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2/07/2020 7:51 am  #1

OHotMU A-Z Vol. 12 Premiere HC

Historical text from Comixfan:


Oct 20, 2009, 09:48 pm

Coming from Marvel in January 2010...

Penciled by VARIOUS

Who watches the Watcher? The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe does! This latest volume of the handbook series features more up-to-date and expanded biographies of the Marvel characters you love! Thor proclaims this tome “good as Asgardian gold” because it includes the Thing, 3-D Man, Thunderbird, Thundra, Tigra, Toro, the Two-Gun Kid, Ultragirl, Union Jack, the USAgent, Valkyrie and Vindicator! Thanos declares this book “cold as Death’s kiss” because of the Titanium Man, Toad, Tyrannus, the U-Foes, Ultron, Umar and Venom! Also: Thunderbolts! Vampires! Flash Thompson! Ben Urich! Thunderstrike! and much, much more!

240 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99
ISBN: 978-0-7851-3109-0
Trim size: standard

Eduardo M.

Oct 21, 2009, 11:19 am

Saw the cover when the January solicts were posted. Vindicator's there so we know it goes at least that high. Also laughed at the interaction between Thing and Typhoid Mary.

Eduardo M.

Oct 21, 2009, 05:36 pm

The cover's not shown here but i got a look at it elsewhere and this is who I saw:

(clockwise from top)
unknown (Umar?)
Typhoid Mary
Thor (Odinson)
U-Go Girl
Venom (Gargan?)
Titania (MacPheron)
Union Jack
Venus (naidad)

Eric J. Moreels

Oct 21, 2009, 07:24 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

The cover's not shown here

It is now


Oct 22, 2009, 04:59 pm

unknown (Umar?)

Instead of Umar I thought it was Viper, but you could be right too.

Eduardo M.

Oct 22, 2009, 05:13 pm

Rayeye wrote:

Instead of Umar I thought it was Viper, but you could be right too.

She's wearing green but it looks like her hand is glowing. Last i heard, Viper could'nt do that.

William Keogh

Oct 22, 2009, 07:07 pm

I had to look up who Umar was. :dunno:

This one on the cover might be green haired, in which case that's Viper.

Moira Brandon

Oct 26, 2009, 11:23 am

What Venus will be described, the naiad or the goddess?

Andy E. Nystrom

Oct 26, 2009, 12:11 pm

Moira Brandon wrote:

What Venus will be described, the naiad or the goddess?

They probably can't tell us, but my guess is they'll split up the entry a la Hyperion and give us both.

Eduardo M.

Oct 26, 2009, 04:04 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

They probably can't tell us, but my guess is they'll split up the entry a la Hyperion and give us both.

Both the goddess and the naiad where in the Encyclopedia Mythologica. I can see them having both in Volume 12 as Venus (goddess) and Venus (naiad). Alternatively, I can Venus (goddess) being saved for later under her Greek name Aphrodite.


Nov 5, 2009, 06:54 pm

I guess Marvel will doing more than 12 Harcovers then as I cant see Z in this one let alone any X stuff

Andy E. Nystrom

Nov 5, 2009, 10:38 pm

lurkerabove wrote:

I guess Marvel will doing more than 12 Harcovers then as I cant see Z in this one let alone any X stuff

They're also going to take care of characters that were missed for one reason or another during the first time through the alphabet. We've been told that there won't be 13 volumes so we're looking at 14 minimum

Stuart V

Nov 19, 2009, 04:43 pm

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

lurkerabove wrote:

I guess Marvel will doing more than 12 Harcovers then as I cant see Z in this one let alone any X stuff

They're also going to take care of characters that were missed for one reason or another during the first time through the alphabet. We've been told that there won't be 13 volumes so we're looking at 14 minimum

Actually, we've come to a nifty solution on that, so we can still end with volume 12. We're going to print all the entries in volume a lot smaller, so we can fit around 48 old pages on one new page, kind of like this:
The only problem is that you will need a microscope to read the text. Sorry about that. :mwahaha:

Sidney Osinga

Dec 5, 2009, 12:07 pm

So once again, I'm posting the half page entries we'll see.

Taxi Taylor
Texas Kid
That Which Endures
Thermal Man
Three X's
Time Master
el Toro
Bolivar Trask
Tribune (Tane)
Triumvirate of Terror

That's 24. I can't see any being promoted to full page, but I could be wrong. One or both of the gods might be, as well as the Tumbler to cover the events of Captain America #291. And of course, they may be a couple of new entries that come out of left field.


That seems simple enough.

Sidney Osinga

Dec 11, 2009, 11:03 pm

Hopefully the Thor entry will be equal in length to the Captain America, Hulk, and Iron Man ones. It would be a shame to have a character with so much history end up with a short entry.


Dec 28, 2009, 10:06 am

Okay, this is next in the line. I'm guessing Thor will be expanded from 3 pages to at least 6 (maybe 8)...


Jan 5, 2010, 01:24 pm

Do you want to leave a guess as to which entries will be the most expanded?

The top lengthy up to now:

Vampires: 5 pages
Thanos: 4 "
Ultron: 3 "
Viper: 3 "
Thor: 3 "
Thing: 3 "

Eduardo M.

Jan 5, 2010, 02:14 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Do you want to leave a guess as to which entries will be the most expanded?

The top lengthy up to now:

Vampires: 5 pages
Thanos: 4 "
Ultron: 3 "
Viper: 3 "
Thor: 3 "
Thing: 3 "

I can see Vampires getting about 6 pages if there are headshots of famous Vampires addded in. thor will probably get 4-5 depending. Venom (Gargan) may get 3 pages and the Thunderbolts will probably get 4 or more given the history of the team and its rather varied membership.


Jan 7, 2010, 08:41 am

Yeah, I agree with you in most of them, except for Thor, who I think will have more. He was introduced in early 60's and has made countless appearances like Spider-Man, Iron Man and Hulk, so his page count could be around 7/8. On the other hand, Namor, one of the first characters, had only 6 pages, so you never know...

On a different note, here's the current list of candidates for this volume with the highest page count they had to date:

1. Tara 1/2
2. Taxi Taylor 1/2
3. Tazza 1/2
4. Tendril 1/2
5. Terror (Laslo Pevely) 1
6. Terror (Shreck) 1
7. Teteoh 1
8. Texas Kid 1/2
9. Texas Twister 2
10. Tezcatlipoca 1/2
11. Thakorr 1
12. Thanatos 1
13. Thanos 4
14. That Which Endures 1/2
15. Thena 2
16. Thermal Man 1/2
17. They Who Wield Power 2
18. Thin Man 2
19. Thing 3
20. Thog 1
21. Thompson, Flash 2
22. Thor 3
23. Thor (Dargo Ktor) 1
24. Thor Girl 1
25. Those Who Sit Above in Shadow 1
26. Thoth 1/2
27. Thousand 1
28. 3-D Man 1
29. Three Xs 1/2
30. Threnody 1
31. Thriathlon 1
32. Thunderbird (Proudstar) 1
33. Thunderbird (Shaara) 1
34. Thunderbolts 2
35. Thunderstrike 1
36. Thundersword 1/2
37. Thundra 1
38. Tiboro 1
39. Tiger Shark 2
40. Tigerman 1/2
41. Tigra 1
42. Time Bubble 1
43. Time Variance Authority 2
44. Time-Keepers/Time Twister 2
45. Time-Master 1/2
46. Timebroker 1
47. Timeslip 1
48. Timestream 1
49. Tinkerer 2
50. Tippy-Toe 1/2
51. Titania (MacPherran) 2
52. Titanium Man 2
53. Titannus 1
54. Toad 2
55. Tombstone 2
56. Toothgnasher & Toothgrinder 1
57. Topaz 1
58. Topher 1/2
59. Torgo 1
60. Toro (Raymond) 2
61. Toro, El 1/2
62. Toxin 1
63. Tracer 1/2
64. Trago 1/2
65. Trapster 2
66. Trask, Bolivar 1/2
67. Traveller, Sir Warren 1
68. T-Ray 1
69. Tremont, Jonathon 2
70. Tribbitites (Toad Men) 2
71. Tribe of the Moon 1
72. Tribune 1/2
73. Trish Tilby 1
74. Triumvirate of Terror 1/2
75. Trojak 1/2
76. Troyjans 1
77. Tsurayaba, Matsu’o 1
78. Tuatha de Danaan 1
79. Tumbler 1/2
80. Tunnelworld 1
81. Turac, Elianne 1
82. Turbo 2
83. Turk 1
84. Two-Gun Kid 2
85. Tyger Tiger 1
86. Typeface 1/2
87. Typhoid Mary 2
88. Typhon 1
89. Tyrannus 2
90. Tyrant 1
91. U.S.Agent 1
92. Uatu the Watcher 2
93. U-Foes 1
94. U-Go Girl 1
95. Ultimate Nullifier 1
96. Ultimo 1
97. Ultragirl 1
98. Ultron 3
99. Umar 2
100. Uncegila 1/2
101. Uncreated 1
102. Underground Legion 1
103. Underworld 1
104. Undying 1
105. Undying Ones 1
106. Unicorn 2
107. Union 1
108. Union Jack (Brian Falsworth) 1
109. Union Jack (Joseph Chapman) 2
110. Unus 1
111. Uranus 1/2
112. Urich, Ben 2
113. Urich, Phil 1
114. Urthona 1
115. Valinor 1
116. Valkyrie 1
117. Vampire by Night 1
118. Vampire-Hunters 2
119. Vampires 5
120. Vance, Terry 1
121. Varnae 1
122. V-Batalion 2
123. Vegas 1
124. Vengeance 2
125. Venom (Gargan) 1
126. Venomm 1
127. Ventura, Sharon (She-Thing) 2
128. Venus 1
129. Venus Dee Milo 1
130. Verdugo, Sandra 1
131. Vermin 1
132. Vernard, Kristoff 2
133. Vibraxas 1
134. Victorius 1
135. Vindicator 1
136. Viper 3

You're welcome to make corrections or add missing entries.


Jan 15, 2010, 06:04 pm

I hope Ultron's entry is expanded enough to include pics of all his models like in the Spider-Slayers and Iron Man entries.

Captain Speedbump

Jan 21, 2010, 10:09 pm

I would hope that Venom/Gargan is expanded enough so that his profile covers his history as the Scorpion as well, much like the MACH-4 entry detailed Abe Jenkins' history as the Beetle. I can kind of understand why just his Venom history was focused on in OHOTMU A-Z #12, as the Scorpion stuff was done in the Spider-Man 2004 handbook, so if the Venom profile has the same treatment as MACH-4, I'll be satisfied; meaning pictures of the various Scorpion outfits, as well as one of Gargan, and Venom shots. (In case you haven't noticed, I'm nostalgic toward classic Spider-Man villains.)

But in any case, can't wait for the last three hardcovers to complete my set! And keep those new Handbooks coming!

And, sucellos11, judging by the Wasp's most recent entry, I would think they should be able to accomodate the Ultron models as well!

Captain Speedbump

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 22, 2010, 12:35 pm

Captain Speedbump wrote:

I would hope that Venom/Gargan is expanded enough so that his profile covers his history as the Scorpion as well, much like the MACH-4 entry detailed Abe Jenkins' history as the Beetle. I can kind of understand why just his Venom history was focused on in OHOTMU A-Z #12, as the Scorpion stuff was done in the Spider-Man 2004 handbook, so if the Venom profile has the same treatment as MACH-4, I'll be satisfied; meaning pictures of the various Scorpion outfits, as well as one of Gargan, and Venom shots. (In case you haven't noticed, I'm nostalgic toward classic Spider-Man villains.)

I'm pretty sure that they will given their policy of merging identical characters into a single profile. They've might speed through some periods sometimes to keep an entry at three pages, but Mac's Scorpion period is too lengthy to ignore. I'm as sure as anyone with no inside knowledge can be that that era will be covered in depth. And they do try to show all costume variants whenever possible

One thing that I'll be curious to see in either v12 or v13 is whether space will allow for any larger images of Wasp's costumes. Unfortunately her obsession with costumes meant that in her last profile we got some pretty small images (not the fault of the Handbook people; they were dealing with a character with a really well established quirk that happens to take up a lot of space).


Jan 22, 2010, 01:50 pm

Wow, according to Previews this is out Wednesday! And I've barely scratched the surface of the previous volume!
Some things I hope to see:
Massive Thor entry. It's been a very, very long time since he's had an entry. Hoping for at least 6 pages.
Expanded Thunderbolts. Hopefully there's headshots of all the members that were in the T-Bolts army at the end of Nicieza's run. That can run at least 2 pages alone right there.
The Thing. Wondering if he'll get more coverage then his teammates, as he's had quite a few solo adventures, when you count his solo series and MTIO.
Hoping Valkyrie will get split entries to cover the different women who have held the identity.


Jan 22, 2010, 04:32 pm

Yeah, Captain Speedbump, l'm rooting for it.
Also expecting Wasp entry to keep all pics and, as Andy E. Nystrom said, some of them enlarged.


Jan 23, 2010, 01:29 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Expanded Thunderbolts. Hopefully there's headshots of all the members that were in the T-Bolts army at the end of Nicieza's run. That can run at least 2 pages alone right there.
The Thing. Wondering if he'll get more coverage then his teammates, as he's had quite a few solo adventures, when you count his solo series and MTIO.

I'm hoping the same thing for the T-bolts.

And I'm really looking forward to the Thing entry. I think the first comic I bought was a Thing solo issue where he was fighting The Black Marauder on a motorbike.

William Keogh

Jan 23, 2010, 05:07 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

I'm hoping the same thing for the T-bolts.

A whole Thunderbolts army, at that... :Yes:

Sidney Osinga

Jan 23, 2010, 09:17 pm

bigvis497 wrote:

Hoping Valkyrie will get split entries to cover the different women who have held the identity.

There will probably be at least two entries for Valkyrie. The Samantha Parrington one from the Women of Marvel Handbook and the Brunnhilde one from the Encyclopedia Mythologica (hopefully expanded to at least a full page).

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 23, 2010, 10:00 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

And I'm really looking forward to the Thing entry. I think the first comic I bought was a Thing solo issue where he was fighting The Black Marauder on a motorbike.

I suspect you mean the adjectiveless Marauder of Thunderriders (Team America) fame. I have a bit of a soft spot for that team and like the idea of them becoming a gestalt biker.

Madison Carter

Jan 24, 2010, 02:31 am

Andy E. Nystrom wrote:

I suspect you mean the adjectiveless Marauder of Thunderriders (Team America) fame. I have a bit of a soft spot for that team and like the idea of them becoming a gestalt biker.

Marauder was aka Black Marauder in post-Team America appearances.


Jan 24, 2010, 12:27 pm

Only 3 more days...to see how entries like Thanos, Thing, Thor, Thunderbolts, Tigra, Tinkerer, Toad, Tyrannus, Uatu, Ultragirl, Umar, U.S. Agent, Venom (Gargan) and Vindicator were updated and expanded.

Eduardo M.

Jan 27, 2010, 02:16 pm

So did this come out or what? Who made the cut? Who got a huge update? Who only got a paragraph of new material? Who is listed as being in the Thunderbolts? How many pictures do we get of Thor, Frog of Thunder?

Details, Details, spoilers!! PLease!!!


Jan 27, 2010, 02:37 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

So did this come out or what? Who made the cut? Who got a huge update? Who only got a paragraph of new material? Who is listed as being in the Thunderbolts? How many pictures do we get of Thor, Frog of Thunder?

Details, Details, spoilers!! PLease!!!

At work so I can't get into too many specifics, but Thanos' entry looked awesome, 5 pages. Thing also got 5, same with Thor. All Thunderbolts army get headshots. Three seperate Union Jacks. Two seperate Valkyries. The Marvel Mystery handbook entries are all filtered in. A lot of my requests came through in this handbook. Headshots for Vampires.
The appendix I'm actually looking forward to reading most. There's a few pages on Mystic Dimensions, done on the same faux-parchment style as the magic appendix. But what looks really good is the appendix on time travel. Very, very interested in reading this!


Jan 27, 2010, 03:11 pm

That’s great! Appendix seems very interesting. Pity for Thor getting only 5 pages, but nice for Thanos and the Thing.

Now we only need a list of the entries and their page count. :]


Jan 27, 2010, 03:23 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

That’s great! Appendix seems very interesting. Pity for Thor getting only 5 pages, but nice for Thanos and the Thing.

Trust me, the appendix looks AWESOME. All different types of time travel are explained, glancing at it briefly it explains the differences between divergent timelines such as the AOA and future timelines. I look forward to reading it in-depth, and probably popping a couple aspirins


Jan 27, 2010, 03:30 pm

Lol! It's true, Marvel does have a complex and deep universe.

Did you spot any all-new entry ala Super-Patriot from vol. 11?


Jan 27, 2010, 03:42 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Lol! It's true, Marvel does have a complex and deep universe.

Did you spot any all-new entry ala Super-Patriot from vol. 11?

Unicorn got split into two if that counts, the lesser-known Unicorn gets a half page.
The Timebroker from Exiles is changes into an entry for the Timebrokers race.
Not counting the "split" entries, nothing appeared brand-new.


Jan 27, 2010, 03:54 pm

Thanks! Good to know about the Timebrokers race.

Does the half pager Unicorn mean Uranus got promoted to a full page?

Sidney Osinga

Jan 27, 2010, 07:15 pm

Just got it, and I am not a happy camper. It's mostly due to the Thor entry. I mean, come on! He's one of Marvel's major characters, with a ton of history, he he only gets 5 measly pages? Lame. Also, Uranus wasn't included, and it looks like most of the Tuatha De Danaan who got half page entries in the Encyclopedia Mythologica have to settle for small capsule sized entries. So much for "There are a few very minor differences, but overall, it's the same. And for those wondering, yes, the entries in it will be filtered into the Hardcover series as they go."
there was one new entry, though. Tim Boo Ba.

Anyways, here's what's in it, with page lengths:
Tara (Lady Torch) 1/2; Taxi Taylor 1/2; Tazza 1/2; Tendril 1/2; Terror (Pevely) 1; Terror (Shrek) 2; Teteoh (Aztec gods) 1; Texas Kid 1/2; Texas Twister 2; Tezcatlipoca 1/2; Thakorr 1; Thanatos (Rick Jones-9309) 1; Thanos 5; That Which Endures 1/2; Thena 2; Thermal Man 1; They Who Wield Power 2; Thin Man 2; Thing (Grimm) 5; Thog (netherspawn) 1; Flash Thompson 2; Thor Odinson 5(grrr); Thor (Drago) 1; Thor Girl 1; Those Who Sit Above in Shadow 1; Thoth 1; Thousand 1; 3-D Man (Chandler) 1; 3-D Man (Garrett) 2; Three X's 1/2; Threnody 1; Thunderbird (Proudstar) 1; Thunderbird (Exiles) 1; Thunderbird (Shaara) 1; Thunderbolts 8; Thunderstrike 2; Thundersword 1/2; Thundra 2; Tiboro 1; Tiger Shark 2; Tigerman of India 1/2; Tigra 3; Trish Tilby 1; Tim Boo Ba 1/2; Time Bubble 1; Time Master 1/2; Time Variance Authority 2; Timebreakers 1; Time Keepers 2; Timeslip 1; Timestream 1; Tinkerer 3; Tippy Toe 1/2; Titania (MacPherran) 2; Titanium Man (Bullski) 2; Titannus 1; Toad (Toynbee) 2; Tombstone 2; Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder 1; Topaz 2; Topher 1/2; Torgo (Mekkan) 1;Toro (Raymond) 2; el Toro (Rojo) 1/2; Toxin (Mulligan) 1; Tracer robot 1/2; Trago 1/2; Trapster (Petruski) 2; Bolivar Trask 1/2; Sir Warren Traveler 1; T-Ray 1; Jonathan Tremont 2;Tribbitites 2; Tribe of the Moon 1; Tribune (Tane) 1/2; Triumvirate of Terror 1/2; Trojak 1/2; Troyjans 1; Matsuo Tsurayaba 1; Tuatha de Danaan 3; Tumbler 1; Tunnelworld 2; Elianne Turac 1; Turbo (Musashi) 3; Turk 1; Two-Gun Kid (Hawk) 3; Tyger Tiger 1; Typeface 1/2; Typhoid 3; Typhon 1; Tyrannus 2; Tyrant 1

Uatu the Watcher 2; U-Foes 2; U-Go Girl 1; Ultimate Nullifier 1; Ultimo 2; Ultra Girl 2; Ultron 6; Umar 2; Uncegila 1/2; Uncreated 1; Underground Legion 1; Underworld 1; Undying 1; Undying Ones 1; Unicorn (Masaryk) 2; Unicorn (unidentified) 1/2; Union 1; Union Jack (Montgomery Falsworth) 2; Union Jack (Brian Falsworth) 2; Union Jack (Chapman) 3;Unus the Untouchable 1; Ben Urich 2; Phil Urich 2; Urthona 1; USAgent 3

Valinor 1; Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) 3; Valkyrie (Parrington) 2; Vampire by Night 1; Vampire Hunters 2; Vampires 7; Terry Vance 1; Varnae 2; V-Battalion 3; Vegas 1; Vengeance (Badilino) 2; Venom (Gargan) 3; Venomm 1; Sharon Ventura 2; Venus (Aphrodite) 4; Venus (siren) 1; Venus Dee Milo 1; Sandra Verdugo 1; Vermin (Whelan) 2; Kristoff Verhard 2; Vibraxas 1; Victorius 1; Vindicator (Heather Hudson) 2; Viper (Madame Hydra) 4; Virago 1; Vishanti 3; Vision (Aarkus) 2

Also included are a two page appendix about time travel, and another three pages from Ian McNee's journal about Mystic Dimensions.

Eduardo M.

Jan 27, 2010, 09:15 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Thor Girl 1

Just a page? I figured they would get two.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

el Toro (Rojo) 1/2;

Is this new? I don't remember this guy being covered before

Sidney Osinga

Jan 27, 2010, 09:44 pm

Eduardo M. wrote:

Is this new? I don't remember this guy being covered before

He was in the '60's handbook.

Eduardo M.

Jan 27, 2010, 10:35 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

He was in the '60's handbook.

YOUR RIGHT!!! And I have that handbook (face palm)

I was thinking about the Deviant. (double face palm)

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 28, 2010, 03:27 am

I agree that Thor should have gotten more than five pages but I'm wondering if Uranus will appear in the last book under the alternate spelling of his name, Ouranos.

Nice looking book as usual. Probably my biggest concern is the magic type appendices haven't that parchment background. I understand and appreciate it from an artistic perspective, but coloured background do tend to be harder to read. I also wonder if some pre-2006 appearances of Aphrodite will later prove to be the siren. I was previously under the impression that at least some appearances were, but that could be a case of nothing having been pinned down so far.

Nice to see the Thunderbolts get a large entry (for that matter it's nice that after a short hiatus the title has proven to have staying power in today's tough market, and I hope they find their place in the upcoming Heroic Age).


Jan 28, 2010, 06:15 am

Nice to see that Thanos, Thing, Thunderbolts, Tigra, Tuatha de Danaan, Ultron, the multiple Union Jack, US Agent, the Valkyries, Vampires, Venom and Venus (Aphrodite) got well expanded...specially Ultron!

Concerning Ultron, can someone please tell me if all his models are pictured?

l was also expecting Thor, Thor Girl, Titania, Toad, Tyrannus and Umar to have 1 more page each, but it's ok.

With the Thor movie coming out next year it's likely we’ll later see an Asgardian handbook with an expanded and updated thunder god entry.

Looking forward to reading this volume! :Read:


Jan 28, 2010, 03:05 pm

I'm glad to see that Phil Urich is covered in this Volume.....

For those that're wondering (and didn't get the Handbook of the 90'S); Phil's known as the "Good" Green Goblin.

Andy E. Nystrom

Jan 28, 2010, 03:47 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

there was one new entry, though. Tim Boo Ba.

Yes and no. He's one of the few entries to have been adapted from the Marvel Monsters book. Unlike Chtylok though none of the old text (which was in the form of an e-mail) was preserved.


Jan 28, 2010, 04:46 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Also, Uranus wasn't included, and it looks like most of the Tuatha De Danaan who got half page entries in the Encyclopedia Mythologica have to settle for small capsule sized entries. So much for "There are a few very minor differences, but overall, it's the same.

So, you're saying the Celtic gods from Encyclopedia Mythologica were included within the Tuatha De Danaan entry and thus won’t have individual entries?


Jan 28, 2010, 05:07 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

So, you're saying the Celtic gods from Encyclopedia Mythologica were included within the Tuatha De Danaan entry and thus won’t have individual entries?

I think we may be leaping to conclusions here. The Annunaki entry gave brief profiles for Baal, Lilith, Marduk, and Pazuzu, all of whom received full-length entries elsewhere. It's entirely possible, I think, that the same is true for Bran the Blessed, Caber, Cúchulain, Dagda, Gwynn, the Lady of the Lake, Leir, Nuada and the Red Lord. As for Uranus, I doubt that they're going to omit him, so I suspect he'll be listed as Ouranos.

Sidney Osinga

Jan 28, 2010, 10:18 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I think we may be leaping to conclusions here. The Annunaki entry gave brief profiles for Baal, Lilith, Marduk, and Pazuzu, all of whom received full-length entries elsewhere. It's entirely possible, I think, that the same is true for Bran the Blessed, Caber, Cúchulain, Dagda, Gwynn, the Lady of the Lake, Leir, Nuada and the Red Lord. As for Uranus, I doubt that they're going to omit him, so I suspect he'll be listed as Ouranos.

Well, excccuse me for being Mr. negativity.

Stuart V

Jan 29, 2010, 03:14 pm

Sidney Osinga wrote:

it looks like most of the Tuatha De Danaan who got half page entries in the Encyclopedia Mythologica have to settle for small capsule sized entries. So much for "There are a few very minor differences, but overall, it's the same. And for those wondering, yes, the entries in it will be filtered into the Hardcover series as they go."

Oh yea of little faith. slevin87 is correct in his assumption - having a mention in the main pantheon entry does not preclude anyone having their own entry planned for HC #14.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

Well, excccuse me for being Mr. negativity.

Ah. You're Mr. Negativity. Pleased to meet you - I loved the comic you appeared in. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0963395483.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg


Jan 29, 2010, 10:27 pm

Stuart V wrote:

slevin87 is correct in his assumption - having a mention in the main pantheon entry does not preclude anyone having their own entry planned for HC #14.

Thanks for confirming it, Stuart. You and the rest of the Handbook crew are doing phenomenal work, and I hope you continue to do so for a long time! :cheers:

Captain Speedbump

Feb 4, 2010, 08:14 pm

I would also like to offer kudos and applause for the latest OHOTMU Hardcover. I particularly enjoyed the Venom/Gargan entry, which also went in depth about his Scorpion period, and the pictures of the various Scorpion costumes were quite welcome.

I guess we've got two more hardcovers to go. Can't wait for them, and the handbooks of the future!

Capt. Speedbump

Captain Morgan

Feb 6, 2010, 02:35 pm

How big of a entry do the U-Foes get? I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail.

Stuart V

Feb 6, 2010, 02:39 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

How big of a entry do the U-Foes get? I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail.

2 pages.


Feb 6, 2010, 05:34 pm

Can anyone please tell me if the Ultron entry has pics of all his models? I'm also waiting for my copy to arrive.

Sidney Osinga

Feb 6, 2010, 07:29 pm

sucellos11 wrote:

Can anyone please tell me if the Ultron entry has pics of all his models? I'm also waiting for my copy to arrive.

Yes it does, as well as several variant models.

Eric J. Moreels

Feb 7, 2010, 07:13 am

Captain Morgan wrote:

How big of a entry do the U-Foes get? I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail.

You can always check here (http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/...ad.php?t=44732) to see who's in what volume and how big a profile they received!

I try and update that list by the end of the week of release (as I usually don't get my weekly books til Friday/Saturday).


Feb 7, 2010, 09:39 am

I see that the U-Foes' individual stats have been removed. I guess this means that that info will go with presumed individual entries for the members, a la The Order? I hope the same thing goes for the Wrecking Crew.


Feb 7, 2010, 10:54 am

Thanks for answering Sidney.

Captain Speedbump

Feb 20, 2010, 05:11 pm

Something I've just noticed:

In Hardcover Book #4, Flag-Smasher's entry had his name as "Unrevealed", as it has been to my knowledge, since Cap #312.

In Book #12, both USAgent's and V-Batallion's entries actually do have his real name ("Karl Morgenthau").

Was Flag-Smasher's real name given in a recent Marvel comic? Or were the writers of the Handbook allowed to give him his name? Just curious, since Flag-Smasher is one of my favorite Cap foes (and because I'm obsessive-compulsive).

Capt. Speedbump

Madison Carter

Feb 22, 2010, 05:58 am

Captain Speedbump wrote:

Something I've just noticed:

In Hardcover Book #4, Flag-Smasher's entry had his name as "Unrevealed", as it has been to my knowledge, since Cap #312.

In Book #12, both USAgent's and V-Batallion's entries actually do have his real name ("Karl Morgenthau").

Was Flag-Smasher's real name given in a recent Marvel comic? Or were the writers of the Handbook allowed to give him his name? Just curious, since Flag-Smasher is one of my favorite Cap foes (and because I'm obsessive-compulsive).

Capt. Speedbump

With a new successor who is also as-yet-unidentified, Marvel opted to finally give the original a name and this was its first appearance.

Captain Speedbump

Feb 22, 2010, 09:09 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

With a new successor who is also as-yet-unidentified, Marvel opted to finally give the original a name and this was its first appearance.

Interesting. Thanks for the reply!

Capt. Speedbump

Roger Ott

Mar 7, 2010, 12:03 am

Just got this volume, along with 8-11 (yes, I was way behind) in the mail today! While I'm sad that this hardcover set will soon be ending, I'll be extremely happy to have them all. The expanded entries have been absolutely great! I haven't been following Thor lately, so it was nice to catch up on what's been going on since Ragnarok.

One small quibble: I've noticed in the last few HCs that some of the weapons and schematics from the Deluxe era are being reworked. The updated coloring and most of the backgrounds are fine, but some of the lettering is hard to read. Paladin's Gun in vol.8 was one of the better ones; Unicorn's helmet in vol.12 was almost totally unreadable with the 3-D-like lettering.

Overall, I've got a lot of reading to do before vol.13 comes out, and I'm looking forward to every moment of it.

Thanks to all involved!


Apr 11, 2010, 05:39 pm

After reading the Appendix about the Inner Planes, Outer Planes, the Splinter Realms and Far Realms, I was wondering where Otherworld and the Negative Zone does fit in this all?
Can Otherworld be considered an Outer Plane or Splinter Realm? I haven't any clue to which category the Negative Zone belongs to.


Apr 24, 2010, 12:02 pm

After reviewing this issue and others, I have a few questions regarding the strength levels. I thought that "Class whatever" meant someone could lift up to that amount. Example "Class 50" meant someone could lift (up to) 50 tons. But I thought "Class 100" meant that they could lift OVER 100 tons. If they could "only" lift 100 tons but no more, then they were said to "lift 100 tons", NOT classified as "Class 100". However, I have seen all different uses with the power grid ratings varying. Am I confused with how the strength levels work? I think I am.

Case in point Vol 12: Thor stated as "lifting 100 tons" but power grid strength of "7". Titania stated as "Class 100 in peak condition" but power grid strength of "6".

1) I thought "6" meant up to 100 tons (76-100 tons) and "7" meant in excess of 100 tons
2) I thought Thor could lift in excess of 100 tons, no?
3) I never saw "in peak condition" used for any other character besides Titania. Since she no longer has cancer, I would say she is in peak condition. Everyone can have off days, but why was this stated in her enty? Does her super-strength flutuate more than others?

Thanks for any info you can give me on this topic.

Captain Morgan

Apr 24, 2010, 02:01 pm

Good question. I'm gonna guess that Class 100 means you can lift 100 tons or more. That would explain why some guys have a level 6 versus a level 7. If you can lift 100 tons max then you're a six but still get the Class 100 ranking like Iron Man and Namor for example.


Apr 26, 2010, 12:53 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

Good question. I'm gonna guess that Class 100 means you can lift 100 tons or more. That would explain why some guys have a level 6 versus a level 7. If you can lift 100 tons max then you're a six but still get the Class 100 ranking like Iron Man and Namor for example.

Thanks, Captain Morgan! That makes sense. I guess I always figured the difference was an error in either the writing or power grid (usually the power grid as I have seen many characters with the amounts of tons listed with the wrong power grid #).

I am glad that Thundra got a "Power-up". However, when I got to Valkyrie, both Brunhilde and Parrington, I was disappointed that they did not. Even in the past, Valkyrie was at the bottom of the super-strong women, despite being Marvel's 1st super-strong heroine! But back then, at least she was close to those lifting 50 tons and somewhat close to Thundra. Now, since Marvel Women have all advanced to the higher limits with 70 tons (Ms. Marvel) being the lowest, Val is really left in the dust. Most all the women are at 75 tons and the She-Hulks are all at minimum 90 tons, twice + Val's strength. When the new Lady Liberators formed, Val looked as big and strong as Jen She-Hulk and Thundra, and fought Rulk harder, so I was really thought her old "45 tons" was a mistake.

Michael Regan

Apr 26, 2010, 02:54 pm

Below Normal: cannot lift one's own body weight
Normal: able to lift one's own body weight
Athlete: able to lift from one's own body weight up to double one's own body weight
Peak Human: able to lift double one's own body weight to 800 pound range
Enhanced Human: able to lift in the 800 pound to 2 ton range
Superhuman Class 10: able to lift in the 2 to 10 ton range
Superhuman Class 25: able to lift in the 10 to 25 ton range
Superhuman Class 50: able to lift in the 25 to 50 ton range
Superhuman Class 75: able to lift in the 50 to 75 ton range
Superhuman Class 90: able to lift in the 75 to 90 ton range
Superhuman Class 100: able to lift in the 90 to 100 ton range
Incalculable: able to lift in excess of 100 tons


Apr 26, 2010, 04:00 pm

Michael Regan wrote:

Below Normal: cannot lift one's own body weight
Normal: able to lift one's own body weight
Athlete: able to lift from one's own body weight up to double one's own body weight
Peak Human: able to lift double one's own body weight to 800 pound range
Enhanced Human: able to lift in the 800 pound to 2 ton range
Superhuman Class 10: able to lift in the 2 to 10 ton range
Superhuman Class 25: able to lift in the 10 to 25 ton range
Superhuman Class 50: able to lift in the 25 to 50 ton range
Superhuman Class 75: able to lift in the 50 to 75 ton range
Superhuman Class 90: able to lift in the 75 to 90 ton range
Superhuman Class 100: able to lift in the 90 to 100 ton range
Incalculable: able to lift in excess of 100 tons

Thanks. These are good references.

However, something does not look right. "Athlete", "Peak Human", "Enhanced Human" and "Incalculable" are not used in OHOTMU HC series. I believe they were used in that awlful "Masters" edition. And while these categories are good, they have not been used since. (Yes, I know, many of you loved the pull-out sheets which could be placed in any order but that was another feature I hated. I like my pages bound! )

Also, there are 12 categories listed above, but only 7 categories (1-7) in OHOTMU HC.

In OHOTMU HC for example, if the text says "lifting 20 tons" then I would expect the power grid to be "4", not anything else, not a "5" which is for 25-75 tons, not a "6" which is for 76-100 tons, nor a "7" which is for 100+ tons.

I just think the wording AND power grid number should match, otherwise, confusion is created about the character without really knowing which is correct, the text or the power grid.

Michael Regan

Apr 26, 2010, 06:20 pm

You are correct, that was a older list. The new list was condensed to the following:

Week: cannot lift own body weight.
Normal: able to lift own body weight up to twice own body weight.
Peek human: able to lift over twice own body weight, up to 800 lbs.
Superhuman: able to lift over 800 lbs., up to 25 tons. This range includes "enhanced human" (800 lbs to 2 tons), Class 10 (2 tons to 19 tons) and Class 25 (10 tons to to 25 tons).
Superhuman: Able to lift over 25 tons, up to 75 tons. This range includes Class 50 (up to 50 tons) and Class 75 (up to 75 tons).
Superhuman: Able to lift over 75 tons, up to 100 tons.
Incalculable: Able to lift in excess of 100 tons.

Essentially the same list with only less individual lines.


May 3, 2010, 12:55 pm

I have a question about Valkyrie (Brunhilde) when she was in possession of Barbara Norris' body (Defenders 4-108). I did review the Valkyrie HC entry but didn't see any info related to my question.

How strong was Val in Barbara's body? I seem to recall reading somewhere after Brunhilde returned to her original, true body, that she grew "one half foot in height and gained over 10X the strength she formerly had."

As such, I place "Barbara" Val's strength at somewhere between 3-4 tons, similar to Namorita at the time (3 tons) and Power Man (Luke Cage, also 3 tons back then). For example, while Val fought Hulk 4-5 times, it was never for more than a few panels and she never came close to winning, and was almost always knocked down/unconscious. The most strenuous feats I remember her doing was ripping a wheel with rim off a car to throw at Hulk and kicking a car away from her.

Does the 3-4 ton limit seem appropriate for when Val had Barbara's body?
Any info is much appreciated.

Stuart V

May 27, 2010, 08:57 am

Phoenixx9 wrote:

I have a question about Valkyrie (Brunhilde) when she was in possession of Barbara Norris' body (Defenders 4-108). I did review the Valkyrie HC entry but didn't see any info related to my question.

How strong was Val in Barbara's body? I seem to recall reading somewhere after Brunhilde returned to her original, true body, that she grew "one half foot in height and gained over 10X the strength she formerly had."

As such, I place "Barbara" Val's strength at somewhere between 3-4 tons, similar to Namorita at the time (3 tons) and Power Man (Luke Cage, also 3 tons back then). For example, while Val fought Hulk 4-5 times, it was never for more than a few panels and she never came close to winning, and was almost always knocked down/unconscious. The most strenuous feats I remember her doing was ripping a wheel with rim off a car to throw at Hulk and kicking a car away from her.

Does the 3-4 ton limit seem appropriate for when Val had Barbara's body?
Any info is much appreciated.

Without double checking all the issues for examples of her strength in use, it does sound around right. That said, don't take a verbal "10 times the strength" as necessarily being accurate - people make rough estimates all the time, and can easily be well out on those.


May 29, 2010, 12:45 pm

I just finally read the Thor entry. All of Secret Invasion was skipped in the entry. I would have liked there to be some mention of Thor working with the superhero community to fight off the threat as well as him transporting Wasp away when she turned into the biological weapon.


Jul 3, 2010, 03:12 pm

I was glad to see Thundra received 2 pages and surprised to see Thundra's strength level had increased up to 75 tons.

Here is my question: Since we have not been given a story and Thundra has more-or-less been in the background for a long while, except recently (with the whole Lyra story/New Lady Liberators), is lifting 75 tons (a 15 ton increase) supposed to represent Thundra's strength even in the past (a correction to her 60 tons max) or has she gotten stronger recently?

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