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2/07/2020 6:48 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 9 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan:

Sidney Osinga

Apr 23, 2009, 01:56 am

Coming from Marvel in July...

Penciled by VARIOUS

Consider this an intervention: You like to pretend you can tell the difference between Ronan and Ronin, but you can’t keep it up. Let go of your Pride, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe was made for people like you! Where else are you going to get comprehensive biographies on everyone from the Punisher to Arcturus Rann? You get heroes like Polaris, Power Pack, Power Princess, Prodigy, Professor X, Prowler, Kitty Pryde, Psi-Force, Psylocke, Puck, Quake, Quasar, Quicksilver, Rage, Monica Rambeau, Rawhide Kid, Rocket Raccoon, Rockslide, Rogue, Runaways, Sage and Sasquatch! And in villains, there's Plantman, Psycho-Man, Puppet Master, Purple Man, Pyro, Radioactive Man, Reavers, Red Skull, Rhino, Sabretooth, Sandman and more besides! By the time you’re quoting Proteus history by heart you'll be the envy of your peers!

240 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3106-9
Trim size: standard


Apr 23, 2009, 07:00 am

Of the characters on the cover, the only one not mentioned in the text is Franklin Richards. And possibly Phyla...at first I had thought she'd be listed as "Quasar (Phyla)," but with the apparent resurrection of Wendell Vaughn, I'm not sure if she's still using the Quasar name.

With this volume, we should be getting the half-page entries for the letters P and R -- I don't think we've yet had any listed for Q. I'll be surprised if the 60s Handbook entry for at least the Painter doesn't get expanded to a full page -- but hopefully, the relevant half-page and full-page entries from the Brand New Day Yearbook, the Secret Invasion: Young Avengers/Runaways TPB, Wolverine: Weapon X Files, and possibly any brand new 2099 entries included in the Timestorm series will be included. (I've wondered why Punisher 2099/Gallows, Ravage 2099, and Doom 2099 haven't had entries yet, and I'm guessing the Marvel Pets Handbook and Encyclopedia Mythologica won't start having any entries being "folded" into the hardcovers until at least Vol. 10, but as always I could be proven wrong.)

One last question: is the Supreme Power version of Power Princess's entry from last year's Ultimate Secrets Handbook considered to be still primarily an Ultimate Universe entry? I ask because although the Supreme Power version of Hyperion wasn't one of the various Hyperions to get an entry derived from the original A-Z entry, Supreme Power itself got an entry in the Alternate Universes handbook a few years back, and it would seem weird to see that get lumped in with the Ultimate Universe. For that matter, it still seems a little odd that the Age of Apocalypse got a hardcover entry but the House of M didn't and, presumably, the Ultimate Universe won't. (Then again, y'all might be waiting for Ultimatum to end to see who or what is left still standing, and we really couldn't blame you.)


Apr 23, 2009, 03:35 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Of the characters on the cover, the only one not mentioned in the text is Franklin Richards. And possibly Phyla...at first I had thought she'd be listed as "Quasar (Phyla)," but with the apparent resurrection of Wendell Vaughn, I'm not sure if she's still using the Quasar name.

As of this week, she's called Martyr. Since the boat for the Ms has already sailed, I imagine she'll be phyled under Phyla.

Sidney Osinga

Apr 29, 2009, 02:57 am

Once again, because no one demanded it, the half page entries for this issue:

the Painter of 1 000 Perils
Paper Doll
Ben Parker (Earth-6078)
Phantom (Birch)
Pink Lady
Pitiful One
Klara Prast
Protector (March)
Pusher Man

That's 17, which means there will be at least one new entry if the list stays the way it is. However, the entry I think is most likely to be promoted to a full page is the Painter of 1 000 Perils, who might also be under his real name, Wilhelm Van Vile.

There are no Q's, and that ain't right. Maybe we'll see entries for the two Quills, the one from the Resistants and the one from New X-Men (Maxwell Jordan).

Rabble Rouser
Dr. Benjamin Rabin
Red Raven (western)
Ringo Kid

That's 6. I can't see that any of them getting full page entries.

And of course, all of the above may change, especially if the entries from the Pet Handbook get included.


Apr 29, 2009, 03:40 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Once again, because no one demanded it, the half page entries for this issue:

the Painter of 1 000 Perils
Paper Doll
Ben Parker (Earth-6078)
Phantom (Birch)
Pink Lady
Pitiful One
Protector (March)

That's 14, which means there will be no new ones if the list stays the way it is. However, the entry I think is most likely to be promoted to a full page is the Painter of 1 000 Perils, who might also be under his real name, Wilhelm Van Vile.

You didn't include Klara Prast from the SI YA/Runaways TPB. That one had halfpager for Prast.

Madison Carter

Apr 30, 2009, 12:37 am

ultrabasurero wrote:

You didn't include Klara Prast from the SI YA/Runaways TPB. That one had halfpager for Prast.

It also had half-pagers for Provost and Pusher Man.

Sidney Osinga

Apr 30, 2009, 03:11 am

Madison Carter wrote:

ultrabasurero wrote:

You didn't include Klara Prast from the SI YA/Runaways TPB. That one had halfpager for Prast.

It also had half-pagers for Provost and Pusher Man.

:wall: You're both right. I don't know why I've been missing stuff like this recently. Anyways, I've changed the post.


May 2, 2009, 03:04 pm

I can't help but wonder if there will be one Red Wolf entry (as in A-Z 2006 #9) or if the various holders of the name will have individual entries. I also wonder if the various Lobos will make it into the Pets Handbook. I know you can't give that information away before either book comes out, and I accept that, but it's fun for me to speculate about.

Madison Carter

May 2, 2009, 03:39 pm

slevin87 wrote:

I can't help but wonder if there will be one Red Wolf entry (as in A-Z 2006 #9) or if the various holders of the name will have individual entries. I also wonder if the various Lobos will make it into the Pets Handbook. I know you can't give that information away before either book comes out, and I accept that, but it's fun for me to speculate about.

I can't say whether or not they've been separated into their own individual profiles, but I will say that their lineage has been given a more in-depth and thorough representation in the book.


May 2, 2009, 07:10 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

I can't say whether or not they've been separated into their own individual profiles, but I will say that their lineage has been given a more in-depth and thorough representation in the book.

Well, that's awesome, at any rate! :Cool:


Jun 12, 2009, 01:31 pm

I can think of at least one new entry that will likely appear in this volume: Proctor's name was hyperlinked in the alternate earths appendix in Vol. 2. However, I'm not certain, since the House of M reality was also hyperlinked, but there was no entry for it Vol. 5. The Ultimate Universe, Wild Child of Earth-295, and the Time-Twisters also had hyperlinks.


Jun 24, 2009, 12:30 am

Sasquatch is mentioned in the solicit for Vol. 9, but appears on the cover for Vol. 10. I wonder which issue he's going to be in? Probably he will be in Vol. 10 and the solicit for Vol. 9 is just a bit off.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 24, 2009, 12:41 am

rplss wrote:

Sasquatch is mentioned in the solicit for Vol. 9, but appears on the cover for Vol. 10. I wonder which issue he's going to be in? Probably he will be in Vol. 10 and the solicit for Vol. 9 is just a bit off.

Probably. Sandman is on the cover for #10 too.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 24, 2009, 04:05 am

DrGoodwrench wrote:

As of this week, she's called Martyr. Since the boat for the Ms has already sailed, I imagine she'll be phyled under Phyla.

Or, possibly, she could be listed as that name in the final issue.

Stuart V

Jun 24, 2009, 04:29 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Or, possibly, she could be listed as that name in the final issue.

Since Phylla is on the cover, I think in this instance it is okay for me to say that she will be in this volume under her real name. We have to figure out the maps several months before going to print, and it's a major undertaking to modify those maps late in the day. We learned of Phylla's change in codename in time to get information about it in her entry, and to make sure the right image was on the cover, but too late to reposition her alphabetically.

Sidney Osinga

Jun 25, 2009, 01:59 am

Stuart V wrote:

Since Phylla is on the cover, I think in this instance it is okay for me to say that she will be in this volume under her real name. We have to figure out the maps several months before going to print, and it's a major undertaking to modify those maps late in the day. We learned of Phylla's change in codename in time to get information about it in her entry, and to make sure the right image was on the cover, but too late to reposition her alphabetically.

And why did I make that mistake? Because I forgot she was on the cover :wall:

Eduardo M.

Jun 25, 2009, 12:57 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

And why did I make that mistake? Because I forgot she was on the cover :wall:

Don't feel too bad. When talking about Vol.8 I said Namor and Namora were siblings when they're really cousins. Happens to the best of us.


Jun 25, 2009, 01:20 pm

So Power Pack gets to be included within this upcoming edition, eh.....?? :chin:

I guess we'll see soon whether the entry will be on the originals (that were previously done within the TEAMS Edition) or the All Ages version of the Pack...... :Read:

Madison Carter

Jun 26, 2009, 02:11 am

PaxHouse wrote:

So Power Pack gets to be included within this upcoming edition, eh.....?? :chin:

I guess we'll see soon whether the entry will be on the originals (that were previously done within the TEAMS Edition) or the All Ages version of the Pack...... :Read:

It will be on the 616 versions of the characters. The recent All Ages stuff wasn't 616.


Jun 29, 2009, 12:04 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

It will be on the 616 versions of the characters. The recent All Ages stuff wasn't 616.

.....That's good to know.....

....Although I'll admit that I'd prefer that Franklin {shown on the Cover for this particular volume} could've worn his "Tattletale" costume instead of his regular clothing, including the shirt that has the Fantastic Four Logo on it....

Eduardo M.

Jul 22, 2009, 12:04 pm

did this come out today? If so, can we get a list of contents?

Sidney Osinga

Jul 22, 2009, 09:52 pm

So I noticed that Klara Prast and Princess Python's pythons entries weren't included. I assume that Klara will be getting a full page entry in the final volume. And since the pythons entry was very long for a half page entry, it too might become a full page.

Also, I'm curious as to why the Red Wolf entry was divided up? I don't have a problem with this, but I do think it's odd considering the Phantom Rider entry last issue was left to cover 5 versions of the character.


Jul 23, 2009, 12:02 pm

Are there any entries from the Encyclopedia Mytholigica in this Volume? Not entries that would have been included anyway from previous handbooks like Pluto, but new entries from that handbook that came out the same day? And could somebody please post the contents? Unfortunately it's going to be a while before I can get my copy....

Eduardo M.

Jul 23, 2009, 12:14 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

And could somebody please post the contents? Unfortunately it's going to be a while before I can get my copy....


Sidney Osinga

Jul 23, 2009, 07:56 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Are there any entries from the Encyclopedia Mytholigica in this Volume? Not entries that would have been included anyway from previous handbooks like Pluto, but new entries from that handbook that came out the same day? And could somebody please post the contents? Unfortunately it's going to be a while before I can get my copy....

Nope. The Encyclopedia Mythologica is done in more of a "files" style, similar to the Civil War Battle Damage Report, so I'm doubtful we'll see all the entries in handbook form.

Stuart V

Jul 23, 2009, 08:03 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Nope. The Encyclopedia Mythologica is done in more of a "files" style, similar to the Civil War Battle Damage Report, so I'm doubtful we'll see all the entries in handbook form.

Actually, they will get included in the HCs, though they'll obviously be modified a fair bit.

Sidney Osinga

Jul 23, 2009, 09:56 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Actually, they will get included in the HCs, though they'll obviously be modified a fair bit.

I'll say. There's no way that characters like Balder and Zeus can be served by half page entries. But I'm still curious why this book is being converted into true Handbook entries while the Civil War Battle Damage Report is ignored, even though it's closer to Handbook style then, say, the Nova Corps Files.

Anyways, here's what's in #9:

Photon (Genis-Vell) 3 pgs; Phyla 2 pgs; Donald Pierce 2 pgs; Pip the troll 2 pgs; Piranha 1 pg; Pixie (Eternal) 1 pg; Plantman 3 pgs; Plodex 1 pg; Pluto 2 pgs; Poison 1 pg; Polaris 3 pgs; Post 1 pg; Powderkeg 1 pg; Power Pack 3 pgs; Power Princess 2 pgs; Predator X 1 pg; Presence 1 pg; Prester John 2 pgs; Solomon Prey 1 pg; Priapus 1 pg; Pride (of L.A.) 1 pg; Prime Mover 1 pg; Prodigy (Alleyne) 1 pg; Proemial gods 1 pg; Professor X (Xavier) 5 pgs; Promise 1 pg; Pro-Rata 1 pg; Proselytes 1 pg; Prosh 1 pg; Proteus (Earth-616) 2 pgs; Proteus (Earth-58163) 1 pg; Protocide 1 pg; Prowler (Brown) 2 pgs; Kitty Pryde 3 pgs; Psi-Force 2 pgs; Psionex 1 pg; Psycho-Man 2 pgs; Psyklop 1 pg; Psylocke (Braddock) 3 pgs; Puck (Judd) 2 pgs; Puck (Yu) 1 pg; Puma 2 pgs; Punisher (Castle) 5 pgs; Punishers 1 pg; Puppet Master 3 pgs; Purifiers (Stryker's) 2 pgs; Purple Man 2 pgs; Pyro 2 pgs. The following are all 1/2 page: Pandemic, Paper Doll, Ben Parker (Earth-6078), Petra, Phaedra, Phantazia, Phantom (Birch), Pink Lady, Pitiful One, PLATO, Possessors, Praxagora, Preak, Preyy, Protector (Marsh), Provost, Psi-Borg (Ferro), Puppy, Purple Phantom, and Pusher Man.

Quake (Johnson) 1 pg; Clay Quartermain 1 pg; Quasar (Vaughn); Queen (Soria) 1 pg; Quicksilver 4 pgs; Quoi 1 pg.

Radioactive Man 3 pgs; Rage 2 pgs: Raiders 1 pg; "Rebel" Ralston 1 pg; Ramades 1 pg; Monica Rambeau 3 pgs; Ramrod (cyborg) 1 pg; Random 1 pg; Arcturus Rann 2 pgs; Monica Rappaccini 1 pg; Ravenous 1 pg; Rawhide Kid 2 pgs: Razorback 2 pgs; Razor-Fist (Douglas Scott, although the others are covered too) 1 pg; Reavers 2 pgs; Red Ghost 3 pgs; Red Ghost's Super Apes 1 pg; Red Queen 1 pg; Red Raven 2 pgs; Red Shift 1 pg; Red Skull (Shmidt) 4 pgs; Red Skull (Malik) 1 pg; Red Wolf (Wakely) 1 pg; Red Wolf (Talltrees) 2 pgs; Redeemers 2 pgs; Redwing 1 pg; Reigning 1 pg; Ben Reilly 2 pgs; Renascence (Wind Dancer) 1 pg; Renegades 1 pg; Reptyl 1 pg; Clive Reston 1 pg; Revanche 1 pg; Cecilia Reyes 1 pg; Rhino 3 pgs; Ricadonna 1 pg; Franklin Richards 4 pgs; Nathaniel Richards 2 pgs; Valeria Richards 2 pgs; Rictor 2 pgs; Ringer (Davis) 1 pg; Ringo Kid 1 pg; Rintrah 2 pgs; Dallas Riordan 1 pg; Riot Squad 1 pg; Ripcord (Stacy X) 1 pg; Risque 1 pg; Jor Robertson 2 pgs; Randy Robertson 1 pg; Rock & Redeemer 2 pgs; Rocket Raccoon 3 pgs; Rocket Racer (Farrell) 2 pgs; Rockslide 1 pg; Marianne Rodgers 1 pg; Rogue (Anna Marie) 3 pgs; Roma 2 pgs; Ronan the Accuser 3 pgs; Ronin (Barton) 6 pgs; Betty Ross 2 pgs; Thunderbolt Ross 2 pgs; Roughouse 1 pg; Roxxon 3 pgs; Royalist Forces of America 1 pg; Ruby Thursday 1 pg; Runaways 2 pgs; Russian 1 pg; General Ryker 1 pg. The following are all 1/2 page: Rabble Rouser, Dr. Benjamin Rabin, Radius, "Red" Raven (western), Red Wolf (Wildrun), Red Wolf (Thunderhead), Replicus, Ringer (Kraft), R'Kin, Rorgg.

Sabra 1 pg; Sabretooth (Earth-616) 3 pgs; Sabretooth (Earth-295) 2 pgs; Sage 3 pgs.

Also include are 2 and 1/4 pages completing the demigods, heroes, and other Graeco-Roman mythological figures appendix, and 1 and 3/4 pages covering US politicians.

So now we know where Aegis and Tenebrous' entry went to, the Proemial gods entry.

Also, I noticed that there were no art credits for the Plodex entry.


Jul 24, 2009, 11:28 am

And after being left out as a member in X-Factor in the profiles of Random (Marvel Legacy 1990's Handbook) en X-Factor (OHOTMU Teams 2005), Random is now considered indeed having been a member of X-Factor.

I also wondered by Klara Prast was not included in this volume.


Jul 24, 2009, 12:05 pm

Rayeye wrote:

And after being left out as a member in X-Factor in the profiles of Random (Marvel Legacy 1990's Handbook) en X-Factor (OHOTMU Teams 2005), Random is now considered indeed having been a member of X-Factor.

I also wondered by Klara Prast was not included in this volume.

My guess is that it the entry was expanded to a full page but it was too late in the day to fit it in the mapping for this volume. Same for Princess Python's pythons, I'm guessing it was expanded/renamed to include Princess Python (it would be dumb to have an entry on her snakes and not her, as they have never been in stories without her, that would be like doing a Redwing entry but not a Falcon one)

Madison Carter

Jul 24, 2009, 06:48 pm

Regarding Klara Prast - when we were working on the YA/Runaways book, she did not have a last name until THE very last minute, and it was shuffled around accordingly, again, at the last minute. Because of this, she wasn't worked into the HC 'P' half-pagers until it was too late, leaving her to be covered at the end of the series' run.

Sidney Osinga

Jul 26, 2009, 12:40 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Regarding Klara Prast - when we were working on the YA/Runaways book, she did not have a last name until THE very last minute, and it was shuffled around accordingly, again, at the last minute. Because of this, she wasn't worked into the HC 'P' half-pagers until it was too late, leaving her to be covered at the end of the series' run.

Of course, that doesn't rule out her getting a full page entry if there is enough information by then to support it, I assume.


Jul 26, 2009, 12:13 pm

This was an excellent volume. I really enjoyed reading it. It seemed more "together" and "relaxed" in some way, if such things can be said about an encyclopedia-type book.

Some of my favorite characters were in it, of course. A nice collection of characters in any case.

The characters I know about seemed to be accurately presented, so I have no nit-picks.

You-all are doing such a great job with these volumes. Quality books. Like I mentioned once before, I hope you're planning to find some way to update the series. Like an annual updates book, or soft-cover supplements.

I haven't been posting my appreciation for all your hard work, and I apologize. I realized that I hadn't been giving any feedback after I picked up my books for the last few weeks on Friday, and discovered that Volume 9 of the OHotMU hardcover was my favorite read of the pile.

Thanks again for all the effort and attention to detail and care you put into these books.


Jul 28, 2009, 08:40 am

Ok, I'm a little confused about something in this volume, not sure if this is the right place to post it. Reading the Red Queen entry, it made no mention of her recent appearances in Uncanny. Or was that not her? A reincarnated 616-Maddie? Something else entirely? My head hurts....


Jul 28, 2009, 05:38 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Ok, I'm a little confused about something in this volume, not sure if this is the right place to post it. Reading the Red Queen entry, it made no mention of her recent appearances in Uncanny. Or was that not her? A reincarnated 616-Maddie? Something else entirely? My head hurts....

The Red Queen in the Handbook is an alternate evil Jean Grey from Earth-9575, who traveled to Earth-616 in the X-Man series where she impersonated Madelyne Pryor. As "Madelyne" she even joined the Hellfire Club. Later in the X-Man series she was killed.
The Madelyne Pryor/Red Queen from recent Uncanny issues was the real Madelyne Pryor.

I have also a question regarding Valeria Richard's profile. In her profile it is revealed the reality she did grow up in was Earth-99315. But in the Appendix of the OHOTMU HC vol. 5 Earth-99315 is listed as the reality where the "Kree took over Earth until they abandoned it after it was infiltrated by the Brood. The FF-616 were sent there by Margali Szardos to destroy the Brood Queen. FF #15 (1999)".
So is one of them incorrect or are these two just the same reality?

Stuart V

Jul 28, 2009, 05:43 pm

Rayeye wrote:

I have also a question regarding Valeria Richard's profile. In her profile it is revealed the reality she did grow up in was Earth-99315. But in the Appendix of the OHOTMU HC vol. 5 Earth-99315 is listed as the reality where the "Kree took over Earth until they abandoned it after it was infiltrated by the Brood. The FF-616 were sent there by Margali Szardos to destroy the Brood Queen. FF #15 (1999)".
So is one of them incorrect or are these two just the same reality?

Valeria should be Earth-9903. Not sure how that mix-up happened.

Sidney Osinga

Jul 28, 2009, 07:04 pm

My guess is that it the entry was expanded to a full page but it was too late in the day to fit it in the mapping for this volume. Same for Princess Python's pythons, I'm guessing it was expanded/renamed to include Princess Python (it would be dumb to have an entry on her snakes and not her, as they have never been in stories without her, that would be like doing a Redwing entry but not a Falcon one)

However, there are a number of pet entries that were included when their owners didn't get one, such as Gomi, the Gremlin, Dreadknight, and Quincey Harker, so I don't think Princess Python would be different.


Jul 28, 2009, 09:21 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

However, there are a number of pet entries that were included when their owners didn't get one, such as Gomi, the Gremlin, Dreadknight, and Quincey Harker, so I don't think Princess Python would be different.

Quincy Harker's dog Saint gets an entry but Harker himself doesn't?? :Confused: :jaw:


Jul 28, 2009, 09:48 pm

Madelyne wrote:

Quincy Harker's dog Saint gets an entry but Harker himself doesn't?? :Confused: :jaw:

Well...Harker got an entry in the Deluxe Edition. Which, granted, was 20 years ago. But even that entry was in the Book of the Dead. Harker's still dead, as far as I know. Has there been any significant stories featuring him since then? Any new information, like a previously untold team-up between him and, say, Howard the Duck or the V-Battalion? Anything?

That's not to say with absolute certainty that he'll never get a new entry again, but under the rules and guidelines that the OHOTMU writers have explained over the course of several message threads about which characters would be included in the current Hardcover series, there was a very low chance of Quincy Harker being covered in a Hardcover entry.


Jul 29, 2009, 08:41 am

bigvis497 wrote:

Well...Harker got an entry in the Deluxe Edition. Which, granted, was 20 years ago. But even that entry was in the Book of the Dead. Harker's still dead, as far as I know. Has there been any significant stories featuring him since then? Any new information, like a previously untold team-up between him and, say, Howard the Duck or the V-Battalion? Anything?

That's not to say with absolute certainty that he'll never get a new entry again, but under the rules and guidelines that the OHOTMU writers have explained over the course of several message threads about which characters would be included in the current Hardcover series, there was a very low chance of Quincy Harker being covered in a Hardcover entry.

Plus the Vampire Hunters received an entry in the Horror handbook, so that should cover him well enough.


Jul 29, 2009, 11:17 am

Thanks, Skipcomet and bigvis497, but that still doesn't explain why Harker's dog has an entry.


Jul 29, 2009, 02:09 pm

Madelyne wrote:

Thanks, Skipcomet and bigvis497, but that still doesn't explain why Harker's dog has an entry.

Saint got an entry in the Marvel Pets Handbook which was released in June. Granted, only a half-page entry, but that's how he got an entry.

Sidney Osinga

Jul 31, 2009, 12:09 am

It was nice to see that the Purple Phantom and Rorgg, from the Western Files and Monster Files respectively, got true Handbook entries. I also assume that the Ringo Kid got a full page treatment due to his Western Files entry. Hopefully we'll see more from those books being made into entries.

In Uncanny X-Men #229, there were two Reavers named Stanley and Ollie, yet they weren't included under former members. They were included in the Index.


Jul 31, 2009, 08:08 am

In Uncanny X-Men #229, there were two Reavers named Stanley and Ollie, yet they weren't included under former members. They were included in the Index.

There was also a guy named Duncan, who joined the Reavers alongside Elixir.

Rob London

Aug 1, 2009, 04:37 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Well...Harker got an entry in the Deluxe Edition. Which, granted, was 20 years ago. But even that entry was in the Book of the Dead. Harker's still dead, as far as I know. Has there been any significant stories featuring him since then? Any new information, like a previously untold team-up between him and, say, Howard the Duck or the V-Battalion? Anything?

Well, we did see his skull in Captain Britain and MI13...

Andy E. Nystrom

Aug 7, 2009, 01:49 am

Back from Vacation and jumping into the breach again with my list of changes (and hopefully before I’m done catching up on the final parts of volumes 7-8):

Marvel Knights 2005

All individuals: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphrenalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Marital Status removed

Punisher: expanded from 4 to 5 pages. Real Name revised (as per History and the previous Real Name, he should probably still be listed as having been born Frank Castiglione). Some History paragraphs merged; paragraph beginning “At the same time…” tweaked at end; new paragraph added between subsequent two paragraphs; 2nd last paragraph replaced with 6 new ones. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Intelligence and Strength on Power Grid revised. Old main illo removed, replaced with new one. One secondary illo removed, 3 new captioned ones. Classic Eliot R. Brown van specs from Deluxe Edition added and captioned.

Fantastic Four 2005

All: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed

Psycho-Man: Aliases and Identity revised. History greatly revised/expanded, though a lot of old text still present. Abilities/Accessories a little revised/expanded. Height/Weight revised. Main illo no longer cut off on right; 2 new secondary illos

Ramades: Vital Statistics revised. History mostly rewritten (small amount of old text still present. Abilities /Accessories completely rewritten. Speed on Power Grid revised. Old illo no longer cut off on right and bottom; new captioned secondary illo

New Avengers Most Wanted

All: Vital Statistics, Power Grid added; Abilities Renamed Abilities/Accessories; User Notes removed. Art credits added

Purple Man: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Old secondary illo removed, replaced with three new ones (1 captioned).

Razor-Fist: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. New secondary illo.

Alternative Universes 2005

Reigning: Illo now captioned

Wolverine 2004

All indviduals: Marital Status, Distinguishing Features removed; Superhuman Powers, Special Skills, Costume, Personal Weaponry merged as Abilities/Accessories

Reavers: Purpose, Major Enemies, Known Extent of Operations categories removed. Known members split into Current Members and Former Members and revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). In headshots, First Appearance (and in Cylla’s case, Last Appearance) removed, with First Active now simply called Active. 2 new Secondary illos

Roughouse: Occupation, Citizenship, Place of Birth, Group Affiliation revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised. Old illo removed; new main illo and two new secondary illos

Sabretooth: Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. First 7 History paragraphs replaced with 3 new ones, then starting with paragraph beginning “Under unrevealed circumstances…” most of History almost completely rewritten again except for that beginning part (so basically 3 old paragraphs intact). Abilities/Accessories greatly rewritten. Old two secondary illos removed, replaced with 6 new ones (five captioned).

Hulk 2004

All individuals: Abilities, Superhuman Powers, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; Distinguishing Features and Marital Status removed

Rhino: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Srength and Durability on Power Grid revised. 5 new secondary illos (4 captioned).

Riot Squad: New categories: Members, Former Members, Base of Operations. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Illo now captioned.

Betty Ross: Aliases tweaked. Known Relatives revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Strength on Power Grid revised. Old illo cropped to captioned headshot; new main illo and captioned secondary illo.

Thunderbolt Ross: Aliases tweaked. Identity, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation, Education revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. 4 new captioned secondary illos (2 captioned individually and 2 sharing a caption).

General Ryker: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten. Eyes revised. Abilities/Accessories has 7 ½ lines of new text immediately following the old sentence,

X-Men 2004

All: Marital Status deleted; Powers & Abilities, Paraphernalia merged as Abilities/Accessories; First Appearances moved from back of book to entries

Polaris: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Old illo now secondary. New main illo and 12 new secondary illos (10 captioned)

Professor X: expanded from 3 to 5 pages. Aliases, Occupation, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Hair tweaked. Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/abridged (some old text still present). Fighting Skills on power Grid revised. Old illo now secondary; old secondary illo removed. New main illo and 14 nnew secondary illos (9 captioned)

Kitty Pryde: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). 10 new secondary illos (7 captioned).

Rogue: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Real Name, Aliases, Known Relatives, Group Affiliation revised. History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Old illo removed; new main illo and 16 new secondary illos (6 captioned)

Sage: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics and Physical Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Power Grid revised. Old illo now captioned secondary; new main illo and 10 new captioned secondary illos.

Annihiliation: Nova Corp Files

All individuals: Background now History. Natural Abilities and Powers, Weapons, & Minions reworked as Abilities/Accessories. Most other categories removed and regular Handbook categories added

Phya-Vell: expanded from 1 to 2 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 3 new secondary illos (2 captioned)

Praxagora: reduced from 1 to ½ page (as permitted being a Files entry). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Secondary illos removed.

Preak: reduced from 1 to ½ page (as permitted being a Files entry). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Secondary illos removed.

Proemial Gods (originally listed as Aegis and Tenebrous): completely rewritten; categories are Known Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance, Traits, History. Old illos removed, replaced with 3 captioned new ones.

Quasar: expanded from 1 to 4 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Old main illo now secondary. Old secondary illos removed; 7 new secondary illos (3 captioned)

Ravenous: History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Old illos removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Red Shift: History mostly revised/expanded (some old text still present). Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded. Old main illo now secondary and less cropped; one of the secondary illos now main illo and also less cropped (background removed), other 3 removed.

R’Kin: reduced from 1 to ½ page (as permitted being a Files entry). History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. Main illo reversed and background removed but less cropped. Secondary illos removed.

Ronan the Accuser: expanded from 1 to 3 pages. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Old illos removed; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos

Brand New Day

Paper Doll: No significant changes

Dr. Benjamin Rabin: No significant changes

Ramrod: New secondary illo

Andy E. Nystrom

Aug 7, 2009, 05:09 pm

List of changes continued

Iron Manual

PLATO: No significant changes

Raiders: New sentence added at end of final History paragraph

Marianne Rodgers: No significant changes (minor editing)

Marvel Zombies

Pluto: History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Final sentence in Abilities/Accessories removed. Intelligence and Fighting Skills on Power Grid removed. 1 secondary illo removed.

Horror 2005

No entries this volume

Marvel Legacy: 1960s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Phantom: Real Name, Occupation, Education revised. History somewhat expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old text. Abilities/Accessories a bit expanded. Old headshot replaced with new one.

Possessors: Known Members revised and new final History paragraph, both incorporating info from Where are They Now? New sentence added at end of Abilities/Accessories

Protector: Aliases and Education revised. History somewhat revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised

Rabble Rouser: Vital Statistics revised and 4 sentences added to end of History (all incorporating info from Where are They Now?). Abilities/Accessories somewhat revised. New captioned headshot.

Replicus: Vital Statistics beyond First Appearance added. 2 new sentences added to History incorporating info from Where are They Now? abilities/Accessories somewhat revised/expanded. Old illo removed; new main illo and new captioned headshot.

Ringo Kid: expanded from ½ to 1 page. Identity, Occupation, Citizenship, Education revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten/expanded. Old illo reversed; new captioned secondary illo (unfortunately neither illo has his face looking towards the reader).

Marvel Legacy: 1970s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Prime Mover: End of final History paragraph greatly expanded, incorporating info from Where are They Now? Abilities/Accessories greatly expanded. Old illo removed, replaced with new one.

Psyklop: Background removed from main illo, which is less cropped. Secondary illo cropped/dialogue removed.

Punisher: expanded from 1 to 5 pages. Vital Statistics revised. History and Abilities/Accessories completely different/expanded (actually closer to the earlier Marvel Knights text). Old illo removed. New main illo and 5 new secondary illos (3 captioned). Classic Elliot R. Brown Battle Van specs added 9captioned).

Royalist Forces of America: New final History paragraph incorporating info from Where are They Now? Largest illo removed; new captioned illo; dialogue removed from Mercenaries illo. 2 of the 3 old headshots now have new illo and expanded name; 3 additional headshots added; headshots now list First Appearances.

Marvel Legacy: 1980s

All: Art Credits, Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Psi-Force: Current Members, Former Members, Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised/expanded, with new text weaving in and out of the old. New captioned secondary illo.

Monica Rambeau (originally listed as Captain Marvel): expanded from 1 to 3 pages. Vital Statistics revised/expanded. History and Abilities/Accessories completely rewritten. New main illo (old one now secondary); one of the old secondary illos less cropped and captioned. 3 new secondary illos (one captioned).

Rocket Raccoon: expanded from 2 to 3 pages. Identity, Occupation, Group Affiliation revised. 3 new paragraphs (2 quite large) added to end of History (before the Note); the first of these incorporates info from Where are they Now? Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded. New main illo; old one removed. Dialogue removed from Loonies illo; O’Hare illo shrunk to make it less cropped; 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

Marvel Legacy: 1990s

All: Place of Birth, Power Grid added (Power Numbers for ½ pagers)

Post: Group Affiliation revised. 4 sentences added to end of final History paragraph, incorporating info from Where are they Now?

Solomon Prey: no significant changes

Random: Group Affiliation revised. Final History paragraph considerably expanded at end, incorporating info from Where are They Now? True Form illo now called Original Form and cropped to headshot; new secondary illo.

Update 1

Puck (Judd): Known Relatives revised. Some History paragraphs merged and final sentence tweaked. Abilities/Accessories revised/expanded.

Quasar: expanded from 3 to 4 pages. Group Affiliation revised. End of 5th History paragraph slightly expanded; last sentence removed from History, but new sentences then 2 new paragraphs added. Abilities/Accessories further greatly revised/expanded especially at beginning, with new text weaving in and out of old. Old main illo now secondary; new main illo and 3 new secondary illos (1 captioned).

“Rebel” Ralston (originally listed as Rebel Ralston; no quotes): final History sentence abridged.

“Red” Raven (originally listed as Red Raven; no quotes): Real Name revised.

Reptyl: no significant changes

Update 2

Pip the Troll: new captioned secondary illo

Pitiful One: no significant changes

Punishers: no significant changes

Clive Reston: 3 new sentences added to end of final History paragraph, then new final 1-sentence paragraph.

Update 3

Pink Lady: no significant changes

Power Princess: 3 sentences added to end of final History paragraph.

Update 4

Arcturus Rann: Aliases revised.

Red Skull (Schmidt): History somewhat revised, with new text weaving in and out of old. Last secondary illo replaced with 3 captioned new ones.

Revanche: Old main illo removed; new main illo and captioned secondary illo

Ricadonna: The 2 Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reversed.

Ruby Thursday: New main illo (old one removed)

Eduardo M.

Aug 9, 2009, 03:50 pm

Picked this up a couple of days ago. So far so good. I had bet someone that Rocket Raccon would get a new main illo, thanks for provong me right.

I know the Hardcovers have getting flak for the apparent lack of exstensive coverage on guys like Domino, Cyclops, and Doc Ock. However, I'm going on the opposite track and praise the hardcovers for entries like Rhino and Pyro in this volume and Odin in the last one. Something I had noticed about the 04-05 theme books is their focus on just events that relate to the particular theme, for example, Rhino's Hulk 04 entry didn't get into details about any non-Hulk history (same goes for Absorbing Man). The hardcover however, gives Rhino 3 pages with much more details about what he does when not trading punches with Bruce Banner's green side.

Also, I didn't like how many entries in the Book of the Dead got just one page despite their rich histories. I love how the Hardcovers gave people like Odin, Pyro, Mockingbird, Phoenix, and Clint Barton, the space they deserved.

I did notice that in entries for Ronan and Polaris that there's no mention of how the War of the Kings turned out. I guess its safe to say that Vol.9 went to print before we got to see the conclusion to that story. I wonder though if entries like Starjammers and Vulcan will deal with the aftermath of WoK


Aug 11, 2009, 01:11 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

Picked this up a couple of days ago. So far so good. I had bet someone that Rocket Raccon would get a new main illo, thanks for provong me right.

I know the Hardcovers have getting flak for the apparent lack of exstensive coverage on guys like Domino, Cyclops, and Doc Ock. However, I'm going on the opposite track and praise the hardcovers for entries like Rhino and Pyro in this volume and Odin in the last one. Something I had noticed about the 04-05 theme books is their focus on just events that relate to the particular theme, for example, Rhino's Hulk 04 entry didn't get into details about any non-Hulk history (same goes for Absorbing Man). The hardcover however, gives Rhino 3 pages with much more details about what he does when not trading punches with Bruce Banner's green side.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the Rhino profile, definitely I enjoyed writing it. I found some new things about the character that I didn't before writing it. Like the story of his genius level intellegence, his numerous time he has tried to go legit, robbing criminals for his family in a "Robin Hood" sort of way, and other things.

Beast of Averoigne

Aug 15, 2010, 08:06 am

The Red Skull is called "Shmidt" in this one. Since I am from Germany: that spelling for the Name doesn't exist! It should be one of these: Schmidt, Schmitt or Schmid. I don't know if it's just a Mistake here, but apparently he has been called "Shmidt" before. It is however very wrong and should be changed to one of the Version above (preferably "Schmidt" I think). Thank you!

Stuart V

Aug 15, 2010, 08:50 am

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

The Red Skull is called "Shmidt" in this one.

In this one, and in all the other handbooks we've done. It's the correct spelling of his surname.

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

Since I am from Germany: that spelling for the Name doesn't exist!

It does, albeit it isn't a common spelling in Germany.

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

It should be one of these: Schmidt, Schmitt or Schmid. I don't know if it's just a Mistake here, but apparently he has been called "Shmidt" before.

It's not a mistake here, and yes, he's been called Shmidt right from the first time his true identity was revealed.

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

It is however very wrong

It's very uncommon, perhaps, but not wrong.

Beast of Averoigne wrote:

and should be changed to one of the Version above (preferably "Schmidt" I think). Thank you!

Sorry, but the handbooks can't just change characters' established names. The Skull isn't the only person with a spelling of their name that is unusual for their country of origin (Sunspot is another example), but such unusual variations do crop up in real life.


Feb 28, 2012, 05:03 pm

Just one little error I discovered after checking the X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills tpb: in the Purifiers profile Phillip and Dr. Ramsey are listed as two different names, but they are the same person.

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