Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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1/02/2020 7:14 pm  #1

The Rules

This forum is primarily for discussion of reference works like the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Other topics are allowed in special sections set up for them, but for the most part, expect to post to the Main Section. If you don't want to post to the main section but do want to post to other sections, that's fine, but at least keep in mind that your audience are readers and writers oif Handbooks.

The site is generally meant to be family friendly but unless too many people complain I'll probably allow contextual nudity (e.g. images of Dr. Manhattan in discussion of Watchmen) or gore (e.g. in relation to Punisher's MAX series). But context is king. Swearing: I have a playful filter set up, so if you swear, there's a good chance that what you type won't be what actually shows up. Again, keep in mind your audience but you probably won't get in trouble unless you start to get abusive.

Use common sense for behaviour. Try to work things out in a friendly matter and send me a private message if you can't resolve it yourselves. If I'm not available, zuckyd1 is the backup Moderator. Lonewolf36 also has Moderator status for the Imaginary/wish List section to allow him to edit a popular thread there (Imaginary A-Z). Loki also has Moderator status to edit a thread and because he's a Handbook writer. I'll probably give Moderator status to anyone involved in the Handbooks upon request. But for conflicts, try me first, then zuckyd1.

No spam. Spam is the only reason so far why I've had to ban anyone. It's okay to promote things if it seems on topic and if it seems like you are here to participate, but I can tell the difference between that and people signing up just to spam us. I do recommend playing it safe and doing at least one "participation" post before promoting things if you've never posted here before in any incarnation of this forum. Check with me first if you actually want to sell something. But if you actively take part in pop culture discussion in general and the Handbooks in particular, you'll fly under my radar and I'll be more inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt if you do want to promote something. Also keep in mind that there is an Anything Goes section. If your post seems like it would best fit there but shows up in another part of the forum, you'll definitely get my attention.

For spoilers to newly released storylines in any media (or the ending of any movie regardless of age, or anything else common sense along those lines) put the word "spoiler" in brackets before the spoiler and "/spoiler" in brackets after. That will hide the spoiler unless it's clicked on.

Anything Goes Section: Technically it's more almost anything goes. As above, keep in mind the audience. We're mainly here as pop culture buffs, particularly Handbook buffs, and we almost never talk politics here; I won't say no outright to politics but I reserve the right to kill the thread if I feel it's too disruptive to the feel of the forum. No porn. I mainly see this section to discuss birthdays, weddings, deaths in the family, etc. Most of us have known each other online for over a decade so this is mainly to let people talk about stuff beyond what the main threads can do.

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (12/03/2020 4:24 pm)

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1/17/2020 5:29 pm  #2

Re: The Rules

As a reward for all his help with the various moves, I'm appointing zuckyd1 as Second in Command. He already had Moderator status, and now  I've authorized him to make decisions for when urgent things happen when I'm not available for an extended period. Note that I'm still the Admin so PM me first here or on Facebook if something comes up; zuckyd1 will mainly handle things if I'm on vacation/in need of surgery/lacking Internet access and something that can't wait until I get back happens. Otherwise, contact me first; I have all the site's nuclear options. No contacting zuckyd1 when I'm around because you think he'll give you a better decision than I would Seriously though, this is one of the easiest forums on the Internet to moderate so I doubt either one of us will need to step in too often. This is just so there is a backup if something does go wrong.

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2/06/2020 8:09 am  #3

Re: The Rules

I've expanded the rules. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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12/03/2020 4:27 pm  #4

Re: The Rules

I've expanded the bits about spam and about swearing. A reference to Night B-tch from Kick Ass 2 recently triggered the spam filter so I guess I can say now that if you swear, something more playful than what you originally typed will show up.

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