Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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Marvel Pets Handbook

Historical text from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels
Feb 21, 2009, 03:50 am

Coming from Marvel in June...


Rein yourself in for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe you thought you’d never see! A marvelous menagerie of mirthful mammals and more materialize! From the high-flying Falcon’s pet Redwing to the ever-familiar Ebony to Speedball’s cat Niels to Kitty’s dragon Lockheed to Daredevil’s dog Deuce to the Mole Man’s monsters to Devil Dinosaur and all manner of Asgardian beasts! Cosmo says: “Buy one for me, comrade! Is good!” Lockjaw says: “Woof!” Can you say no to those puppy-dog eyes?

48 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Mar 24, 2009, 12:00 pm

I just saw the solicit for June's handbook: Marvel Pets Handbook. Wow, that's pretty random. I assume this has to do because of Pet Avengers. Will this be in standard handbook format?

Mar 24, 2009, 02:19 pm

Wow! I hope that the Pets one is in standard format. Can you really fill 48 pages with just animals? I guess Devil Dinosaur, Lockjaw, Zabu, and Lockheed can get 2 pages each... Will Niels be under P-Cat the Penitent Puss? Will Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe have separate entries? And, COSMO!!! Hooray!

I was actually hoping for a War of Kings handbook, so that we could get entries on Gladiator, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Lilandra, the Nova Corps, Worldmind, Guardians of the Galaxy, Church of Universal Truth, etc. Oh, well!

Sidney Osinga
Mar 24, 2009, 06:18 pm

I hope to see Aragon, the flying horse of the Black Knight and Valkyrie, in the Pet Handbook. Although he apparently met his end recently in Punisher War Journal, he did have entries in the OHotMU: Deluxe Edition and Master Edition. Also, Valinor, Black Knight's second winged horse also got an entry in the Master Edition, so we might see him too.

And since Neils the Bouncing cat is being called Hairball in the Pet Avengers series. Also, I hope that Lockheed gets an all new 2 page entry instead of the absurdly short one from the Hardcover.

EDIT: Double checked the cover and Valinor is on it, so we will see an entry for him.

Mar 24, 2009, 06:32 pm

I hope Brightwind will get an entry as well.

Stuart V
Mar 24, 2009, 09:09 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

I just saw the solicit for June's handbook: Marvel Pets Handbook. Wow, that's pretty random. I assume this has to do because of Pet Avengers. Will this be in standard handbook format?


ToddCam wrote:

Wow! I hope that the Pets one is in standard format. Can you really fill 48 pages with just animals? I guess Devil Dinosaur, Lockjaw, Zabu, and Lockheed can get 2 pages each... Will Niels be under P-Cat the Penitent Puss? Will Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe have separate entries? And, COSMO!!! Hooray!

I'm afraid it is wait and see on all those - we can't reveal that in advance. Of course, you are labouring under one false assumption - Devil and Lockheed aren't pets, they are pet owners: Moon Boy and Kitty are the pets.

Michael Hoskin
Mar 24, 2009, 09:19 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Wow! I hope that the Pets one is in standard format. Can you really fill 48 pages with just animals? I guess Devil Dinosaur, Lockjaw, Zabu, and Lockheed can get 2 pages each... Will Niels be under P-Cat the Penitent Puss? Will Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe have separate entries? And, COSMO!!! Hooray!

Happy to oblige!

ToddCam wrote:

I was actually hoping for a War of Kings handbook, so that we could get entries on Gladiator, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Lilandra, the Nova Corps, Worldmind, Guardians of the Galaxy, Church of Universal Truth, etc. Oh, well!

The day Marvel asks for one we'll be happy to bring it about; perhaps if Marvel experienced a surge of messages demanding one...?

Eduardo M.
Mar 24, 2009, 10:23 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Will Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe have separate entries?

At least one squirrel is on the cover (Tippy-Toe I think) so we're assure at one of Squirrel Girl's brave furry friends.

And put me down for a War of the Kings handbook complete with all the entries stated above plus an updated Darkhawk, Corsair, Wraith, and D'Ken. (yeah, I know the latter three have nothing to do with the mini but they need updates DAMMIT and this seem as good a place as any.)

Mar 24, 2009, 11:14 pm

What are those tiny specks in front of Lockjaw? Some sort of insect?

Stuart V
Mar 24, 2009, 11:27 pm

ultrabasurero wrote:

What are those tiny specks in front of Lockjaw? Some sort of insect?

Give the squirrel a break and don't draw attention to his "accidents." You'd lose bowel control too if a sabre-tooth tiger started eyeing you up like you were a bite sized snack.

Actually, no, I kid. They'e Lockjaw's fleas. He's just teleported them off his body, which is why his antenna is glowing. Zabu is in for a surprise in a couple of seconds, as they will be looking for a new home, and you do not want to know what Terrigen-empowered fleas can do.

Zach Kinkead
Mar 25, 2009, 01:59 am

I recognize most of them (if not by name then at least by owner) but who are the rather defensive looking black cat (though I think most of us would look like that if we were that close to Lockjaw and Zabu) and the little dog with the cape?

Mar 25, 2009, 05:21 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

I recognize most of them (if not by name then at least by owner) but who are the rather defensive looking black cat (though I think most of us would look like that if we were that close to Lockjaw and Zabu) and the little dog with the cape?

The black cat is Ebony. The dog looks familar but I can't remember who it is or belongs to. And the insects are presumably Ant-man's ants. I can't remember offhand what the name of the main ant he used to ride was, but I imagine it'll be in there. I hope there's a profile for Scott Lang's deviant steed, too.

Zach Kinkead
Mar 25, 2009, 10:22 am

DrGoodwrench wrote:

The black cat is Ebony.

Who is Ebony's human pet?

Stuart V
Mar 25, 2009, 10:29 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Who is Ebony's human pet?

Agatha Harkness

William Keogh
Mar 25, 2009, 10:30 am

Human pet....? :LOL:

Might Ebony be Black Cats' kitty?

Scratch that. It's Agathas', I see.

Andy E. Nystrom
Mar 25, 2009, 12:28 pm

Would I be wrong in assuming that this was a particularly fun Handbook to work on? This one should be especially fun to read as well.

I also get a bit of perverse amusement at the idea of someone picking up the final Marvel Univese hardcover on an impulse buy and then wondering why there's so many animals in it.

Mar 25, 2009, 12:47 pm

Oooh, I hope Thunder gets an entry. Who? Thunder is Major Maple Leaf Jr.'s super-powered horse from Alpha Flight v3.

He's a very important pet since MMLJR has no powers, just the horse's powers!

Sidney Osinga
Mar 25, 2009, 10:27 pm

First, is Top Dog going to be included?

ultrabasurero wrote:

What are those tiny specks in front of Lockjaw? Some sort of insect?

Could they be cockroaches? Or is there some type of conspiracy that would prevent you from confirming this theory?

Mar 25, 2009, 10:59 pm

I am looking forward to this more excitedly than I logically should be. Also, it would be indescribably awesome if Sidney's theory was correct.

Andy E. Nystrom
Mar 26, 2009, 11:30 am

Another possibility with the small creatures is that they're the frogs who warred with rats in Thor's Frog of Thunder storyline.

Mar 26, 2009, 11:42 am

Is that one of the Red Ghost's Super-Apes on the right hand side?

And, who or what is the red-eyed green...creature...at the very top?

Also, I pulled out my copy of volume four to look at the Great Lakes Initiative entry. The purple scarf means that's Tippy-Toe, Squirrel's Girl's current right-hand squirrel and actual member of the GLI. I certainly hope Monkey Joe's membership and service won't be left out just because he was murdered by Leather Boy.

Those goat-like creatures are Asgardian, right?

Edited to add: I know Aragorn, Lockjaw, Zabu, and Lockheed got previous entries in the Deluxe Edition, the Super-Apes and Devil Dinosaur in Update '89, and Valinor in the Master Edition, but still, I can't help but wonder if the late Mark Gruenwald is either rolling over in his grave or laughing in it instead. (No offense to the family, friends, or fans of Mr. Gruenwald is meant.)

Mar 26, 2009, 03:23 pm

skippcomet wrote:

I can't help but wonder if the late Mark Gruenwald is either rolling over in his grave or laughing in it instead.

Given that from all I've read he's the kind of guy who lived for a good joke (and apparently even more so for not-so-good jokes), I firmly believe he's smiling wherever he may be.

Not that the Pets Book is a joke, mind you, but there certainly has to be a big smile involved in the whole project!


Michael Regan
Mar 26, 2009, 03:40 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Those goat-like creatures are Asgardian, right?

Correct, I would reason that those are his eight-legged goats. I think their names are Tanngnost and Tangrisni.

Mar 26, 2009, 03:59 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Correct, I would reason that those are his eight-legged goats. I think their names are Tanngnost and Tangrisni.

Weren't they Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder? Or am I thinking of something else?

Michael Regan
Mar 26, 2009, 05:14 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Weren't they Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder? Or am I thinking of something else?

I think I'm using the names form the Norse mythology rather than the Marvel mythology. I also believe that they pulls Thor's charrior, not Odin's as I previously stated. Odin had an eight-legged Horse named Sleipnir if I remember correctly.

Funny how the goats were anglicized, but Odin's ravens were not.

Mar 26, 2009, 09:05 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

I think I'm using the names form the Norse mythology rather than the Marvel mythology. I also believe that they pulls Thor's charrior, not Odin's as I previously stated. Odin had an eight-legged Horse named Sleipnir if I remember correctly.

Funny how the goats were anglicized, but Odin's ravens were not.

They did as well.
Hugin & Munin / Huginn & Muninn = Thought & Memory

Sidney Osinga
Mar 26, 2009, 10:26 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Is that one of the Red Ghost's Super-Apes on the right hand side?

And, who or what is the red-eyed green...creature...at the very top?

Yes, I think it is one of the Super Apes on the right side.

And I believe the green creature is Giganto, one of the monsters the Mole Man used in his attacks, and who first appeared in Fantastic Four #1.

Sidney Osinga
Mar 31, 2009, 11:10 pm

Hey, will Magneto's Alphabet Pet be included?

Lia Brown
Apr 1, 2009, 05:16 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Hey, will Magneto's Alphabet Pet be included?

:LOL: That'd be awesome :giggle:

"Hey, take it easy on the old boss, will you?"

Apr 1, 2009, 08:26 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Hey, will Magneto's Alphabet Pet be included?

I second it. Let's see Magneto's Alphabet Pet be included.

Apr 2, 2009, 02:44 pm

Hey, if Aragorn and Valinor are going to be included, would it be too much to hope for some of the Western characters' horses to be included? Even if it's just half-page entries?

And surely there's at least one Nazi pet from WWII that can be included?

Mostly, though, I want to see an entry for Princess Python's python. It would be funny to see Princess Python's dead snake get an entry in the current handbook format before Princess Python herself gets one.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 3, 2009, 12:50 am

Lia Brown wrote:

:LOL: That'd be awesome :giggle:

"Hey, take it easy on the old boss, will you?"

Heh. It's nice to know that there are people out there who understood that reference.

Madison Carter
Apr 3, 2009, 02:10 am

skippcomet wrote:

Hey, if Aragorn and Valinor are going to be included, would it be too much to hope for some of the Western characters' horses to be included? Even if it's just half-page entries?

And surely there's at least one Nazi pet from WWII that can be included?

Mostly, though, I want to see an entry for Princess Python's python. It would be funny to see Princess Python's dead snake get an entry in the current handbook format before Princess Python herself gets one.

Well, skip will be happy. I'll just torture him a little and not say which part. :mwahaha:

Lia Brown
Apr 3, 2009, 06:03 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Heh. It's nice to know that there are people out there who understood that reference.

There's a user here from Hamilton who has Alphabet Pet as a username, and he/she clearly knows the reference too :]

Sidney Osinga
May 13, 2009, 04:29 pm

I heard a rumor that this book has been canceled. Is there any truth to it?

Stuart V
May 13, 2009, 04:53 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I heard a rumor that this book has been canceled. Is there any truth to it?


Beast of Averoigne
May 16, 2009, 03:11 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Wow! I hope that the Pets one is in standard format. Can you really fill 48 pages with just animals? I guess Devil Dinosaur, Lockjaw, Zabu, and Lockheed can get 2 pages each... Will Niels be under P-Cat the Penitent Puss? Will Monkey Joe and Tippy Toe have separate entries? And, COSMO!!! Hooray!

I was actually hoping for a War of Kings handbook, so that we could get entries on Gladiator, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Lilandra, the Nova Corps, Worldmind, Guardians of the Galaxy, Church of Universal Truth, etc. Oh, well!

I'm for the "War of Kings" Handbook, too. And one for the Ultraverse (Handbooks, not Files mind you ). :D

The Pet Books sounds interesting... :D

May 21, 2009, 04:21 pm

Sidney had asked if Top Dog would be included and I want to add my support by asking that Top Dog be included as well. This would be the perfect handbook to inlcude him in. And since he's been featured in Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers, I would love for Ms. Lion to be included. Maybe an entry for the Pet Avengers team.

Jun 3, 2009, 08:00 pm

Again, rapidly collapsing economy has kept me work intense lately, but having heard of this, hopefully an entry on Monster Isle or Monster Island appears.


Michael Regan
Jun 3, 2009, 08:02 pm

Ah, the Monster Blog. What a fun site

Madison Carter
Jun 4, 2009, 12:03 am

Enda80 wrote:

Again, rapidly collapsing economy has kept me work intense lately, but having heard of this, hopefully an entry on Monster Isle or Monster Island appears.


While not exactly what you're hoping for, we will have something in it that will make you happy.

Eduardo M.
Jun 17, 2009, 01:02 pm

did this come out today? Can anyone run down who's precious little pets got some Handbooky love?

Jun 17, 2009, 01:34 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

did this come out today? Can anyone run down who's precious little pets got some Handbooky love?

Ant-Man's ants, Ape, Aragorn, Beasts of Berlin, Bill & Don, Blaze, Brightwind, Cerberus, Collector's Creatures, Cosmo, Cr'reee, Currs, Deuce, Devil Dinosaur, Diablo, Dreamstalker, Droog, Ebony, Freki & Geri, Frogs of Central Park, Garm, Giganto (Atlantean monster), Hellcow, Hellhorse, Hellstorm's demon steeds, Ina & Biri, Kerberos, Kraven the Hunter's menagerie, Krill, Lobo, Lockheed, Lockjaw, Man-oo, Max, Mole Man's monsters, Monkey Joe, Munin & Hugin, Niels, Nimo, Old Lace, Outcasts, Preyy, Princess Python's pythons, Puppy, Red Ghost's Super-Apes, Redwing, Saint, Sassafrass, Sleipnir, Strider, Tippy-Toe, Toothgnasher & Toothgrinder, Valinor, Valkyrior steeds, Vixen, Watchdog, Zabu, and Zar.

Jun 17, 2009, 02:14 pm

It also has appendix pages covering Cowboy Horses of the Old West (1 pg) and Miscellaneous Pets (3 pgs)

Jun 17, 2009, 03:21 pm

Sad to see that Top Dog didn't get an entry. Maybe next time and another Handbook we'll see him in there. Was he perhaps mentioned in the Miscellaneous pets section.


Jun 17, 2009, 04:35 pm

shazam2271 wrote:

Sad to see that Top Dog didn't get an entry. Maybe next time and another Handbook we'll see him in there. Was he perhaps mentioned in the Miscellaneous pets section.


Accolon, Agamemnon, Amos, Ananta, Atlan, Balu, Bambi, Barker, Barretta, Benjamin, Bingo, Boromir, Brad, Butter Rum, Casey, "Cat," Cat, Cerberus, Charlie, Chewie, Chi-Chee, Clea, Cleopatra, Colonel Prerodactylee, Coyote, Crowley, Dawg, Dempsey, Dr. Watson, Crogs, Duke, Exiter, Felina, Figaro, Figaro, Fluggy, Frankie, Fur-Person, Gorlion, Greymalkin, Gyre, Hank, Hamarkis, Horus, Igor, Jade, Jager, Josie, Karia, Khan, Kevin, Killraven's Serpent Horse, L-10, Lad, Lightning, Lord Hawk's Hawk, Luna, Lupe, Machino, Maguire, Matilda, Max, Mikki, Monstro, Muffin, Nancy, Nebuchadnezzar, Nightmare Owl, Nosey, Orion, Pallas, Parsival, Peanut, Pet Vulture, Phix, Puggins, Pumpkin, Rambo, Ranger, Rangoo, Rex, Ridge-Runner, Roger, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, Rusty, Sabre, Scratch, Shadow-Hound/Laelaps, Sheba, Silverhoof, Sirius, Skeeter, Snowstar, Socrates, Socrates, Splatt, Spot, Sturky, Tabby, Tao, Teena, Thunder, Trajah, Tula, Ubbu, Teager, and Zoroaster

I was curious as to why neither Ms. Lion nor Throg got entries. Ms. Lion is mentioned in the preface, though.

Jun 18, 2009, 03:29 pm

ToddCam wrote:

Accolon, Agamemnon, Amos, Ananta, Atlan, Balu, Bambi, Barker, Barretta, Benjamin, Bingo, Boromir, Brad, Butter Rum, Casey, "Cat," Cat, Cerberus, Charlie, Chewie, Chi-Chee, Clea, Cleopatra, Colonel Prerodactylee, Coyote, Crowley, Dawg, Dempsey, Dr. Watson, Crogs, Duke, Exiter, Felina, Figaro, Figaro, Fluggy, Frankie, Fur-Person, Gorlion, Greymalkin, Gyre, Hank, Hamarkis, Horus, Igor, Jade, Jager, Josie, Karia, Khan, Kevin, Killraven's Serpent Horse, L-10, Lad, Lightning, Lord Hawk's Hawk, Luna, Lupe, Machino, Maguire, Matilda, Max, Mikki, Monstro, Muffin, Nancy, Nebuchadnezzar, Nightmare Owl, Nosey, Orion, Pallas, Parsival, Peanut, Pet Vulture, Phix, Puggins, Pumpkin, Rambo, Ranger, Rangoo, Rex, Ridge-Runner, Roger, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern, Rusty, Sabre, Scratch, Shadow-Hound/Laelaps, Sheba, Silverhoof, Sirius, Skeeter, Snowstar, Socrates, Socrates, Splatt, Spot, Sturky, Tabby, Tao, Teena, Thunder, Trajah, Tula, Ubbu, Teager, and Zoroaster

I was curious as to why neither Ms. Lion nor Throg got entries. Ms. Lion is mentioned in the preface, though.

My guess is that the Pet Avengers mini-series is the first appearance of either Throg or Ms. Lion in the mainstream Marvel Universe, and thus their first story isn't over yet, thus no entries.

Sidney Osinga
Jun 19, 2009, 12:57 am

So once again, I'm missing out. Grrr. Diamond didn't ship it to my local store, although they did bill them for it. Hopefully, I'll get it next week.

Sidney Osinga
Jun 20, 2009, 08:08 pm

So I see that Lockheed only got one page, and I assume it's the same as it was in the hardcover. That's too bad. I was really hoping that he would get a more complete entry this time.

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 25, 2009, 02:40 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

So I see that Lockheed only got one page, and I assume it's the same as it was in the hardcover. That's too bad. I was really hoping that he would get a more complete entry this time.

As the writer for the entry, I felt one page covered his history quite nicely. He may have had a lot of appearances, but mostly as a background character. The major "beats" of his history are all covered, though.

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 26, 2009, 12:57 am

I just got it today - for free because my dealer said it was heavily damaged. There's a fold to the upper left of the comic and the staples are a bit flattered but there were no tears or stains, so I'd call the damage "minimal". Well, I'm not going to debate the price.

Odd that the Rats of Central Park didn't get even make the appendix even though their frog counterparts got an entry, and I'd have rather seen more 1/2 pagers of obscure characters than characters already in the hardcovers with more or less unaltered profiles. Nevertheless, this is a fun book. It was especially fun seeing entries for pre-1960s pets (hopefully this will lead to a Blaze the Wonder Collie revival; the fact that he once had his own title would seem to warrant some sort of return). Glad that due to the nature of the, uh, beast, there are more 1/2 page entries than usual.

Jun 26, 2009, 09:24 am

Just wondering, Blaze the Wonder Collie's first appearance was in Blaze the Wonder Collie #2? What the heck was in Blaze the Wonder Collie #1? Or was it like a lot of early era Marvel where they renamed the titles quite often?

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 26, 2009, 09:33 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I just got it today - for free because my dealer said it was heavily damaged. There's a fold to the upper left of the comic and the staples are a bit flattered but there were no tears or stains, so I'd call the damage "minimal". Well, I'm not going to debate the price.

Definitely a nice pick up :yes:

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Odd that the Rats of Central Park didn't get even make the appendix even though their frog counterparts got an entry, and I'd have rather seen more 1/2 pagers of obscure characters than characters already in the hardcovers with more or less unaltered profiles.

Given this was a tie-in with the Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers series, some characters - like Lockheed - were a necessity to include. Nature of the beast, as you mentioned

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Nevertheless, this is a fun book.

I whole-heartedly concur. It was a fun project to work on, too!

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 26, 2009, 09:35 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Just wondering, Blaze the Wonder Collie's first appearance was in Blaze the Wonder Collie #2? What the heck was in Blaze the Wonder Collie #1? Or was it like a lot of early era Marvel where they renamed the titles quite often?

It was a romance title - Molly Manton's Romances, I think. Lasted 1 issue before changing to become Blaze the Wonder Collie, which itself only lasted 2 issues!

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 26, 2009, 11:28 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Given this was a tie-in with the Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers series, some characters - like Lockheed - were a necessity to include. Nature of the best, as you mentioned

Hmm, I wonder if this means that Hellcow will be appearing in that series or somewhere else in the near future, given that thus far she's only been seen in a short back-up story, yet this is her 3rd Handbook go.

Madison Carter
Jun 26, 2009, 08:07 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Hmm, I wonder if this means that Hellcow will be appearing in that series or somewhere else in the near future, given that thus far she's only been seen in a short back-up story, yet this is her 3rd Handbook go.

One of our writers has Mad Cow Disease is all. He really


likes the character.


Michael Regan
Jun 26, 2009, 08:15 pm

Finally had a chance to go through this one. A typo here and there but otherwise a great addition to my library.

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 26, 2009, 08:31 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

One of our writers has Mad Cow Disease is all. He really


likes the character.


Ah. Well, while I question her use in this one instance, I am sympathethic in the sense that if I were to list my 10 favourite Marvel villainesses, ol' Bessie would probably make the cut.

I would disagree though with the writer who said in Blaze's entry that he's presumed long dead. Given the Marvel Universe where time travel, radiation, and suspended animation exist, I don't think the Son of Fury can really be presumed either way. Certainly if I was a Marvel writer I'd find some way to bring him into the presen. A shame his title didn't come out a few years later; as evidenced by his DC counterpart Rex, he'd have probably enjoyed a healthier run; Rex of course is further evidence that Blaze could easily still be out there somewhere; heck, it was even once established that all incarnations of the Littlest Hobo are the same dog; dogs who show up everywhere to help people seem to be long-lived bunch.

Stuart V
Jun 26, 2009, 09:16 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Ah. Well, while I question her use in this one instance, I am sympathethic in the sense that if I were to list my 10 favourite Marvel villainesses, ol' Bessie would probably make the cut.

I would disagree though with the writer who said in Blaze's entry that he's presumed long dead. Given the Marvel Universe where time travel, radiation, and suspended animation exist, I don't think the Son of Fury can really be presumed either way. Certainly if I was a Marvel writer I'd find some way to bring him into the presen. A shame his title didn't come out a few years later; as evidenced by his DC counterpart Rex, he'd have probably enjoyed a healthier run; Rex of course is further evidence that Blaze could easily still be out there somewhere; heck, it was even once established that all incarnations of the Littlest Hobo are the same dog; dogs who show up everywhere to help people seem to be long-lived bunch.

They also established that the Littlest Hobo was a super intelligent mutant dog. And no, I'm not making that up.

Michael Regan
Jun 26, 2009, 09:20 pm

Stuart V wrote:

They also established that the Littlest Hobo was a super intelligent mutant dog. And no, I'm not making that up.

:LOL: Where is that from? That is completely rediculous!

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 26, 2009, 10:37 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

:LOL: Where is that from? That is completely rediculous!

Stuart is referring to the same 2-part story as me. It's been a long time since I saw the episodes so pardon any errors below. In the the 5th season of the 1979 series, thus 1984, "The Genesis Tapes" had a scientist couple learning of German shepherd-helping-people activity dating back to the earlier shows. They plugged the data into a computer (sightings and the like) and first tried to determine the maximum number of dogs this could be, then the minimum; to their shock the computer screen displayed "1" to their latter question. The more they delved into things, the more they realized what this dog was actually capable of.

When they tracked down the dog, he looked at them with those intelligent/mournful eyes of his, and they realized that keeping the dog for study and announcing him to the world would prevent him from carrying out his mission to help people.

This actually explained a lot of the things he did on the show and while not specifically addressed, I imagine it's possible he could also cloud the part of people's minds that might question certain things, such as when he rode the subway. Unfortunately rather than taking the show in a new direction from here, it was business as usual afterwards. My guess is it was just a fun way to answer the questions that were likely on some viewers' minds by that point.

Zach Kinkead
Jun 26, 2009, 10:39 pm

The Central Park Frog entry is nice but, in light of recent Pet Avenger developments, I’m a little surprised that the new “Throg” didn’t get his own entry. Then again, the original Simon Walters is no one’s pet.

As a sidenote, it may just be the gaps in my Thor knowledge talking but – if we’re to assume that Beta Ray Bill was able to somehow adopt the identity of Simon Walters because it was vacant – does that mean that Odin based Thor’s Don Blake identity on an existing (but absent) person?

I know Marvel is only working with the preexisting mythology (except when Stan Lee, Walter Simonson, ect decide to change it) but Sleipnir’s origin is really messed up.


I know I only have myself to blame but I read the Kirby entry and had Incredible Herc spoiled for me. I guess that’s what I get for trade-waiting.

I skimmed the book twice and I’m still not sure who the little caped dog on the cover is supposed to be? Watchdog?

Beast had a dog named Sassy? Cute.

Lets all have a moment of silence for Ant Man’s ants.

Sidney Osinga
Jun 26, 2009, 11:53 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

As a sidenote, it may just be the gaps in my Thor knowledge talking but – if we’re to assume that Beta Ray Bill was able to somehow adopt the identity of Simon Walters because it was

Odin based Don Blake on Doctor Keith Kincaid, except for the lame leg. Kincaid would later turn up in Thor married to Jane Foster and at one point became a physician to the Avengers.

Zach Kinkead
Jun 27, 2009, 01:48 am

Gah, large portions of my original post are missing. Is there a character limit now that the site’s been updated? I guess I’ll just have to try to remember everything and repost it later.

At the moment all I can remember is that I wanted to thank you guys for helping to clarify the differences between the various flying horses and express my disappointment about the exclusion of Peter Parker’s various unnamed cats (more casualties of OMD?).

Also I have some issues with the Zabu and Lockjaw entries.

As the entry itself says, Zabu raised Kazar so listing him as Kevin’s “property” feels really odd. Plus his intelligence score seems rather low considering he often comes off as being smarter than his human companions.

Ben Grimm is surprisingly absent from Lockjaw’s entry. Is the Slott series no longer canon?

Edit: I never really took Falcon for a cat person. Odd.

Since when is (Mad Jack's) Miguire a robot?

Eduardo M.
Jun 27, 2009, 12:43 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Since when is (Mad Jack's) Miguire a robot?

I seem to remember its always been refered to as a robot.

Zach Kinkead
Jun 27, 2009, 04:48 pm

I could have sworn that it was supposed to be real. I just took his behavior to be one those weird comic things. You know, grown men don’t look ridiculous in spandex and cats can be trained.

Of course, given later revelations about Mad Jack’s identities, most of those scenes can be read as either (A) Danny Berkhart was really talking to the human Maguire through a communicator hidden his gourd* and/or (B) Maguire Beck being the kind of narcissist that names her pets after herself

*Or robot cat, I guess.

Jun 29, 2009, 03:00 pm

Is there a reason why all the dogs' heights are up to their shoulders except Cosmo's, which is up to his withers?

Rob London
Jun 29, 2009, 08:39 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

At the moment all I can remember is that I wanted to thank you guys for helping to clarify the differences between the various flying horses and express my disappointment about the exclusion of Peter Parker’s various unnamed cats (more casualties of OMD?).

Uh, when has Peter Parker ever had a cat? There was Fluffy, aka "Stinky", who Peter saved from AIM assassins, then gave to Randy Robertson (and he's in the Appendix), but when else?

Michael Regan
Jun 29, 2009, 08:44 pm

I think they (it?) were (was?) pictured in various backgrounds, typically in places where Peter and MJ lived.

Zach Kinkead
Jun 29, 2009, 11:24 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

I think they (it?) were (was?) pictured in various backgrounds, typically in places where Peter and MJ lived.

Yeah, those are the ones. As far as I know Fluffy/Stinky was the only one that was named but I vaguely remember seeing the occasional background cat in Peter’s various apartments. I suppose you could just hand wave the whole thing away and say they were strays that wondered in through the windows/skylights that Peter tends to leave open but that seems like a cheap explanation.

Michael Regan
Jun 30, 2009, 09:09 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Yeah, those are the ones. As far as I know Fluffy/Stinky was the only one that was named but I vaguely remember seeing the occasional background cat in Peter’s various apartments. I suppose you could just hand wave the whole thing away and say they were strays that wondered in through the windows/skylights that Peter tends to leave open but that seems like a cheap explanation.

Actually, I like that explaination. It is hard to justify having a pet when you can't afford food and rent for yourself, and Peter is hardly the type to toss a cat out the window if it wandered in for shelter.

Sidney Osinga
Jul 6, 2009, 10:59 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

As the writer for the entry, I felt one page covered his history quite nicely. He may have had a lot of appearances, but mostly as a background character. The major "beats" of his history are all covered, though.

Now, I'm not saying that there was anything wrong with your entry, but in my opinion Lockheed deserved more than one page. Yes, he is a background character with few stories devoted to him, but then so are Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, and Aunt May. And you can make one page entries for any character and cover the major events of their career, but that doesn't mean they will be best suited that way.

Anyways, I finally got the book this last Thursday, two weeks after it originally shipped. Sigh. At least it came undamaged. I heard from another person who got it here that their copy was damaged. I hope me getting my Handbooks late doesn't become a habit.

I found a couple of mistakes:

- in the Valkyrior Steed's entry, it states that Aragorn and Brightwind were former members, but this was not listed under "Group Affiliation" in their entries.

- in the Giganto entry, the green Giganto's picture is captioned Earth-929, but referred to as Earth-928 in the note.

- the art for the Vixen entry was not credited (it was by Alan Davis), the red line box around it is missing, and the bottom border has some white overlapping it.

Still, all in all, I really the book, especially the pets from the New Universe and British comics in the appendix as well as the entries for obscure characters I never hear of (Blaze, Diablo, Man-oo, Nimo. How many heroic animals did Marvel have). Hopefully, this book will show how a Handbook that doesn't contain major characters can be viable and a Handbook featuring supporting cast members will be green lighted.

Eduardo M.
Jul 7, 2009, 10:33 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Hopefully, this book will show how a Handbook that doesn't contain major characters can be viable and a Handbook featuring supporting cast members will be green lighted.

I've always hoped for a Supporting Cast handbook. We could get entries on Dollar Bill, Jack Noriss, Dolly Donahue, Ned Leeds, Robbie Baldwin's parents, Ana Watson, J Jonah Sr., Donna Marie Puentes, Zach Moonhunter, Ashley Kafka, etc.

I just picked up the Pets Handbook yesterday. Nice read. Seemed to be a quick read too. I guess that's because most of the entries were 1-1/2 pages. The two appendixes were a nice addition. I was especially amazed at how many Western characters used the same name for their horse.

I had laugh out loud at how you guys were able to find the main pics you used for Monkey Joe and Tippy-Toe. Never have squirrels have looked so fierce.

William Keogh
Jul 7, 2009, 10:55 am

Well, Eduardo, squirrels are evil, after all.

Eric J. Moreels
Jul 8, 2009, 04:24 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Now, I'm not saying that there was anything wrong with your entry, but in my opinion Lockheed deserved more than one page. Yes, he is a background character with few stories devoted to him, but then so are Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, and Aunt May. And you can make one page entries for any character and cover the major events of their career, but that doesn't mean they will be best suited that way.

Hey, don't get me wrong, Lockheed's one of my top 3 favourite characters! It's just that I felt the major story arcs he's been involved in were all covered nicely in a page, and given space is at a premium in the Handbooks we couldn't justify expanding it to 2.

That said, who knows what the future may hold, especially if Pet Avengers gets a sequel!

William Keogh
Jul 30, 2009, 06:11 pm

I just got hold of the issue today; first off, this was a great concept, and thanks for putting it out there.

Just a couple of random musings at first glance:

Poor Watchdog. Saddled with being the mutt of a character as monumentally idiotic as the Sentry. We should take up a collection of dog bones for him.

And a quick glance at the various horse entries showed quite a few with an intelligence level of 1. Which implies that they're not that bright. More then a few horse owners might have issues with that.... :whistle:

Sep 8, 2009, 08:47 pm

thanks for the post, very helpful to all.

Sep 11, 2009, 05:56 pm

I liked this handbook, especially the Appendix.

Just a few additions of pets who missed the Appendix (I know you can't include all pets):
- Angel (pet dog of Don Fortunato)
- Jackdaw (steed of Meggan)

I also remember Dark Angel (Shevaun Haldane) having a cat, but I can't remember its name.

Mablir Dorlig
Sep 11, 2009, 06:06 pm

I love the idea but does it give me any guidance on how to give my pussies guidance on taking anti-biotics?

I feel as if I'm suffering from domestic violence by looking after them!

Madison Carter
Sep 13, 2009, 07:12 am

Mablir Dorlig wrote:

I love the idea but does it give me any guidance on how to give my pussies guidance on taking anti-biotics?

I feel as if I'm suffering from domestic violence by looking after them!

I...wait, what?

Andy E. Nystrom
Jun 3, 2010, 10:08 pm

List of Changes in Hardcovers (or vice versa where noted)

Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers (unsurprisingly)
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to 0

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Next text added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New ½-sentence added to end of final History sentence
Graphic Changes: None

Collector’s Creatures
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Collector’s Zoo
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History paragraph greatly expanded at end
Graphic Changes: None

Devil Dinosaur
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Devil Dinosaur (Earth-78411)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hellstorm`s Demon-Steeds
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Now Listed As: Hellstorm`s Horses
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: one secondary illo less cropped

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: final History paragraph abridged

Lockheed (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Last sentence of 1st History paragraph revised. New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Mole Man`s Monsters
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final general History sentence replaced with two new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Red Ghost`s Super-Apes
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Some History paragraphs merged; new final paragraph
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Toothgnasher & Toothgrinder
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First 2 History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ant-Man`s Ants
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Increased from ½ to 1
Text Changes: History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; 24 new headshots with First Appearances

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Beasts of Berlin (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Was Listed As: Beasts of Berlin
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bill & Don
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Blaze the Wonder Collie
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of History
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Diablo (Bear)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Droog (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: History paragraphs merged
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Freki & Geri
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

The Frogs of Central Park
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Frogs of Central Park
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hellcow (Change below is from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: new secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ina & Biri
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Kraven the Hunter’s Menagerie
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Monkey Joe
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed/tail slightly cropped out

Munin & Hugin
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Hugin & Munin
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Last two History sentences replaced with one new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Aliases revised. Last two History sentences replaced with one new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Old Lace
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Princess Python’s Pythons
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from ½ to 0

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Valkyrior Steeds
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Appendix: Cowboy Horses of the Old West
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from 1 to 0

Appendix: Miscellaneous Pets
Hardcover Volume: not in hardcovers
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 0

Dec 20, 2010, 01:14 pm

I don't know if anyone has asked about this before. The entry for Valinor gives his first appearance as Avengers #226. Several sites list it as #225. I don't have those issues myself, so I can't check. Which is correct?

Roger Ott
Dec 20, 2010, 01:32 pm

In Avengers #225, Hawkeye gives She-Hulk a rundown on the history of Dane Whitman, and the "flashback" scene shows a picture of the Black Knight on a leathery-bat-winged horse. Considering it's a flashback scene, and there's no mention of whether it's actually Valinor depicted, that may be the reason why #226 is listed as first actual appearance.

Michael Regan
Dec 20, 2010, 02:47 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

In Avengers #225, Hawkeye gives She-Hulk a rundown on the history of Dane Whitman, and the "flashback" scene shows a picture of the Black Knight on a leathery-bat-winged horse. Considering it's a flashback scene, and there's no mention of whether it's actually Valinor depicted, that may be the reason why #226 is listed as first actual appearance.

It would be Valinor, but as a very small cameo it is skipped as a first appearance. This is common for minor characters. First appearance cameos are typically noted along with full appearances in relation to major characters, such as Wolverine and Cable.

Stuart V
Dec 24, 2010, 08:50 am

jannepie wrote:

I don't know if anyone has asked about this before. The entry for Valinor gives his first appearance as Avengers #226. Several sites list it as #225. I don't have those issues myself, so I can't check. Which is correct?

Michael Regan wrote:

Roger Ott wrote:

In Avengers #225, Hawkeye gives She-Hulk a rundown on the history of Dane Whitman, and the "flashback" scene shows a picture of the Black Knight on a leathery-bat-winged horse. Considering it's a flashback scene, and there's no mention of whether it's actually Valinor depicted, that may be the reason why #226 is listed as first actual appearance.

It would be Valinor, but as a very small cameo it is skipped as a first appearance. This is common for minor characters. First appearance cameos are typically noted along with full appearances in relation to major characters, such as Wolverine and Cable.

No, we would have counted the appearance in #225 as a first appearance, so the #226 info in the entry is wrong. However, the #225 first appearance those sites list is also wrong; Valinor first appeared in Hulk Comic #1 in 1979.

Michael Regan
Dec 24, 2010, 10:53 am

Stuart V wrote:

No, we would have counted the appearance in #225 as a first appearance, so the #226 info in the entry is wrong. However, the #225 first appearance those sites list is also wrong; Valinor first appeared in Hulk Comic #1 in 1979.

Serves me right for not confirming issue numbers presented.

Roger Ott
Dec 24, 2010, 05:05 pm

Stuart V wrote:

No, we would have counted the appearance in #225 as a first appearance, so the #226 info in the entry is wrong. However, the #225 first appearance those sites list is also wrong; Valinor first appeared in Hulk Comic #1 in 1979.

Ah, the UK comics always throw me off! Have any of those ever been reprinted in collections or anything because I'd love to own them.

Stuart V
Dec 24, 2010, 05:29 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Ah, the UK comics always throw me off! Have any of those ever been reprinted in collections or anything because I'd love to own them.

Panini's Captain Britain TPBs.

Dec 27, 2010, 03:16 am

Stuart V wrote:

Panini's Captain Britain TPBs.

Wow, I had no idea that Panini had done any Captain Britain trades! Unless you mean the one Marvel UK trade collecting the post-Moore stuff by Alan Davis, Jamie Delano, etc. Were there more than just that one and the Moore/Davis collection that was released (I believe) by Marvel's main (U.S.) branch?

Those and last year's Captain Britain by Alan Moore & Alan Davis Omnibus from Marvel U.S. are the only ones I see on the Grand Comics Database, at least . . .

Dec 27, 2010, 08:14 am

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Wow, I had no idea that Panini had done any Captain Britain trades! Unless you mean the one Marvel UK trade collecting the post-Moore stuff by Alan Davis, Jamie Delano, etc. Were there more than just that one and the Moore/Davis collection that was released (I believe) by Marvel's main (U.S.) branch?.

There are four volumes of these; they're all available on amazon.co.uk (you can also find most of them, though on a very quick skim I'm not sure you can find all of them, at the US amazon.com):

Captain Britain Vol. 1: Birth of a Legend (CB Weekly 1-23)
Captain Britain Vol. 2: A Hero Reborn (CB Weekly 24-39; Super Spider-Man & CB Weekly 231-238)
Captain Britain Vol. 3: The Lion and the Spider (Super Spider-Man & CB Weekly 239-247; MTU 65-66; Hulk Comic Weekly 1, 3-30)
Captain Britain Vol. 4: The Siege of Camelot (Hulk Comic Weekly 42-55, 57-63; M Super Heroes 377-389; Daredevils 1-11)

My personal opinion: the first two volumes were rather generic, but the latter two very enjoyable. As a Marvel history-buff or a CB fan, though, they're all well worth getting. Between the four volumes they'll take you up to the point at which CB stories have started being reprinted in US-published TPBs.

- Mark

Later edit: I see a 5th volume also listed ( Captain Britain Vol. 5: End Game ) as being released this month, though based on the previous four, that probably means it really isn't out and is six months to a year from really coming out (they were almost all massively late). Still, I _think_ that everything in it should already be out in the American reprints TPBs, unless there was stuff that they skipped for those books.

Stuart V
Dec 27, 2010, 09:01 am

oenglish wrote:

Later edit: I see a 5th volume also listed ( Captain Britain Vol. 5: End Game ) as being released this month, though based on the previous four, that probably means it really isn't out and is six months to a year from really coming out (they were almost all massively late). Still, I _think_ that everything in it should already be out in the American reprints TPBs, unless there was stuff that they skipped for those books.

The fifth volume reprints stuff already included in US reprints. Unfortunately, Panini skipped reprinting the origins of CB and BK that ran circa Hulk #31-42 (or thereabouts), thinking it all reprint material. It wasn't. It was mostly reprint material, but there was new text and a small amount of new art in there, revealing the extent of the Nethergods involvement in past foes faced by BK and CB. That's never been reprinted, as yet.

Dec 27, 2010, 09:20 am

Thanks, both of you, for all of that Captain Britain info! Now I know what I'll be spending all of the Amazon gift cards I got for Christmas on (assuming I can use U.S. Amazon gift cards to buy stuff from Amazon UK).

Mr. Vandal:

Do you know if Panini is now aware of their mistake with those CB/BK stories? If not, it sounds like something you should let them know! It might make a nice smaller trade collection, possibly alongside Marvel UK Black Knight solo material, if there is any, or other uncollected Captain Britain stuff.

Stuart V
Dec 27, 2010, 05:32 pm

DeadpoolRP wrote:

Do you know if Panini is now aware of their mistake with those CB/BK stories? If not, it sounds like something you should let them know! It might make a nice smaller trade collection, possibly alongside Marvel UK Black Knight solo material, if there is any, or other uncollected Captain Britain stuff.

I don't have a contact at Panini, but I did try to let them know via message boards their staff frequented. They either didn't see the messages mentioning that it wasn't all reprints, or they didn't care - I don't know which. There's not enough to make a trade on its own.

Mar 26, 2011, 05:07 pm

oenglish wrote:

There are four volumes of these; they're all available on amazon.co.uk (you can also find most of them, though on a very quick skim I'm not sure you can find all of them, at the US amazon.com):

Captain Britain Vol. 1: Birth of a Legend (CB Weekly 1-23)
Captain Britain Vol. 2: A Hero Reborn (CB Weekly 24-39; Super Spider-Man & CB Weekly 231-238)
Captain Britain Vol. 3: The Lion and the Spider (Super Spider-Man & CB Weekly 239-247; MTU 65-66; Hulk Comic Weekly 1, 3-30)
Captain Britain Vol. 4: The Siege of Camelot (Hulk Comic Weekly 42-55, 57-63; M Super Heroes 377-389; Daredevils 1-11)

My personal opinion: the first two volumes were rather generic, but the latter two very enjoyable. As a Marvel history-buff or a CB fan, though, they're all well worth getting. Between the four volumes they'll take you up to the point at which CB stories have started being reprinted in US-published TPBs.

- Mark

Later edit: I see a 5th volume also listed ( Captain Britain Vol. 5: End Game ) as being released this month, though based on the previous four, that probably means it really isn't out and is six months to a year from really coming out (they were almost all massively late). Still, I _think_ that everything in it should already be out in the American reprints TPBs, unless there was stuff that they skipped for those books.

Stuart V wrote:

The fifth volume reprints stuff already included in US reprints. Unfortunately, Panini skipped reprinting the origins of CB and BK that ran circa Hulk #31-42 (or thereabouts), thinking it all reprint material. It wasn't. It was mostly reprint material, but there was new text and a small amount of new art in there, revealing the extent of the Nethergods involvement in past foes faced by BK and CB. That's never been reprinted, as yet.

In case anyone was following the Captain Britain conversation here but hasn't checked out recent solicits from Marvel, you'll be happy to know that Marvel U.S. will be publishing the Marvel UK Captain Britain stuff in a series of hardcovers. Volume one (scheduled to come out in May) will collect the material from Panini's first two trades (Captain Britain [1976] #1–39 and Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain #231–232), and the second volume (scheduled to come out in September) will collect the next two Panini volumes (Super Spider-Man and Captain Britain #233–247, Marvel Team-Up [1972] #65–66, and material from Hulk Comic #1 & #3–46 and Incredible Hulk Weekly #47–55 & #57–63.), which you'll notice includes the material that Mr. Vandal pointed out was missing from Panini's version. And they're surprisingly affordable so far: Each of them has 376 oversized pages for only $39.99!

And even though I probably already have all of it from the second X-Men Archives series and the trade of the Davis/Delano material, I hope they put out a third volume so I can have it all in the same format. Heck, I'd love a fourth volume if there's enough material out there!

Here's hoping these books do well and signal the start of more Marvel UK stuff getting collected. For example, I'd love to see a collection of Dan Abnett's excellent Knights of Pendragon (especially the first, less superhero-y volume), which I believe Panini has collected. What other good Marvel UK stuff is out there that I should check out?

Mar 26, 2011, 05:23 pm

Wow, just looking at the Moore/Davis Captain Britain omnibus, there are 680 more pre-Excalibur Captain Britain pages, and that's just material drawn by Alan Davis (and includes a couple of Captain America issues I don't have)! So I'd say there should be plenty of material to make a couple more volumes (especially since I assume someone besides Davis must have been doing some Captain Britain stuff during that period), unless Marvel's just assuming everyone will drop 100 bucks for the omnibus, which I probably won't do.
Historical text from CxPulp:
Andy E. Nystrom
11-02-2013, 06:55 PM
Glad to see this back up. One of my favourite Handbooks!

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