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2/06/2020 6:21 pm  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 6 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan:

Eric J. Moreels

Sep 27, 2008, 09:40 am

Coming from Marvel in December...


The most comprehensive guide to the stars of the Marvel Universe continues! From the old west of Kid Colt to the far-flung future of Killraven to the end of time with Kang! From jolly ol' J. Jonah Jameson, fantastic mailman Willie Lumpkin and mighty butler Jarvis to Hulk's pal Rick Jones! Ladies Daemon, Deathstrike, Liberators, Mastermind and Octopus! Triumphant heroes including Jocasta, Jolt, Karma, Longshot, M, MACH-4 and Machine Man! Loathsome Villains including Jester, Kaine, Killmonger, King Cobra, Kingpin, Klaw, Korvac, Kraven, Leader, Lizard, Loki, Mad Thinker and Madame Masque! The Kree! Two Justices! Two Ka-Zars! Two Liliths! Dan Ketch! Lockheed! The Juggernaut! And many more!

240 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3103-8

Eduardo M.

Sep 27, 2008, 11:36 am

Looks like we're getting those entries on Dan Ketch and Carolyn Trainer at last.

I wonder how far this one goes. Based off the cover alone we go as far as Madame Masque.


Sep 27, 2008, 02:04 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Looks like we're getting those entries on Dan Ketch and Carolyn Trainer at last.

I wonder how far this one goes. Based off the cover alone we go as far as Madame Masque.

It goes as least as far as Mastermind according to the text.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 27, 2008, 02:20 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

It goes as least as far as Mastermind according to the text.

Actually that was in a sentence referring to various Ladies. So they meant Lady Mastermind. Which is not to say that there isn't Mastermind, but with M being one of the letters with the most entries, I'd wager that's next volume.


Sep 27, 2008, 04:31 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Actually that was in a sentence referring to various Ladies. So they meant Lady Mastermind. Which is not to say that there isn't Mastermind, but with M being one of the letters with the most entries, I'd wager that's next volume.

Reading it again, that's pretty obvious. Silly me. Is Mad Thinker after Madame Masque or does the space affect things?

Michael Regan

Sep 27, 2008, 04:36 pm

Alphabetical rules would place "Mad" before "Madam" regardless of successive words.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 27, 2008, 10:42 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Alphabetical rules would place "Mad" before "Madam" regardless of successive words.

I would have thought that "Mad" couldn't be covered because the main competition currently publishes it (ducking).

Sidney Osinga

Sep 28, 2008, 01:27 am

On the cover, I recognize hot chick Loki, Living Tribunal, Longshot, Dan Ketch/Ghost Rider, Mach IV, Machine Man, Kid Colt, Klaw, Juggernaut, Lockheed, Ka-zar, Kingpin, Killraven, and Madame Masque. But who is the guy behind the Juggernaut? Jigsaw?

Madison Carter

Sep 28, 2008, 01:42 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

On the cover, I recognize hot chick Loki, Living Tribunal, Longshot, Dan Ketch/Ghost Rider, Mach IV, Machine Man, Kid Colt, Klaw, Juggernaut, Lockheed, Ka-zar, Kingpin, Killraven, and Madame Masque. But who is the guy behind the Juggernaut? Jigsaw?

J. Jonah.

Sidney Osinga

Sep 28, 2008, 03:17 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

J. Jonah.

Now I know.

And knowing is half the battle.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 28, 2008, 03:31 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

J. Jonah.

You realize, of course, that by putting him amidst all those costumed types, you've given him a fate worst than death, right?

Michael Hoskin

Sep 29, 2008, 12:24 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

You realize, of course, that by putting him amidst all those costumed types, you've given him a fate worst than death, right?

And the beauty of it is he won't blame us, he'll blame Spider-Man.

Eduardo M.

Sep 29, 2008, 03:35 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

And the beauty of it is he won't blame us, he'll blame Spider-Man.

Well, now that you mention it, Juggernaut and Kingpin habve fought Spider-man in the past and Danny Ketch did team-up with him a couple of times.

Andy E. Nystrom

Sep 29, 2008, 04:28 pm

Michael Hoskin wrote:

And the beauty of it is he won't blame us, he'll blame Spider-Man.

Or at least think you're in cahoots: "By the end of the year, Spider-Man will be the only vigilante to have had four of his own Handbooks. Even the X-Men and Avengers only had three. He must be in league with those writers! And if I find out that any of them are on the Bugle payroll..."

Eduardo M.

Oct 9, 2008, 08:04 pm

I seem to remember when vol.1 came out that we were told Aegis & Tenebrous would listed under something else.

I wonder if we'll see Aegis in this volume under the name "Lady of All Sorrows."


Oct 10, 2008, 10:55 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

I seem to remember when vol.1 came out that we were told Aegis & Tenebrous would listed under something else.

I wonder if we'll see Aegis in this volume under the name "Lady of All Sorrows."  

My guess is that they would be listed as the Proemiel Elders, they were referred as that in the Annihilus entry.


Oct 30, 2008, 07:12 pm

Speculating about 1/2 pagers, don't know if the following is complete:

3 J's

Jack O'Diamonds
Jones, Janis
Juniper, Junior

4 K's

Kaliph, Rama

8 L's

Legion of Living Lightning
Lion God
Living Brain
Living Totem
London, Lois
Lord of Death
Lurking Unknown

Possibly a completely new J 1/2 pager is coming.

Sidney Osinga

Nov 4, 2008, 01:28 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

Speculating about 1/2 pagers, don't know if the following is complete:

3 J's

Jack O'Diamonds
Jones, Janis
Juniper, Junior

4 K's

Kaliph, Rama

8 L's

Legion of Living Lightning
Lion God
Living Brain
Living Totem
London, Lois
Lord of Death
Lurking Unknown

Possibly a completely new J 1/2 pager is coming.

If we're going to get a new half page J entry, I vote for the Golden Age character Zephyr Jones, because I'd like to see more entries for Golden Age characters. However, one of the 1/2 pagers might be expanded, possibly Janis Jones, who I've always felt deserved more than 1/2 a page.

The is actually another K entry. KalAOL, who formerly had an entry as Marvel. It was hyperlinked as KalAOL in the appendix. Maybe we'll see an entry for Warlord Kaa or KhL0G.

About the L's: We may actually see an odd number of entries if the Legion of the Living Lightening get a full page. They might so as to show individual members, bases, the new costumes they wore in the Howling Commandos series, and generally to cover their post 60's history.

Sidney Osinga

Nov 14, 2008, 02:00 am

I wonder if Lifeguard will get an entry instead of the joint one with Slipstream that she got in the Mutant Files.

Michael Hoskin

Nov 19, 2008, 02:16 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

If we're going to get a new half page J entry, I vote for the Golden Age character Zephyr Jones, because I'd like to see more entries for Golden Age characters.

Zephyr Jones, you say...? ...Hmm...

Sidney Osinga

Nov 21, 2008, 03:46 am

Michael Hoskin wrote:

Zephyr Jones, you say...? ...Hmm...

I like the sound of that "Hmm". It sounds positive, and would make up for the Janis Jones entry staying the same.

Captain Morgan

Dec 7, 2008, 09:05 pm

Maybe I missed something but how come there isn't a solicit for HC Vol. #7 out for February?

Eduardo M.

Dec 8, 2008, 04:24 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

Maybe I missed something but how come there isn't a solicit for HC Vol. #7 out for February?

apparently Vol.7 will not be coming out in February. Me sad.


Dec 18, 2008, 03:38 pm

Since the Forbidden Land entry from the '60s Legacy Handbook was retitled El Dorado, does that mean the Thing Impostor entry from the same will be included in this one as Ricardo Jones? Or would that be telling?

Madison Carter

Dec 18, 2008, 08:47 pm

slevin87 wrote:

Since the Forbidden Land entry from the '60s Legacy Handbook was retitled El Dorado, does that mean the Thing Impostor entry from the same will be included in this one as Ricardo Jones? Or would that be telling?

That would be telling. But I think it's safe to say that you're thinking cap is working in the right direction.

Eduardo M.

Dec 18, 2008, 11:18 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

That would be telling. But I think it's safe to say that you're thinking cap is working in the right direction.

I'm going to say it will be listed under Thing (Jones).


Dec 22, 2008, 03:45 pm

According to Diamond, this ships this week, along with the Spider-Man yearbook. Merry Christmas!


Dec 24, 2008, 04:59 pm

Was anybody able to get this today? Could somebody post a list of who's in it? I don't think I can wait until Friday!

Eduardo M.

Dec 24, 2008, 05:36 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Was anybody able to get this today? Could somebody post a list of who's in it? I don't think I can wait until Friday!

I remember seeing the list of stuff out today. I know I saw the BND Yearbook but I don't remember seeing Volume 6 listed.


Dec 24, 2008, 05:49 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

I remember seeing the list of stuff out today. I know I saw the BND Yearbook but I don't remember seeing Volume 6 listed.


for some reason the Handbooks only get put on the list the Monday before they're released, whereas everything else is listed over a week in advance

Sidney Osinga

Dec 25, 2008, 01:00 am

Well, since no one has put up the list yet, I guess I'll do it.

Harold Jaekelsson (1 pg), John Jameson (3 pg), Jonah Jameson (2 pg), Janus (1 pg), Jarella (2 pg), Edwin Jarvis (2 pg), "Mad" Jim Jaspers (2 pg), Madison Jeffries (2 pg), Jester (Powers) (3 pg), Jester (Putt) (1/2 pg), Jigsaw (2 pg), Jimmy-6 (1 pg), Jinx (1 pg), Jocasta (2 pg), Jolt (2 pg), Janis Jones (1 pg), Jessica Jones (2 pg), Ricardo Jones (1 pg), Rick Jones (3 pg), Joystick (1 pg), Jubilee (2 pg), Judge (1 pg), Juggernaut (3 pg), Junior Juniper (1/2 pg), Jury (1 pg), Justice (Astrovik) (3 pg), Justice (Tensen), (2 pg),
Kaine (1 pg), Jennifer Kale (2 pg), Rama Kaliph (1/2 pg), Garrison Kane (2 pg), Kang (7 pg), Kangaroo (Hibbs) (1 pg), Karma (2 pg), Kazann (1 pg), Ka-Zar the Great (1 pg), Ka-Zar the Savage (3 pg), Senator Robert Kelly (1 pg), Sal Kennedy (1 pg), Dan Ketch (3 pg), Khaos (1/2 pg), Khonshu (1 pg), Kid Colt (2 pg), Kid Omega (1 pg), Kidney Lady (1 pg), Killer Shrike (2 pg), Killmonger (2 pg), Killpower (2 pg), Killraven (2 pg), Kimura (1 pg), King Cobra (2 pg), Hannibal King (1 pg), Kingpin (Fisk) (4 pg), Kismet (2 pg), Kitty's Fairy Tale (2 pg), Klaatu (1 pg), Klaw (3 pg), Knickknack (1/2 pg), Misty Knight (2 pg), Knights of Pendragon (2 pg), Eric Koening (1 pg), Korath the Pursuer (1 pg), Korrek (1 pg), Korvac (3 pg), Korvus (1 pg), John Kowalski (1 pg) Kraven the Hunter (3 pg), Alyosha Kravinoff (1 pg), Kree (5 pg), Kro (2 pg), Kronans (1 pg) Kulla (1/2 pg), Kurrgo (1 pg), Kylun (1 pg),
Lacuna (1 pg) Lady Daemon (1 pg), Lady Deathstrike (2 pg), Lady Liberators (1 pg), Lady Mastermind (1 pg), Lady Octopus (1 pg), Ladyfair (1/2 pg), Larval Earth (Spider-Ham) (2 pg), Last Avenger Story (2 pg), Marie Laveau (2 pg), Leader (3 pg), Leap Frog (Vincent Patilio) (1 pg), Legion of Night (1 pg), Legion of Unliving (4 pg), Lethal Legion (3 pg), Liberty Legion (1 pg), Lifeguard (1 pg), Lilin (2 pg) Lilith (Mother of Demons) (2 pg), Lilith (Daughter of Dracula) (2 pg), Lion God (1/2 pg), Lionheart (1 pg), Livewires (1 pg), Living Brain (1 pg), Living Diamond (1/2 pg), Living Erasers (1 pg), Living Laser (3 pg), Living Lightning (2 pg), Living Mummy (1 pg), Living Tribunal (2 pg), Living Totem (1/2 pg), Lizard (2 pg), Llan (1 pg), Llyron (1 pg), Lockdown (1 pg), Lockheed (1 pg), Locust (1 pg), Loki (3 pg), Lois London (1/2 pg), Longshot (2 pg), Looter (1 pg), Lord Chaos & Master Order (1 pg), Lord Moses (1 pg), Lord of Death (1/2 pg), Lords of the Living Lightning (1/2 pg), Stephan Loss (1 pg), Lucifer (1 pg), Willie Lumpkin (2 pg), Lunatic Legion (2 pg), Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk fragments) (2 pg), Lunatik (mercenary) (1 pg), Luphomoids (1 pg), Lurking Unknown (1/2 pg), Lyja the Lazerfist (2 pg), Lynx (1 pg),
M (2 pg), Mace (1 pg), Gideon Mace (1 pg), Mach-4 (4 pg), Machine Man (3 pg), Machine Teen (1 pg), Machinesmith (2 pg), Moira MacTaggert (2 pg), Mad Jack (1 pg), Mad Thinker (3 pg), Madame Masque (2 pg), Madame Web (1 pg), Madman (1 pg), Madripoor (2 pg) Maelstrom (2 pg),
Also included is a five page appendix about Earth's solar system and satellites.


Dec 25, 2008, 01:53 am

Would you mind telling me if:

the handbook gives any stats or updates to Jubilee's bio... including her being in the New Warriors, and what her stats are? Also, if credits are given to someone named Intensity? (because I am intensity on Marvel.com, and update her bio occasionally.) Thanks!

Sidney Osinga

Dec 25, 2008, 02:42 am

jubileefan19 wrote:

Would you mind telling me if:

the handbook gives any stats or updates to Jubilee's bio... including her being in the New Warriors, and what her stats are? Also, if credits are given to someone named Intensity? (because I am intensity on Marvel.com, and update her bio occasionally.) Thanks!

Her entry has been increased in length, since the original was only one page and the new one is two. I haven't read it yet, but from a quick scan, it looks like it has been totally rewritten. Her time as a member of Generation X, which was reduced to one sentence in the original entry, has been expanded to about a paragraph and a half. And yes, her time as a member of the latest New Warriors has been included. While the main picture is still the same, seven smaller pictures have been added to show past costumes. Her stats have changed too, to reflect her current abilities as Wondra (FYI, they're now 2,4,2,3,1,3, in that order).
Sorry, but credits aren't listed for individual entires, so there's no mention of you.

And just so you know, she's one of my favorite characters too.


Dec 25, 2008, 03:43 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Her entry has been increased in length, since the original was only one page and the new one is two. I haven't read it yet, but from a quick scan, it looks like it has been totally rewritten. Her time as a member of Generation X, which was reduced to one sentence in the original entry, has been expanded to about a paragraph and a half. And yes, her time as a member of the latest New Warriors has been included. While the main picture is still the same, seven smaller pictures have been added to show past costumes. Her stats have changed too, to reflect her current abilities as Wondra (FYI, they're now 2,4,2,3,1,3, in that order).
Sorry, but credits aren't listed for individual entires, so there's no mention of you.

And just so you know, she's one of my favorite characters too.

Awesome! I'll have to pick this up in a few days then  .
It seems as if they may be using her bio from Marvel.com... if that is the case, then all of the sentences I added about Generation X, her being depowered, and working with New Warriors are actually in print! Sweet.

Also- I am a bit confused as to her current stats. Marvel.com lists her stats as being almost off the charts... with several 4s and even a 7. But this bio still gives her a total of 15 stat points.

her last entry in the handbook was: 2 2 2 2 4 3. She now has moved up in strength and durability, but went down in energy projection( obviously.) What I don't get, is how her strength rating is at a 4, when it was speculated that she was at a 100-ton lifting range, making her at a 6 rating instead. Also, her fighting skills should be a 4 instead of a 3.

Thanks again

and on a side note, I just realised that MY fighting ability rating is a 6!

Madison Carter

Dec 25, 2008, 09:43 am

jubileefan19 wrote:

Awesome! I'll have to pick this up in a few days then
It seems as if they may be using her bio from Marvel.com... if that is the case, then all of the sentences I added about Generation X, her being depowered, and working with New Warriors are actually in print! Sweet.

Sorry, we don't utilize the write-ups from marvel.com, ever. The OHOTMU writing group has to do their own research and is disinclined to use online sources when doing so.


Dec 25, 2008, 10:52 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Sorry, we don't utilize the write-ups from marvel.com, ever. The OHOTMU writing group has to do their own research and is disinclined to use online sources when doing so.

oops! LOL well it still would have been nice. I'm going to pick it up anyways, because I love to compare and catch up on characters- they are always done very professionally.

Madison Carter

Dec 26, 2008, 12:20 am

jubileefan19 wrote:

oops! LOL well it still would have been nice. I'm going to pick it up anyways, because I love to compare and catch up on characters- they are always done very professionally.

It's cool, and thank you for the support. Keep it up with marvel's online section, though, you never know when we'll need to bring new writers in, and we certainly do take notice of the contributors who know their stuff.

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 26, 2008, 10:52 pm

Jumping into the breach again with part 1 of my list of revisions. As always, apologies for any oversights resulting from the sheer amount of material to wade through.

A-Z 5

Harald Jaekelsson: no significant changes

“Mad Jim” Jaspers: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages. First Appearance tweaked. History completely rewritten/enlarged; Abilites/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Power Grid a little revised. 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Madison Jeffries: Occupation and First Appearance revised. Final History sentence replaced with two new ones. Last sentence removed from Abilities/Accessories. Energy Projection expanded on Power Grid. One secondary illo now captioned, two new secondary illos

Jester: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. 2 new sentences added to 2nd last History paragraph. 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned).

Jester (Putt): brand new 1/2-page entry inspired by above entry. No text carry-over. Has main illo but now secondary illos.

Joystick: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. Last History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded; new main illo (old one now secondary).

Judge: last sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Speed on Power Grid revised.

Jury: Old non-headshot illos removed, replaced with new main illo and 2 secondary illos (all captioned). Gavel headshot added. USAgent headshot replaced with more flattering one.

Hulk 2004

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed

Jarella: Expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Known Relatives revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid. 8 new secondary illos of K’ai residents.

Rick Jones: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/enlarged. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Old illos replaced with new main illo and 6 secondary illos (3 captioned)

Leader: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Aliases, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Madman: Occupation and First Appearance revised. History mostly rewritten and Expanded. Height and Weight tweaked. Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded.

All-New Iron Manual

Sal Kennedy: no significant changes

Mystic Arcana

Jinx: no significant changes

Llan: no significant changes

Women of Marvel 2005

All: Marital Status removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Jolt: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Occupation and First Appearance expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. 4 new illos (3 captioned)

Jennifer Kale: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Old illo replaced with new main illo and 3 secondary illos

Misty Knight: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilties/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Old illo replaced with new main illo and secondary illo

Alternate Universes 2005

All solo: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, and Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Killraven: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat revised, with paragraphs merged and new text weaving in and out of old text. New main illo (old one now secondary with background added. 2 new captioned secondary illos

Kitty’s Fairy Tale: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Significant Inhabitants tweaked; Well removed from Significant Locations. History greatly revised/expanded (a lot of old text still present). Old illo now captioned. 11 new captioned secondary illos.

Larval Earth (Spider-Ham): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Old illo now captioned. 21 new captioned secondary illos.

Last Avengers Story: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Old illo now captioned. New captioned secondary illo plus 27 new numbered secondary illos corresponding to a key

Marvel Legacy: 1960s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Ricardo Jones (originally listed as Thing Imposter). Real Name and Known Relatives revised. Original History text tweaked/a bit condensed, with 2nd and 3rd paragraphs merged; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories expanded

Junior Juniper: History somewhat revised and expanded, in part incorporating info from Where are They Now?

Kulla: Citizenship revised. History a little revised. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten

Kurrgo: expanded from ½ to 1 page. Occupation and Citizenship revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. New captioned secondary illo

Living Brain: expanded from ½ to 1 page. New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories mostly revised. 2 new secondary illos

Living Diamond (originally listed as Jack O’Diamonds). Aliases revised due to name reversal. 2 sentences added to end of History incorporating info from Where are They Now? New captioned secondary illo

Lords of the Living Lightning (originally listed as Legion of Living Lightning): 5 new sentences added to end of History, incorporating info from Where are They Now? One of the illos now captioned.

Marvel Legacy: 1970s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Janus: Known Relatives/Education revised. 2nd and 3rd History paragraphs merged, with new sentence added to end of this paragraph; 2 new sentebnces added to end of final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? (such info slightly added to previous paragraph. Physical Stats revised. Background removed from main illo

Korrek: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Eyes revised. Background and text removed from main illo. Original text removed from secondary illo but caption added.

John Kowalski: Vital Statistics revised. Original History paragraphs merged and slightly revised; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. New captioned headshot.

Lady Liberators: New Current Members category. Old Vital Statistics revised. History mostly revised/expanded, including info on new team. Old illo dialogue removed but captions added. New captioned illos of new team

Liberty Legion: History mostly revised/expanded. Old illo replaced with new captioned one.

Marvel Legacy: 1980s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Lady Daemon: Secondary illo colourized

Lois London: Known Relatives revised. History somewhat expanded

Longshot: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised/expanded. Original History paragraphs somewhat revised; 6 new paragraphs incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/expanded. New secondary illo

Lunatik (Arisen Tyrk Fragments): Where are They Now? passage added to end of final History paragraph. Physical Stats revised. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.

Marvel Legacy: 1990s

All: Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Lady Octopus (originally listed as Doctor Octopus): Aliases and code name reversed. Last half-setence in History replaced with new sentence incorporating info from Where are They Now? Hair tweaked. New secondary illo.

Lilin: new sentences added to end of 6th and 8th History paragraphs (plus minor other tweaking) incorporating info from Where are They Now? First Appearances added to headshots.

Llyron: Known Relatives revised. End of 1st History paragraph tweaked; new final paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now?

Stephen Loss: new final History paragraph.

Lunatik (Mercenary): Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Acessories almost completely revised/expanded. Height, Eyes, Hair revised. New captioned secondary illo

Lyja the Lazerfist: Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from History and new large final paragraph added. Final Abilities/Accessories tweaked, then new sentence added

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 27, 2008, 02:52 am

Revisions continued

A-Z Update 1

Khonshu: new captioned secondary illo

Living Laser: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories considerably revised and expanded, though a lot of original text still present. Physical Stats expanded. Background added to main illo to make it easier to see. 3 new secondary illos.

A-Z Update 2

King Cobra: new final History paragraph.

Kronans: First Traits paragraph expanded. Last ½ sentence of History replaced with about 2 ½ new ones. Main illo now captioned

Living Totem: no significant changes

Lord Moses: no significant changes

A-Z Update 3

Juggernaut: Group Affiliation tweaked. 1st History paragraph revised and expanded; 2nd paragraph tweaked at end; 5th and 6th paragraphs merged; 2 ½ sentences added to end (it’s possible that there’s more text weaved in that I’m overlooking). Abilities/Accessories paragraphs merged.

Kid Colt: new captioned secondary illo

Kidney Lady: no significant changes

Killer Shrike: new final History paragraph. New ½ sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories.

Klaw: Group Affiliation revised. New sentence added to end of History

Eric Keonig: 1st 2 and next 2 History paragraphs merged. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded.

Kro: one secondary illo now captioned

Lord Chaos & Master Order (originally listed as Master Order & Lord Chaos): no other significant changes

Marvel Knights 2005

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphrenalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Marital Status removed

Dan Ketch [originally listed as Ghost Rider (Ketch)]. Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Old illos removed. New main illo, 8 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

World War Hulk Gamma Files

Janis Jones: expanded from ½ to 1 page. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories a little revised. Illo replaced with new one.

Rick Jones: Aliases revised. Group Affiliation revised. 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged; final sentence in last paragraph replaced with 3 new ones. Bucky and Hulk illos cropped. Captions removed from 2 secondary illos. New captioned secondary illo.

Wolverine 2004

All Individuals: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Special Skills, Costume, Personal Weaponry merged as Abilities/Accessories

Lady Deathstrike: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. New main illo (old one now secondary) and 2 secondary illos. Old secondary illo cropped.

Madripoor: Size removed. Places of Interest added. Population and Major Resources (formerly Major Industries) revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Street map removed. Flag, map of Madripoor’s position on the globe, and secondary illo added. Headshots: alter egos and Last Appearances removed; some Occupations revised Tyger Tiger headshot only lists earliest First Appearance; new illo for Karma; Aardwolf added.

Horror 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories

Hannibal King: new paragraph added to end of History. Abilities/Accessories revised.

Marie Laveau: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Speed on Power Grid revised.

Legion of Night: Main illo now captioned. Old headshots now cropped, with 2 new ones added.

Legion of the Unliving: Expanded from 2 to 4 pages. Former Members revised. 2nd History paragraph split in 2 while 4th and 5th merged. Old illo now captioned. 4 new secondary illos plus 6 more sharing 1 caption. 48 new headshots with issues Active.

Lilith (Mother of Demons): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics, Weight, and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely revised/expanded. 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Lilith (Daughter of Dracula): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Occupation, Citizenship, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. 5 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Living Mummy: Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. New large paragraph added at end of History. New secondary illo

Mighty Avengers Most Wanted Files

No entries this volume (I'm guessing Daisy Johnson t-0o be listed as Quake)

Book of the Dead 2004

All: Marital Status removed; Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Kraven the Hunter: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics, Height, Weight, and Strength (Power Grid) revised. History and Abilities/Acccessories completely rewritten/expanded. 4 new secondary illos added (3 captioned, including classic Eliot Brown vest specs)

Moira MacTaggert (originally incorrectly listed as Moira MacTaggart): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History considerably revised and expanded. 2 sentences added to Abilities/Accessories. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Golden Age 2004

No entries this volume

Marvel Zombies

Kazann: Energy Projection on Power Grid revised

Lord of Death: no significant changes

Lucifer: Final History sentence replaced with new one. Speed on Power Grid tweaked.

Lurking Unknown: no significant changes

Spider-Man 2004

All: Marital Status removed; Powers & Abilities merged with Paraphernalia; First Appearances moved from back of book to main text

Lizard: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. 5th History paragraph revised and expanded; final paragraph replaced with new larger one. Height, Weight, Eyes tweaked. New captioned secondary illo

Fantastic Four 2005

No entries this volume

Teams 2005

Knights of Pendragon: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History mostly revised/expanded. 9 new captioned secondary illos (8 with First Appearances).

Lethal Legion: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Former Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note added. Old illo now captioned. 5 new captioned secondary illos; 30 headshots with issues Active added.

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 28, 2008, 09:58 pm

List of revisions continued

X-Men Messiah Complex Mutant Files

Kimura: No significant changes

Korvus: first 2 History paragraphs merged; end of final paragraph revised and greatly expanded. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.

Lady Mastermind: 2nd History paragraph split in 2; new sentence added at end of final paragraph.

Lifeguard: 1-page solo entry derived from old 1-page Lifeguard & Slipstream entry. History paragraph somewhat revised to read better as solo entry and split in 2. Note added. Abilities/Accessories paragraph split in 2. Slipstream removed from main illo. 1 secondary illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos.

X-Men 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries

Juggernaut: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded). 4 new secondary illos (3 captioned).

New Avengers: Most Wanted Files

Jigsaw: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History mostly revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories revised. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

King Cobra: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned). Old illos removed; new main illo and 4 secondary illos.

Avengers 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries

Edwin Jarvis (originally listed as Jarvis): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Abilities/Accessories added (originally no similar category). Height and Hair revised.

Lionheart (originally listed as Captain Britain): Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten (the former expanded). Power Grid revised. Old illo reversed. 2 new secondary illos.

X-Men 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Jubilee: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Power Grid revised. 7 new captioned secondary illos.

Kid Omega: Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of History. 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Lockheed: Citizenship and Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph expanded to include SWORD info. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. Original illo reversed/Art Credit inadvertently removed. New captioned secondary illo.

Spider-Man: Back in Black

Jimmy-6: no significant changes

Kraven the Hunter: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. New final History paragraph.

Daredevil 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories

Jessica Jones: Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded (the former greatly). Old illos removed; new main illo and 2 captioned secondary illos.

Kingpin: expanded from 3 to 4 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of the old text still present as well. 3rd and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs revised/expanded. 4 new secondary illos

Avengers 2005

All: Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia replaced with Abilities/Accessories

Jocasta: Known Relatives and Group Affiliation revised. Last sentence removed from 3rd last History paragraph, then new paragraph added, then 2nd last paragraph tweaked. Physical Statistics revised. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised. Secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo.

Justice (Astrovik): expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded. Durability on Power Grid revised. Old illo now captioned secondary illo. New main illo; 6 new secondary illos (4 captioned)

Kang: expanded from 3 to 7 pages. Vital Statistics and Power Grid revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/former expanded (though a lot of original text still present). The Kang Timeline added (what do the colours mean?). Old main illo now secondary; old secondary illo background removed and now main. 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned, including Eliot Brown ship specs that appear to be new).

Living Lightning: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Fighting Skills on Power Grid revised. 4 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Annihilation Nova Corps Files

All: Background now History. Natural Abilities and Powers, Weapons, & Minions reworked as Abilities/Accessories. Most other categories removed and regular handbook categories added

Korath the Pursuer: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Background removed from main illo, which is no longer cropped. Old secondary illos removed; 3 new ones (2 captioned).

A-Z 4

Leapfrog: 1 page entry split off from the old 2-page Frog-Man entry. Aliases and Occupation revised. New sentence added to end of second History paragraph; rest of History revised and condense to remove Frog-Man-specific material. Abilities/Accessories a little revised. The two Frog_Man illos (main illo plus Euguene headshot) removed. Secondary illo of Leapfrog now main, with background removed. Vincent headshot no longer captioned.

A-Z Update 4

Ladyfair: Power Numbers revised

Lion God: Durability revised in Power Numbers

Lunatic Legion: no significant changes

Mace: no significant changes


Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 29, 2008, 12:00 am


Spider-Man 2005

All: Known Aliases now Aliases. Marital Status removed. Superhuman Powers, Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories.

John Jameson: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Secondary illo removed. 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned; a fourth one is an Eliot Brown schematic of Freedom’s Flight and appears to be brand new).

J. Jonah Jameson: Vital Satistics revised. 1st History paragraph a little revised; final paragraph mostly replaced with new, larger one (old first sentence remains). Fighting Skills revised on Power Grid. 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned).

Kaine: 2nd History paragraph somewhat revised; final paragraph revised and expanded. Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Headshot added.

Madame Web: Group Affiliation tweaked. First History paragraph somewhat expanded and first sentence from 2nd paragraph moved to that paragraph; new final paragraph. Abilities/Accessories tweaked. New main illo (old one cropped to headshot and reversed).

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse

No entries covered this volume

A-Z 6

Justice (Tensen): 3rd and 4th History paragraphs merged. New secondary illo. Speed corrected on Power Grid

Kane: Secondary illo removed; 4 new captioned secondary illos

Kangaroo: First Appearance revised. Final sentence in history replaced with 3 new ones. Height and Weight revised. One of the secondary illos now main illo, while old main illo cropped into headshot.

Ka-Zar the Great: no significant changes

Ka-Zar the Savage: Last 2/3 History sentence replaced with expanded material. Final secondary illo replaced with new one.

Senator Robert Kelly: no significant changes

Khaos: new captioned secondary illo

Killmonger (originally listed as Erik Killmonger): expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. 10 new captioned secondary illos

Killpower: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. 3 new secondary illos sharing 1 caption

Kismet: Secondary illo as Her replaced with new one (still captioned); new captioned secondary illo as Ayesha

Klaatu: no significant changes

Korvac: Second page secondary illos now captioned; new captioned secondary illo of Carina

Alyosha Kravinoff: New final History paragraph. New main illo (old one now secondary, reversed, background added) and new secondary illo.

Kree: expanded from 3 to 5 pages. Known members expanded. New final Traits paragraph. History greatly revised/expanded. Ruul illo now labelled “Ruul, Later Appearance” and no longer obscures main illo. 3 new captioned secondary illos (including an Eliot Brown light battle cruiser schematic that appears new), plus 6 more “new” secondary illos (actually classic handbook material) sharing one caption. Headshots expanded from 24 to 48 (Ronan removed, so actually 25 new ones); of the old ones, the one previously listed as Fer-Porr now amended as Phae-Dor, with corresponding amendments to Occupation and First Appearance.

Kylun: 2 sentences added to final History paragraph. New secondary illo.

Lacuna: Real Name, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. New headshot.

Livewires: new one-sentence final History paragraph.

Living Erasers: Originally, the main illo was the same as one of the secondary illos, only with partially different colouring and background; that secondary illo removed but main illo now coloured as per the removed secondary illo. New secondary illo.

Living Tribunal: New sentence added to end of 2nd or 3rd History paragraph (depending on if you count the note).

Lockdown: no significant changes

Locust; 2 new secondary illos

Loki: Note added to Known Relatives. First History paragraph revised. New final History paragraph. New sentence added to end of Abilities/Accessories. Speed revised on Power Grid. Old main illo removed; new main illo reflecting his new look. One secondary illo cropped, the other two removed, replaced with 2 new ones.

Looter: New final History paragraph. New sentence added to Abilities/Accessories. Main illo shifted slightly. 2 new secondary illos.

Luphomoids: New sentence added to end of History. Note revised.

Lynx: Group Affiliation revised. New secondary illo

M: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. Vital Statistics and Physical Stats revised to include predecessors. History completely written/expanded and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded, in both cases in part to factor in predecessors. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised. Old secondary illos of Penance and Twins replaced with new ones (still captioned); 4 additional new secondary illos

Gideon Mace: Illo reversed, thus correcting error of which hand holds the mace

Mach-4: expanded from 3 to 4 pages. Occupation and Group Affiliation revised. History somewhat revised: confirmed changes to 3rd and 5th History paragraphs and the last 3, the second last of these being the most substantially changed (paragraphs also now split differently); new large final paragraph; likely other changes overlooked. Note added. 1st and 4th Abilities/Accessories paragraphs greatly revised/expanded. New headshot. 5 new captioned secondary illos.

Machine Man: Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History greatly revised/expanded. New paragraph added between 2nd and 3rd Abilities/Accessories paragraphs. One secondary illo removed, replaced with new one; background removed form another secondary illo

Machine Teen: final History paragraph converted to a Note.

Machinesmith: final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones. Physical Stats tweaked. New secondary illo added.

Mad Jack: new sentence added to end if History

Mad Thinker: new final History paragraph. Energy Projection on Power Grid revised.

Madame Masque: new large final History paragraph. Distinguishing Features removed. 2 secondary illos removed, 3 added (one captioned).

Maelstrom: Note added to Physical Stats. Strength and Durability revised on Power Grid. New headshot.

Amazing Spider-Man Special Postal Issue

Willie Lumpkin (not listed in Master List but apparently appears here): Unfortunately I don’t have this and thus can’t comment on the changes, if any.

New Entries

Jester (Putt): derived from Jester entry as described in part 1 of list of changes

Knickknack: ½ page entry with main illo and no secondary illos

Earth's Solar System: 3 1/3 pages, no illos

Active Satellites (Artificial Satellites Orbiting Earth): 1 2/3 pages, no illos

Captain Morgan

Dec 29, 2008, 02:35 pm

Does anybody know where you can buy this that currently has it in stock online? I can't find one on Ebay.


Dec 29, 2008, 05:25 pm

The entry for Leap-Frog/Vincent Patilio seems to be derived from the entry for Frog-Man/Eugene Patilio.

One question: why is John Jameson ahead of his father? Shouldn't J. Jonah come alphabetically before John?

One more question: Why was Jubilee listed as Jubilee and not saved for the W's as Wondra, in much the same way as the characters formerly known as Beak and Chamber were listed as their New Warrior identities of Blackwing and Decibel (and, presumably, Angel Salvatore is/was going to be listed as Tempest)?

One more question, take two: Why choose Knickknack for a new half-page entry?

Sidney Osinga

Dec 30, 2008, 01:53 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

Kang: 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned, including Eliot Brown ship specs that appear to be new).

John Jameson: 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned; a fourth one is an Eliot Brown schematic of Freedom’s Flight and appears to be brand new).

I'm afraid you're mistaken on both counts. Kang's Time Ship is the same as the one from the original Handbook, except it's been re-colored (presumably by computer) and has a new background. The Freedom's Flight picture come from Captain America Annual #11, where it was part of a larger 2 page entry.


Dec 30, 2008, 04:14 am

skippcomet wrote:

The entry for Leap-Frog/Vincent Patilio seems to be derived from the entry for Frog-Man/Eugene Patilio.

One question: why is John Jameson ahead of his father? Shouldn't J. Jonah come alphabetically before John?

One more question: Why was Jubilee listed as Jubilee and not saved for the W's as Wondra, in much the same way as the characters formerly known as Beak and Chamber were listed as their New Warrior identities of Blackwing and Decibel (and, presumably, Angel Salvatore is/was going to be listed as Tempest)?
One more question, take two: Why choose Knickknack for a new half-page entry?

wow. I just also realized the thing about Jubilee, Beak, and Chamber.

My thoughts:
Maybe Jubes is still listed as Jubilee, because it is actually her REAL name and her SUPERHERO name. She is more frequently called either Jubes, Jubilee, or Jubilation in the New Warriors series. Wondra would be her alias.
Beak and Chamber, on the other hand, are either referred to as Barry and Jono or Blackwing and Decibel. They don't use the terms Beak and Chamber anymore at all in the series... and calling them by their secret identities would be like identifying Spiderman as Peter Parker (but to a lesser extent.) Jubilee is different, because she has only ever used her real name as a code name (with exception to Wondra.)

Hopefully that makes sense on all accounts???

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 30, 2008, 07:49 pm

skippcomet wrote:

The entry for Leap-Frog/Vincent Patilio seems to be derived from the entry for Frog-Man/Eugene Patilio.

It was. The two were listed together originally but now have separate entries. Some of the old text stayed with Eugene but some of it migrated over to Leapfrog. Of course, both entries had some additional editing.

One questin, since they're both on again, off again, is why Leapfrog was listed under his code name while Jameson/Man-Wolf was under his real name. I think Jameson was even more recently Man-Wolf than Patilio was Leapfrog.

Stuart V

Dec 31, 2008, 01:21 am

skippcomet wrote:

One question: why is John Jameson ahead of his father? Shouldn't J. Jonah come alphabetically before John?

Arguably yes, but J. Jonah is John Jonah - so plain John slips in ahead.

skippcomet wrote:

One more question: Why was Jubilee listed as Jubilee and not saved for the W's as Wondra, in much the same way as the characters formerly known as Beak and Chamber were listed as their New Warrior identities of Blackwing and Decibel (and, presumably, Angel Salvatore is/was going to be listed as Tempest)?

When Blackwing and Decibel's entries were written, the New Warriors series was running and those were the current codenames. By the time we got to J, we knew New Warriors was on it's way out - and of all the New Warriors, the one most likely to revert to using her old name (because, as someone noted, it's her real name) before we got to the W's was Jubilee. Otherwise, sod's law dictates we'd leave her out of J, and then by the time we got to W she'd have dropped the Wondra codename and we'd have to leave her out of W too.

skippcomet wrote:

One more question, take two: Why choose Knickknack for a new half-page entry?

No special reason - when we need a new half-pager, we look at various options, including splitting off someone who shares a name with an existing entry (Psycho-Man's Hate-Monger), adapting a files entry (a Monster or Western character for example), or just picking someone quirky and unusual for a bit of variety.

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

One questin, since they're both on again, off again, is why Leapfrog was listed under his code name while Jameson/Man-Wolf was under his real name. I think Jameson was even more recently Man-Wolf than Patilio was Leapfrog.

Patilio's appearances as Patilio are vastly outnumbered by his appearances as Leapfrog, and, as a quick glance at the various "retired" heroes listed in past editions shows, people revert to old codenames a heck of a lot. John Jameson on the other hand, while he is likely to revert to being Stargod and Man-Wolf sooner or later, has made a lot of appearances as plain old John Jameson.


Dec 31, 2008, 05:30 pm

Mr. Nystrom, the satellites listings previously appeared in the tradepaperback to the Marvel Atlas.


Jan 6, 2009, 08:36 pm

Has anyone in the UK managed to buy this yet? It's still not on amazon.


Jan 18, 2009, 09:00 am

DrGoodwrench wrote:

Has anyone in the UK managed to buy this yet? It's still not on amazon.

It's been here:

for ages.

Volumes 7 and 8 available for pre-order too. Just type marvel + handbook + premiere.

Zach Kinkead

Jan 18, 2009, 01:44 pm

I just got this one. That Kang entry is darned impressive.

Madison Carter

Jan 18, 2009, 05:41 pm

Zach Kinkead wrote:

I just got this one. That Kang entry is darned impressive.

Glad you think so. Hopefully, the fact that it left its writer Jeff reduced to a fetal position rocking back and forth in a corner for two weeks was worth it. I don't think he's ever going to be the same, to be honest...

Zach Kinkead

Jan 18, 2009, 06:32 pm

Is that why the solicitation for the next volume is late? ;)

(Sorry, couldn’t help myself.)

These things get better with each new one that comes out.

Eduardo M.

Jan 18, 2009, 07:14 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Glad you think so. Hopefully, the fact that it left its writer Jeff reduced to a fetal position rocking back and forth in a corner for two weeks was worth it. I don't think he's ever going to be the same, to be honest...

Could have been worse. At least he didn't have to write an article detailing the ever changing continuity of the Distinguished Competition.

Zach Kinkead

Jan 18, 2009, 07:34 pm

Is it really fair to rip on DC for that stuff anymore? I’m still trying to figure out which Spider-Man stories “count” post-OMD.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 19, 2009, 01:44 pm

Speaking of the Kang entry, I want to follow up on a quesiton that probably got a bit buried in my list of updates: I couldn't figure out what the different colours in the timeline meant. Can anyone clarify, please?

Eduardo M.

Jan 23, 2009, 12:29 am

Just got this today thanks to Amazon. I've barely flipped through it but so far I like what I see.

a few thoughts.

I noticed the Legion of the Unliving entry (which I like how it was updated.) treats mockingbird has being a member of two Legions, even with what we now know about her thanks to Secret Invasion. However, I also notice that early in the entry it casts doubt about certain members of certain Legions being the people we think they are. I suppose Mockingbird's membership in Grim Reaper's second Legion will covered in her entry hopefully in March.

I saw that in King Cobra entry that it states the attack on Taskmaster was ordered by Hood. Is this some new info or did another comic reveal this?

Knickknack gets the award for most random entry.

I like the inclusion of Leap-frog. Hopefully somewhere down the line we can see an entry on Buford Lange.

Zach Kinkead

Jan 23, 2009, 01:13 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

I noticed the Legion of the Unliving entry (which I like how it was updated.) treats mockingbird has being a member of two Legions, even with what we now know about her thanks to Secret Invasion. However, I also notice that early in the entry it casts doubt about certain members of certain Legions being the people we think they are. I suppose Mockingbird's membership in Grim Reaper's second Legion will covered in her entry hopefully in March.

I doubt it. The monthly handbooks never explained Hornet’s off-panel return (actually Prodigy shouldn’t have any powers either) and death (beyond saying to was Eddie and not an imposter) so I don’t really expect much beyond confirmation of Mockingbird’s resurrection.

Eduardo M. wrote:

Knickknack gets the award for most random entry.

Reread the Korrek profile. People that complain about the absurdity of Howard the Duck’s existence clearly haven’t read the rest of Gerber’s work for Marvel. Howard is downright mundane next to the peanut butter barbarian that he was introduced alongside.

Madison Carter

Jan 23, 2009, 01:36 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

Just got this today thanks to Amazon. I've barely flipped through it but so far I like what I see.

a few thoughts.

I noticed the Legion of the Unliving entry (which I like how it was updated.) treats mockingbird has being a member of two Legions, even with what we now know about her thanks to Secret Invasion. However, I also notice that early in the entry it casts doubt about certain members of certain Legions being the people we think they are. I suppose Mockingbird's membership in Grim Reaper's second Legion will covered in her entry hopefully in March.

I saw that in King Cobra entry that it states the attack on Taskmaster was ordered by Hood. Is this some new info or did another comic reveal this?

Knickknack gets the award for most random entry.

I like the inclusion of Leap-frog. Hopefully somewhere down the line we can see an entry on Buford Lange.

At the time of publication, Secret Invasion #8 was still due, so we had to go with the then-current information. It wasn't confirmed until afterwards that Mockingbird truly was still alive.


Jan 27, 2009, 01:20 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

I saw that in King Cobra entry that it states the attack on Taskmaster was ordered by Hood. Is this some new info or did another comic reveal this?

The information came from scripts for a particular issue that showed Taskmaster and Hood fighting together. Unfortunatly, it was cut from the issue.


Feb 2, 2009, 02:31 pm

Hello All! This is my 1st entry so if this has already been asked, my apologies. I have a question regarding Jean Grey Phoenix! In what issue will she be profiled? Some say #8, but I think #9. Will the entry be updated and expanded over the Mutant Files one? I think it should be as alot of things were left out. Also, new developments need to be documented. Will it have how she returns with new pics??

Eduardo M.

Feb 2, 2009, 06:48 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Hello All! This is my 1st entry so if this has already been asked, my apologies. I have a question regarding Jean Grey Phoenix! In what issue will she be profiled? Some say #8, but I think #9. Will the entry be updated and expanded over the Mutant Files one? I think it should be as alot of things were left out. Also, new developments need to be documented. Will it have how she returns with new pics??

I'd guess #9.

Chances are we'll know where she's appearing when the solict says so. Even then past solicts haven't been 100% accurate.

Madison Carter

Feb 2, 2009, 08:28 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Hello All! This is my 1st entry so if this has already been asked, my apologies. I have a question regarding Jean Grey Phoenix! In what issue will she be profiled? Some say #8, but I think #9. Will the entry be updated and expanded over the Mutant Files one? I think it should be as alot of things were left out. Also, new developments need to be documented. Will it have how she returns with new pics??

Unfortunately, we aren't at liberty to give out who's appearing where. Until the books are released, we can only confirm what the solicits list, and can discuss the others only after the book is released.

William Keogh

Feb 2, 2009, 08:48 pm

I'd imagine her profile might turn up in #8, but I'd expect #9 seems more likely.

Welcome to comixfan, Phoenixx9.

Sidney Osinga

Feb 2, 2009, 11:10 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Hello All! This is my 1st entry so if this has already been asked, my apologies. I have a question regarding Jean Grey Phoenix! In what issue will she be profiled? Some say #8, but I think #9. Will the entry be updated and expanded over the Mutant Files one? I think it should be as alot of things were left out. Also, new developments need to be documented. Will it have how she returns with new pics??

Since the hardcover series has been roughly following the '06 A-Z series, I'd say it would be in #8.

I also have a question. In #2 of the hardcover in the Appendix to Alternate Worlds, KalAOL (Marvel) was hyperlinked like all characters who got their entries. However, he wasn't included in the half page K entries. I assume that his entry will be included in the half page M's, but I'd really like to know why.

Madison Carter

Feb 3, 2009, 02:45 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Since the hardcover series has been roughly following the '06 A-Z series, I'd say it would be in #8.

I also have a question. In #2 of the hardcover in the Appendix to Alternate Worlds, KalAOL (Marvel) was hyperlinked like all characters who got their entries. However, he wasn't included in the half page K entries. I assume that his entry will be included in the half page M's, but I'd really like to know why.

His "super hero" name, such as it is, is the Marvel. Nothing about him has really changed since then, so that's what he'll be profiled as. Hyperlinking KalAOL without mentioning the Marvel codename was just an oversight, I suppose, or done to avoid confusion over just hyperlinking something called Marvel.

Eric J. Moreels

Feb 4, 2009, 12:52 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Will it have how she returns with new pics??

It would if she had returned recently, but she hasn't so it doesn't


Feb 4, 2009, 10:20 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

It would if she had returned recently, but she hasn't so it doesn't

Oohhhh! That means you've seen the Phoenix entry! Cool!  :Eek:

I hope that the entry on Professor X explains his repowering and if he is more powerful now than he was (as some suggest).

Also, I hope Psylocke's powers and levels are explained as this character is soo totally different now than when she first appeared.

Stuart V

Feb 4, 2009, 12:32 pm

Phoenixx9 wrote:

Oohhhh! That means you've seen the Phoenix entry! Cool!  :Eek:

Since he's the one writing it, I'd hope he's seen it.

Eduardo M.

Feb 4, 2009, 01:24 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Since he's the one writing it, I'd hope he's seen it.

Unless he wrote it the same way those characters on "Heroes" draw the future.

Zach Kinkead

Feb 4, 2009, 01:34 pm

Wow, you’re right. And here I always just attributed Eric’s strangeness to him being Australian. It never once occurred to me that he could see the future in handbook form.

Hopefully this ends all that whining about Wolverine’s kid’s name. Eric knew what it was because he saw it in a vision of the future. Deal with it!


Feb 4, 2009, 02:05 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Since he's the one writing it, I'd hope he's seen it.

LOL!!! No, what I meant was it didn't sound like he was that far along and that the entry was not put together yet, but now I know that it is. Shhhh! I know we can't talk unprinted issues, but I hope ( :hope: ) it is even more detailed than before and includes the part involving Phoenix>Dark Phoenix as well as after HCT story. Also anything new since that time. And, I hope to see Jean back in her classic GREEN/Gold Phoenix costume!

Eric J. Moreels

Feb 6, 2009, 01:10 am

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Wow, you’re right. And here I always just attributed Eric’s strangeness to him being Australian.

My strangeness? Whaddya talkin about? You're the ones that're strange!


Zach Kinkead wrote:

It never once occurred to me that he could see the future in handbook form.

Now there's a thought... divining the future, Marvel Handbook style! LOL  ;)

Zach Kinkead wrote:

Hopefully this ends all that whining about Wolverine’s kid’s name. Eric knew what it was because he saw it in a vision of the future. Deal with it!



Feb 22, 2009, 09:44 am

In the Kang entry, the timeline includes a row to indicate which comics correspond to the events depicted in the timeline. This is tremendously useful, but unfortunately, citations aren't present in any of the other hundreds of entries. There were so many times while reading an entry that I'd come across something where for some reason or another, I'd want to know the actual comic contains that event.

For obvious reasons, it isn't possible to annotate all entries with this information. For instance, the additional text of all the footnotes would take up so much space that it would force the writers to remove a great number of entries from each book. Also the printing is already so small, how could you insert superscript numbers within the text that were readable? Additionally, some of the entries are condensed, summarized and compressed so tightly that there would be several citations per sentence, making the text just about unreadable.

Fully cited text is possible for this type of project, but it seems that the only way to do it would be an on-line version. This idea is growing out of a general fear that this hardcover series is the "last hurrah" of OHOTMU printed books, and printed comic books in general, before the inevitable migration industry-wide to all-digital content presentation. In this situation, the handbooks would benefit from the ability to cite sources and navigate hyperlinks between entries easily.


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2/06/2020 6:22 pm  #2

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 6 Premiere HC

Final historical text from Comixfan:

Andy E. Nystrom

Feb 22, 2009, 12:12 pm

rplss wrote:

Fully cited text is possible for this type of project, but it seems that the only way to do it would be an on-line version. This idea is growing out of a general fear that this hardcover series is the "last hurrah" of OHOTMU printed books, and printed comic books in general, before the inevitable migration industry-wide to all-digital content presentation. In this situation, the handbooks would benefit from the ability to cite sources and navigate hyperlinks between entries easily.

I doubt that the hardcovers will be the "last hurrah" for the Handbooks in print, even if you discount the standard format handbooks that will be concurrent with the hardcovers (e.g. Wolverine). Yesterday I went to a book sale here in Victoria. Prior to the sale opening at 9 am there was roughly enough people in line to surrounding a full downtown city block.

Now granted comic readers and book readers differ in certain ways (loyalty to a publisher, for example), but since this is a tactile matter I think in this instance the readers are comparable. Certainly in both comic and book stores, Watchmen trades flew off the shelf after Dark Knight showed the original movie trailer.

Now you may of course argue that handbooks attract an atypical comic book reader and there's lots of online stats. The counterargument here is that the current run of Handbooks are in their 6th year, which would suggest that there is currently a demand for continued print versions of the Handbook.

I'm not saying that there won't be a shift at some point, but if so it most likely won't happen soon after volume 12.

Eric J. Moreels

Feb 23, 2009, 01:28 am

rplss wrote:

This is tremendously useful, but unfortunately, citations aren't present in any of the other hundreds of entries. There were so many times while reading an entry that I'd come across something where for some reason or another, I'd want to know the actual comic contains that event.

While we didn't generate bibliographies for the Hardcover series, there are still bibliographies available for past Handbooks @ Marvel.com (www.marvel.com/universe/OHOTMU)


Mar 28, 2009, 09:46 am

I finally got my copy of this the other day. The Kang profile is brilliant, and I was very happy to see the timeline as I didn't get YA Director's Cut. As usual, it's great. My only qualm is that it appears that Kingpin's had his cigar removed. Surely kids aren't going to try and emulate Kingpin. He's a fat, bald man (no offence intended to any fat, bald men reading this).

Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 28, 2009, 11:57 am

Speaking of the Kang entry, I want to follow up on a quesiton that probably got a bit buried in my list of updates: I couldn't figure out what the different colours in the timeline meant. Can anyone clarify, please?

I last asked this question back in January, so I figured enough time has passed to follow up on this since I haven't gotten an answer. Thx in advance to anyone who knows.

Sidney Osinga

Mar 29, 2009, 12:38 am

DrGoodwrench wrote:

I finally got my copy of this the other day. The Kang profile is brilliant, and I was very happy to see the timeline as I didn't get YA Director's Cut. As usual, it's great. My only qualm is that it appears that Kingpin's had his cigar removed. Surely kids aren't going to try and emulate Kingpin. He's a fat, bald man (no offence intended to any fat, bald men reading this).

I noticed this too. They also removed smoking paraphernalia from the pictures of Jean DeWolff and Dr. Octopus.

Andy E. Nystrom

Mar 29, 2009, 03:50 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I noticed this too. They also removed smoking paraphernalia from the pictures of Jean DeWolff and Dr. Octopus.

A bit of a tangent, but all this is a bit silly. I'm anti-smoking myself, but Marvel's success was build on the feet of clay concept. Its stories are littered with otherwise decent people beating up other decent people due to misunderstanding. Surely there's a risk of that being imitative as well? and we know that some people for real do sometimes have enough and shoot criminals.

And I still recall the X-Men issue where Kitty tries one of Wolverine's cigars. Unlike a lot of anti-pot films, the consequence of her smoking for the first time was quite believable. You wouldn't want to lose something like that due to anti-smoking rules.

William Keogh

Mar 29, 2009, 02:12 pm

I'm reminded of Thank You For Smoking, with the movie images of classic actors with cigarettes and cigars modified to be other things.

Andy E. Nystrom

May 29, 2010, 12:38 pm

It's been over a year since I last followed up on this, so since Stuart is answering a lot of questions I figured this might be a good time to bump this:

Speaking of the Kang entry, I want to follow up on a question that probably got a bit buried in my list of updates: I couldn't figure out what the different colours in the timeline meant. Can anyone clarify, please?

Andy E. Nystrom

Dec 27, 2010, 06:54 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

It's been over a year since I last followed up on this, so since Stuart is answering a lot of questions I figured this might be a good time to bump this:

Speaking of the Kang entry, I want to follow up on a question that probably got a bit buried in my list of updates: I couldn't figure out what the different colours in the timeline meant. Can anyone clarify, please?

Since there's been more activity of late, I thought I'd bump this question

Andy E. Nystrom

Nov 9, 2011, 07:21 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

It's been over a year since I last followed up on this, so since Stuart is answering a lot of questions I figured this might be a good time to bump this:

Speaking of the Kang entry, I want to follow up on a question that probably got a bit buried in my list of updates: I couldn't figure out what the different colours in the timeline meant. Can anyone clarify, please?

Trying once again to follow up. The secret has of the mysterious colours in Kang's timeline has eluded me thus far, but it will not elude me for all eternity. This I swear!

Madison Carter

Nov 10, 2011, 08:06 am

I don't *think* it was meant as anything more than an effect to help make it more readable. I'll check though.

Andy E. Nystrom

Nov 24, 2011, 06:59 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

I don't *think* it was meant as anything more than an effect to help make it more readable. I'll check though.

Thank you. The reason why I thought it might be more than that is that there's no clear alternating of colours like there is with the Power Grid. Sometimes a single column is a given colour, sometimes it's two or three together.

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7/08/2020 5:55 pm  #3

Re: OHotMU A-Z Vol. 6 Premiere HC

Over a decade late, I spotted an error that got carried over from Horror 2005: Under Lilith (Dracula;s Daughter), the inset credited to Gene Colan is actually Nestor Redondo (it came from #13 of the original Handbooks).

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