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1/31/2020 5:43 am  #1

Marvel Atlas #2

Historical text from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels
Dec 22, 2007, 07:49 pm

Coming from Marvel in March...

MARVEL ATLAS #2 (of 2)
Penciled by ELIOT R. BROWN

Your only guide to Marvel's Earth concludes! Antarctica, Africa, the Middle East, and North, Central and South America are highlighted as the Marvel Atlas plans your trip to Wakanda, Atlantis, the Savage Land, Sky Island and the U.S.A. (home of a super hero or two)! Visit the realms of the Black Panther, the Initiative, Omega Flight, the Sub-Mariner, Ka-Zar and more – brought to you in vivid life through the renderings of fan-favorite Eliot R. Brown (Punisher Armory, Iron Manual)!

64 PGS./Rated A …$3.99
William Keogh
Jan 3, 2008, 02:42 pm

Looking forward to this one, and I might ask if we as Canadians can revoke the citizenship of Wolverine, aka the Drunken Hobbit. Some of us don't like to admit he comes from Canuck roots. [img]file:///C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif[/img]

Andy E. Nystrom
Mar 26, 2008, 08:16 pm

Just got this today. Looks great. And I wanted to congratulate everyone involved in this particular issue for having the extraordinarily good judgement to put Canada first. In doing so you have demonstrated exceptionally good wisdom for a US publication (I recognize that not all of the writers are from the US, but please accept the compliment anyway).
Eduardo M.
Mar 27, 2008, 12:27 am

BLAST IT!! My LCs sold out! Now I'm going to have to either hunt for it. Get on back order, or buy the TPB. :Mad: AAAGGHHH!!! I hate it when this happens!! :Mad:
William Keogh
Mar 27, 2008, 10:06 am

As memory serves, Eduardo, the first Atlas issue made it into quite a few newstands and outside the direct market stores, so I assume it'll be the same with #2. You'll end up paying a good deal more though...

Michael Hoskin
Mar 27, 2008, 11:48 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

BLAST IT!! My LCs sold out! Now I'm going to have to either hunt for it. Get on back order, or buy the TPB. :Mad: AAAGGHHH!!! I hate it when this happens!! :Mad:

The wise people at my LCS increased their orders for #2 over #1; the demand is obviously there!

Michael Hoskin
Mar 27, 2008, 11:50 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Just got this today. Looks great. And I wanted to congratulate everyone involved in this particular issue for having the extraordinarily good judgement to put Canada first. In doing so you have demonstrated exceptionally good wisdom for a US publication (I recognize that not all of the writers are from the US, but please accept the compliment anyway).

Judgment had little to do with it - Canada comes first alphabetically in North American nations.

Not that I'm without true patriot love for my home and native land...

William Keogh
Mar 27, 2008, 06:04 pm
Not that I'm without true patriot love for my home and native land...
Even if we have Wolverine as a citizen in the Marvelverse.

Got the issue, though it'll be a few days to get to (damned end of term schoolwork... :# )

Andy E. Nystrom
Mar 27, 2008, 11:04 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

Judgment had little to do with it - Canada comes first alphabetically in North American nations.

Not that I'm without true patriot love for my home and native land...

Judgment still played a role: they could have made an exception with the US or, more easily, they could have started with Africa or the Middle East, the latter arguably a continuation of the Eurasia theme of the first book. So I stand by my congratulations.

William Keogh
Mar 28, 2008, 10:53 am

I did notice, taking a glance at the Canada entry, that in the 616 verse, our Great White North is on friendly relations with Latveria. Latveria? :omg: Oh, well, as is seen in Omega Flight, the Canadian PM is most certainly not the same person who swindled his way into the office here in the real world. :Hellno: Though, strictly speaking (and I say this as a conservative who appears doomed to vote Liberal for the rest of my life), the pack of jackals that currently make up our government would probably find Victor von Doom to be an agreeable fellow.

Sidney Osinga
Mar 28, 2008, 01:50 pm

I'm about 2/3 of the way through mine, and I am highly enjoying it. I have noticed a few minor typos, but I guess that's standard for a work of this size. I am disappointed, however, that Subterrenea only got a half page appendix entry. Hopefully in a future update, we'll get a proper entry for it. Also, I feel that the population figure for Atlantis (9,000) is too low. I'm curious if the Gamma Base diagram is going to be added to the Gamma Base entry in the hardcover. It's nice to see that the United States entry restrained to six pages; it could have easily been 10+ since most of the Marvel comics happen in the US. Finally, will the upcoming Marvel Atlas TPB have any new material, or just reprint the two books?

Stuart V
Mar 28, 2008, 02:04 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I'm about 2/3 of the way through mine, and I am highly enjoying it. I have noticed a few minor typos, but I guess that's standard for a work of this size. I am disappointed, however, that Subterrenea only got a half page appendix entry. Hopefully in a future update, we'll get a proper entry for it. Also, I feel that the population figure for Atlantis (9,000) is too low. I'm curious if the Gamma Base diagram is going to be added to the Gamma Base entry in the hardcover. It's nice to see that the United States entry restrained to six pages; it could have easily been 10+ since most of the Marvel comics happen in the US. Finally, will the upcoming Marvel Atlas TPB have any new material, or just reprint the two books?

Atlantis' population has been hard hit by various catastophe's of late. The TPB will include corrections and minor updates, but not new profiles (afaik) - so please feel free to tell us about any typos, etc, so that we can correct them.

Sidney Osinga
Mar 28, 2008, 02:18 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Atlantis' population has been hard hit by various catastophe's of late. The TPB will include corrections and minor updates, but not new profiles (afaik) - so please feel free to tell us about any typos, etc, so that we can correct them.

Well, the main one that stands out is in the Haiti entry where it says that Calypso used "his" abilities against Kraven's enemies, when it should have been "her". (Unless there's something about Calypso that I don't know ;) ) If I see any more, I'll post them here.

William Keogh
Mar 28, 2008, 05:22 pm

Stuart V wrote:

so please feel free to tell us about any typos, etc, so that we can correct them.

I did notice a misspelling in the Canada entry, on a map: Sudbury was spelled Sudburry.

Sidney Osinga
Mar 29, 2008, 02:11 pm

I found some more substantial mistakes:
-Delvadia should have been in the South America section, not Central America
-In the Brazil entry, the Nova Roma didn't have art credits. It was done by Darick Robertson.
-In the location pictice in the Narobia entry, Niganda was coloured instead.
-In the Wakanda entry, on the Kingdom of Wankanda page, the countries bordering Wakanda on the top left of the center picture should be recoloured so they don't resemble bodies of water. Also, on the same page, the picture of T'challa Parkdoesn't seem to be by Eliot R. Brown. If so, who is the artist?

Roger Ott
Mar 29, 2008, 06:10 pm

Blast! Due to some financial constraints (read: loss of job), I had to cut out comics for a couple months. Now that I'm back to work, I have to hunt this down!

William Keogh
Apr 2, 2008, 06:50 pm

I found some time to get through this, and first off, my compliments to all involved. :clap: Good work in particular on the cartography, and incorporating fictional countries into the boundaries of some real ones. I imagine that some of the flags for those Marvel countries may have been shown before in the original comics, but would some of them have been designed in house for the Atlas itself?

Kudos specifically as well for the entries on Brazil, Egypt, Israel, Kenya, Mexico, the US, Genosha, Wakanda, Tanzania, the Savage Land, the Aerie, Atlantis, and of course, my home and native land, Canada. :cheers:

Captain Speedbump
Apr 6, 2008, 02:31 pm

Just a suggestion, but for the Hardcover Atlas, maybe there could be an appendix section where it could talk about the fictional countries that didn't get a profile? For example, Lichtenbad wasn't given an entry, but it was seen on the European map. I know about Lichtenbad (from the Klaus Kruger story in Daredevil #9), but some of the other countries I feel could benefit from a quick blurb or two about first appearance and other quick facts?

Just a thought...

Capt. Speedbump

Roger Ott
Apr 6, 2008, 06:28 pm

Just saw the solicit for the Marvel Atlas trade. $14.99??!! Man, that seems quite pricey for two issues. Heck, it's even a lot for a hardcover of two issues. Is there something else to this book that the info doesn't mention?

Michael Hoskin
Apr 7, 2008, 01:21 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Just saw the solicit for the Marvel Atlas trade. $14.99??!! Man, that seems quite pricey for two issues. Heck, it's even a lot for a hardcover of two issues. Is there something else to this book that the info doesn't mention?

There is going to be a slight expansion - mostly to polish up what already exists.

Roger Ott
Apr 7, 2008, 11:31 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

There is going to be a slight expansion - mostly to polish up what already exists.

And while that's awesome to hear, I still don't see how marketing at Marvel justifies a $15 price tag for two issues. The individual issues at retail only cost $8 combined.

I know you guys aren't responsible for the pricing on these things, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around the logic used to justify doubling the price for a trade paperback. Normally, trades cost slightly less than the total cost of the individual issues. So, in this case $6.95 I could understand. $15, I can't.

Apr 11, 2008, 09:14 am

You're right, its insane. :wt:

I love these things too, but thats just too much.

Perhaps it will be priced different though when its actually out.

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