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2/22/2021 7:40 am  #241

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

313 Penguin, Batman Ninja


2/22/2021 7:41 am  #242

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

303 Specs, Static Shock


2/22/2021 7:43 am  #243

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

310 Aimee Brenner, DC Showcase Spectre


2/22/2021 7:45 am  #244

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

308 Taboo, Brave and Bold


2/22/2021 7:48 am  #245

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

298 Pierrot Lunaire, Brave and Bold


2/22/2021 8:22 am  #246

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

Those are correct. List updated. And then there were ten.
20 is an original TV character.

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2/23/2021 8:58 am  #247

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

Adding clues:
20 is an original TV character from the 2010s.
125 is an original TV character, but with the same name (beyond spacing differences) as an unrelated comics character.
162 is a movie character; based on comics
221 is an original TV character
262 is an original TV character
162 is a TV character; based on comics
296 is a TV character; based on comics
299 is an original TV character, but unrelated DC characters have subsequently used the name
314 is original character not from TV
315 is a TV character; based on comics

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2/23/2021 1:41 pm  #248

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

125 Dollman, Adventures of Batman


2/23/2021 1:46 pm  #249

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

299 The Judge, Batman/Superman Hour


2/23/2021 1:52 pm  #250

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

Those are correct. That leaves:
20 is an original TV character from the 2010s.
162 is a movie character; based on comics
221 is an original TV character
262 is an original TV character
162 is a TV character; based on comics
296 is a TV character; based on comics
314 is original character not from TV
315 is a TV character; based on comics

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2/24/2021 7:02 am  #251

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

Even though it hasn't been quite a day since the last guesses, today through Friday if applicable will give clues at around 7 am Pacific time just to move things to the next round, which will start by 7 am Pacific Saturday (sooner if the board is cleared beforehand).

Of the remaining villains, five are from something Batman related, two are from something Superman related, and one is from something Green Lantern related.

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2/25/2021 7:05 am  #252

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

Adding decades to the remaining characters in fours types based on first appearance: pre-90s, 90s, 00s, 10s. for purposes of these clues, decades are 1-0 for last digit, not 0-9.

20 is an original TV character; 10s.
162 is a movie character; based on comics; 10s
221 is an original TV character; 90s
262 is an original TV character; 90s
273 is a TV character; based on comics; 10s
296 is a TV character; based on comics; 00s
314 is original character not from TV; pre-90s
315 is a TV character; based on comics; 90s
Of the remaining villains, five are from something Batman related, two are from something Superman related, and one is from something Green Lantern related.

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2/25/2021 3:21 pm  #253

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

I was going to do the final clue tomorrow at 7 am Pacific time, but my feeling is that this collage has gone about as far as it can go, so I'll do the final set of clues now and start the next collage no later than 8 am Pacific tomorrow:
The 1990s ones are different shows, same continuity. Two of the post 1990s are the same continuity. The remaining three (of which only one is a show) are different continuities.

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2/25/2021 3:53 pm  #254

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

A few more clues. If I wake up in time, I'll reveal the source before 8 and let people try to determine the character. Two characters are covered by two clues, not just one:

1 is from a computer generated cartoon.
1 is a pretty common criminal
1 has counterparts already found
1 is a robot
1 has the same name as the plural of an actor's surname
1 doesn't have a name per se but is the leader of a villain group
1 encountered a person or group from World War II
1 encountered a superhero team
2 are henchpeople (one of each sex)

Last edited by Andy E. Nystrom (2/25/2021 3:56 pm)

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2/26/2021 4:40 am  #255

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

At this point I'll reveal the source material. People still have until 8 am Pacific to guess the name. Otherwise these eight villains get away

20. Green Lantern" The Animated series
162. Justice League: War
221. Batman: The Animated Series
262. Batman Beyond
273 and 296: Batman: The Brave and the Bold
314. Superman theatrical shorts
315. Superman: The Animated Series

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2/26/2021 5:03 am  #256

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

262 Synthia, Batman Beyond


2/26/2021 5:06 am  #257

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

314 One of the Bulleteers?, Superman 1941


2/26/2021 8:07 am  #258

Re: Gotta Catch 'em All Challenge #26 DC Animated Villains 1 of 4

262 is correct (Cynthia) [robot clue]. 314 is close enough (the leader of the Bulleteers [doesn't have a name per se but is the leader of a villain group].

The rest:
20. The clue meaning [computer generated series] was revealed when I revealed the show; Cephalon
162 is a henchman and a counterpart of characters already revealed; he's Ubu
221 is a pretty common criminal type and his name pluraled is an actor's name; he's Nivens
273 had an encounter with WW2's Haunted Tank; she's Ma Murder.
296 encountered a hero team; he's Kranus
315 works for Maximus; she's Sazu

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