Who Watches the Watchers - Forum for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe & Similar Works 20 YEARS! 2004-2024

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6/30/2024 4:55 pm  #391

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Thanks for the kind words, guys.  I've been reluctant to say "yes" largely because I've never been a moderator before and therefore don't really know what the position actually entails, and also because when it comes to computers and the net, I'm like a car driver who knows how to operate a car but knows almost nothing about how a car actually works.

There's also my work schedule; currently I work up to 12 hours a night, five nights a week, and often most activity after work eats into my sleep time.  Basically, I'm willing to do it, but I'm unsure that I have the time and skills or knowledge necessary.  Let me know if I'm worrying over nothing or not.


6/30/2024 8:27 pm  #392

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

skippcomet wrote:

Thanks for the kind words, guys.  I've been reluctant to say "yes" largely because I've never been a moderator before and therefore don't really know what the position actually entails, and also because when it comes to computers and the net, I'm like a car driver who knows how to operate a car but knows almost nothing about how a car actually works.

There's also my work schedule; currently I work up to 12 hours a night, five nights a week, and often most activity after work eats into my sleep time.  Basically, I'm willing to do it, but I'm unsure that I have the time and skills or knowledge necessary.  Let me know if I'm worrying over nothing or not.

You wouldn't be getting the same level of Moderator ability as Loki or zuckyd1. For practical purposes all it would mean is you'd get Moderator as title and you'd be able to edit all posts in the Imaginary section. Your only real duty would be to keep the list of names in the initial posts in this thread current.

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7/01/2024 6:36 am  #393

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Alternatively you could email me the list periodically and I could post it in and then you wouldn't have Moderator status. However, you or someone else would have to be responsible for maintaining the list. All I'm offering to do is to post the edits once they're made.

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7/03/2024 10:48 am  #394

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Well, then, I'll say yes.

Eternals (Earth-199999/MCU, synthetic beings created by the Celestials)


7/13/2024 3:02 pm  #395

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Amahl Farouk (Egyptian mutant with telepathic powers, was possessed by the Shadow King for centuries, most recently seen as a Krakoan citizen)


7/15/2024 12:01 am  #396

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Goblin (Earth-928's 2099 era, Father Jennifer D'Angelo, priest turned costumed vigilante in Nueva York using goblin-themed armor & weapons)


7/18/2024 3:10 am  #397

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Hala (planet, formerly the Kree home world & capital of the Kree Empire, destroyed, ruins used to create Throneworld II)


7/22/2024 11:28 pm  #398

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Instant Replay (foe of SuperPro)


7/23/2024 11:35 pm  #399

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Jackpot (Mary Jane Watson) Update


7/29/2024 3:37 am  #400

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Karr the Mummy (Jameson Karr and later Dr. Lammon, Egypt-centric experts who drank a potion and became minions of the demon Modebl, both tranformed at night into a mummy, 1940s foes of Captain America and the Young Allies, respectively)


8/02/2024 1:30 pm  #401

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Dog Logan (Wolverine's brother and enemy, formerly with the Hellfire Academy)


8/04/2024 1:36 am  #402

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Mutator (George Mullaney of the New Universe, DP7 character whose body completely transformed every 24 hours)


8/08/2024 12:55 pm  #403

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Neptunia (Olympian daughter of Neptune, 1950's foe of Venus)


8/11/2024 2:54 am  #404

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Omoro (Black Panther character, serves as butler and security chief at the Wakandan consulate in New York City)


8/13/2024 12:32 pm  #405

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Peacekeeper (Joshua Badham, former vigilante turned underground community's protector, Daredevil character)


8/18/2024 1:31 pm  #406

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Quack o'Lantern (Earth-8311/Larval Earth supervillain)


8/26/2024 11:05 am  #407

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

I wasn't sure where tp ask this question, so I'm asking here where I most often post....

Does anybody know what's going on with the Marvel Fandom Wiki site?  It's one of the online resources I most often use when researching possible new entries for the imaginary list (along with the Marvel Appendix and Comics Vine), yet for the past couple of weeks, I've been unable to get past the main page without the site going,,,,"wonky" for lack of a better term.  I try to type in a subject's name in the search bar (or an object, team, etc.), and instead of taking me to the entry page or even a disambiguation page, I get sent to page composed of hyperlinked qords and huge, weird symbols that I don't recognize.  I can't seem to navigate anywhere from it.  Either there's something wrong with the wiki page, or with my laptop.


8/26/2024 12:11 pm  #408

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

skippcomet wrote:

I wasn't sure where tp ask this question, so I'm asking here where I most often post....

Does anybody know what's going on with the Marvel Fandom Wiki site?  It's one of the online resources I most often use when researching possible new entries for the imaginary list (along with the Marvel Appendix and Comics Vine), yet for the past couple of weeks, I've been unable to get past the main page without the site going,,,,"wonky" for lack of a better term.  I try to type in a subject's name in the search bar (or an object, team, etc.), and instead of taking me to the entry page or even a disambiguation page, I get sent to page composed of hyperlinked qords and huge, weird symbols that I don't recognize.  I can't seem to navigate anywhere from it.  Either there's something wrong with the wiki page, or with my laptop.

It works fine for me,


8/26/2024 1:14 pm  #409

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Working fine for me too.


8/29/2024 1:16 pm  #410

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Cody Robbins (Rogue's first boyfriend, rendered comatose when her powers first manifested during their first kiss, now deceased)


9/01/2024 4:33 pm  #411

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Star Stop (terrestrial truck stop moved into space and transformed into something similar for spaceships, manned by U.S. Archer supporting cast)


9/05/2024 1:30 pm  #412

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Thulsa Doom (undead wizard, Elder Race member, foe of King Kull and, millennia later, Conan)


9/12/2024 1:24 pm  #413

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Ula (Asgardian queen of the Flying Trolls of Thryheim)


9/14/2024 2:21 pm  #414

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

V.I.G.I.L. (Vigilante Infraction General Interdiction and Limitation, anti-vigilante police task force, Punisher foes)


9/28/2024 5:49 pm  #415

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Whirldemons (race of demons that lived on Earth millions of years ago, drain others' life energy to survive, can generate tornados,foes have included Prince Wayfinder, Micronauts, Dr, Strange, and X-23)


9/29/2024 5:47 pm  #416

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Brian Xavier (Charles Xavier's father, scientist)


10/05/2024 6:29 am  #417

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Cole Younger (member of the James-Younger Gang, traveled to Tombstone to confront Matt Hawk for not representing one of his brothers who later went to jail)


10/06/2024 4:46 pm  #418

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Zimbabwe (country, Atlas-style entry)


10/08/2024 10:08 am  #419

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Airman (Drake Stevens, Earth-1136, member of that world's Protectors)


10/08/2024 7:04 pm  #420

Re: The Imaginary A-Z Handbook Entry Game! Fun for the whole family!

Burner (Byron Calley, Mutant Force member)

Also, a page of missing Capes (Optional) posts turned up on the Wayback Machine. I added them to post 17.

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