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2/13/2020 12:30 pm  #1

Wolverine: Weapon X Files

Eric J. Moreels
Jan 20, 2009, 07:20 pm

Coming from Marvel in April...


A brand-new, all-inclusive handbook for Hollywood's favorite mutant, spotlighting a complete biography of Wolverine! He may be in an acre of comics each month, but this is the only place to get the real score! Also featuring some of the Canucklehead's best allies – including Gambit, Maverick, Tyger Tiger and X-Force! And along for the ride are villains – the likes of Blob, Daken, Deadpool, Mastermind, Orphan Maker, Donald Pierce, the Purifiers, Sabretooth and S'ym! And more than four dozen other stars linked to our man Logan from Amiko to Silver Fox!

64 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99
Jan 21, 2009, 09:37 am

Will these be all-new entries for the already-covered characters, like Hammerhead got in the BND yearbook, or a mix of new and reprinted/slightly tweaked entries, like last year's Iron Manual and the entries for Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man?

And, I suppose, eventually these will be included in the hardcovers in the appropriate places...

Madison Carter
Jan 21, 2009, 08:52 pm

skippcomet wrote:

Will these be all-new entries for the already-covered characters, like Hammerhead got in the BND yearbook, or a mix of new and reprinted/slightly tweaked entries, like last year's Iron Manual and the entries for Crimson Dynamo and Titanium Man?

And, I suppose, eventually these will be included in the hardcovers in the appropriate places...

There will be a small handful of updated-but-relevant profiles, while a large part will be all-new characters.

Jan 22, 2009, 08:26 pm

Is the Mastermind covered Martinique or her father?

Eduardo M.
Jan 23, 2009, 12:31 am

Why the heck are Orphan-Maker and Sym getting entries in this?

Sidney Osinga
Jan 23, 2009, 01:16 am

Eduardo M. wrote:

Why the heck are Orphan-Maker and Sym getting entries in this?

I assume that while this handbook is going to be mostly Wolverine related entries, it will also be covering a few general X-Men entries.

Michael Hoskin
Jan 30, 2009, 12:17 am
I assume that while this handbook is going to be mostly Wolverine related entries, it will also be covering a few general X-Men entries.
Orphan-Maker is in because his most recent appearance was in Wolverine: Killing Made Simple. He has some claim to being a Wolverine foe.

As for S'ym, he did fight Logan in his first appearance...in which he memorably snapped a claw off the skeleton of the alternate reality's Wolverine.

The connection's not entirely "general," is all I mean to observe.

Congo Jack
Jan 30, 2009, 11:22 am

Wth respect to Eric, I hope that Erista nonesense is finally removed from these official hand-book type books.

Also, despite owning all of Silver Fox's appearances, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to get this to understand what the hell's going on with her at the moment with all the retcons, then retcons of retcons.

Stuart V
Jan 30, 2009, 01:14 pm

Congo Jack wrote:

Wth respect to Eric, I hope that Erista nonesense is finally removed from these official hand-book type books.

Erista is part of the canon.

Congo Jack
Jan 30, 2009, 03:30 pm

Stuart V wrote:

Erista is part of the canon.

He's appeared in a comic?

Stuart V
Jan 30, 2009, 04:52 pm

Congo Jack wrote:

He's appeared in a comic?

Yes, we saw him as an infant in Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure.

Madison Carter
Jan 30, 2009, 05:33 pm

Erista: http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix3/gahcksavland.htm#erista

Where the name came from no longer matters. The character exists and has for a long, long time now.

Congo Jack
Jan 31, 2009, 08:49 am

Stuart V wrote:

Yes, we saw him as an infant in Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure.

In the kid's only appearance he is not referred to as Erista.

Though it's ultimately Marvel's property, I don't think it's a call to be made off-panel unless it's been verified by Walt Simonson or Mike Mignola. I'm just going to leave it at that.

Stuart V
Feb 1, 2009, 02:53 pm

Congo Jack wrote:

In the kid's only appearance he is not referred to as Erista.

Though it's ultimately Marvel's property, I don't think it's a call to be made off-panel unless it's been verified by Walt Simonson or Mike Mignola. I'm just going to leave it at that.

When we can, we do go to the original creators. Sometimes that isn't possible, but it is always our preferred option. Regardless, by your logic we'd never provide new information in the handbooks, despite that being part of the handbooks' remit since the very first series. And whether we get information from a creator or not, anything new has to be approved by editorial.

Madison Carter
Feb 1, 2009, 10:30 pm

I don't even understand why his name is such a big damned deal. For the longest time, people were upset because they didn't even believe he existed, and once it was proved he did, they moved on to the name issue. He could be named Air Supply McFadden for all its worth.

Congo Jack
Feb 1, 2009, 11:26 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

I don't even understand why his name is such a big damned deal. For the longest time, people were upset because they didn't even believe he existed, and once it was proved he did, they moved on to the name issue. He could be named Air Supply McFadden for all its worth.

Hello Madison. Since I was the one who brought up 'Erista', I'm going to assume you're talking about me. If you weren't...well then that's ok.

I'm not upset, though you certainly seem to be! I read/owned WOLVERINE: THE JUNGLE ADVENTURE before the name Erista was ever created, so that rules me out of the 'didn't believe he existed' category.

Part of the reason why I'm against it...(I swear this feels silly whenever as you stated it was a minor character):
As I remember wasn't it Eric's error that resulted in the creation of the name Erista? And that's an honest question. IIRC it was just a mistake but instead of taking it out Marvel just stuck with it. It seems half-assed to have one of your premier character's son names based on a mistake.

Unless WS or MM said call him Erista I don't think it should be in there. But that's just my opinion. Your fellow writers and Marvel are the one's with the power. You seem to be of the impression that I'm someone out looking for something to complain about, which I'm not.

Edited to add: I look forward to reading this.

Eric J. Moreels
Feb 2, 2009, 01:15 am

Congo Jack wrote:

As I remember wasn't it Eric's error that resulted in the creation of the name Erista? And that's an honest question. IIRC it was just a mistake but instead of taking it out Marvel just stuck with it. It seems half-assed to have one of your premier character's son names based on a mistake.

Hoping this isn't a case of "here we go again"... it wasn't an error. I saw his name listed as Erista; I just cannot locate the source of that listing. If I had made it up, I would certainly claim as such given it's Wolverine's son's name but I did not.

And that's all I'm saying for fear of this getting blown out of proportion... again...

Madison Carter
Feb 2, 2009, 02:15 am

Congo Jack wrote:

Hello Madison. Since I was the one who brought up 'Erista', I'm going to assume you're talking about me. If you weren't...well then that's ok.

I'm not upset, though you certainly seem to be! I read/owned WOLVERINE: THE JUNGLE ADVENTURE before the name Erista was ever created, so that rules me out of the 'didn't believe he existed' category.

Part of the reason why I'm against it...(I swear this feels silly whenever as you stated it was a minor character):
As I remember wasn't it Eric's error that resulted in the creation of the name Erista? And that's an honest question. IIRC it was just a mistake but instead of taking it out Marvel just stuck with it. It seems half-assed to have one of your premier character's son names based on a mistake.

Unless WS or MM said call him Erista I don't think it should be in there. But that's just my opinion. Your fellow writers and Marvel are the one's with the power. You seem to be of the impression that I'm someone out looking for something to complain about, which I'm not.

Edited to add: I look forward to reading this.

Not you. It's just the whole thing is something the OHOTMU team has been dealing with since before even I joined up. We've gotten slammed on this over and over and over. I'm sure there's more than a few threads here alone that mention it, assuming they're still all active.

The name situation doesn't really bother me all that much. For the most part it was the years of people calling BS on the thing as a whole - even discounting his actual appearance.

Again, all I can say about the name is that it doesn't matter to me anymore personally where it came from. It's been 5+ years now; it is what it is now. Marvel is okay with it, so I don't really care on that particular matter.

Congo Jack
Feb 2, 2009, 11:57 am

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

And that's all I'm saying for fear of this getting blown out of proportion... again...

Eric, it wasn't my intention to turn this into the "Erista thread", I just stated my opinion, someone called me on it and I responded. This is my last post in this thread.

Michael Regan
Feb 2, 2009, 12:07 pm

Overall, whether Eric made it up or someone else made it up, the name would have to have been made up at some point. It really does not matter who did in the long run.

As it stands, Eric does not lay any claim to making up the name so that should be the end of the issue.

Sidney Osinga
Feb 2, 2009, 11:29 pm

And now to change the subject....

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

A brand-new, all-inclusive handbook for Hollywood's favorite mutant, spotlighting a complete biography of Wolverine! He may be in an acre of comics each month, but this is the only place to get the real score! Also featuring some of the Canucklehead's best allies – including Gambit, Maverick, Tyger Tiger and X-Force! And along for the ride are villains – the likes of Blob, Daken, Deadpool, Mastermind, Orphan Maker, Donald Pierce, the Purifiers, Sabretooth and S'ym! And more than four dozen other stars linked to our man Logan from Amiko to Silver Fox!

64 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99

I am a little disappointed that Gambit, Blob, Deadpool, and Maverick (Nord) being included as they already have been covered in the hardcovers (Maverick will be in #7), but I figure their are there because they appeared in the movie. I also assume that the Daken entry will be updated with new information that has appeared since his original entry. It'll be nice to see the new entries for Sabretooth, Silver Fox, and Wolverine months before they're due in the hardcovers. I also expect that the Weapon X project will get a new entry too. As for the new entries, bring them on! I have already said that I'd like to see an entry for Amiko and hope that more of Wolverine's supporting cast will get covered (i.e. Archie Corrigan, O'Donnell, Lindsay McCabe, etc.). I figure the Mastermind covered will be Jason Wyngarde, as he was the one who disrupted Wolvie and Mariko's wedding. And I assume that the X-Force will be the current one. All in all, I'm, looking forwards to this book. Then again, I look forwards to all the Handbooks.

Stuart V
Feb 3, 2009, 03:54 am

Sidney Osinga wrote:

And now to change the subject....

I am a little disappointed that Gambit, Blob, Deadpool, and Maverick (Nord) being included as they already have been covered in the hardcovers (Maverick will be in #7), but I figure their are there because they appeared in the movie.

Correct. Some entries had to be included specifically for that reason.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

I also assume that the Daken entry will be updated with new information that has appeared since his original entry.

Yes. That's going to be true for any entry, in that anyone who has had further appearances since their last handbook appearance, hardcover or otherwise, will be brought up to date.

Sidney Osinga wrote:

It'll be nice to see the new entries for Sabretooth, Silver Fox, and Wolverine months before they're due in the hardcovers. I also expect that the Weapon X project will get a new entry too. As for the new entries, bring them on! I have already said that I'd like to see an entry for Amiko and hope that more of Wolverine's supporting cast will get covered (i.e. Archie Corrigan, O'Donnell, Lindsay McCabe, etc.). I figure the Mastermind covered will be Jason Wyngarde, as he was the one who disrupted Wolvie and Mariko's wedding. And I assume that the X-Force will be the current one. All in all, I'm, looking forwards to this book. Then again, I look forwards to all the Handbooks.

While I can't strictly speaking comment on which Mastermind it is, I will say that we are trying to avoid duplication of entries, and we have covered pretty much all the other Masterminds recently, so you can (and have) drawn your own conclusions. Likewise, I can't corroborate which X-Force is in the book, but will observe that the previous incarnations of X-Force have had handbook coverage and also have had minimal involvement with Wolverine.

Sidney Osinga
Feb 7, 2009, 02:19 am

Stuart V wrote:

Yes. That's going to be true for any entry, in that anyone who has had further appearances since their last handbook appearance, hardcover or otherwise, will be brought up to date.

What I meant is that Daken is the character who has had the most significant changes since his originally entry appeared.

Stuart V wrote:

While I can't strictly speaking comment on which Mastermind it is, I will say that we are trying to avoid duplication of entries, and we have covered pretty much all the other Masterminds recently, so you can (and have) drawn your own conclusions.

It's what I do.

Mar 17, 2009, 02:30 pm

I really, really hope we get an updated Domino entry in this.

Apr 18, 2009, 07:07 pm

When is this one coming out?

Sidney Osinga
Apr 19, 2009, 12:33 am

Rayeye wrote:

When is this one coming out?

The 29th of April from what I heard.

Apr 19, 2009, 01:03 am

marvel.com solicits still have the 22nd.

Apr 20, 2009, 11:28 am

Diamond also has it coming out this week.

Apr 22, 2009, 08:09 pm

Since no one else has, I'll list who's covered along with page counts:

Aria (1/2 pg), Azrael/Lazaer (1 pg), Big (1/2 pg), Blob (2 pg), Brass (1/2 pg), Brecker (1/2 pg), Charlemagne (1/2 pg), Chimera (1 pg), Avery Connor (1/2 pg), Nguyen Ngoc Coy (1 pg), Daken (2 pg), Deadpool (3 pg), Dirt Nap (1 pg), Dogma (1/2 pg), Doombringer (1/2 pg) Gambit (3 pg), Cameron Hodge (2 pg), Horde (1/2 pg), Hungry (1/2 pg), Kimora (1 pg), Amiko Kobayashi (1/2 pg), Landau, Luckman & Lake (2 pg); Steven Lang (1 pg), Saint Cyrus Leviticus (1/2 pg), Tigon Liger (1 pg), Lord Dark Wind (1/2 pg), Lord Shingen (1/2 pg), Mana (1 pg), Mandate [Earth-3071] (1 pg), Mastermind [Jason Wyngarde] (2 pg), Maverick (2 pg), Meltdown (1/2 pg), Muramasa (1 pg), Neuri (1 pg), Orphan-Maker (1 pg), Phaedra (1/2 pg), Donald Pierce (2 pg), Poison (1 pg), Psi-Borg [Ferro] (1/2 pg), Purifiers (2 pg), Sabretooth (2 pg), Sapphire Styx (1/2 pg), Seraph (1 pg), Shiva (1/2 pg), Shredder (1/2 pg), Silver Fox (1 pg), Spore (1 pg), Rev. William Stryker (1 pg), S'ym (2 pg), Bolivar Trask (1/2 pg), Tribune (1/2 pg), Tyger Tiger (1 pg), Uncegila (1/2 pg), Ethan Warren (1/2 pg), White Ghost [Earth-4011] (1/2 pg), White Ghost [McLeish] (1/2 pg), Wolverine (6 pg), John Wraith (1 pg), X-Force (1 pg)

Apr 22, 2009, 08:25 pm

I picked this up today and noticed that they shrank both Deadpool's and Blob's entries by a page each compared to their HC entries. I guess this was due to size constraints, since they were able to pack so many entries into the issue. But in the HC's, shouldn't Wolverine's entry be much longer than 6 pages? It's seems that the entry is very short, as it doesn't even talk about when he joined the Avengers. But overall, good job all around.

Captain Morgan
Apr 22, 2009, 08:47 pm

S'ym was in this handbook? How strong did they say he was?

Also did they give Logan and Creed strength figures?

Wasn't Wolverine's bio in the 2004 handbook like 7 or 8 pages iirc?

Yea, I know alot of questions but I need to know if I need to get this or not.

Apr 22, 2009, 08:56 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

S'ym was in this handbook? How strong did they say he was?

Class 6.

Captain Morgan wrote:

Also did they give Logan and Creed strength figures?

4 and 3, respectively

Captain Morgan wrote:

Wasn't Wolverine's bio in the 2004 handbook like 7 or 8 pages iirc?

10, and I imagine when he appears in the hardcovers it will be more than 10 to accommodate everything.

Captain Morgan wrote:

Yea, I know alot of questions but I need to know if I need to get this or not.

Absolutely. :Cool:

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2009, 09:00 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

S'ym was in this handbook? How strong did they say he was?

Also did they give Logan and Creed strength figures?

Wasn't Wolverine's bio in the 2004 handbook like 7 or 8 pages iirc?

Yea, I know alot of questions but I need to know if I need to get this or not.

Answering the questions in order:
6, (90 tons)

4 and 3 (I think Creed's number is wrong. it was four before.)

It was ten pages.

Captain Morgan
Apr 22, 2009, 09:07 pm

Thanks for the answers. Kinda odd Creed has a 3 in strength and Logan has a 4 though. I thought maybe they would give estimates.

I didn't realize S'ym could lift 90 tons. Does it say 90 tons or does it just say level 6?

I suppose I should get this one as I have all of the others including the new awesome hardcovers. I actually buy more handbooks than comics anymore.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2009, 09:55 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

Thanks for the answers. Kinda odd Creed has a 3 in strength and Logan has a 4 though. I thought maybe they would give estimates.

I didn't realize S'ym could lift 90 tons. Does it say 90 tons or does it just say level 6?

I suppose I should get this one as I have all of the others including the new awesome hardcovers. I actually buy more handbooks than comics anymore.

It was 4 in the original Handbook, and in my opinion, Sabretooth is at least as Logan. It doesn't say exactly how much Creed can lift, but in Logan's entry it says he can briefly lift over 800 lbs.

It says lifting over 90 tons.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 22, 2009, 11:38 pm

OK, first let me say that I was wrong about the shipping date. At least I was wrong in a good way.

And here's a list of who is covered:
Aria (1/2 pg), Azrael/Lazaer (1 pg), Big (1/2 pg), Blob (2 pg), Brass (1/2 pg), Brecker (1/2 pg), Charlemagne (1/2 pg), Chimera (1 pg), Avery Conner (1/2 pg), Nguyen Ngoc Coy (1 pg), Daken (2 pg), Deadpool (3 pg), Dirt Nap (1 pg), Dogma (1/2 pg), Doombringer (1/2 pg), Gambit (3 pg), Cameron Hodge (2 pg) Horde (1/2 pg), Hungry (1/2 pg), Kimora (1 pg), Amiko Kobayashi (1/2 pg), Landau, Luckman, and Lake (2 pg), Steven Lang (1 pg), Saint Cyrus Leviticus (1/2 pg), Tigon Liger (1 pg), Lord Dark Wind (1/2 pg), Lord Shingen (1/2 pg), Mana (1 pg), Mandate (Earth-3071) (1 pg), Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde) (2 pg), Maverick (2 pg), Meltdown (1/2 pg), Muramasa (1 pg), Neuri (1 pg), Orphan Maker (1 pg), Phaedra (1/2 pg), Donald Pierce (2 pg), Poison (1 pg), Psi-Borg (1/2 pg), Purifiers (2 pg), Sabretooth (2 pg), Sapphire Styx (1/2 pg), Seraph (1 pg), Shiva (1/2 pg), Shredder (1/2 pg), Silver Fox (1 pg), Spore (1 pg), Rev. William Stryker (1 pg), S'ym (2 pg), Bolivar Trask (1/2 pg), Tribune (Tane) (1/2 pg), Tyger Tiger (1 pg), Uncegila (1/2 pg), Lt. Ethan Warren (1/2 pg), White Ghost (James Howlett) (1/2 pg), White Ghost (McLeish) (1/2 pg), Wolverine (6 pg), John Wraith (1 pg), X-Force (1 pg).

As I mentioned, both Wolverine and Sabretooth have shorter entries than their originals (6 vs. 10 for Wolverine, and 2 vs. 3 for Sabretooth). Hopefully, when their entries come up in the hardcovers, they will be given longer entries. I would like to see a four page entry for Sabretooth.

As for the entries that already been covered, the Blob's had the final paragraph revised and expanded as well as a new head shot. Although some pictices have been remove, I can't see any major changes in the rest of the text. Daken's has been greatly expanded to two pages and includes two new pictures. Deadpool has some paragraphs removed or rewritten as well as many pictures removed. However, half a paragraph has been added to the end to cover recent information. There is no new info evident in Gambit's entry except for a new sentence and a half at the end. Maverick's entry is the same as from the hardcover.

I am disappointed that the Vanisher wasn't covered or the Weapon X program.

I wonder if Daken's entry will be included at the end of the hardcover. After all, it has more information then the original.

Apr 23, 2009, 09:44 am

I for one like how the "major" entries were condensed as it allows for more space for the guys who haven't gotten any coverage yet. I read lot of 90's Wolverine and never understood exactly what LL&L were supposed to be so it's nice to see them get two pages. And awesome job on the Mastermind entry, it's been a long time since we've seen him and I've always liked him, now you guys just have to get cracking on that Mesmero entry!
I'm almost positive that by the time the hardcovers get to Sabretooth and Wolverine, they will have much more extensive coverage. My guess is that this handbook is more for the casual fans who see the movie and want to know more about the characters, which will hopefully whet their appetite for more handbooks. Therefore, it doesn't need to go into detail about everything Wolverine has done, that's what the HC's are for, us hardcore fans.

Apr 23, 2009, 03:14 pm

Got mine today. Bloody brilliant. Lots of obscure characters, which is great. Are the illustrations in the Wolverine profile of his various costumes new?

Stuart V
Apr 23, 2009, 03:17 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

Got mine today. Bloody brilliant. Lots of obscure characters, which is great. Are the illustrations in the Wolverine profile of his various costumes new?

Yes, brand new for this book, as are several of the minor characters' pictures.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 23, 2009, 03:17 pm

DrGoodwrench wrote:

Got mine today. Bloody brilliant. Lots of obscure characters, which is great. Are the illustrations in the Wolverine profile of his various costumes new?

From what I can tell, yes. In fact, many entries have new art for the main picture, like in the Iron Manual.

Sidney Osinga
Apr 25, 2009, 02:30 pm

I found a mistake. In one part of Wolverine's entry, it says "...planned to lose himself in the Yukon. Before leaving Canada..." The thing is that the Yukon is part of Canada, and so that doesn't make any sense.

Apr 26, 2009, 08:01 am

There was a mistake also in the Blob entry.

He was a member of the X-Cell. It's mentionned in his history, but not in his Affiliations.

Captain Morgan
Apr 26, 2009, 11:13 am

Has Deadpool's entry been changed since the hardcover? Like any grid changes or anything?

May 1, 2009, 12:29 am

In Neuri's profile, it says that their first appearance was Wolverine Annual #2 (1990). There was never a Wolverine Annual #2, was there?

Eric J. Moreels
May 1, 2009, 01:44 am

golden_guardian wrote:

In Neuri's profile, it says that their first appearance was Wolverine Annual #2 (1990). There was never a Wolverine Annual #2, was there?

Yes, though it was released under the title Wolverine: Bloodlust.

If you check the indicia in that book, you'll see it referred to as Wolverine Annual #2.

For those keeping score at home, Annual #1 ended up being titled The Jungle Adventure.

Madison Carter
May 1, 2009, 04:49 am

That particular book put us in a unique situation, as we strive to go by the titles as listed in the indicia, but with it being completely different from cover to indicia, we had to compromise a bit.

Madison Carter
May 1, 2009, 04:50 am

Captain Morgan wrote:

Has Deadpool's entry been changed since the hardcover? Like any grid changes or anything?

I heartily recommend you go out and buy a copy to find out.

May 1, 2009, 03:51 pm

Eric J. Moreels wrote:

Yes, though it was released under the title Wolverine: Bloodlust.

If you check the indicia in that book, you'll see it referred to as Wolverine Annual #2.

For those keeping score at home, Annual #1 ended up being titled The Jungle Adventure.

Wow, I did not know that. Thanks!

Captain Morgan
May 1, 2009, 07:31 pm

I might, but if most of the bios are unchanged I'll just keep buying the hardcovers.

Andy E. Nystrom
May 2, 2009, 12:02 pm

Captain Morgan wrote:

I might, but if most of the bios are unchanged I'll just keep buying the hardcovers.

Finally got this (which is great because I'm going on a trip soon and want to carry something physically light to read; this is why I'm behind on the hardcover comparisons for v7).

In regards to the above, I haven't had a chance to compre with hardcover entries, but most entries are characters who either have never had an entry before or haven't had an entry since the 1980s-1990s wave of handbooks. To be sure they'll get an entry in the hardcover eventually, but a lot of them won't make it in for half a year because their letter position alphabetically's come and gone.

By the way, I note with amusement that in terms of terminology it was decided weeks ago to call non-Handbooks "Files" books. But this is called Weapon X Files but it's in Handbook format. :mwahaha:

Madison Carter
May 2, 2009, 03:37 pm

It's a tricky slope that is mandated by editorial. Many of the Handbooks are titled as Files (World War Hulk, etc). We've also had Yearbooks that were both formats, and now an Encyclopedia on its way as well.

Regardless of the title, the Weapon X Files is a Handbook, not a Files book (confusing, eh?)

Captain Morgan
May 7, 2009, 07:37 pm

Finally got this in the mail today. Deadpool's strength in the hardcover was a 3 and in this it was a 4. Sabretooth's was surprisingly at a 3 in this handbook and a 4 in the others.

Overall good issue though.

Beast of Averoigne
May 8, 2009, 10:04 am

Why should Sabretooth be weaker than Wolverine? Wasn't he always the physically stronger of the two!? Since he had Adamantium too, that shouldn't make any difference.

Hm. Roddy McLeish? Roddy? :Biggrin: Somebody must've changed the Questions. ;)

Captain Morgan
May 10, 2009, 10:11 pm

Well, the last time Creed was given a exact strength level it was like 900lbs iirc. So he and Logan would be close.

Beast of Averoigne
May 12, 2009, 09:01 am

There was a definition of sort in the 2004 Handbooks in which Level 4 startet wit 800 ibs. If it is 900 with Creed he should have a 4 to instead of a 3. And with Logan it says something around 800 (if not exactly 800).

Jun 14, 2009, 10:07 am

Could anyone tell me if Phaedra was a mutant? Her profile says she had an innate ability to bring the dead back, so I'd assume she was a mutant.
That would also mean she was one of the few remaining powered mutants after M-Day.

Eric J. Moreels
Jun 15, 2009, 02:49 am

Rayeye wrote:

Could anyone tell me if Phaedra was a mutant? Her profile says she had an innate ability to bring the dead back, so I'd assume she was a mutant.
That would also mean she was one of the few remaining powered mutants after M-Day.

IIRC the origin of her powers was never specified, so while she could be a mutant best not to assume.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:58 am

Here's a question that's been bugging me about this issue (and sorry for the thread necromance). Landau, Luckman, and Lake were pretty important in that 8-part Marvel/Top Cow crossover with Mephisto, what's name I can't recall off the top of my head, but this isn't mentioned in their entry. Other intercompany crossovers have been alluded to in the OHotMU (in the Impossible Man, and more impressively, the Archie/Punisher crossover's mention in Millie the Model's entry). Since it was a dimension-hopping crossover, I'm not sure why this wouldn't be 616 (on Marvel's end of it).

Unless I'm overlooking something.

Madison Carter
Aug 5, 2009, 06:23 am

captainswift wrote:

Here's a question that's been bugging me about this issue (and sorry for the thread necromance). Landau, Luckman, and Lake were pretty important in that 8-part Marvel/Top Cow crossover with Mephisto, what's name I can't recall off the top of my head, but this isn't mentioned in their entry. Other intercompany crossovers have been alluded to in the OHotMU (in the Impossible Man, and more impressively, the Archie/Punisher crossover's mention in Millie the Model's entry). Since it was a dimension-hopping crossover, I'm not sure why this wouldn't be 616 (on Marvel's end of it).

Unless I'm overlooking something.

Devil's Reign - not sure why it wasn't mentioned, assuming it wasn't, but it has been in other profiles, such as Mephisto's. Definitely 616 on Marvel's end, as (mostly) all crossovers that involved dimensional travel between the two crossovering (?) universes.

Aug 5, 2009, 01:23 pm

Madison Carter wrote:

Devil's Reign - not sure why it wasn't mentioned, assuming it wasn't, but it has been in other profiles, such as Mephisto's. Definitely 616 on Marvel's end, as (mostly) all crossovers that involved dimensional travel between the two crossovering (?) universes.

Many thanks.

Looking over my original post, I'm amazed you made sense of it. Almost stream-of-consciousness there, wasn't it?

Andy E. Nystrom
Jul 20, 2010, 01:32 am

List of Changes in Hardcovers (or vice versa; the cut-off for “vice versa” is v7, as that volume has Maverick but not Mastermind, while Muramasa et al start appearing with v8).

BTW apologies in advance: I was hoping to finish all these before my 12 day trip starting next Monday but that’s unlikely now. But whatever I don’t get done before my trip I’ll take care of in August.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance revised. First 2 History paragraphs merged, then new sentence added to end of this paragraph
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed

Blob (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 2
Page Count: Reduced from 3 to 2
Text Changes: Occupation revised. Final History paragraph replaced with new, shorter one. Weight revised. Abilities/Accessories considerably revised/abridged. Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed. 1 secondary illo now captioned, 6 removed. 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with 2 new ones
Graphic Changes: None

Nguyen Ngoc Coy
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Daken (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History completely rewritten/expanded
Graphic Changes: 2 new captioned secondary illos.

Deadpool (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 3
Page Count: Reduced from 4 to 3
Text Changes: Identity, Group Affiliation revised. History greatly revised/abridged. Speed on Power Grid revised.
Graphic Changes: 4 secondary illos removed

Dirt Nap
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Power Grid revised
Graphic Changes: None

Gambit (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 4
Page Count: Unchanged at 3
Text Changes: Group Affiliation tweaked. History somewhat revised, including paragraph mergers and end of final paragraph being revised. Abilities/Accessories paragraphs reordered.
Graphic Changes: None

Cameron Hodge
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Cropping altered in illo

Landau, Luckman & Lake
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Steven Lang
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: Group Affiliation revised
Graphic Changes: None

Tigon Liger
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Mandate (Earth-3071)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised
Graphic Changes: None

Maverick (Changes below are from the hardcover to this book)
Hardcover Volume: 7
Was Listed As: Maverick (Nord)
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: First Appearance clarified
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Hardcover Volume: 8
Now Listed as: Orphan Maker (Note: the missing hyphen is probably in error)
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Main illo reversed.

Donald Pierce
Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Increased from 2 to 3
Text Changes: History and Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 3 new captioned secondary illos

Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: History tweaked
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo now captioned

Silver Fox
Hardcover Volume: 10
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Rev. William Stryker
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New captioned secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at 2
Text Changes: Final History paragraph revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: None

Tyger Tiger
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text Changes: New sentence added to end of final History paragraph
Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Increased from 6 to 12
Text Changes: Vital Statistics revised. History considerably revised/expanded. Abilities/Accessories greatly revised/expanded
Graphic Changes: 7 new secondary illos (4 captioned), plus claws schematics partly using classic Eliot R. Brown illos; 3 secondary illos removed

John Wraith
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at 1
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: X-Force (X-Men Strike Team)
Page Count: Increased from 1 to 2
Text Changes: Current Members, Base of Operations revised. History completely rewritten/expanded.
Graphic Changes: New captioned main illo (old one removed). 2 new secondary illo0s (1 captioned) plus 5 new headshots. Headshots now list issue Active

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Edward Brecker
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: New secondary illo

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Avery Connor
Hardcover Volume: 14
Now Listed As: Avery Conner (judging from the text, this appears to be in error)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Amiko Kobayashi
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Saint Cyrus Leviticus
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: None
Graphic Changes: Illo reversed

Lord Dark Wind
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Lord Shingen
Hardcover Volume: 14
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 8
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 9
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Sapphire Styx
Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Hardcover Volume: 11
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Bolivar Trask
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Final History sentence replaced with new one. Fighting Skills on Power Numbers revised
Graphic Changes: Secondary illo re-captioned

Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None
Hardcover Volume: 12
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

Ethan Warren
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: Lt. Ethan Warren
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Additional Text/Graphic Changes: None

White Ghost (Earth-4011)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Now Listed As: White Ghost (Howlett)
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text Changes: Place of Birth revised
Graphic Changes: None

White Ghost (McLeish)
Hardcover Volume: 13
Page Count: Unchanged at ½
Text/Graphic Changes: None

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