Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works estab. 2004

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2/07/2020 2:13 pm  #1

OHOTMU Teams 2005

Historical text from Comixfan:

Poll Results: Who do you most want to see in the OHOTMU Teams 2005?
·  Alpha Flight
10 6.37%
·  Avengers
7 4.46%
·  Brotherhood of Mutants
8 5.10%
·  Captain Britain Corps
7 4.46%
·  Defenders
10 6.37%
·  Excalibur10
10 6.37%
·  Fantastic Four
6 3.82%
·  Great Lakes Avengers
10 6.37%
·  Guardians of the Galaxy
4 2.55%
·  Hellions
10 6.37%
·  Invaders
7 4.46%
·  New Mutants
9 5.73%
·  New Warriors
10 6.37%
·  Power Pack
4 2.55%
·  Thunderbolts
10 6.37%
·  Winter Guard
7 4.46%
·  X-Force
9 5.73%
·  X-Men
9 5.73%
·  X-Statix
2 1.27%

Eric J. Moreels
Feb 20, 2005, 03:55 am

Coming from Marvel Comics in May '05...


Heavy-hitting heroes unite! This Official Handbook contains in-depth bios on more than 30 of the Marvel Universe's most awesome assemblages - including the Defenders, Power Pack and the New Thunderbolts! Plus: An all-new cover by superstar artist Tom Grummett, digitally painted by Morry Hollowell.

48 PGS./All Ages …$3.99
Lia Brown
Feb 20, 2005, 04:04 am

Can I ask if it has an entry for the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants?

Eric J. Moreels
Feb 20, 2005, 05:15 am

Lia Brown wrote:

Can I ask if it has an entry for the Brotherhood of (Evil) Mutants?

Sorry, Lia, but we can't divulge any of the contents of the book as we've been sworn to secrecy!

Dylan McKay
Feb 20, 2005, 05:20 am

Dunno if you can answer or not. But will the entries be for the teams as wholes or entries for members of teams not big enough to warrent their own handbook?

Feb 20, 2005, 07:34 am

When will you be able to tellus which teams are featured? Are the teams both hero and villan teams?


Stuart V
Feb 20, 2005, 07:38 am

Dylan McKay wrote:

Dunno if you can answer or not. But will the entries be for the teams as wholes or entries for members of teams not big enough to warrent their own handbook?

Again, I don't think we are allowed to answer that. Sorry.

Remnant wrote:

When will you be able to tellus which teams are featured? Are the teams both hero and villan teams?


We will be allowed to tell you when the book is released, not any earlier I'm afraid. And again, we can't say if it includes both villains and hero teams (although the Thunderbolts could be considered to fit both descriptions I guess )

Feb 21, 2005, 02:06 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Sorry, Lia, but we can't divulge any of the contents of the book as we've been sworn to secrecy!

It's understandable.... :shhh:

Although the Cover does give a slight hint of what to expect... :chin: :whistle:


Chris Day
Feb 21, 2005, 06:48 pm

so is it just these three teams?

and will it be the entire cast of the thunderbolts (past and present) ?

for Thunderbolts...
Helmut Zemo (Citizen V)
Moonstone (meteorite)
Songbird (screaming mimi)
Atlas (power man, Ion (with Dallas Riordian?))
mach 1,2,3,4 (Beetle)
Fixer and Techno
Vantage (Dallas Riordian, Citizen V, Ion (with Atlas?))
Scourge (Nomad #?)
Gravitron (is a thunderbolts villain...)
Crimson Cowl (is a thunderbolts villain...)
the V battalion
Humus Sapien

Captain Marvel the new photon
radioactive man
speed demon

the redeemers (including Charcoal, Jolt, citizen V (helmut zemo in the body of john watkins III) and Fixer)
Scream (angar the screamer)
Beetle 2 (leila davis)
smuggler (conrad josten)
meteorite 2 (lt. valerie barnhardt)

plant-man (blackheath)
Skein (gypsy moth
Amazon (man-killer)
Harrier (cardinal)

Eric J. Moreels
Feb 21, 2005, 07:02 pm

PaxHouse wrote:

Although the Cover does give a slight hint of what to expect...

Well the three teams featured on the cover are the three mentioned in the solit ;)

Chris Day wrote:

so is it just these three teams?

From the solit (emphasis mine):

This Official Handbook contains in-depth bios on more than 30 of the Marvel Universe's most awesome assemblages - including the Defenders, Power Pack and the New Thunderbolts!

So no, not just them.

Stuart V
Feb 21, 2005, 07:10 pm

Chris Day wrote:

so is it just these three teams?

Can't say. However what I will say is it'd be a pretty wierd combination should that supposition be the case - both Defenders and Thunderbolts (as you've listed below) have enough individual members to fill a book apiece, and not a huge lot in common. And Power Pack has even less in common with either.

Chris Day wrote:

and will it be the entire cast of the thunderbolts (past and present) ?

for Thunderbolts...
Helmut Zemo (Citizen V)
Moonstone (meteorite)
Songbird (screaming mimi)
Atlas (power man, Ion (with Dallas Riordian?))
mach 1,2,3,4 (Beetle)
Fixer and Techno
Vantage (Dallas Riordian, Citizen V, Ion (with Atlas?))
Scourge (Nomad #?)
Gravitron (is a thunderbolts villain...)
Crimson Cowl (is a thunderbolts villain...)
the V battalion
Humus Sapien

Captain Marvel the new photon
radioactive man
speed demon

the redeemers (including Charcoal, Jolt, citizen V (helmut zemo in the body of john watkins III) and Fixer)
Scream (angar the screamer)
Beetle 2 (leila davis)
smuggler (conrad josten)
meteorite 2 (lt. valerie barnhardt)

plant-man (blackheath)
Skein (gypsy moth
Amazon (man-killer)
Harrier (cardinal)

Some of those you've listed have entries already in recent books. We do repeat entries on occasion, but we try to keep that to a minimum. Plus, you've listed just short of 40 characters, and haven't even touched a single Defender (and there are more of them than there are Thunderbolts) or member of Power Pack, so in reply to "will it be the entire cast of the thunderbolts", you do the Math because I'm not allowed to say.

Mar 4, 2005, 01:20 pm

I have a question as to why you can't reveal what teams are going to be in a givin Handbook. Is it Marvel's policy or the writer's?

It seems to me that you would have a better chance of having more people pick up the issue if they were looking forward to a particular entry or entries. If people know ahead of time a favorite character is going to be in an upcoming issue, it would give them a chance to preorder. Chances of them just casually flipping through the issue at their LCS and picking it up may be slim, my LCS doesn't carry any more Handbooks than are preordered. The store owner has asked me on more than one occasion if he could give my preordered copy to another customer who really wanted that particular issue, for whichever reason, but didn't order it.

In the reverse, if there are not any characters in a givin Handbook that a reader wants and decides not the order it, what's to say that reader wouldn't have just flipped through it at the shop and put it back on the shelf? Now, potentually someone else could pick that book up, but if that person had known what characters were in it before hand and wanted that particular issue, they could have just preordered it.

Also, Marvel will promote that Spider-Man or Wolverine or some other guest star is making an appearance in a givin issue to promote sales, why shouldn't the same be said here.

Ultimately it's not the star(s) of the book, but the content of the story. I think the value of the Handbooks is more in the content of the bio, than in which characters are featured.

Just a casual question as I too have been curious about the listings in upcoming Handbooks, particulatly the Goldan Age issue and now the Teams issue. If this is a Marvel policy, has this idea ever been brought before them?

Thanks for listening!

Stuart V
Mar 4, 2005, 05:35 pm

SlymCyke wrote:

I have a question as to why you can't reveal what teams are going to be in a givin Handbook. Is it Marvel's policy or the writer's?

Not ours. I don't think its such a specific Marvel policy, so much as they don't like us to reveal anything about advance books, in case we reveal something we shouldn't. For instance, revealing in advance who was in the Book of the Dead would have given away some of Disassembled, while giving away the Marvel Knights roster would have revealed the new White Tiger. Someone higher up than us decides what can and can't be revealed, and we basically take the position of "reveal nothing until Marvel says it first; better safe than sorry."

SlymCyke wrote:

It seems to me that you would have a better chance of having more people pick up the issue if they were looking forward to a particular entry or entries. If people know ahead of time a favorite character is going to be in an upcoming issue, it would give them a chance to preorder. Chances of them just casually flipping through the issue at their LCS and picking it up may be slim, my LCS doesn't carry any more Handbooks than are preordered. The store owner has asked me on more than one occasion if he could give my preordered copy to another customer who really wanted that particular issue, for whichever reason, but didn't order it.

In the reverse, if there are not any characters in a givin Handbook that a reader wants and decides not the order it, what's to say that reader wouldn't have just flipped through it at the shop and put it back on the shelf? Now, potentually someone else could pick that book up, but if that person had known what characters were in it before hand and wanted that particular issue, they could have just preordered it.

Also, Marvel will promote that Spider-Man or Wolverine or some other guest star is making an appearance in a givin issue to promote sales, why shouldn't the same be said here.

Ultimately it's not the star(s) of the book, but the content of the story. I think the value of the Handbooks is more in the content of the bio, than in which characters are featured.

Just a casual question as I too have been curious about the listings in upcoming Handbooks, particulatly the Goldan Age issue and now the Teams issue. If this is a Marvel policy, has this idea ever been brought before them?

Thanks for listening!

It's a valid point, and I will pass it on.

Chris Day
Mar 5, 2005, 10:26 pm

30 different teams, okay...

New Avengers
West coast Avengers
New thunderbolts
Great lakes avengers
Marvel Knights
Young avengers
x-men: Cyclops's team
x-men: storm's team
x-men: Havok's team
Academy X New mutants
Academy X Hellions
Brotherhood of (evil) mutants
Squadron Supreme
Guardians of the Galaxy
Excalibur (old)
Excalibur (New)
Winter Guard
Alpha flight (old)
Alpha flight (new)
power pack
new warriors

anything i've missed?

Eric J. Moreels
Mar 6, 2005, 01:51 am

Chris Day wrote:

anything i've missed?

Yep, quite a few teams that you've missed there! ;)

Chris Day
Mar 6, 2005, 06:12 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Yep, quite a few teams that you've missed there! ;)

what have i missed?
... apart from the Thor-corps...?

Eric J. Moreels
Mar 6, 2005, 06:58 pm

Chris Day wrote:

what have i missed?
... apart from the Thor-corps...?

I can't really say lest I inadvertantly give away any of those teams that will be featured, but I can say that I can think of about a dozen teams off the top of my head that you've missed from that list.

Chris Day
Mar 7, 2005, 01:02 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

I can't really say lest I inadvertantly give away any of those teams that will be featured, but I can say that I can think of about a dozen teams off the top of my head that you've missed from that list.

okay so i guess i can put some more in then...

Weapon X
the Exiles
Weapon X (from exiles)
the Inhuman royal family
the new generation of Inhumans
the shi'ar royal guard
the masters of evil
the zodiac
X-force (old)
new mutants (old)
hellions (old)
the hellfire club inner circle
the imperfects
the new invaders
x-factor investigations

i'll come up with more soon...

Mar 7, 2005, 03:42 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Not ours. I don't think its such a specific Marvel policy, so much as they don't like us to reveal anything about advance books, in case we reveal something we shouldn't. For instance, revealing in advance who was in the Book of the Dead would have given away some of Disassembled, while giving away the Marvel Knights roster would have revealed the new White Tiger. Someone higher up than us decides what can and can't be revealed, and we basically take the position of "reveal nothing until Marvel says it first; better safe than sorry."

Hadn't thought of the spoiler issue, makes sense. That would be a hard one to get around. The only thing I can think of if they listed entries that would not be spoilers, with blurb saying that there are some mystery entries (ala surprise guest stars in a regular comic). Not perfect mind you, but a thought.

Stuart V wrote:

It's a valid point, and I will pass it on.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, it's appreciated!

One more quick question, if you can answer. Will the team entries have official lists for every individual who has been a member of that team? Not, necessarily a bio for every member, but just an official list of membership.


Eric J. Moreels
Mar 7, 2005, 07:00 pm

SlymCyke wrote:

One more quick question, if you can answer. Will the team entries have official lists for every individual who has been a member of that team? Not, necessarily a bio for every member, but just an official list of membership.

I think it'd be okay to answer yes to that one :yes:

Mar 9, 2005, 01:45 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

I think it'd be okay to answer yes to that one :yes:

Cool, thanks Eric!

Stuart V
Mar 9, 2005, 03:40 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

what have i missed?
... apart from the Thor-corps...?

Eric might not want to say, in case he gives stuff away, but I throw caution to the wind! :D

Among others, you've missed the Thunderriders, Misfits, Outlaws, Galactic Guardians, crew of the Rakk'n Ruin, Sunset Riders, Fallen Angels, X-Humed, X-Babies, X-Force (M Branch version), X-Patriots, X-Nation, X-Saviours, Starblasters, Starforce, Skrull Kill Krew, Rangers, Shogun Warriors, Wolfpack, Thought Police and Power Pachyderms.

Of course, I can't promise any of them are in the book.

Chris Day
Mar 10, 2005, 06:27 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Eric might not want to say, in case he gives stuff away, but I throw caution to the wind! :D

Among others, you've missed the Thunderriders, Misfits, Outlaws, Galactic Guardians, crew of the Rakk'n Ruin, Sunset Riders, Fallen Angels, X-Humed, X-Babies, X-Force (M Branch version), X-Patriots, X-Nation, X-Saviours, Starblasters, Starforce, Skrull Kill Krew, Rangers, Shogun Warriors, Wolfpack, Thought Police and Power Pachyderms.

Of course, I can't promise any of them are in the book.  

oh, and the high evolutionary's new men

who are the power pachyderms?
most of the others i've never even heard of...

Stuart V
Mar 10, 2005, 08:03 pm

Chris Day wrote:

oh, and the high evolutionary's new men

who are the power pachyderms?


Chris Day wrote:

most of the others i've never even heard of...

At least eight of the teams I listed above had their own series or mini-series at one point. Just goes to show how quickly people forget.

Apr 8, 2005, 08:02 am

Chris Day wrote:

30 different teams, okay...
x-men: Cyclops's team
x-men: storm's team
x-men: Havok's team
Academy X New mutants
Academy X Hellions
Brotherhood of (evil) mutants
Excalibur (New)

if theyre not in this issue
will be in a OHOTMU x-men 2005?

Stuart V
Apr 8, 2005, 08:27 am

steve2275 wrote:

if theyre not in this issue
will be in a OHOTMU x-men 2005?

Well, nobody has said they aren't in the issue. However, neither have they said they will be. And who says there will be an OHOTMU X-Men 2005? Maybe the AoA Handbook was the X-Men 2005 OHOTMU? :D As we've said before, we really can't discuss future Handbook concepts which haven't been announced (save as pure speculation), nor the contents of any announced Handbook, save for what might have been mentioned in the preview solicitations. Sorry.

Clay Olsen
Apr 16, 2005, 07:14 am

And somehow you guys still missed a bunch....
And if your gonna count all the "New"s and sub iterations as distinctly different... here are only a few of the ones you missed...

Big Hero Six
Captain Britain Corps
Crazy Eight
Damage Control
Darkhold Redeemers
New Defenders
Secret Defenders
Heralds (Earth X)
Infinity Watch
Iron Avengers (Earth X)
Lawless (2099)
Lunatic Legion
Masters of Evil
Midnight Sons
Salem Seven
Serpent Society
Space Knights
Teen Brigade
Theater of Pain (2099)
Xen (Earth X)
X-Men (2099)
X-Men (Earth X)

Stuart V
Apr 17, 2005, 07:43 pm

Clay Olsen wrote:

And somehow you guys still missed a bunch....

I never claimed my list was definitive or exhaustive; note my "among others" comment.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Big Hero Six
Captain Britain Corps

The Corps, not the Captain Britain Corps. In spite of a couple of the more recent appearances having characters use that lengthier name, it's really not the group's name. First, they weren't originally that closely affiliated with one another. Second, I'm sure Hauptmann Englande would consider them the Hauptmann Englande Corps, Captain England would consider them the Captain England Corps, and so on.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Crazy Eight
Damage Control

A company rather than a team.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Darkhold Redeemers
New Defenders
Secret Defenders

The last two are races rather than teams.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Heralds (Earth X)

A criminal agency, not a team.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Infinity Watch
Iron Avengers (Earth X)
Lawless (2099)
Lunatic Legion
Masters of Evil
Midnight Sons
Salem Seven
Serpent Society
Space Knights
Teen Brigade
Theater of Pain (2099)
Xen (Earth X)
X-Men (2099)
X-Men (Earth X)

However, overall, this is a good list of additional teams. And in a little over a month, you'll find out if any of them are in the book.

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 17, 2005, 11:39 pm

Just to keep the discussion going, here's a list I quickly put together...

All-Winners Squad
Alliance of Evil
Alpha Flight
Alpha Prime
Avant Guard
Avengers West Coast
Batroc's Brigade
Beta Flight
Big Hero 6
Brides of Set
Brood Boys
Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
Brotherhood of Mutants
Captain Britain Corps
Chain Gang
Champions of Los Angeles
Champions of Xandar
Chess Set
China Force
Circus of Crime
Code Blue
Crazy Eight
Crazy Gang
Crime Wave
Crimson Pirates
Dark Guard
Dark Riders/Riders of The Storm
Darkhold Redeemers
Death Squad
Desert Dwellers
Desert Sword
Earth Force
Elders of The Universe
Elements of Doom
Executive Elite
Exiles (Multiverse)
Exiles (Russian)
Exiles (Ultraverse)
Factor Three
Fallen Angels
Fantastic Force
Fantastic Four
Fear Lords
Fearsome Foursome
Femme Fatales
First Flight
Force Four
Force Works
Freedom Force
Frightful Four
Galactic Guardians
Gamma Flight
Gene Dogs
Gene Nation
Generation X
Great Beasts
Great Lakes Avengers
Guardians of The Galaxy
Heavy Metal
Hellfire Club (Inner Circle)
Heralds of Galactus
Heroes For Hire
Horsemen of Apocalypse
Imperial Guard
Infinity Watch
Inhumans (Royal Family)
Knights of Pendragon
Lady Liberators
League of Guardian Angels
Legion of The Unliving
Lethal Legion
Lunatic Legion
Malestrom's Minions
Marvel Knights
Masters of Evil
Midnight Sons
Mutant Force/Resistants
Mutant Liberation Front
Nasty Boys
New Enforcers
New Hellions
New Men
New Mutants
New Warriors
Night Shift
Omega Flight
People's Protectorate
Power Pachyderms
Power Pack
Power Platoon
Rising Sons
Salem's Seven
Savage Land Mutates
Secret Defenders
Serpent Society
Serpent Squad
Shogun Warriors
Sinister Seven
Sinister Six
Sinister Twelve
Sisters of Sin
Six Pack
Skeleton Crew
Skrull Kill Krew
Soviet Super-Soldiers
Special Executive
Squadron Supreme
Sunset Riders
Supreme Soviets
Teen Brigade
Thor Corps
Thought Police
Titanic Three
Weapon P.R.I.M.E.
Weapon X (616)
Weapon X (Exiles)
Wild Pack
Winter Guard
Wrecking Crew
X-Force (M Branch)
Young Avengers
Young Gods

See how many you can recognise!

Clay Olsen
Apr 18, 2005, 05:42 pm

ok the Deviants may not be a team... but i'd have to argue that the Eternals are... at least the core ones that often appear together and fight as a team in their own book (when they occasionally have one... last one i think was back around the end of Onslaught... and it lasted all of one issue)

and i wasn't trying to imply you didn't know your stuff.... just attempting to join the conversation...

and thats a long list...
does marvel still own the rights to the Malibu Universe?
Would the MIB count or are they more like Hydra in being an organization?

Stuart V
Apr 18, 2005, 06:42 pm

Clay Olsen wrote:

ok the Deviants may not be a team... but i'd have to argue that the Eternals are... at least the core ones that often appear together and fight as a team in their own book (when they occasionally have one... last one i think was back around the end of Onslaught... and it lasted all of one issue)

I think they themselves would argue they weren't; they just happen to be the more proactive Eternals.

Clay Olsen wrote:

and i wasn't trying to imply you didn't know your stuff.... just attempting to join the conversation...

I realise that, and wasn't annoyed or offended by your comment (trouble with prose is you can't hear tones of voice); please, feel free to join in, comment, debate and so forth.

Clay Olsen wrote:

and thats a long list...

And still not a complete one.

Clay Olsen wrote:

does marvel still own the rights to the Malibu Universe?

Not to my knowledge.

Clay Olsen wrote:

Would the MIB count or are they more like Hydra in being an organization?


Clay Olsen
Apr 19, 2005, 07:14 am

Stuart V wrote:

And still not a complete one.

true... i notice the U-Foes aren't on there...

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 19, 2005, 12:44 pm

Clay Olsen wrote:

true... i notice the U-Foes aren't on there...

They are now

Stuart V
Apr 19, 2005, 01:43 pm

What about the Cherubim and the Parasites?

Chris Day
Apr 19, 2005, 07:59 pm

you missed the mannites and Cadre-K among others...

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 19, 2005, 09:27 pm

Well I never claimed the list I posted was a complete one!

Apr 19, 2005, 11:52 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Just to keep the discussion going, here's a list I quickly put together...

See how many you can recognise!

i bow to the master. wow. you even remembered Euro-Trash.

color me amazed!

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 20, 2005, 01:37 am

superzeroe wrote:

i bow to the master. wow. you even remembered Euro-Trash.

color me amazed!

Ah, tweren't nothin' For every team I listed, though, there's undoubtedly at least 2 more I didn't!

Clay Olsen
Apr 20, 2005, 06:03 am

Most website's i've visted don't even acknowledge even a quarter of that list... thats why X-fan's the best :cheers:
yeah... most of the ones you've listed seem to be 616 teams or ones that have interacted with 616... no mention of some 2099 teams or some of the Alternate Universe teams...
The Heralds
Monster generation
Inhumans (ones on earth from the last series)
Aesir 2099 (did i spell that right?)
(that cyberpunk team that Firelight, Broken Haiku, and Duke Stratosphere belonged to... wish i had my 2099 books handy...)

also missing from the 616 universe...

ok i'll shut up now....

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 21, 2005, 02:11 am

Clay Olsen wrote:

Most website's i've visted don't even acknowledge even a quarter of that list... thats why X-fan's the best :cheers:

Thanks! (Though it's Comixfan now. We haven't been X-Fan for a good long time!)

Clay Olsen
Apr 22, 2005, 06:41 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Thanks! (Though it's Comixfan now. We haven't been X-Fan for a good long time!)

Yeah yeah I know... i'm just forgetful... and its just longer to type.... more chance for spelling errors and... stuff... yeah thats it... spelling errors... :wall:

Apr 24, 2005, 07:32 am

Stuart V wrote:

Well, nobody has said they aren't in the issue. However, neither have they said they will be. And who says there will be an OHOTMU X-Men 2005? Maybe the AoA Handbook was the X-Men 2005 OHOTMU? :D As we've said before, we really can't discuss future Handbook concepts which haven't been announced (save as pure speculation), nor the contents of any announced Handbook, save for what might have been mentioned in the preview solicitations. Sorry.

we have avengers 2005
there WILL be an x-men 2005(prolly in august more likely september)

Chris Day
Apr 24, 2005, 08:30 am

steve2275 wrote:

we have avengers 2005
there WILL be an x-men 2005(prolly in august more likely september)

Yay! :cheers:

okay... who wasn't in the x-men 2004 handbook?...

King Brian Braddock
Mirage (Moonstar)
Strong guy
Thunderbird (Neal Sharra)
Irene Merryweather
Prestor John
Lila Cheney
(seeing as how he is apparently returning)

and if that isn't enough, there are x-men characters who have been in other handbooks...
Magik (Sefton)
Multiple Man
Deadpool (yes, he was recently, if only briefly, made an X-man)

and if that isn't enough, there is still the Academy X students...
Wind Dancer


and one other thing, i'm working on a chronology of events over in X-men discussions/timeline? of main events since "reloaded" if that could be useful in any way, just ask.

Eric J. Moreels
Apr 27, 2005, 02:38 am

Just to let everyone know I've added a poll to the top of this thread to find out who you're wanting to see in the Teams 2005 OHOTMU.

Apr 27, 2005, 03:21 am

all of them

Apr 27, 2005, 09:16 am

I actually like most of the teams on the poll, the only ones I am not overly fussed on are the Captain Britain Corps, Great Lakes Avengers, Power Pack and X-Statix.

But then I never followed these teams as much as I did the others.

I hope they include a roster section for each team - like they did for Alpha Flight in the Wolverine 2004 book, but include their entire membership rosters.

Actually I wouldn't mind seeing most of these teams get their own ongoing series, especially Alpha Flight, Defenders, Excalibur (the original version and rename the current one), Invaders, New Warriors and Winter Guard.

Apr 28, 2005, 08:16 pm

I'm dying to see X-Men and mutant related entries!

May 17, 2005, 02:34 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Just to let everyone know I've added a poll to the top of this thread to find out who you're wanting to see in the Teams 2005 OHOTMU.

Well, Tomorrow's the day where we'll see which Teams makes the 2005 Handbook Entries and maybe which Team members might get Individual Entries...... :read: :excited: :chin:

May 21, 2005, 07:25 am

i am extremely keen for the Brotherhod entries if there is one bt what incarnation would you include: there are over 10 brotherhoods that have existed! what about power pack?

Stuart V
May 21, 2005, 10:43 am

Skitz wrote:

i am extremely keen for the Brotherhod entries if there is one bt what incarnation would you include: there are over 10 brotherhoods that have existed! what about power pack?

I think the Brotherhood entry covered pretty well all the incarnations. And what about Power Pack? They have an entry, if that's what you mean, or are you asking about something else?

Lia Brown
May 21, 2005, 03:33 pm

There were several errors in the Brotherhood entry; to whom do I send corrections?

Stuart V
May 21, 2005, 04:12 pm

Lia Brown wrote:

There were several errors in the Brotherhood entry; to whom do I send corrections?

Sorry to hear there were errors - send corrections to the address on the OHOTMU FAQ page (http://www.marvunapp.com/ohotmu/ohotmufaq.htm)


Eric J. Moreels
May 21, 2005, 10:32 pm

Lia Brown wrote:

There were several errors in the Brotherhood entry; to whom do I send corrections?



Alright, Lia, hit me with them... just remember that I had to be somewhat concise due to space limitations.

Lia Brown
May 22, 2005, 04:47 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:



Alright, Lia, hit me with them... just remember that I had to be somewhat concise due to space limitations.

Yeah, I wasn't going to nitpick the stuff that had clearly been compressed due to space. However, there are 3 errors that stand out:

The name is Super Sabre, not Silver Sabre.*

Freedom Force went to retrieve Reinhold Kurtzmann, not Harvey Kurtzman (although rescuing Harvey would certainly have made for an interesting story... ;) )

Toad was not part of the Brotherhood during the adventure with Mutant Alpha.

*yes, Louise Simonson did call him that in a couple of issues of New Mutants, but it was plainly wrong. Not only is he called Super Sabre in every previous Handbook and story (with the variation 'Super-Sabre' during Fall of the Mutants), he was clearly named after the world's first jet aircraft that debuted just after WWII, the F-100 Super Sabre.

I'll send the corrections along to that email address. Thanks, Loki

Eric J. Moreels
May 22, 2005, 05:04 am

Lia Brown wrote:

The name is Super Sabre, not Silver Sabre.

Doh! Damn typos...

Lia Brown wrote:

Freedom Force went to retrieve Reinhold Kurtzmann, not Harvey Kurtzman (although rescuing Harvey would certainly have made for an interesting story... ;) )

Doh x2!

Lia Brown wrote:

Toad was not part of the Brotherhood during the adventure with Mutant Alpha.

Doh x3!

Well at least it wasn't anything too major! :blush:

Eric J. Moreels
May 25, 2005, 10:20 pm

So, what's the general consensus on the Teams Handbook? Any comments/questions/errata to share?

May 30, 2005, 07:27 am


Before giving you my notes and corrections, I would like to congratulate you because it's a very very good job that you do on the handbooks (sorry for the grammar but i'm french).

I notice on the X-Factor entry that you forgot Archer (maybe you've got a reason) and ICEMAN (i can't believe it).

In the X-Force entry you forgot Pete Wisdom.

I read in the "complete list of x-men" forum why you didn't put Multiple Man and Siryn, but in Uncanny X-Men Annual 15, they were mentioned as a part of the Muir Island Team and it was confirmed in the OFFICIAL Index to the Uncanny X-Men #5.

I'm sad there wasn't an entry for Generation X and no roster for the current Excalibur and Hoffman's Brotherhood.

That's all for the moment

Stuart V
May 31, 2005, 06:03 am

RVcousin wrote:

Before giving you my notes and corrections, I would like to congratulate you because it's a very very good job that you do on the handbooks


RVcousin wrote:

I notice on the X-Factor entry that you forgot Archer (maybe you've got a reason) and ICEMAN (i can't believe it).

Eric is probably the best person to answer these, as he wrote the profiles in question. However, since he hasn't gotten round to doing so yet, I'll do the best I can (but please bear in mind, I don't have all the relevant issues, so I'm going on memory from the discussions the writers had at the time).

Iceman is a mistake at our end, no question. I can't believe we failed to spot that omission through all the rounds of amendments and proof-checking. I guess, sometimes something seems so obvious (such as "Iceman should be on this list") your brain just fills in the blank and you ASSume you've seen him there on the list. Oops!

Archer is a different case. Iirc, he was part of the XSE during his appearances in X-Factor, and he was offered membership in X-Factor by Havok but turned it down.

RVcousin wrote:

In the X-Force entry you forgot Pete Wisdom.

This one I'm uncertain of, as I don't have the X-Force issues he appeared in. It may well be a mistake, but it might also be that while he commanded the team, he wasn't considered a member (in the same way Prof X, Magneto and Cable all commanded the New Mutants but were never members of that team). Repeat: I don't have those issues, so I can't be certain as to his status - Eric will have to confirm whether it was an error, or a case like the one I've suggested.

RVcousin wrote:

I read in the "complete list of x-men" forum why you didn't put Multiple Man and Siryn, but in Uncanny X-Men Annual 15, they were mentioned as a part of the Muir Island Team

In the Annual they were referred to as the "Islanders" by Moira, but apparently not as part of the "Muir Island Team" which only formed long enough to fight the Reavers.

RVcousin wrote:

and it was confirmed in the OFFICIAL Index to the Uncanny X-Men #5.

I'll need to dig out my issue of that to see exactly what it says. However Eric apparently specifically discussed Madrox and Siryn's status with Mike Marts while working on the team member's list (along with discussions about all the other "fringe" people who might or might not have been considered members), and the ruling was that they weren't.

RVcousin wrote:

I'm sad there wasn't an entry for Generation X

Space was tight and the X-people had already got a goodly number of entries. As long as the series continues long enough, they'll eventually get their moment in the limelight.

RVcousin wrote:

and no roster for the current Excalibur and Hoffman's Brotherhood.

I'm not sure the current "Excalibur" group have actually used that name. Regardless, both Hoffman's Brotherhood and the Genoshan "Excalibur" are only connected to their predecessors by the name they use. Like the government X-Force, they were mentioned in the text of the entries so that if a reader vaguely recalled hearing about them, the reader wouldn't get them confused with the subject of the entry, but they are considered distinct groups who should be covered in separate entries one day.

May 31, 2005, 07:44 am

THank tou for your answers LOKI.

I didn't see in the Excalibur entry the following characters :
Cerise, Widget and Lockheed

And in the X-Statix entry you didn't mention the honorary member Jesus Diaz.

That's all.

Stuart V
May 31, 2005, 08:46 am

RVcousin wrote:

THank tou for your answers LOKI.

I didn't see in the Excalibur entry the following characters :
Cerise, Widget and Lockheed

I wrote that particular entry, so this one I can answer. Excalibur's a group with no formal membership requirements, and several of the members of the team are never actually stated to be members. You had the founders, the five Roma gathered, who are certainly members. Membership seemed to be defined similar to Defenders membership - if you think you are and they think you are, then you are. By Warren Ellis' run, things had formalised somewhat, and Wolfsbane, Colossus and Pete Wisdom can certainly be counted. I nearly didn't count Amanda Sefton - I went through all her appearances with the team, and half the time after she came into the comic, she just wasn't about and didn't go adventuring with them. If she hadn't said "Since I joined Excalibur..." in her final issue, I would probably have settled on her being an ally who came in to help on a specific problem and then hung around after to be near her boyfriend.

If you asked the team members if Lockheed was a member, I think (with the possible exceptions of Kitty and Pete Wisdom) they'd have said "No, he's Kitty's pet". Widget is another awkward one - always more of a plot device than an actual member. I'd agree both spent a lot of time with the team, and I can see cases to be made for them, but I think overall, they aren't.

Cerise is a mistake on my part - she should have been included. All the way through her time in the comic, she was borderline - it could have been argued she merely helped against Necrom because she happened to be there, that she stayed because she was enamored of Nightcrawler, and helped against Sat-Yr-9 and RCX simply because she was present when they attacked. But in her final issue, a text box does identify her as a former member of the team. Mea culpa.

RVcousin wrote:

And in the X-Statix entry you didn't mention the honorary member Jesus Diaz.

That's all.

Eric's profile, and a title I never read, so I'm leaving that one to him to reply to.

Eric J. Moreels
May 31, 2005, 10:09 am

Stuart V wrote:

Iceman is a mistake at our end, no question. I can't believe we failed to spot that omission through all the rounds of amendments and proof-checking. I guess, sometimes something seems so obvious (such as "Iceman should be on this list") your brain just fills in the blank and you ASSume you've seen him there on the list. Oops!

Yeah, I'm really not sure how he managed to slip off the list, as he was definitely in the first draft of the profile I wrote. Regardless, it should have been picked up in a later revision and wasn't, so our apologies for the oversight!

Stuart V wrote:

Archer is a different case. Iirc, he was part of the XSE during his appearances in X-Factor, and he was offered membership in X-Factor by Havok but turned it down.

Yep, unlike the other XSE members who accepted Havok's offer, Archer declined in X-Factor #149.

Stuart V wrote:

This one I'm uncertain of, as I don't have the X-Force issues he appeared in. It may well be a mistake, but it might also be that while he commanded the team, he wasn't considered a member (in the same way Prof X, Magneto and Cable all commanded the New Mutants but were never members of that team). Repeat: I don't have those issues, so I can't be certain as to his status - Eric will have to confirm whether it was an error, or a case like the one I've suggested.

Pete should definitely have been listed as a former member, and again was on the list in my initial draft but once again our apologies for not picking up on his absence from the list.

Stuart V wrote:

In the Annual they were referred to as the "Islanders" by Moira, but apparently not as part of the "Muir Island Team" which only formed long enough to fight the Reavers.

Yep, the "Muir Island X-Men" team was assembled from the Island's residents at the time by Forge and Banshee to fight the Reavers. Once they were defeated, Forge and Banshee left to find the other former X-Men, effectively disbanding that team. Madrox and Siryn were residents of the island at that time, however weren't recruited to join the team thus they're not being listed as members.

Stuart V wrote:

If you asked the team members if Lockheed was a member, I think (with the possible exceptions of Kitty and Pete Wisdom) they'd have said "No, he's Kitty's pet".

Ah, poor Lockheed. A long-standing X-Men member and co-founder of Excalibur yet he still gets referred to as a pet!

Stuart V wrote:

Eric's profile, and a title I never read, so I'm leaving that one to him to reply to.

Actually that wasn't mine. IIRC Ronald wrote that one.

Stuart V
May 31, 2005, 11:54 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Ah, poor Lockheed. A long-standing X-Men member and co-founder of Excalibur yet he still gets referred to as a pet!  

Hey, the only Excalibur member who knew he was sentient considered him a "flying rat".

May 31, 2005, 02:19 pm

It's kinda out on the fringe, but in Quasar #11 he helped Excalibur against Modred and I believe Captain Britain introduced the group at one point as "I'm Captain Britain and this is Nightcrawler, Meggan, and Widget. We are Excalibur." Not an exact quote, but you get the idea: an inclusive statement about the team's membership that included Widget. I agree he/she/it's one of the more iffy members, though.

Stuart V
May 31, 2005, 02:43 pm

Monolith wrote:

It's kinda out on the fringe, but in Quasar #11 he helped Excalibur against Modred and I believe Captain Britain introduced the group at one point as "I'm Captain Britain and this is Nightcrawler, Meggan, and Widget. We are Excalibur." Not an exact quote, but you get the idea: an inclusive statement about the team's membership that included Widget. I agree he/she/it's one of the more iffy members, though.

That's the trouble with either fill-in writers in the main title, or writers other than the regular ones handling guest appearances in other titles - you often get characters acting slightly off-kilter from how they are portrayed in their own title, or making comments which don't quite tally with what appears to be the case normally. Still, calling Widget a member of the team doesn't outright contradict the regular title, it just doesn't quite fit with how he was usually portrayed, so I have to agree he should have been listed; I missed that reference in Quasar #11.

Corey Blake
Jun 2, 2005, 02:05 am

I have to highly commend the team on the New Warriors entry. As the co-moderator of both the New Warriors Message Board (http://members3.boardhost.com/NewWarriors) and New Warriors Crash Pad Mailing List (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewWarriors), and the web-master of the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum (http://www.coreyblake.com/nwcc), it seemed everyone was pretty happy with the entry. It was incredibly thorough and cool to read.

I was glad to see Darrion Grobe's inclusion as a member, which jives with a recent answer Tom Brevoort gave regarding his status on his own board here at ComiX-Fan.

The only question mark that people seem to be bringing up is the inclusion of Helix as a member. Most people, even myself, always thought of him as an ally. He lived in the Crash Pad, initially as a prisoner, and then as a guest while he waited for his memory to return. He helped out when the Crash Pad was attacked once or twice, since it was his home at the time, and then left in search of his past, never turning back. Especially with the context of previous posts in this thread, I don't see how he could be considered a member.

Otherwise, great job! And thanks to Sean McQuaid for dropping by the NW message board!

Jun 2, 2005, 08:08 am

Hello it's me again a :rolleyes: and for the last time.

This time it's about the Alpha Flight entry :
Wyre is listed as a member but he wasn't listed in the X-Men Encyclopedia and the Wolverine Handbook ?

Sean McQuaid
Jun 2, 2005, 12:06 pm

>I have to highly commend the team on the New Warriors entry.

Kind of you to say, sir--thanks muchly.

>As the co-moderator of both the New Warriors Message Board and New Warriors Crash Pad >Mailing List, and the web-master of the New Warriors Continuity Conundrum, it seemed >everyone was pretty happy with the entry. It was incredibly thorough and cool to read.

Glad people liked it. And again, thanks for the kind words. I tried to pack in as much Warriors-related info as possible while keeping it readable and staying within my length limits.

>I was glad to see Darrion Grobe's inclusion as a member, which jives with a recent >answer Tom Brevoort gave regarding his status on his own board here at ComiX-Fan.

Seemed to make sense to me, and neither editorial nor the other handbook writers objected.

>The only question mark that people seem to be bringing up is the inclusion of Helix as >a member. Most people, even myself, always thought of him as an ally.

He's by far the most borderline character in that roster list, and I didn't include him lightly or without a lot of consideration and debate (albeit mostly self-debate, as it was another case where neither editorial nor the other writers opposed the selection).

Was he ever a member? He saw relatively little action with the team, but he did live with them (albeit as a captive at first) and train with them and what-not for a while, and was given a Warriors comm badge (which he took with him when he left); and he appears alongside other NWers in one of Rina's as-yet-unfulfilled future visions, suggesting his ties to the team weren't strictly temporary (or weren't meant to be before the cancellation of the series); and in a scene shortly before his departure where Rina is cataloging the group's reservists, inactive members, staff and informal allies/associates—he's not in the list, suggesting he was either ignored altogether (which would be odd as the list was thorough enough to include the likes of Cardinal) or he was considered part of the active group at the time.

If this were the Avengers, Helix would be a slam dunk for honorary membership, but the Warriors don't have that membership category—you're either a member or you're not. And while Helix wasn't nearly in the same class as Turbo or Speedball, he also seemed to have more status than, say, Cloak or Ultragirl or any other garden variety non-member allies. I'm also guided to some extent by a comment Fabian Nicieza made when he and I were discussing Warriors membership: that they were a very informal group, and practically any super-person who had the run of the Crash Pad and hung out with the team on an ongoing basis could potentially be considered a member.

So all of the above being said, listing Helix as a member still strikes me as a valid choice, albeit a debatable one given all the room for interpretation here. Sort of like Daredevil's Defenders membership or lack of same...

>Otherwise, great job! And thanks to Sean McQuaid for dropping by the NW message board!

Thanks again for the kind words, and for supporting the handbooks. Much appreciated...


Corey Blake
Jun 2, 2005, 03:11 pm

Huh, okay. I'll buy that. The monitor screen scene and Helix getting a comm badge when he left are good points. As for Rina's vision... it seems questionable whether her visions of events post "Future Shock" were accurate. But either way, considering the loose structure of the New Warriors, I'm fine with Helix being a member, even if I doubt we'll ever see him again.

Also, thanks to whoever wrote the Power Pack and Champions of Xandar entries. Those were great, too!

Sean McQuaid
Jun 2, 2005, 03:59 pm

Corey Blake wrote:

As for Rina's vision... it seems questionable whether her visions of events post "Future Shock" were accurate.

Agreed. That particular factor suggests possibilities, but doesn't firmly establish anything.

Corey Blake wrote:

But either way, considering the loose structure of the New Warriors, I'm fine with Helix being a member, even if I doubt we'll ever see him again.


Corey Blake wrote:

Also, thanks to whoever wrote the Power Pack and Champions of Xandar entries. Those were great, too!

Thanks kindly. The Xandar piece was one of mine, and the PP piece was the handiwork of stalwart Stuart Vandal.


Jun 3, 2005, 03:33 pm

Inspired by those who've contributed to the errata for the handbooks, I've recently gone back through the Teams entries looking for omissions, errors, etc. (I'm a perfectionist... what can i say?)

While not an error per se, I was wondering what the justification was for including the following members of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard as former members: Onslaught, Black Light, White Noise, and Squorm.

Onslaught's only appearances were in the "Galactic Storm" storyline from the Avengers books (specifically Quasar), but if memory serves he wasn't killed or permanently disabled in that story.

Similarly, Black Light and White Noise appeared only once, in X-Men Spotlight on ... Starjammers #2, but I don't rember them being killed or doing anything for them to be expelled from the ranks.

Was Squorm permanently incapacitated during the "Imperial" storyline from New X-Men #122-126? I don't have the issues handy, but I don't recall his/her/its being taken down rather more than temporarily.

That being said, was there some behind-the-scenes information provided to the handbook writers as part of the research that supports these four being taken off the "active" roster, or am I just missing something seen in-continuity?

While we're at it, you missed the Guardsman known as Forunn. She was named and noted as having been killed in New X-Men #122.

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 3, 2005, 08:04 pm

Knightsfyre wrote:

Onslaught's only appearances were in the "Galactic Storm" storyline from the Avengers books (specifically Quasar), but if memory serves he wasn't killed or permanently disabled in that story.

Onslaught, Voyager and Moondancer quit the Guard to go after the Stranger in a subsequent Quasar story arc.

Knightsfyre wrote:

Similarly, Black Light and White Noise appeared only once, in X-Men Spotlight on ... Starjammers #2, but I don't rember them being killed or doing anything for them to be expelled from the ranks.

IIRC (and I'm working from memory here as I haven't got the chance to chase up the issues right now) they were expelled from the Guard for their involvement with Deathbird.

Knightsfyre wrote:

Was Squorm permanently incapacitated during the "Imperial" storyline from New X-Men #122-126?

It sure seemed that way to me.

Knightsfyre wrote:

While we're at it, you missed the Guardsman known as Forunn. She was named and noted as having been killed in New X-Men #122.

Forunn was the ship's medic, not a member of the Guard.

Jun 4, 2005, 04:57 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Onslaught, Voyager and Moondancer quit the Guard to go after the Stranger in a subsequent Quasar story arc.

I knew about Voyager and Moondancer going after the Stranger, but I thought it was Solar Wind, not Onslaught, who went with them -- or did all four go?

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Forunn was the ship's medic, not a member of the Guard.

Yeah, after rereading the X-Men:Imperial TPB, I realized that.

Thanks for clearing up some of the confusion.

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 6, 2005, 11:16 am

Knightsfyre wrote:

I knew about Voyager and Moondancer going after the Stranger, but I thought it was Solar Wind, not Onslaught, who went with them -- or did all four go?

Sorry, yeah, IIRC all four of them quit then.

Jun 6, 2005, 01:45 pm

Just a couple of questions regarding the X-Men roster.

Now that Siryn and Multiple Man have been added, the only other name that seems to be missing, in my opinion, is M. She was a temporary member in UNCANNY X-MEN #410. What's her official standing?

And now that it's been a few issues, what about X23? She, certainly, seems like she's been more active with the team than, say, Xorn II.

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 6, 2005, 01:49 pm

Cerebro wrote:

the only other name that seems to be missing, in my opinion, is M. She was a temporary member in UNCANNY X-MEN #410. What's her official standing?

She was "on loan" from the X-Corporation, so she's a non-member ally.

Cerebro wrote:

And now that it's been a few issues, what about X23? She, certainly, seems like she's been more active with the team than, say, Xorn II.

She's a student, not an X-Man.

Jun 7, 2005, 12:01 pm

Back to the Imperial Guard for just a second...

I've checked my back issues, and Onslaught didn't appear in the relevant Quasar issues. Now, I only have issues #54, 55, and 56 (while the crossover lasted at least one more issue) -- but the "Onslaught" entry from the Marvel Universe Appendix site confirms he only appears in Quasar # 32/33. So personally, I'd be inclined to include him as a current member pending further evidence.

While we're on the Guard topic, Eric -- I noticed that you were involved as head researcher for the X-Men volume of the Marvel Encyclopedia (if not others as well). Did you write or at least vet the Imperial Guard entries from that volume? I see from the OHOTMU FAQ that you were the writer of the profile from the Teams book.

I ask because in the Encyclopedia, it is implied that all three "Fang" characters (the two males and the one female) were members of the Guard -- that the 'Fang' name and costume are given to a chosen representative from that species, specifically for service in the Guard. So, even though it was not explicitly stated that the female Fang from Excalibur #69/70 was a member of the Guard (and thus, acting traitorously in attempting to assassinate Cerise), by virtue of her using the Fang name and costume, she is a member. Then, in the Teams Book, there are two Fangs listed (which I'm assuming are the males who have clearly appeared alongside other Guard members.)

So: if you weren't the writer of the Enclyclopedia entry, it makes sense that in writing the Teams entry, you'd go with the evidence clearly seen in the comics only. But if you were the writer/contributor for the info seen in the Encyclopedia, why the change to not include the female Fang as a member once the Handbook entry was written?

Can we assume that the information presented in the Handbook volumes supercedes that shown in the Encyclopedia, as far as accuracy? Or am I reading something into the Enclopedia entry that just isn't meant to be there?

Hope you can clear this up. And despite my nitpicking, let me say that I love all the work done on the Handbooks. I certainly wouldn't have the patience to dig through all of Marvel'as history in order to write the profiles. you guys have done an excelent job!

Jun 8, 2005, 09:42 am

Weren't there a couple of members of the Imperial Guard in Rom Annual#4? I'm pretty sure they were only seen once and died in that issue. IIRC, they were battling a crazed member of the Spaceknight Squadron (Pulsar?). I think one of them was called Binder, but I'm not sure.

Stuart V
Jun 8, 2005, 12:22 pm

genejoke wrote:

Weren't there a couple of members of the Imperial Guard in Rom Annual#4? I'm pretty sure they were only seen once and died in that issue. IIRC, they were battling a crazed member of the Spaceknight Squadron (Pulsar?). I think one of them was called Binder, but I'm not sure.

Binder, Chakar, Kwill, Voltor

Jun 8, 2005, 12:54 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Binder, Chakar, Kwill, Voltor

That's them!! All charter members of the Imperial Guard's "One-Shot Cannon-Fodder Elite." :LOL:

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 8, 2005, 01:03 pm

Knightsfyre wrote:

I've checked my back issues, and Onslaught didn't appear in the relevant Quasar issues. Now, I only have issues #54, 55, and 56 (while the crossover lasted at least one more issue) -- but the "Onslaught" entry from the Marvel Universe Appendix site confirms he only appears in Quasar # 32/33. So personally, I'd be inclined to include him as a current member pending further evidence.

Given that he hasn't appeared since those two Quasar issues I'd say its a safe bet he's not a member any more!

But seriously, I'm positive it was the four of them that left (obviously not all in the same issue), though I'd have to dig out my back issues to double-check.

Knightsfyre wrote:

So: if you weren't the writer of the Enclyclopedia entry, it makes sense that in writing the Teams entry, you'd go with the evidence clearly seen in the comics only.

I was only the researcher for the X-Men Encylopedia. Syd Barney-Hawke wrote the entries by adapting from my work.

Knightsfyre wrote:

Can we assume that the information presented in the Handbook volumes supercedes that shown in the Encyclopedia, as far as accuracy?

Yep, that's a fair assumption.

Knightsfyre wrote:

And despite my nitpicking

Well if it wasn't for all the nitpicking we wouldn't be able to get these entries 120% correct now would we?

Knightsfyre wrote:

let me say that I love all the work done on the Handbooks. I certainly wouldn't have the patience to dig through all of Marvel'as history in order to write the profiles. you guys have done an excelent job!

Thanks! We all appreciate the kind words and support.

Jan 4, 2008, 10:52 pm

This handbook is still one of my most favorite handbooks.
I also liked the profile of Euroforce, because otherwise I think I would never know them.
By the way, could someone tell me who's who in the picture of Euroforce? I would really appreciate that.

Stuart V
Jan 4, 2008, 11:24 pm

Rayeye wrote:

This handbook is still one of my most favorite handbooks.
I also liked the profile of Euroforce, because otherwise I think I would never know them.
By the way, could someone tell me who's who in the picture of Euroforce? I would really appreciate that.

Left to right you have Deep Sight, Danger, Key, Argento, Nuage and Tiger. When they get their updated entry in the Hardcovers, there should be a proper label and hopefully extra shots covering the members not depicted in the current image.

Jan 5, 2008, 08:20 am



My photostream (over 8 million photos!)

2/07/2020 2:14 pm  #2

Re: OHOTMU Teams 2005

Final historical text from Comixfan
Andy E. Nystrom
Apr 17, 2010, 11:57 pm

List of changes in Hardcovers. Happily this thread survived.

All: Significant Issues on the back of the book removed. Other than that, this is the least altered in terms of formatting of the 2004-2006 books, even compared to team entries in previous books.

All-Winners Squad
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 3 new captioned secondary illos

Alpha Flight
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Current Members and Former Members being replaced with Members (including three sub-teams) and Base of Operations added; First Appearance also revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned secondary illo; new main illo with18 headshots underneath (all 19 illos sharing one caption) plus an additional secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised (including different Member related categories). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new captioned main illo and 16 new secondary illos (13 captioned). 86 new team headshots and 57 new Civilian Staff & Associates headshots, all with issues active

Big Hero 6
Hardcover Volume: 1
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

Brotherhood of Mutants
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current/Former members merged as Known Members. First History paragraph a bit rewritten. Two paragraphs on the second page (both books) merged. Final paragraph expanded.
Graphic Changes: Captions added to both illos. New secondary illo with caption added, followed by 45 new headshots indicating when first active.
Note: 1 paragraph used as the basis of a new 1 page Brotherhood entry with a main illo and 17 headshots with abilities

Champions of Los Angeles
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Champions (of Los Angeles)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. Two new secondary illos with captions added as well as 10 headshots added indicating when first active.

Champions of Xandar
Hardcover Volume: 2
Now Listed As: Champions (of Xandar)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History largely rewritten.
Graphic Changes: new headshots with captions added for Diamondhead and Nova.

Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 6
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded. History completely revised and expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed. New main illo, 4 new secondary illos (all captioned), 48 new headshots with issues joined

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: More alter egos added to Current Members. Base of Operations revised. History greatly revised and expanded (some original text still present, particularly final paragraph).
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with 7 captioned new illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised and expanded, with Former Members replaced with Members and each category broken down into the different incarnations. Final History paragraph removed, then the first full paragraph on the 3rd page moves on to the text from the Messiah Complex volume
Graphic Changes: Original illos now captioned. 7 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 5
Text Changes: Current Members and Base of Operations revised. Other member categories added. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed, 6 new captioned illos followed by 42 headshots covering 4 versions of the team, all with issues Active.

Fantastic Force
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 3 Headshots with issues joined added.

First Line
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 18 new captioned secondary illos

Force Works
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: New paragraph added at end of History.
Graphic Changes: Original illo captioned. 12 new captioned secondary illos, 3 listing issues joined.

Frightful Four
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Original illo removed. 2 new captioned illos plus 18 headshots indicating issues joined.

Heroes for Hire
Hardcover Volume: 5
Now Listed As: Heroes for Hire (Oracle Inc.)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Base of Operations no longer includes Power Man/Iron Fist version info. First Appearance amended from Power Man/Iron Fist version to this version. End of 5th History paragraph’s last sentence expanded, new sentence added to 7th paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Original illos replaced by new captioned illo and 18 headshots with Active/Employed issues (old main illo now the main illo for the Power Man/Iron Fist version).
Note: while some might argue that this is a case of an entry-split, enough of the text remained the same that I felt it was more or less a simple revision of one entry, especially since the Power Man/Iron Fist version’s hardcover text was taken from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

Imperial Guard
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed, replaced with new captioned main and 1 secondary illos, plus 27 additional numbered secondary illos with corresponding key.

Infinity Watch
Hardcover Volume: 5
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New paragraph added to end of History.
Graphic Changes: Main illo replaced with new captioned one; secondary illos now captioned.

Knights of Pendragon
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: 9 new captioned secondary illos (8 with First Appearances).

Lethal Legion
Hardcover Volume: 6
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 3
Text Changes: Former Members, Base of Operations, First Appearance revised. History mostly revised/expanded. Note added.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 5 new captioned secondary illos; 30 headshots with issues Active added.

Masters of Evil
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: First Appearance revised/expanded. First 2 History paragraphs merged, final paragraph abridged.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned. 6 new secondary illos (5 captioned); 64 new headshots with issues Active added.

Midnight Sons
Hardcover Volume: 7
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Former Members revised as Members. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 2 new captioned secondary illos; 13 headshots with issues Active added.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised/expanded. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 2 new captioned secondary illos

New Mutants
Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed As: New Mutants (Xavier Institute)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Original team info removed from Vital Statistics; Current Members now in Former Members with remaining old Former Members. New lengthy final History paragraph.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 1 new captioned secondary illo
Note: As with Heroes for Hire above, I judged this to essentially be a Xavier Institute entry, with the amount of older team info being minimal. The hardcover entry for the original team is more accurately derived from Marvel Legacy: 1980s

New Warriors
Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. Final History paragraph split in two, with the final half abridged, then 4 new final History paragraphs
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new captioned main illo, 2 new captioned secondary illos, 27 new headshots with issues Active.

Power Pack
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Base of Operations tweaked. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo now captioned; 10 additional new captioned illos

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo and 11 new captioned headshots

Serpent Society
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illo removed; new main illo with 20 captions and an additional captioned secondary illo
Note: The first paragraph of the old entry was the basis for a new 2-page Serpent Squads entry. This entry has Known Members, First Appearance, and History categories (all new text) and 8 captioned illos (none standing out as main; some have multiple captions)

Sinister Six
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members folded into Former Members (some broadly, some in the Sinister Twelve Only sub-heading. History greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos; 22 new headshots with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 8
Text Changes: Current and Former Members and Base of Operations revised and expanded. Thunderbolts Army Conscripts category added. History mostly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: old illo now captioned secondary; new captioned main illo and 20 new captioned secondary illos; 84 new headshots with issues active

Winter Guard
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 4
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised/expanded (except for Former Members, “Former” removed from category names). History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: old illo removed; new captioned main illo and 3 new captioned secondary illos; 11 new headshots with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 12
Split Into: X-Factor/X-Terminators; X-Factor (Federal Team)
Page Count: Originally 1; now 1 (X-Terminators), 3 (Federal Team)
Text Changes: Former Members and Base of Operations split between the two teams (latter further revised), History completely rewritten/expanded; Federal Team only: Former Members further revised, First Appearance for this specific incarnation now given.
Graphic Changes: X-Terminators: old illo removed, 8 new illos (6 captioned; now stand out as main); Federal Team: old illo now captioned, 5 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 12
Now Listed As: X-Force (Cable Founded)
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: Current and Former Members revised as Former Members and Infiltrator. History mostly revised/expanded.
Graphic Changes: Old illo now secondary; new main illo and 4 new secondary illos; 15 new headshots with issues active, one with Infiltrator caption

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics mostly rewritten/expanded, with mostly different Members categories. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: Old illos removed; new main illo and 29 new secondary illos (19 captioned). 7 new team headshots, 47 new sub-team headshots, 3 new imposter headshots, all with issues active

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 12
Text Changes: Former Members expanded, Farm Team Members and Personnel categories added. History completely rewritten/expanded. Note added
Graphic Changes: 2 new secondary illos (1 captioned). 22 new team headshots, 8 new Farm Team headshots, 6 new personnel headshots, all with issues active; Personnel also list occupations

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