Union Jacks (Earth-9997/Earth-X, biologically engineered soldiers that defend their world's U.K. against threats, modeled after the various heroes called Union Jack)
Vision (Robert Mitchell of Earth-1610/Ultimate Universe, super-terrorist recruited into SHIELD's West Coast Ultimates and given powers)
Witchbreed (Earth-311/1602 A.D., term applied to some mutants on Earth-311, including Carlos Javier's students)
X-Simians (Earth-8101/Marvel Apes, team of mutant apes)
Yashida (Earth-10005/X-Men Cinematic Universe, Japanese WWII-era soldier saved by Logan from atomic bombing of Hiroshima, later became successful corporation head who planned to steal Logon's healing factor in his elderly years, ultimately killed by Logan)
Zero Man (Franklin Richards of Earth-98, a world that is not on a sliding timescale and whose Heroic Age began in 1961; has power to turn into a living portal to the Negative Zone, joined the FF as an adult)
Achilles (Greek hero turned Olympian demigod)
Burgundy (full name unrevealed, woman involved in Power Man's conflict with Gideon Mace during his temporary relocation to Chicago, brief love interest)
Cat-Man (Peter Blake, inventor who killed his adoptive father for his fortune in 1946, foe of Human Torch & Toro)
Death Squads (various and disparate teams of villains sharing only the group name "Death Squad" across Earth-616 & the MIcroverse; leaders or employers have included the Melter, Foreigner, and Count Nefaria; have fought the likes of Iron Man, Micronauts, Foreigner, and Spider-Man)
Embyrre (long-lived member of the Blood, generates heat and flames, Midnight Sons character)
Fasaud (Farouk Al-Fasaud, former oil minister of Aquiria, accidentally transformed into living electronic image, FF foe, later RAID ally)
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General Skul (Dieter Skul, Nazi officer who fought the Sky-Wolves during WWII, joined US intelligence group ICON with other former Nazi agents in late 1950s, opposed by 1959's Avengers)
Last edited by skippcomet (7/01/2023 4:55 am)
Hunter's Moon (Dr. Badr, Egyptian who became worshipper of Khonshu and was empowered by same, considers himself Moon Knight's "opposite")
Immortal Weapons (team comprised of the champions of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, including the Iron Fist)
Jasmine (female Insectivorid, lover of Bug, adventurer and ex-thief; sacrificed herself to save Bug during Micronauts' conflict with Psycho-Man, posthumously considered one of the Micronauts)
Klklk (benevolent insectoid alien race whose planet's soil became barren, would plant a "super-seed" on other planets for future harvesting, encountered Hulk in Quebec)
Last edited by skippcomet (7/05/2023 2:56 am)
Aleksander Lukin (Russian former general turned businessman, head of the Kronas Corporation, former ally of the Red Skull)
Magneta (unidentified mutant of Earth-982/MC2, has magnetic powers, patterns herself after Magneto)
Nono (monkey in Belgian Congo circa 1930's-40's, occasional ally of Ka-Zar/David Rand)
Original Sin (event, ranging from Uatu's assassination to Nick Fury Sr. becoming the Unseen)
Press Gang (branch of Genoshan Magistrates; team of mutant volunteers who forcibly "repatriated" Genoshan mutants & citizens who fled to other countries)
Quarry of Creation (dimension accessed by black hole at edge of universe, became graveyard for ancient gods, contains barrier between First Firmament and all known realities)
Rover (semi-sentient vehicle created by Hank Pym while using his "Dr. Pym" ID, used during several missions by Pym)
Spider-UK (Billy Braddock of Earth-833, Spider-Totem and Captain Britain Corps member, ultimately killed by Verna the Inheritor)
Tonaja (Inhuman with scaly green skin & extendable wings, can fly, former exchange student, later royal guard)
Ud the Troll (Rock Troll recruited into League of Realms as they hunted Malekith)
Veda (spy for the Corporation, was deemed a liability after several failed attempts to kill Steve Rogers, was disintegrated by Senator Kligger)
Wide Load Annie (Star Stop mechanic, US Archer & She-Hulk character)
Xuthl (Fire-Demon and Hell-Lord during pre-Cataclysmic Age & Hyborean Age, Conan character)
Last edited by skippcomet (7/26/2023 12:44 pm)