Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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1/31/2020 11:59 am  #1

Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #2

Historical text from Comixfan:


Mar 22, 2010, 04:31 pm

Coming from Marvel in June...

Written by VARIOUS

The OFFICIAL HANDBOOK continues its 2010 crusade to chronicle the Marvel Universe with 64 pages of ALL-NEW profiles with EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL ART for dozens of characters! This issue covers the spectrum of the Marvel U... The men: Maximus the Mad! Phil Sheldon! Skeleton Ki! The women: Shooting Star! Poundcakes! Ecstacy! The aliens: Acanti! Dire Wraiths! Quwrlln! The groups: Leatherneck Raiders! Night Shift! Damage Control! Plus many, many more!

One-Shot/Rated T …$3.99

More handbook all-around goodness!


Mar 22, 2010, 06:26 pm

On the cover I see Skaar, Abigail Brand, N'astirh, Lady Bullseye, Pixie, Legion, Scarlet Spiders, Deathurge, Ursa Major, Ghaur, Dire Wraiths and Portal.
The sumo guys is probably someone from the Iron Fist series? And I don't recognize the Atlantean guy and the helmet guy.


Mar 22, 2010, 06:47 pm

Yay! More characters from my wish-list receiving coverage!

Rayeye wrote:

The sumo guys is probably someone from the Iron Fist series? And I don't recognize the Atlantean guy and the helmet guy.

I think (though I'm not sure) that the Atlantean guy is Attuma, but the helmet guy is definitely the American Eagle (Jason Strongbow).

Stuart V

Mar 22, 2010, 07:18 pm

Rayeye wrote:

The sumo guys is probably someone from the Iron Fist series?

Yes, Fat Cobra.

Rayeye wrote:

And I don't recognize the Atlantean guy



Mar 22, 2010, 08:15 pm

And who's the little guy below Ursa Major please?

Rob London

Mar 22, 2010, 08:20 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

And who's the little guy below Ursa Major please?

It's a Dire Wraith - he's not little, he's just in the distance.


Mar 22, 2010, 08:23 pm

Thank you, forgot about dire wraiths. :sigh:


Mar 23, 2010, 12:40 am

Yay, Pixie! Finally!


Mar 23, 2010, 01:14 am

So excited for Phil Sheldon! And Damage Control!


Mar 23, 2010, 06:08 am

Yeah ! Phil Sheldon ! Legion ! American Eagle ! Shooting Star !

It will be good !!!!


Mar 23, 2010, 02:18 pm

Although that is absolutely Ursa Major, I am left to think how awesome I (and probably just I) would think an entry on Bears would be. Ala Vampires, Deviants, and Gamma Mutates, we could have a history of bears in the Marvel Universe, along with headshots of prominent named bears.

Eduardo M.

Mar 23, 2010, 02:45 pm

captainswift wrote:

Although that is absolutely Ursa Major, I am left to think how awesome I (and probably just I) would think an entry on Bears would be. Ala Vampires, Deviants, and Gamma Mutates, we could have a history of bears in the Marvel Universe, along with headshots of prominent named bears.

while we're at it let's throw lions and tigers


Mar 23, 2010, 08:53 pm

captainswift wrote:

Although that is absolutely Ursa Major, I am left to think how awesome I (and probably just I) would think an entry on Bears would be. Ala Vampires, Deviants, and Gamma Mutates, we could have a history of bears in the Marvel Universe, along with headshots of prominent named bears.

LOL! Thanks man, that made my day!


Mar 24, 2010, 12:13 am

Hmm...with Pixie in this Update and Wolf Cub and Nimrod in the previous one it seems that an X Handbook is looking less likely this year. We still need a Joseph profile. Anyways this Update series looks great with a lot of profiles that hadn't been profiled since the Deluxe Series. I'm still stoked for this.


Mar 24, 2010, 05:30 am

Yes, and Attuma is finally profiled!

Michael Hoskin

Mar 24, 2010, 01:56 pm

captainswift wrote:

Although that is absolutely Ursa Major, I am left to think how awesome I (and probably just I) would think an entry on Bears would be. Ala Vampires, Deviants, and Gamma Mutates, we could have a history of bears in the Marvel Universe, along with headshots of prominent named bears.

What, did Diablo's entry in the Marvel Pets HB do nothing but whet your appetite?

Maybe one day we'll cover the history and prominent bison of the Marvel Universe.

Madison Carter

Mar 25, 2010, 08:32 pm

You want profiles on entire species in the Handbooks? Look no further than the upcoming HC14 - only thing is, we ain't tellin' which species yet. ;)


Mar 25, 2010, 10:10 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

You want profiles on entire species in the Handbooks? Look no further than the upcoming HC14 - only thing is, we ain't tellin' which species yet. ;)

Please be howler monkeys, please be howler monkeys... *crosses fingers*

Eduardo M.

Mar 26, 2010, 12:55 am

captainswift wrote:

Please be howler monkeys, please be howler monkeys... *crosses fingers*

my money is on 3-toed sloths

William Keogh

Mar 26, 2010, 11:34 am

We all know it's going to be the platypus, people.

Michael Regan

Mar 26, 2010, 11:38 am

My money is on Sea Monkeys, the ones pictured in the old adverts not the stinking brine shrimp of reality.


Mar 26, 2010, 01:41 pm

In all seriousness, though, my money would be on Mutants. A key concept of the Marvel Universe, but unlike races such as Atlanteans, Skrulls, Lava Men, and Giants of Jutenheim, there's never, in the entire history of the handbook, been an entry.

Although, I seriously doubt headshots are in the offing for a race with such a huge number of known individuals. It would be almost as bad as a Human entry.


Mar 26, 2010, 05:51 pm

captainswift wrote:

In all seriousness, though, my money would be on Mutants. A key concept of the Marvel Universe, but unlike races such as Atlanteans, Skrulls, Lava Men, and Giants of Jutenheim, there's never, in the entire history of the handbook, been an entry.

Although, I seriously doubt headshots are in the offing for a race with such a huge number of known individuals. It would be almost as bad as a Human entry.

Just imagine the headshot for the 14 million mutants killed in Genosha alone.... :omg:

Although, it's possible the Handbook staff finally got to write an official entry on the Cockroach Conspiracy.

Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 26, 2010, 08:57 pm

My joke theory: dem kittehs finally snook into the handbooks, unless of course the pooch kept dogging the writers for an entry

Real speculation: I'll go with the Subterraneans, which would of course encompass the earlier guess of the Lava Men. The Lava Men are interesting in their own right and both Subterraneans as a whole and Lava Men as a group have had classic Handbook entries, but Subterraneans offer the broader range. And I think the original concept has great potential to be expanded upon. Of course it's debatable whether the Subterraneans count as a species per se, but that's my final answer.

Madison Carter

Mar 26, 2010, 10:36 pm

Nope nope - referring to a non-humanoid, honest-to-goodness real animal species.


Mar 26, 2010, 11:06 pm

Oh, Madison Carter, you are a tease.

Meanwhile, this thread is supposed to be about Update 2, so...

Attuma, huh? I hope he gets the 40,000 ton strength rating he had in the original handbook.

Eduardo M.

Mar 26, 2010, 11:40 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Nope nope - referring to a non-humanoid, honest-to-goodness real animal species.


Sidney Osinga

Mar 27, 2010, 12:12 am

I'm guessing cockroaches.

William Keogh

Mar 27, 2010, 11:49 am

captainswift wrote:

Although, I seriously doubt headshots are in the offing for a race with such a huge number of known individuals. It would be almost as bad as a Human entry.

What? We can't have a book that's six billion pages long? :whistle:

Andy E. Nystrom
Mar 27, 2010, 12:29 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Nope nope - referring to a non-humanoid, honest-to-goodness real animal species.

Hmm. I'm going with horses then, since the Marvel Pets Handbook had an appendix on Western horses. So this could be a case of a pre-existing entry being expanded to include the likes of Valinor and Aragorn. My next guess would be dinosaurs but since there's a fringe element out there who don't think dinosaurs were real, I'll make horses my first bet and dinosaurs a close second.


Mar 29, 2010, 05:52 pm

I love these books! The history and power descriptions are great. Many beloved characters have been covered. However, there are still a few favs that have not appeared, and I was wondering if they will be in the Updates, such as:

Phoenix 9 (Giraud of Haven)
Pink Pearl
Oracle of Shi'ar Imperial Guard
The Cold People (Ternak) from Fantastic Four
The Enchanters of Asgard
Chandu the Sorcerer

Can you give any hints? Please! If not, please at least take some of these under consideration! Thank you.

Eduardo M.

Mar 29, 2010, 07:36 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:


We're probably going to have to wait until their identities are revealed.


Mar 30, 2010, 10:59 am

Yeah, probably.

However, don't forget that with the 1st Handbook series, characters were described as best as possible up to that time, often without true identities listed (Apocalypse, Cable, and Gambit, just to name a few of the very many). So, they could do a listing of Rulk/She-Rulk now. I want to see just how powerful they are-She-Rulk seems more powerful than even Rulk! She may just be the #1 strongest female in the MU!

Roger Ott

Mar 30, 2010, 11:34 am

Fall of the Hulks Gamma had entries on Red Hulk and Red She-Hulk. Almost all of the info was blacked out as classified, but the power grids were there. They're both at strength level 7, but we'll have to wait until we see their powers listed to know who is truly stronger.


Apr 7, 2010, 11:06 am

Hmm, maybe the species entry is about Horses or Dogs...

Eduardo M.

Apr 7, 2010, 11:39 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Hmm, maybe the species entry is about Horses or Dogs...

no way. Vol 2 will finally see the long awaited giant entry on marmots.


Apr 7, 2010, 11:45 am


Roger Ott

Apr 12, 2010, 09:09 pm

Been looking forward to an entry on the Leatherneck Raiders since their brief team shot in the original OHOTMU #13! Thanks in advance!

Sidney Osinga

Jun 9, 2010, 08:35 pm

Out next week.

Eduardo M.

Jun 9, 2010, 09:53 pm

Out next week.
If you have a dog that is now freaking out that's because of the high-pitched squeal of delight I just let out


Jun 10, 2010, 11:58 am

I can't wait!


Jun 14, 2010, 02:46 pm

Hm, this comes out the day after tomorrow, correct?

Can't wait too! :Biggrin:

Roger Ott

Jun 14, 2010, 08:19 pm

I have to wait until the end of the month for my mail order shipment to arrive, so I'll be relying on you guys to hold me over with your accolades for it until then.

Eduardo M.

Jun 14, 2010, 10:32 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I have to wait until the end of the month for my mail order shipment to arrive, so I'll be relying on you guys to hold me over with your accolades for it until then.

I kinda know how you feel. I still do go to the LCS but due to certain issues I usually do a trip only once a month.

Roger Ott

Jun 14, 2010, 11:11 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

I kinda know how you feel. I still do go to the LCS but due to certain issues I usually do a trip only once a month.

I live in what is affectionately known as "The Sticks", which leaves the closest LCS not so local at nearly 100 miles away. I've done the majority of my comic shopping online for about six years now, and the discounts are worth waiting a couple extra weeks.

Eduardo M.

Jun 14, 2010, 11:19 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

I live in what is affectionately known as "The Sticks", which leaves the closest LCS not so local at nearly 100 miles away. I've done the majority of my comic shopping online for about six years now, and the discounts are worth waiting a couple extra weeks.

had a situation like that when I was 10. This was before the Internet so I had to have my grandmother pick up the comics at the shop then mail them to me.

Roger Ott

Jun 15, 2010, 12:25 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

had a situation like that when I was 10. This was before the Internet so I had to have my grandmother pick up the comics at the shop then mail them to me.

Well, when I was 10 (early 1980's), I could get them at the corner drug store, or off spinner racks at gas stations and grocery stores. Once that went away in the late 80's/early 90's, I was actually driving that 100 miles to the comic shop once a month.

I miss the days when comics were everywhere. I picked up the OHOTMU Deluxe edition off the magazine shelf at our local grocery store.


Jun 15, 2010, 01:53 pm

I don't know how you guys do it, Eduardo M. and CyRog.

I am gettin' all-a-jittered--I need my HANDBOOK fix!! <<OK, deep breath now. Whew.>>

(Now, I just hope the CBS has it in stock tomorrow! Sometimes they do, sometimes they no.)

Eduardo M.

Jun 15, 2010, 04:09 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I don't know how you guys do it, Eduardo M. and CyRog.

I am gettin' all-a-jittered--I need my HANDBOOK fix!! <<OK, deep breath now. Whew.>>

(Now, I just hope the CBS has it in stock tomorrow! Sometimes they do, sometimes they no.)

My LCS has a subscriprion service. I put the handbooks on it. Also helps that the owner knows I'm a rabid fan of them.

My survival is a combination of living off the tiny spoilers here and knwoing the handbook is waiting for me.

Roger Ott

Jun 15, 2010, 07:07 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

My survival is a combination of living off the tiny spoilers here and knwoing the handbook is waiting for me.

Same here. I had a severe financial downturn in late 2008 that prevented me from picking up any Handbook-related books (or comics in general) for just over a year. I only had the first four HC volumes, and I believe the 12th had just come out. It took me several months to pick up the several I'd missed, plus some difficulty in finding the various other books (Pets, Marvel Mystery Handbook, etc).

I've learned that patience really is a good thing, even when I don't think so.

Eduardo M.

Jun 15, 2010, 07:39 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

It took me several months to pick up the several I'd missed, plus some difficulty in finding the various other books (Pets, Marvel Mystery Handbook, etc).

I feel you there. when I got back into the Handbooks I had a devil of time tracking down the ones i missed. As is I was able to find the AoA, Horror, GA, Women, Teams, AU, both Ultimates, and both Avengers handbooks from 04-05. I'm missing half of the 06 run, Update 1, and the Marvel Mystery Handbook.

About the only reason I don't go nuts trying to track them down is 90% of teh stuff I'm missing is in the hardcovers so I just decided to stick with that. It helps that the entries are also updated so I'm not really missing anything.


Jun 16, 2010, 02:01 pm

Weird set of entries this time around.

Abyss (cosmic sorcerer)
American Eagle (Strongbow)
Black Spectre (Knowles)
Abigail Brand
Brass Frogs/King Solomon's Frogs
Damage Control
Dimensional Man
Dire Wraiths
Dragon of the Moon
Elektro (Fin Fang Four)
Fat Cobra
Gorgons (Medusa, Delphyne)
Hate-Monger (National Force)
Derek Khanata
Kronos (Eternals)
Lady Bullseye
Leatherneck Raiders
Legion (Haller)
Man with No Face
Marquis of Death
Maximus (Boltagon)
Midnight's Fire
Mr. Fish (Mortimer Norris)
Night Shift
Kiden Nixon
Pixie (Gwynn)
Portal (Littlesky)
Reptil (Lopez)
Scarlet Spiders (Michael, Van, Patrick)
Phil Sheldon
Shooting Star
Skeleton Ki
Tarantula (Rodriquez)
True Believers (Payback's team)
Uranus (Ouranos)
Ursa Major
Verminus Rex
Sen. Stewart Ward
X-Force (M Branch)

Jun 16, 2010, 02:06 pm

Yah, I just got mine, but I almost didn't!! :nonono:

:# I got to the store literally 4 minutes after it opened. There was definitely 1 customer before me. There may have even been 0-2 more in those 4 minutes. However, when I went in, there was only "1" copy left!! At first I got angry, then I quickly swooped it up and placed it in my stack! In order to even get some books, I have to write it down and give it to the owner weeks (if not months) in advance. This is why as soon as I hear of another release, I immediately give him notice. In the past, even this did not guarantee me a copy, but he has gotten better recently and usually has 2-4 copies available when I get there. If I had gone tonite or even tomorrow, I doubt it would even be there! Even with selling out of a quantity he orders, he still doesn't understand to order more as people are buying them = $$ for him.:wall: :#

I only got a quick glimpse of the back of the book, but I think I saw the Dragon of the Moon! I don't know much about DOM, except alittle from Defenders, so this was quite a good surprise! With Legion and Poundcakes, that's at least 3 more scratched off my list...!

Got to go now but after I read some of the entries I will post on here.


Jun 16, 2010, 02:17 pm

Thank you ToddCam! Can you post page numbers too please? Thanks.

And yay for Dimensional Man, Dragon of the Moon, Flux, Kronos, Midnight's Fire, Reptil, Tarantula (Rodriguez) and True Believers!

Also, nice to see Uranus and Gravemoss, initially planned to be in the hardcover 14.

Eduardo M.

Jun 16, 2010, 02:55 pm

Wow. what a list. can't wait to get my hands on this


Jun 16, 2010, 02:58 pm

1/2 - Abyss (cosmic sorcerer)
1/2 - Acanti
2 - American Eagle (Strongbow)
2 - Attuma
1 - Black Spectre (Knowles)
1 - Abigail Brand
1 - Brass Frogs/King Solomon's Frogs
2 - Damage Control
1 - Deathurge
1 - Dimensional Man
3 - Dire Wraiths
2 - Dragon of the Moon
1 - Ecstasy
1 - Elektro (Fin Fang Four)
1 - Fat Cobra
1/2 - Flux
1 - Genetix
2 - Ghaur
2 - Gorgons (Medusa, Delphyne)
1/2 - Gravemoss
1/2 - Grosgumbeekians
1/2 - Hate-Monger (National Force)
1 - Derek Khanata
1 - Kronos (Eternals)
1 - Lady Bullseye
1 - Leatherneck Raiders
2 - Legion (Haller)
1 - Man with No Face
1 - Marquis of Death
3 - Maximus (Boltagon)
1 - Midnight's Fire
1/2 - Mr. Fish (Mortimer Norris)
1 - N'astirh
2 - Night Shift
1 - Kiden Nixon
1/2 - Phaser/Radian
2 - Pixie (Gwynn)
1/2 - Plokta
1 - Portal (Littlesky)
1 - Poundcakes
1/2 - Quwrlln
1/2 - Reptil (Lopez)
1 - Scarlet Spiders (Michael, Van, Patrick)
1 - Phil Sheldon
1 - Shooting Star
2 - Skaar
1/2 - Skeleton Ki
2 - Tarantula (Rodriquez)
1 - Tiwaz
1 - True Believers (Payback's team)
1/2 - Unum
1/2 - Uranus (Ouranos)
1 - Ursa Major
1 - Verminus Rex
1 - Sen. Stewart Ward
1 - X-Force (M Branch)
1 - Xartans

Some thoughts: There's a lot of original Gus Vasquez art in this volume, and it looks really, really good. The Dragon of the Moon and Leatherneck Raiders pics in particular are great. He's getting better and better with each assignment. Surprised Pixie gets two pages. Nice to see such a variety of characters, Phil Sheldon is a pleasent surprise. Also nice to see some entries that were erroneously listed on Volume 14's back covr.


Jun 16, 2010, 03:33 pm

Very nice list!
I am very happy Genetix has a profile, and M Branch's X-Force is a nice surprise.
And with Deathurge being covered, I hope Doorman will be soon as well.


Jun 16, 2010, 03:46 pm

Just got my copy. I've only read the American Eagle entry in its entirety, but it looks excellent so far. Definitely a lot of characters on my wish list are covered. I like that each of the first three issues has an entry for one of the Fin Fang Four (Gorgilla being on the cover for the next issue.) I also dug the fact that several of the characters that got pulled from Vol. 14 turned up here (hopefully we'll see the Rising Suns profile in the near future). Bravo, ladies and gentlemen!

Eduardo M.

Jun 16, 2010, 04:00 pm

Rayeye wrote:

And with Deathurge being covered, I hope Doorman will be soon as well.

Especially since the rest of his GLA/GLX/GLC/GLI teammates have already gotten entries. Other than Leatherboy, poor DM is the last guy on the list.

William Keogh

Jun 16, 2010, 06:27 pm

Got mine!


Jun 17, 2010, 05:23 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Some thoughts: There's a lot of original Gus Vasquez art in this volume, and it looks really, really good. The Dragon of the Moon and Leatherneck Raiders pics in particular are great. He's getting better and better with each assignment.

Agreed. I really like the Legion and Brass Frogs as well.

I have a question about N'astirh. Has the main image on his first page been used before but red? I am a little red/green colour-blind, though. The image in this handbook is green, isn't it?

Stuart V

Jun 17, 2010, 07:16 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

Agreed. I really like the Legion and Brass Frogs as well.

I have a question about N'astirh. Has the main image on his first page been used before but red? I am a little red/green colour-blind, though. The image in this handbook is green, isn't it?

He's green when he's his normal self, red when he's techno-virused.

Madison Carter

Jun 17, 2010, 07:46 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

I have a question about N'astirh. Has the main image on his first page been used before but red? I am a little red/green colour-blind, though. The image in this handbook is green, isn't it?

Yes, it's his Update '89 main image, just recolored to reflect his natural color which he's returned to, as opposed to the red transmode virus look he sported at his "death" back then.

William Keogh

Jun 18, 2010, 11:52 am

Here's a question, and it's been quite a long time since I've read Marvels...

In Phil Sheldon's entry, it lists his WWII colleague not as Jonah Jameson, but as another Jameson (Walter?). Is this a retcon? Or was the Jameson in Marvels never given a first name, and we just assumed it to be JJ?

Andy E. Nystrom

Jun 18, 2010, 12:02 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Here's a question, and it's been quite a long time since I've read Marvels...

In Phil Sheldon's entry, it lists his WWII colleague not as Jonah Jameson, but as another Jameson (Walter?). Is this a retcon? Or was the Jameson in Marvels never given a first name, and we just assumed it to be JJ?

That reminds me of something else: as per the previous diiscussion in an index thread, while Marvels#1 is Phil's first full appearance, he should be listed as having had a one-panel cameo in Amazing Spider-Man#122

Stuart V

Jun 18, 2010, 12:33 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Here's a question, and it's been quite a long time since I've read Marvels...

In Phil Sheldon's entry, it lists his WWII colleague not as Jonah Jameson, but as another Jameson (Walter?). Is this a retcon? Or was the Jameson in Marvels never given a first name, and we just assumed it to be JJ?

Jameson in Marvels wasn't given a first name. Other stories (such as Young Avengers #1) have established that JJJ is too young to have been the Jameson seen in Marvels, as he mentions being a boy when he heard that Bucky had died. One of Alan Moore's Night Raven stories back in the 1980s established there was another Jameson in charge of the Bugle prior to JJJ, who is now considered to be the Jameson seen in Marvels and in WWII era Sgt Fury stories.

William Keogh

Jun 18, 2010, 12:40 pm

I thought so. I'd remembered Jonahs' remark in Young Avengers.


Jun 23, 2010, 03:36 pm

The Night Shift entry both individual and in toto states the first appearance as Captain America #330 (1987). Hangman is listed as Avengers WC #76 (1991).

However, didn't most of them make their first appearance years earlier, in the first Spider-Woman series?? I especially remember each individual in SW: The Needle, Gypsy Moth, Hangman, Tatterdemalion, Brothers Grimm, Dansen Macabre, Tick Tock, Nekra, and Grave Digger.

Madison Carter

Jun 23, 2010, 04:16 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

The Night Shift entry both individual and in toto states the first appearance as Captain America #330 (1987). Hangman is listed as Avengers WC #76 (1991).

However, didn't most of them make their first appearance years earlier, in the first Spider-Woman series?? I especially remember each individual in SW: The Needle, Gypsy Moth, Hangman, Tatterdemalion, Brothers Grimm, Dansen Macabre, Tick Tock, Nekra, and Grave Digger.

The listings - as are per usual for team headshots - are for their first appearance as an active member of that team, not their overall first actual appearance. We've only strayed from this format a couple of times for unique reasons.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 23, 2010, 04:47 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

The listings - as are per usual for team headshots - are for their first appearance as an active member of that team, not their overall first actual appearance. We've only strayed from this format a couple of times for unique reasons.

Also, the Hangman who was part of the Night Shift was the second one. The one who appeared in Spider-Woman was the first one who died in an issue of Bizarre Adventures.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 26, 2010, 02:03 am

I curious as to why Attuma's appearance in the Phoenix story in Bizarre Adventures and Legion's from the Kings of Pain story in the 1991 Annuals were left out of their entry. I know they may be major appearances, but I feel they should have been included for the sake of completion, even it's only a line or two.

Stuart V

Jun 26, 2010, 05:31 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I curious as to why Attuma's appearance in the Phoenix story in Bizarre Adventures and Legion's from the Kings of Pain story in the 1991 Annuals were left out of their entry. I know they may be major appearances, but I feel they should have been included for the sake of completion, even it's only a line or two.

Without having been the writer who handled this entry, I'm guessing they simply weren't important enough to make the cut in the space available. While we try to be pretty inclusive in the histories and cover as much as we can, we also try to avoid "he fought XXX, then he fought YYY, then ZZZ" So sometimes less vital appearances where they didn't actually do that much of interest (beyond, perhaps, knocking a few heads together) get trimmed to make space for more details on more interesting parts of the characters' lives.


Jun 26, 2010, 12:34 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Without having been the writer who handled this entry, I'm guessing they simply weren't important enough to make the cut in the space available. While we try to be pretty inclusive in the histories and cover as much as we can, we also try to avoid "he fought XXX, then he fought YYY, then ZZZ" So sometimes less vital appearances where they didn't actually do that much of interest (beyond, perhaps, knocking a few heads together) get trimmed to make space for more details on more interesting parts of the characters' lives.

Yeah, I would agree, except this doesn't apply to the Phoenix story:
Phoenix did do a few things that we hadn't seen before such as stopping Attuma's double-handed axe thrust with her TK (actually using TK to stop a super-strong foe, which was supposed to take place soon after "Jean's" transformation, before her humbling of Firelord), enabled herself to breathe underwater without any artificial means, and re-atomized her sister Sara from a water-breather (back) into a land-lubber. I think she may have also used TP to make Sara forget the events. So, maybe this entry in Bizarre Adventures was simply forgotten...:chin:

Stuart V

Jun 26, 2010, 12:44 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Yeah, I would agree, except this doesn't apply to the Phoenix story:
Phoenix did do a few things that we hadn't seen before such as stopping Attuma's double-handed axe thrust with her TK (actually using TK to stop a super-strong foe, which was supposed to take place soon after "Jean's" transformation, before her humbling of Firelord), enabled herself to breathe underwater without any artificial means, and re-atomized her sister Sara from a water-breather (back) into a land-lubber. I think she may have also used TP to make Sara forget the events. So, maybe this entry in Bizarre Adventures was simply forgotten...:chin:

New power usages don't necessarily count as important history points. And doubly so, since these aren't Attuma's new abilities, but the ones of his opponent. It's not relevant to Attuma that this was the first time Phoenix breathed underwater.


Jun 26, 2010, 12:55 pm

Ah, good point.

I was looking from the other side.

So, maybe a few sentences of these events should be in Phoenix' entry?

Eduardo M.

Jun 26, 2010, 03:58 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Ah, good point.

I was looking from the other side.

So, maybe a few sentences of these events should be in Phoenix' entry?

or maybe if Sara gets an entry you could have some mention of Phoenix changing her since she participated and was effected by the adventure


Jun 26, 2010, 04:25 pm

Quite true.

I would like to see Sara get an entry, as well as Elaine and John.

I would like to read from each perspective of the things that happened to Jean and what it meant to each of them: when Jean first left home to join Xavier's school, dating Scott, her transformation into Phoenix, etc.

Eduardo M.

Jun 26, 2010, 07:50 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Quite true.

I would like to see Sara get an entry, as well as Elaine and John.

I would like to read from each perspective of the things that happened to Jean and what it meant to each of them: when Jean first left home to join Xavier's school, dating Scott, her transformation into Phoenix, etc.

Sounds like a great idea for a Files kinda book. The Grey family Journals.

Anyone wants to take a crack at it go ahead, just give me credit.

Jun 27, 2010, 10:43 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

Sounds like a great idea for a Files kinda book. The Grey family Journals.

Anyone wants to take a crack at it go ahead, just give me credit.

...and me a little, too! :wave:

Roger Ott

Jul 8, 2010, 01:00 pm

Got this in my DCBS order yesterday. Haven't read only a few entries thus far, but kudos on another fine book! The Gus Vazquez art really took over this issue with 36 total character images, and his art keeps looking better and better with each offering.

Is it possible for Marvel (or Gus himself, or whoever handles the images) to post them online? It would be great to see his art (especially the half-page entry artwork) on a larger scale.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jul 8, 2010, 09:45 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Got this in my DCBS order yesterday. Haven't read only a few entries thus far, but kudos on another fine book! The Gus Vazquez art really took over this issue with 36 total character images, and his art keeps looking better and better with each offering.

Agreed. If I was on the fence on whether to try a new series or not, his art would likely tilt me towards "yes". He's proving to be a real find.

Stuart V

Jul 31, 2010, 08:31 pm

Roger Ott wrote:

Is it possible for Marvel (or Gus himself, or whoever handles the images) to post them online? It would be great to see his art (especially the half-page entry artwork) on a larger scale.

I'll pass on the request.

Eduardo M.

Sep 23, 2010, 11:03 pm


I FINALLY got my hands on this issue.

gotta say, the more I see Gus vasquez's art, the more I like it.

Roger Ott

Sep 24, 2010, 02:34 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Agreed. If I was on the fence on whether to try a new series or not, his art would likely tilt me towards "yes". He's proving to be a real find.

While I agree with that statement for the most part, as an amateur artist myself, drawing pin-up style art is one thing, drawing sequential storytelling artwork is another entirely. Any artist with a modicum of skill can do pin-up art, but the real test of a comic book artist is being able to tell a story with pictures. I hate to knock on a past decade, but in the 90's a lot of comics seemed like 22 pages of pin-up art. The real test to me is if you can take all the words off a comic book page and still be able to tell what's going on, then it's probably decent storytelling.

It appears that Gus has a website or two with some artwork on it:



And luckily, based on a quick skim of the galleries, it appears he can tell a good story with pictures! There's just something about his style that grows on me the more I see it. I think with his style he'd be a great artist on Image's Invincible.


Sep 24, 2010, 09:58 am

Roger Ott wrote:

While I agree with that statement for the most part, as an amateur artist myself, drawing pin-up style art is one thing, drawing sequential storytelling artwork is another entirely. Any artist with a modicum of skill can do pin-up art, but the real test of a comic book artist is being able to tell a story with pictures. I hate to knock on a past decade, but in the 90's a lot of comics seemed like 22 pages of pin-up art. The real test to me is if you can take all the words off a comic book page and still be able to tell what's going on, then it's probably decent storytelling.

It appears that Gus has a website or two with some artwork on it:



And luckily, based on a quick skim of the galleries, it appears he can tell a good story with pictures! There's just something about his style that grows on me the more I see it. I think with his style he'd be a great artist on Image's Invincible.

Gus has actually been around for a while. He did the original Big Hero 6 mini-series way back in the late 90's, and some assorted fill-in work for Marvel and DC. And speaking of Invincible, according to Comicvine he did some work for the Official Handbook of the Invincible Universe.

Roger Ott

Sep 24, 2010, 12:20 pm

Yeah, I did some checking on him at DeviantArt early this morning, and he's been in the biz for around 20 years

My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

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