what brought me to cxpulp and now here.
Michael Regan
Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:39 pm
Luke beat me to getting I the introductory introduction.<br /><br />Michael Regan, Editor-in-Chief, Administrator, and owner of Capes (Optional). The site may have been created in 2014 but it has roots going back to 2004 and beyond. I have been a comic book collector since before Crisis on Infinite Earths when I solidly started collecting. A big fan of movie and television, my first VHS tape was Star Wars. My big 'wants' for years were The Six Million Dollar Man and the 1966 Batman, which I'm proud to say I now have. I'm big on classic games, but particularly enjoy the Assassin's Creed series. I love classic and progressive rock.
This site is something I've wanted for 20 years, but I was happy to simply be a member of Comixfan in its early-ish days. I joined last as a Resources writer, the advanced to Resources editor, the Editor-in-Chief of the site. When the site went down and things moved to Comixtreme / cxPulp I moved over as well but my own site was finally in my grasp.
Some of you know me, others may not, but in any case I'm glad to have you all here. Hopefully we will have more to offer beyond WWtW as well.
Andy E. Nystrom
Sat Jan 23, 2016 3:35 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Facebook has been doing it's "Share a Memory" thing trying to make you repost older posts you're nostalgic about. Today the nostalgia post Facebook wanted me to repost was me saying I had just found out that Comixfan was closing and I suddenly had to scramble to help get all the stuff over here. Um, no, that's not a wonderful time in my life I want to keep looking back on. We're still missing people from the old site.

I really need to learn not to tempt fate like that. :scared:
bigvis497 » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:30 am
Hey all,
I used to post a lot on Comixfan and I've been hardcore into the handbooks since finding the Deluxe Edition in a dollar bin when I was a kid. I was never able to get an account activated on CXPulp for whatever reason. I'm glad I'm able to post again here. I have no interest in current Marvel but I'm very excited about this little handbook revival that's going on. Glad to be back!

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (10/08/2024 7:20 pm)

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1/22/2021 5:29 pm  #2

Re: Introduction

I just realized that it's been 15 years this month since I started posting to Who Watches the Watchers with the release of A to Z #1, though this part of what was then Comixfan probably started late 2003 or early 2004 to coincide with OHOTMU Avengers 2004. I think most of my initial posts, including my first one where I mentioned wanting to see lots of 1/2 pagers of minor characters was lost in that big Comixfan crash that wiped out a lot of posts. But when I initially dipped my toes in the water as a participant, two things struck me about the forum: first off, everyone seemed so friendly compared to the flamewars that were prevalent in most forums at the time, and also how accessible the writers were. Loki, certainly, but also the other writers active back then. I had no idea that the forum would become somewhat life changing for me and that I would end up taking over as Who Watches the Watchers moved from site to site causing me to memorize the dist of quite a few old conversations in the process. Fifteen years later my forehead has less hair than when I first started posting (though I can't complain too much because it still grows okay for most of my head) and I've had my share of misadventures, but I'm still here and not going anywhere. I do hope we can bring in more new blood so that the forum can thrive in this new decade, but I still very much enjoy being part of this.

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10/08/2024 7:20 pm  #3

Re: Introduction

I found one additional Capes (Optional) post and added it to the end of post 1.

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