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2/07/2020 7:31 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 11 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan:


Aug 18, 2009, 02:14 pm

Coming from Marvel in November...

Penciled by VARIOUS
Cover by Tom Grummett

Marvel Universe's comprehensive guide continues featuring the most arachnoids ever assembled under one hardcover! Spider-Girl, Spider-Ham, Spider-Man, Spider-Man (2099 AD), three Spider-Women, Spidercide, Spider-Slayers, Spider-Mobile, Symbiotes, and more! Don't worry, the Stacy Family ^ Captain George, Gwen (and her clones), and Gabriel and Sara ^ stop by this volume as well! Can this volume contain the thunderous power of Storm, Thor Girl, Thunderstrike and not one, but two Thors? Lets do the time warp again with the Golden Age characters Spirit of '76, Spitfire, Super-Axis, Thin Man, and Sun Girl! Help answer questions burning holes deep inside every fans brain! Exactly what do They Who Wield Power and Those Who Sit Above In Shadow do? Are the Thunderbolts justice like lightning or Marvel's most wanted? Do any of the three Swordsmen have something to do with SWORD? What Spymaster has tried to sabotage Stark Industries? Can Styx and Stone really break your bones? All this and Stark Tower's kitchen sink... and much more!

240 PGS./Rated T+ ...$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3108-3
Trim size: standard


Aug 18, 2009, 04:19 pm

Uh-oh! This only goes up to Th it looks like... that leaves U-Z, plus! Let's hope for lucky Volume 13!


Aug 18, 2009, 08:09 pm

I think half of T through the end can fit in a single volume. W will be long, but U, V, Y, and Z? Eh. Of course, in Marvel 'X' is a major letter, but I think it'll fit.

However, since we've been hearing that the 'missed' entries will also be collected, I do think a 13th volume is in the offing.

Captain Back-to-back Posts:

The solicit doesn't mention it, but the Spider-Man 2004 handbook has a Spider-Man's Supporting Cast entry. Although it is the only such entry in the entire run, I hope it's updated. If I had my druthers, updated, and as comprehensive as, say, the Gamma Mutates, Demons, or Symbiotes entries, with as many Spider-Man related normals (besides those who have their own pages), as reasonably possible.

William Keogh

Aug 19, 2009, 11:12 am

Hello, Captainswift, and welcome to comixfan. :cheers: I'm one of the moderators around here, and I merged your posts. Just to let you know, you can edit your own posts if you want to add more by using the edit icon at the bottom of your post. Generally speaking, we prefer not double-posting if no one has posted in the hour since your last post, so that's why the post is merged. If you've got any questions, anything you need help with, just ask a mod or someone who's been around awhile by PM, or post the question in a relevent thread. Beyond that, have fun, check out the site, and we hope you'll be around for the long run.

Eduardo M.

Aug 19, 2009, 01:53 pm

No cover for this yet so there's no way to know if we will get as far as Thor Girl or not. Its been the case that if someone is on the cover when it gets posted then its safe to say the volume goes as far as that person. (EX: Ms Marvel/Danvers is on the cover to Vol.7 and is the last entry in said Volume. Ditto Sage and volume 9.)

Speaking of Ms. Marvel, I wonder if Sharon Ventura will be in this volume under She-Thing or if she'll be in Vol.12 under her real name.

As for the possibility of a volume 13, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Entries like Thing, Thor, Spider-Man, X-Men, Wolverine, and Storm will most likely have a huge page count I'm guessing at least 4 pages. Also the X-Men also have an entry on the Mansion. Now maybe the entry will revised/updated to the point it only takes up 3 pages. However, given all the modifications its had over the years, I highly doubt it.


Aug 19, 2009, 02:08 pm

S is always the biggest section in these types of books.

Weren't there four Spider-women?


Aug 19, 2009, 05:28 pm

drmick wrote:

Weren't there four Spider-women?

Yes, but Julia Carpenter, aka the Spider-Woman who was a member of the West Coast Avengers and Force Works, changed her name to Arachne and received an entry under that name, presumably because under Bendis's reign, the original, Jessica Drew Spider-Woman, has come back to prominence (even if during most of that time she was actually replaced by a Skrull imposter). Ironically, Arachne was Drew's original codename, and there is another spider-themed female in the Marvel Universe using that name as a member of the group Deathweb.

Eduardo M.

Aug 19, 2009, 07:26 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Yes, but Julia Carpenter, aka the Spider-Woman who was a member of the West Coast Avengers and Force Works, changed her name to Arachne and received an entry under that name, presumably because under Bendis's reign, the original, Jessica Drew Spider-Woman, has come back to prominence (even if during most of that time she was actually replaced by a Skrull imposter). Ironically, Arachne was Drew's original codename, and there is another spider-themed female in the Marvel Universe using that name as a member of the group Deathweb.

Also, Julia Carpenter used the name Arachne while under the control of Morgan la Fey as part of the Queen's Vengeance.

William Keogh

Aug 20, 2009, 04:37 pm

And the other two Spider-Women are Mattie Franklin and a villain grandaughter of Madame Web, both introduced during the John Byrne reign of terror in the Spider-titles in the early part of the decade (which nonetheless looks like genius compared to OMD, but I digress).

Is the villain Spider-Woman the same one who's part of the Deathweb group Skipp was referring to?


Aug 20, 2009, 05:02 pm

William Keogh wrote:

Is the villain Spider-Woman the same one who's part of the Deathweb group Skipp was referring to?

No, those are two different characters. The villainess who is part of Deathweb is codenamed Arachne, and she has a real name that, while I don't remember it, struck me as being of Central or South American Indian origin. The evil Spider-Woman was named Charlotte Witter, IIRC.

Rob London

Aug 21, 2009, 04:22 pm

skippcomet wrote:

No, those are two different characters. The villainess who is part of Deathweb is codenamed Arachne, and she has a real name that, while I don't remember it, struck me as being of Central or South American Indian origin. The evil Spider-Woman was named Charlotte Witter, IIRC.

Deathweb's Arachne is Sylvie Yacqua, and she is indeed a Peruvian Pacqui Indian. She also has a terrible, terrible '90s-y costume.

William Keogh

Sep 13, 2009, 05:36 pm

Eric, any idea when we'll see Mr. Grummetts' cover for this?


Sep 14, 2009, 12:25 am

No cover for this yet so there's no way to know if we will get as far as Thor Girl or not.

Actually, the solicit mentions the Thunderbolts, so presumably Thor Girl would fall before that. Frankly, I wish she would take the discarded codename of Asgardian. Thor Girl is just terrible. It's like young Zeus calling himself Hercules Boy.

Madison Carter

Sep 14, 2009, 02:47 am

ToddCam wrote:

Actually, the solicit mentions the Thunderbolts, so presumably Thor Girl would fall before that. Frankly, I wish she would take the discarded codename of Asgardian. Thor Girl is just terrible. It's like young Zeus calling himself Hercules Boy.

Maybe in the tradition of Rulk, Throg and Clor, I suggest Thirl.

Eric J. Moreels

Sep 15, 2009, 03:36 am

Madison Carter wrote:

Maybe in the tradition of Rulk, Throg and Clor, I suggest Thirl.

Says the Handbook writer also known as Marter!


Sep 15, 2009, 09:40 am

William Keogh wrote:

Eric, any idea when we'll see Mr. Grummetts' cover for this?

The black and white unfinished cover was shown in the last issue of Marvel Previews. Spider-Man front and center. Can't remember everyone who was shown it was a very small picture, saw the Stranger, Spider-Woman, Squirrel Girl, Supreme Intelligence, don't have it on me I will check when I get home.

William Keogh

Sep 15, 2009, 11:08 am

Thanks for the info.

Eduardo M.

Sep 15, 2009, 03:52 pm

The Marvel website lists Vol.11 but instead of the cover bigvis saw, they used a cover from the Official Index.


Sep 15, 2009, 04:54 pm

here you go guys, did a little snooping around and found this, same image I saw in Previews.


I recognize:
Spider-Woman (Drew)
Squirell Girl
Super Skrull
Supreme Intelligence
no idea who that is standing on the far left


Sep 15, 2009, 05:58 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

here you go guys, did a little snooping around and found this, same image I saw in Previews.


I recognize:
Spider-Woman (Drew)
Squirell Girl
Super Skrull
Supreme Intelligence

no idea who that is standing on the far left
It's Taskmaster. I can see his shield.

Sidney Osinga

Oct 8, 2009, 12:30 pm

Ok, here's a list of characters we know will get a half page entry:

Schizoid Man
Shagreen the Sorcerer
Sister Nil
Sky Devils
Sky Walker
Sorcerer (Murdstone, Human Torch foe)
Sorcerer (East, Spider-man foe)
Space Rangers

Now the ones that come after the start of #11:

Spider-Man (2211 AD)
Squid Boy
Star Seed
Star Thief (Princess, possibly Syndi Lu Hu)
Star Thief (Pirvat)
John Steele
Steel Serpent (Deadly Hands of Kung Fu character)
Chili Storm
Bob Strong
Sapphire Styx
Sun Stealer

In total, that's 42. The character I can most see being promoted to a full page entry is Chili Storm so we're possibly going to see at least one new entry. Also, the half page entries will run at least 21 pages, almost a tenth of the book!


Oct 8, 2009, 04:29 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Ok, here's a list of characters we know will get a half page entry:
Star Thief (Princess, possibly Syndi Lu Hu)

One of the earlier HCs (forget which one) established her name as Ilse Pterigil, an anagram of her creator's name, Peter Gillis.

Stuart V

Oct 9, 2009, 08:18 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Ok, here's a list of characters we know will get a half page entry:

Schizoid Man
Shagreen the Sorcerer
Sister Nil
Sky Devils
Sky Walker
Sorcerer (Murdstone, Human Torch foe)
Sorcerer (East, Spider-man foe)
Space Rangers

Now the ones that come after the start of #11:

Spider-Man (2211 AD)
Squid Boy
Star Seed
Star Thief (Princess, possibly Syndi Lu Hu)
Star Thief (Pirvat)
John Steele
Steel Serpent (Deadly Hands of Kung Fu character)
Chili Storm
Bob Strong
Sapphire Styx
Sun Stealer

In total, that's 42. The character I can most see being promoted to a full page entry is Chili Storm so we're possibly going to see at least one new entry. Also, the half page entries will run at least 21 pages, almost a tenth of the book!

You are assuming that all the S half-pagers from the Marvel Mystery Book will make it into this volume. The map for the hardcovers is set well in advance, so it isn't always an option to add in relevant half-pagers from a recent softcover handbook.

Sidney Osinga

Oct 10, 2009, 01:00 am

slevin87 wrote:

One of the earlier HCs (forget which one) established her name as Ilse Pterigil, an anagram of her creator's name, Peter Gillis.

Could be. I found the name Syndi Lu Hu on the Marvel Appendix site as a suggested name.

Madison Carter

Oct 10, 2009, 01:21 am

Never take suggested names on the Appendix as canon - often it's just used as a way to ID the character better, but until it's in an actual marvel book, it's only a suggestion.

Sidney Osinga

Oct 17, 2009, 01:12 am

Stuart V wrote:

You are assuming that all the S half-pagers from the Marvel Mystery Book will make it into this volume.

 The map for the hardcovers is set well in advance, so it isn't always an option to add in relevant half-pagers from a recent softcover handbook.
Is this the same map that placed Namor in vol. 7?


Nov 24, 2009, 12:47 pm

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this volume comes out November 25th?

William Keogh

Nov 24, 2009, 07:18 pm

That it does, sucellos. It's listed for tomorrow at the Comiclist.


Nov 25, 2009, 02:06 pm

Anybody got the contents?


Nov 25, 2009, 02:10 pm

Maybe there are some new or revived entries in this volume too?


Nov 25, 2009, 04:38 pm

I got it. Can't post a list right now because I'm at work, can't wait to sit down and take it all in later.

A few things I noticed:

The Spider-Man entry is MASSIVE. It puts the entry he received in the OMD storyline (which was pretty massive to begin with) to shame. All of his supporting cast that received 1/4 page entries were lumped into one big entry.

The Thor/Hercules god Pantheons and some 1/2 page gods got adapted to standard handbook format.

The Big Hero 6 new entries are now in the hardcovers, I think most of them missed their slot the first time around. This is the first time I've seen them as my LCS didn't even bother ordering that series.

Smart Alec from Alpha Flight got an entry, pretty sure he hasn't received one post-2004 handbook series.

Tana Nile is under T for Tana.

Looks great so far!

Eduardo M.

Nov 25, 2009, 08:56 pm

Picked this up today.

WOW! That Spidey entry is massive.

I was surprised to see Smart Alec and Super-Patriot.


Nov 26, 2009, 01:21 pm

Much appreciated for telling us the new entries.

It'd also be nice if you could share a contents' list for those of us who haven't got a copy yet, please. Mine, for example, only arrives within a couple of weeks.

Thanks in advance!


Nov 26, 2009, 02:43 pm

Admiral Salo
Sapphire Styx
Schizoid Man
Shade (Nash)
Shadrac (Dolman)
Shiva (robot)
Shredder (unidentified)
Sister Nil
Smart Alex
Sorcerer (Murdstone)
Sorcerer (East)
Speed Demon
Sphinx (Mut & Karim)
Spider Society
Spider-Man (Parker)
Spider-Man's Friends & Associates
Spider-Man (2099 AD)
Spider-Man (2211 AD)
Spider-Woman (Drew)
Spider-Woman (Franklin)
Spider-Woman (Witter)
Spiral (Wayword)
Spirit of '76
Spirits of Vengeance
Spitfire (Crichton)
Spore (Deviant mutate)
Spymaster (unidentified)
Spymaster (Lemon)
Spymaster (Abbott)
Squadron Sinister
Squadron Supreme (Earth-712)
Squid (Callahan)
Squirrel Girl
Gabriel & Sarah Stacy
Capt. George Stacy
Gwen Stacy
Gwen Stacy clones
Stained Glass Scarlet
Fabian Stankowicz
Star Masters
Star Thief (Bauman)
Star Thief (Pterigil)
Star Thief (Pirvat)
Stardust (Ladba-Zero)
Starhawk (Stakar)
Morgan Stark
Stark Industries
Stark Tower
Star-Lord (Quill)
Starlord (Quarrel)
Steel Raven
Steel Serpent (Davos)
Steel Serpent (unidentified)
Steel Spider
Steel Wind
Chase Stein
Stepford Cuckoos
Stiletto (Stuart)
Stilt-Man (Day)
Stingray (Walter Newell)
Olivier Stoker
Storm (Munroe)
Chili Storm
Victor Strange
Straw Man
Mendel Stromm
Strong Guy
Stryfe (Cable's clone)
William Stryker
Stunt-Man (Smith)
Styx and Stone
Sugar Man
Sun Girl
Sun Stealer
Sunfire (Yoshida)
Sunfire (Exiles)
Sunpyre (Lumina)
Sunturion (Dearborn)
Super-Patriot (Farrell)
Super-Skrull (Kl'rt)
Supreme Intelligence
Supreme Power
Surge (Ashida)
Swordsman (Duquesne)
Swordsman (Jarvert)
Swordsman (von Strucker)
Micah Synn
Taboo (sorcerer)
Tagak the Leopard Lord
Hiro Takachiho
Glenn Talbot
Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen)
Talos the Untamed
Tana Nile
Tempest (Salvadore)
Tenger (Mongolian gods)
Terrax the Tamer
Terrible Trio (Brogan, Dakar, Phillips)


Nov 26, 2009, 02:44 pm



Nov 26, 2009, 04:15 pm

Thanks for posting it. Props for you!

Hmm, some entries were divided (like Spymaster) but I can't seem to find Shango and Talkback. I can see Shango receiving one full page entry in volume 14, but what about Talkback?

And I presume the Swords and Talismans entries are in the appendix now?


Nov 26, 2009, 05:26 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Hmm, some entries were divided (like Spymaster) but I can't seem to find Shango and Talkback. I can see Shango receiving one full page entry in volume 14, but what about Talkback?

Talkback is Chase Stein, who no longer uses that name, and is listed in Vol. 11 under his real name.

Sidney Osinga

Nov 27, 2009, 12:23 am

sucellos11 wrote:

Hmm, some entries were divided (like Spymaster) but I can't seem to find Shango ... I can see Shango receiving one full page entry in volume 14,

Assuming that ToddCam didn't leave him out by accident, he may be listed in vol.14 as Chango, his alternate name.

Unfortunately, I didn't get this book. It wasn't shipped to my shop for some reason. Hopefully, I'll get it next week. I'm not surprised that the Spymasters were divided into separate entries. It makes sense.


Nov 27, 2009, 06:09 am

I assume Smart Alex is supposed to be Smart Alec? If so, I am glad another minor Alpha Flight character has got his own entry!


Nov 27, 2009, 08:18 am

So, how many pages the Spider-Man entry has? The longest entry to date is the Avengers one with a total of 12!


Nov 27, 2009, 09:21 am

No, no Shango. I checked inside just in case the list on the back was inaccurate. Nope.

I don't really get the placement of S'ym between Synch and Micah Synn. Alphabetically (ignoring the apostrophe) it should be before Symbiotes. But if you count the apostrophe, it should be before most S entries or after them all.

There's a grievous error in one of the entries. The entry title for Sunfire from the Exiles lists her as Sunfire (Earth-210). She's from Earth-2109! It even says so in the entry.

Spider-Man's entry is 13 pages.


Nov 27, 2009, 10:00 am

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Star Masters is a brand new entry, unless it's a split entry from some other Star-Whatever group?
I was also curious about the Swords and Talismans omission, I thought the major ones would be included like they were in the Mystic Arcana handbook. Here's hoping we'll see an expanded appendix with pictures like the Olympic Gods and Heroes appendix?


Nov 27, 2009, 04:36 pm

So how looks the cover in color ?


Nov 27, 2009, 06:18 pm

So, can someone confirm if Swords of Sorcerous Might and Talismans of Mystic Power entries are included in the appendix, please?


Nov 28, 2009, 02:43 am

The Appendix is the novels continued.

Smart Alec is indeed correct.

The cover looks ok to me.


Nov 30, 2009, 06:34 pm

Thanks ToddCam.


Dec 5, 2009, 12:28 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

here you go guys, did a little snooping around and found this, same image I saw in Previews.


I recognize:

Yup, that's Talisman. She's wearing a new version of her costume from Omega Flight.


Dec 5, 2009, 05:54 pm

Here is the cover :

There's Taskmaster, Talisman (Elizabeth Twoyoungmen), Spiral (Wayword), Spider-Man (Parker), Squirrel Girl, Swarm, Spider-Woman (Drew), Spitfire (Crichton), Stranger, Terminus, Star-Lord (Quill), Sunfire (Yoshida), Storm (Munroe), Super-Skrull (Kl'rt) and Supreme Intelligence.

Sidney Osinga

Dec 11, 2009, 10:07 pm

So I finally got it this week and I have a few thoughts.

First of all, excellent work as always. I especially liked all the significantly expanded entires (Spider-Girl, the Spider-Slayers, Spider-Woman (Franklin), Spitfire, the Spymasters, Squadron Supreme, Squid, Squirrel Girl, Steel Serpent (Davos), Stegron, Stepford Cuckoos, Chili Storm, Mendel Stromm, Supreme Power, Swarm, Swordsman (Duquesne), Swordsman (Von Strucker), Glenn Talbot), the adapted ones (Sagbata, Salo, Sedna, Shou-Hsing, Spirit, Stardust, Stellaris, Talos, Tana Nile, the Tenger), and the new ones (Smart Alec, Star Masters, Super-Patriot).

The Spider-Man entry was nice. I'm glad to see the costumes were added into the main entry instead of being a separate one. It makes more sense.

Hopefully, being in the Spider-Man's Friends and Associates entry don't mean we'll never see those characters getting full entries, especially in Ned Leeds case.

I would have like to seen the Alex Ross picture as the front piece for the Squadron Supreme entry, partially because I like Ross' work and partially because I Really don't like Greg Land's (the figures in the picture don't seem to ... gel together).

In Uncanny X-Men #174, an unnamed female crew member was shown. (pg. 3 panel 1) Even though I don't think she ever appeared again, shouldn't she have been mentioned in the Starjammers entry? After all, many other unidentified characters have been identified in the Handbooks.

Shouldn't Sapphire Styx and Tana Nile have been listed under their last names?

Glad to see that Shadrac got an entry. I was worried he was going to be left covered under Override's.

I forgot about Sway in my list of half page entries.

Interesting how Tana Nile's head shrunk over the years.

I do prefer the picture of Taskmaster here than in his original entry.

In the Tenger entry, Ay wasn't labelled.

Also, on the same day I got this book, I also got Assembled 2, which also had a list of Marvel novels by Kieth R.A. DeCandido, who wrote a few of them.

Michael Regan

Dec 11, 2009, 10:28 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Shouldn't Sapphire Styx and Tana Nile have been listed under their last names?

My view:
With an odd name like Sapphire Styx it is possible that it is simply a code name and not a real name.

As a citizen of Rigel-3 perhaps name conventions are different. There are cultures where the family name comes first...

Sidney Osinga

Dec 11, 2009, 10:58 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

My view:
With an odd name like Sapphire Styx it is possible that it is simply a code name and not a real name.

As a citizen of Rigel-3 perhaps name conventions are different. There are cultures where the family name comes first...

But the entry did say that Sapphire Styx was apparently her real name. And Johnny Dee, another character with an "apparent" real name, was listed under the D's.

You could be right about Tana Nile. Another theory could be Rigillians use two names in place of one. No first name, no last name, just a name. Anyways, hopefully, we'll get some official words on the subject.

Sidney Osinga

Dec 21, 2009, 11:50 pm

I've found two small mistakes in this book:

In the Star Thief (Bauman) entry, the sentence that started "Warlock arrived to find ..." was repeated twice.

In the Starlord (Quarrel) entry, the name Damyish changed to Hamyish in the middle of the second paragraph. This mistake was actually carried over from the original entry in the 2006 series.

Eduardo M.

Dec 22, 2009, 11:14 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Glad to see that Shadrac got an entry. I was worried he was going to be left covered under Override's.

I was glad as well. Shadrac and Override deserved to be seperated. I wonder if Aura will get her own entry in the upcoming updates.


Dec 28, 2009, 08:12 pm

Nearly finished, and very pleased, but I have a question. Taskmaster's entry identifies the Machete involved in the Architect's contest as Alfonso, whereas the one hired by TM to fight the Avengers is identified as Ferdinand, the original Machete. Wasn't he killed by Everyman/Zeitgeist, and replaced by Alfonso, and then Mariano? Just a bit confused here. Nevertheless, a wonderful volume, and I'm very excited about the last three AND the all-new handbooks coming out in 2010.


Dec 29, 2009, 10:15 am

I am also nearly finished and have a few comments/questions as well:

Talisman: She was also part of the Gamma Flight support staff as well.

Swordsman (Andreas von Strucker): I am a little confused about whether the Fenris twins are mutants or not. According to the Handbook they were born as mutants thanks to genetic manipulation by their father. IIRC they were listed as mutates in the past.
So now that are confirmed as mutants, does that mean Quake (Daisy Johnson) falls under the same category? On the other hand it has been explicit said that Daisy was not a mutant.
But if she's not, then what exactly is the difference between Daisy and the Fenris twins?

Captain Speedbump

Jan 3, 2010, 02:31 pm

Just a slight error:

In Foggy Nelson's entry, it listed Crime-Wave (Hollis)'s first name as "Roy".

In the Stunt-Master's entry, it refers to Crime-Wave as "Mason Hollis".

So, which one is it? Or will we find out if there is ever a Crime-Wave entry ina future handbook?

Capt. Speedbump

Captain Speedbump

Jan 17, 2010, 11:33 am

Captain Speedbump wrote:

Just a slight error:

In Foggy Nelson's entry, it listed Crime-Wave (Hollis)'s first name as "Roy".

In the Stunt-Master's entry, it refers to Crime-Wave as "Mason Hollis".

So, which one is it? Or will we find out if there is ever a Crime-Wave entry ina future handbook?

Capt. Speedbump

No answer? That's OK, I've got one...

Let's just do what Stan "The Man" Lee would do: Say his full name is "Roy Mason Hollis". You know, like how the Hulk ended up being "Robert Bruce Banner". This also happened more recently, when the Scorcher became "Steven Jamal Hudak", and probably more I haven't thought up yet.

Maybe in the future, Crime-Wave, and some other obscure DD foes can get half-page entries in future handbooks: I wouldn't mind seeing the original Torpedo (DD 58), El Condor (DD 75-76) Blue Talon (DD 90s), for example.

Capt. Speedbump


Jun 28, 2010, 09:37 am

I liked Spitfire's entry: it was perfect in length and contained pics of all her costumes with captions. The main image was great. By the way, I love the updated version of her classic costume! Just perfect! (I hated that green/yellow scuba costume!) However, I do have a few questions about Spitfire:

1) Her speed is mentioned as 768 mph. I thought I remembered something about 50 mph for 4 hrs. Did she get a power-up (speed-up?)? There was no mention of her former speed level. If so, why did this happen?

2) The entry states that Jackie can leap 200 ft. Is this unique to her? I don't recall other speedsters having this stated about them, not even Quicksilver.

3) Originally, Spitfire's powers were supposed to include a "greater resilience to impact-related injuries". I didn't see this mentioned. Is this still the case?

4) Orginally when Spitfire ran, a trail of "flameless flame" would be seen behind her. I have not noticed this with her modern appearances. Is this because she runs so fast one can't even see her nowadays?

Stuart V

Jun 28, 2010, 10:05 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I liked Spitfire's entry: it was perfect in length and contained pics of all her costumes with captions. The main image was great. By the way, I love the updated version of her classic costume! Just perfect! (I hated that green/yellow scuba costume!) However, I do have a few questions about Spitfire:

1) Her speed is mentioned as 768 mph. I thought I remembered something about 50 mph for 4 hrs. Did she get a power-up (speed-up?)? There was no mention of her former speed level. If so, why did this happen?

She's definitely a lot faster than she initially was. The first time she demonstrated this unequivocably was in Marvel Comics Presents #89, where she outran a voice-activated bomb - Selene had rigged Kenneth Crichton to a bomb which could be triggered by a word from her, but Spitfire managed to get to Kenneth and rip the bomb off him before Selene's voice could carry across the distance between them. Hence the "at least 768 mph" - she might be faster, but she's definitely at least that fast.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

2) The entry states that Jackie can leap 200 ft. Is this unique to her? I don't recall other speedsters having this stated about them, not even Quicksilver.

Quicksilver's been known to fly by kicking his legs so fast and hard that he generates lift. So it's not as unique as you think. But in Spitfire's case it's a combination of her speed (since horizontal speed remains more or less constant if you launch something up in a trajectory at high speed it's going to go a fair way before gravity pulls it down to the ground) and her vampiric strength.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

3) Originally, Spitfire's powers were supposed to include a "greater resilience to impact-related injuries". I didn't see this mentioned. Is this still the case?

Her adaptations to run at high speed still make her more resilient to impacts, but that's small potatoes next to the resistance to injury her vampirism provides. It's a bit like Iron Man wearing a bulletproof vest under his armour - the protection it provides would be irrelevant.

Phoenixx9 wrote:

4) Orginally when Spitfire ran, a trail of "flameless flame" would be seen behind her. I have not noticed this with her modern appearances. Is this because she runs so fast one can't even see her nowadays?

The flameless flame looks to have been an optical illusion, a combination of her speed and her striking blonde hair trailing behind her, and yes, I guess her greater speed means it's not so visible any more.

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