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1/30/2020 5:46 pm  #1

Iron Manual Mark 3

Historical text from Comixfan:

Jan 19, 2010, 02:56 pm

Coming from Marvel in April...


Penciled by MARIO GULLY
Colored by KEN LEVINE

Activate the latest edition of the IRON MANUAL, purposed for experts and novices alike! Built around reliable parts including Iron Man and War Machine; engineered with new designs such as Rescue, Ezekiel Stane and Whiplash (Vanko); kit-bashed from the future with the Stark and Iron Man 2020; and refurbished to accommodate an infusion of Firebrand, Mandroids, LMDs, Masters of Silence, Anthem, Gremlin and more! It's all in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe format, featuring plenty of all-new art by Mario Gully (Ant, KIDNAPPED)!

One-Shot/Rated T+
64 PGS. …$3.99

In Stores: Apr 21, 2010

Eduardo M.
Jan 19, 2010, 09:19 pm


Nice to see old Shell-Head getting another handbook. Glad to see the Stark are included in this.

A couple of questions;

Are Iron Man and War Machine getting full entries or just updates ala Spidey in the Back in Black handbook?

Which Firebrand is getting covered? Gary Gilbert or Boxtrol?

Jan 19, 2010, 11:00 pm

I noticed that the handbooks are now 3.99 again. Does the price point depend on the amount of new artwork?

Jan 20, 2010, 12:52 am

Eduardo M. wrote:


Nice to see old Shell-Head getting another handbook. Glad to see the Stark are included in this.

I'm rather excited about Arno getting an entry myself.

Eduardo M. wrote:

Are Iron Man and War Machine getting full entries or just updates ala Spidey in the Back in Black handbook?

My guess would be the latter, or at least I would hope so, since it would save space for characters who haven't been previously covered.

Eduardo M. wrote:

Which Firebrand is getting covered? Gary Gilbert or Boxtrol?

Possibly both, and Dennison as well?

Andy E. Nystrom
Jan 20, 2010, 12:21 pm

I clicked on the cover to get a closer look and got a "Not Found" message.

Sidney Osinga
Jan 20, 2010, 10:10 pm

I figure that the Iron Man and War Machine entries will be condensed ones similar to the Wolverine, Blob, etc. we saw in the Weapon X Files. I also assume that the Firebrand covered will the original, Gary Gilbert, although I wouldn't mind if his successors were covered too. It is nice to see the Stark getting an entry.

Checking my list of characters from the Deluxe series who haven't got entries yet, I hope we can see the Ani-Men, the Black Knight (Garrett), the original Blizzard (Spapanka), Commander Kraken, Dreadknight, the Dreadnoughts, Kala, the Maggia, the Mauler suit, the Melter, the Super Adaptiod, and the Vault. I'd also like to see characters who never had an entry before, such as the Night Phantom, Freak Quincy, Ayisha, Absynthe, Kathleen Dare, the Erwin siblings, Edwin Cord, the Demolisher robot, and especially the Armor Wars event.

Eduardo M.
Jan 21, 2010, 11:10 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Checking my list of characters from the Deluxe series who haven't got entries yet, I hope we can see the Ani-Men, the Black Knight (Garrett), the original Blizzard (Shapanka), Commander Kraken, Dreadknight, the Dreadnoughts, Kala, the Maggia, the Mauler suit, the Melter, the Super Adaptiod, and the Vault. I'd also like to see characters who never had an entry before, such as the Night Phantom, Freak Quincy, Ayisha, Absynthe, Kathleen Dare, the Erwin siblings, Edwin Cord, the Demolisher robot, and especially the Armor Wars event.

Funny thing, I was wondering the other day why the Gregor Shapanka Blizzard didn't get a seperate entry in the Hardcovers while a guy like the Keith Kraft Ringer did. Guess it was a space thing

Jan 21, 2010, 11:30 am

It'd be cool if those older entries mentioned by Sidney made it in.

Roger Ott
Jan 21, 2010, 11:19 pm

I wonder if there'll be any more armor specs included? While not an absolute necessity, I always enjoy that sort of stuff.

Feb 17, 2010, 07:00 am

I'm hoping for Dreadknight and Melter too, since the cover only shows two characters.

And a new main illo with Iron Man's latest armor.

Roger Ott
Feb 19, 2010, 12:19 am

I'm hoping that one day we'll see more specific information on what each armor does, like the specifications text in the Deluxe and Update '89 Editions. I think maybe an entire book could be filled with just tech specs.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping to see profiles on the likes of Edwin Cord, the Mauler, Senator Harrington Byrd, Janice Cord, the Espionage Elite, Yvette Avril, Vic Martinelli, Artemus Pithins, Marcy Pearson, Felix Alvarez, Cly and Morley Erwin, Erica Sondheim, Abe Klein, Howard and Maria Stark, Ling McPherson, Indries Moomji, the Chessmen, Termite, Dr. Theron Atlanta, Yorgon Tykkio, Kathy Dare, Kierson DeWitt, Vor/Tex, Stockpile, and War Machine (Parnell Jacobs). A lot of the employees could do with the half-page treatment.

I'm just thrilled to see more handbooks. It's gonna be a good year.

Mar 8, 2010, 10:54 am

Max, the book you got is the All-New Iron Manual, which came out in 2008. The Iron Manual Mark 3, the book under discussion here, is due out next month, and is a sequel to the 2008 book.

Roger Ott
Mar 8, 2010, 10:55 pm

After repeatedly watching the new Iron Man 2 trailer, I'm even more stoked for this book!

Mar 25, 2010, 09:57 pm

For those of you who don't use Facebook, a wall photo was just posted on the official page there for the handbooks of Curtis Carr (the original Chemistro) in his more recent identity of High-Tech. The accompanying caption says it comes from this book. So there's another character we know will be covered.

Mar 29, 2010, 09:30 pm

Pictures have also been posted on the OHOTMU's Facebook page of two Firebrands (Broxtel and Dennison), so both those guys will be covered as well. Not sure about Gilbert.

Zach Kinkead
Mar 30, 2010, 01:24 am

Mark 3? Did I miss a second volume?

Sidney Osinga
Mar 30, 2010, 02:31 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Mark 3? Did I miss a second volume?

Probably not. They're counting the first one from 1993 as 1 and the All-New Iron Manual as "Mark 2".

Apr 6, 2010, 09:19 pm

More pics have been posted on OHOTMU Facebook page.

Apr 6, 2010, 11:27 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

More pics have been posted on OHOTMU Facebook page.

Yep. Arno, plus Golden-Blade (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/gldbld.htm) and his partner Sapper (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/sapper.htm).

Roger Ott
Apr 7, 2010, 12:03 am

Sapper and Golden Blade! Never even thought of them being included.

Apr 10, 2010, 08:54 pm

New pic on OHOTMU Facebook page!

Apr 10, 2010, 10:13 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

New pic on OHOTMU Facebook page!

Specifically, of Vibro.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 13, 2010, 10:05 pm

Previews has it as coming out next week. Here's a list of what has been announced to be in it:

Firebrand (Broxtel)
Firebrand (Dennison)
Golden Blade and Sapper (or the other way around)
Iron Man
Iron Man 2020
Life Model Decoys
Masters of Silence
Ezekiel Stane
the Stark
War Machine
Whiplash (Vanko)

I hope that the Iron Man entry is a condensed one. We've already had three long Iron Man entries (in the Mighty Avengers Handbook, the second Iron Manual, and the hardcover), and I don't think we need to see all that information reprinted again.

The Facebook sight has a new picture of a BFG, which I don't recognize.

Apr 14, 2010, 03:14 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

The Facebook sight has a new picture of a BFG, which I don't recognize.

The guy is actually F.A.U.S.T. (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/faustfactory.htm) or the Fully Automated Unit of Structural Technology (note the "Faustian bargain" reference.)

Apr 15, 2010, 10:58 pm

Just been on Facebook. Sidney can add the Seekers to that list! I can't wait 'till Wednesday!

Roger Ott
Apr 16, 2010, 12:54 pm

I hate to say it, but I kinda recognize Sonic, Grasp, and Chain, but who's the female? Did the Seekers make appearances beyond Iron Man #214?

Oh, and I'm so looking forward to the entry on LMDs!

Eduardo M.
Apr 16, 2010, 02:13 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I hate to say it, but I kinda recognize Sonic, Grasp, and Chain, but who's the female? Did the Seekers make appearances beyond Iron Man #214?

I know they showed up in Amazing Spider-Man and in this storyline that connected the Darkhawk, Iron Man, and Avengers West Coast annuals sometime in the early 90s. However both times it was just the original 3 members. No sign of the female.

Apr 16, 2010, 02:22 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I hate to say it, but I kinda recognize Sonic, Grasp, and Chain, but who's the female? Did the Seekers make appearances beyond Iron Man #214?

Oh, and I'm so looking forward to the entry on LMDs!

From the Marvel Appendix Master List

SEEKERS (Chain, Grasp, Sonic, Chain Lightning, Fireball, Laserworks, +3 new members (Spider-Man: Friends & Enemies#2)
- armored mercenaries, original three broke off from AIM + adopted their technology to create armor, original three were brothers, formerly employed by Secret Empire
--Iron Man I#214 (Fantastic Four I#342, Amazing Spider-Man I#355,358, Avengers West Coast Annual#7, Iron Man Annual#13, Darkhawk#35-37, Spider-Man: Friends & Enemies#2

Roger Ott
Apr 16, 2010, 02:31 pm

D'oh! Forgot they appeared in "Assault on Armor City!" Thanks for the reminder.

I guess I'll find out what I didn't know soon enough!

Apr 21, 2010, 12:17 am

The full list is up on Facebook:


Roger Ott
Apr 21, 2010, 02:33 am

Oh my...it's like almost every headshot from the Stark Industries entry in the last Iron Manual is getting an entry. This is going to be the best Handbook ever! (well, for me, at least)

Apr 21, 2010, 06:25 am

Ani-Men, Commander Kraken, Dreadknight, Dreadnoughts, Mauler, Melter and Project: PEGASUS!

Apr 21, 2010, 09:44 am

Can someone post the full list for those of us that can not access Facebook at work?

Apr 21, 2010, 09:49 am

Here it is:

Alvarez, Felix
Atom Smasher (Leonardo)
Black Brigade
Black Widow (Romanova)
Blizzard (Shapanka)
Byrd, Harrington
Commander Kraken
Cord, Edwin
Cybermancer (Earth-9528)
Dare, Kathy
DeWitt, Kearson
Endo, Suzi
Erwin, Clytemnestra
Erwin, Morley
Espionage Elite
Firebrand (Gilbert)
Firebrand (Broxtel)
Firebrand (Dennison)
Fury, Nick
Gremlin (Topolov)
Guardsman (Kevin O’Brien)
Hammer, Justin
Iron Man 2.0
Iron Man (2020 AD)
Iron Man Update
Jacobs, Parnell
Martinelli, Vic
Masters of Silence
Mauler (Doyle)
McCall, Meredith
Melter (Horgan)
Oh, Jake
Pearson, Marcy
Pithins, Artemus
Project: PEGASUS
Sandoval, Glenda
Sapper & Golden-Blade
Stane, Ezekiel
Stark Space Station
Stark, Howard
Stark, Maria
The Stark (Reality-691)
Tiberius Stone
War Machine (Rhodes)
Whiplash (Vanko)

No pages available yet, just back cover stuff.

Roger Ott
Apr 21, 2010, 01:00 pm

I believe this book can boast as having the most brand new profiles of any handbook in recent memory (except for maybe the Marvel Mystery Handbook).

Apr 21, 2010, 02:07 pm

Ani-Men - 2
Anthem - 1
Black Widow Update - 1
Blizzard (Shapanka) - 1
Cape-Killers - 1
Chessmen - 1
Commander Kraken - 1
Cord, Edwin - 1
Devastator - 1
DeWitt, Kearson - 1
Dreadknight - 1
Dreadnoughts - 2
Espionage Elite - 1
Firebrand (Gilbert) - 1
Firebrand (Broxtel) - 1
Firebrand (Dennison) - 1
Fury, Nick Update - 1
Gremlin (Topolov) - 2
Guardsman (Kevin O’Brien) - 1
Hammer, Justin Update - 1
High-Tech - 1
Iron Man Update - 1
Iron Man 2.0 - 1
Iron Man (2020 AD) - 2
Jacobs, Parnell - 1
Kala - 1
LMDs - 2
Mandroids - 2
Masters of Silence - 1
Mauler (Doyle) - 1
Melter (Horgan) - 2
Oh, Jake - 1
Project: PEGASUS - 3
Rescue - 1
Sapper & Golden-Blade - 1
Seekers - 1
Stane, Ezekiel - 1
Stark, Howard - 1
Stark Space Station - 1
The Stark (Reality-691) - 2
Vibro - 1
War Machine Update - 1
Whiplash (Vanko) - 1
Worldwatch - 1

Alvarez, Felix
Atom Smasher (Leonardo)
Black Brigade
Byrd, Harrington
Cybermancer (Earth-9528)
Dare, Kathy
Endo, Suzi
Erwin, Clytemnestra
Erwin, Morley
Martinelli, Vic
McCall, Meredith
Pearson, Marcy
Pithins, Artemus
Sandoval, Glenda
Stark, Maria
Stone, Tiberius

Apr 21, 2010, 04:13 pm

Nice to see some long-time characters get some love in this issue, Melter, Dreadknight, Gremlin, Mandroids & Dreadnoughts were all welcome additions. Individual entries for Howard and Maria Stark were a pleasant surprise.

I really like the way the updates were handled, keep it down to a page to give other characters who haven't been profiled yet some breathing room.

One thing that bugged me, I would much rather there be recycled art for the majority of these profiles. I'm not familiar with Mario Gully, but a lot of the original artwork here looked very rushed and incomplete. I know the handbooks probably aren't given much of an art budget from Marvel, I just wish that where original art is used, it's the artist most associated with the character, ala the Deluxe Edition. I understand it probably wouldn't be possible for somebody like Salvador Larroca to do all the art, but I can hope.

Apr 21, 2010, 04:21 pm

Wow, this is a very good handbook, and I am only at Black Widow!

I just got mine now and I immediately went to Black Widow--which is the only entry I can comment on at this time-- the entry is very well done. I loved the "Update" on the top, which is something I said about 3 yrs ago that they should add, along with "Deceased", "Inactive", and "Depowered" as required.

The Update of BW was well done-concise and yet covering important points with new wording. The power grid was also updated to show her "6" fighting rating, which I always believed was too low at "5", since even poor fighters tend to get a "2".

But I think a few points are missing under the abilities/accessories:
1) Natasha receiving a variation of the Super Soldier Formula enabling lifting of 500 lbs; this is important, especially for readers unaware of why her strength rating is at "3", and not "2" like other strong female athletes (Electra, Cats, Silver Sable, etc)
2) Widow's Line, her second most used ability after Widow's Bite (the radio transmitter is mentioned, but I've never seen that used!)
3) The Classic Black costume pictured tends to get darker in bright light (is this what is meant by "maximum protective qualities"?). If I didn't know this fact, I would not know it from the "maximum protective qualities" statement as written.

Despite these few errors, I thoroughly enjoyed the update! I can't wait to read the rest of the book! This also leads me to believe that perhaps the Phoenix Force Handbook and the Women of Marvel Handbook might also feature (all) updated entries!!

Eduardo M.
Apr 21, 2010, 05:30 pm

My LCS is holding a copy for me. can't wait to grab it and check it out.

In the meantime I'll be busy resisting the urge to make a bad joke about the irony of a guy named Half-Face getting a half-page entry.

Apr 21, 2010, 07:38 pm

Great job to all those who made this possible. I like that the main characters had update profiles instead of full profiles. I have one question some of you may be able to answer.

Is Whiplash (Vanko) the same as Crimson Dynamo (Vanko)? I was confused by this. Is this Anton Vanko from a different reality? I noticed his first appearance was relatively recent.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 21, 2010, 08:58 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

One thing that bugged me, I would much rather there be recycled art for the majority of these profiles. I'm not familiar with Mario Gully, but a lot of the original artwork here looked very rushed and incomplete. I know the handbooks probably aren't given much of an art budget from Marvel, I just wish that where original art is used, it's the artist most associated with the character, ala the Deluxe Edition. I understand it probably wouldn't be possible for somebody like Salvador Larroca to do all the art, but I can hope.

I agree. I feel that some of the art isn't that good, particularly with the normal humans and Iron Man 2020. Hopefully, the art will be better in future books.

Apart from that, I like this book. It has a nice mix of new characters, older characters that were covered in previous handbooks, and older ones that never had an entry before.

ultrabasurero wrote:

Is Whiplash (Vanko) the same as Crimson Dynamo (Vanko)? I was confused by this. Is this Anton Vanko from a different reality? I noticed his first appearance was relatively recent.

No, both Anton Vanko's are different men in the same reality. Maybe that name is really common in Russian in the Marvel U.

Roger Ott
Apr 21, 2010, 09:08 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Great job to all those who made this possible. I like that the main characters had update profiles instead of full profiles. I have one question some of you may be able to answer.

Is Whiplash (Vanko) the same as Crimson Dynamo (Vanko)? I was confused by this. Is this Anton Vanko from a different reality? I noticed his first appearance was relatively recent.

Totally new character, apparently created to go along with the movie. Seems it could a bit confusing to have two unrelated characters with the same real name, but that's just me...

As for the book itself, mine is on its way along with Hardcover vol. 13 and the Iron Man Index TPB...should be here by Friday. Yay!

Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 21, 2010, 09:29 pm

Crap, my store didn't get it. They said next week but that usually means two weeks or more  

Edit: I discussed the matter with my dealer and he was okay with my getting it somewhere else. I love the selection of characters but I have to say I don't care for Mario Gully's art that appears frequently in the book. A good example of of why it doesn't work for me is in the Guardsman entry. Let's compare Sal Buscema's inset to Gully's drawing. Sal Buscema uses a fair bit of lines, sure, but they're very light. Gully's illo, on the other hand looks like someone splashed Guardsman with oil; too much black scattered in the drawing. Obviously you want a lot of black space if you're creating a shadow effect, but the blank spots on the drawings don't convey shadows, which you wouldn't want for a main Handbook illo anyway.

Again, great selection of characters, nice to see so many supporting cast members, and I do like all the non-Gully art in this volume.

Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 21, 2010, 10:30 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

One thing that bugged me, I would much rather there be recycled art for the majority of these profiles. I'm not familiar with Mario Gully, but a lot of the original artwork here looked very rushed and incomplete. I know the handbooks probably aren't given much of an art budget from Marvel, I just wish that where original art is used, it's the artist most associated with the character, ala the Deluxe Edition. I understand it probably wouldn't be possible for somebody like Salvador Larroca to do all the art, but I can hope.

I wonder if this is a cost savings measure, just as Guy Vasquez, who's a bit raw but who has a more eye-pleasing style than Gully did much of the Marvel Mystery Handbook. It might be cheaper to have one artist do multiple figues than to have multiple artists do a few figures.

Apr 21, 2010, 10:46 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I wonder if this is a cost savings measure, just as Guy Vasquez, who's a bit raw but who has a more eye-pleasing style than Gully did much of the Marvel Mystery Handbook. It might be cheaper to have one artist do multiple figues than to have multiple artists do a few figures.

Carlo Paguyalan and Ron Lim did original artwork on the last Iron Manual. It's most definitely a cost-saving measure to use lesser-known artists when producing these. Look at the sales charts, handbooks sell to a very-niche market. I doubt it would make sense financially to produce these if original art was commissioned from A-listers.

Looking back on the Deluxe Edition, you had original art from John Byrne, Jim Lee, Mike Mignola, Marc Silvestri & John Romita Jr. I guess it was just a different market back then. I can't imagine how awesome it would be to have an Iron Man book done by Larroca, Adi Granov and others. An Avengers book done by Jimmy Cheung & John Romita Jr., etc.

Apr 21, 2010, 11:30 pm

Did anyone notice Sapper's real name? It's "Osinga Rplss". Those are two of the members that frequent the OHOTMU boards!

Michael Hoskin
Apr 22, 2010, 02:55 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Carlo Paguyalan and Ron Lim did original artwork on the last Iron Manual. It's most definitely a cost-saving measure to use lesser-known artists when producing these. Look at the sales charts, handbooks sell to a very-niche market. I doubt it would make sense financially to produce these if original art was commissioned from A-listers.

Looking back on the Deluxe Edition, you had original art from John Byrne, Jim Lee, Mike Mignola, Marc Silvestri & John Romita Jr. I guess it was just a different market back then. I can't imagine how awesome it would be to have an Iron Man book done by Larroca, Adi Granov and others. An Avengers book done by Jimmy Cheung & John Romita Jr., etc.

It doesn't necessarily come down to economics as you suppose - in the case of the All-New Iron Manual, Pagulayan & Lim were both available, so that's who we got. And since I count both among my favorite artists, I wasn't about to complain...

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2010, 10:13 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

Did anyone notice Sapper's real name? It's "Osinga Rplss". Those are two of the members that frequent the OHOTMU boards!

Oh! My! Sweet! Jebus! That is so awesome. I'm immortalized.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I wonder if this is a cost savings measure, just as Guy Vasquez, who's a bit raw but who has a more eye-pleasing style than Gully did much of the Marvel Mystery Handbook. It might be cheaper to have one artist do multiple figues than to have multiple artists do a few figures.

Actually, I had found Gus Vasquez' artwork to be hit-or-miss originally, but he seemed to get better in the last few handbooks.

bigvis497 wrote:

Looking back on the Deluxe Edition, you had original art from John Byrne, Jim Lee, Mike Mignola, Marc Silvestri & John Romita Jr. I guess it was just a different market back then.

Most of those artists you mentioned were just starting out at the time, so it was before they became stars. However, the Deluxe did have a number of popular artists at the time besides Byrne, such as Frank Miller, Walt Simonson, Bob Layton, Dave Cockrum, Bill Sienkiewicz, Howard Chaykin, as well as classic artists like Jim Steranko, Larry Lieber, Sal and John Buscema, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Steve Ditko.

Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 22, 2010, 10:28 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Actually, I had found Gus Vasquez' artwork to be hit-or-miss originally, but he seemed to get better in the last few handbooks.

I can probably agree with that. It's more that I didn't even find Gully to be hit and miss with a few exceptions (his Howard Stark was okay; in contrast his Iron Man 2020 made me sad; most of the rest didn't affect me to that level; they just weren't to my tastes). I have nothing against Gully hmself; his artwork's just not for me. If my shading concerns above improve he might grow on me.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

However, the Deluxe did have a number of popular artists at the time besides Byrne, such as Frank Miller, Walt Simonson, Bob Layton, Dave Cockrum, Bill Sienkiewicz, Howard Chaykin, as well as classic artists like Jim Steranko, Larry Lieber, Sal and John Buscema, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Steve Ditko.

One nice bit of "stunt casting" was Curt Swan drawing Gladiator (the Superboy analog version).

Apr 22, 2010, 11:19 pm

Mark O'English PMed to say that in the Project: PEGASUS article, one of the scientists with only last name "Staar" was given the first name "Basera". That was the closest they could get to my forum name. It's their way of thanking us for our continuing support. I think Dr. Eduardo DeVere was named after Eduardo M, Dr. Slevin Clark after slevin, Todd Meeker after Toddcam, Skip Markham after skippcomet.

Let's see if we can find some more in the issue.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2010, 11:27 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I can probably agree with that. It's more that I didn't even find Gully to be hit and miss with a few exceptions (his Howard Stark was okay; in contrast his Iron Man 2020 made me sad; most of the rest didn't affect me to that level; they just weren't to my tastes). I have nothing against Gully hmself; his artwork's just not for me. If my shading concerns above improve he might grow on me.

I agree about the Iron Man 2020 wasn't that good. Edwin Cord's picture wasn't either. Of course, some of the non-Gully art wasn't the best either. For example, the picture of Commander Kraken's other costume is tiny, as well as not giving a clear view. Furthermore, since that was how he looked in his last couple of appearances, shouldn't that have been the main image? Another example is the picture of Suzi Endo (Earth-616 version) as Cybermancer, which shows the back of her costume!

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

One nice bit of "stunt casting" was Curt Swan drawing Gladiator (the Superboy analog version).

Cool! Thanks for pointing that out.

Apr 23, 2010, 12:05 am

I had noticed Osinga. I meant to bring it up!

If that's true about Todd Meeker, I am deeply moved. Thank you very much, HB staff.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 23, 2010, 12:33 am

I would like to thank the Handbook staff for give me this honour. It means a lot to me. I'm sure I'm speaking for the rest of the people who had their names included.

Apr 23, 2010, 12:45 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Let's see if we can find some more in the issue.

Yikes! Let me jump in before this goes overboard!

Yes, in fact, eleven posters here at least served partially as inspiration in the ten original names which needed added to the PEGASUS and Sapper/Golden-Blade entries. ultrabasurero has already unearthed most of them.


FORMER STAFF: Dr. Slevin Clark (cosmic radiation expert) --- slevin87
FORMER STAFF: Dr. Eduardo DeVere (thermal energy expert) --- Eduardo M.
FORMER STAFF: Todd Meeker (recruiter) --- ToddCam

"Originally designed by Dr. Myron Wilburn (later Project Director), Skip Markham, and Basera Staar..." --- skippcomet & ultrabasurero


Real Name: (Sapper) Osinga Rplss --- Sidney Osinga & rplss
Place of Birth: (Sapper) Nystrom, Rajak --- Andy E. Nystrom
Real Name: (Golden-Blade) Zacharaiah Seavey --- Zach Kinkead & CyRog/bigvis497 (this one was exceptionally hard to do - none of the regular posters had names which I found to be close to appropriate for an early 19th century fur trapper; after waaay too much mixing and matching of name pieces I believe that I ended up with the 'c' from CyRog matched to the 'v' from bigvis giving me 'cv' / Seavey, which had a nice sound to it and was period appropriate)

To clarify the how/why here on this one-time thing, occasionally the Handbook writers are asked to complete or supply names for characters; we go back to the original creators for these where possible, but in these cases the original creators were either deceased or have left things to the Handbook researchers' discretion. So, left on my own, and with this likely being my last Marvel writing, I chose to quietly thank our readers - speaking for myself, I've really appreciated both the support and criticism which has come from this and other boards in the years I was involved with the Handbooks; though I've rarely posted here I have been reading your words. Your passion and interest is inspiring. Knowing how much it meant to me when my name first appeared in a Marvel book, this is my attempt to pass that forward and quietly thank you all. My apologies to the many whose names weren't incorporated - I had ten names and ten names only to do, and drew from names of people active as these were being written (over three months ago), and used names which were appropriate to the need. A _lot_ of names here simply aren't workable, and there were a lot more posters than could possibly be incorporated.

Mark O'English

Apr 23, 2010, 01:00 am

Thank you Mark. As I said above, it is deeply moving to have been honored in such a way.

If I may be so rude, why are you no longer a handbook writer?

Eduardo M.
Apr 23, 2010, 01:20 am

oenglish wrote:

Yikes! Let me jump in before this goes overboard!

Yes, in fact, eleven posters here at least served partially as inspiration in the ten original names which needed added to the PEGASUS and Sapper/Golden-Blade entries. ultrabasurero has already unearthed most of them.


FORMER STAFF: Dr. Slevin Clark (cosmic radiation expert) --- slevin87
FORMER STAFF: Dr. Eduardo DeVere (thermal energy expert) --- Eduardo M.
FORMER STAFF: Todd Meeker (recruiter) --- ToddCam

"Originally designed by Dr. Myron Wilburn (later Project Director), Skip Markham, and Basera Staar..." --- skippcomet & ultrabasurero


Real Name: (Sapper) Osinga Rplss --- Sidney Osinga & rplss
Place of Birth: (Sapper) Nystrom, Rajak --- Andy E. Nystrom
Real Name: (Golden-Blade) Zacharaiah Seavey --- Zach Kinkead & CyRog/bigvis497 (this one was exceptionally hard to do - none of the regular posters had names which I found to be close to appropriate for an early 19th century fur trapper; after waaay too much mixing and matching of name pieces I believe that I ended up with the 'c' from CyRog matched to the 'v' from bigvis giving me 'cv' / Seavey, which had a nice sound to it and was period appropriate)

To clarify the how/why here on this one-time thing, occasionally the Handbook writers are asked to complete or supply names for characters; we go back to the original creators for these where possible, but in these cases the original creators were either deceased or have left things to the Handbook researchers' discretion. So, left on my own, and with this likely being my last Marvel writing, I chose to quietly thank our readers - speaking for myself, I've really appreciated both the support and criticism which has come from this and other boards in the years I was involved with the Handbooks; though I've rarely posted here I have been reading your words. Your passion and interest is inspiring. Knowing how much it meant to me when my name first appeared in a Marvel book, this is my attempt to pass that forward and quietly thank you all. My apologies to the many whose names weren't incorporated - I had ten names and ten names only to do, and drew from names of people active as these were being written (over three months ago), and used names which were appropriate to the need. A _lot_ of names here simply aren't workable, and there were a lot more posters than could possibly be incorporated.

Mark O'English

HOLY (censored)!!!!! I'm a former staffer at project Pegasus???!!!! Cool. Thanks.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:28 am

ToddCam wrote:

If I may be so rude, why are you no longer a handbook writer?

Effectively, its a lot more work than you could probably believe until you actually do it, and I have my own "real-life" research to worry about. I'm happy to migrate my comics love back into being a hobby instead of something stressful.

Apr 23, 2010, 01:52 am

oenglish wrote:

Yikes! Let me jump in before this goes overboard!

Yes, in fact, eleven posters here at least served partially as inspiration in the ten original names which needed added to the PEGASUS and Sapper/Golden-Blade entries. ultrabasurero has already unearthed most of them.


FORMER STAFF: Dr. Slevin Clark (cosmic radiation expert) --- slevin87

Thanks for this prestigious honor, Mark!

Madison Carter
Apr 23, 2010, 02:18 am

oenglish wrote:

Effectively, its a lot more work than you could probably believe until you actually do it

No. ****ing. Kidding.

Lia Brown
Apr 23, 2010, 07:24 am

oenglish wrote:


FORMER STAFF: Dr. Slevin Clark (cosmic radiation expert) --- slevin87
FORMER STAFF: Dr. Eduardo DeVere (thermal energy expert) --- Eduardo M.
FORMER STAFF: Todd Meeker (recruiter) --- ToddCam

"Originally designed by Dr. Myron Wilburn (later Project Director), Skip Markham, and Basera Staar..." --- skippcomet & ultrabasurero


Real Name: (Sapper) Osinga Rplss --- Sidney Osinga & rplss
Place of Birth: (Sapper) Nystrom, Rajak --- Andy E. Nystrom
Real Name: (Golden-Blade) Zacharaiah Seavey --- Zach Kinkead & CyRog/bigvis497 (this one was exceptionally hard to do - none of the regular posters had names which I found to be close to appropriate for an early 19th century fur trapper; after waaay too much mixing and matching of name pieces I believe that I ended up with the 'c' from CyRog matched to the 'v' from bigvis giving me 'cv' / Seavey, which had a nice sound to it and was period appropriate)

Heh, awesome  :cool:

Roger Ott
Apr 23, 2010, 09:35 am

oenglish wrote:

Real Name: (Golden-Blade) Zacharaiah Seavey --- Zach Kinkead & CyRog/bigvis497 (this one was exceptionally hard to do - none of the regular posters had names which I found to be close to appropriate for an early 19th century fur trapper; after waaay too much mixing and matching of name pieces I believe that I ended up with the 'c' from CyRog matched to the 'v' from bigvis giving me 'cv' / Seavey, which had a nice sound to it and was period appropriate)

Wow, I never would have seen that one! Thanks much!

Apr 23, 2010, 10:10 am

Roger Ott wrote:

Wow, I never would have seen that one! Thanks much!

Wow, we're early 19th century fur trappers? Awesome!

Roger Ott
Apr 23, 2010, 10:12 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Wow, we're early 19th century fur trappers? Awesome!

Which is actually quite ironic, because a good friend of mine is a fur trapper I have gone on expeditions with him before.

Roger Ott
Apr 23, 2010, 05:52 pm

Just got my copy in the mail today, so I haven't done more than skim over the entries at this point (I'll post more later after a thorough read-thru). Looks very well written, though I did spot one small error: The main Melter artwork was attributed to Carlo Pagulayan, but was actually drawn by the amazing Kerry Gammill.

Apr 23, 2010, 06:43 pm

Holy. Crap. This beats the two times I've had letters published in comic book letter columns! (Of course, neither time was in a Marvel comic, so this makes up for it.)

Thank you, Mr. O'English! And to ALL the OHOTMU writers!

Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 23, 2010, 09:48 pm

Neat, I have a city on an alien planet named after me! Thank you!

Good luck Mr. O'English. All you Handbook writers put an incredible amount of text into each issue so I can certainly see how it could be quite time consuming, and while I'm sure it was a labour of love, it's important to not miss out on the other things life has to offer as well.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 24, 2010, 12:12 am

I see that Golden-Blade's hometown is Cape Breton, New Brunswick. Now I don't know much about communities in New Brunswick, so there may actually be a place called that, but I feel that's wrong. It's like saying someone was born in "Long Island, New Jersey", making wrong two ways because 1) Cape Breton is part of the province of Nova Scotia, not New Brunswick; and 2) Cape Breton is an island, not a community, and so place of birth should be listed as a community (although there are some characters whose place of birth is Long Island, New York).

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 24, 2010, 03:15 am

Madison Carter wrote:

No. ****ing. Kidding.

LOL ;)

William Keogh
Apr 24, 2010, 12:02 pm

Sidney, I know a professor who likes to remark on the causeway from Cape Breton to the mainland as connecting the rest of Canada to Cape Breton, rather then the other way around.  

Roger Ott
Apr 24, 2010, 02:40 pm

Okay, time for my review!

I love this Handbook. It's quite possibly my favorite of the entire series so far, and that's saying something considering how many there are. The highlights to me were the profiles on Stark Employees.

Also of note were the first-time entries on the Chessmen, Edwin Cord, Kearson DeWitt, the Espionage Elite, Iron Man 2020, etc. Nice to finally see profiles for other members of the Stark family tree, too. The 2-pages on LMDs were great to read, and the poor failed Stark Space Station entry was a nice addition.

I had a couple art-related quibbles, however. First, the lack of technical diagrams was a bummer. I really enjoyed the couple pages that were added to the last Iron Manual, and was dissapointed that we didn't at least get some visual specs for Iron Man 2020 or War Machine.

Secondly, the coloring on the new Iron Man armor was so dark that most of the details were lost. Nothing to do with you guys, I'm sure.

Thirdly, I wasn't very impressed with the original art for this book. Iron Man 2020 and the Guardsman in particular left me wondering what reference was used for the armors because they didn't look like any version I'd ever seen. Some of the others (Felix Alvarez, Cly Erwin) were passable, but for the most part the art didn't seem a good fit for an Iron Man Handbook.

Overall, while the art left me wanting more, the written portion of the book was top-notch, and the entry listing was pretty much my wish-list of Iron Man related profiles. Bravo!

Roger Ott
Apr 25, 2010, 05:16 pm

Found something that may be construed as an error:

Morley Erwin's first appearance is listed as Iron Man #169. He did appear in #168 and had some dialog with Vic Martinelli and Tony Stark. Though he was unnamed, the face matches and the bowtie is a dead giveaway. I figured the listing would read, "First Appearance: (unnamed) Iron Man #168, (named) Iron Man #169"

Sidney Osinga
Apr 28, 2010, 09:41 pm

The main illo for the Melter is credited to Carlo Pagulayan, but it was actually done by Kerry Gammill, and used in the two Handbook series in the '80's.

Roger Ott
Apr 29, 2010, 10:37 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

The main illo for the Melter is credited to Carlo Pagulayan, but it was actually done by Kerry Gammill, and used in the two Handbook series in the '80's.

Yeah, I caught that too in a post further up.

On a side note, Gammill was one of the best comic artists of the late 70's early 80's. I likened him to a mix of John Byrne and George Perez. I got to meet him at a convention a few years back and he's a great guy. He's done a ton of work as a concept artist in Hollywood. You'd be surprised the things he's worked on.

May 13, 2010, 03:14 pm

Really enjoyed this issue and the profiles in it. I enjoyed the update profiles and hope that they continue. This way characters like Iron Man, Nick Fury and such can still be included. Just a bit of trivia...I discovered that the direct edition copy of The Iron Man Iron Manual Mark 3 was priced at 3.99 but the newstand edition was 5.99.

Please keep up the great work and looking forward to the Avengers Handbook that will be coming out soon.


Eduardo M.
May 15, 2010, 12:18 am

Finally managed to pick this up today. Looks good so far. Alot of my wish list covered.

Still trying to get a feel for Mario Gully's art. The art for kearson DeWitt, Firebrand (Broxtel), Firebrand (Dennison), Seekers, and Suzi Endo were pretty good but I'm not feeling Edwin Cord, Devastator, Howard Stark, and Vibro.

Roger Ott
May 15, 2010, 11:19 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

Still trying to get a feel for Mario Gully's art.

I think if he'd had a decent inker on this project, the shots would have turned out better. You can see the talent there, it just needs some refinement. To me, the grittiness of the inks looked a bit out of place for an Iron Man-related book.

May 16, 2010, 12:14 pm

I think it is a matter of preference and what you are used to seeing.

The armors could either be inked as bright-n-shiny or as dark-n-gritty. Both are intriguing looks. Both are realistic. Also depends on the type of lighting under which the armor was pictured.

Personally, while I was expecting bright armors with shiny spots of reflection, I really liked the darker grittier look!

May 18, 2010, 01:44 am

I loved the amount of new entries in this issue, my only complaint was the Mario Gully art. On some, I felt they had better previous artwork, that would have worked. I think his work would be better suited to a Midnight Sons or simmilar book.

Stuart V
May 27, 2010, 07:33 am

Roger Ott wrote:

Just got my copy in the mail today, so I haven't done more than skim over the entries at this point (I'll post more later after a thorough read-thru). Looks very well written, though I did spot one small error: The main Melter artwork was attributed to Carlo Pagulayan, but was actually drawn by the amazing Kerry Gammill.

Thanks for spotting that - I'll pass it on to the team so that we correct the mistake as and when the entry gets reprinted.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I see that Golden-Blade's hometown is Cape Breton, New Brunswick. Now I don't know much about communities in New Brunswick, so there may actually be a place called that, but I feel that's wrong. It's like saying someone was born in "Long Island, New Jersey", making wrong two ways because 1) Cape Breton is part of the province of Nova Scotia, not New Brunswick; and 2) Cape Breton is an island, not a community, and so place of birth should be listed as a community (although there are some characters whose place of birth is Long Island, New York).

Passing this on to the team for feedback. Thanks for raising the query.

Roger Ott wrote:

Found something that may be construed as an error:

Morley Erwin's first appearance is listed as Iron Man #169. He did appear in #168 and had some dialog with Vic Martinelli and Tony Stark. Though he was unnamed, the face matches and the bowtie is a dead giveaway. I figured the listing would read, "First Appearance: (unnamed) Iron Man #168, (named) Iron Man #169"

Yes, you are right. Morley first appeared in #168. Passing the errata on to the team.

Jun 12, 2010, 03:52 pm

Thought this might of of interest to the Handbookers... Some guy with a vague Iron Man tie picking up a copy of the Iron Manual Mark 3:


(originally from http://justjared.buzznet.com/photo-g...s-homework-02/ )

(If its not obvious due to the angle there, yes, that's Robert Downey Jr.)

Jun 12, 2010, 11:15 pm

oenglish wrote:

Thought this might of of interest to the Handbookers... Some guy with a vague Iron Man tie picking up a copy of the Iron Manual Mark 3:

(If its not obvious due to the angle there, yes, that's Robert Downey Jr.)

Very cool! Thanks for sharing!

Jun 13, 2010, 02:29 am

oenglish wrote:

Thought this might of of interest to the Handbookers... Some guy with a vague Iron Man tie picking up a copy of the Iron Manual Mark 3:


(originally from http://justjared.buzznet.com/photo-g...s-homework-02/ )

(If its not obvious due to the angle there, yes, that's Robert Downey Jr.)

If you look at the other pics from that site, RDJ also has another Handbook on the bottom of his stack.

Eduardo M.
Jun 13, 2010, 11:40 am

oenglish wrote:

If you look at the other pics from that site, RDJ also has another Handbook on the bottom of his stack.

HOOZA!!!! A celeb has shown that even Hollywood is not immune from the lure of handbooky goodness!!!

Roger Ott
Jun 13, 2010, 12:37 pm

oenglish wrote:

If you look at the other pics from that site, RDJ also has another Handbook on the bottom of his stack.

A quick look at the individual issues back covers compared with the visible (but not readable) wording on the back cover in the pic says it's All-New OHOTMU A-Z #12.

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

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