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1/30/2020 5:25 pm  #1

Iron Man: Official Index to the Marvel Universe GN-TPB

Historical text from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels

Dec 23, 2009, 04:47 am

Coming from Marvel in March...

Written by VARIOUS

Get the complete history of Iron Man from his earliest appearances all the way up to the present day. This book comes packed with synopses of every Iron Man comic—including back up strips—introducing you to the characters, teams, places and equipment that appeared within, providing vital information about all things Iron Man! Collecting material from Official Index to the Marvel Universe #1-13.

272 PGS./Rated A …$19.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-4589-9

Roger Ott

Jan 11, 2010, 01:11 am

Sweet! I was hoping these would be collected individually!

Sidney Osinga

Jan 14, 2010, 10:48 pm

There is one reason only that I would buy this and that's if my name is in it. Otherwise, it'd ONLY be a reprint of material I all ready have.

Sidney Osinga

Mar 25, 2010, 03:51 am

So I did get this, but sadly my name wasn't included. There are a few new entries.

Iron Man: Iron Protocols #1 (2009)
Iron Man and Power Pack #s 1-4 (2008)
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #s 1,2 (2008)
Iron Man: The End #1 (2009)


Mar 25, 2010, 12:43 pm

I'll have to see about this. I love the index, but Iron Man was by far the least interesting of the three series. Does it also include the War Machine stuff?


Mar 25, 2010, 02:51 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

So I did get this, but sadly my name wasn't included. There are a few new entries.

Iron Man: Iron Protocols #1 (2009)
Iron Man and Power Pack #s 1-4 (2008)
Iron Man: Viva Las Vegas #s 1,2 (2008)
Iron Man: The End #1 (2009)

pfft 19.99$ for 8 new comics it's too expensive


Mar 25, 2010, 09:15 pm

Iron Man and Power Pack? I didn't think the recent Power Pack minis were continuity.

Stuart V

Mar 25, 2010, 09:42 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

So I did get this, but sadly my name wasn't included. There are a few new entries.

Apologies on that - we did intend to include thanks to those who had spotted errata, but the proofing time for this was pretty limited, so it looks like it got overlooked in the rush.

ToddCam wrote:

I'll have to see about this. I love the index, but Iron Man was by far the least interesting of the three series. Does it also include the War Machine stuff?

Yes, it does.

frenchfan wrote:

pfft 19.99$ for 8 new comics it's too expensive

Agreed. If all you are buying it for is the new entries, it's not worth it. This is aimed more at the book shop market, the people who might pick it up because they either trade wait or only really know the character from the films. The new entries were added because they'd been already written for the regular series, then dropped when space proved too tight; they are a nice bonus for those who own the originals but felt like buying the trade, but they aren't vital for those who already own the original series (see below).

captainswift wrote:

Iron Man and Power Pack? I didn't think the recent Power Pack minis were continuity.

Everything is in continuity. However, if you mean, as most do, 616 continuity, no, they aren't. That's why they were cut from the monthly series when space ran out. None of the newly included minis are needed to have a complete overview of the 616 Iron Man's comics. However, outside of inter-company crossovers (which we can't generally cover), they were the only Iron Man titles not in the monthly run, so we wanted to include them here for completeness' sake.

Roger Ott

Mar 25, 2010, 11:35 pm

This is worth it just for having all the Iron Man portion in one collection instead of spread out as it was. Are there any plans to do the same TPB treatment with the X-Men and Spider-Man portions?

Stuart V

Mar 26, 2010, 05:29 am

Roger Ott wrote:

This is worth it just for having all the Iron Man portion in one collection instead of spread out as it was. Are there any plans to do the same TPB treatment with the X-Men and Spider-Man portions?

Apparently so, at least for Spider-Man

Sidney Osinga

Mar 26, 2010, 07:52 am

Stuart V wrote:

Apologies on that - we did intend to include thanks to those who had spotted errata, but the proofing time for this was pretty limited, so it looks like it got overlooked in the rush.

Accepted. I think that the only Iron Man errata I pointed out that was included was about the trading card in Annual #14. I guess the one I pointed out from #14 of the Index was too late to be printed in this book.

Stuart V

Mar 26, 2010, 11:16 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Accepted. I think that the only Iron Man errata I pointed out that was included was about the trading card in Annual #14. I guess the one I pointed out from #14 of the Index was too late to be printed in this book.

We literally didn't see the section that reprinted #14 for this TPB until the very last second, because we were proofing both #14 and the earlier sections simultaneously.

Roger Ott

Apr 23, 2010, 07:39 pm

I wasn't able to get the original issues, so I just received this today in the mail. It's dimensionally a bit smaller than a standard size comic book, but what an incredible tome of information. I'd started an Iron Man index of my own several years ago, but this is far more comprehensive. Kudos on all the hard work that went into this.

Andy E. Nystrom

Apr 23, 2010, 09:23 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I wasn't able to get the original issues, so I just received this today in the mail. It's dimensionally a bit smaller than a standard size comic book, but what an incredible tome of information. I'd started an Iron Man index of my own several years ago, but this is far more comprehensive. Kudos on all the hard work that went into this.

The interesting this is, despite the slightly smaller type, it's actually a bit easier to read than the original issues because of the whiteness of the pages. Not that the original pages are bad, but when you look at both side by side the whiteness of the trade's paper is very evident.

Roger Ott

Apr 25, 2010, 06:00 pm

In this case, I definitely prefer the "flat" paper to the regular shiny paper, as the light glare isn't evident when I'm trying to read the sheer volume of words in this thing.

Roger Ott

Apr 22, 2011, 03:00 pm

Flipping through this earlier today, I remembered that during the early 90's run by John Byrne and John Romita Jr, Byrne did a little word-play with the titles to the first three issues.

Iron Man #258: "Lo, A Spectral Enemy Rises..."
Iron Man #259: "...Like All Secrets, Easily Revealed"
Iron Man #260: "Put Them All Together, They Spell Laser"

Look at the first letter of each word in the titles of the first two issues...

Pretty sneaky, huh? On his message board a few years back, Byrne said that nobody ever wrote in to Marvel having discovered that little Easter egg.

Not sure if that would have been information to put in the Notes field of the Index itself, but still interesting, nonetheless.

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